Fairy tales for young and old...

By Valy_GC

1.7K 137 34

A few stories that I sometimes enjoy writing. It will therefore not be one, but several short stories. Rememb... More

The little witch
Princess Melodia
The Princess' Heart
The lake's son
The little white cat
Cursed Faerie
The liger prince
The dragon's child
Merline the fairy
Ghost love
The enchantress
The magic feather
The witch's son
Little white shark
The Fairy at the Well
The wizard's temptation
The fallen King
The broken crown
The Knight and the Cursed Castle
The blind princess
The song of silence
The King's present
The forgotten fairy's spell
The wishing well
The moonlit pond
The silly sorcerer
Ethel and the dragon
Sweet revenge
The forgotten princess
The knight and the beast
Echoes of the afterlife
The forest prince
Christmas Father
The forest monster
Queen's blessing
Goblin queen
The Evil Mermaid
The library
The Brave Princess
The Lost kingdom
The Emerald Isle's Lament
The two princes
The Gargoyle of Draven's Keep
The Joyful Hops of Thumper
The Queen and the Blacksmith
The Dove and the Lonely Princess
Whispers of the Forest
The astral twins
The Whispering Olive Tree
The Veil of Vespera

Ianore's Secret

8 2 2
By Valy_GC

Once upon a time, in a quaint village where the cobblestone streets hummed with the tales of yore, nestled between the whispering woods where ancient trees spoke secrets to the wind, and the sparkling sea that mirrored the sky's infinite canvas, there was a hidden lagoon. This lagoon, a gem cradled by nature, shimmered under the moonlight with an ethereal glow, as if the stars had descended to dance upon its surface.

It was in this enchanted place that a group of adventurous children, Elara with hair like the dawn, Milo with a heart full of melodies, and Tessa with eyes green as spring, discovered the playful mermaid, Ianore. Her laughter was like the tinkling of crystal bells, a sound so pure it could make the flowers sway in delight.

"Welcome, dear friends! Come swim and play. The lagoon is full of wonders!" Ianore beckoned with a smile that held the warmth of the sun.

"Your beauty...," said Elara, her voice filled with awe, "it shines brighter than the moon above!"

"Ah, you flatter me," Ianore replied with a modest wave of her hand. "True beauty lies in the joy we share, and the bonds we forge."

Days turned into weeks, filled with games and stories, laughter and secrets. But the children noticed that Ianore never ventured far from a certain spot in the lagoon. Their curiosity piqued, they dove deeper, their hearts syncing with the rhythm of the water, and found her bound by a chain to the lagoon's bed, a padlock cold and cruel, its metal forged from the darkest depths of malice. They quickly swam back to the surface.

"Ianore, you're trapped!" exclaimed Milo, his voice a mix of shock and resolve. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"I feared if you knew the truth, the magic of our friendship would shatter like fragile glass," Ianore confessed, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

The children learned of the vile sorcerer, Armand, whose heart was as twisted as the gnarled branches of the woods. He had chained Ianore,  for a secret she was guarding—a secret as old as the lagoon itself. Determined to free their friend, they set out to confront Armand, their hearts brave and true, their spirits as fierce as the tempest.

"We'll face him together," decided Tessa, her voice steady as the earth itself. "No one imprisons our friend and gets away with it!"

The showdown was fierce, a clash of wills and magic. Armand's spells crashed like thunder, his dark magic a storm that sought to engulf the light. But the children's courage shone brighter, their unity a beacon that pierced the shadows. With cleverness and valor, they turned his magic against him, breaking the chains that held Ianore captive.

"Impossible!" raged Armand, his voice a cacophony of disbelief and defeat. "You're but children!"

"And yet, we have defeated you," they proclaimed in unison. "Now, leave this place and never return!"

With Armand vanquished, Ianore's power was free once more. She summoned a golden rain, each droplet a note in the symphony of gratitude, blessing each child with a gift.

"For your bravery, receive these blessings," said Ianore. "Elara, you will converse with animals, understanding their whispers and songs. Milo, your music will heal and soothe, a melody for every sorrow. And Tessa, you shall coax life from the earth with a mere touch, a bloom for every seed."

The children's lives were forever enriched by the magic they had helped to set free, their days a canvas painted with the colors of their newfound gifts. 

And so, the tale of  Ianore reminds us that even the smallest hearts can overcome the darkest spells, and that friendship, woven with the threads of love and bravery, is the most powerful magic of all.

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