"ŞƤΔĆ ĴΔΜ!" BlueLock Fic

By Velveteen56

230 4 7

✧。⁠*゚⁠+*⁠.⁠✧⁠。⁠*゚⁠+ "𝙃𝙚𝙮 Your pretty nice! Be my girlfriend" "𝑯𝒖𝒉? But we just met!" "𝙄 know!" "𝑩𝑨𝑳... More

✧𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 1✧
✧𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 2✧
✧𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 3✧

✧𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 4✧

35 1 7
By Velveteen56


Beep Beep!-Roadrunner






In nature, roadrunners are known for their agility and ability to evade predators.

While it's rare to see a roadrunner getting captured by predators, nature can be unpredictable.

However, roadrunners are quick and resourceful, using their speed and maneuverability to escape from potential threats.

Roadrunners are very agile and fast animals in the wild. Roadrunners can escape many predators in the wild, like coyotes, skunks, hawks, racoons, and especially......


A lonely road runner was running away a certain threat,

'Little roadrunner, why are you running?'

The roadrunner didn't stop, it just kept running, no matter how tired it was, it just kept running. It was scared, terrified, it kept on calling for help but no one answered.

'Poor little roadrunner, it's scared!'

Soon the slithering sounds of scales made its appearance. About a dozen snakes slithered to chase after the lonely yet scared roadrunner.

'Run little roadrunner Run! They're behind you!'

It was tired, the little roadrunner couldn't keep up but if it wanted to live it must run.

But the snakes just kept piling up and getting closer.

'Tell me little roadrunner, why are the snakes chasing you? What did you do?'

The idea of a roadrunner falling into a snake's den is certainly intense.

While roadrunners are generally adept at avoiding danger, accidents can happen. If a roadrunner where to find itself in such a situation,

it would likely rely on its speed and evasive maneuvers to escape the snakes' grasp.

However, it's important to remember that in nature, various scenarios can occur, and outcomes can vary. But sadly mother nature works in many mysterious ways. Sometimes the prey can escape but sometimes..... It can't........

'Run, little roadrunner. Run'

Oh no.....

The poor little roadrunner can't run anymore.

'Run, little roadrunner. Run'

Miyazaki woke up from her dream.....

'Huh that's weird, mostly in the show the roadrunner is trying to run away from the coyote, I wonder why it was running away from a bunch of snakes.'

She yawned and got up along with everyone else.


"Ah Anri-san what's all this you're giving me?!"

Miyazaki was about to change into the locker room before meeting with the auburn red-haired lady.

She held out a basket full of feminine products such as pads, tampons, deodorant, lotion, lady's shower gel and shampoo with conditioner. Other stuff like panties and sports bras. She also added in a new hairbrush with a comb and some hair ties for her to use, oh even some medical equipment like bandages and alcohol wipes. Oh? Is that chocolate and konpeito as well?

"Ah it's just some stuff I wanted to get you, since you're the only girl here I thought it would be a little easier for you to use these. Think of it as a welcome gift from me." Anri said, But Miyazaki couldn't take this, it didn't seem fair for her just because she was the only girl here.

"I appreciate this offering, Anri-san! But don't you think it's unfair that I'm the only one getting this special treatment?" She questioned her but Anri just shook her head.

"Of course not! At times I worry about what you're going through and thought it might help for you to use these. I'm sure you'll use them when you need to. Us lady's need to keep eachother safe." Anri pointed out as Miyazaki nodded at her suggestion.

"Yeah you're right, thanks again for these supplies Anri-san you're such an angel." She thanked the auburn haired lady as she just blushed from the complement. "Ah! There was no need for you to thank me, it was just a simple offering! But I'm glad you like them and hope it's to your liking Sanzuku-chan."

"Don't worry Anri-san, I'm very thankful for this gift, and please call me Miyazaki. I've told everyone about it. Also why don't we see each other often? I think the extra female company could come in handy."

"Ah, I appreciate it, Miyazaki-chan but I'm quite busy with the program so my appearance is short notice."

"Ah bummer, but at least it's nice to meet you like this from time to time. We should do this more often."

"Yes it is quite nice. But i'm sorry if we have to end this in a short notice but I must head back Miyazaki-chan"

"Of course Anri-san, and thank you again for the parting gift!"

"Anytime Miyazaki-chan!" Anri turned around as she waved at the girl. Miyazaki smiled as she took her new basket full of products to her dorm. 'Anri-san is so nice!'


"I had such a weird dream today."

Miyazaki said as she was changing in her jersey in the locker room where the rest of the boys were as they were getting ready for their next match.

"Hm? What kind of dream is it if you don't mind me asking?" Gagamaru asked who was putting on his goalkeeper gloves.

Miyazaki was tying her hair in low pigtails while looking at the tall teen. "Well it was a dream where a roadrunner got chased by snakes, the poor roadrunner looked so exhausted and helpless, sadly the roadrunner didn't make it as it became dinner to the snakes."

She confirmed with a frown tying her last hair, Gagamaru looked at her before speaking. "Maybe it's a sign?"

She tilted her head at him "Like what? I've seen snakes before in Australia but I never saw a roadrunner in person."

"Maybe it's for you to run away from a threat?" Asahi butted in as he jumped onto Gagamaru's shoulder. Gagamaru put the young teen in a headlock as Asahi was begging for mercy to let him go. While Miyazaki was lost in thought trying to decipher both the males words.

'Running away? A possible threat? Am I in danger?' She rubbed her temples. She looked back at the two males to see Gagamaru pinching Asahi round cheeks while crying to be released.

'Is someone going to threaten me?' She snapped out of her thought as Kuon began to explain the rules

"This is a highly offensive-based system designed to make the best of our 'weapons.' But if we all try to use our own 'weapons' recklessly, we'll fall apart. So we'll divide up the time... we'll take turns acting as forwards!" Kuon explained their strategy to everyone.

"I presume you know how the positions are made now right?" She looked at Kuon

"In order to let one person's weapon shine at a time, the rest of us will form a formation around them and support the forward as they play the way they want. Then we'll rotate through all eleven of us." Miyazaki explained as she awaited Kuon's answer.

"Good question... How about we go by ranking?" Kuon asked, looking at everyone expectantly, seeking their opinion on his idea.

"What about the other positions? It'll get chaotic if we all change positions at once, and it'll take up time," Asahi voiced his concern, raising a valid point about the logistics of their plan.

"No... if we just rotate clockwise, it should be fine. You'll just be shifting into a spot nearby," Kuon explained, pointing to his notebook where he had sketched out the rotation strategy.

"It makes sense that this lab will let us each use our own 'weapons'... but having eleven people rotate through goalkeeping is too risky for our defense. If it's for the sake of winning," Yudai interjected, his voice firm and determined as he considered the team's overall strategy.

"And I don't mind staying in defense. The rest of you can use your weapons," Hyouma added, his gaze focused on Kuon, showing his support for Yudai's decision.

"Haha! If you can't assert yourselves here, then you don't have what it takes. I don't really wanna do it... but I'll go along with the plan this time, okay!" Raichi chimed in, trying to undermine Yudai and Hyouma's dedication.

"Me too!" Gagamaru exclaimed.

"Same here." She raised her hand.

They left and went to the field early where they will hold they're next game

The third match for Blue Lock's Wing 5 had come to an end. Barou's team had lost to Team W with a score of 4-1, pushing them down to the third spot in the rankings, below Team V and W, but above Team Z and Y. Now, it was time for the fourth match between Team Z and Team Y.

Team Z had already taken their positions on the field, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Team Y. Meguru, full of excitement, approached Miyazaki asking, "Miya-chan, are you excited to be playing this time instead of being goalie!?"

Miyazaki nodded at the male. "Yeah, I can finally prove my worth. Now I just don't want you guys to disappoint me." She held up her fist for Meguru to fist bump to which he did with a grin. "Yeah, I got you Miya-chan!"

Just then, Team Y entered the field, catching everyone's attention. Kuon called out to his team, "Okay, get together, everyone!" As they gathered around him, he continued,

"Just like us, if Team Y loses, it's over for them too. The one to watch out for is number nine, Hibiki Okawa. He's Kumamoto prefecture's top scorer and has an exceptional shooting technique."

All eyes turned towards Hibiki Okawa, making it obvious that they were talking about him. Perplexed, Okawa asked his teammate next to him, "Huh?! Why are they all looking at me like that?"

His teammate, Niko, replied nonchalantly, "Probably talking about how ugly you are."

Indignant, Okawa retorted, "Niko, I'll have you know that I had so many girls running after me, asking to date me!"

⚠️TW: Catcalling/ Name calling⚠️

"Yeah, right. Keep dreaming," Niko replied, dismissing Okawa's claim.

"Guys look it's team Z's whore!" One of the opposing teammates spoke and pointed the finger at Miyazaki.

Miyazaki shifted her eyes at the opposing team and noticed all of them were looking at her with a dangerous look in their eyes.

'What's their deal?'

"I bet she gave every guy there a blow job."

"God damn, look how sexy that bitch is, but sadly I'm not into tall girls."

"I bet she begged Ego to stay here so she could get some dick."

"What a whore!"

Miyazaki gasped at their words. Team Z heard the opposing team's comments about Miyazaki as they all glared at them,

"The hells wrong with them? I'll beat the living shit out of all of them-"

"Raichi, it's fine." Miyazaki put a hand on his shoulder for him stop

"What the?! Miyazaki! Those assholes were talking about you!"

He shouted at her but Miyazaki didn't give a reaction.

"It's fine. I'm used to this kind of treatment, we should get into position and ignore what they said we have a game to win." She said as she went to her position.

All the guys looked guilty by the comment.

'I'm used to this' it stuck in their minds for a long time.

Niko cringed by his teammates' disgusting comments about the girl. He started to feel pity for her but can't focus on that for now. He has a game to win.

As Niko got lost in his thoughts, Team Z discussed their strategy to win the match. Kuon shouted, trying to pump up everyone...

'Right I have to keep my head in the game, I shouldn't be distracted by shitty men' She thought with a little smile forming her lips.

"Last match, we lost. But this time, we have 'Operation: Me, Next 9.' All we can do is bring out what we practiced. We'll win, even if it kills us, Team Z!"

"Yeah!" Everyone on Team Z responded, determined.

As everyone settled into their positions on the field, the speaker blared, signaling the start of the game.

"Hopefully, this plan works!!" Miyazaki thought with determination in her eyes, observing as Rensuke kicked the ball to Meguru.

"Here I go~" Meguru sang out, his voice echoing across the field.

"Bachira's weapon is... dribbling!" Isagi pondered, his eyes fixed on Meguru swift movements toward the opposing team's goal. As Meguru dribbled the ball to the opposing team

"Wow, Nice going Bachira!" Miyazaki marveled at Meguru's display of skill,witnessing him maneuver past most of the players on the opposing team.

With a quick assessment of the situation, Miyazaki swiftly moved to block the opposing players, preventing them from reaching Meguru.

⚠️TW: Sexual Harassment⚠️

"Hey sweetheart, how about you and I go somewhere private and use that throat of yours to good use!" One of team Y members approached Miyazaki with a wink, Miyazaki glared at him with a disgusted look.

"Ew! What the hell is wrong with you!" She ran faster to get away from him, Meguru heard this and couldn't help but grit his teeth at the male that harassed Miyazaki.


Back to where they were

'The rest of us will pick up any rebounds and return the ball to Bachira... or if he feels like passing, to receive it and then send it back as pure support. This is the type of football he wants to play' Miyazaki strategized in her mind as she continued to obstruct the opposing team's players, determined to create openings for Meguru.

⚠️TW: Sexual Assault/Harassment, Groping⚠️

She was running towards the opening, but someone came from behind her and groped her on the ass. Her eyes widened and looked behind her to see another team Y harassing her.

"Excuse you asshole!"

"Oopsies!" He laughed and ran away from her. Miyazaki couldn't believe what just happened to her, she was harassed and assaulted by the opposite team.

"This is the ego-baring way of fighting... that lets someone use their overwhelming weapon to the fullest!" Yoichi marveled from his position, observing Meguru's dominant play.

"Don't let him get any further!" one of the players from the opposing team yelled to his teammate, urging him to block Meguru's progress.

"We'll make this two-in-one!" the other player responded, joining forces to stop Meguru in his tracks.

"We'll make this two in one!" The other player from Team Y yelled, trying to block Meguru.

"Go on Bachira! You're close!" Miyazaki catched up while doing some blocking from the other team

"And I'm close to you" Another team Y came from behind and held her wrist. "Oi what the hell let go of me!" She tugged on her wrist by some blonde team Y member who only smirked at her struggle,

But eventually he did, which made her stubble and curse at him with a glare. "Bitch" and quickly ran away from them.

"Is it just the two of you? Besides, I'm gonna get past you!" Meguru said,

"No, it's three of us," Niko said, appearing out of nowhere, causing Meguru to widen his eyes in surprise.

"Your dribbling is quite educational," Niko complimented Meguru's skills.

"Not bad, bangs-kun. But you're kinda late. Time to take it back a bit!" Meguru replied, kicking the ball to Igarashi, who was positioned all the way in the back.

"O-okay!" Igarashi acknowledged, hitting the ball to stop its movement.

'These team Y fuckers are getting on my nerves, and now they're canceling our weapons' Miyazaki grunted at the thought,

"Don't take your eyes off Bachira!" Player 4 from Team Z warned Player 6.

"Right!" Player 6 responded, following Player 4's command.

'If things like this keeps up like this, who knows if our team could score a goal, but I'm confident enough that Bachira could score for us. But that makes sense... "It's over for them if they lose. They won't let us win this so easily, but there's no mistake that we're on the offensive side' Miyazaki calculated, as some players managed to pass her defense.

⚠️TW: Sexual Assault/Harassment, Groping⚠️

Miyazaki was guarding the defense and watching the scene of Meguru and Yoichi that she didn't notice another member from team Y came past her and groped her breast.

Miyazaki gasped and took his wrist and flipped him over from her back.

"Ah!" He screamed in pain as he was flipped over by the girl that was clawing his hand who had a dangerous pissed face.

"Who the hell told you should -"

Her sentence was cut off when the buzzer was announced in the speakers.

"Sanzuku Miyazaki red card!"

It spoke as it showed her icon. Her eyes widened as she tried to defend herself.

"This asshole touched and harassed me! That should be a red card!" She shouted at the screen as she pointed at the male who had a shit eating grin plastered on his face as if he got away from something.

She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists and went back. "Fucking asshole! Fucking prick! Fuck this sport!" She stomped her feet on the ground.

"Hey Miyazaki, are you ok-"



"One more, Bachira! Here you go!" Igarashi yelled, kicking the ball back to Meguru, who was no longer under tight defense.

"He's coming from the side this time!" Player 3 warned, attempting to block Bachira's progress.

"Close in!" Player 5 from Team Y instructed his teammates.

"We're using an offense-focused formation that allows us to leverage our personal weapons, but on the other hand... our opponents are using a defensive arrangement designed to negate those weapons!" Miyazaki analyzed, realizing the strategies at play.

'If Bachira's dribbling is still effective though...! If we keep pushing on them, they'll definitely break... And we still have eight other weapons to use!! We can definitely win...!' Miyazaki thought, observing Meguru's skillful play.

"Hey! Ten minutes!" Raichi shouted, reminding Meguru that he was only reminding Meguru that he only had ten more minutes to utilize his weapon.

"Okaaay!" Meguru acknowledged, understanding the time constraint.

"Move up this side!" Rensuke commanded, as he held the football under his right foot.

'Kunigami's weapon... is his left leg middle shot! We could work this out if we do this right!' Miyazaki realized, adjusting her position.

"Move up! Move up!" Rensuke urged his teammates, kicking the ball to Raichi and directing him to move to the other side of the field.

"Nice one Kunigami! He lets his teammates take care of moving the ball up so then he's free to go right to the front line! Rather than the penalty area, which is crowded with players, he positions himself right in front of the goal and receives a pass from his teammates," Miyazaki admired Rensuke's strategic play.

She was moving up to where Raichi was to get in closer but someone's foot was in the way and made her trip face flat.

⚠️TW: Bulling⚠️

"Oof!" She grunted as she quickly got up. Looking up it was two of the team Y members scoffing with one another as Miyazaki was about to spout some sense into them.

"Oh why you little!-"

"Oi Miyazaki! Stop slacking off and hurry!" Raichi shouted for her. Miyazaki glared at the boys that made her trip and quickly made her way to the blonde

Miyazaki, Raichi, and the rest of the team ran toward Team Y's goal as Raichi passed the ball back to Rensuke, saying, "Just like we practiced!"

'Once it's in a clear space he can shoot it with no effort!' Miyazaki observed, as everyone urged Rensuke to shoot.

"Shoot!" Kuon yelled, blocking a player from Team Y.

"Now's your chance!" Meguru encouraged, intercepting another player from Team Y.

Rensuke attempted to shoot the ball towards the goal, but two players managed to block his shot.

"They blocked his shot?!" Miyazaki watched, surprised by Team Y's defense.

"Shit, they blocked my shot!" Rensuke lamented,

⚠️TW: Name calling, Sexual Comment⚠️

"Hey Ginger, I bet that whore over there gives you the best head ever huh?!" A team Y member insults Miyazaki as Rensuke's eyes begin to twitch.

"What the hell is wrong with you, all day you and your team have been harassing and assaulting her! Because of you guys she got herself a red card!" He shouted at him as he was dribbling the ball to the goalie.

"Eh! Sounds like her problem to me!"

'When this game ends I'm about to end their lives!' Rensuke gritted his teeth. No one insults their teammates. Especially Miyazaki

As the ball rolled on the field, Team Y gained possession, and player 2 kicked it towards a teammate on the other side of the field, shouting, "All clear!"

Miyazaki swiftly seized possession of the ball and started running towards Meguru.

'All that is left is our defense!!' Miyazaki realized as she sprinted towards Meguru, preparing to pass the ball to him.

"One more, Bachira! Build it up again!" Miyazaki yelled, kicking the ball to Meguru.

"Okay, Miya-chan!" Meguru responded, deftly stopping the ball with his chest.

"Get two on him again!" One of the players from Team Y shouted, trying to block Meguru's progress.

"Get rid of the space in front of #9!" Niko ordered his teammates, attempting to stop Meguru from scoring.

"Okay, you got it!" Another player confirmed, running towards Meguru.

'These guys aren't attacking at all... they can't win if they just stick to defense' Miyazaki pondered, wiping the sweat off her face with her jersey.

Suddenly, Miyazaki noticed Okawa coming to her position and staring at her.

'oh god! Please don't touch or say anything bad about me! Please leave me alone! Please please please!!' Miyazaki prayed, feeling a sense of unease as she continued to lock eyes with Okawa.

Unsettled by Okawa's peculiar behavior, Miyazaki found herself locked in a staring contest with him. Her mind raced with unanswered questions. Meanwhile, Okawa's thoughts danced with a different tune altogether.

"Um hi?" Miyazaki waved to get his attention, feeling a mixture of curiosity and nervousness.

"Hey, sorry about what my team was doing to you, you didn't deserve that red card. " Okawa approached Miyazaki with a guilty expression. Miyazaki finally breathed as she sighed in relief.

'Thank God some people in his team have some sensibility!'

"Thank you, Okawa-kun. I was starting to believe all of Team Y was perverted jackasses. At least you're not one of them." Miyazaki chuckled as Okawa just scratched the back of his head with a blush.

"Yeah don't mention it. If they cause you any more trouble then I'll handle them myself."

"Thank you Okawa-kun, but I better get back to my position quickly!" And with that the two parted ways.

While they were conversing, the game continued, and at that time, Meguru passed the ball to Rensuke.

"Nice pass, Bachira! I'll definitely get this one..." Rensuke said confidently, preparing to strike the ball.

However, Rensuke unexpectedly lost control of the ball, and out of nowhere, Niko swooped in and snatched it away. Miyazaki noticed Okawa dashing towards Team Z's goal, while Niko kicked the ball high in the air.

"It's about time, Niko!" Okawa shouted.

"I'll leave it to you, Okawa-kun," Niko replied, making a circle with two of his fingers and placing them over his left eye

'Shit... they got us! Team Y was aiming for a counterattack, and their target was Kumamoto's top scorer,' Yoichi thought, his heart pounding as he watched Okawa sprint past him with Miyazaki in hot pursuit.

'Shit I don't think I'm going to make it!' Yoichi sweated nervously trying to keep up.

As Okawa approached Team Z's goal, he skillfully controlled the football that descended from Niko's powerful kick. A smirk appeared on Okawa's face, knowing he had a clear shot at scoring and securing victory for Team Y. Gagamaru braced himself for the incoming attack.

'Right or left?' Gagamaru hesitated, assuming Okawa would kick with his left foot. "Here it comes!" Gagamaru readied himself to block the shot and protect his team's chances.

But to everyone's surprise, Okawa swiftly switched from his left to his right foot and gently tapped the ball into the goal. Gagamaru stumbled on the grass, unable to react in time to block the shot.

"Ah!" Gagamaru cried out as he fell, realizing he couldn't stop Okawa's shot.

"He went from a dash to a feint shot to throw off the goalkeeper's timing... I mean, I can also do that, but that skill takes a lot of practice to get right. They weren't just waiting for their chance... this incredible shooting technique... they were waiting for a perfect chance... to use Okawa-senpai's weapon!" Miyazaki marveled at Okawa's skill, gazing at him with admiration.

"What are you doing, Naruhaya?! You're supposed to cover him! Don't let Okawa do what he wants!" Raichi scolded Asahi for leaving Okawa unblocked and allowing him to score.

"Ahh! Damn it!" Yoichi cursed, feeling the mounting pressure of the match.

"I couldn't stop him by myself, Raichi! We need at least two people on Okawa!" Asahi defended himself, holding up two fingers to illustrate his plan.

"It's clear as day now... Team Y's plan is to pull back, lure us in, block our shots, and steal the ball... and then use Hibiki Okawa's personal ability to counter! If we can't stop Okawa, we have no chance of winning this match today!" Yoichi wiped the sweat off his face with his jersey, contemplating the situation and searching for a solution.

"Let's get another one!" Okawa declared to his teammates, exuding confidence as he raised a finger, indicating another goal to come.

"Relax, everyone! Let's change it up! It's still 1-0! It's been ten minutes, so it's time for my formation!" Kuon rallied his team, clapping his hands to instill renewed determination.

"Kuon's weapon is his amazing jumping power so if we do it right we'll hit our goal...if not my head would take the blow instead" Miyazaki thought sarcastically, she looked at Kuon while her words ringed in her mind. The bell rang, signaling the resumption of the game.

"Here you go, Kuon!" Asahi shouted, kicking the ball high in the air so that Kuon could utilize his exceptional jumping ability.

'In this strategy, he sends a heading pass to a nearby teammate... and then we set up a new attack from there!' Miyazaki analyzed the play unfolding as Kuon leaped into the air, heading the ball to Rensuke, the closest teammate.

"Surround him!" one of the opposing players commanded, racing toward Rensuke.

"Make it two on one again!" another opponent echoed, joining the defensive effort.

Rensuke stood on the field, his heart pounding with each passing moment. The pressure was building as the defenders closed in on him.

'Damn... there's too much on defense! This is rough,' he thought, his breath coming in short gasps. He stopped running, clutching the ball between his frozen feet, desperately searching for a

Suddenly, Niko approached Rensuke and snatched the ball from him. "Your feet are frozen," Niko remarked, his voice filled with concern.

Rensuke's eyes widened in surprise. "?! Ah!" he exclaimed, realizing that Niko had effortlessly taken the ball from between his feet.

As Miyazaki observed the situation, a flicker of worry crossed her mind.

'He's going to Okawa' she thought, her gaze fixed on Niko, who seemed poised to make a decisive pass.

Without warning, Niko made a surprising choice and passed the ball to a random player on their team. Confusion clouded Miyazaki's mind.

'Huh?! Why did they pass back to a person on their side?! Well, that's true... they can win if it's even 1-0, so there's no need to recklessly attack. They can just keep the ball and run out the clock. Shoot, this is bad!' she realized, her anxiety mounting.

The team shifted positions once again, and this time it was Raichi's turn to showcase his skills. The air was thick with anticipation as the others watched him prepare to take the field.

"All right, everyone! It's Raichi time!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement. "Just get the ball over to me, losers! I'll handle the rest myself!"

⚠️TW: bulling/ teasing⚠️

'Let's carry on with the match-'

"Oops!" An idiot decided to tug on her pigtail as Miyazaki yelped, holding her hair in pain.

She looked back to see the same assholes that were harassing her.

Through her glasses she glared at them.

"YOU GUYS AGAIN! CAN YOU JUST FUCK OFF GODDAMNIT?!" She stomped her way to the guys as one of the members snickered.

"Sure, if you don't mind a quickie then I don't mind!" He made a hand gesture and winked at her as Miyazaki's face turned red from rage as she clenched her fists making her knuckles turn pale white.

She was about to go off on them, but she was restrained by one of her teammates.

"Okay Gorgeous! We do not need another red card here! Let's get back to the game, shall we?!" Yudai grabbed her wrists and began to drag her away from the members.

"Yudai let me go! I'm not done with these assholes!" Miyazaki was trying to escape Yudai's grasp as he struggledly tugged on her hands. He sweat dripped as he looked at her with a guilty look on his face.

"I'm sorry Miya-chan but we already got ourselves a red card and I'm trying to save you and our team from you getting another one," Yudai explained while holding her shoulders.

"Yudai, those assholes kept harassing me and do you think those assholes got one card penalty? No!" She complained

"I know! But we shouldn't resolve our arguments with violence! One card is enough as it is! After the game you can complain about this to Ego-san all you want. For now our main focus is our game in hand." Yudai tries to explain to the girl.

Miyazaki clenched her fist before sighing in defeat.

"Just take a deep breath Gorgeous, If they disturb you again then we'll deal with them." Yudai sighed in relief.

"Yeah.. alright you have a point....Thanks Yudai-kun." She smiled at the make before showing her his grin. "Don't mention it gorgeous! We should really head back to the game." He put his hands in thumbs up.

"Yeah, let's go." She went back to her position but what she didn't know was that Yudai glared at the males that harassed her. He clenched his fists as a vein popped on his head.

'Those assholes will certainly pay'

The snakes strike again on the helpless Roadrunner.


Raichi's shoulders slumped as he joined his teammates once more. He couldn't help but feel disappointed in himself. "I can't believe it. The time went by so fast, and I couldn't even make a single point," he muttered, his voice tinged with frustration.

"Okay, it's my turn now," Miyazaki announced confidently. "Watch closely, guys."

The ten minutes started, and Miyazaki displayed her impressive skills, weaving through defenders and making strategic passes. However, time slipped away faster than they expected, and just as before, the ten minutes came to an end without Miyazaki scoring any points, but at least she made great effort of her skills.

'at least it was an improvement then last time' she whipped the sweat off her forehead as she took off her hair ties from her hair.

"Okay. It's my turn," Asahi said, determination lacing his words. He glanced at his teammates, who offered encouraging nods and words of support. They believed in him, but did he believe in himself?

As Asahi stepped onto the field, time seemed to accelerate, rushing past him in a whirlwind of colors and sounds. The pressure mounted, and he could feel the weight of his team's expectations. Ten minutes, that was all he had to prove himself, to make a difference in the game.

With each stride, Asahi's mind raced, analyzing the field, assessing the positions of the opposing team, and envisioning possible strategies. He knew that his team needed a goal, a point to turn the tide of the match in their favor.

But fate had other plans. As if mocking his ambition, The ten minutes had slipped away, leaving Asahi with a sense of disappointment.

It was halftime now, and both Team Z and Team Y found themselves in the locker rooms, desperately trying to formulate a new strategy to turn the tides of the game. Frustration and disappointment filled the air as the players voiced their concerns.

"Arrgh!! Dammit!!" Raichi bellowed angrily, his voice echoing through the locker room. He was frustrated at not being able to make any shots during the first half.

Asahi, with a tinge of sadness in his voice, added, "I didn't even get a single pass."

"It's okay, Asahi You'll get the goal next time!" Miyazaki interjected, offering a comforting pat on his back. They needed to lift each other up, to keep the team's spirit alive.

But Raichi wasn't willing to let the frustration slide. "Quit screwing around and just steal the ball! The other team had the ball for ten minutes!" His anger fueled his words, causing him to shake with intensity.

Asahi, pointing at himself, responded, "And five of mine. It ended before I could do anything."

"And that's easy for you to say! They just kept passing the whole time! What if I tried too hard to get it back, and they passed to Okawa?!" Yudai countered, expressing his worries about the team's approach.

"Huh?! We'll lose if we don't push back!! You know it's all over if we lose, right?!" Raichi raised his voice, emphasizing the gravity of the situation they found themselves in.

"And if they score another point, then we're totally screwed!! Think about it!!" Yudai's voice matched Raichi's intensity, as he desperately tried to make his point sink in.

Their heated exchange was interrupted by Igarashi, who calmly spoke up while sipping his water. "Quit fighting, guys. Aside from Okawa, Team Y kept passing on their side to guard the ball... They probably figured out that they can just win with one point, right?" He wanted to shed some light on the defensive strategy employed by Team Y.

"Yeah," Gagamaru chimed in, taking a moment to hydrate himself. "We need at least two people to cover Okawa... And we can't win if we don't attack more in the second half of this game."

The tension in the locker room was palpable as the members of team Z gathered, each contemplating their

The tension in the locker room was palpable as the members of team Z gathered, each contemplating their chances of victory. Hyouma, feeling the weight of the impending match, took a seat on a bench, his doubts gnawing at him.

"Is this plan really going to work...? If we're not able to use our weapons... won't we just end up losing..?" Hyouma Voiced his concerns, his voice heavy with uncertainty.

Raichi scoffed at Hyouma's doubts, towering over him and leaning down to his height. "What are you babbling about? You can't even say what your weapon is. Huh?" he challenged, his tone dripping with skepticism.

Growing tired of Raichi's dismissive behavior, Hyouma squared his shoulders and looked up at him. "I'm just talking about how to increase our odds of victory. Rather than wasting our time on weapons we can't even use... I'm wondering if we should just shift our focus to someone like just shift our focus to someone like my teddy bear or Kunigami, whose attacks the opponent has trouble with," he suggested, hoping to garner support from the team.

"You're saying I can't use my weapon?! I can't do my sexy football if you guys won't pass to me!" Raichi yelled, his frustration boiling over, his voice resonating with anger.

Igarashi, always seeking his turn in the spotlight, chimed in, feeling left out of the conversation. "And I still haven't had my turn yet! It's not fair if we change the plan before I have a chance!" he complained, pointing to himself for emphasis. Isagi and Miyazaki exchanged glances, sweat trickling down their foreheads in disbelief at Igarashi's self-centeredness.

Kuon, the voice of reason, had reached his limit. He couldn't stand the bickering any longer.

"Stop fighting already! We're guaranteed to lose if we all fall apart now! It's too risky to change our strategy at this point," he shouted, his voice cutting through the chaotic atmosphere of the locker room.

"Thinking about it realistically, the odds of it going poorly are just too high... Instead, I'm certain that if we keep using our individual weapons like this, it'll make it harder for the other team to keep responding! Our attacks haven't been pointless. We need to keep on attacking without being afraid of Okawa's counter! Continue operation: me, next 9! That's the best chance we've got!" Kuon declared, his words carrying conviction as he rallied the team.

Yudai, known for his unwavering spirit, was quick to catch Kuon's vision. Pumping his fist into the air, he shouted, "All right!" His energy was infectious, spreading among his teammates.

"Yeah!" Igarashi chimed in, his complaints momentarily forgotten as he embraced the team's renewed determination.

Caught in his own whirlwind of thoughts, Yoichi watched the team's dynamic, his worry for the match lingering in his mind. However, he looked over at Miyazaki again to see she was out of reality and was in her own train of thoughts.

"Hey Miyazaki. Are you alright?" Yoichi asked.

Miyazaki snapped out of her thoughts as she looked at the male in question. "Huh? Yeah I am. What's up?" She tilted her head at him. Yudai just sweatdropped.

'Yeah right! You're almost about to rip everyone's throat out if I wasn't there in time!'

"Well, it's that team Y has been harassing you, if you want we can complain to Ego-san so he could -"

"Isagi, it's fine!" Miyazaki stopped him.

She huffed and looked around the room. "I'm being serious. I'm fine there just getting under my skin"

'I'm not fine, I hate it'

"I appreciate your worries but I can take care of myself, their words won't mean nothing when we beat their ass!"

'I hate it, please help me.'

She forced a smile at the guys as she finished tying her hair together. But her heart felt like it weighed tons, she couldn't keep it any longer but she didn't want to cry In Front of them either.

'Please make it stop. Please save me.'

She'll never confirm it. In Front of them, she didn't want them to see her as weak and in distress. She wants to prove to them that she can protect herself.

All the guys in the room had culpable looks on their faces. Does she really think that they're dumb enough to believe her act?

The sound of the bell echoed through the locker room, signaling the start of the second half of the game. The time for doubt and indecision had passed. It was now or never.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Yoichi squeezed Miyazaki's shoulder back and led the team out onto the field.

"Miyazaki, y'know you can't fool us, please. We're here for you." He whispered to her. Miyazaki smiled at him as a small tear ran down her face.

"Thank you Isagi"

The speaker went off once again telling everyone that they now had to resume once again.

One of the players on Team Y had possession of the ball, and Kuon relentlessly tried to dispossess them. Suddenly, the opposing player swiftly kicked the ball towards one of their teammates.

"Send the ball back! Don't push it!" One of the players on the opposing team shouted as he skillfully maneuvered the ball with his shoe.

"Make them run. Make them run," another player from Team Y reiterated as he dashed back towards their own goal.

"Augh! This is no different from the first half!" Raichi yelled in frustration from his defensive position, feeling helpless.

As Yudai sprinted across the field, thoughts raced through his mind. "Damn... It's about time for my strategy. I want to unleash my speed and technique, but they won't let me near the ball! Every time I get close, they quickly pass it away. But if I keep waiting, nothing will change... football is just like love to me! And if I were to compare this situation to a girl... it would be the enigmatic mountain-top flower type!"

"She's accustomed to guys vying for her attention, creating an illusion of being unattainable... Yet, beneath the surface, she lacks romantic experience, and once you break through, she falls head over heels...!! And that's Team Y! If we can just break them once, she'll become vulnerable," Yudai contemplated as he relentlessly pursued the football, determined to wrest it from the opposing team's control.

"I'm going to knock you off your high horse! And make you pay!" Yudai shouted, charging towards the players who held the ball, attempting to dispossess them. But they deftly dodged his tackle, continuing their advance while Yudai found himself sprawled on the field, panting.

"Damn it!" Yudai cursed, sitting on the ground in frustration.

However, his momentary distraction caught the attention of the player with the ball, and Miyazaki seized the opportunity, swiftly dispossessing him.

"Miyazaki..." Yudai murmured in awe, astonished by his teammate's quick thinking.

"Yudai... your attack wasn't in vain. Ten minutes are up. It's my turn now," Miyazaki declared with a smirk, charging towards Yoichi with the ball at her feet.

"Yes! We finally got the ball back!" Igarashi exclaimed with delight, buoyed by the sudden turn of events.

"Go get it Miya-chan!!" Asahi shouted for encouragement. Miyazaki smiled at her teammates words of encouragement as she ran with the ball

'Everyone is counting on me for this moment. I have to make it count. It's all up on my end!'

She saw team Y smirking as they started to run their way to her. She felt like a roadrunner in this situation as she was trying to dodge the snakes.

She grinned as she kept her position in.

'I won't let them get past me! This roadrunner has spirit!'

Beep beep

"Everyone, switch to Miyazaki's formation!" Kuon commanded, rallying the team.

"We have twenty minutes left... we need to score soon! No... Stay calm... Don't panic right now!" Yoichi urged himself, determination shining in his eyes as he watched Miyazaki raced towards Team Y's goal.

"Hey sexy -"

"Fuck off!" She raced at the guys that were approaching her. They were blocking her one way.


"No way to run now who-"

"Maybe you should keep your mouth shut!" Taking the ball she did a curvy around there legs and used her heel to send it to her teammate

"Here you go, Isagi!" Miyazaki called out, deftly kicking the ball towards her teammate.

"Thank Miya!" Yoichi responded, his focus sharpening as he skillfully controlled the ball with the lower part of her leg, ready to make her move.

Miyazaki's heart raced as they executed their meticulously planned play on the football field. Miyazaki, their team's secret weapon, possessed an extraordinary ability that could potentially turn the tide of the game. Together, they sprinted towards the team Y goal, their minds synchronized with a shared determination.

"Miyazaki's plan... starts with me on his side! Just like we practiced, we're trying to get the ball to a spot in front of the goal that seems too far away... for a reckless early cross!" Yoichi sweated, his focus unyielding as he ran alongside Miyazaki catching up with him. With a swift kick, he sent the ball soaring back to his teammate.

"Ah, shoot! It's a little too far...!" Yoichi lamented inwardly, realizing his pass might not have been perfect.


But Miyazaki had a better reaction. As the ball descended, she lunged forward, propelling it with a powerful header towards team Y's goal.


"She made it...!! Miyazaki's weapon is her quick reaction and stamina!" Yoichi marveled silently, witnessing her remarkable athleticism. However, despite their efforts, the ball fell short of entering the goal.

It struck the pool on the goalpost, rebounding off it and rolling out of bounds. Miyazaki and the goalie both collapsed onto the ground, exhausted from their exertions.


She groaned in agony and pain as it knocked the air out of her lungs.

"Ahh, so close!" Igarashi grumbled in frustration, disappointed that Miyazaki's shot hadn't found the mark.

Undeterred, Kuon stepped forward, rallying the team. "We can do this, guys! Corner kick!" he announced, reminding everyone that they had earned a corner kick due to the ball going out of bounds.

"Do you think it'll work?" one player from the opposing team questioned his teammate, skepticism evident in his voice.

"They've got a corner kick, guys!" another player exclaimed, prompting their team to swiftly assume their positions.

'He's amazing...! His weapon is working...! We can do this! We can break them!' Yoichi's thoughts raced with excitement as he positioned himself strategically.

"Damn, just one more time," Miyazaki muttered, determined to seize the opportunity. She held her ribs in pain as her nose started to leak from the metallic taste of the liquid.

Miyazaki walked towards her position as she noticed the smaller team Y member was watching Yoichi.

'His name was Niko right.'

She whipped her glasses as she approached the opposing team member.

"Hey." She tapped his shoulder which caught him off guard and jumped looking back to see who was getting his attention.

His eyes traveled upwards to the tall girl who's glasses reflected off his eyes. He gasped at how her eyes looked at his.

"Saw you looking at Isagi, you wouldn't mind telling me what you're planning?" She got down to his level as Niko started to quiver with his words.

Miyazaki noticed his distress and smiled at him. She held out her hand for him to take.

"Sanzuku Miyazaki, if you didn't know." She winked at him as Niko gulped and shook her hand.

"Niko Ikki," he said in a hush tone. Miyazaki approached his face which blushed at how close she was.

"Wh- what are you doing?!" Stampering with his words as Miyazaki grabbed his face and brushed some of his bangs out his face where his eyes were fully revealed.

"My God, your eyes are beautiful!" She gasped at the pretty teals as a smile rested on her face.

Niko stumbled on his wording with how close her face was his.

She was going to continue her conversation with Niko but Raichi's words snapped her out of their moments

"Quit spacing out, Miyazaki! We've got a corner kick, so get into position!" Raichi barked, his voice tinged with impatience.

"Coming! See ya later Niko!" She let go of his face and looked back at him with a wink. Niko's heart was beating so fast at how Miyazaki looked at him. 'Sh- she called my eyes beautiful!'

Miyazaki quickly moved into position near the goal. The shouts of both teams echoed across the field as they prepared for the critical moment. Miyazaki's eyes involuntarily drifted towards Okawa, wondering if he had any involvement in the mysterious Occurrence.

"Gather around the front of the goal! It doesn't matter what you do, just cram in there and try to stop the ball!" one of the opposing players declared, his voice filled with determination.

The opposing team's players surged forward, attempting to push Miyazaki and her teammates away from Meguru, who was readying himself to take the corner kick.

Yoichi felt the pressure from the opposing player behind him, trying to impede his progress. But this time, his mind was elsewhere. The memory of the black mist lingered, and a realization dawned upon him.

"That's right... we can't get freaked out by Okawa! If we don't press the attack now, when will we? This is our first chance... wait, our first chance...?" Yoichi trails off, his mind racing to connect the dots.

Suddenly, amidst the chaos of the game, a clarity washed over Yoichi. The premonition, the black mist-it was a warning. There was something far more significant at play, something beyond the realm of the football match.

"Ah...! Is that what it is?!" Miyazaki mumbled under her breath, her voice barely audible above the commotion.

The opposing player, sensing Miyazaki's momentary distraction, intensified his efforts to push her back.

But Miyazaki's attention had already shifted. She focused on the larger picture, on deciphering the cryptic message that had been delivered to her.

"Is that what this premonition is about...?" Yoichi pondered, his eyes scanning the field, searching for any signs of the mysterious black mist. He could not let his team down; he needed to win this goal whatever it may be.

⚠️TW: Harassment⚠️

"Oi!" Another team Y member took a hold of Miyazaki's wrist.

"Hey let me go!" Miyazaki struggled under his grasp. But he just had a dirty grin plastered on his face.

He was about to speak to her but a voice beat him to it. "Oi! We have to take a position here!"It was Okawa who was waving his teammate,

Miyazaki shook off the opposing player's grip, surprising him with her resilience. She rejoined her teammates, a renewed fire burning within her.

'Thanks Okawa.' The roadrunner escapes the fangs from a snake

The corner kick was about to happen, and while the game continued to unfold, Miyazaki's mind raced, piecing together the fragments of the enigmatic puzzle.

At that moment, Miyazaki trusted her intuition. As Meguru kicked the ball towards everyone else on Team Z, who were getting pushed back by all the players from Team Y, Miyazaki sprinted towards Okawa.

stunned by this sudden departure from the game. He couldn't comprehend why she had abandoned the ball he had just passed to everyone. As he watched her run towards Okawa, confusion filled his mind.

Yoichi positioned himself to intercept the ball as it descended from the sky.

Miyazaki's thoughts raced as she closed the gap between herself and Okawa. An image of Niko, a person who had been involved in their previous encounters, flashed in her mind. She could feel a connection, a realization dawning upon her.

"Hey Okawa, thank you for saving me there with your teammate. I owe you one" she thanked the male.

"Ah- don't mention it " he looked away with a blush.

They went back to the game.

Amidst the chaos, Raichi's voice broke through, commanding attention. "All right! I've got it!" he bellowed, his eyes fixed on the descending ball.

With determination in his eyes, Raichi released himself from the arms attempting to restrain him and dashed towards the ball, which seemed to be falling in slow motion.

But just as Raichi prepared to strike the ball with his chest, the goalkeeper from team Y sprang into action. In a breathtaking display of agility, he leaped up, deflecting the ball with his wrist. The ball ricocheted off, hurtling towards the opposite side of the field.

The frustration and disappointment were palpable in Raichi's voice as he let out an exasperated cry.

The frustration and disappointment were palpable in Raichi's voice as he let out an exasperated cry. His gaze fixated on the goalkeeper, a newfound adversary. The intensity of the game had heightened, as did the stakes.

"Ahh! Damn it!" Raichi's voice echoed across the field, a mix of anger and determination resonating within his words. He glared at the goalkeeper from team Y, their rivalry fueling the fire within him.

Team Y suddenly yelled out, cheering for their goalkeeper's impressive save.

"Second ball!! Go to the counter!" Another player shouted, urging his teammates to seize the opportunity.

Miyazaki paused and watched, her instincts guiding her to take action.

She was trying to think of a good solution to get the ball to the other side.

'If we block off the field lines where Okawa is heading then it could counter up our goal. But the problem is...' she looked around until her gaze met Niko's figure.


With a burst of speed, she sprinted towards Niko, positioning herself in front of him and deflected the ball with her leg.

"Huh?! Miyazaki?!" Niko exclaimed, shocked by her unexpected presence.

"Team Y's heart is you, isn't it... Niko!" Miyazaki silently pondered, her gaze briefly meeting Niko's widened eyes.

"Nice one, Miya-chan!" Kuon, Miyazaki's supportive teammate, shouted gleefully, delighted that his partner had successfully regained possession.

"He cut off all of our chances... He's been deciding when to switch between offense and defense, giving Okawa the decisive pass he needed. The one controlling Team Y from the shadows... is You!" Miyazaki analyzed the situation in her mind, realizing the true orchestrator behind their opponents' tactical prowess. Her eyes burst with determination as she met her gaze with his.

"If I can stop Niko... Team Y will fall apart! This is my chance!" Miyazaki resolved, sprinting back towards her teammates with the ball, while Niko pursued her relentlessly.

"There's an open path to the left corner! The goalkeeper hasn't returned yet! If I shoot now... I can make it!" Miyazaki strategized, her focus unwavering as she neared the goal, preparing to unleash a powerful kick.

'Don't fail me now legs!'

As Miyazaki unleashed her shot, Niko appeared out of nowhere, surprising everyone by intercepting the ball with his leg. It deflected away from the goal, bouncing towards the surrounding players. The sudden turn of events left everyone momentarily stunned.

'No way! He was right there!'

"Ah!" Miyazaki yelled out as she watched the ball hit the post on the goal and teeter on the edge, ready to fall to the ground.

Just as the ball was about to make contact with the ground, Yoichi sprinted toward it and delivered a swift kick, sending it soaring into the Team Y goal. The crowd erupted into cheers.

"Nice pass, Miyazaki!" Yoichi exclaimed, a triumphant smile on his face.

"Isagi made the goal!," Miyazaki sighed, her eyes lighting up with delight as she admired his skill from afar.

"All right!" Igarashi suddenly yelled out, his voice brimming with excitement. "We finally scored!"

"Yes!" Raichi yelled, as he made his way towards Miyazaki. While she smiled at her teammates.

She held out her fist for Raichi to fist bump, he noticed while grinning and fist bumping with her.

"Huh?! I'm excited about someone else's goal..." Raichi thought, a perplexed expression crossing his face as he retreated his hand back from the girl.

Miyazaki just chuckled. "But you did great as well Raichi, you did amazing." She complimented him.

Raichi turned red from embarrassment "Oi! Don't say such cringy crap like that"

Miyazaki just laughed and wrapped a hand around his arm.

"We finally caught up!! That was an amazing reaction!" Kuon exclaimed, extending a hand to help Yoichi up from the field, as he had fallen after scoring the goal.

"One more point and we'll turn this around," Isagi said, determination glinting in his eyes as he firmly grasped Kuon's hand and rose to his feet.

"Isagi, that was an incredible goal!" Miyazaki praised, removing Raichi's hands from her body and jogging toward Yoichi.

"Aww, thank you, Miyazaki! But I couldn't have done it without you," Yoichi said, his voice filled with gratitude, he held up a hand for Miyazaki, she noticed and gave him a high five.

"Good work Isagi" she winked for his accomplishment as Yoichi blushed, feeling a mix of joy and humility. "I appreciate that, but you're the one who gave me the ball instead" he insisted, attempting to share the credit.

"Oh that's just me making a good assumption. Don't give me all the credit man!"

"Damn," painted one of the players from the opposing team, his eyes wide with awe as he caught his breath.

"There's no way we could've stopped something like that," another player from team Z exclaimed, all eyes directed at the young hero.

Yoichi and Miyazaki looked over as Kuon called Yoichi over. Miyazaki watched him go, admiring his skill and determination from a distance.

⚠️TW: Sexual Assault/Harassment, Name calling, mention of gr*pe, QUICK IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH SUCH THEME AS THIS GO TO THE NEXT NOTE WHERE IT SAYS "END"⚠️

"Damn sexy I didn't know you had it in you." One of the team Y members approached her as another one trapped her from behind.

Uh oh! The Roadrunner has nowhere to run!

"Huh?!" Miyazaki exclaimed, startled by the guy's sudden approach. Her heart started to race as they started to surround her.

The Roadrunner is surrounded by snakes

"H-hey let's not get into any ideas here guys, let's just walk away from this and continue on with our game!" She put her hands in defense.

About six snakes approached the roadrunner.

"I'm warning you!" She shouted as she started to sweat from the close contact from the snakes.

"Aww she thinks we're scared because her little boyfriends will come and rescue her!" One of them cooed teasing her, his fingers lightly lifting Miyazaki's chin to meet his gaze.

"Look at her, she's asking for it!" One of them from her side started to restrain her hands.

"H-hey let me go! You guys would get a red card for this! Don't touch me!" She was freaking out and trying to fight back from the snakes.

'No no no! Help! Someone!'

"This is payback for flipping me over bitch." The same guy that was flipped over stepped in front of her view as he was starting to lift up her jersey.

She gasped and yelled.

"HEEEELLLP-!!! HMP!" Her mouth was closed shut by one of them slapping their hand on her mouth.

"God she's so loud!"

"Dude hurry someone might see!"

"I'm trying damnit!"

Tears began to flow down her face as she tries to fly away from their grasp

The poor roadrunner was now trapped under the snake's grasp. Oh little roadrunner. You should've run faster.

'help me!'

She closed her eyes terrified to see what the guys might do. She could've handled them all but she didn't want to get another penalty or red card and her hands were held. She couldn't hit them even if she wanted to.

She didn't care about anyone who saved her. Please someone help this helpless little roadrunner.

The screen on the board stopped the timer and Ego made an appearance.

He had an annoyed face as his eye went to the small group around the corner.

"Huh, why is Ego-san here?"

"Did something happen?"

People were confused as to why the game stopped and Ego appeared.

Ego's dark eyes showed no emotion but obviously he was beyond pissed as he watched the girl getting harassed by the opposite team.

"Team Y, I would gladly appreciate it if you unhand Sanzuku Miyazaki from your grasp, and While you are currently assaulting another member from a different team. All of you have earned yourselves red cards."

On the screen the six members from team Y Showed their icons.

Man does karma feel better than anything.

"God damnit!"

"Worth nothing of our fun."

They all let go of the girl as she slumped on the ground while watching the six snakes slither away from the roadrunner.

She didn't know how long she was holding it but she could finally breathe as her heart felt like it was going to rip out of her chest.

"Miyazaki! Oh my God are you okay!"

"God, we didn't know where you were. We're so sorry for leaving you alone!"

Team Z came to comfort their teammate as Miyazaki clutched her jersey remembering the horrifying moments that just happened seconds ago.

'Don't cry! Don't cry!'

Her mind was telling her to stop crying but her heart felt like it weighed tons and told her to let it out.Her tears began to stream down as she couldn't hold in her hiccup cries.

"Oh god Miya-chan we're so sorry, we should've kept an eye on you." Meguru kneeled down to her side and put a hand on her shoulder. He brought his other hand to her face as he began to whip her tears.

"Don't cry Miya, c'mon let's help you up." Meguru offered as Miyazaki began to hiccup her words.

"I-im sorry *hiccup* I'm so-sorry*sniffle."

'I'm sorry that you had to see me like this'

The game had to take a minute pause. All the guys were trying to help and comfort her the best way possible.

While Raichi was restrained by Rensuke's hold.


"Raichi! Calm down would you!"


"Don't you dare finish that sentence Raichi! I know I'm pissed too but we can't solve our problems with violence! Calm yourself before you get yourself a red card too!"

While that's happening in team Z, back in team Y. Okawa was going off on them.


As Okawa was lecturing his team Niko was looking at team Z comforting the girl. Never in his life have he felt this guilty.

He wanted to go and comfort her too but he didn't want to make the situation worse as it is because of his team.

The pain in his heart began to hurt as he heard her hiccup cries from afar. It truly was heartbreaking to watch her like this.

'Miyazaki, I'm so sorry.'

It wasn't his fault, yet he feels like he's the one to blame.

ENDED! But that's not the worst part yet! Please be cautious about what you might read next to everyone!


After that whole fiasco that has happened the game continued, it was now Yoichi's turn to take the field. His face is set with determination. He stepped forward, ready to take on the challenge that lay before him

"All right! Let's go all in on this attack!" Yoichi declared, his voice filled with determination as he sprinted towards Team Y, the ball at his feet.His words spurred Miyazaki into action. With a quick glance at Yoichi, she understood his plan.

' Since Isagi is a fast runner, he can navigate the enemy's defense and break through their defensive line! And what we need to do is get a pass to him.' Miyazaki thought, her mind racing as she swiftly kicked the ball towards Yoichi, who was now in a prime position.

However, just as Yoichi was about to receive the pass, a player from Team Y lunged forward, stealing the ball from Team Z's possession. "Like hell I'll let you do that!" the player from Team Y shouted defiantly as he expertly head-butted the ball towards one of his teammates.

Yoichi' s surprise was evident on his face as he anticipated a pass. "Ah!" he exclaimed, caught off guard by the sudden turn of events.

The opposing player on Team Y who had claimed the ball rallied his opponents

The opposing player on Team Y who had claimed the ball rallied his teammates. "Protect the goal! Don't let them score any more points, Team Y! It's all over if we lose!" he shouted, raising his hands high in determination.

His words ignited a fire within Team Y, their resolve strengthening. "Yeah!" one of Yoichi's opponents echoed, standing firmly by his teammate's side.

However, amidst the intense competition, a glimmer of sportsmanship emerged from within the rival team. "Nice one!" a player from Team Y exclaimed as he extended a hand to help the fallen teammate up from the ground, demonstrating respect even in the midst of the heated match

"Thanks!" The player who had kicked the ball out of Team Z's possession exclaimed as he scrambled to his feet.

"Don't waver, Team Z!" Kuon bellowed, his voice filled with determination as he rallied the team, charging ahead towards Team Y.

"We've got this! The enemy is rattled!" Asahi shouted, his voice infused with confidence as he sprinted alongside Kuon towards Team Y.

"Keep pushing!" Raichi urged, his voice cutting through the air as he surged ahead, surpassing Asahi and Kuon.

"Gimme that ball!" Igarashi roared, his voice laced with determination as he lunged towards the ball, aiming to snatch it from Team Y's possession.

"Don't let him take it!" One of the opposing players hollered, a note of urgency in his voice as he attempted to block Igarashi's path, preventing him from seizing control of the ball.

"Damn it! It's yours, Niko!" The player who had possession of the ball grunted in frustration, hastily delivering a swift kick towards Niko, hoping to maintain their team's control over it.

Right when the ball was about to fall in front of Niko, Miyazaki came out of nowhere and skillfully bumped the ball with her lower leg, stealing it away.

"Sorry, I don't want my team to lose !" Miyazaki exclaimed triumphantly, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Niko's eyes widen to see the once crying girl back on her feat and playing, Her eyes were replaced the red puffy ones that are now shown determination

"M-miya!" Niko stuttered her name as Miyazaki looked behind her with a smile "Aww you're calling me by my nickname? That's cute from you! Bye Niko!" This made Niko blush more as she ran with the ball.

Their exchange caught the attention of Isagi, who had been sprinting alongside Igarashi towards Team Y's goal. He slowed down, turning to face them. "Enough bickering, you two! We're here to wrench open their defense! Let's try this again!"

Igarashi, catching his breath, nodded in agreement. "Isagi's right! Miyazaki, I'm open!"

"Don't disappoint me now Igarashi!" She kicked the ball towards Igarashi. "Yeah! Of course! Trust me!"

As the ball flew towards him, Igarashi's doubt turned into determination. He chest-bumped it with precision, sending it soaring towards their opponents.

Miyazaki watched the ball's trajectory, her mind working swiftly. "Rather than break up their balance by putting me in the lead... there's a higher chance that they'd score a point on us since nobody realizes the danger Niko poses!"

"Um, Miyazaki," Niko asked, running alongside Miyazaki towards their goal.

"Huh?!" Miyazaki exclaimed, surprised that Niko was running next to her. The intensity of his gaze unsettled her. "Um, yeah, what's up ?"

"I wanted to apologize for my team's behavior earlier," Niko confessed, his voice filled with a mix of guilt and insecurity. "I'm sorry for what they were going to do to you, I hope you forgive us, and by us I mean the others that didn't harass you."

Caught off guard by his unexpected vulnerability, Miyazaki's heart softened. She took a moment to observe Niko, realizing that his focus wasn't on the ball but on her. She looked at him with sympathy.

"Thank you Niko, you're not as bad as I thought, at least you care, thank you and I forgive the guys that didn't hurt them but I will never forgive the others."

Understanding Niko when back to the game

"I'm not especially fast like you or Isagi, and I don't have a powerful physique like Kunigami. But the weapons that will help me survive here... are my eyes, which let me precisely survey the field... and my brain, which lets me make use of others."

Miyazaki's confusion deepened as Niko's words resonated within her. "What...?" she mumbled, momentarily forgetting about the game as she tried to comprehend the complexity of his thoughts. She couldn't deny the allure of his confidence and determination.

Shaking off her contemplation, Miyazaki realized she needed to refocus. "Whatever," she thought. "I can't chit chat with others. I need to get back into the game and help Igarashi."

Summoning her determination, Miyazaki accelerated, sprinting towards the ball to assist Igarashi, who was now ready to unleash his weapon upon the field.

"All right! My weapon is my unrelenting plays!" Igarashi's voice boomed with conviction. "Strong defense and fast offense! Homage to Amida Buddha!"

"Don't let team Z take the ball!" One of the players on team Y shouted, his voice filled with determination, as he kicked the ball towards his teammate.

"Pass it around!" The player who had the ball responded, his voice filled with urgency, as he swiftly kicked it to another player on team Y.

Confusion and frustration clouded Igarashi's face as he watched the game unfold. "What the hell?! They're just guarding the ball... are they trying for a tie?" he exclaimed, unable to comprehend Team Y's strategy.

Miyazaki, sprinting towards Team Y's goal, kept her focus unwavering. "I'm keeping them from using their Niko-Okawa counter," she told her team, her determination burning within, but suddenly Miyazaki noticed what was their plan all along.

"It isn't that they're not attacking... it's that they don't have a way to attack!" Miyazaki responded to Igarashi's question, passing him swiftly as she tried to intercept the ball from the player who currently possessed it.

Rensuke, running alongside Miyazaki, raised his voice in a commanding tone. "Then we have to attack! Move up, everyone!" he shouted, determination evident in his voice as he closed in on the player with the ball.

"If we score again, we win! Press them back!" Kuon added, his voice filled with conviction as he joined Rensuke in their relentless pursuit of Team Y's goal.

Raichi, running with unwavering determination, chimed in with a sense of urgency. "There's no time! Steal the ball!" he shouted, his voice echoing with a fierce determination.

With the clock ticking, Yoichi and Niko exchanged a brief glance, fully aware of the dwindling time. "There's one minute left... it's almost time for Team Y's final move," Niko said, his eyes locked onto the countdown displayed on the scoreboard.

"We only use this when the score is tied. It's a tactic to turn things around when we're stuck in a defensive battle," Niko explained, his voice laced with a mix of excitement and anticipation as he gazed at Yoichi.

"Huh?" Yoichi's surprise was evident, his voice filled with curiosity and intrigue.

Rensuke's voice boomed, breaking the momentary silence. "Block him with three of us!" he commanded, swiftly positioning himself to obstruct the player on Team Y who held the ball.

"You've got nowhere to pass!" Raichi yelled, his voice carrying a hint of disbelief, convinced that their defensive wall was impenetrable.

Yet, to their astonishment, the player with the ball kicked it to Okawa, defying Raichi's expectations. "Huh?!" Raichi exclaimed in disbelief, his voice reflecting his shock.

"What's he doing up here?!" Yudai questioned, his voice filled with astonishment at the sight of Okawa dangerously close to Team Y's goal.

Niko's voice carried a hint of excitement as he revealed the unfolding plan. "The signal is... when Okawa receives the ball after rejoining the main formation. It's not the solo Okawa attack we've been using for the past eighty-nine minutes," he explained, his words fueling the determination of his teammates.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, everyone on Team Y began sprinting towards Team Z's goal, their footsteps thundering with anticipation and resolve.

"For the final minute... all of Team Y goes on the offensive... in one minute, total counterattack," Niko divulged, his voice laced with determination and a glimmer of hope.

With their hearts pounding and adrenaline coursing through their veins, Team Y surged forward, leaving no one behind to guard their own goal, placing their trust solely in the hands of their goalie.

Miyazaki's heart raced as she witnessed the relentless advance of Team Y towards their goal. Time seemed to slow down, each second ticking away with an agonizing intensity. With only a minute left on the clock, the fate of the match hung in the balance.

'There's one minute left... and their whole team is on attack!! Damn, they set us up!! This is Team Y's final assault !'

Miyazaki sweated at the thought, her mind racing to find a solution.

"We put too many players on the attack! Our formation is too weak now! If they score on us... we'll lose!! I can't-no, I won't let that happen!" Miyazaki determination ignited, and a surge of energy coursed through her veins, stars shown in her eyes,

She didn't have an ego, she had Spirit, and she believed that she could win with her team making it to the final goal.

The ball swiftly moved between the skilled players of Team Y, inching closer to Team Z's vulnerable goal.

"Seriously...?! Stop them!" Raichi's voice boomed, filled with urgency, rallying his teammates to action.

"Get back! Get back!" Igarashi's command echoed, his feet pounding the ground as he raced towards his own goal, followed closely by his teammates.

Desperation crept into Naruhaya's voice as he shouted, his fear palpable. "Damn... we don't have enough players for this! We can't catch up!"

As the players of Team Y breezed past Team Z's defense with astonishing speed, Asahi's plea hung in the air, a desperate call for someone to hold Team Y back.

"Damn... this is bad!! Somebody stop them! Hold them at the last line or something!" Yudai's voice quivered, his eyes darting across the field, searching for a glimmer of hope.

As the opposing player on Team Y had the ball, he skillfully evaded Hyouma's tackle and immediately passed it to Niko, who received the ball with finesse.

Niko, with a burst of energy, swiftly started sprinting towards the goal, his eyes fixed on the target. With no defenders in his path except for the goalie, it seemed like an easy shot.

Gagamaru, the heart and soul of Team Z, watched Niko's advance with a mix of determination and worry.

'It's one on one... if I don't stop him here, we'll lose!' he thought, his mind racing. 'Niko has been controlling his team throughout the game. This is our chance to turn the tide.'

Gagamaru anticipated Niko's next move, his mind analyzing the possibilities. 'Right or left? Or will he attempt to chip it over me?' Gagamaru pondered, his focus unwavering. "No matter what he tries, if I don't block him, it's the end of Team Z's football dreams. I swear, I'll do whatever it takes to stop him!"

Just as Gagagmaru braced himself for Niko's shot, a moment of surprise overcame him as Niko unexpectedly passed the ball to Okawa, who was sprinting towards the goal alongside him.

"Huh?! A pass?! Are you kidding me?!" Gagamaru exclaimed, astonishment painted across his face. The sudden change in strategy caught him off guard.

Okawa found himself at the receiving end of Niko's pass, his mind racing to adapt to the new situation. Gagamaru could see the fear and sadness reflected in the eyes of his teammates, their hopes dwindling.

But in the blink of an eye, as Okawa prepared to strike the ball with his foot, a flash of blue appeared, intercepting the pass and snatching the ball away.

"Huh?!" Okawa exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise.

Confusion and astonishment filled the faces of everyone on the field. The player who had possession of the ball swiftly turned around, shielding it with their legs.

"I knew it..." Yoichi muttered, his gaze fixed on Niko, whose expression was one of pure disbelief.

"You went to Okawa, Niko. He's the most talented player on the team, isn't he?" Yoichi said, his voice laced with a mix of accusation and understanding.

"What-" Niko stammered, fear creeping into his eyes. With less than a minute on the clock and his team no longer in possession of the ball, desperation began to take hold of him.

"Just like me... You have the same eyes and brain!" Yoichi exclaimed, his words fueled by determination. He darted forward, passing Okawa, who was desperately attempting to regain control of the ball.

"This victory belongs to me and my team, Niko. At the final moment, you chose to pass... You've failed as a striker!" Yocihi shouted, his voice echoing across the field as he launched the ball high into the air, targeting one of the players from Team Z.

As the ball soared through the sky, Okawa's voice boomed, "Damn it! They've turned the counterattack around! Get back! Intercept it!"

'I chose to pass instead of shooting... I remember how it felt when my team lost because I passed the ball to someone else. The person I used to be... they're no longer necessary. I want to win this game! The time for my rebirth... is now!'

Yoichi's thoughts raced as he sprinted toward Team Z's goal, determination shining in his eyes.

As the ball descended from the sky, Rensuke expertly bumped it with his chest and effortlessly controlled it with his foot. The crowd erupted with awe at his skillful maneuver.

"Nice pass, Isagi!" Rensuke's voice boomed across the field as he sprinted toward the goal, with the opposing team, Team Y, hot on his heels, desperately attempting to regain possession.

"Just stop him, even if it means committing a foul!" One of the Team Y players bellowed, tugging at Rensuke's jersey in a futile attempt to wrestle the ball away.

Undeterred by the relentless pressure, Rensuke grunted with determination, pushing forward despite the opposing players' advances.

"Damn it..." Rensuke gritted his teeth, his mind racing for a solution. Realizing his options were limited, he quickly made a decision. "You take it from here, Bachira!"

With a swift and powerful kick, Rensuke launched the ball towards Meguru, who eagerly anticipated the pass.

"Got it! I've been waiting!" Meguru's voice echoed with confidence as he deftly received the ball, expertly controlling it with his shoe.

The players from Team Y, now redirecting their attention to Meguru, shouted in frustration. "Stop him!"

Determined to halt Meguru's progress, one of the Team Y players forcefully shoved Rensuke aside and charged toward Bachira, eyes fixed on the ball.

"Shoot! He has the ball!" Another Team Y player exclaimed, sprinting alongside his teammate, desperate to intercept Meguru's advance.

Despite the swarm of opposition players converging upon him, Meguru remained cool and composed. With masterful dribbling skills, he skillfully evaded every player who dared to challenge him.

'I can take this!' Miyazaki started to run up the field line with Meguru on sight.

As Meguru swiftly kicked the ball towards Miyazaki, players raced across the field, their determination palpable in the air.

"The rest is up to you now!!" Meguru shouted, his voice echoing across the stadium as the ball soared through the air.

Miyazaki's eyes fixed on the ball, and felt a surge of excitement.

"Damn... it's kind of low," she watched, her legs pumping as she sprinted towards the incoming ball, convinced it was meant for her.

"It's fast!" one of the players guarding Miyazaki exclaimed, his legs working overtime to catch up and intercept the ball.

"But I'll reach it," Miyazaki resolved, pushing herself even harder, hoping to make contact with the ball using her chin and send it soaring into the goal.

"Uh oh," Miyazaki cursed as the ball sailed just inches beyond her reach,

'UH OH!' Her face paled down on the ground, knocking her glasses out of her frame.



"She missed!" Igarashi shouted, his voice tinged with fear and disappointment as he witnessed Miyazaki's near miss.

"Nah... the one I was aiming for was... past him, Sorry Miya-chan!" Meguru explained, pointing three fingers at Yoichi.

Yoichi stood near the goal, clutching the ball, his presence taking everyone by surprise. Eyes widened in astonishment as they struggled to comprehend how he had managed to appear at Team Y's goal in such a short span of time.

"What... What is he doing there?!" Niko blurted out, his voice filled with genuine surprise.

"Go... GO GET THE GOAL!" Rensuke hollered, his voice filled with unwavering support for Yoichi, whom he admired from afar.

Ego watches the game unfold through the screen of his device, unable to tear his eyes away from the captivating game., smiling with a grin unfold

Yoichi stood on the football field, feeling the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. He could hear the cheers and shouts from his teammates, urging him on. The moment was his, and he was determined to make it count.

As the ball rolled towards him, Yoichi's eyes narrowed in focus. He saw his opportunity, a clear path to the goal. Without hesitation, he swung his foot with all his might, sending the ball soaring through the air. It sailed with incredible speed and precision, leaving a trailing blur in its wake.

The goalkeeper's eyes widened in disbelief as the ball rocketed towards him. He instinctively dove, reaching out with all his might, but it was too late. The ball whizzed past him, sailing right over his outstretched fingertips. The net rippled.

"Huh?! What just happened?!" the goalkeeper exclaimed, a mix of surprise and awe in his voice. He could hardly believe his eyes. Yoichi's shot had been so powerful and precise that he hadn't even had time to react.

The cheers of triumph filled the air as Team Z celebrated their hard-earned victory. Amidst the jubilant chaos, 'We made it'

Yoichi snapped back to reality. "Isagi, you were incredible, dude! You went all out for that last goal!" Yudai chimed in, joining the celebration.

"Isagi, how fast were you running?" Kuon interjected,

Startled by the sudden attention, Yoichi replied, "Huh?! Oh, Kuon, after I passed the ball to Kunigami, something took over me. I just started running, and before I knew it, I found myself in front of team Y's goal with the ball. So, I just kicked it into the goal."

The resounding sound of the bell marked the official end of the game. "Time's up! Blue Lock Wing 5's fourth match is a 2-1 victory... for Team Z!" Ego's voice resonated through the speakers, announcing the triumphant outcome to all present.

Amidst the tangle of bodies, Meguru couldn't contain his excitement. "You were amazing, Isagi! I'm so proud of you for scoring that goal!" he exclaimed,

Miyazaki was up from her ground hugging section as she approached her teammate. "Isagi, you did amazing out there bud!" She ruffled his hair as they chuckled.

Then she looked at Meguru with a frown. Meguru makes eye contact with her as he sticks out his tongue playfully.

"And you.... "

"Heh, No hard feelings Miya-chan!"

Meguru was about to run away from her. But Miyazaki was fast and put him in a headlock.


Meguru just continues to laugh as team Z celebrates their victory.

"Yippee! Our Miyazaki is back!" Asahi attached himself on her back, almost losing her balance.

"Kya! Asahi! Don't startle me like that!" She let go of Meguru and turned around to face the younger boy who was chuckling.

"You did well, Miyazaki." Gagamaru approached her as Miyazaki smiled at him. "Thanks Gagamaru-san! But you did terrific out there as well! Keep up the good work!" She put her thumbs up with a grin plastered on her face.Gagamaru patted her head.

"But seriously guys, you don't have to give me this much credit! Everyone of you guys deserve it more than me! I mean what would I do if any of you guys weren't here!" Miyazaki exclaimed gratefully while her team just patted her on the back. They all were about to head back in but Miyazaki's gaze looked elsewhere and saw Yoichi heading towards team Y.

'What's he up to?'

As the group distanced themselves from Miyazaki, she swiftly turned around and started walking toward Team Y.

"Damn it! We lost!" Miyazaki heard two of the players on team Y say as they didn't notice Miyazaki presents. Miyazaki didn't bat an eye on any of them as she just continued to follow Yoichi.

When she finally caught up she saw that Yoichi was looking down on a tearful Niko.

Miyazaki gasped and grabbed ahold of his shoulder. "Isagi! What are you doing here! Let's hurry and head back!"

Yoichi turned around surprised to see Miyazaki behind him as his hand was being dragged."Huh?! Miyazaki! How did you get here?"

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that we should celebrate our victory! C'mon! We're all waiting for you!" She tugged on his arm as Yoichi obligated to her words

As Yoichi was ahead of her Miyazaki slowly turned around and went back to team Y. Specifically to Niko.

Niko was crying due to their defeat and Yoichi looked down on him for his failure.

He felt utterly useless as he let his tears run down his face. But he heard another set of feet approach him. Knowing what's gonna happen he just accepted his fate.

"Hey, Niko. You did amazing out there bud." A soft voice called out to him. Niko gasped and looked up to see the goddess smiling at him with her hand reached out.

"Keep your head up Niko, I know you'll make it to the top " she said in a soft tone that made him quiver.

"M-miya..." Niko reached out to her hand as Miyazaki pulled him up to his feet. Miyazaki leaned down to his level and whipped the tears off his face. "No need to cry dear. I'm sure you can win another match" She brought him to a hug as Niko's face was smashed by her chest as he tried to not become a blushing mess in front of the girl.

Niko you lucky man.

His hands fidgeted as he slowly wrapped his arms around her waist. Niko couldn't express how he wished this moment to last forever. A girl like her, comforting him felt like he was the main character in his anime moments.

But sadly every good moment must come to an end, Miyazaki departed from the hug as she looked down on him. "See, not so sad anymore now?" She smiled, Niko could only stutter his words as his eye met hers. "Well it was nice meeting you Niko, but I have to go before my team fumes that I wasn't here. See ya Niko, see you next time!"

She ran back as she waved to him, as Niko waved to her. The entire time Niko had a bashful face he couldn't stop blushing how her chest felt against his face.


The little roadrunner made a friend today.


Behind the scenes Ego watched the game between Y and Z. He couldn't help but be disappointed at Team Y's behavior towards one person in the opposite team.

When he noticed the insulting words from them he just brushed it off, didn't pay too much attention towards it knowing this is expected towards players, including guys. But when he noticed things started to get more physical towards them he had to watch and what else they might do.

Groping, touching, pulling, insulting, cat calling, ext. It didn't end for the girl, he made note to personally talk to Team Y for their atrocious act that has happened today.

But when things started to escalate to more serious behavior his eye twitched to see the girl getting ping and rolled his eyes when he noticed no one on her team saw how helpless the girl was he couldn't just watch and find out, as much as he didn't want to disturb the game he couldn't just sit and watch while watching one of the players getting sexually harassed, Mostly getting ganged up on one person.

He had to stop everyone's playtime by stopping the timer and interrupting everyone's moment. Everyone was confused why the game paused.

'These pigs'

Pissed off he had to expose the six trouble makers that were going to get their way with someone.

After confronting them he went back and gave everyone an extra minute to clean up the mess. He will have a serious talk with them. But for now the game must continue.


"In celebration of Team Z's victory... in our second match," Kuon announced proudly, a wide grin on his face.

The team had gathered around a table filled with delicious steak, accompanied by cups of either protein shakes or water.

"Cheers!" Kuon shouted, raising his cup. The rest of the team followed suit, clinking their cups together before taking hearty sips.

Without wasting a moment, Igarashi and Asahi immediately dove into the succulent meat, leaving the others momentarily stunned.

"I've missed you so bad, meat!" Igarashi exclaimed between mouthfuls, his eyes welling up with tears of joy.

"The taste of victory! This is so yummy and satisfying!" Asahi chimed in, tears streaming down his face as he relished the meal.

"Hey guys leave the rest for everyone else!" Miyazaki chided her enthusiastic teammates, a playful hint of annoyance in her voice.

"You ate too much, Naruhaya," Rensuke remarked casually, sipping on his protein shake.

"Come on, spit it out! It's for Miyazaki and Isagi's!" Gagamaru exclaimed, climbing onto Asahi's back and attempting to make him regurgitate the meat.

"Ahh! I already ate it, Gagamaru!" Asahi protested, his words muffled as Gagamaru persisted in his efforts.

"Haha!" Igarashi burst into laughter, thoroughly entertained by the ongoing struggle between Asahi and Gagamaru. Miyazaki was going around and offering others from her side of the plate udon noodles.

Meanwhile, Kuon approached the table, holding a tray filled with everyone's side dishes. "We're having a potluck with everyone's contributions today! Besides the meat, there's all kinds of dishes you don't normally get to eat, so let's not fight over it."

"You kinda look like a lunch lady, Kuon," Yudai playfully remarked, earning a round of laughter from the team. Raichi, in particular, found the comment amusing and decided to join in the fun,

Yoichi looked around the room and noticed that the table was filled with various side dishes. Rensuke Was busy rummaging through them, exclaiming, "Whoa, there's gyoza too!" with a dreamy look on his face, mumbled, "Grilled mackerel..." as he drooled at the sight of the fish.

Miyazaki, eating a spoonful of Natto, chimed in, "Even Natto hits the spot sometimes. Yummy!" She took another spoonful and ate the natto. Just then, Igarashi called out, "Hey, guys! I've got pickled radish to share! Do you want some?"

"Uhhh... no thanks," everyone replied in unison, quickly averting their gaze from Igarashi. Igarashi's face fell, and he remained silent, feeling a bit dejected.

"I still can't believe how fast you ran back there, Isagi. I thought it was all over when the ball went past Miyazaki's head," Rensuke said, taking a seat next to Miyazaki and happily devouring his dinner. Miyazaki just sweat dropped as she rubbed her bandage nose.

"Don't remind me..."

"I felt the same way. Did you know the ball was coming to you?" Gagamaru asked, his voice strained as he struggled to release his grip on Asahi's neck. "Gagamaru let go of Asahi, you're killing the poor boy."

Miyazaki ushered the tall white haired boy to let go of the young teen. Gagamaru obliged to the girl's words and let him go. Asahi gasped for air as soon as Gagamaru let go of him.

"Ah! Miya-chan! Save me!" Asahi ran towards the female and took shelter from the girl as Miyazaki just facepalmed.

"Asahi, stop being a big baby, and can you stop clinging to me like that!" She pulled on Asahi's round cheeks which he whined.But he just clinged to her shoulders.

But soon her heart started to feel like it weighed like tons when she remembered the match today, she couldn't feel like eating after what happened to her. She let go of Asahi's cheeks and looked at Gagamaru

"But, today we all did great despite... The whole fiasco happening" She spoke while looking at Gagamaru's gaze.

Gagamaru nodded, impressed. "Well if it weren't for your play Miyazaki then we wouldn't have made some of the goals earlier."

"I saw it too, Miya-chan!" Meguru exclaimed, jumping onto Miyazaki's shoulders with a piece of steak on his fork. The energetic teammate had been a constant source of support and cheer throughout the match.

Miyazaki coughed in her Natto as she had a pissed expression on her face while facing Meguru.


She put him in another headlock as Meguru was laughing along with his teammates. "Sorry Miya-chan!" He was pleading for air as Miyazaki let him go with a huff.

"Ne~ Gome Miya-chan! Here you can eat this!" Meguru's face lit up with gratitude as he eagerly attempted to feed her his steak. Miyazaki declined his offer, Meguru insisted, swiftly stuffing the steak into her mouth to her demise.

"Mmnf?!" Miyazaki exclaimed, her words muffled by the unexpected food in her mouth. She began chewing and managed to utter her words while glared at the male.

"You're welcome, Miya-chan!" Meguru beamed with a wink.

As Meguru sat next to Miyazaki. Rensuke, their team captain, chimed in, "Anyway, this means that both Miyazaki and Isagi were able to score."

"I'm sure only Miyazaki and Isagi truly understand what that feels like, but our team won thanks to both of their goals. There's no denying that," Rensuke continued, taking a bite of his rice.

Raichi, the team's stoic member, crossed his arms over his chest and scoffed. "Hmph... I don't buy it."

Kuon, the ever-optimistic teammate, spoke up. "But anyway... we managed to win... Team Z will continue to fight on!"

"Yeah!!" The entire team erupted in a chorus of enthusiastic agreement, their voices ringing through the cafeteria. The bond they had formed on and off the field was unbreakable, and their victory only strengthened their resolve to face future challenges together.

As Miyazaki collected her own plate of food, she couldn't help but notice that Hyouma had been unusually quiet throughout the entire dinner, barely touching his own meal. Concerned, she decided to prepare a plate of food for him as well and approached him cautiously.

"Hey, Chigiri-kun," Miyazaki said softly, holding out the plate of food. "I noticed you haven't eaten anything. I brought you something to eat."

Hyouma noticed Miyazaki's presence and a plate in her hands. "No thanks Miyazaki. I'm not hungry." He lied. Miyazaki sighed and sat next to him. "Now don't be so difficult Chigiri-kun. It's better to eat than sleep on an empty stomach, trust me, My mom always made sure we eat before doing anything else, Food is mandatory for everyone."

Hyouma just sighed. "I appreciate your concern, Miyazaki, but I'm fine." He looked away from the girl Miyazaki raised a brown before noticing the difficulty of his actions. "Fine if you're not going to eat, then I'll spoon feed you, since you're going to act like a child."

She remarked as she took a spoonful of rice and tapped his cheek with the spoon. "C'mon Chigiri, stop being difficult and eat,"


"Why not?"

"Cause I'm not hungry"

"Well would you eat it for me?" She asked him, Hyouma turned his attention to her. His gaze on her with a smile. Glaring at her, he responded. "No-hmp!"

Miyazaki took the chance and forced the spoon in his mouth, catching him off guard. "See! You did it! Good boy!" She praised him like he was a child, Hyouma blushed and glared at the girl with a smirk plastered on her face.

Satisfied by this, Miyazaki continued to spoon feed Hyouma to his demise. "Stop treating me like a child, Miyazaki!"

"Then stop acting like one and eat your damn food!"

Feeling a mixture of despite and confusion, Hyouma obliged to her request and ate his food if it meant Miyazaki would leave him alone. With a satiated grin she smiled at him. "There, now that wasn't so hard, was it?" Hyouma just grumbled as he ate another spoonful. She patted his head before getting up and was going to get a drink for him but was stopped by three members from her team.

Meguru, Yudai and Asahi were giggling before having shit eating grins on their faces, catching Miyazaki off guard. She raised a brown and asked the three males. "What are you guys giggling about?"

Yudai spoke. "Hey Gorgeous are you perhaps ticklish?" The three took a step forward, making Miyazaki take a step back.

'Oh no! I know where this is going!' Sorry roadrunner, you're on your own for this one.

"Uh! No I don't! What a silly question Yudai!" She lied as she was slowly stepping back from the three. "Really, so you wouldn't mind if we do this?!" Asahi took the leap and started to tickle Miyazaki's pits.

"Wait NO ASAHI! AHAHA! WAIT! HAHA! I'M WEAK FROM THERE DON'T DO THAT AHHAHAHA!" Miyazaki was weak as the guys started to tickle her to death.


She hiccuped in embarrassment as she covered her mouth. The three started to tease her more. "Haha! We made Miya-chan hiccup!"

"Haha! Your hiccups are cute! Gorgeous!"

They showed no mercy for the girl as she began to hiccup more from the laughing. "S-stop! *Hiccup* I- I mean it! Guys! *hiccup*!"

"Alright guys, that's enough teasing her for today." Rensuke came in and broke the guys from tormenting the poor girl.

When Miyazaki finally got her composition, she got up and put on her glasses back.

"Aww, it was fun making her laugh!"

"Yeah we were trying to cheer her up!"

"You guys....." Miyazaki glared at the three males before sweat dropped from the girl's gaze.

"Ehe... no hard feeling Gorgeous?" Yudai pleaded as Meguru and Asahi agreed.

"ARE GOING TO PAY!" She bonked all three of the guys' heads as they all pleaded for mercy. The rest of Team Z laughed at the scene of the girl chasing the three guys from their previous stunt.

Look at you little roadrunner, aren't you so happy....... Sorry little Roadrunner for what's about to happen to you.


Miyazaki was the last to wash up as she used her new products that Anri gave to her this morning and made them into good use. She had her bangs pulled back with a shower headband as she wrapped her towel around her neck as she drank her water from her bottle. It was late at night, and the entire team Z was fast asleep, exhausted from their day of intense football match.

'Ahh nice and refreshing!' She finished her water as she made it to her dorm with the rest of team Z snoring soundly.

Just as she was on the verge of drifting into sleep, a familiar voice pierced the silence of the room.

"Uwah... pickled radish... gimme a break," mumbled Igarashi, talking in his sleep.

She sighed as she looked around the room and saw that two of the members were not asleep.

'Weird, I wonder where Chigiri and Kuon are. They're not here.' She brushed her hair before getting up, scanning the dimly lit room to see if anyone else was awake, but everyone else seemed to be in deep slumber.

"Hm?" She heard noise coming from the other side. determined to seek solace in the monitoring room where game recordings were kept.

"I wonder if those two are in there." Her footsteps were purposeful as she treaded towards the monitoring room.

When Miyazaki walked into the monitoring room, her eyes widened in surprise as she saw the screen already playing the game, and to her astonishment, someone was already there, watching intently. It was Hyouma.

"Oh there you are Chigiri-kun!" She opened the door silently and she whispered coming in to gain the red heads attention

Hyouma turned around, hearing his name spoken "Oh hey, Miya. Why are you up this late?" he asked, genuinely intrigued by her appearance.

Miyazaki blinked, momentarily taken aback by the nickname. "Oh, I was about to sleep after I finished showering but....What about you? What are you doing?" she inquired, making her way closer to him.

"I couldn't sleep either," Hyouma spoke turning his attention back to the game.

Miyazaki just nodded. her heart fluttered with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She settled down beside him, stealing glances at him from the corner of her eye.

"I was watching the match today," Hyouma confessed, revealing the reason for his presence at such an hour.

"Oh...", her heart skipping a beat as his words sank in. Hyouma had been watching the previous play, and might have said that he hated it.

Watching Miyazaki's point of view and how she was harassed and assaulted by the opposite team made his blood boil.

"Sorry what they did to you," Hyouma whispered, his gaze fixed on Miyazaki's face. As the screen in front of them showcased the scene of her getting surrounded by team Y, he couldn't help but feel guilty.

Miyazaki just looked down on her lap, cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and sorrow.

"It's not your fault Chigiri. It's not anyone's fault for that matter except theirs, this was to be expected for being the only girl here in this stupid establishment." she confessed, her voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "So never feel sorry about it."

"I see," Hyouma said, his gaze fixed on Miyazaki. The intensity of the moment hung in the air, as the two of them stood there, grappling with their newfound understanding.

"But I doubt I could do it again if I tried. All I did was Rubio there. I still don't really understand my own power in this game but somehow I even ran that fast to get to the goal," Miyazaki confessed, opening up to Hyouma about her uncertainties.

"I believe you have a really strong spatial awareness, Miyazaki," Hyouma said, his eyes focused on the screen in front of him.

"Hm? What's that?" Miyazaki asked, her confusion evident.

"While I was playing back at defense... I can tell by watching how my teammates move. Most players make judgments and plays based on their own field of vision. But when they're running at top speed or handling the ball, that field becomes even narrower," Hyouma explained, turning his attention back to Miyazaki.

"But in your case, you have moments where... you're able to view the entire field at once. It's almost as if you're... looking down on the field like a god. I think that ability lets you see the goal and defend when we're in trouble. And score goals that nobody else could have imagined. It's the same with Isagi as well," Hyouma elaborated, his fingers intertwining with Miyazaki.

'I just have a pretty good sight when I'm on the field, I don't have this weird spiritual awareness. What's he saying?'

Miyazaki's eyes fixed on Hyouma as he gently played with her hands. The revelation sank in, filling her with a sense of awe and empowerment. She began to understand the unique advantage she possessed on the football field, a gift that set her apart from others.

"But you're still just doing it instinctively. If you can learn to use it more consciously... your eyes and brain... will become unrivaled weapons. That's what I thought after watching this," Hyouma said, gently stopping his playful interaction with Miyazaki's hands and holding them in, his gaze locked with theirs.

"Y'know Chigiri, you're more amazing than you think. You always look so serious, but you're a great guy!" Miyazaki exclaimed happily, their eyes sparkling with gratitude.

"Not really. I just said that to help you become a better football player," Hyouma replied, unable to conceal the slight blush creeping up his cheeks at Miyazaki's complement. He glanced up at the screen for a moment before refocusing his attention on her.

"By the way, what's your weapon, Chigiri?" Miyazaki asked curiously, eager to know what his unique strength was.

"I don't know... it's kinda awkward to talk about it," Hyouma hesitated, apprehensive about revealing his vulnerability to Miyazaki.

"If you don't want to say it, then that's fine by me. I won't force you into anything. Everyone has secrets to keep."Miyazaki spoke softly as she brought his hand for her to observe.

'His hands are rough and long. But then again it has a smooth surface similar to Yudai's, but has a firm grip like Meguru's. Common for guys but still unique in my opinion.'

As Miyazaki was distracted by Hyouma's hands. Hyouma thought about her words, thinking that maybe he should reveal his secret to her, he trusts her enough. WIth a heavy sigh he spoke

"One year ago... I tore my ACL in my right knee," Hyouma finally admitted, releasing Miyazaki's hold and gingerly touching his right knee, his face tinged with a mix of pain and longing.

"The doctor said... that if I get hurt in the same spot, my athletic career is pretty much over. So even though it's healed now... I can't play like I used to. I used to have one too, Miya... an amazing weapon like yours," Hyouma confessed, his gaze shifting between Miyazaki and the memory of his past self.

"There were nights when I was so high off my goals I couldn't even sleep... and times when I dreamed of being the world's best striker. But now, I'm scared of getting injured again. I'm scared of losing my dreams and the moments that felt so good," Hyouma admitted, his voice laden with vulnerability and uncertainty. Feeling overwhelmed, he rose from the floor and started walking towards the door, hoping to escape the weight of his fears.

"I came to Blue Lock to find... a reason to give up my dream. And, after seeing the goal... I feel like I'll be able to give up," Hyouma said as he opened the door, his voice tinged with resignation. He was about to leave.when he heard a resolute voice.

"Chigiri, I hate lairs" Miyazaki words hung in the air, cutting through the silence like a knife. She rose from her sitting position and stood up, her gaze filled with unwavering determination.

"I can see that in your eyes that you don't want to give up! I'm the same as you! I'm scared... I'm fighting because I don't want my cousin's talent gone to waste!Nobody can achieve their dream... if they aren't prepared to fail!" Miyazaki exclaimed, pouring her heart and soul into her plea, desperately trying to make Hyouma reconsider abandoning his own aspirations.

Hyouma froze in his tracks, his hand still on the doorknob. Miyazaki's words reverberated in his mind, shaking loose the tangled web of fear and doubt that had encased his heart. Slowly, he turned around, his eyes meeting Miyazaki's unwavering gaze.

"You're better than this Chigiri! Tell me. Do you really believe that you're just going to throw away everything you have built up from this moment? If my knee was broken that doesn't mean I should give up on my basketball career! No! Even if it kills me! I won't take no as an answer! I will do everything in my power to achieve my goal! Except you, I know what's best. So please... Hyouma..... Do what's right for yourself, and for the team. I know you can...."

Her voice came to a low tone as her eyes met his pretty pink ones. She closed in the gap between them and wrapped her arms around him. Enclosing each other in a comfortable hug. Hyouma was in awe, he had believed his dream was doomed due to his injury but hearing Miyazaki's Reasoning it make him question his thoughts.

Miyazaki departed the hug and looked at him.

"I feel a little thirsty, want me to get you anything?" She tilted her head at him as if she just not lecture him. Hyouma just looked off to the side and nodded a little.

"Alright I'll be back with some water." She opened the door and before closing it behind her she looked back at him and winked.

"I know you'll do the right thing Chigiri, I have faith in you. Even if your injury is slowing you down. I'll be the one to help you. Now toodles!" She closed the door quickly before saying another word.

Miyazaki smiled and walked down the path of the cafeteria where she can get herself some water.

While walking down the hall she spotted a familiar face coming down the hall. With her eyes squinted she noticed it was Niko. "Hey Niko!" She waved to get his attention.

Niko was minding his business as he was walking down the hall, he just finished in the bathroom and was walking back to his dorm before hearing his name through the halls.

Looking up he noticed Miyazaki approaching him. Niko's face began to turn red at the sight of her. She had a smile on her face and that her bangs were pulled off by a shower headband, she also didn't have her glasses on so her eyes were more noticeable to him than any.

"M-Miyazaki-chan! W-what are you doing here?" Niko stutters while she approaches. 'Oh crap! I might smell bad in front of her! Shit! I should've taken a bath today then in the morning!' His mind was racing as Miyazaki was face to face with him as she smiled.

"Hey Niko! How've you been?"

"B-been better!"

"That's nice to hear!, hey why don't you accompany me to the cafeteria for me will ya? I'm just going to get some water for me and my teammates." She asked the male. Niko couldn't agree more and nodded. Tagging along to accompany her while they walked.

"It's nice to see you again Niko, and I forgot to mention that you did amazing out there on the field! I'm sure you'll move up to the next round with flying colors!" Miyazaki encouraged the short male as he blushed and scratched his cheeks.

"You did amazing too Miyazaki-chan, Also you can call me Ikki, since I get to call you by your first name" He replied. Miyazaki nodded and agreed to his words.

"By the way Miyazaki-chan, is your face alright? You took a heavy blow to the face back there."

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine thanks for asking, it's just sore from all the ball to the face recently but I'm sure it'll heal itself. Oh look we made it!" They were both about to enter the cafeteria before hearing a conversation from inside.

"Hmm, is someone in there?"

"Seems like it-"

"Shh! Listen!" She hushed the boy before they slowly peaked their heads out the door to see Kuon talking to two members in Team W.

"What is Kuon doing with the opposite team?"

"Those two are the Wanami Brothers from team W, they beat us last time due to their dynamic."

"Right, but why is Kuon talking to them? In the middle of the night at that."

"Shh! Listen!" Ikki shushed her as the two eavesdropped on their conversation.

"Right and this is everyone's weapon, they have all the info you need to defeat them on the field!" Kuon responded to the brothers who had nasty grins on their faces.

The two gasped and looked at each other. "What the hell is Kuon doing?!" She silently whispered.

"I didn't know your teammate was betraying you guys!"

"I didn't know either!"

"Shh! Listen!"

They continued to listen. "If I score 3 points then I will purposely let you guys score for your team! Then I could move up to the next selection with your team first! It's as easy as that. They're so gullible to believe in this teamwork crap. For me I believe I could win this as for your team side by side!" Kuon said.

Miyazaki's heart aches by this as she didn't know Kuon was a betraying son of a bitch.

'Kuon.... Why.... I trusted you....' She could help but feel upset and pissed at the same time. To think Kuon was a sweet guy that believed in his team with a high spirit. But apparently he was like any other guy that had a stupid useless ego to call him mighty.

"Hah! Your team doesn't know what's coming! Say's my big bro!" The younger twin spoke on his brother's behalf. While the older twin grinned.

"And to think you have the girl in Your team makes it impossible for you guys to win! Spoke my brother!"

The younger twin started to piss off Miyazaki. 'Eat your words asshole.' She gritted her teeth.

Kuon apparently didn't like how they were mocking Miyazaki, if he was honest he didn't want anyone speaking ill about her. "Uh.... Yeah..." he couldn't do anything but agree even if he didn't want to.

"Miyazaki, we have to talk to Ego about this!" Ikki suggested but Miyazaki had a light bulb idea.

"Wait no.... I have an idea!" She looked at him. "Since he is exposing everything about us, he doesn't know that we're listening to them. Since your team went up against team W last time, it makes my job a little easier. It gives us enough time to think about a plan in hand. He's the gullible one here, when the secret is out and people begin to notice, he's going to expose everything, which is a big mistake on his part. This right here Ikki is called a Butterfly effect." Miyazaki explained that Ikki's eyes widened from her speech. He smiled and nodded.

"Right! But how are we going to come up with a plan?" Ikki said, but Miyazaki just smirked. "You're going to help me of course! Like I said, you're going to tell me everything about Team W, since your team went up against them, and from what we heard Kuon exposed everything about us, including our positions. By the last minute I'm going to switch my position with someone else on the field to catch them off guard. Let's hurry and find somewhere private and think of a plan quickly!" Miyazaki pulled Ikki's arm and quietly walked away.

Ikki smiled and held onto her hand as they walked down the hall as he began to speak about team W. "Those brothers have a dynamic where they see the ball and call out one of the members' names to block or take the ball, while some teammates block the other players from getting the ball. It was hell on my end, I couldn't grasp how many guys were blocking me and our defense." Ikki said that Miyazaki made a mental note about that. She took off her shower headband letting her bangs fall down on her face.

⚠️TW: Sexual Assault/Harassment, Name calling, mention of gr*pe, QUICK IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH SUCH THEME AS THIS GO TO THE NEXT NOTE WHERE IT SAYS "END"⚠️

As the two of them were planning, they heard footsteps approaching. "Oh would you look at that! Niko found himself with the whore!"

The snakes came back.

The two gasped and saw the same six snakes approach. They all had smirks on their faces as they stepped forward to them. Miyazaki took a step back as Ikki stepped in front to protect her from his bastard of teammates.

"Aww what's this? Niko I didn't know you were playing as the hero now? Are you trying to protect her so you could get pussy later for your virgin sorry ass?" One of them teased him, but Ikki didn't like it and took a step back while trying to defend Miyazaki. "Guys, didn't you hear Ego's warning?! You'll get disqualified if you keep harassing her like this, go back!"

"Oh? What's this? Is the pipsqueak telling us to fuck off? See here Niko, we're not on the field anymore and no one here other than us, now either you can join us or watch us, your choice." One of them said as two members moved past him, Ikki gasped and looked back. "MIYA RUN!" He shouted at her, Miyazaki didn't need to ask twice cause that roadrunner was running.

"Catch her!" They all ran to the girl.

Run little roadrunner, the snakes are coming to eat you.

Ikki was going to get help but he was slammed down on the ground by two of his teammates. "Nu uh uh! We can't have a snitch on our team!"

"Too bad I guess we'll have to shut him up somehow."

The little roadrunner was running from the snakes but what she forgot is that snakes have fangs. They strikes and bite the roadrunners feathers. "GOTCHA" One of the guys took a hold of her hair. Pulling her towards him.

Uh oh, the Roadrunner has been caught in a snake's den..

"Gya! Stop! Let me go!" She screamed in agony as she was trying to pull her hair back from their grasp but it was too late. The snakes surrounded her one by one, They each took a hold of her limbs so she wouldn't fight back, one of them gagged her with a cloth so she wouldn't scream.

She was thrashing around to get away from them but all of them laughed at her miserable attempt to escape. "Look at her, little bitch is trying to get away!"

"How pathetic!"

"LET HER GO!" Ikki yelled at his teammates. He was pinned to the ground as he watched Miyazaki fighting to get away. "Aww, and what are you going to do? Just watch us while we have our fun with her!" Ikki gasped at the statement as one of them approached Miyazaki.

Miyazaki couldn't do anything but struggle to get away but when she saw the same boys restraining her she felt helpless, tears began to slip down her cheeks as she cried. 'LET ME GO! HELP SOMEONE!' One of them started to take a hold of her pants and slid them down exposing her undergarments. She yelled behind the cloth while shaking her head.

"Dude hurry this time!"

"Dude look, she's wearing black underneath! She's definitely asking for it!"

Ikki watched helplessly, He didn't want to become a witness to this and he didn't want this to happen either. He just shook his head as he screamed to stop, but his words were in deaf ears.

His teary eyes looked at Miyazaki's scared ones, seeing that she was looking at him to help her. 'Ikki! Please help!'


Even though he met her today, Ikki felt a strong connection towards her. He has to admit he fell in love at first sight. She was the very first person to be concerned and call his eyes beautiful, to him, he saw her as a goddess, Someone to be with, someone to connect, to get to know.

Ikki loved Miyazaki....


Her voice rang out in his mind, 'NO!' He needed to stand up. He needed to protect her. He gritted his teeth and head butted his teammate that was restraining him. "Ah! Fuck my nose!"

His hands were now free and sucker punched the next one that held his shoulders on the face. "Damn!" knocking him out. He quickly got up and ran towards the one that was about to assault Miyazaki.

He pulled him by the hair which he groaned in agony. "Shit! Get him!" The guys that were restraining Miyazaki let her go and went to gang up on Ikki. Miyazaki gasped as she quickly took off the cloth that was gagging and got up to help her friend.

"LET HIM GO!" Miyazaki came in and punched the males that were beating Ikki. This roadrunner had claws. She scratched and tore the skins of the snakes to defend her friend from danger.

The snakes hissed from the roadrunners claws as they tried to strike back on her but.... A lion approached.

Miyazaki was about to get hit but a fist punched the male on the face. A larger and buff body came into view. 'Barou!' Miyazaki smiled to see her Lion come to the rescue.

"Screw off! And I better not see your sorry asses anymore!" He roared to the snakes, all the reptiles were terrified by the Lion's roar and slithered away.

Ikki came and rushed towards Miyazaki and hugged her. Miyazaki hugged him back as they held each other in their embrace. "Miya! Are you okay!?" Ikki looked at her worriedly. Miyazaki had tears dripping down her eyes but smiled at him.

"I'm fine thank you Ikki! Are you okay?!" She put her hands on his cheeks to see the bruise on his face, but Ikki just smiled at her, putting his hand on hers. "I'm fine, promise. But this isn't about me, it's you I'm worried about!"

"Oh Ikki." They both returned the hug as Miyazaki looked up to his shoulder to see Barou with a pissed expression and glared at her.

"What the hell happened?!" A vein popped on his forehead as he continued to glare at the two. The two departed from the hug and looked at the larger male. They both gulped at his intense stare as they got up.

"Are you two are just going to stand there like sitting ducks or are you going to spit out what happened

Miyazaki gulped and shyly looked at Barou... "Eh..... you need to sit on this one."

After she explained what happened Barou was going to get a headache from the amount of veins popped on his head. "And that's about it...." She finished while holding Ikki's hand.

"You're.... So.......fucking retarted......." Barou insulted her as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Thanks." She said unbothered.

⚠️ENDED! ⚠


After that happened Barou and Ikki both had to bodyguard her to get water back from the cafeteria and walk her back to her dorm. When they made it back she thanked them both with a bow and headed in.

But when they left she quietly went to the motoring room to see Hyouma about to leave, and a new body in the room. "Hmm.. Isagi, what are you doing out of bed?" She made eye contact with the teen as he scratched the back of his head. Surprised, Miyazaki was up again from her slumber.

Miyazaki looked back at Hyouma and held up a water bottle in front of him. "Here. Sorry If I took so long, I had to go to the bathroom." She lied, Hyouma didn't feel so thirsty anymore and pushed Miyazaki away to get to bed.

Miyazaki had a confused face as she turned to Yoichi. "What was all that?" She pointed, Yoichi just sweat dropped. "Maybe we should head to bed, it's already late as it is."

"Um... okay..." Both Yoichi and Miyazaki headed to their dorms and quickly went to bed for this stressful day.

'Wow, a lot has happened today.' Miyazaki blinked continuously.....

What the fuck just happened.




𝕀𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝕠𝕟𝕔𝕖, 𝕚𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕟! ℕ𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕥! - 𝕄𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕝 𝕁𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕒𝕟


⋆。°✩☾⋆。°✩𝘼𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚!⋆。°✩☾⋆。°✩

Blue Lock products were on the floor.

"Check this out! And this one! And this! It's all stuff custom-made for Blue Lock!"

Yoichi said as he picked up his toothbrush.

"Let's put our names on our toothbrushes. So we can tell them apart."

"Kay!" Meguru Saluted

"Understood" Gagamaru agreed

Miyazaki thought about how she put her name in the toothbrush as she looked at her teammates. "Hmm..."

'Maybe a Tweety bird sticker?'

"Look! This is mine!" Meguru had a dolphin sticker on his. "It's a dolphin!

'Sylvetser the cat maybe?'

"Mines says 'MINE' On it! Use it and I'll kill you!" Racih held up his that said 'MINE'

'No maybe porky pig?'

"Gagamaru's handwriting is terrible!" Yoichi laughed at Gagamaru's handwriting.

'Wait I know!'

She held out hers with the words 'Beep Beep' and a cartoonish roadrunner on it.

"This is mine! The roadrunner is one of my favorite characters!"

"Miyazaki, are you a child to like that cartoonish stuff?" Said Riachi blinking at her.

Miyazaki sullen "I thought it was cute...."


⋆。°✩☾⋆。°✩𝘼𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚! Part 2⋆。°✩☾⋆。°✩


Team bread is Hyoma, Yoichi, Yudai, Igarashi, and Raichi

"Ya gotta have bread in the morning!" Shouted Yudai

"Nah Man! Rice for the win!" Meguru declined.

Team Rice is Asahi, Resume, Gagamaru, and Meguru

"For the japanese, home is where the rice is!" Asahi shouted

"No Way man! With bread, you get more varieties!" Yudai corrected

"You have rice for lunch and dinner! So it's obviously bread for breakfast, Idiots!" Raichi yelled

"Rice is best for breakfast. Eat bread and you're hungry again soon after!" Meguru fought back

"Rice and Miso soup! Now's the time to reclaim traditional japanese Breakfast!" Asahi joined in.

Kuon came from his shower

"Ah That was a nice bath"

The guys went up to Kuon

"Yo Kuon! You ate breakfast, right?"


"If you're Japanese, it's gotta be rice?!"

"W-well?! What do you say! Tell us now!""Please vote for us!"

"U-uh! I- uh! Like cornflakes with milk the best!" Kuon confessed.

They all ganged on him

"You Traitor!"

"We had a secret cornflaker in our midst!"

"Convert to the rice religion!"

"Hex Kuon with the curse of years!"

"Eh hehehe aaaahhh!" Kuon screamed in agony.

Meanwhile Miyazaki was minding her own business reading a book.


She scoffed shaking her head at the guys.

Author Note:

If you or a loved one has experienced these kinds of situations then I'm terribly sorry that has happened to you, No one should ever be in that kind of position, I say try to seek out a safe place to be in or someone that you could trust to be with at all times, I have warned many times that this chapter wasn't going to be a friendly one at that.. And I wanted to build in the story where a scenario falls into place of the ONLY GIRL in an all-BOYS FOOTBALL CAMP, Miyazaki knew that being the only girl there, she wasn't safe not one bit so her sleep schedule would've been messed up due to her constant worry about what guy might come near her if she's asleep. Like I said, I'm sorry that if I brought up some trauma to this chapter, that wasn't my intention to begin with nor harming anyone. I hope you enjoyed this chapter (If not then I understand completely) And hope to hear your Guyses thought and options, Thank you and goodbye!


Here is Miyazaki's Player Icon
Created by my lovely friend MariTheBeee

Also check out her story in her account! I'm sure everyone would love to read her story!

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