7 doctor brothers |BTS FF| ✔

By Insane_adolfa

173K 7.6K 3.3K

This story is about seven doctor brothers, and their 13-year-old sister Y/n. Y/n is intelligent and stubborn... More

Dedication and Copyright
A Special Family Introduction
Chapter1.1: A peaceful day in Bangtan family (Edited)
Chapter 1.2: Spending family time together (Edited)
Chapter 1.3: Jimin's Whereabouts (Edited)
Chapter 1.4: Day of incident (Edited)
Chapter 1.5 Y/n's concern
Chapter 1.6 Late night drive (Edited)
Chapter 1.7: Sibling's bickering (Edited)
Chapter 1.8: New Day and Morning Breakfast.
Chapter 1.9: Off To School
Chapter 2.0: New Faces.
Chapter 2.1: Real friend or fake friend?
Chapter 2.2: Jimin's discharge
Chapter 2.3: Scolding because of Skateboard. (Edited)
Chapter 2.4: Family night.
School character Intro
Chapter 2.5: Exams or Summer camp
Chapter 2.6: Exam Stress
Chapter 2.7: Group Study
Chapter 2.8: Let's start with the challenging topics first.
Chapter 2.9: Let's go to library.
Chapter 3.0: It's time to relax a bit.
Chapter 3.1: You are that popular girl, aren't you?
Chapter 3.2: Long time no see, Y/n. (Edited)
Chapter 3.3: Who dared to do this to you?
Chapter 3.4:Sweetie, where were you?
Chapter 3.5: Anything for you, little troublemaker.
Chapter 3.6: Y/n's Injury (Edited)
Chapter 3.7: Brothers Scolding and Hospital scene (Edited)
Chapter 3.8: Worsen Injury (Edited)
Chapter 3.9: Injection Dilemma (Edited)
Chapter 4.0: Siblings Negotiations (Edited)
Chapter 4.1: Jungkook's apology (Edited)
Chapter 4.2: Friends' Visit
Chapter 4.3: Unpredicted turn
Chapter 4.4: Childhood Promise
Chapter 4.5: You promised you wouldn't throw any tantrums
Chapter 4.6: You guys are impossible!
Chapter 4.7: Movie Night
Chapter 4.8: A Painful Ordeal
Chapter 4.9: Today it was really off limits
Chapter 5.0: Don't call my baby a devil
Chapter 5.1: How about we go for shopping
Chapter 5.2: Frozen Bottle Café
Chapter 5.3: We should all have a sleepover tonight.
Appreciation post
Chapter 5.4: Time to sort unsolved things
Chapter 5.5: Am I not allowed to sit here?
Chapter 5.6: It's hard to see her struggle.
Chapter 5.7: Are you sure it's safe?
Chapter 5.8: Wait, is that a drop-out letter?
Chapter 5.9: Did he read my mind again?
Chapter 6.0: Please, just leave me alone.
Chapter 6.1: You already messed up a lot lately.
Chapter 6.2: You both are so cruel.
Chapter 6.3: You think you're so clever, don't you?
Chapter 6.4: Her actions are inexcusable and have serious consequences.
Chapter 6.5: Karma's a... well, you know.
Chapter 6.6: I'll eat after this episode. I promise.
Chapter 6.7: You stayed up late again, didn't you?
Chapter 6.8: Are you feeling better now?
Chapter 6.9: W....what d...did you do? Why did you push her?
Chapter 7.0: Focus on your match.
Author's Request:
Chapter 7.1: Y/n's Critical Condition
Chapter 7.2: Surgery?
Chapter 7.3: Is this end of the book?
Chapter 7.4: New character?
Chapter 7.5: Y/n gains consciousness
Chapter 7.6: Leave her, Rose. Don't hurt her.
Chapter 7.8: Are you sure you don't want to meet her, Hyung?
Chapter 7.9: I am going home? Really?
Chapter 8.0: Promise? What promise?
Chapter 8.1: Do you have any idea what you've put my sister through?
Chapter 8.2: The parents will be here shortly.
Chapter 8.3: Haven't we made a deal?
Chapter 8.4: This is where it ends, Principal. Goodbye.
Chapter 8.5: Hey you both stob it.
Chapter 8.6: No matter what, we always had each other's backs
Chapter 8.7: Waterpark Adventure
Chapter 8.8: Y/n, stay in the car! Don't come near!
Chapter 8.9: But what if they don't make it?
Chapter 9.0 : No! I don't need any injection!
Chapter 9.1: Well, well, Jungkook. Care to explain?
Chapter 9.2: I'm not eating that disgusting soup. I want something else!
Here's to the future, and to the never-ending adventure that is life.
Epilogue: 2 Months Later
Author's Final Note:
Intubation Oneshot

Chapter 7.7: Don't you understand in one go, Y/n?

1.7K 115 73
By Insane_adolfa

While Y/n friends was busy taking revenge with Hyejin, Y/n was having breakfast in hospital.

In Y/n's ward,

Time- 11 am,

Y/n: "Oppa please stop, I am already full I can't eat anymore"

Suga: (chuckles softly) "Come on, just a few more bites. You need to regain your strength." offers a spoonful of soup "For me?"

Y/n: (smiling) "Alright, just for you. Happy now?"

Suga: (ruffle her hairs) "Very. You know I only want the best for you."

Y/n: (nodding) "I know. Btw Oppa, where is Jin and Tae Oppa I haven't seen them"

Jungkook: (nervous smile) 'Jin Hyung is busy and Tae Hyung (interrupted)"

Taehyung: (walking forward) "I am here baby"

Y/n: (brightening up) "Tae Oppa!"

Taehyung: (leaning in to kiss on your forehead) "How's my favorite patient doing?"

Y/n: (smile) "I'm feeling better now that you're here, Tae Oppa."

Taehyung: "That's what I like to hear." (turns to Suga and Jungkook) "Well, now that I am here, you two can go to your departments."

Suga: (nodding) (getting up from seat) "Okay, then I will get going but don't hesitate to call if you need anything, okay?"

Jungkook: (smiling) "Baby, rest well, I will come back in the evening."

Y/n: "Okay Oppa."

Taehyung: (taking a seat beside your bed) "So, what have you been up to, princess?"

Y/n: (giggling) "Just trying to convince Suga Oppa to stop feeding me."

Suga: (playfully rolling his eyes) "Hey, she needs her strength."

Suga and Jungkook leave the room, and Taehyung adores you as you say bye to your brothers.

Taehyung: (chuckling) "Well, it looks like you're in a good mood, at least." (glancing at the IV bag and then her pointing her head injury) "How's the pain? Do you need anything?"

Y/n: (shaking her head) "I'm okay for now, but can you please remove this needle from my hand? It's paining a lot."

Taehyung: "No, I can't until this one finishes."

Y/n: (frowning slightly) "I really don't want to wait. It's bothering me a lot."

Taehyung: (understanding her frustration) "I know it's uncomfortable, but it's important for your recovery. Try to endure a little longer, okay?"

Y/n: (reluctantly nodding) "Fine, but please remove it as soon this one finishes."

Taehyung nods and pats her hand reassuringly, hoping to ease her discomfort. Just then, Taehyung's phone starts ringing, and he picks up the call.

Taehyung: "I'm sorry, Baby. I have to go. Something urgent has come up. But I'll come back later, okay?"

Y/n: "Oppa, but I will be bored here alone."

Taehyung: "I know, but I'll try to come back as soon as I can. In the meantime, why don't you watch some TV or read a book? And if you need anything, just call the nurse, okay?"

Y/n: (nodding) "Okay, Oppa. Please take care and don't worry about me."

Taehyung smiles warmly and gives your hand a gentle squeeze before leaving the room. You watch him go, feeling a sense of loneliness creep in. You try to occupy yourself with the TV, but your thoughts keep drifting back to the events of the past few days.

Time skips to 1 pm,

As Jungkook and Jimin entered the room, your eyes lit up with hope. You looked at them with a pleading expression, your voice barely above a whisper.

"Jimin Oppa please, can you remove this IV? I can't stand it anymore,"

Jimin, still in his cold demeanor, ignored your request and moved to the other side. Your heart sank, feeling dismissed and unheard by him. But you didn't want to give up. You turned to Jungkook, who stood beside Jimin.

"Jungkook Oppa, it's really uncomfortable," you pleaded, hoping he would understand.

Jungkook looked to Jimin for support, but Jimin just shook his head, indicating that he didn't want to get involved, and turned to leave.

Jungkook: "Baby, I don't think that's a good idea. You've already lost a lot of blood. It's important to keep the IV in for now."

Y/n: (acting stubborn) "I don't care. I want it out. It's bothering me."

Jungkook: "Princess, listen to me. The IV is there for a reason. You need to follow the orders if you want to get better."

Y/n: (frustrated) "But it's so uncomfortable. I can't stand it anymore."

After listening to Y/n Jimin stop at his place and without turning he shouts.

Jimin: (firmly) "That's no excuse to go against medical advice. You need to think about your health first."

You flinched hard at the sudden shout and couldn't process what just happened. Jimin had never raised his voice at you; it was the first time in 13 years you had ever heard him shout.

Y/n: "But, Oppa, I..."

As Jimin's frustration boils over, his tone sharpens, cutting through the air in the room.

Jimin: (While turning towards you) "Don't you understand in one go, Y/n? How many times should we tell you we can't remove it?"

His voice echoes, drawing the attention of nurses and other medical staff passing by, who start gathering in your ward. Even your other brothers, except Jin, also gathered.

You feel a pang of guilt as you heard Jimin's words. You knew he's right, but your stubbornness and frustration have clouded your decision. You hang your head low, unable to meet Jimin's gaze.

Y/n: (whisper) "I just... I hate feeling so trapped, I want to feel normal again, to be able to move freely without these tubes and needles."

Sensing the tension between you and Jimin, Jhope ordered everyone to leave the room except for her brothers.

Jimin: (stern) "You skipped your meal right, Y/n. Do you realize how much strain you have put on your body?"

Namjoon: (serious) "And do you even realise how much worried we were for you yesterday? And this not the first time, you do this every time."

Y/n: (eyes well up with tears) "I'm sorry, Oppa. I... I wasn't hungry that day so didn't ate the dinner" she admits, her voice barely above a whisper.

Jimin: (firm) "You know how weak your body is right now, you won't even be able to stand straight if we remove the IV"

Y/n gulps hard and looks at her other brothers. They try to interrupt, but Namjoon crossed his arms before speaking

Namjoon: (stern) "Don't look at them Y/n, today no one will stop Jimin. Do you have any idea how worried we were? You scared us half to death."

Jimin looked away, his eyes started welling with tears.

Jimin: (Voice cracked) "We were so scared, Y/n. We thought we were going to lose you."

Jhope: (firm) "Baby, do you realize what you've done? By skipping meal for so much long, you have put your health in danger."

You had never meant to worry them, to cause them pain. You had just been so caught up in your own world that night that you haven't thought about how it would affect them.

Y/n: "I'm sorry, Oppa" she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I didn't mean to... I'm so sorry."

Jungkook: (soft) "It's okay, Y/n. Just... please, don't do it again. We can't bear to see you like this."

Jimin: (angry) "No, Jungkook, this time I am not going to let this slide easily. How many times have we told you to be careful on the stairs? Why don't you listen to us, huh? If you're just going to say sorry for show and then repeat the same thing, keep your sorry to yourself, Y/n."

Namjoon: (disappointed) "Don't you consider us your brothers? Do you think we don't love you? Do you just ignore our concerns?"

This time Jungkook, Suga and Taehyung who always maintain their strict side were calm but Namjoon, Jhope and especially Jimin were really mad at you. You didn't had words to speak just then someone else spoke,

Jake: (defending) "Hyung, don't scold her. It's not her fault that she fell, it was an accident,"

Namjoon: (frustrated) "Jake, don't try to defend her this time like always"

Jake: "No, Hyung, I am not defending her. I am telling the truth"

Jay: "Yes, Hyung, Jake is right. And I don't think this is the right time to scold Y/n"

Suga: (raising his eyebrow) "What do you mean?"

Jay: "I mean Y/n has been getting bullied since our exams ended"

Jungkook: (cracking his knuckles) "Bullied? How? Who dared to do this?"

Your friends start explaining about your bullying, and then you continue,

Y/n: (scared) "Because of that video, I didn't say anything. I wanted to take it from them first, and yesterday the phone was almost in my hands, but my leg slipped and I fell down."

As Y/n's brothers process the information about her being bullied, their expressions shift, mirroring a mix of shock, concern, and anger.

Taehyung: (strict) "Y/n, now you even started lying to us? That day you told us you fell down in the park"

Jhope: (gentle) "Y/n, it's important to be honest with everyone, especially when you're going through something like this,"

Y/n: (nods) (eyes welling with tears) "I know, I'm sorry. I should have told you the truth"

Suga: (guilty) "This is unacceptable. Baby, why didn't you tell us? Are we that strict with you? Do you hate us that much?"

But you didn't had words to say so you stayed silent. As your friends continue to explain the situation, her brothers listen intently, their expressions softening as they realize the pain and fear she has been hiding.

Jimin's anger simmers, but he takes a deep breath, trying to control his emotions. He comes near you and hugs you.

Jimin: (regret) "I... I had no idea, Princess. I'm sorry for being so harsh."

Y/n: (tearfully) "I... I didn't want to burden you all with my problems. I thought I could handle it on my own, but it just kept getting worse."

Jhope: "Y/n, we're your brothers. We're here to help you, no matter what. You should never have to face something like this alone."

Y/n: (sniffing) "I know, I'm sorry. I should have told you sooner."

Suga steps forward, placing a comforting hand on your cheek while wiping the tears through his thumb.

Suga: "It's okay, Y/n. We understand. But please, don't ever feel like you have to hide things from us."

You nod, feeling a weight lifted off your shoulders. You look up at your brothers, grateful for their understanding and support. Everyone was calm now, but Namjoon's eyes darken, and his jaw clenches.

Namjoon's voice is low and intense as he speaks, his words filled with a quiet rage.

Namjoon: (angry) "Whoever did this to you... they're going to regret it. No one messes with my family and gets away with it."

Rose: (calm) "Oppa, it's okay. Everyone is already paying for what they did."

Yunjin: (nervous) "Yes, oppa, Sujin and Jiyeon already got suspended."

Suga: (smirk) "Just suspended? They haven't seen the worst yet."

Jimin: (firm) "True, we will not let go of the people who bullied our sister like this."

Jhope: (determined) "I will make sure they understand the consequences of their actions."

Jungkook: (serious) "I'll talk to the school principal myself. This can't happen again."

Y/n remember Hyejin's words and feel more guilty.

Y/n: (guilty) "But Oppa, you all don't need to go this far. I think this much punishment is enough for them. I don't want to be the reason for their demerits."

Jungkook: (concern) "I just can't stand the thought of anyone hurting you, Princess"

Y/n: (smile) "I know, oppa, but I am okay now. Thanks to you all"

Jay and Jake understand that Y/n must be thinking about Hyejin so they interrupt.

Jay: (soft) "Y/n, it's not your fault. You didn't deserve to be treated that way."

Jake: (supportive) "Yeah, Y/n. You did nothing wrong. The people who hurt you are the ones to blame."

Y/n: (concern) "But Jay (cut)"

Yunjin: (smile) "Don't worry about Hyejin Y/n even she got paid for what she did"

Y/n: (Confuse) "What do you mean"



I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm not really sure if this chapter is good or worse because I'm not satisfied with this one. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments. If you liked it, don't forget to vote and leave a comment—it really motivates me so if you found this chapter engaging, don't hesitate to show your support. If you feel this chapter didn't meet your expectations, I'll try to rewrite and edit it later if I have the time. 

Thank you for reading. Take care of yourself, and remember to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. To all the NEET aspirants and my future doctors/nurses, I wish you all the best for your exams.💗




Do follow me on Instagram for edits on this book and other bts related reels. (Id: adolfa_writes)

Also if you like this book then do give a try to my other books like

1. Secretory of Cold CEO (JJK ff)

2. Undestined fate: Kriyra (Doctor desi novel)

3. Clandestine Vow (KTH mafia ff) 

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