By Bluephoenix52

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What if Wednesday Addams had a twin brother that went to Nevermore? Mortez Addams is Wednes... More



163 6 1
By Bluephoenix52

"Can I atleast be informed of where it you're leading me Ajax."

        "Dude. No. Just trust me will you." The Gorgon said and Mortez was certain Ajax was smiling based on the excitement in his voice.
    Mortez was currently blindfolded with  Ajax leading him which was unnecessary , the former's instincts were very keen and sharp that he could straight without any assistance whatsoever. 

      Mortez had been going through his family's history books trying to trace out any other Addams twins besides himself and Wednesday when Ajax came up to his bed coercing him saying he could find more information now he was certain the Gorgon had only said that as bait.

     "It better not be a surprise party."

At that silence lingered between them which was broken by Ajax's nervous chuckle.  "Nah. It's not."

Mortez did not the blindfold to obsecure his sight to deduce Ajax was lying through his teeth.

    "Ajax. You better sleep with one eye open  tonight if you just dared to lie to me without much hesitation ." The threat was very evident in his tone making sure it was effective.  Ajax seemed to hesitate before leading him again .

            After walking around in what felt like circles , Mortez felt someone taking off the blindfold.

          "Surprise!" Jeri , Ajax and Edwin cheered.

       Mortez looked around,  the guests included Bianca Barclay , her entourage ; the siren twins; Divina and Kent  Xavier and Allen even  Chloe and Connor were present.

Mortez set his eyes on Thing who was wearing a party hat , "of course you abetted ." He turned to narrow his eyes on the appendage who had the dignity to look ashamed. 

  "Don't be mad at Thing." Ajax said , "it was my and Enid's idea to surprise you."

"The crypt was my idea." Tyler answered standing next to a very much and equally grumpy Wednesday. "Totally thought it matched your vibes."

     Mortez looked at his twin , "what brings you here."

    "I was tricked and lured to coming here under the guise of finding answers." The ravenette settled for glaring at her roommate trying to burn holes in the back of Enid's head. "If I had known this was a surprise for you I would have escaped."

   Enid who was holding a cake groaned , "I had to get you to come out of your room. I mean , who tries to avoid their twinnie's own birthday ."

       "Exactly " Divina said.

         "We don't avoid our birthday." Kent added with a shrug.

"That's because you two have the same birthday . They get cranky on the other's  birthday." Xavier  explained seeing  the seething glare Wednesday was sending them all.  He had spent enough time with them back then to know how intense Mortez and Wednesday did not like having their birthdays so close.

"I told you guys they don't like their respective birthdays." Allen sighed before putting a grey and white birthday cone on Mortez's head , "happy birthday Mortez. "

  "You already wished me earlier this morning. " he had been surprised Allen still remembered his birthday to begin with.

Allen smiled ,"well I wanted to officially wish you  again before midnight strikes and it's Wednesday's birthday."

   "I don't get it ," Chloe said looking dumb as ever arm locked with her boyfriend  , "you are twins how do you both have different birthdays."

     "I was born on this day four minutes before midnight , Wednesday was born precisely midnight struck . " The older Addams twin replied before looking at her , Yoko and Connor and Bianca and Kent and Divina  , "why are you even here. I have barely interacted with you."

       "Ajax invited us." Bianca said with a shrug. "I also needed a change of scenery and an Addams sweet sixteen  birthday seemed like it."

   Edwin then wyapoed his arm around Mortez , "your sweet sixteen . You never forget it Addams."

     "I sure won't indeed." Mortez replied under his breath glaring at Ajax who gulped .

     "That reminds me ," Enid had an excited grin on her face , "birthday song time!"

Before Mortez  could protest everyone except Wednesday , Tyler and Allen began singing that horrid birthday song .

The colorful blonde looked at her watch and smiled , "It's now officially Wed's birthday."

The ravenette's glare sharpened , "don't you even think of singing . Call we Weds again and I'll shave off your eye brows again ."

   The werewolf pouted and turned to Mortez , "did you like the surprise? Allen and Tyler  helped me. "

     Seeing how much it seemed to matter to Enid , Mortez put  his discomfort aside ,  "I admit a birthday in a crypt is a first for me. So I give you three credit for creativity ."

        Wednesday gave him a flat deadpan expression , "we're in Crackstone's crypt."

Now that seemed to nearly make Mortez forget it was Wednesday's birthday too  , "interesting."

He scanned the place finding it climatic they were disturbing the burial ground of the man who hunted down so many outcasts .

    He looked around and saw something that caught his eye.  Wednesday too following her twin to examine whatever clue he had obtained.

  "Don't you two atleast want to blow the candles together?" Enid asked, sure Mortez's birthday was officially over but she wanted the twins to blow the candles together.

   Allen shook his head , "hell would have to freeze first before Mortez and Wednesday can share a cake together."

         "Exactly." Xavier said.

   "We were never eating that cake were we?" Ajax asked.

  The twins stared at the words in Latin before reading in sync  , "Fire will rain when I rise."

  "Wait ," Tyler got close to them reading the Latin words , "that translation you both said. Weren't they the same words burned into the school lawn."

   "The first phrase of the sentence." Mortez clarified.

    "It can't be a concidence." Wednesday added.

        Allen rolled his eyes when he saw Xavier glaring at Tyler. Hid cousin could be Petty at times.

        The twins looked at each other before mutually deciding to let their fingers run through the carving . The plan worked because immediately they were assaulted with that strange powerful volt coursing through them.

Mortez's body fell limp in Allen's arms who has been fast to catch him , whilst Wednesday was caught by Tyler which irked Xavier further.

"Are they having seizures???" Chloe and Edwin asked frantically.

    "Y'all can't be that ignorant." Jeri shook his head at them , "they are having visions."

    "Pyschic twins?" Bianca asked with interest. "That's rare."

   "Hold on." Connor looked at Mortez's limp body , "they are pyschics. "

        "Should we do something?" Ajax panicked.

        "No. " Allen and Xavier firmly refused both pyschics knew outside interference could he potentially dangerous when a pyschic was in a trance.

     "This is not how I pictured them sharing a sweet sixteen." Enid frowned. Although Mortez had said this was normal for him and Wednesday she couldn't help worry seeing their state.

    Tyler looked at Mortez and then Wednesday wondering what they were currently seeing.

Wednesday vision

The ravenette found herself laying on the ground fog all around her.

     " You're the Raven in my bloodline."

Wednesday turned and saw the same person she had been trying to commune with lately  but was ignoring her. It seemed Goody did not intiatie contact unless she was the one doing it.
    "Mortez is also a Raven. We're Raven Twins.  We're both the Ravens in your bloodline " She clarified.

That did not seem to deter Goody regarding her male descendant ,  " But it is you who inherited my power and you I trust to contuine the bloodline when the curse elaspes."

    Wednesday did not nor did she care to understand the meaning in that cryptic sentence ,  "I was told you could teach me how to control my ability. "

       "There is no controlling a raging river. You must learn to navigate it without drowning. " Goody then faced a gate of some abandoned house , "Time is not on our side. To stop Crackstone, this place you must seek. "

Wednesday was getting nauseated with the foolish complicated hint couldn't this ancestor just provide a straight forward answer ,"Do you always speak in riddles?"

     " Do you always seek simple answers? The path of a Raven is a solitary one. You end up alone, unable to trust others, only seeing the darkness within them. The same applies to your brother ,  you may have shared the same womb for nine months but eventually  you won't be able to trust him either and he'll forsake you. The curse of being a  Raven Twin is like that."

      Wednesday raised a brow seemingly unfazed , "Is that supposed to scare me?"

    " It should."  Goody said before fading away.

Mortez vision

Mortez found himself standing in what seemed like a study of some old mansion. He noticed a portrait of some family of four  , he looked closer when he recognized one of them.  "Garret Gates?"

"There isn't enough time."

Mortez turned around to find Innocent , his blonde lookalike and distant ancestor behind him.

   "What do you mean ?" He asked his great great great many great uncle. From his father's records of the family tree he had been able to deduce that he and Wednesday indeed descended from Goody's bloodline .

"Crackstone. He's coming quick.  This place you see , seek it  if you desire the answers to your questions. " Innocent exclaimed.

         Mortez was confused ,"' I was trying to pull into the same vision with Wednesday. Why can't I concentrate it if I'm a Raven."

  "You and your sister can be pulled into the same visions but not all the time , Goody and I would experience the same. But remember , being the older Twin means navigating the path of a Raven with much difficulty. You must learn to isolate yourself from everyone that includes your sister."

  At that Mortez did not like the sound of that , "I cannot leave Wednesday alone."

  "You'll have to learn to do that. She maybe your twin and other half but eventually you'll learn that misconceptions will arise and you'll be unable to trust her.  A Raven's path is never easy especially with the curse it only makes you paranoid and suscipious of everyone around you .  " Innocent said before vanishing away leaving Mortez more questions than answers.

The next morning , he Mortez stood room looking  at his reflection , the scars the reptilian monster had left on him were still visible and wouldn't heal any time soon which wasn't a problem for him at all.

"Dude. I know you're mad at me '

"Weren't the pins in your bed an indicator." Mortez hissed. "You're lucky they weren't the poisonous ones."

Ajax frowned ,"if it makes you feel better I couldn't sleep not with a million pins pricking me."

    "Your point."

"Don't give me the silent treatment. I can't stand this room bring this quiet." Ajax then handed the elder Addms something wrapped , "I got this before your birthday. Now I'm using it as a peace treaty."

    Thing slapped Mortez's shoulder very hard forcing  him to take the present much to Mortez's surprise was a grey beanie. He looked at his room for explaination.

  "I thought we could be matching." The Gorgon smiled and pointed to his own purple beanie.  "We can wear them to class. Do you accept my apology bro."

   Mortez wanted to hold onto his grudge and be Petty , unfortunately Ajax was just too much good a fellow to be angry with for too long. Besides his family and Allen , no one else had ever gone through the trouble of getting him a gift  .

He put on the beanie which made the Gorgon's smile grow . "I'll accept your apology if you never  take me to another surprise party ."

     "I'll swear. " Ajax then clapped , "you really pull off the beanie style."

    "Thank you."

Ajax then sat on his bed , "what do you and Wednesday have against your own birthdays?"

       "We haven't always been against birthdays. Each one reminds us we're  a year closer to death's cold embrace. What's not to like about that? " Mortez smiled

   "Urghh...death sure." Ajax nodded despite not understanding nor liking the statement.

  "Besides, my parents always made sure our birthdays  birthdays were memorable and perfect. But ..."

Mortez thought of that one day when his parents confessed that he and Wednesday were indeed twins born on separate days , that amplified their rivalry - that became the catalyst in their lives that made them not see their birthdays the way they did.

"all seem trivial. Besides , it's annoying and lackluster to hear people wishing me today and literally the next day hearing it all about Wednesday. We both detaste it "

    "Okay. But in case , you change your idea about birthdays and being celebrated. I'm here and will wait to throw a birthday bash."

Wednesday was at the Weathervane trying to find any possible place where she wouldn't be wished at. That didn't

"What do you want Galpin?" She didn't take her eyes off the book she was reading.

"Just wanted to give you your usual order." The half and half couldn't help finding Wednesday's reaction cute. He took notice of the scarf thingy next to her, " , is that, uh... that Enid's gift?" Because he doubted the ravenette took up an embroidery class.

   Wednesday barely glanced at the gift her roommate/ Mortez's object of romantic pursuit had decided to give her. " It's perfect if you're fleeing a war-torn country on foot."

Tyler smiled , "Come on. Don't you like a day that's all about you? "

    "Every day is all about me. This one just comes with cake and a bad song. " She said without taking her eyes off the book.

   "Yeah you're right about that." He muttered.

The human normie half outcast wondered what vendetta the Addam twins had against birthday sings because last night Mortez had looked just as uncomfortable and cringed when the others sang the birthday song.

       He cleared his throat , "So, if I asked you out to a non-birthday, song-free dinner... would that be something you're interested in?"

      Wednesday briefly acknowledged Galpin, "I have a tight deadline. Emphasis on dead. "

"Term paper?" He asked , "wait. Those aren't due any time soon."

   " It's about how whitewashing the sins of our past will come back to kill us all. "

   "Oh. " He looked around before whispering , "this is related to the monster isn't it?"

  Wednesday looked up from her book immediately funding Tyler's eyes staring at hers.

    She decided to show him the sketch , "I saw it last night in my vision."

   "When you and Mortez fainted?"

   "Exactly. I was standing before this place.Have you seen that before?"

Tyler tilted his head , " Uh... I think it could be the old gates place."

    That got the ravenette's attention, "the old gates place?" How was Crackstone linked to the Gates? Was that what Goody was trying to show her.

          "What is this about exactly."

        "Nothing." She quickly took the paper back from him.

   " Okay, did... did I do something?"

Wednesday stared at him blankly , "explain yourself Galpin?"

"I just feel like ever since the Rave'N, you've kind of been ghosting me. Am I wrong"
  "Don't be ridiculous." Well he wasn't that far off. Wednesday did feel like she was trying to ignore him with each passing second and not in the same manner she usually did with Thorpe.

   He looked at her challengingly , "alright. Since you're not ghosting me. I have a question.  The first time we meet , you and Mortez shook my hands and the next moment you had visions. What were they?"

      Her eyes darkened, "You're surprisingly persistent like Kinnbott. I did not believe I'm obligated  to disclose everything I see in my visions ."

     "No. However aren't we all partners in this investigation confidentiality is crucial though. And I have a hunch they were about me weren't they?"
        Wednesday didn't bother responding , instead she got up and purposely left Enid's gift behind. Since the night of the RaVen she couldn't tell whether Tyler was an enemy or foe. The lines were blurring since he confided what he did to Thorpe. She wasn't sure if she could share everything without being backstabbed.  Maybe Goody was right about being paranoid unnecessarily.

Mortez went to the Hummers shade , with Eugene still comatose owing to the shock of his attack , someone had to take care of the Queen bee.

"You know you have to put your mask on right? " Allen asked. "They could sting you."

   Mortez smiled.  "I got scratched and almost  had my face toren off by a reptilian monster. I do not see  how bees could cause any lethal harm beyond that."
He then noticed Allen smilimg at him , "what?"

"You look cute with the beanie."

Mortez was taken aback , "I ..I look cute? " that was a word he never thought use would in his vocabulary nor hear it in the same sentence.

Allen nodded before realizing he had said those words outloud , "I need to change the hive."

It was Mortez's turn to smile. He never understand why Allen's ears always seemed to turn pink spontaneously but it looked good on him.

"Mortez , can I -" The half Hyde stopped talking when he saw the grey beanie on the Addams' head , "are you wearing a beanie?"

   "Ajax gifted it to me . What can I do for you Tyler."

  "Right. Uhm...yesterday , Wednesday was at Weathervane and she showed me some drawing ." Tyler sighed , "what did you see?"

"My great great great great great uncle Innocent Addams showed me an old desolate buliding I believed was the Gates mansion."

   "The gates mansion?" Tyler and Allen asked.

Mortez nodded , "something about how that place is connected to Crackstone."

"Hold on." Allen raised his hands looking at the two , "what are you going on about? And how is the town founder linked to that old wealthy normie family?"

Mortez sighed , "it's a long story young Allen."

"Wednesday had seen something too. She showed me a drawing from what she saw - the Old gates place. " Tyler exclaimed and  that Wednesday refused to tell him when he asked what it was about  ,  "Mortez. What exactly is that place in any relation to Crackstone."

   "I don't know. But if Wednesday had a similar vision -"

The gears in Mortez's head began to turn knowing how persistent his twin and little sister could be , "she's mostly likely trying to locate the place without me." He murmured to himself before walking off like a man on a mission

"Where are you going?" Allen asked

"I'll be back later."

   Mortez was now more than positive that there was a link between the Gates and Crackstone , if Wednesday had seen the same place too then it was true about the inkling and knowing his twin she was already at the place already.

          As suspected she was already there before him. "What may I ask are you doing little sister?"

Wednesday eyed her twin disturbed ," what is that atrocious thing on your head."

    "Ajax got it for me." He smiled. "what are you doing here?"

   "I should be asking you that."

   Mortez's smile grew ,  "I'm older."

At that Wednesday scowled.  "Goody showed me this place in my vision. According to her , I  would find answers about Crackstone here. Now you."

Mortez ignored her demanding tone , " Innocent revealed this place to me saying something similar. I found this place out a few days ago and after what Tyler told me , I knew you would be here."

"You didn't tell me."

     "Neither did you."

     The twins looked at one another both hadn't meant to withhold their findings from the other . Mortez and Wednesday respectively recollected what Innocent and Goody said about how a Raven was destined to be isolated and being open to potential distrust.

Wednesday's ears became alert , "someone is here."

Mortez looked around before grabbing her hand to lead her behind an untrimmed bush. The twins watched as the mayor walked out the old mansion quickly locking it up.

They overheard as the man reached out to call someone , "Sheriff, pick up your damn phone,it's Noble.Listen, I might have figured out. who's behind all of this."

The twins exchanged conspiratory glances as if their minds were saying the same thing (which they were)

   "We need to follow him." Mortez exclaimed.

   "Thing." Wednesday turned to the appendage, "we need a distraction."

    Giving a salute Thing scampered off in  the man's direction. With the mayor's attention diverted , the two managed to sneak into the back of the man's vehicle as stealthy as possible contuining to easedrop.

"It's a long shot.I'm gonna have to lay it out for you. We'll do it over pie at the Weathervane."

       The twins remained as inconspicuous as possible the entire drive .

        "Who do you think is behind everything?" Mortez quietly asked.

        "I don't know. " Wednesday had to say

When the car stopped the twins immediately moved away from their hiding spot  ready to follow him. Unfortunately before the mayor could cross the side to the Weathervane , a car suddenly ran him over.

"Noble!!!" The sheriff screamed.

     Mortez and Wednesday didn't take their eyes off the car that had hit the mayor. Although they were momentarily speechless it didn't stop them from speaking in sync as always.

"This was not an accident."

Mortez and Ajax are such friends / Bros/roomies with their matching beanies  😂😂😂😂 when I came up with this I wanted them to be the male version of Wednesday and Enid but I did not except their bromance and friendship to be one of my favorite things to write .

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