A Dangerous Game Of Submissio...

Autorstwa Yoonkeeri

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"I won't fucking submit to you," Yoongi spat. "And I certainly don't need to justify myself to someone like y... Więcej

Title and Cover :


318 40 126
Autorstwa Yoonkeeri

"It doesn't matter who I am," Seokjin said, his voice carrying a dangerous edge. "What matters is that you keep your filthy hands off him." His eyes blazed as he stood protectively in front of Yoongi.

The man scoffed, taking a step back. "And who are you to tell me what to do?"

Seokjin's gaze remained steely. "I am his dom," he declared, his voice firm and unwavering.

The man's laughter echoed through the room, his gaze filled with mockery. "Oh, then how about you give me your sub?" he taunted, a smug grin across his face. "I'll pay you handsomely for him."

Seokjin's deep chuckle was palpable, full of menace. "You think you can just buy someone like him?" he said. "He's not some commodity for you to purchase. He's my sub, and he belongs with me, not with a scum like you. And you will show him the respect he deserves."

Their verbal exchange escalated into a heated confrontation, each word laden with hostility. "Oh, come on. He's nothing but a sex toy-"

Seokjin's patience snapped at the remark. With a swift motion, he delivered a resounding slap across the man's face, sending him stumbling backward to the floor, his expression filled with shock and fury.

His anger boiled over, his fists clenched as he ran towards Seokjin, intent on starting a physical fight. Yoongi's eyes widened in alarm as he rushed towards them, attempting to intervene before things escalated further. "Look ou-"

But before he could do anything, Seokjin swiftly retrieved a gun from his pocket, aiming it directly at the man. The man froze in his tracks, his eyes widening in shock at the sight of the weapon.

Seokjin's voice was firm, his finger steady on the trigger. "I suggest you leave. Now."

The man's bravado faltered, replaced by a palpable sense of fear as he took a step back.

Yoongi stood frozen in disbelief, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched Seokjin assert his dominance with a steely resolve.

The man's gaze bore into Yoongi once more, his expression filled with rage as he issued his final threat. "I'll be back for you, Min Yoongi. You will fucking pay-"

"Oh, I wouldn't advise it."

The man trembled at Jin, and then he hastily made his exit from the mansion.

Once he had departed, the detective's demeanor shifted, his features filled with barely contained fury as he rubbed his temples in frustration. "Damn it..."

Yoongi moved to approach him, "Seokj-"

But Jin's cold gaze met his, cutting off any attempt at conversation. "Please, go to your room, Yoongi."

Stunned by his sudden change in demeanor, Yoongi hesitated, taken aback by the unfamiliar chill in his eyes. "But-"

"Go before I make you."

Seokjin's tone was icy and firm as he repeated his command, catching Yoongi off guard with its severity.

Reluctantly, the younger exhaled a sigh and obeyed, retreating to his room in silence under his dom's stern gaze.

Jin's command to the workers rang out as he instructed them to continue their tasks and summon Jimin to the living room.

The workers bowed, swiftly carrying out his orders as one of them departed to fetch Jimin.

Walking up the stairs, Yoongi could sense Jin's presence behind him.

Upon entering his room, he turned to face Jin who locked the room as soon as they entered. He then suddenly got pinned against the wall, his hands held by Jin's right grip on top of his head.

He was unnervingly close, his cold eyes boring into Yoongi's with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine. Yoongi haven't felt a feeling like this. Someone really dominating him just with their presence.

"Why were you standing still and not doing anything?" Jin demanded.

Yoongi's heart skipped a beat at the accusation. "I... I didn't want to escalate the situation," he replied.

Jin's grip tightened, his eyes looking a dangerous edge. "You should have defended yourself," he said, his disappointment evident in his tone. "You must not let anyone disrespect you like that."

"And why were you letting him touch you like that?" His voice sliced through the air, sharp and accusatory, his anger palpable.

"I..I-" Yoongi stammered, his mind racing for an explanation. But he felt helpless under Jin's piercing stare.

In a sudden burst of frustration, Jin's other hand slammed against the wall beside Yoongi, causing him to flinch.

This wasn't the Seokjin Yoongi knew. He found himself face to face with a side of Seokjin he had never seen before – fierce, protective and possessive.

Jin's grip on Yoongi's hand tightened even further.

The younger's throat felt dry as he struggled to find the right words, his gaze fixed on the ground as he avoided Jin's penetrating stare.

"Answer me, Yoongi," he demanded, his voice low and commanding. But Yoongi remained silent.

"Until the case is solved one day, you remain as my sub," he declared firmly, his gaze piercing into Yoongi's soul. "There's no room for negotiation, no room for argument. You are mine, and mine alone."

Yoongi felt a pang of resentment bubbling up within him, but he knew better than to challenge Jin's authority in his current state of mind.

Jin's grip on his hand tightened once more, his tone unwavering as he continued, "You belong to me till that day. Not to anyone else. Is that clear?"

Yoongi swallowed hard. He had never felt more trapped, more suffocated. "Yes," he finally replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

As Jin released his grip and stepped back a little, he again started. "I heard from the driver that you told him to come back later this evening," he began.

Yoongi's heart skipped a beat as he realized his earlier plan to provoke him by arriving home late had backfired. He swallowed a bit nervously, unable to meet his gaze.

Jin then again closed the distance between them, towering over Yoongi as he pressed him against the wall.

"Why did you do that?" He demanded, his voice low and controlled. But Yoongi couldn't bring himself to answer, his eyes darting away from his intense stare.

With a firm grip, Jin lifted his chin, forcing him to meet his gaze. "Don't tell me you did that on purpose," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of disbelief.

Yoongi's mind raced, searching for an explanation. But as he looked into Jin's unwavering eyes, he knew that there was no hiding the truth.

He stammered, his voice barely audible. "I-I didn't mean to," he managed to choke out.

Jin glared at him. "You know what? You're becoming more and more out of hand with each passing day," he snapped, his voice sharp and unforgiving. "Do you really want to get punished?"

Yoongi's face immediately flushed red at that, his heart pounding in his chest. He shook his head immediately as he imagined being over Jin's knees.

"Then tell me the real reason," the elder asked.

Yoongi then started. "I... I was upset," he admitted. "I... I don't like how you set a curfew for me," he said, his voice barely audible. "I'm not a child. I was going to my own mansion, not some place dangerous..."

Jin's expression darkened with anger, his jaw clenched tightly as he processed his words. "So, you deliberately disobeyed my orders out of spite?"

Yoongi couldn't bring himself to back down. "I just wanted... I wanted to show you that I won't be controlled," he confessed.

Jin's anger boiled over, his voice rising in frustration. "What do you mean by controlling? I did it all for your safety!" he said. "Do you even realize the dangers you're facing, especially with that senior at college? Who knows what he will do next?"

Yoongi remained silent, his eyes fixed on the floor. He knew Jin was right, but his pride refused to let him admit it.

"How dare you disobey my rules, huh?" Jin continued, his voice filled with anger.

"I expect more from you, Yoongi," he said, his tone heavy. "You're not just any sub. You're mine. And I won't tolerate this disobedience. So, stop acting like a child and be serious."

Yoongi swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his words pressing down on him. He wanted to explain himself, to make Jin understand his perspective, but the words caught in his throat.

"From now on," Jin continued, "you will follow my orders without question. No more defiance. No more excuses."

"And this is your last warning," he said. "If you deliberately put yourself in harm's way again, you'll face the consequences. And believe me, you won't like them."

Yoongi felt another chill run down his spine. He knew Jin wasn't one to make idle threats, and the seriousness in his tone made it clear that he meant every word.

"I've done everything to keep you safe," Jin continued, his voice softer now but no less stern. "But if you can't abide by my rules, then I won't hesitate to take drastic measures."

Yoongi lowered his gaze again, feeling a sense of defeat wash over him. He knew he had pushed Jin too far, and now he had to face the consequences of his actions. He nodded silently, his jaw clenched in frustration.

Jin's expression then softened. "And I'm not trying to control you. Please don't think of it like that," he said, his voice gentler now. "I just want to keep you safe."

Yoongi sighed and nodded again as Jin patted his head, his touch felt somehow reassuring.

"Come on," he said softly, his tone gentler as he guided Yoongi towards the living room. "Let's talk about this later."

Yoongi followed silently but froze in his track when he saw Jimin in the living. But Jin rushed him to follow and then made him sit next to Jimin.

The elder settled opposite them, his expression softening as he observed the two. "Let's put this behind us," he said. "We have more important matters to focus on."

He then started to explain everything to Jimin and his words hung heavy in the room. Jimin's eyes widened in shock as he processed everything, his gaze shifting between Jin and Yoongi.

"So, you're...hyung's dom?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jin nodded solemnly. "Yes, I am. And since I felt like everything seemed unfair to him, I had challenged him with a case," he explained. "If he solves it successfully, I'll talk with the government to ensure that he's marked as a dom and freed from being as a sub."

Jimin looked between them and then nodded slowly, processing everything.

Yoongi's fingers fidgeted nervously as he avoided meeting their gazes.

Jimin's tone was tinged with hurt. "You should have told me," he said softly, his eyes searching Yoongi's face for answers. "Why didn't you, hyung?"

Yoongi murmured an apology, his voice barely audible. "I am sorry. I just... I didn't want anyone to know," he confessed.

Jimin's expression softened with understanding, but his curiosity remained. "But why didn't you attend the exam?"

Yoongi shook his head, pleading silently, "Just don't ask me that," he whispered.

But Jimin couldn't let it go. "But why hyu-"

In a sudden burst of emotion, Yoongi snapped. "Jimin, no!"

Jimin flinched at the outburst, his eyes wide with surprise and hurt while Jin sighed heavily.

Without another word, Yoongi rose from there. He grabbed his laptop, his actions quick, avoiding eye contact with anyone in the room.

He then made his way out of the mansion, his steps echoing in the quiet hallways and then he slipped into Jin's waiting car.

What is the reason behind his absence on that day that he doesn't even want to think about?

Jin sighed again as he watched Yoongi depart. Turning to Jimin, he said, "I don't know the reason too," he admitted.

Jimin nodded silently, his gaze shifting between Jin and the doorway through which Yoongi had just left.

"Could I ask you a favor?" He asked.

Jin's features softened at Jimin's request. "Of course," he replied.

Jimin hesitated for a moment before voicing his plea. "Please, treat hyung fairly. Don't hurt him," he said.

Jin's smiled as he stood up, "You don't have to worry about that," he assured him. "I won't hurt him in any way."

Jimin relaxed at his words as he nodded. "Thank you, Jin hyung."

Jin gently ruffled his hair, a fond smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Take care, Jimin," he said warmly.

Jimin nodded, a small smile on his face as he watched Jin head towards his car.

"Bye, hyung," Jimin called out softly, waving at Jin as the car started to move away, disappearing down the driveway.

While on the drive to his mansion, the elder sat beside Yoongi, who was gazing out the window lost in thought. Jin sighed, breaking the silence.

"Just leave it for now, Yoongi," he said, his tone gentle. "Don't dwell on it continuously."

Yoongi exhaled softly at hid words but remained silent.

Upon reaching, they stepped inside and Jin turned to him, his expression a bit serious, "What's the time?"

Yoongi glanced at his phone and replied, "It's 6 p.m."

Jin raised his eyebrow as he remarked, "So, you're two and a half hours late past your curfew."

Yoongi nodded silently as he knew he had messed up, and there was no excuse for it.

Jin sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "You know that I can't keep tolerating this kind of behavior from you," he said firmly. "You need to start taking your responsibilities seriously. And I'm not saying this to control you. It's for your own good. You need to understand that."

Yoongi nodded again, though a part of him still resisted.

Jin's tone was stern as he continued, "I'm telling you one more time, Yoongi. If you ever disobey me and it intentionally puts you in danger or causes trouble, I won't hesitate to punish you."

He raised an eyebrow as he didn't get any reply and then pulled up Yoongi's left ear firmly as a warning, making him wince slightly.

"I understand," Yoongi murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as he winced again.

Jin released his grip on his ear and sighed, his expression softening. "I just want what's best for you," he said. "I hope you know that."

Yoongi nodded, meeting his gaze.
He may not always agree with the elder's methods, but he knew that Jin had his best interests at heart.

With a heavy silence settling between them, Jin gestured towards the living room. "Let's go sit down and relax for a bit. You must be tired after everything that happened today."

Yoongi didn't say anything and as they settled on the couch, his mind raced with the thoughts of the day's events.

"Don't dwell on it too much," Jin said softly. "But who's that guy anyway?"

Yoongi hesitated for a moment. "He's... someone from my past," he finally replied, his voice tinged with reluctance. "A former acquaintance who doesn't quite understand boundaries, a lowly ranked mafia who's still beneath my position."

Jin raised an eyebrow, his expression unreadable. "And why did he come there today?"

Yoongi sighed, feeling a pang of embarrassment. "He... wanted to provoke me," he admitted, avoiding Jin's gaze. "To insult me by my current status..."

Jin nodded in understanding. "Well, he won't be bothering you again though," he assured.

Yoongi looked at him with confusion.

"You wanna see something?" Jin asked as he handed him his phone.

Yoongi took it, wondering what he meant. But his eyes widened as a live video played.

The man from earlier was tied to a chair, receiving a harsh beating from several men. The scene was brutal, and Yoongi couldn't tear his eyes away.

When he looked back at Jin, he didn't know how to react.

Then Jin's touch on his chin brought him back to the present moment, the elder's fingers tracing the mafia's parted lips.

Yoongi remained silent, unsure of what to say as Jin's fingers continued to press on his lips.

"Doesn't anyone who dares to touch my sub deserve to be punished?"

His words hung heavy in the air. Yoongi swallowed. He didn't know how to respond, but one thing was clear - Jin was fiercely protective of him, and on top of that, greatly possessive.

His voice was barely above a whisper as he shook his head in disbelief. "You're just... unbelievable," he muttered, his gaze still fixed on Jin.

"Well, I won't deny that. And,

..I am Kim Seokjin, after all." He said as he smirked while Yoongi still stared at him in disbelief.



My exam is postponed to the next Monday!!!!!! 🤭

Yaaaaaaaaaayyyy!!! Yahhhoooooooo!!! 🤣

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