Happily Ever After (A Flashli...

By fklee3yahoocommydl

8.8K 170 124

Princess Twilight Sparkle could not bear the thought of never seeing her beloved, Flash Sentry, ever again. M... More

Prologue; Princess of my Heart
Authors note
Finding Answers to Questions
Magic Journal, Part 1. Messages for the Princess
The Magic Journal, Part 2. The Decision
The Magic Journal, Part 3. The Response
The Showcase
First Kiss...sort of
I want to Break Up...
Twilight's hidden talent
In search of new models
The ride there...
First photoshoot
Jealous of the Violet Girl
Let's get the show on the road
Her moment
Make me yours
Time of need
You Say
Back together again
Friendship is Magic
Goodbye, Princess...
Hospital Visit
Wedding Bells
Epilogue; Happily Ever After
Thank You!
Thank you so much!!!
Mid-Autumn Festival special + 8.3K

The Marriage Proposal

258 3 8
By fklee3yahoocommydl

Twilight's POV: 

I've been staying at CHS for a few months now, and everything has been like a dream! The students and teachers have all been incredibly welcoming and kind, and I feel safe and healthy now that Gloria's in jail.

I have been especially grateful for the care and love that Flash has shown me - he has really gone above and beyond to ensure that I am comfortable and happy during my stay. Overall, I couldn't be happier with my time at CHS and I am so grateful for all of the support and care that I have received here.

Best of all, when Spike and I returned to Equestria yesterday, the princesses helped me cast a spell that allowed me to travel back and forth anytime I wanted! When I heard this, I was thrilled! That meant I could stay with Flash and fulfill my duties as princess at the same time! Now, I've been living in Flash's house for the past few days and we've been happy together.

When I visited Equestria, Shining forbade me from dating Flash at first, but Cadence somehow managed to talk him out of it. My friends were fangirling over me and Flash, and Pinkie asked when was the wedding, I blushed and told her I only started dating Flash, not married. (Little does Twilight know, it's gonna be very, very soon. ) 

(Sorry I didn't make a full chapter of this Equestria/mirror/portal part. I was just too excited for the special scene!)

Sunset's POV: 

It was a cold Thursday morning in December. I was enjoying a cup of hot chocolate with Pinkie when the doorbell suddenly rang. "I'll get it!" Pinkie said and dashed to the door. I sighed. How does she have so much energy in the morning, I'll never know. 

Pinkie returned with a tired-looking Flash. "Hi, Flash," I greeted. "Hi, Sunset," he said. "What brings you here?" I asked. He suddenly turned a bright shade of pink. "Erm... you know how Twilight and I have been dating for a couple of months? Well, I want to propose to her. Today." he said quietly. 

I was shocked. In a happy way. "Flash, that's great! I'm so happy for you guys! Of course, the girls and I will help you in any way we can." I said. He looked relieved. "Thanks, 'cause, I have no idea how to begin, and I want this to be perfect," he said. "Why not start by picking out a ring? Rarity can help you with that." I said. He agreed. 

I quickly dialed all my friends. They were all as ecstatic as I was. We made a plan. Rarity will help Flash pick an engagement ring. Fluttershy will arrange for her songbirds to sing a song. Rainbow will help stall Twilight. Applejack and Pinkie will organize the proposal spot. I will go to Equestria and inform Twilight's family. 

Rarity's POV: 

Flash and I arrived at my friend Elara Precious's jewelry shop. Elara's shop is full of sparkling and rare gems and jewels, painstakingly sourced from around the world. From shimmering diamonds to vibrant emeralds, and lustrous pearls to precious sapphires, every piece in her collection is expertly crafted and of the highest quality. 

"Elara? It's me, Rarity!" I called as I walked into the shop with Flash following close behind. Elara appeared behind the counter. "Rarity? Oh my, I haven't seen you in a while! How are you, dear?" she said. "I've been lovely. Can't talk too much, though. We are here to find an engagement ring for my friend, Twilight. Any suggestions?" I asked. 

"Any specific colors or designs?" she asked. I turned to Flash. "Amethys or diamonds, and maybe with some sort of flower design," he said. Elara thought for a moment, and then led us to a different counter with beautiful, sparkly rings on display. "This is our 'Twilight Skies' collection. One of our best series, if I do say so myself." she said proudly. Flash admired each ring and chose a gem with a gorgeous shade of purp- wait a moment! Can't spoil the surprise yet!   

Sunset's POV: 

I walked into the portal and teleported to Twilight's castle. There, I saw Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, Princess Flurry Heart, and Shining Armor. When Princess Celestia saw me, she smiled. "Sunset Shimmer, my faithful student. I haven't seen you in a long time. How are you, my little pony?" she greeted me warmly. "Sunset Shimmer, I've heard a lot about you." Princess Luna said. I bowed down to the Princess of the Sun and the Princess of the Moon. 

"Hi, I'm Princess Cadence. I don't think I've met you yet," she said with a smile. I bowed down to the Princess of Love. I smiled at her. "I have good news. You all know Twilight's boyfriend, Flash, right?" I said. They all nodded, and Shining Armour shifted a little. My smile grew bigger. "Flash is planning to propose to her. Today." I announced excitedly. 

Princess Celestia's eyes lit up. "That's amazing news!" she exclaimed. "Flash is a great guy, and Twilight deserves the best." Princess Luna said. "Twilight has my blessings," Princess Cadence said. That was big, coming from the Princess of Love. We all turned to Shining Armour. 

He took a deep breath. "Flash and Twilight both have my blessings. Although I might not be comfortable with it, they both have grown up. And Flash makes Twilight happy." he said. I bowed down to Twilight's brother. "Thank you, I shall return to my world now," I said. 

"Do come visit us whenever you want, Sunset," Princess Celestia said. I smiled. "I will," I promised. Then I stepped into the portal and returned to CHS.

Rainbow's POV: 

Stalling Twi was a piece of cake. We sat at Sugarcube Corner and enjoyed some hot chocolates. We discussed everything, songs, techniques, etc. I asked her more about Equestria, and she told me about Hearth's Warming, which is like Christmas but pony-fied. 

Just then, I received a text from Sunset. 

Operation Flashlight Proposal 

flamegirl: We r ready

awesomeasiwannabe: roger that

crossmyheartandhopetodiestickacupcakeinmyeye: HURRY UP!!!!!!

(Sorry I didn't do the other's POVs, I was just too excited!!!!)

Sunset's POV: 

We were all standing at the side, waiting for Twilight's arrival. Flash looked nervous. Suddenly, Rainbow was standing beside me. "She's here!" she announced. We quickly got our phones out and started recording. 

(Twilight is standing at the heart-shaped doorway. Good job, A.J. and Pinkie! You guys have totally outdone yourself!)

Before she could say anything, Flash gently took her hand and led her to the middle of the cave. "Twilight," he said as he bent down on one knee. "I am deeply in love with you. Your unique blend of qualities makes you truly one-of-a-kind. Your smile lights up any room, your kindness towards others is unmatched, and your unwavering strength inspires me every day. Your love fills me with joy and contentment. Will you marry me?" he said. 

Twilight looked shocked for a moment. Tears filled her eyes. "Of course, I will!" she exclaimed. Flash slid the ring on her finger and hugged her tight. Twilight looked the happiest I've ever seen her. Flash let her go, and she ran towards us. "Did you guys plan all this? Whe- Ho- I have so many questions! All I know is that you've made me the happiest girl ever. Thank you all so, so, so much!" she said as she hugged us all tightly. 

(Twilight's ring, must have cost a fortune! Flash, tell me, how much is your monthly salary?!)

"Time to plan the wedding!" Pinkie cried. 

Yay! They are engaged! Btw, thank you all so, so much for 1.2K views! And, what do you think of the face reveal? What should I reveal now that I have 1.2K views? Leave suggestions in the comments! 

XXX The Author

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