Fun, Happiness and Smiles!|Sm...

By Dracunyan1987

37.8K 428 574

(Requests Closed at the moment) This is a oneshot book about the Smiling Critters from Poppy Playtime Chapter... More

Rules and Regulations + Character List
The Original Smiling Critters Cast
Gametoons Smiling Critters
Cult of the Dog - CotL/Smiling Critters AU
Cougar Macdowall Smiling Critters
SMG4 Crew as Smiling Critters
Mummy Critters - Smiling Critters as Egyptian Mummies
Other Critters
Other Critters Page 2
Joyful Spooks - Halloween Smiling Critters AU
Fleetway Super Critters AU
"Hour of Despair" Smiling Critters (My AU Smiling Critters)
The Forgotten Critters
Tactical AU (Army Critters)
Midnight Mysteries AU (Old-Timey Detective SC AU)
The Mummy Critters' Curse - Part 1
The Mummy Critters' Curse - Part 2
The Plushie Protector|The Mini Critters x Male!Reader
Speak No Evil|Yandere!Female!Smiling Critters x Male!Mute!Child!Reader

A Silver Wolf in a Child's Body

1.7K 19 19
By Dracunyan1987

A Silver Wolf in a Child's Body|Yandere!Smiling Critters x Male!Abused!Child!Reader

Requested by Littleknightmare

Reader Info

Y/n - Your Name

L/n - Last Name

E/c - Eye Color

H/c - Hair Color

A/n: Y/n was an abused 4-year-old boy, who got kicked out of the house by his abusive and neglectful parents because they only loved and cared for Y/n's spoiled sibling more than him and didn't want him anymore. So, they decided to kick him out with nothing more than a white wolf onesie. With no place to stay, Y/n started searching for a place to stay while it's raining really bad outside until he spotted the abandoned toy factory known as Playtime Co. and decides to go stay there and there was no one in the factory until he met the Smiling Critters at the Playcare/Orphanage. Eventually, the Smiling Critters soon started taking care of Y/n until they planned to turn them into one of them as a Smiling Critter, so that he won't ever have to deal with the pain and suffering ever again.

Location: Somewhere in Downtown Creation City, Near the abandoned Playtime Co. Toy Factory

Time: 9:45 PM


It was a dark and stormy night as we see a young 4-year-old boy with H/c hair and colorful E/c eyes named Y/n, wearing only a white wolf onesie under the terrible rainstorm as he is trying to find a place to sleep for the night. The main reason why is because his own neglectful parents kicked him out because they only loved and cared for his spoiled sibling more than him and they don't want Y/n anymore, so they decided to kick him out of the house, leaving him to go find a new place to stay and get away from the cold rainstorm before he catches a cold.

Then as luck would have it, he suddenly found an old, abandoned toy factory, which the sign says, "Playtime Co.", which he decides to stay in there because he believes that it's a safe place to stay to get away from the rain. So, he didn't think twice and ran over there to get inside, so he can finally be out of that terrible storm. 

But as he ran inside through a hole in the wall that he managed to squeeze himself in there, no one seems to be in the factory, and he is all alone in the abandoned toy factory.

Y/n: Hello? Is anybody home?

He tried calling out to anyone that might be in the area, but no one responded. He then sat down, hugging his knees while crying a river of his own tears, hoping that there might be someone in the area to help him with his problems. Then he suddenly, spotted a vending machine that still has some snacks and water bottles that are still fresh for him to eat and drink since he hasn't been eating anything good before he got kicked out of the house.

So, he immediately ran over to the vending machines and grabbed a few snacks like a bag of chips, a candy bar, snack packs and a few bottles of water and devoured every last bite and every last drop on his snacks and bottles of water to regain his strength. After he is finished eating, he then decided to go explore the old toy factory like the little explorer he is.

However, as he began exploring the factory, he soon stumbled upon a lovely looking house that looks a bit run down and he is already starting to feel tired after all of that walking around and eating those snacks as he fell asleep at the entrance of the building known as Home Sweet Home, where Playtime Co. keeps the orphaned children to test out their toys before they get adopted to their families.

Then suddenly, the front entrance was opened by two living plushies, a green rabbit named Hoppy Hopscotch and a red bear named Bobby Bearhug and they looked down to see Y/n sleeping at the front door of their own home in his wolf onesie and they were smiling happily to find a sweet, cute and adorable child at their doorstep as they decided to take Y/n in to their home place them in one of the beds to sleep in and start drying up his wolf onesie cause they think he looks so cute in that outfit.

Hoppy: Oooh~ He's so cute in that wolf onesie. Do you think we should keep him?

Bobby: Why not. He's gonna catch a cold if we keep him in that cold, wet onesie. I'll wash it up and pop it in the dryer and put in back on him while he's sleeping. He's just looks so cute in that outfit.

Hoppy: (Gently picks up Y/n) Let's take him in and let him sleep in one of our beds while you help me take him out of that cold and wet onesie and we'll take care of him like he's our own child.

Bobby: Good idea, Hoppy. We'll make sure, he'll feel right at home.

Then the two plushies took him into their home and gently took him out of the wolf onesie and dried him up in a towel before wrapping him up in a cozy looking blanket, so Bobby Bearhug can wash and dry Y/n's wolf onesie, so they can put it back on him while he is sleeping peacefully in one of the beds.

Bobby: While I go wash his onesie, you should go let the others know that we have a new friend that we brought into our home, and we'll make sure that he'll be a new member of our family.

Hoppy: Good idea, Bobby Bearhug. I'll let everyone know about this cute little wolf cub we brought in~

Bobby: (Quietly Squeals) I love it when you call him a cute little wolf cub~

Hoppy: (Quietly Squeals) Me too.

So, the two of them went on to their duties with Bobby putting the wolf onesie in the still working washers and dryers to make it feel fresh and clean for Y/n to wear while Hoppy goes to the other room to tell her friends who they brought into their home, but not before treating Y/n's cuts and wounds that he got from his parents and placed him in one of the beds in the bedroom area.

Hoppy: Oh my gosh~ He's so cute sleeping like that. I gotta go tell the others right away.

So, Hoppy soon quietly went out of the bedroom to find the other Smiling Critters to tell them the entire news while Bobby Bearhug is busy washing and drying Y/n's wolf onesie as Y/n was sleeping peacefully in bed. As soon as she found her friends that are busying playing around, she came up to them with excitement in her eyes.

Hoppy Hopscotch: Guys! Guys! You are not gonna believe what me and Bobby have found a child at our doorstep, and he was wearing a wolf onesie that made him look so dang cute!~

DogDay: Really?! That's amazing! 

KickinChicken: Sweet! We got a new friend to play with!

PickyPiggy: I wonder why he was at our doorstep though.

Bubba Bubbaphant: I think the bigger question is how he managed to find Home Sweet Home?

Hoppy: He must've managed to make all the way down here unharmed, but his body was full of cuts and scars all over his body. I think he might run away from his parents are highly abusive and neglectful to him.

The Smiling Critters gasped in shock after what Hoppy Hopscotch said about Y/n getting all of those scars and wounds all over his body before DogDay had an idea that would make Y/n's life better and never have to worry about his horrible parents ever again and have someone loved and care for him forever.

DogDay: What if we make him into a Smiling Critters like us? That way he won't have to worry about being treated horribly ever again.

The Smiling Critters: YEAH!

DogDay: Then let's make sure to let CatNap know, so we can welcome Y/n to the family.

The Smiling Critters: YEAH!

So then, the Smiling Critters then went out to go find CatNap with Bobby, who just got Y/n's wolf onesie all cleaned up and fresh from out of dryer and she gently put it back onto Y/n without waking him up and tucking him back into bed before placing a kiss on the cheek and went out to find the other Smiling Critters, who are all looking for CatNap to let him know that they found Y/n on their doorstep to turn him into a Smiling Critter like them.

Eventually, Y/n soon woke up to find himself in a comfy looking bed and in a completely different room as he got up from the bed to explore this new place called Home Sweet Home, before he heard some commotion in the other room as he sneaks over to see what's going on.

Then as he got closer, he was shocked to see a bunch of sentient plush dolls talking to a much bigger cat doll that has made a decision to turn Y/n into one of them, so that he can never leave.

CatNap: Alright, everyone. So we all agreed to make Y/n one of us to make him a part of this family?

The Smiling Critters: YES!

CatNap: Then it's settled. I'm gonna give this kid a special treatment to make him a permanent member of this family.

Y/n is frightened by what these sentient plushie as he decided to leave the toy factory to get away from them, until he accidentally knocked over something that hit the floor so hard, it was loud enough to get their attention as Y/n immediately started running towards the exit before hearing the loud footsteps of a monster cat chasing him down.

Y/n then started running as fast as he can and didn't look back as CatNap started chasing him down to catch him before he can get away. Unfortunately for Y/n, he clearly doesn't even know where he is going as he doesn't know where the front door is, and CatNap knows the whole entire orphanage and Playcare from the back of his own mind as he managed to chase Y/n all over Home Sweet Home until the boy is getting tired and exhausted from all of the running.

But then suddenly, he ran into a dead end with the boy slowly turning around to face the beast that looked down on him like a hungry predator that is about to catch his prey as CatNap hugged Y/n in his arms and unleashed his sleeping gas on Y/n, and he suddenly felt sleepy of all a sudden as he felt white fur growing all over his body that made him feel completely numb all over as he tried struggling his way out of CatNap's grip until CatNap shushed him quietly and just let it happen to him.

CatNap: Shhhhhhh~ Don't fight it, Y/'s all gonna be alright....just relax and..................go to sleep.....

With no chance to escape....Y/n soon accepted his fate and went into a peaceful slumber.

Timeskip - A Few Moments Later....

After such a long and peaceful slumber, Y/n opened up his eyes to see the Smiling Critters looking at him with happy smiles on their faces to see Y/n finally a new and permanent member of the family.

Bubba: Look he's waking up.

DogDay: How ya feeling, buddy?

Bobby: Did you have a good night's rest?

Hoppy: I'm sure he did because he looked so peaceful sleeping like that in his very own bed.

Crafty: Let's show him his new look.

KickinChicken: Good idea, grab that mirror.

Then CatNap grabbed the small mirror with his tail and showed Y/n his new look as he sees himself as a white wolf with a rainbow pendant and he can suddenly smell the scent of fresh rainwater as he became a white wolf Smiling Critter and for some reason he doesn't feel scared at all as he smiled at his new self with the Smiling Critters suddenly hugged him in a group hug as they planned to get to know him better as Silver Wolf as his new name.

CatNap: Sorry that you had to go through the trouble until you became one of us, but I think this is your lucky day because you get to stay with your new family that will love and take care of you for now on. Trust me, it's better than your old life anyway. So, let us all welcome our new member, Silver Wolf to the family with a bountiful feast made by our beloved chef, PickyPiggy. Welcome to our family, Silver Wolf.

And so, Y/n aka Silver Wolf soon turned his frown upside down as he never felt this happy before in his whole life as he will soon have to learn to get used to his new life and name as a Smiling Critter like the others and it shouldn't be too long to learn his role as a one of them.

After all, everything turned out great in the end for him.


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