Racing is life

By cfd51caseyseveride

182K 3.9K 1.3K

"I was on pole position, and my best friend crashed into me. I couldn't finish the race, and my dad was so an... More

1 ~ the news
2 ~ Ferrari Headquarters
3 ~ fp1
4 ~ unacceptable behaviour
5 ~ bad day
6 ~ school
7 ~ trouble, trouble and more trouble
8 ~ vape
9 ~ waffles
10 ~ he knows
11 ~ helmets
12 ~ karting
13 ~ talks
14 ~ family
15 ~ grandstand
16 ~ DNF
17 ~ bandages
18 ~ alleyway
19 ~ bartender creep
20 ~ grid dinner
21 ~ protecting her
22 ~ surname
23 ~ the kiss
24 ~ dizzy
25 ~ hospital
27 ~ water
28 ~ mama
29 ~ shopping
30 ~ flight
31 ~ adults
32 ~ sharpener
33 ~ arguments

26 ~ threats

4.4K 107 15
By cfd51caseyseveride

"Emilie, look!" Arthur says excitedly, as I walk into the living room. It's now Sunday and the race is starting soon. Charles is P1 again! It's been a good weekend. Max is P2 so there will definitely be a fight there.

We got home from the hospital last night after being awake for over 36 hours. It was a long night in the hospital and neither me or Arthur got any sleep. The doctors said it was nothing life threatening but they wanted me to stay there for a few hours to observe me. I'd been there for over 12 hours, so if it was life threatening I think I would have died by then.

"What?" I laugh as he grabs my hand and pulls me towards the back doors. I haven't been in the garden very much yet. It is a really nice garden though.

"I thought you would want to sit outside in the garden to watch the race." He smiles, pulling me out of the back doors and over to a large screen with a projector shining onto it; there are beanbags and blankets on the grass facing the screen. It's really cute.

"I love it!" I say, walking over to it and sitting down on a bean bag. Arthur quickly runs inside to get some popcorn and then sits down beside me, putting the bowl between us.

The build up to the race is already on the screen as the commentators talk. The cars are being pushed onto the grid.

"I hope Charles wins." Arthur says, leaning back on the beanbag and taking a handful of popcorn.

"Same." I agree, smiling at him. They push Charles' car into the P1 position and take the covers off the tyres, before quickly running off the track. The formation lap begins and all the cars follow Charles round the track.

"Charles said that you've got to eat a proper meal tonight, so after this I will cook you whatever you want." Arthur says, looking at me and smiling slightly.

"I hope your cooking isn't as bad as Charles'. He burnt the beans last time. Like how do you burn beans?" I laugh, as Charles weaves onto the grid, stopping his car in the space just before the line.

"It's not, don't worry." Arthur says, laughing at me while keeping his eyes on the screen.

"And the last car is on the grid. That's the green flag at the back as the red lights begin to illuminate ready for the whole 190 miles of this street circuit here in Azerbaijan. And it's five lights out and away we go. Max Verstappen gets a good launch off the line and is neck and neck with Charles Leclerc as they go into turn 1." David Croft shouts through the screen as the race begins. I swear all that comes out of his mouth is pure waffle.

They continue round the track, fighting for first place all the way round. As they drive down the straight, Max's front wheel gets scarily close to Charles' car.

They make contact. Max hits the back of Charles, forcing them both to spin out. Charles hits the barriers and goes skidding across the track as Max's rear wing hits the wall. Debris is all over the track.

Checo crashes into the side of Charles, his front wing breaking off and making the Ferrari roll over onto it's top. I take a deep breath and watch closely as my eyes fill with tears. That was a big crash.

"Are they ok?" I ask worriedly, standing up and keeping my eyes glued to the screen.

"I'm sure they'll be fine." Arthur says, his voice sounding uncertain as he looks at the screen in slight shock.

"They crashed into each other!" I state loudly, pointing at the screen in front of me. "They aren't answering, why aren't they answering the radio?" I add, as both teams ask if they are ok.

Arthur doesn't say anything and just watches the screen. Max's radio comes onto the screen.

"I'm ok. What the fuck was he doing? He swerved in front of me!" Max says angrily, his radio crackling slightly as he speaks.

"Is he fucking joking? Charles had the racing line!" I shout at the screen, pointing at it and furrowing my eyebrows.

A groan comes from Charles' radio as the race is red flagged. All the cars have gone past now and are pulling into the pits. Some race marshalls and a medical car come onto the track. They help Charles and Max get out of their cars, checking they are alright.

"Thank fuck." I breathe as Charles stands up and slowly makes his way over to the medical car with Max following close behind him, an angry look in his eyes.

"Max looks pissed." I mutter, sitting back down on the beanbag next to Arthur. They both get into the medical car while the crane and marshalls  begin to remove the cars from the track.

They quickly get to the pits and they both get taken into the medical tent for an examination, both coming out a few minutes later.

"What was that?" Max shouts, following Charles down the pit lane. I furrow my eyebrows as the cameras focus on them.

"What are you on about, mate? I had the race line!" Charles argues back, a small smile on his face as he speaks.

"You swerved in front of me." Max states, pointing his hand in the direction of the race track.

"Shut the fuck up. I was winning. You just can't handle that fact." Charles says, pushing Max's shoulder back a bit. Max hits his arm away and steps closer to Charles.

"Why are they arguing?" I mutter, throwing my head back and getting my phone out of pocket. I swear to god I am going to kill Max when he gets home.

Charlieeee (basically my dad at this point)

Me :
'Are you ok?'
'I'm going to kill Max.'
'Tell him to watch out.'

Maxi Taxi

Me :
'What the hell?'
'Charles had the racing line.'
'You didn't have to shout at him.'
'Charles was right. You just can't
accept the fact that he was winning.'
'Knob head.'
'You cost yourself and Charles the
whole race.'
'What the fuck is your problem?'

"What have you text him?" Arthur asks, attempting to look over my shoulder. I show him my phone and he takes it out of my hand, his face looking shocked.

"You can't message him that." Arthur laughs, looking at the messages I just sent to Max. Maybe I shouldn't have spoken to him like that, but he deserves it. And if he grounds me, it's worth it.

"I'll call him and tell him then." I state, clicking on Max's contact and hovering my finger over the call button. He probably doesn't have his phone on him right now so I will wait until he messages me back.

"Don't. I'll get into trouble." He states, grabbing my phone out of my hand and turning it off.

"Why would you get into trouble?" I question, reaching to get my phone back. He moves his hand away so it is out of reach.

"Because I'm supposed to be looking after you. If you send Max a text or call him saying he's a knob and shouting at him, he will think I encouraged you." He states, a slightly worried look on his face.

"He won't." I say, as my phone gets a notification. Arthur looks at it and then shows me my phone. I unlock it and look at the message.

Maxi Taxi

Max :
'Excuse me? Who do you think
you're talking to? I didn't mean to
crash into Charles. Stop speaking to
me like that. You are grounded.'

Me :

My phone rings as Max's name pops up on my screen. I take a deep breath before answering it.

"Hey." I drag out, putting the call on speaker so Arthur can hear. He gives me a disapproving look.

"I don't know who you think you are, speaking to me like that. But it's not acceptable. How would Charles react if he found out you called me a knob head and a bitch?" Max asks, I can hear the anger in his voice as he speaks.

"Right now, I think he would agree with me." I mutter, getting up off the beanbag and standing up.

"What?" He asks angrily. I think he heard what I said, he's just being annoying.

"What?" I question, dragging it out and smirking slightly while looking at Arthur who shakes his head, telling me to stop.

"Do you want to repeat that?" He asks, I can see his angry face in my head. I bite my lip in an attempt to stop my laughter.

"I said right now, I think Charles would agree that you-" I begin before being cut off by Arthur standing up and putting his hand over my mouth to stop me getting myself into more trouble.

"She doesn't mean any of it. She apologises for her behaviour." Arthur states, grabbing my phone out of my hand and holding it up to his mouth to speak into the speaker.

"Emilie, you're grounded. Even more grounded than you already are." He states loudly, as Arthur moves his hand away from my mouth.

"Fuck you. Only Charles can ground me." I state quickly, before Arthur's hand clamps over my face once more. My laugh is muffled by his hand as I grab his wrist to stop myself falling over.

"Shut up." He whispers, turning the phone off speaker and putting it up to his ear while keeping his hand on my mouth. "I'm so sorry, I'll make sure she knows that speaking to anyone like that is bad." Arthur says to Max, while I try to pull his hand away but his strong grip doesn't let me.

"Yeah, ok. Bye. Bye." Arthur says before hanging up and sliding my phone into his trouser pocket. He releases my mouth from his grip and I step away from him while laughing. My face has gone bright red.

"Max is going to kill you." He states, his voice worried as he raises his eyebrows and sighs slightly.

"He shouldn't have crashed into Charles." I shrug, taking a step away from him and looking at the screen. All the drivers are in their garages.

"Shit." He mutters, as he takes his phone out of his pocket as a notification comes through. "Look who it is." He adds, showing me his phone. I laugh as Charles' face pops up on the screen with his name at the top. He answers the call and puts it up to his ear.

"Why is Emilie texting Max and calling him names? I told you she isn't allowed her phone because she is grounded." Charles states loudly down the phone as I watch a look of slight guilt wash over Arthur's face.

"I gave it back to her because I think that you were being unfair. And you can speak to Emilie about the texting, that had nothing to do with me." He states, looking at me and raising his eyebrows. I bite my lip to stop myself laughing as Arthur puts his phone on speaker.

"Hey Charlie." I say sweetly, a slight laugh in my voice as I speak. This is going to go so wrong, I can feel it.

"Jesus Christ, Emilie. Max is so pissed off right now. You calling him a knob head and a bitch doesn't help." Charles says, his voice prominent with anger.

"But he crashed into you." I argue slightly, holding my arms out to the side like he can see them. I do gestures while I'm on the phone all the time.

"He didn't mean to though, did he?" He says, as I hear some other noises in the background. It sounds a bit like Max speaking. He went and snitched on me then, to Charles.

"He still crashed into you, then started shouting at you." I say slightly quieter. He's starting to win the argument. He always wins, it's frustrating.

"And you think sending him death threats is the way to deal with it?" He asks angrily, obviously very pissed off.

"I only told him to watch out." I mutter, looking down at the ground and sighing slightly. "I didn't even send him death threats." I add, as Arthur looks at me. He looks and sounds so much like Charles with the way he's looking at me and speaking to me.

"Really? You texting me saying that you're going to kill Max and for him to watch out isn't sending him death threats?" Charles questions in disbelief. I sigh quietly and Arthur raises his eyebrows waiting for a response from me.

"Well I didn't send them to him, did I? So I didn't send him death threats. I just said- I don't even know, I don't care. You always take Max's side on everything. Just fuck off. I hate you both." I state, groaning while giving his contact name a death glare. He's so annoying, I swear to god.

"You hate us, do you? If you hate us so much, why don't you find someone else to live with? I'd like to see you try." He says, his voice slightly quieter and less angry.

"Maybe I will. Maybe I'll go back to England and live with my best friend and his family." I state loudly, grabbing the phone out of Arthur's hand and holding it up to my mouth.

"You can't be serious. Emilie, you're not going anywhere." Charles says, a small disbelieving laugh in his voice.

"The fuck I am, I'll leave right now. You're never going to see me again." I say, shoving Arthur's phone into his chest as he grabs it, before walking away.

"No you're not." He states, as Arthur follows me into the house.

"Emilie, please." Arthur calls after me, quickly catching up as I walk through the kitchen.

"Can I have my phone, please?" I ask, stopping in my tracks and turning round to face him. He opens his mouth to answer but no sound comes out.

"No, you can't." Charles states firmly, as Arthur just looks at me.

"No one fucking asked you." I reply, shouting into Arthur's phone. He furrows his eyebrows at me. "Please can I have my phone?" I repeat, holding my hand out in front of me.

"You better sort your shitty attitude out before I get home tomorrow, or you won't be going to that karting race at the weekend." Charles threatens, as I roll my eyes at the sound of his voice once again. Just shut the fuck up.

"Yeah right." I scoff slightly, shaking my head and looking down at the floor. "You can't do that." I add.

"I can do what I like." He says, a knock sounding from the front door. I furrow my eyebrows at Arthur and he looks at me with the same expression on his face.

"Is anyone supposed to be coming tonight?" Arthur asks, the question directed at both me and Charles. I shrug my shoulders and Charles replies with no.

"Haha, coming. that's what she said." I laugh, smirking at Arthur who begins to laugh but stops himself before Charles can hear.

"That's inappropriate." Arthur says with a smirk on his face while pointing his finger at me. I take a deep breath, trying to stop myself laughing.

"I'll answer the door, stay here and hold my phone." Arthur says, giving me his phone before walking down the corridor and grabbing the keys off the hook, unlocking the door. I follow him but stay a few meters away.

"Who is it?" Charles asks as I look at Arthur, him pulling the door open. There's a man stood there dressed in all black. I can't see his face.

"Shh, I'm trying to listen." I whisper shout at him through the phone, concentrating on what Arthur and the man are saying.

"No, she's not here. Who are you?" Arthur asks, a slight tone of anger in his voice. I don't hear the man's answer. "Leave my property now before I call the police." He adds, pointing towards the gates at the end of the driveway.

"Mate, don't bullshit me, I know she's here." The man responds, a slight laugh in his voice. I recognise that voice.

"Get off my property." Arthur repeats slightly louder, earning another laugh from the man.

"This isn't your property though, is it? It's Charles' and he's not here right now. I just want to speak to Emilie." The man states, his voice getting slightly louder as he speaks. I know where I recognise that voice from.

"Dad?" I question, pushing past Arthur and looking up at the man stood in front of me. "What are you doing here? Piss off." I state loudly, taking a slight step forward.

"Got a mouth on you, haven't you? You've always been a little bitch." Dad states, looking down at me with a slight smirk on his face. Arthur grabs my shoulder and pulls me backwards, standing in front of me protectively.

"Leave." Arthur states, almost shouting at him. He brings his hand up and hits my dad, his fist connecting with my dad's cheek. He slams the door shut and looks at me while cradling his knuckles. "Fuck, that hurt." He says, blowing on them slightly. I laugh at him and he looks through the window beside the door, checking my dad has left.

"Arthur? What the fuck was that? All I heard was shouting." Charles complains on the phone. I forgot we were still on call to him.

"Emilie's dad by the sounds of it." Arthur states, pain in his voice as he flexes his knuckles.

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