Destiny's Tethers

By pencilorstylus

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Born an omega into the strongest pack in the forest, Olwen Adams was fated to the Alpha's son and to become t... More

Chapter 1 - Liar
Chapter 2 - Ultimatum
Chapter 3 - Lavender
Chapter 4 - Exile
Chapter 5 - Forest
Chapter 6 - Initiation
Chapter 7 - Cracks
Chapter 8 - Dominoes
Chapter 9 - Integration
Chapter 10 - Attraction
Chapter 11 - Steadying
Chapter 12 - Growing
Chapter 13 - Reunion
Chapter 14 - Friendship
Chapter 15 - Courtship
Character Moodboards (To be updated)
Chapter 16 - Relationship
Chapter 17 - Relationship: Redux
Chapter 18 - Separation
Chapter 19 - Tethered
Chapter 20 - Hearsay
Chapter 22 - Official
Chapter 23 - Lunafication
Chapter 24 - Function Prelude
Chapter 25 - Function
Chapter 26 - Function Continued
Chapter 27 - Function Interlude
Chapter 28 - Function Disrupted
Chapter 29 - Departure
Chapter 30 - Exodus
Chapter 31 - Union
Chapter 32 - Severed
Chapter 33 - Preparation
Intermission and upcoming plans
Chapter 34 - Penitence
Chapter 35 - Penance
Chapter 36 - Swarmed

Chapter 21 - Leadership

1.4K 38 5
By pencilorstylus

A/N: Is it an achievement that I woke up this morning and realised this story is number 1 in the omega category?

Also small warning for attempted assault...

Reading to the children in the library soon became a regular occurrence for Olwen.

She didn't consider herself the most expressive narrator ever, but the kids appeared to like her, as did the children's parents. She'd assumed the first instance was a one time thing, only for Beta Elijah to tell her that he'd heard the kids asking for her again. After the third session, Olwen ended up rolling with it and registering herself as an actual storyteller for the local school.

Beta Elijah and Stela were devoting what spare time they had to investigating any possible causes that had led to the new matebond between Alpha Landon and Olwen. The newly mated couple appeared to operate like a well-oiled machine, to the point where it could be said they were sharing the Beta title.

Stela meant nothing by it though. Olwen knew her well, and the other likely felt bad just seeing her mate undertake all the work himself considering the training she had gone through back in the Silver Arrow Pack.

With her agreement, Landon had only notified the higher ups - which included Delta Cassidy, Gamma Josh and Cael, since he was Stela's brother and would eventually come to know anyways - of the new connection between him and Olwen. And research aside, Stela seemed incredibly ecstatic that her friend appeared to have received another chance at a fated mate, and even more happy that it was Alpha Landon.

"Look, I don't know what the heck is going on, but if you and Alpha Landon are really fated, then you have another chance!" She urged.

"I do but...I think we need some time to get used to this." Olwen said. "In the eyes of the rest of the pack, we're still chosen and not fated mates, and we can't let them know what happened without getting to the bottom of things. I can't have members thinking I joined the Moon River Pack just to become Alpha Landon's mate."

Stela sighed and shook her head.

"If people think that way then that's their problem. I'm sure anyone with eyes can tell how dedicated you are to the Moon River Pack."

"That's not do I know this fated matebond thing isn't a trick or a curse?" Olwen suggested, not wanting to think about that possibility.

A strange emotion flickered through Stela's brown eyes before she placed her hands on Olwen's shoulders.

"Mark my words, Olwen...your new matebond is not a curse. Maybe it'll take a while to figure it out, but you belong with Alpha Landon."


"I'm sorry for making fun of you, the grey wolf said to the brown wolf." Olwen narrated, as the young children around her listened with enraptured looks on their faces. "Can we be friends?"

"Of course, said the brown wolf with a smile." She continued. "We'll be best friends forever! And they were. The end."

The kids applauded with soft cheers as she finished the story. Smiling warmly, Olwen lightly bowed in her seat.

One child got up and headed over to her with a rose.

"Thanks for reading these stories to us, Miss Luna."

"It's no pro-" Olwen paused as her eyes widened.

"Uh...what did you just say again, honey?"

"Miss Luna." Another child sitting at the carpet spoke up with innocent eyes. "You're the Alpha's mate, and the Alpha's mate is always called Luna."

Olwen's mind blanked out for a few short minutes, secretly impressed that a young child had managed to make her speechless.

"Uh..." She calmed herself with an embarrassed smile before responding. "Alpha and Luna are titles, not names. The Alpha's name is Landon, so he would be Alpha Landon. The Luna is supposed to lead the pack alongside the Alpha, but only after a ceremony. Alpha Landon and I haven't gone through the ceremony yet, so just call me Olwen."

"But you're like a Luna." One of the other kids piped up. "You're nice to everyone, help people, and you read to us."

"Well...that's only part of what a Luna does." Olwen said. "Lunas help to protect the pack as much as an Alpha does. They need to know how to solve problems within the pack, and provide for the pack when trouble comes."

"But you know how to fight and settle any problem as well, I can vouch for that." A familiar voice rang out.

Olwen jumped in her seat as she looked up and saw Delta Cassidy leaning against the wall of the classroom and smirking at her.

"Delta Cassidy." Olwen stood up and bowed, as the rest of the children looked her way too and waved with happy smiles.

"Hello, Aunty Cass!" They chorused.

Aunty Cass...? Olwen thought to herself in surprise, seeing the Delta grin fondly at the children before turning her attention back to her.

"I just came to check on you, Olwen. It seems like you're managing things quite well. I'm impressed, the kids here can be very...energetic."

The kids giggle at this.

"Oh...well...thanks, Delta Cassidy."

"So Miss Olwen can fight?" One of the kids asked in curiosity.

Cassidy caught Olwen's eye and beamed from ear to ear with a mischievous grin.

"Oh, yes she can. She learnt how to fight before coming here, and she's gotten better."

She crouched down as if telling a secret to the children, who leaned in eagerly.

"I once saw her manage to win against Alpha Landon."

Gasps of surprise and admiration scattered through the children.

"Miss Olwen won against the Alpha?"

"She must be strong!"

"Mhm." Cassidy shot a rather embarrassed Olwen a wink. "She is quite something, it is why your Alpha likes her so much."

"Olwen, you say you're not Luna but you sound so much like you're one." Another child said with awe.

Olwen found herself flushing as Cassidy grinned and got back up.

"Well, I'd better get going. I promised Cael I'd get in some sparring with him. See you soon, Luna-"

She waved innocently at Olwen before leaving the flustered woman behind to field more and more questions from the children.


It had been quite the surprise for Alpha Landon to announce to the Moon River Pack that they would now host the annual function. While he wisely didn't give a lot of information as to why the Silver Arrow Pack wasn't hosting this year aside from their statement on the bulletin indicating they were unable to, most pack members only saw it as the confirmation they needed that the Wild's leading pack was running into some problems.

The Moon River Pack was busy preparing their territory for the visit of leaders from all the other packs in the Wilds, and there was a certain excitement and trepidation in the air.

After coming back from that fateful trip and discovering their new bond, Olwen hadn't really had the opportunity with spend time with Alpha Landon, who was caught up with a slew of new tasks thanks to the hosting. A part of her wanted to help him - she knew she had the training for it - but she wasn't sure it was her place.

After it was made obvious that Olwen was dating Alpha Landon, she knew whispers had spread amongst the pack. Gamma Josh had told her that a lot of wolves believed that Alpha Landon was going to make her his Luna soon, which Olwen was quick to laugh off.

"But he hasn't." Olwen refuted gently. "And I'm not going to ask for the position myself."

"This isn't just about that." Gamma Josh had said with a shrug. "If the function will be held here in the Moon River Pack, a Luna will strengthen our image - and ward off anymore older Alphas trying to marry off their daughters. That's why many think Landon should make you Luna."

If Olwen had felt watched before, now she felt as if there were thousands of eyes on her everywhere she went. There were many who of course were still friendly to her and in general just relieved that Alpha Landon had finally found himself a mate, but there were the unsavory few who began to forage their way out of the woodwork once the announcement of the function had been made. She'd already heard a few remarks thrown her way about her only coming to the Moon River Pack to become Alpha Landon's mate, which she chose to ignore. Her contributions to the pack were a testament to themselves, after all.


Olwen had been leaving a bar after a long day. She wasn't much of an alcohol drinker and didn't have plans to become one, and so had stayed around for about half an hour to soak up the atmosphere, drank one glass of gin and tonic, and then left.

As she was outside adjusting her clothes, a voice reached her ears.

"Olwen...what a surprise to see you here."

She turned, recognising one of the pack warriors she'd sometimes seen exercising at the training centre when she was there.

"Oh...good evening...?"

"Ryan." The man introduced himself, approaching her with what was probably supposed to be a confident saunter.

The way his eyes were looking her up and down as if she was a piece of meat made Olwen's hairs stand on end and Opal growl. Her brain immediately started to whirl with excuses she could use to get out of this situation.

"I don't see you around here often...the Alpha not treating you well?" The warrior asked, smirking.

Olwen pressed her lips together and gave a curt reply. She'd come across certain characters like this before in the Silver Arrow Pack who wanted to take advantage of her because she was an omega, but back then she'd had her parents and then Aaron and Beta Kayden.

"Not really, actually. Alpha Landon and I are just fine, he's just been busier lately since the Moon River Pack is preparing to host the function."

"Ah, of course. Then...I suppose the good old Alpha wouldn't mind if I spend some time with you instead?"

Ryan took a step closer and Olwen took a step back, her heart pounding.

"I believe he would mind. And I do too. Please excuse me, I have things to do."

She turned to leave, only to feel a hand close over her wrist and pull her back to face him.

"Aww, don't be shy, Olwen." The man leered at her, his proximity making Opal snarl even more inside her. "I've seen you at the training centre. It's not fair that Alpha Landon gets you all to himself, is it?"

Is he stupid? Opal bristled. He paid attention to our looks and not the fact that we were learning how to fight?

Olwen politely attempted to tug her wrist free, but his grip tightened.

"Ryan...if you don't keep your hand off me, you'll regret it." She warned, briefly conversing with Opal.

Get ready.

Ryan, being as stubborn or ignorant as Olwen had expected, laughed and placed his hand on the wall behind her in an attempt to trap her against him.

"Will I? Anyone would want to get a taste of the pack's future Luna...and I want to be the first, sweet stuff."

He leaned in, and that was when Olwen chose to strike. She swiftly brought her knee up and struck him right at the vital spot - every man's weakness. Ryan howled in pain and dropped her wrist almost immediately, and Olwen took this chance to shove him onto the ground.

"Son of a-" He hissed, looking as if he was trying to fight off the pain and make a grab for her again. Before he could do so, Olwen raised her foot and stomped down hard on his dominant wrist, and the man emitted another shout of pain.

"I warned you not to touch me." Olwen spoke, glaring down at him as her eyes briefly flashed to Opal's blue. "If you truly had any respect for your future Luna, you would know better than to do what just did."

Removing her foot as if she'd just stepped in garbage, Olwen turned and strode off quickly, heading Ryan's groans of pain fade off into the distance behind her. With her heart still pounding from adrenaline, anger and slight fear and what could have happened, she mind-linked the Delta.

Delta Cassidy, one of your warriors just found me outside the pack bar and tried to assault me. I think his name was Ryan.

Ryan? Cassidy's voice came back in disbelief before she scowled. That asshole. Are you okay?

Yes. Regrettably I think I broke his wrist.

You don't have to apologise. I'm sorry this happened Olwen, I'll deal with him.

It's alright, Delta Cassidy. And thank you.


"You wanted to see me, Alpha?"

Olwen stepped into his office and bowed. She saw Landon crack a smile - perhaps amused by her need to still address him so respectfully when they had now dated for a month and a half and were also somehow fated mates.

But then the smile vanished.

"Yes. Delta Cassidy informed me of what happened with Ryan yesterday night, and Cael caught it on security camera footage as well."

Olwen's eyebrows flew up - she hadn't expected the incident to reach Alpha Landon, but she supposed one way or another he would have found out.

"I see."

"Ryan was in the pack clinic last night receiving treatment for a broken wrist, some minor bruises and some..." He paused with a snort. "Trauma to a certain part of the body."

Landon did not need to explain further for Olwen to know which part it was.

"Attempting to assault another she-wolf is uncalled for." The Alpha said, unable to hide the anger rising in his voice. "I should have him banished from this pack."

The aura radiating off Landon right now was far from pleasant and made Olwen almost shrink back, but she knew there was no reason for her to fear him.

"As much as I appreciate the thought, Alpha, I've already told Delta Cassidy to punish him as she sees fit." Olwen assured him. "Kicking him out of the pack at a time like this could be redundant."

"Yes, I know that." Landon responded, his expression still stormy. "The Delta told me she has informed Ryan of his suspension from warrior duties for two months, after which he will have to re-do all his assessments once more."

He paused before talking on.

"She also had all warriors of his same rank 'spar' with him this morning before his suspension was announced, and she'd told them beforehand what he did. Which is why he's in the clinic again as we speak."

Olwen's mouth fell open. If he'd had to go for treatment after what she did to him, she couldn't fathom what his fellow warriors had done.

Landon cleared his throat and stood up from his desk.

"I am going to pay Mr Oakley a visit. I would like you to come with me, if you're okay with it."

Olwen hesitated for a moment before nodding.

Landon said nothing else before they both left his office and headed to the pack clinic, drawing the stares and chatter of some of the other pack members.

Is it true that one of the warriors tried to come onto Miss Olwen last night?

Seems so, I was at the gym and saw the guy getting beat up by the other warriors.

Serves him right for trying to get his hands on our Luna.

Alpha Landon might kill him for all we know.

Olwen swallowed as Landon brought them both into the clinic.

Doctor Enzo looked up as they came in and bowed.

"Alpha, Miss Olwen. Come this way, Mr Oakley is in Room 23."

He led them to the room in question and opened the door, shooting the man inside with a stern expression.

Ryan was in far worse shape that Olwen had left him. His broken wrist appeared to have healed somewhat before having promptly been shattered again, and one of his legs was in a cast. A bandage was wrapped around his midsection, hiding the injuries that had probably been inflicted on him there, and one of his eyes was bruised.

Even with all this, Ryan's unbruised eye widened and his face paled as he recognised who had come to visit.


"Mr Ryan Oakley," Landon said, and the warrior flinched at the venom in his tone. "You tried to force yourself on a woman who told you no. You should know better than this by now."

"I-I'm sorry, Alpha-"

"This is an official warning from me." Landon cut him off, his eyes dark and threatening. "If you try anything with my mate, or any other she-wolf again, the punishment you will receive will not be this merciful."

His eyes changed to Lark's yellow, and he growled at the nervous man.

"U-Understood, Alpha-"

"And I'm not the one you need to apologise to." Landon hissed, regaining control of his body. "Miss Olwen is the reason why you are still a part of this pack."

Ryan swallowed thickly, his eyes flickering to her with fear and shame.

"I'm sorry, Miss Olwen. What I did was not right, and it won't happen again."

Looking at the state of him, Olwen almost felt sorry for him but saved herself from feeling too much pity - he had landed himself in it after all.

"Make sure it doesn't happen again." She said firmly. "Otherwise the next time, I won't speak up for you."

Without waiting for a reply, she and Landon turned and left.

"I'll tell Delta Cassidy to keep an eye on him once he's healed, if he ever comes close to you, I'll deal with him myself." Landon muttered, placing an arm around Olwen's hip and making her body jolt.

Landon had made it clear time and again that he knew she could protect herself - she'd seen that proud gleam in his eyes when he recounted Ryan's original injuries - but it seemed like he still couldn't help wanting to protect her too. He was not only her alpha, but her mate.

My mate. Landon's voice from earlier echoed in her thoughts and made her heart flutter again. That was the first time Landon had called her his mate in front of another pack member, at least while she was there.

Chosen or felt nice knowing it was from someone who truly cared about her this time round.

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