Downton abbey and it's heros

By Maria2648394

582 26 0

What if Robert and Cora Crawley had a fourth daughter who were born in 1906 Gabriella is secret hero with A... More

A new arrival at downton 1906
New friends 1918
1919 the war+new heros
1920 wedding/ sybils death
1920 wedding/sybil death pt2
1920 wedding/sybil death pt3
1920 wedding/sybil death pt4
Wedding/sybils death pt5
Sybil death
1920 November/1921 August
1921 car accident and stab accident
Waking up 1923
London season

The accident November 21 1921

17 0 0
By Maria2648394

Author's note: sorry for I'm haven't updated this story, I have been busy with school, I will try to update more
Tw: knifes, blood?, death
Max words: 4095

November 21, two months after Matthew's death
In the midst of their journey, Lady Gabriella's mind was filled with thoughts of the upcoming challenges. The group had faced many hardships together, relying on their combined strength. Each of them possessed 33 charms from their respective kingdoms, but there were still several important charms they lacked. These charms were called the Princess Charms: Hope, Happiness, Miracle, Love, and Knowledge.Lady Gabriella's heart yearned for the Princess Charm of Hope, which granted her the power to transform into a princess and unleash a rainbow burst. She knew that obtaining these charms would be crucial in their quest to protect their kingdoms and fulfill their destinies. With determination in her eyes, she vowed to find a way to acquire the missing charms and unlock their true potential.

As the girls gathered in the drawing room, their minds were set on acquiring the Princess Charms. Gabriella's perspective captured the urgency of the situation. Eleanor emphasized the need to obtain the charms to enter royal mode and defeat their enemies from the bad end kingdom. Hector added that they had to act quickly before the villain grew stronger. Hunter, Harley, Hope, and Holden nodded in agreement, their determination evident.

Suddenly, Cora entered the room, catching them off guard. Hector and the other companions quickly sought cover behind Gabriella's back, hoping to avoid being discovered. Gabriella greeted Cora with a warm smile, asking how she was. Cora responded, "Good."

The girls exchanged glances, knowing they had to keep their mission a secret from Cora. They understood the importance of maintaining their cover and the need to protect their kingdoms. With a sense of caution, they continued their conversation, careful not to reveal their true intentions.

Gabriella's heart skipped a beat as she heard Cora's words. She couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of going for a walk with her friends. With a smile on her face, she asked, "Mama, I wonder if me and the girls could go for a walk?"Cora's smile widened as she granted permission. "Of course you can, but be home before it's too dark," she replied. The girls chimed in unison, expressing their understanding and gratitude. Gabriella couldn't wait to embark on this adventure with her friends, knowing that their bond would only grow stronger during their time together.

As the girls ventured outside the village, they stumbled upon Nick, who greeted them with a warm smile. Gabriella's perspective captured the moment. "Hello, girls," Nick said cheerfully. In response, the girls greeted him in unison, their voices harmonizing. Nick then asked if they were still on their break. Gabriella playfully reminded him, "Yes, Nicky Mouse, it's been three weeks long. Did you forget? See, this is what I mean by that. Nicky has a memory of a goldfish." They all burst into laughter, enjoying the lighthearted banter and the camaraderie they shared.

Nick chuckled at Gabriella's remark about his supposed "goldfish memory." "Well, I guess some things slip my mind," he replied with a playful grin.As they continued walking and ventured further outside the village, Gabriella brought up a curious observation. "Isn't it strange that we haven't encountered anyone from the Bad End Kingdom, especially since I went to Scotland with my family?" she pondered aloud, addressing the girls and Nick. The group exchanged thoughtful glances, realizing the absence of any encounters with the characters from the Bad End Kingdom. It was an intriguing observation that left them wondering about the reasons behind this peculiar occurrence.
Eleanor- it's quite unusual for them to not come up yet
Ruby- I quite agree, I find that weird to, they always shows up. They never hids
Diana- I wonder what plans they are up to
Anne-  girls, the force of darkness approach. We must stand together and protect our world and our kingdoms.
Nick- I agree, at the age of 15 you five have so much responsibility that normal 15 year old kids don't have so much responsibilities as you five do.
As the group nodded in agreement, a sudden turn of events unfolded. A group of menacing villains emerged from the shadows, led by a sinister figure. Gabriella's eyes widened as she recognized the figure as Ero. "Is that who I think it is?" she exclaimed. Nick confirmed her suspicion, confirming that it was indeed Ero. Sensing the danger, Anne quickly instructed Nick to move to a safer location. Nick obediently followed her command and moved to a different spot, ensuring his safety. The tension in the air grew as the confrontation with Ero and his minions loomed closer.

As the world seemed to pause, enveloped in darkness, Gabriella confronted Ero with a steely resolve. "Long time no see, Ero. I thought we had gotten rid of you, and you had given up on trying to restore your evil lord," she remarked boldly, her voice laced with determination. Ero, unfazed by Gabriella's words, turned his gaze from her to the other girls, his expression ominous. "Do you dare challenge the might of the Dark Lord?" he questioned, his tone foreboding. With a chilling threat, he singled out princess Hope among the group, indicating impending doom for them all. The tension in the air thickened, setting the stage for an intense confrontation between light and darkness., you five prepare for your doom, especially you princess hope

As the tension escalated, Diana suggested it was time to transform, prompting a quick response from Gabriella. "Hunter, are you ready?" she asked, seeking confirmation. Hunter affirmed his readiness, signaling his preparedness for the impending battle. With a sense of urgency, Gabriella acted swiftly, summoning Hope to transform. "Hope, transform," she commanded, tapping on her bracelet. In a dazzling display of light and power, Gabriella underwent a heroic transformation, assuming her empowered mode alongside the other girls who also underwent their own magical transformations. The stage was set for an epic clash between good and evil, as the forces of light prepared to face the darkness threatening their world.

As the battle raged on, the guardians engaged in an epic clash against the villains, exchanging powerful blows and casting spells amidst the chaos. Suddenly, the villain unleashed a barrage of magical knives aimed directly at Gabriella. Eleanor, sensing the danger, urgently warned her, "Look out, Hope!" In a split second, Gabriella turned around just in time to see the knives hurtling towards her. However, despite Nick's valiant attempt to save her, he arrived too late. The knives found their mark, piercing Gabriella's left side and tearing through her chest, causing her to stumble forward onto the knife, the violence of the attack leaving her in shock and pain. The scene unfolded with a sense of urgency and desperation as the battle took a devastating turn.

Eleanor's voice trembled with urgency as she assessed the situation. "We need to get them to the hospital immediately. We have to apply pressure on their wounds. Someone, please go fetch Dr. Clarkson," she commanded, her determination shining through despite the chaos and despair that surrounded them. The well-being of their injured comrades became Eleanor's top priority as she rallied the remaining guardians to take swift action. With a sense of purpose, they prepared to transport the wounded to safety and seek the medical assistance they desperately needed.
"Me and Diana will go right now" Anne says

Anne and Diana's urgency was palpable as they teleported near the village and quickly transformed back to their human forms. They wasted no time and rushed to the hospital, their voices echoing through the corridors as they called out for Dr. Clarkson."Doctor Clarkson!" Anne and Diana shouted in unison, their distress evident in their voices.Dr. Clarkson emerged from his office, drawn by the commotion. His face displayed a mix of concern and professional determination as he approached the two women."What seems to be the matter?" Dr. Clarkson inquired, his voice steady despite the gravity of the situation.Anne took a deep breath, her voice trembling slightly. "Lady Gabriella... she's seriously injured, and... Nick is dead," she relayed the heartbreaking news, her eyes welling up with tears.The weight of the news settled heavily upon Dr. Clarkson as he absorbed the severity of the situation. He knew that immediate action was required to save Gabriella's life.

Dr. Clarkson swiftly gathered a team of nurses to assist him in transporting Gabriella and Nick to the hospital. Anne and Diana guided the medical team to the location where their injured comrades lay. With a sense of purpose, Dr. Clarkson and the nurses carefully lifted Gabriella and Nick onto stretchers, preparing to move them to the hospital."We'll take it from here," Dr. Clarkson assured Anne and Diana and the others. "You girls go to the estate and inform the Crawleys of what has happened."Anne and Diana, and the other girls nodded, understanding the urgency of the situation. They turned and hurried towards the estate, their hearts heavy with the news they carried. As they left, Dr. Clarkson and his team began their journey, determined to do everything in their power to save Gabriella's life.

-the four girls went back to the estate-
"Carson" Eleanor said with a shaken voice as the girls were inside of the house near the front door with Carson

"Yes your royal highness, is something the matter with four of you? You are pale as ghost" Carson  says
"Mr gray" Anne's voice also were shaky "he is dead, lady Gabriella is seriously injured Carson, both of them are in the hospital, where is the Crawleys?"

Carson eyes wide in shock,Carson's reaction was instant. "Dead? Injured?" He felt his stomach tighten. The Crawleys needed to know, and fast. "Stay here, I'll fetch Lord Grantham and Lady Grantham immediately." He dashed down the hallway, the sense of urgency filling the air around him.
The girls stood silently, trying to process the events that had transpired. They knew the truth about the attack, about Ero and the Bad End Kingdom, but they couldn't reveal it—not here, not to Carson, nor to anyone at the estate. It would only cause panic, and they couldn't risk exposing their secret mission.
Lord Grantham and Lady Grantham soon appeared, concern etched into their faces. "What's going on?" Lord Grantham asked, his voice full of authority. Lady Grantham's  eyes were soft with worry as she looked at the girls.
"Lady Gabriella and Nick Gray were attacked," Anne explained, choosing her words carefully. "It happened in the village. There were some... men, and they were violent. Nick tried to protect Gabriella, but he... he didn't make it. Gabriella is in the hospital, and she's in critical condition." She avoided mentioning the Bad End Kingdom, focusing only on the immediate facts.
Lady Grantham  gasped, her hand flying to her heart. "How could this happen? Who would do such a thing?" She glanced at Lord Grantham, her eyes brimming with tears.
"We don't know," Eleanor said, keeping her voice steady despite the fear bubbling within her. "It was all so sudden, and then they ran off. We tried to get help as quickly as possible." It was crucial to maintain the facade, even though the memory of the battle was still fresh in their minds.
Lord Grantham frowned, his expression hardening. "Carson, get the car. We need to go to the hospital immediately. The police must be notified about this attack." His voice was stern, ready to take action.
As Carson rushed off to prepare the car, Lady Grantham  approached Eleanor and the other girls. "It's all right," she said, her voice gentle. "You're safe now. We'll take care of this." She pulled Eleanor into a comforting embrace, offering what little solace she could.
The Crawleys and the girls left for the hospital, the car ride filled with a tense silence. The girls exchanged knowing glances, understanding the weight of the secret they carried. They would protect the Crawleys from the knowledge of the Bad End Kingdom, ensuring that the fight against Ero and his minions remained in their capable hands.
At the hospital, they were met with grim news about Gabriella's condition. Dr. Clarkson did his best to reassure them, but the uncertainty was palpable. The Crawleys stayed by Gabriella's side, offering support while the girls stood in the shadows, their eyes watching over the estate's protectors.
Though the Crawleys were unaware, the girls knew that the battle against the forces of darkness was far from over. They would continue their quest to find the Princess Charms and protect their world, all while keeping their secret mission hidden from those who didn't need to know. The risk was too high, and they were prepared to do whatever it took to keep Downton Abbey safe from the darkness that lurked just beyond its grand walls.

The news of the attack spread through the hospital with a ripple of unease. Nurses whispered among themselves, and doctors moved quickly through the halls, casting concerned glances at the group that had arrived with the Crawleys. Dr. Clarkson had organized a team to tend to Lady Gabriella, but her condition remained precarious. She had lost a significant amount of blood, and her wounds required immediate attention.
In the waiting area, Lord Grantham paced back and forth, his worry evident in each step. Lady Grantham  sat beside Lady Mary and Lady Edith, her hand clenched tightly around a handkerchief. Anne, Eleanor, Ruby, and Diana stood nearby, watching as the Crawleys tried to process the shocking events that had unfolded.
"Do you think she'll be okay?" Lady Cora asked Dr. Clarkson, her voice filled with anxiety.
Dr. Clarkson, always composed in the face of crisis, replied with cautious optimism. "We're doing everything we can. The next few hours are critical, but I have a skilled team working on her. Please try to remain calm and hopeful."
Anne and Eleanor exchanged a quick glance. They knew that calmness and hope were in short supply at the moment. The attack had not only taken Nick's life but had also left Gabriella on the brink of death. It was all too much to bear, and the threat from the Bad End Kingdom was still looming.
"Do you think those men will return?" Lady Mary asked, her eyes narrowed with suspicion. "If they're out there, shouldn't we be worried about our safety here?"
Eleanor shook her head, keeping her voice steady. "I don't think they'll return. It was a targeted attack, but they're gone now. We just need to focus on Gabriella and ensure she's safe." She couldn't reveal the true nature of the attack or the dark kingdom behind it. Doing so would only invite more questions and put everyone at risk.
Lady Edith, sitting beside her sister, nodded. "Yes, let's focus on Gabriella. She's strong, and she has us all here with her. That's what's important right now."
The Crawleys were a tight-knit family, bound by loyalty and love, and the girls could sense their warmth even amidst the turmoil. They knew they couldn't let this incident cause panic or suspicion. The balance between secrecy and support was delicate, and they had to maintain it to keep everyone safe.
Hours passed, and Dr. Clarkson returned with news. His face was stern but not devoid of hope. "Lady Gabriella has stabilized for now. She lost a lot of blood, and her injuries are severe, but we've done our best to stabilize her. The next 24 hours will be crucial." He paused, allowing the information to settle in. "I'm afraid we couldn't save Mr. Gray, but Lady Gabriella is fighting. We'll keep you updated on her condition."
Lady grantham  let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. Tears rolled down her cheeks, but she nodded, grateful for the flicker of hope. "Thank you, Dr. Clarkson. Please, do everything you can."
As the Crawleys and the girls remained at the hospital, they knew that the road ahead would be challenging. The Bad End Kingdom had made its move, and Gabriella had paid the price. It was a stark reminder that the forces of darkness would stop at nothing to achieve their goals. The girls shared a silent vow—they would protect Downton Abbey and its inhabitants, no matter the cost.
Back at the estate, life would eventually return to normal, but the undercurrent of fear and uncertainty would linger. The Crawleys wouldn't know the full story, but the girls would carry the burden of the secret battle they waged to keep everyone safe.
With Gabriella's life hanging in the balance and the threat from the Bad End Kingdom ever-present, the girls would need to gather their strength and continue the fight. The journey to collect the Princess Charms and restore light to their world was far from over. They would stand together, ready to face whatever darkness came their way.

Dr. Clarkson's words hung in the air, a mix of hope and gravity. The Crawleys, the girls, and everyone in the hospital's waiting area listened intently. "Though we've managed to stabilize her, Lady Gabriella has slipped into a coma," he said, his voice measured. "The injuries were severe, and her body is trying to recover. It's impossible to predict how long this will last, but we'll be monitoring her closely."
Lady Grantham brought a hand to her mouth, her eyes welling with tears. "Oh, Gabriella," she murmured, her voice breaking. Lady Mary and Lady Edith exchanged worried glances, each grasping the other's hand for comfort. Lord Grantham's expression was stern, his jaw set with a mix of anger and grief.
Anne, Eleanor, Ruby, and Diana stood together, their hearts sinking at the news. Though they had known the risks, seeing Gabriella's condition brought the reality crashing down upon them. The battle against the Bad End Kingdom had cost them dearly, and now one of their own was fighting for her life.
"How long will it take for her to recover?" Lady Mary asked, her voice steady despite the fear in her eyes.
Dr. Clarkson sighed. "It's difficult to say. Comas can last days, weeks, or even longer. We'll need to be patient and give her body time to heal. In the meantime, she'll be in the intensive care unit, where she'll receive constant monitoring and care."
The girls shared a look of concern and resolve. They had fought bravely against Ero and his minions, but the battle had taken a terrible toll. Gabriella had been a source of hope and strength, and now she lay unconscious, her fate uncertain.
Lord Grantham's stern expression softened as he addressed the girls. "You've all been through a great deal. If there's anything we can do to help, please let us know. We're all in this together."
Anne nodded, trying to maintain composure. "Thank you, Lord Grantham. We appreciate your support." She knew they couldn't reveal the truth, but the Crawleys' kindness provided a small comfort in a moment of overwhelming uncertainty.
Lady Grantham  stepped forward, her eyes filled with compassion. "Please, don't hesitate to ask for anything. Gabriella is part of our family, and we want to do everything we can to help her through this."
Eleanor managed a faint smile. "Thank you, Lady Granrham . We're grateful for your kindness." She knew they would need to find the Princess Charms quickly to restore balance and light to their world. The battle against the Bad End Kingdom was far from over, and they couldn't afford to let their guard down.
Dr. Clarkson gave them a reassuring nod. "I'll keep you updated on any changes in Gabriella's condition. For now, the best thing you can do is rest and take care of yourselves. The road ahead may be long, but we'll do everything we can to bring her back."
As the Crawleys and the girls processed the news, they knew they had a difficult journey ahead. Gabriella's coma was a grim reminder of the dangers they faced in their quest to protect their kingdoms and restore light. They would need to remain strong, united, and determined to overcome the darkness that threatened them.
Though the Crawleys weren't aware of the Bad End Kingdom's looming threat, the girls knew that they couldn't let their guard down. With Gabriella in a coma, they had to find the Princess Charms and restore the balance before it was too late. The future was uncertain, but they would face it together, ready to fight for the ones they loved.
A year had passed since the day Lady Gabriella fell into a coma. Downton Abbey had been through so much turmoil since then. As the seasons changed and the winds carried whispers of change, the Crawleys struggled with a sense of quiet unease. It was as if the estate itself felt the absence of Gabriella's bright energy.

On a brisk day in 1922, Dr. Clarkson called the Crawleys to his office. They could sense the urgency in his voice, and as they gathered around his desk, they noticed the weariness in his eyes.

"Lord Grantham, Lady Grantham," he began, choosing his words carefully, "the hospital is facing an overwhelming influx of patients. With the recent epidemic and the lack of space, I'm afraid we need to make difficult decisions. As much as it pains me to say it, we need to ask you to bring Lady Gabriella home. We can no longer provide the long-term care she needs here."

Lady Grantham gasped oftly, her hand clasping the necklace she wore as if for comfort. "But Dr. Clarkson," she said, her voice soft but urgent, "Gabriella is still in a coma. She needs medical care. How can we manage that at home?"

Dr. Clarkson nodded, understanding her concerns. "I know it's not ideal, but I believe it's the best course of action given the circumstances. We will set you up with all the necessary equipment and provide a nurse to help with her care. I'm not saying we can't continue to help, but we need to make room for more critical cases."

Lord Grantham's face was grim, but he understood the doctor's position. "We will do whatever is needed, Dr. Clarkson. We'll make arrangements to bring her back to Downton Abbey." Though his tone was resolute, the worry was evident in his eyes.

Dr. Clarkson continued, "We will do our best to support you through this transition. I'll assign a nurse to visit regularly and help with her care. She will need constant monitoring, but we can arrange for the equipment to be installed at Downton. I assure you, you're not alone in this."

Lady Grantham  nodded, her eyes downcast. "Thank you, Dr. Clarkson. We will do our best to take care of her." She reached for Lord Grantham's hand, her grip tightening as if to draw strength from him.

The drive back to Downton Abbey was quiet. Lady Mary, Lady Edith sat in thoughtful silence, while the girls stared out of the car's windows, lost in their thoughts. Bringing Gabriella home meant a new chapter, one fraught with uncertainty and responsibility.

At Downton Abbey, preparations were made for Gabriella's return. Her bed room was set aside, filled with medical equipment and a bed large enough to accommodate any visitors who wished to stay with her. The nurse assigned by Dr. Clarkson was diligent and caring, helping to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Lady Gabriella's presence was felt throughout the estate, even though she was still in a coma. Lady Grantham  visited her daily, speaking softly to her and holding her hand. Lord Grantham would sit quietly in the corner, reading the paper, occasionally glancing at Gabriella, as if hoping to catch a flicker of movement or a sign of consciousness.

The girls, Anne, Eleanor, Ruby, and Diana, often visited Gabriella's room, telling her stories and sharing their memories. It was a way of keeping her connected to the world, hoping that their voices would bring her back. They also knew that her return to the estate meant that the Bad End Kingdom's threat was still present, lurking in the shadows.

Though a year had passed, the battle against the darkness was far from over. Gabriella's coma was a reminder that they had much to do to restore light and hope to their world. The Crawleys and the girls stood together, facing the uncertainties ahead, bound by loyalty and love.

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