Midnight Flight

By lyonmom

650 106 16

The thief who is trying to do the right thing and the agent who is breaking the rules. It could never work bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 14

19 4 1
By lyonmom

Thank you for reading enjoy

Chapter 14

"You are supposed to be taking care of my aunts! And you're injured! What the hell are you thinking?" Sam whispered the growl angrily, not happy with her travel companion.

She had trusted him to take care of the two people who matter most to her and he left them to be taken by Veronica to blackmail her with. Sam didn't understand what he was thinking. Knox was smart, detailed and understood the situation. It didn't make sense.

"Marcus has them. You need me to get Veronica away from them." He assured her as if he had a plan to take Veronica down. He just hasn't shared it with Sam. Smiling, Knox took her hand and kissed it. "They are safe, baby. I promise."

What did he say? Baby? Who's baby? Sam was suddenly taken off balance. No one but his aunts have used nicknames for her. Ever.

"We'll get off in Atlanta and drive from there. I have someone you need to meet," Knox told her before taking a drink. "Baby? Did you hear me?"

Sam was stunned into silence. She didn't know how to respond to him. He kissed her hand and called her baby. She couldn't get past those gestures and comprehend anything else.

He continued to talk, telling her his plan and what he had arranged for her aunts. Sam heard none of it. Knox explained what he had planned, how they would go about it and where they were going. She was lost thinking about that kiss and his affection for her.


"Huh?" She hadn't heard another word.

"I said I've got a plan. Don't worry. In a couple hours your aunts will be safely tucked away in a five star mountain resort with celebrity treatment. No one will find them and they will absolutely enjoy themselves. Marcus has it under control. You need to trust me, I know what I'm doing. Do you?" Knox raised his eyebrows at her.

He challenged her. Whether they are on the same side of the law or not, he pushed her to work harder, to think things through, to be smarter about her plans than to react faster. If anything Knox has made her a better thief.

This fairytale idea that something had changed between them was ridiculous. He would throw her in prison as soon as he got Veronica in custody. Sam knew she couldn't afford to think any differently about this situation. She was a thief. A good one and Knox is on the other side of the law. Fairytales don't bend the rules even for that.

"Baby, do you have a plan?" There's worry in his tone. For the first time, Knox wondered if she knew what she was doing.

"I was leading her away from you. So yes, I know what I'm doing!" She snapped, annoyed that he questioned her. "Why are you calling me baby?"

Knox frowned as if he hadn't realized he had done it. Hesitating only a second it was enough for Sam to see the crack in his armor. "I wasn't sure what alias you were using. I figured calling you that was a better cover than calling you the wrong name. What name are you using?"

"Sandy Marshall. Did you use one?" She asked, trying not to overthink it.

"Tom Jones for the flight. I can adjust it to fit with yours. Ken Marshall works for you?" Knox suggested with Sam realizing he used his real initials for his fake one.

"Fine," it took a few minutes for her to realize what he said. When it finally clicked, Sam interrupted him with a confused expression on her face. "Wait! Are you suggesting that we pose as a couple?"

"Veronica won't consider that we are working together, much less traveling together. She's going to be looking for us traveling individually. We stick together as a newlywed couple, we can keep her off our tail."

It was logical and a good plan. It made sense and it made Sam uncomfortable and confused. "Newlyweds? As in married?"

Knox smiled that slow sexy grin that completely disarmed her. The walls that Sam had erected around her cracked with a single hit. Smack! Right in the kisser!

"That's the idea. It'll work. She doesn't pay attention to details, not enough to make the connection. By the time she figures it out, we'll be long out of reach." He was certain of it.

Knox knew the woman well enough to know how she works just as much as he knew Sam, maybe more so since he was married to Veronica once upon a time. The marriage was short and definitely a mistake but it happened years ago when he was young and stupid. He matured quickly after that. Even then she didn't understand him.

It was a part of his life Knox would rather forget. It wasn't pleasant and as short as their marriage was, it had a lasting impact on him. After the divorce, he avoided all relationships with women. Completely burned by the species he refused to get involved with anyone again.

It wasn't worth the pain.

"How well do you know her?" Sam wondered by his comment, he must have worked with her for a while. "Were you partners before?"

"Sort of. Look, just call me whatever as long as we don't use real names, got it? Undercover work can be difficult. You have to immerse yourself into the character you're playing. Total immersion is the only way to not get caught." His advice was accurate enough that Sam would have thought he was the thief.

"I can do that, obviously." She smiled, looking down at their joined hands. She has a partner it seems and they seem to be getting along quite nicely.

Knox looked at their hands then his eyes slowly roamed up her body. The tight black dress fit her perfectly and the high heels made her legs look long and graceful. The red hair suits her complexion that she had changed with makeup and there is something slightly different about her mouth. But she's still beautiful.

"I almost forgot." Knox muttered, taking his eyes off Sam. "Here, we need these."

Knox pulled a box out of his pocket and popped it open with his thumb. Inside were three rings. Two for her and one for him. Wedding rings. Newlyweds will wear wedding rings. Sam thought hard about that before taking her rings out to look closer at them.

As she examined the three carat diamond engagement ring, she came to a startling conclusion, "these are real!" Sam looked up at Knox in surprise. "These are real diamonds."

"You're a gemologist and you need to break down a large diamond. Do you really think a fence will believe you or work with you if you are wearing a fake wedding ring?" Knox asked as if the answer was clear.

"It was never a question I had to ask," Sam frowned, putting the rings on her finger.

"No, that's not right," Knox stopped her, pulling the rings off her finger and switching their order. "The wedding ring goes on first then the engagement ring. The wedding ring then is closest to your heart."

Sam's mouth gaped open as she watched him slide the rings on her finger. They fit perfectly on her hand. It was as if he had taken the time to actually pick them out for her. Of course he didn't do that. He wouldn't have had time to do that.

"I had time to find something I thought looked like you. Is it okay?" Knox asked, showing the first sign of uncertainty since she met him.

"Yes, yes, it fits perfectly," staring into his dreamy green eyes, Sam wondered if this was a good idea.

"Kinda like Cinderella, huh?" Knox got a goofy look on his face when he said it. "The slipper fitting and all."

Sam laughed, for the first time in weeks, she relaxed. It was a moment, she thought. One she better be careful of. All these romantic gestures and the fake relationship could get her in trouble that she can't get herself out of. She couldn't lose sight of reality.

Resting her head on his shoulder, Sam closed her eyes and tried to rest while she could. For the duration of the flight she is safe. For the rest of the flight they wouldn't be found or chased. They need to conserve their energy, because their situation can change drastically as soon as they get back on the ground.

And the side of the law they are on has blurred for both of them. The thief who is trying to do the right thing and the agent who is breaking the rules. It could never work but this once.

Knox is still FBI and this is just pretend. It's not real any more than one of her aliases. Her reality could land her in prison and that she can't forget. And Knox will go back to the agency after this is done.

Twisting the ring on her finger, Sam sighed, she can only enjoy it while she has him by her side. Soon enough reality will come back to ruin it all.

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