REALISATION ~ abhirohi story

By gleamy2027

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a short story creeping in my mind from days.... More

REALISATION ~ OS-1(part-1)
REALISATION ~ OS-1(part-2)


777 67 50
By gleamy2027

Enjoy reading


(Here you can can think the writer is showing partiality between akshara and aarohi. In the temple, everyone has given their part of share to aarohi, so here I'm not including aarohi. How aarohi had, akshara should also have the same part of share right so no partiality😉😅)


Meanwhile in the Goenka villa,

Angrily kairav throws a vase.,

Swarna: *shouts* Now you're happy manish ji

Hearing the thud sound akshara came out of her room,

Akshara: *tensed* what happened bade ma?

Swarna: *irritated* Ask me what not happened? And what else should happened?

Swarna: Akshu, we thought you've grown up and mature enough to handle the things but today you've proved us that we are wrong. Everyone of us know how stubborn, immature aarohi is but you have proven you're more immature than aarohi.

Swarna: *shouts* If you loved abhimanyu you could have told us that day itself but you didn't. What is this silence for? What did you gain by your silence? Nothing, instead you've destroyed three lives, two families and you made a person break all the ties with the family.

Swarna: I'm joining my hands and requesting you please don't play this victim card again again. It won't help you everytime. We are a family, we care about you and also about aaru but we cared more about you. And you have taken advantage of our care.

A weeping akshara nods her head negatively.,

Swarna: Here the mistake is not yours, it's our mistake completely. If we had treated you both equally, my family might have not faced this situation today.

Swarna went to her room. Manish was ready to leave but akshu stopped him,

Akshara: *with tears in her eyes* Bade papa, please let me explain...

Manish: *sternly*  there is nothing left for you say and for me to listen,. manish went to this room.

Suhasini: *taunting* Didn't you thought how your family will face the society after you elope with your sister's groom and you're the understandable, mature.

Akhilesh: You will always be speaking about aaru and you'll always take her side and support her. Didn't you think about your aaru?

Hopelessly akshara looked at kairav, who nodded his head in no,.

Kairav: I've warned you but you were adamant to agree your love infront of everyone. What did you do today? If you would have agreed then itself, now aarohi wouldn't have got hurt to this extent. She might have hated you for few days and she would have forgiven you but now you don't have that chance. What did you told me that you're sacrificing your love for aarohi's happiness. If you truly wanted aarohi's happiness then you would have never eloped or agreed your love for abhimanyu.

Kairav: Whatever happened, it has happened. So leave about it and think about your future with abhimanyu.

He wiped her tears and smiled. Kairav turned back to leave

Akshara: *crying* bhaiyya...

Kairav: One thing akshu, both of you have made mistakes and they are forgiveable but because of you, our family is broken and everyone is hurt. For this, I'm not gonna forgive you," kairav went to his room leaving akshara more disheartened and broken.


In the hospital,

Aarohi was speaking to the doctor about her discharge, "Tomorrow morning you can go mrs.Birla" doctor said.

Aarohi: *glaring* Ms. Aarohi not mrs. birla. I'm not married to that abhimanyu
Did you get it?

Doctor: Yes, I've got it mrs.birla

He smiled but aarohi glared.

Aarohi: *gritting her teeth* once again, if you call me mrs.birla, I'm sure I'll turn you into black and blue.

Doctor: ok mrs.birla

Aarohi stomped her foot. She thought it's waste of time by arguing with him.

"I should get out of here this night itself" aarohi thought to herself.

As she planned earlier, slowly aarohi sneaked out of the hospital and paced for a certain distance and entered into a building. While she was walking, she felt somebody was following her and her instinct was correct.

Aarohi: so you have followed me till here.

Male voice: Smart enough. I thought you could never find me.

Aarohi: Just get lost from here abhimanyu birla.

Abhimanyu: Not so soon, until I see your happiness. I'm not gonna leave you.

Aarohi: *rolling her eyes* If you'll  leave me alone. I'll be happy.

Abhimanyu: I don't think so.

Aarohi: seriously, abhimanyu please.

Abhimanyu: I am also seriously asking you for a chance aarohi.

Aarohi: I've already told you and I'm not in the mood to argue.

Abhimanyu: Okay, fine. Don't give me chance. Atleast help your senior.

Aarohi looked at him with confused yet stern expression.

Abhimanyu: *dramatically* My father has thrown me out of the house. And I think I'm no more a doctor in birla hospital. So help your ex-senior who is homeless, jobless.

Aarohi: *mumbled* Senseless also.

Abhimanyu: Did you say something?

Aarohi nodded her head negatively.,

Abhimanyu: *dramatically* Aarohi, you're not so selfish unlike me, right. So please

Aarohi: Ok,fine. You can stay here until you find a job.

Abhimanyu: You are an angel.

Aarohi: These words doesn't suit you abhimanyu. Anyways come in

She opened the door of that flat, it was a little cosy flat, well furnished. All the furniture was covered and it was little dirty as it's been years since nobody entered into the flat.

Abhimanyu: I think we should do some cleaning process.

Aarohi: Yeah but it's already late now. We'll just clean bedroom currently so we can rest. Remaining we can complete in the morning.

Both of them cleaned the bedroom and freshened up and were ready to sleep.

Abhimanyu took a pillow and made couple of steps towards the couch.

Aarohi: Do you think you're shorter than giraffe?

Abhimanyu: What? yes, I think so.

Aarohi: *retorts* But, I don't think so. You better place yourself on the bed and I'll manage on the couch.

Abhimanyu: Aarohi, but....

Aarohi: *interrupts* This is my flat and I'll decide what to do. So stop arguing and do as I say.

She pulled the pillow from his hands and lies on the couch. Abhimanyu too lied down on the bed, "Attitude queen" he murmured. "Do you think you are less than an attitude king?" his brain taunted. "You are my brain don't take aarohi's side".


In goenka villa, a distressed akshara was lying on the bed lifelessly. A conflict was taking place between her heart and mind,

Her alter ego: Your badi ma questioned you about remaining silent. You didn't answer her, atleast tell me.

Akshara: For aaru,

Alter ego: In that case, why did you run away and agreed your love

Akshara: Because abhimanyu threatened me and I thought he'd harm himself. So I went to him and unknowingly I agreed my love.

Ego: You never wanted aarohi's happiness, right!

Akshara: No, I always wished for her happiness but I didn't wanted a relationship to be built on lies.

Ego: So, you eloped with abhimanyu.

Akshara: No, I didn't.

Ego: What your badi ma said was true? Agree

Akshara: No, I won't.

Ego: You are reason behind everybody's sorrow. Agree

Akshara: No, even aarohi did mistakes. Why don't anyone question her?

Ego: You've broken aarohi's heart. Agree

Akshara: Yes, I did but.,

Ego: No, if's and but's. You have  agreed that's it.

Akshara: *shouts* No, No, No, leave me alone.

She called abhimanyu with a thought atleast he would take her side and listen to her. But her attempts were in avail as abhimanyu's mobile was in DND mode,

"Where are you abhi? why are you not answering my calls? please call me back once you check the messages" she texted.


In the morning.,

Abhimanyu and aarohi were sleeping peacefully. Abhimanyu's hand was on aarohi's waist while aarohi's hand was on abhimanyu's cheek. Abhimanyu opened his eyes and got struck looking at sleeping beauty, aarohi. After sometime aarohi opened her eyes, soon got lost in abhimanyu's intense gase. The alarm ringed making them come back to the reality. Aarohi took back her hand while abhimanyu his.

Abhimanyu: Somebody said, they'll manage on the couch itself.

Aarohi: Firstly, I have no interest in sleeping beside you. I was unable to sleep and I  heard come scary noises. So I  slept besides you.


As the time flew, the terms between abhimanyu and aarohi changed and they started to fall for each other.

After 2 weeks, abhimanyu texted akshara.

"Let's meet, at the sunset point today 5 PM."

At the Sunset point, akshara came and hugged abhimanyu.

Akshara: abhi,where were you? why aren't you answering my calls? You don't know how much I missed you. I went to your house expecting to see you but what I got in return was tantrums. From past 2 weeks, everyone is treating me as a accused. What I have to do if aarohi breaks all the ties? Yes, even I feel bad for my sister but nobody pays any heed to my sorrow. Is only aarohi suffering? Am I not suffering! even aarohi did what about her.

Abhimanyu broke the hug,

Abhimanyu: Akshara, will you let me speak?

Akshara: You have hurted me. I thought atleast you would listen to me but you are not. What happened abhimanyu...

Abhimanyu: abhimanyu, Dr. Abhimanyu birla.

Akshara: Abhi,

Abhimanyu: *interrupts* To be frank, I forgot u

Akshara: Abhi, are you alright?

Abhimanyu: Yeah, just the reality struck me. I thought I was in love with you. Yes,I was in love, with your voice but not with you. I've seen my mother in you, that same innocence, music, prioritising family and all. So I got attracted to you easily and even added a tag to my attraction. I was the one, who hated the concept of marriage and love. I don't know how easily I fell in love with you.

Abhimanyu: When I was with aarohi. I didn't even remember your existence. The second, I've seen your photo in aarohi's phone, I've realised I was your freaking lover. Then the the reality struck me, "Did I truly love you?" this question haunted me. Then I realised, I fell in love with akshara's voice. Falling in love with the voice doesn't mean fallen for the owner of the voice.

Akshara: You were with aarohi.

Abhimanyu: Yes, we are staying together.

Akshara: Even after the drama.

Abhimanyu: I don't care about anybody. All that matters to me is aarohi, what she you thinks about me. The each and every second with her was beautiful. She introduced me a new abhimanyu birla. When other men speak to her, I wish I could kill them. Her each and every word matters to me. I don't know why but I feel aarohi is my everything.

Akshara: *interrupts* Now, you please don't tell you're in love with aarohi.

"Love," abhimanyu got clarity that he was in love,

Abhimanyu: *bright smile* Yes akshara, I'm in love that too with aarohi. Thank you so much for giving me a clarity.

Akshara: What about me abhimanyu! I love you to the moon and back. Please don't leave me.

Abhimanyu: Akshara, I don't think you too love me. Because in just a couple of meetings, I thought you're the correct life partner for me but in reality you aren't . Akshara you too got the same feeling right. Maybe because of my care and concern towards you. I'm sorry.

After few seconds of silence, abhimanyu left.

Abhimanyu took out his mobile from his pocket and started to text aarohi.

"Candle light dinner?"

"What's so special?" She replied back.

"Nothing just casually" he texted.

"Ok :)" she replied.

"Candle light dinner that too casually. I'll make it special. Abhimanyu must be coming fasten aarohi" aarohi said to herself.


To be continued...

With one more part this ss will be completed.

On saturday I will update TRUE LOVE. The reader present me wishes to read the complete villainy side of aarohi goenka. So I've started to write "Aarohi, The villan". If anybody of you are willing to read the same content then please comment down. Atleast 15 comments...

If you are willing please tell me whether I have to write it in a separate book or shall I continue in this book itself.

Hope everyone of you have enjoyed reading.

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