Anna's family

By Otar3000

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A new interesting chapter in Anna's life. Takes place after Frozen 2 and "The Passsage" More

Trust your heart
No matter what ever it takes
Family Lost Lineage
Guilt of heart
A mother's heart
I am with you
On the way
Arendelle, Welcome??
I want to know
Enter Olaf
Unmeltable Me
Busy Time
A hidden plot
A story teller
Play Night
Heated debate or Legislative Violence?
Secret Passage
A visit
Wolf Encounter
A stained memory
Trio of stages
Hell, Raid Aftermath
Make it out
Tough rock on wind
Promise to keep
Fiery Flames
Dangerous waters
Seeking the truth
Calm before storm
Something's Coming
Trouble's coming up
Chapter 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Cyclone 🌀
Memory Witch
Rain and Sea/Drops and Waves
Justified Worries
Nobles vs Pirates
Cold Shoulder
future concerns & dangers
Everyone has a burden
Out of cold
Dugaag meets Königin
Tarzel Gespräch
Hans the 13th/The Broken Bridge - Adultsupervision
hold on for your dreams & beyond!
is it a good time??
All in it's time - Happy 10 years
Free Fall
Olaf piratin tales
All is NOT well
Protect (not project) your tomorrow
voice of unheard or unrest?
memory of the brave
Beauty and Bravery
Mouse & Wolf
Heart is Pain
Anna of Ark

pain warp personality - CHROMASTORM CRISIS

7 1 0
By Otar3000

We are all stars, and therefore all connected in great circle of life... however dark or bright it may be.

Chapter cover - [ ]


In an empty building , the mysterious peddler sheds light on where they are.
“Beyond the world that is familiar to you... there exists another.
Born of powerful stellar magic...
A universe reflected from the familiar, yet different, perilous.
The Mirrorverse...
At it’s center lies the Stellar Mirror, with malevolent forces seeking to shatter it’s power.
Different Guardians from different eras stand together, united against any unrelenting threat to the Mirror.
As the darkness closes in
All must fight to protect the Mirrorverse and save all the worlds beyond”
To say it was shocking news was an understatement...
Jane breathed in deep before answering
Jane – You mean we are in separate realm?... in the MIRROR...
Peddler - In short, yes... hope it’s not too much for you young mistress.
Jane – Too much? Don’t say that to someone who already seen too much!
Visible fear in her voice...
Stranded in far away kingdom was one thing, at least it was in the world they knew...
Tarzan – Genie, I don’t understand. How can there be anything in the reflection?
Peddler – First off, may you call me either a peddler, Genie or Ascended Cosmic Comic... actually no calk me Genie. And second, for every interaction of normal matter in our universe, a mirror interaction occurs in the universe of dark matter...
Jane – I haven’t heard any of that... Dad never came up on that topic with anyone back home when doing research...
She remembered then... wait where is he? Is he okay?!
Jane – Wait is my father okay?! What happened in Corona!!
Genie/Peddler – Now now... keep calm lady Porter. One by one... First off with mirror theory, there’s no surprise there, it may take another 100 years before scientists come to the idea. Legend speaks of a fateful stellar collision...

...Creating a bold new universe...
...and forging the might Stellar Mirror.
Boundless in power, disastrous in the wrong hands...
Genie looks a bit concerned before he answered the next one...
Genie/Peddler – Unfortunately, I have some not so good news. Those same wrong hands were there in Corona... you probably don’t remember yet. That happens at first entry here.
Tarzan – I remember going through the corridors, then gunshots...
Jane – We were shooting sorry. You were... in a dragon form?!
Genie/Peddler – Well, me? Prison riot. My cell got damaged during the havoc there. And then I sensed something through the tunnels, I used some entrances I made through the walls... and found myself in another dungeon. Or should say a jewellery.
Jane – Jewellery... that’s it! Rapunzel’s parents, Calliope, my father and Adam were there! Tarzan we gone to throne room where Rapunzel was...
Tarzan – And then... there was some humongous creature destroying the castle infrastructure...
He understood exactly who that creature was to his horror.
Genie – She again transformed. Like I told you.
Destroyed the floor above and below...
Jane and Tarzan made their way down there with Terk and Gobu.
Others like Faith wanted to remain to protect the castle with ex Queen Arianna telling them that if it’ll fail, they should leave the castle. Don’t let them catch you... or else someone may be hanged.
That thought was even more unsettling to Jane.
Jane – Calliope started burning the jewellery like they planned. They didn’t believe they could survive this time...
And they were right.
One of them already driven Rapunzel over the edge, luckily Flynn had flowers necessary to calm her down but it took another 2 hours while some tried gunning her.
Sadly, Jane remembered what happened...
Her father... he tried stopping Adam from escaping. Who knows what fallen Prince had planned in his mind.
Adam stabbed him while fighting back... three times...
Jane could feel 3 emotions running through her...
She cried hard into what was left of her father laying on the floor, his hand caressing her cheek... for one last time.
‘I’m sorry Jane... this was a fight I shouldn’t have started’
He looks at her eyes as his life flashed before him...
He remembered everyone, from his father Ragnar to Robin Doyle to his wife Evaline...
‘I wish I could stay... but my time’s come...’
He chocked and coughed with his last word
His body wasn’t moving after that... neither did Jane still frozen in place...
Jane – He died... oh no. God no... dad...
Her eyes tearing up as Tarzan took her in his brace trying to console her.
As for Tarzan when he saw that stabbing, he was ultimately enraged.
In his gorilla form, he charged towards the escaping Adam before being intercepted by one of Adam’s associates... one who deluded Adam with false promises.
Lilith Malic...
She was there with her fiery footsteps...
And worse, Kai, Gerda and Olina were somehow under control...
And Kristoff...
Genie – Ah yes, I seen those two. He was turned a giant mindless beast... given you a run for your money didnt he?
Tarzan – I don’t know what that means... he tried to kill us, I stopped him... but trust me that’s not the strangest that happened...
What shocked him was her face... Lilith’s face was very familiar...
But unfortunately before he could see more, there was a mirror that started glowing as Sora arrived in Jewellery and after that...
Here they are.
Genie – We all got absorbed in. And none can say where the others are. We can only hope the universe sets everything on it’s course...
He noticed visible feeling of shame on Tarzan’s face now...
Genie – I can see you are saddened by this course of events of course...
Tarzan – I failed to protect my tribe back home, I failed to protect Northuldra ad I promised, I couldn’t even save Professor...
Jane then angrily pushed him away
Jane – Where were you then?! Leaving me amid nighttime and with all these new powers, you couldn’t do it!!
He could see anger in her eyes...
Jane – Couldn’t you be a bit faster!?
He didn’t say anything...
Her yell definitely echoed through the streets much to Genie’s concern.
Genie – Uhm young lady please low your voice!
There was a crash now heard near them.
A giant boulder is seen above heading towards them.
Genie – Run for it!
No not just one. MULTIPLE!
With Jane and Genie in his hands, Tarzan managed to get them out of harm’s way in just in time.
Genie – The Fractured are here!
Tarzan – What? Who?
They see number of moving statues coming towards them.
Mostly black or dark gray, though they seem to be pieced together with purple shining cracks, along with glowing, pupiless eyes. A few have red highlights as well.
They looked like smaller version of earth giants.
Tarzan then took a big piece of ground and returned the favour by smashing then from above.
That apparently didnt stop them as now black dust can be seen around them, with more Fractured emerging.
Genie – These are one of unrelenting threats here! Alright then! Watch carefully you two!
They did and saw him alternating into blue-skinned big Genie that they only read about in books. With smoke and lightning emanating.
Genie – Show time! Been a long while!
Pulling out a cannon out of his cape, he moved Tarzan and Jane out.
Genie – Set! GO!
A big blast occurred, destroying many demons.
Numbers were still on their side though.
And they were marching from all sides.
Tarzan tries to protect Jane from them by turning into a golden Lion whose roar could invoke storms.
Watching all of this unfold, Jane had enough. She had enough.
This is how her life turned out, it’s time to act accordingly.
Perhaps her judgement was still clouded by her rage for her father’s death... or even more that her mother in law Kala and others were also now gone...
She grabbed a long sword she found on one of the cracked walls.
Tarzan – Jane? JANE!!
She noticed one bloodlusty demon closing in on her before sue instinctively slashed at it.
Much to everyone’s surprise, Jane’s form light up... before she also got a brand new appearance.
With her ponytail hair, a new red coloured winter coat, sharpening sword AND a magical staff in her other hand.
Waves of her energy dissipates some of the Fractured... and a few buildings nearby.
Surprised, Jane looked over herself.
Jane – Wow. What is this!?
Genie – My my looks like you had some secret power of your own Ms Porter!
Jane – What are you talking... about...
A portion of Belle’s power...
Jane – Of course... Well then.
Directing her staff towards Fractured
“Lights up!”
A small shot inflicted on its face which made it angrier.
Jane – Okay so not as strong as before. Old fashion way then!
She ran towards demon as it aggressively swing it’s weapon at her buy then she jumped up in time and sliced its head off causing it to scream.
She then sliced off it’s legs before collapsed and dissipates.
That felt good...
Jane - That’s more like- GAH!
Fractured then kicked her against the wall hard.
She let her guard down.
Tarzan – Jane! *ROARS*
Tarzan wanted to intercept the demon before he’d kill her.
But then a portal came up with someone coming out and blowing the demon away.
“Someone’s having fun without us?! No fair!”
A strange new players entered the scene.
One was a yellow haired girl with blue dress and rabbit like hat...
“Focus, Dream Weaver! We came to find a rift somewhere here!...”
The other was brown haired woman with a rose-like staff and blue winter coat that somewhat resembled Jane’s.
She cast numerous spells at Fractured who turned into rocks and crumbled.
“I shall do both Explorer Mage!”
Lightnings can be heard coming down on Fractured, nearly striking Tarzan too.
It did strike Genie though.
Genie – Ouch hey watch it!
The area became calm and cleared for now, although it was practically in pieces.
Dream Waver – Aww done now? That’s no fun.
Explorer Mage – Good for us... now who are the new guests?
Brown haired woman looks to examine the 3, one was a big blue genie whom she found familiar. He then changed into his peddler form for some reason.
EM – Hmm wait aren’t you that peddler I bought book from?
Genie – My memory is refreshed now in here... I do remember your face, Belle.
Belle/EM – Hm didn’t know you were Genie-
Dream Waver – JANE?!
Belle then looks to DW as examined a familiar figure sitting against the wall...
Strangely, her face was... like her own?
Belle – It can’t be...
DW – She needs healing! Quickly!
Belle moved in quickly to cast a healing spell from her grimoire...
A roar could be heard as a golden lion marched to them before Genie stopped him.
Genie – No no halt they are here to help! There are here to help!
Roaring continued for another minute before he morphed back into a human.
Genie – There there breathe... sorry about that he still tries to sort his powers out.
Belle – So I see... he looked like Simba in that form...
Tarzan – What..*breathes* what is this...
DW – Listen be calm... I don’t want my childhood friend to die either...
Genie – Ah so it’s not just me who is familiar here. Must be fate.
Belle - Aaand there!
Jane - *coughs* haaah *cough* that hurt...
Jane rubs her back checking if anything still felt tense...
Then someone reached out and hugged her.
Well now she instead feels weirded out.
Jane – Ugh thanks thank yooooou....
She now could see the face of her hugger....
Surprised she was who that is..
Jane – ALICE?!
DW/ Alice – You remembered! Your childhood friend... my father Leopold Liddel... son of Prince Liddel, was a friend of your parents.
Jane - ... yeah my parents... but how? You’re the least one I expected to see right now especially here...
Genie – Like I said, must be faaaate~
Belle – Wait did you come through the rift?
Jane then looks over to Belle, shocked.
Jane – Wait you’re also here... I’ve seen you in Corona but you said we wont meet again...
Belle was confused
Belle – What do you mean? I didn’t exit this realm for a while now..
Tarzan – Wait it is possible to leave? We’d like to know..
Genie face palmed
Genie – Aah there I forgot to tell! You see we are right now in Mirror version of Aghraba, Baghdad... The Stellar Mirror is close to Holy Land, that’s where the Stellar Mirror resides.
Jane – What Stellar Mirror? And couldn’t you tell that earlier?!
Genie – Calm the nerve. I said sorry already... girls can you help them get there?
Belle – We? And what about you?
Genie looks down at the two Jane & Tarzan
Genie – Well,  here our paths split... I have to find my old friends in this realm... It was nice seeing you, and who knows maybe one day you’ll be here too... as residents I mean.
Tarzan – Well, if that’s so then be well on your way.
Jane – Don’t get stuck in the mood too.
He could see visible annoyance there.
But instead of disappointment, he offered understanding.
His hand on her shoulder
Genie – Listen young mistress... I understand how loss feels... trust me I do. But be careful when fighting monsters else you may become one... Don’t give Adam the last laugh...
Jane had nothing to answer to that... only silence that worried all four of them.
Genie – Be mindful in short. And goodbye everyone...
Genie then flies off into the distance like a firework, leaving the four to be on their way.
Alice – Hey... you guys okay? You look gloomy...
Jane didn’t answer
Tarzan – It’s... been a hard month...

Mirrorverse Underworld

When the call goes out, you never know who will answer.

Sometimes it’s someone with shining heart...

Sometimes it’s someone a little sinister...

Who will get the job done...

And doesn’t care who they have to push aside... especially when they themselves were pushed aside in the past.

Even if it means forging devious alliances to achieve their goals...

After all, there is a strength in numbers...
One such cabal is now together in the underworld, guarded by one of Hades’ Guardians once a Polynesian resident.
“They be searchin’ fer me ‘n me crew”
“And you are surprised Hook? Leading terror on 7 seas isn’t a walk in a park”
Hook – Aye so wha’?... then again its true
“Not to mention you killed their dear queen... they haven’t forgotten, and haven’t forgiven”
Hook then instead of annoyance, shown smile
Hook – Who said I scuttled her? Sure she got a few cuts t’ her body but she still breathed. She’s... shall we say... in Neverland right now in me moon gibbet.
“Ooooh, you are more devious than I thought... so you use her to drown people when it’s full moon...”
“Ursula wouldn’t like hearing that really... then again Triton ensured she won’t care”
Hook – Nah exactly a carin’ heartie Triton be trust me...
Power-hungry Aquarina groomed Ursula while Poseidon found her loathsome to hug...
Triton pretty much abandoned her when she was little, not enthusiastic on sharing his precious kingdom ... left her drifting at sea and putting her life in serious danger... She was lucky that local fisher man managed to save her in time.
As if that wasn’t enough, the villagers were superstitious of her that they killed her Adoptive father, the only who cared for her... had to raze the entire village to avenge him...
And again, when she returned to the sea... he called her ugly and unworthy of throne...
Hook felt a bit of guilt. He was the one that kidnapped Athena the only one who cared for her in Atlantica... but Athena drowned his crew members. Not so innocent and sweet as they thought...
That’s not easy to let go for a respectable pirate...
Then again he’s sure Triton would’ve banished her for any reason with his anger issues.
“When family treats you like a villain... sounds familiar actually”
“For and me perhaps Uncle Hades...”
Hades - *sighs* Makes the two of us Eris...
Makes three of them unofficially if Maleficent is included. Betrayed by her roommates, The 3 Fairies...Betrayed by her own sister Queen Leyla...Ruined by her brother in law, King Stefan...
Maleficent – Never the matter, so long as we fulfill our goals... What is that troll doing?
Hades – As far as I heard he’s preparing for a big flood...
Maleficent – And the moonstone boy?...
Pete – Still unconscious in the dungeon.
Varian was necessary with connection he has to the moonstone.... they will need him in case Bron decides to double cross them.
Eris – That skeletal horseman is a good hunter... Speaking of hunt and kidnap, I wonder is Lilith now? Did she get the man she desired like I did?... Surely I taught her well enough.
Pete – Ya know I could’ve brought them in myself! I once succeeded in taking the Queen.
His Beagle Boys were little better than Maleficent's goblin servants... and sure once they managed to take Princess Minnie and her lady in waiting... but that only once and it quickly got foiled. And he got banished with his family now in Mickey’s and Goofy’s care.
Most present in the room erupted into laughter much to Pete’s surprise.
Eris – Wow Lilith was right, you really can be funny... yeah you did once. Only once. One sorry kidnapper you are.
Hook – One sorry kidnapper ye be.
Pete – Excuse me?! Better than Hades at least with that little wonder.
Hades – Hey that goes to Pain and Panic. Also I ordered that cuz I didn’t want that wonder boy to be as idiotic as my lightning head brother.
Eris – And yet he still he ruined your end game finale.
Hades – Speaks one outdone by a mortal thief Sinbad... so much so you wanna mess with his like minded descendant Flynn Ryder. And it’s me that can’t let go... my trojan warmonger of a niece?
Pete could see that dynamic between uncle and niece was one of competition,  who will outdo who?
Back then, Eris’ Jealousy Started the Trojan War all because she was not invited. All the goddess of discord needed to do was to throw the apple with the words “To the Fairiest”... The Trojan War was a bloody battle between the Greeks and the city of Troy that lasted for 10 years all because some goddesses couldn’t settle the visual matter.
Hades back then used the opportunity to kidnap Helen of Troy for his plans... but honestly he didn’t care for any sides there. Never the matter, he still laughs about that time.
Eris – What can I say? I’m but one of many threads that will be there until it all collapses into a funny, glorious mess.
On that they could all but agree..
Pete initially was afraid of all these figures... they felt very menacing... perhaps he still does a little...
But over time,  he gets to know them... Maleficent wad the first, and honestly he couldn’t help but feel sorry for her academic years...
Hades? Simply for his hot head, teeth and simply doing hid job in underworld...
With Eris? Well she’s annoying and likes to tease and scare him.
Hook? Well both don’t have powers and rely on clandestine methods...
Many others he could count down, including Lilith... who shown him rage at times when he accidentally touched the nerve...
But sometimes she hugged him like an old friend when she felt a bit down...
He couldn’t say he got close to everyone like Sorcerous Seeker Jafar who caused this mess with Fractured...
If the Stellar Mirror’s swirls of pink and blue promised new journeys to glorious lands, the Fractured Mirror promised untold horrors and an endless line of enemies, spit out like snake venom.
Pete – By the way Meg or Gothel didn’t come back...
Hades – Ah yeah, Pain and Panic told me... that spikey head gotten her, she’s now probably on Mount Olympus...
Eris – A pity... Meeting that idiot is one boring reunion.
Hades – Not the most painful one at least...
He could still remember how that jerk Adonis abandoned Megara who sold her soul to him... He kept his word and perhaps even hoped she’d learn to cope. What did he get instead? She called him ‘lug with pointy teeth’... even taught that to her Adoptive daughter while her biological child? Simply abandoned.
He sure remembered her for centuries...
Maleficent – My pupil knew the risk, she achieved her goal so at least she proved to be useful... now, what is situation with those meddling sisters?
Lucinda, Ruby and Martha the Odd Sisters... constantly interfering in their journeys... from turning Gaston against Adam to dooming Gothel’s sisters...
Hades – The fates said they have new targets incoming...
Somewhere in new world. One called dark loa magician Facilier Oddie.
Hook once met these sisters and they helped him return to Neverland... they knew how he would be treated there too. Hmph.
Eris – Can’t Scar go and do something for once?
Hades – Maybe that lion is still angry about Hercules kicking his ass... under my watch too.
Maleficent sighs
Maleficent – Two other matters to take care of... one the Horseman should be called again to deliver the mirror from Arendelle while that Prince is busy with Snow Queen.
Hades – What is so significant about that Mirror anyway?
Maleficent – An old friend Vor told me about it holding an ancient presence within... Gothel mentioned to possessing it once long ago, one who posssessed the book of spells & dark arts written by followers of Charnabog...
One which was passed from one generation to the next, leading to herself.
Maleficent - Next is also new intruders that came to the Mirror World. They are heading towards the Stellar Mirror.
Pete – And what do we do? 
Maleficent – Right now? Nothing.
They were confused.
Maleficent – It is Lilith’s time to prove herself... To surpass herself. Physically and mentally.
Eris – It’s never boring with you guys...

With Tarzan & Jane

Tarzan – So the Mirror World is in every reflection?
Belle – Almost. And you can’t enter this world with all of them luckily. Only some few can... like you.
Jane – Well aren’t we aren’t dead Alice right?
Alice – What? No no. I’m living out my life like you do...
Jane then hugs Alice... much to her surprise.
Jane – Sorry, I’m just glad to see you two...
Alice was both happy and concerned to hear that. Much has passed.
Belle – So you seen me in Sofia’s necklace? Looks like I live on in other forms too.
Jane – Yeah... wonder how grandfather is...
Belle – Ouh he is here too when he is called, same with others like Elizabeth Swann the Keeper of the Code... this time it’s just me and Alice.
Jane thinks ‘Elizabeth Swann? As in the pirate Queen?... Isn’t she dead?... Then again, time here is different’
Alice – Ahem, just us here right now with you. Elsewhere currently there are also Moana, Sulley, Baymax, Riley, Rapunzel...
Jane felt tense at the mention of Rapunzel...
Her mind immediately remembered Adam...
Jane – Great.. just great...
The silence followed afterwards
Alice whispers “Hey, big man... is something wrong?”
Tarzan sadly answered “Jane’s father, Professor... Rapunzel’s son had him killed”
He tried saying it so she won’t hear.
She didnt try listening in, trying to distract herself with the forest around her... beautiful and lively, there were rabbits, deers, birds...
At least someone was having a good time...
Alice tries to say anything that could lighten up the mood.
Alice – Hey listen at least you got your hubby by your side right? Who looks like Jesus with his beard, must be one gentle soul... you got us now too...
That didn’t help much, it only reminded her she still has something to lose... looks like her good wasn’t returning for now...
It pained Belle to know that her grandchild lived most of her life without her mother... just like she did. Except her mother Rosalind was the enchantress who cursed the Prince and condemned the entire village to an endless time loop...
While Evaline... she’s gone. She is no more. And now neither was Jane’s father.
Belle – Jane, I’m sorry.
Jane – Yeah me too....
Alice sighs.
Perhaps touching on that subject isn’t helping.
Alice – Alright Tarzan, listen there’s another thing you should know... there are times when Mirror verse is entered by version of Guardians... Us. From different lifetimes. You know one where our lives turned ugly...
Mirrorverse isn’t fully geographically the same... neither it is timeline wise.
Fearless Guardians protect this bridge to many worlds
For whoever controls this gateway...
Controls them all.
It’s stellar magic rewrites the destinies of the Guardians...
Evolving them with extraordinary power.
In these worlds of conflict...
Lies enemies both relentless and deadly...
The rules are simple :
Resist the Fractured...
And answer the Guardians’ call.
For if the Stellar Mirror falls...
No world shall be spared...
Tarzan – So... there are violent versions of us?
Alice – Yeah, troubled minds... I met mine multiple times... Sora once nearly got his hand chopped off by her blade. So keep your eyes open.
Tarzan kept that in mind and that’s how they proceeded the rest of the way.
What none of them knew was that they were watched by a certain flame walker.

At the Stellar Mirror

“I still can’t believe you are here...”
These words should be unsurprising by now...
And yet here they are as Anna now reunites with an old friend she met during her childhood.
One large hairy cyan blue bear with purple spots and indigo blue eyes. Curved horns, white claws, razor sharp fangs, a huge chin, white spikes that run down his backside to the end of his long dinosaur-like tail, and a large furry fat belly... except now wearing one big set of gold-like armour.
Olaf – Wow he’s one big fella!
Sulley – You weren’t kidding about your own Snowman... though I didnt think you meant man from actual snow.
Anna – Jokes on you then... How have you all been Sulley?
Sulley – Well me there, business as usual... kind of. Being a boss isn’t a cakewalk mostly...
Anna – Wouldn’t I know... And Tylor, Val? How the Mathers?
Sulley looked a bit reluctant to answer...
Sulley – Well first off it’s MIFTERS. As for Tylor, he’s figuring himself out... After leaving Monsters Inc, he is rather conflicted... Wait, aren’t you there right now?
Anna – Ooooh, my little self is... okay I really need to learn how time here works...
Sulley – Hard to say... we are all from different points in our lifetimes, ones from past , present, future... you can get confused really.
Anna sighs as her head hurts
Anna – It’s been a rough month for everyone... I just feel overwhelmed by all of this...
Anna rubbed her belly carefully despite all the new armour she got in this realm...
Elsa – I still wanna know how you know him... And what are we waiting for even?
Elsa said growing not like her.
Olaf – Ooh I wanna know too! Didn’t know you had other childhood friends other than me and Domovoy!
All three of them attained powerful transformations as they entered the Mirrorverse, with Olaf just recently reuniting with them. Telling them they were all in Corona for few days... They were surprised that 5 days passed since to them it was only 2 days...
Still here they are...
Olaf as Elemental of Heart and Hearth, is immune to Freeze and Burn and can heal some injuries . Though he can also cause an instant Freeze.
Anna as Ward of Arendelle with had an amplified resilience, can now resist the effects of elemental magic like her own, channel it into her weapons and armour imbued with Stellar Magic.
As a fifth Spirit, Elsa already had great power... but as Ice Storm Elemental,  her connection to North has intensified and gave her even more powers she barely can control...
She didn’t enjoy it as much as Anna does really.
“I understand it must be frustrating for you Elsa. Waiting isn’t always bearable...
Another warrior protecting the Mirror... this time one that Elsa connection to through Ahtohallan.
Olaf – Say you look to be doing great after all those misadventures with Maui. By the way, do you see your grandkids or descendants here?
Moana of Motunui known here as Wayfinding Warrior. Slender yet muscular build, long wait black hair, brown eyes and armed with a shark-toothed sword.
One of the Ocean’s chosen ones... one that Nokk once knew...
Her people once foreseen Elsa’s birth hundred years in advance... The world is both huge and small place...
Moana – My my you are very curious. Well one of them Lilo is having quite a fun life with her own blue companion... But I should tell you, the mirror only allows to see what is allowed to see...
Anna – So this Mirror is sentient if it can decide...
Elsa – But of course, if she is then how can’t this one be.
Moana – Elsa, Ahtohallan is trying to do what’s best for you... it’s not always gonna be your way...
Elsa sighs
Elsa – I thought so too... and you dodge the latter question.
Then there was a 3rd person near the Stellar Mirror trying to hear it’s guidance...
Sulley – Anything else Rapunzel?
Rapunzel or her mirrored self nodded
“The Mirror says they are close. They are about to arrive... you should not depart to the dark sea until then...”
Sulley – Listen, kid... we’ll see them once they come here.
Anna - *yawns* yeah, just try to be professional... like I am...
Anna been having minor mood swings lately... so her professionalism is in question.
Olaf – Anna your professionalism right is now more debatable than my own.
Olaf said trying to brighten up the mood
Rapunzel – But it also says that the Fractured are marching towards us, they are not alone...
Sulley sighs
Moana – By the way, Sulley where are the others again?
Sulley – Belle and Alice on their way to Aghraban... with Riley and Baymaofare off to San Fransko. Strange how the Fractured didn’t yet come here...
Moana – Must be preparing a trap... What’s taking Rapunzel so long?
She wonders if Hei Hei... or Hermes comes back soon from his visit to Olympus... time will tell she supposed.
Anna suddenly had tears in her eye
Elsa – Anna? What is it?!
Sulley – Wow hey there its gonna be alright. You got three titans here to keep you safe... your baby will be fine I promise...
Anna – It’s not that... I just remembered that my husband Kristoff isn’t here, and I don’t know where he is. Or where my little brother is...
She was previously too distracted to think about it but now she sobbed quickly.
Elsa rubs some tears off her face
Elsa – Anna you can cry if you want... but this won’t help find Kristoff... or that man either...
Anna pushes her hand away
Anna – You don’on know when to quit do you? I seen their photo with him! I seen his visions!
Elsa – Many things that he could’ve made up! He was a kid but he’s not a child anymore... and neither are we...
Moana and Sulley found it hard to watch...
Anna – What happened with you?...
Elsa – Nothing happened. This is what I think.
Anna – No it’s not just that...what happened to you?... I thought you and I... I don’t know found our place in the universe! You were happy at the forest!
Elsa – I was at first! But then I learned that it will all just fade away!
Her yell echoed far
Anna – You can’t waste our remaining time together  in anger...
Elsa – It’s not just that... I learned that Ahtohallan isn’t as glorious as I thought... but even without that, I missed you... I missed the castle even. I love my time with Honeymaren and Northuldrans... but I don’t feel like being anywhere near mother now...
Olaf – uhm... I would also not go there...
Anna – You too Olaf?...
Olaf – I’m just scared of suddenly turning berserk again...
Anna – ooh come here you!
She gave Olaf a hug in sadness
Olaf – Aww Anna... You won’t ever leave me in your embrace
Anna – No Way...
Olaf – Yeah... what?
Anna – Tarzan! Jane!
Olaf found himself flying upward as Anna jumped on the newly arrived couple.
Tarzan – Wow I’m also to see you!
Anna – I was so worried! I  couldn’t find where you were! Feared the worst!
Jane – There there... it’ll be okay...
Jane felt like she’s lying... yrt tries to comfort her sister in law as best she can, in spite of her own grief...
In her current condition, she can’t feel too much stress...
Belle – Good we arrived.
Alice – And before the Fractured did.
Sulley – Right on time- uff!
Olaf fell on Sulley’s head
Olaf – Heh sorry...
Tarzan with a beard made Anna think of something...
Anna – Hey... you look like Jesus... or is it just in my sleepy eyes...?
Tarzan pats Anna’s head as he notices his 2nd sister...
Elsa stood right there, in front him... staring at him.
Their first meeting wasn’t very welcoming... although he was possessed by Bron.
He wasn’t sure how to greet her now... and a sight of a large blue bear didn’t surprise him anymore.
Olaf – Glad you’re okay uncle T!
Olaf joyfully jumped in his arms
Olaf – I landed here when that light shined in the jewellery! Where were you?!
Jane – We also ended up here, looks like you were first to arrive...
Olaf – Wait where is the bearded doctor?
That one stung Jane...
Rapunzel – Olaf, he’s not here... that’s all you need to know... Please don’t ask on that anymore...
Tarzan and Elsa weren’t the only ones now in a tense eye contact. Jane and Rapunzel were... not well.
Rapunzel – I know that nothing I say... will bring him back... but please understand, she-... I didnt want this to happen. I’m so sorry...
Jane – Don’t. All I know now is that your son has a lot to answer for when I get back. Don’t expect any charities. DON’T.
Rapunzel felt ashamed to say anything other than “I know...”
Elsa – Rapunzel has done nothing against you. So don’t test us.
Anna could feel Jane’s hand clenching on her shoulder
Anna – Ouch hold on! Let us not forget what we’re here for!... Strange, I feel like I am watching from afar... in fact, I see us standing here when i close my eyes...
Moana – Wait... You can feel someone-
A huge blast occurred
A shockwave pushed everyone back
Tarzan had a ringing sound in his ears
The dust made it hard to see who was there.
His ears were ringing but his senses were spot on. He narrowly dodged someone flying at him like a dagger.
A sinister smile he glimpsed briefly on their face all but telling him
“Surprised to see me?”
Though most of her was covered by a hood, he could know those raging yellow eyes.
She then charged at Elsa who quickly flew up with her icy wings before Lilith smashed her leg into the ground.
Lilith – Pleased to see you again. Let’s have some fun!
Rapunzel – YOU!
The Illuminated Warrior tried bashing her gold-like hair into Lilith who dodges it.
Rapunzel – You turned Adam against us!
Lilith – I only gave him a friendly advice! Not my fault he quit!
She then gets a minor slice on her shoulder from Jane’s sword swing.
Jane – Your turn to quit now!
Belle – Jane look out!
Jane didn’t see energy blasts flying towards her but Belle did.
She managed to deflect them.

“Hello there”

It appeared to be another version of Belle, one much darker with bright, shining eyes.
Belle – Well looks like my Fractured alter ego is here... everyone on guard. Your own may be here too!
Then another figure landed on the field. One giant, muscular and hairy.
Lilith – Ouh they’ll be the least of your worries.
An animalistic growl is heard
The big creature is a hulking bear with sharp teeth, claws and ears...
Something of a cursed bear monster. Except unlike Sulley wasn’t so friendly.
Lilith – Get ‘em! Amuse yourself!
Alice – Wow one big bear! Come here!
Alice forged a hammer out of her hat going in for the hit!
But then she was knocked down by her Fractured reflection.

“You missed me Lil A?~”

Some Fractured looked like exact version of them but darker... they are much stronger.
This fractured Alice looked much creepier... Her skin is pale like a corpse, she has dark hair, a long oval-shaped face and large eyes with a shade of emerald-green that were glowing.
Alice – Sweet merciful Lewis Carrol, I don’t know!... did you?
Alice answered in joke before dodging her slash attack.
Jane stood up from the blast and rubs her eyes...
Jane – Two Alices... my isn’t this fun...
Jane used her staff to chain the Fractured Alice instead caused another explosion.
Alice – Jane we don’t need more ruckus here!
Jane – I know but apparently it’s not as easy as it seems!
Belle – Try use your imagination! Focus!
Sulley – Good idea
Fractured were different types here, most were mindless brutes ...some were reflections of the Guardians.
Sulley used his to push back the more mindless ones who try get close to the Mirror.
Sulley – And it looks like Lilith came to exploit the situation!
Anna – Well that firecracker won’t succeed!
Anna charged up her sword before taking a large swing.
Oh the Fractured were hit, and almost the Guardians too.
Sulley – Anna, no friendly fires!
He found Lilith behind him when she then kicked him towards Moana.
Olaf then tries casting a freeze on Lilith sneakily.
Olaf – How’d you like that!?
That freeze didn’t help given her inflamed power that immediately released her.
Lilith – Like what?...
Lilith then caught Olaf in her hands.
Lilith – Even without my flames, I am tougher than you... you know I once liked you, but now... at best you are annoyance, at worst a bad memory.
Lilith took out her knife, implying an attempt to behead the snowman.
Anna – Oh no you won’t!
Anna jumped up at her but Lilith threw Olaf at her head and instead she got caught in Lilith’s grip now.
Elsa – Let him go NOW!
Elsa is seen sliding on an ice ramp in the air, going towards Lilith.
Only to be intercepted by the bear monster who knocks her down.
She quickly forced an ice dome around the bear.
In her fury, she was about to freeze the inside but was stopped by Tarzan.
Tarzan – Wait Elsa! You’re gonna kill him!
Elsa – WHAT?!
Elsa’s perception of Tarzan wasn’t on good terms and he’s not helping.
Elsa – It’s just the Fractured! It’ll be back again eventually!
Tarzan – That is Kristoff!
Elsa -... What... did you say?
She yelled wondering if she heard him correctly
The cracks were shown , the bear is getting angry in a cage.
Lilith - Ah, for et nydelig syn å se... Good to see my beloved is so hungry
Anna – You... You! What did you do to him!?
Anna struggled to get out her grip and she almost succeeded.
Lilith – Temper, temper min kjære dobbeltgjenger... I simply did him a favour and released the instinctual , more beastial side using Maleficent’s book of spells.
The bear smashed his way out and tries biting down on Elsa and Tarzan.
Tarzan tries holding his head down and Elsa chains his
Anna furiously tries to slash at her but Lilith manages to tackle her.
Lilith was about to hit Anna in the belly ...
Except she stopped her hand....
For some reason, Lilith didn’t want to harm the child...
Although she tried , her hand was shaking.
‘What... what’s going on?! What are you doing?!’
Then suddenly she could feel multiple energy currents pushing her away.
As if some self defense mechanism turned on.
Anna - *breathes* Wha? What’s going on?!
Anna then looks at Lilith on the ground trying to get up.
Anna took her sword and walks towards her to finish it once and for all...
But when she gets too close...
She is met with the unexpected... this one shocked her to the core.
The blast took her hood off.
Her face was visible
Lilith... her face...
It looked so similar...
Anna – You look... just like me.
Her rosy cheeks, thin pink lips, a small nose, and a light dusting of freckles...
She looked like Anna, but more sleepless and angry... with red-yellow eyes and silver hair.
Anna couldn’t understand.
How is this possible?!
Did the Stellar Mirror do something?!
Anna – How can there be two MEs?! In and out of this place?!
Lilith didn’t seem too bothered, simply saying.
Lilith – Let’s just say you and are closer than you think.
Definitely too close for comfort.
Elsa and Tarzan couldn’t believe their eyes...
Lilith then dissipated into the floor as her dark essence then transported towards the Stellar Mirror.
Lilith – Kristoff kom bort til meg!
The bear took advantage of the distraction to break free as he heads towards Lilith at the Stellar Mirror.
The Fractured made it harder for the Guardians to stop her.
Jane – Don’t let get away!
Lilith – Don’t worry... I don’t want to go alone either...
Lilith then took out a particular roll she found in the forest amidst Bron’s “jailbreak”
It was a little penguin, one very valuable to Oldenburg family.
Anna – Sir Jorgenbjorgen?!
Lilith – I once had one like this... but that’s behind me now... you want it? You want Kristoff, Kai, Gerda, Olina, Sven? Then follow me, let's have fun where it all kicked off. I’m awaiting for you...
And with that, Lilith took Kristoff inside the mirror and out into the earthly realm.
Sulley – Dammit! What are you waiting for! Go after them!
Jane – On it! Let’s go!
Anna – But what about you?!
Sulley – Don’t worry 100 of Fractured? Needs more than that to take us out!
Alice – Yeah! I’ll be able to beat myself just fine!
Belle – Be well Jane!
Rapunzel – Give my son a good kick if you find him!
Jane – Ouh be certain of that!
Moana – Be mindful Elsa!
Olaf – Hey don’t forget me and Uncle T!
They said their goodbyes as they depart from the Mirrorverse.
If the chances allow, the Mirrorverse is still here to enter but that’s a whole another story.


Notes :
CLASSIC TWIST : HERO OF STORY IS SIMULTANEOUSLY VILLAIN?!... No one knows how far one can fall...
Now I’m pretty sure you are aware of Disney Mirrorverse – A new addition to my expanded universe - [ )
•The mirror world idea first arose in the 1990s but has not previously been recognized as a potential solution to the Hubble constant problem.” The “mirror world” could account for the phenomenon of dark matter, or be an exotic form of it, that could be one way of solving the Hubble tension.
•Leopold Liddel - []
•Can Hook be seen as lost boy? Quite Possibly.
•In Disney Deluxe, Maui's polynesian father ( I think named Kineuitepo) was a guardian of the underworld...
•Odd Sisters are from The Gargoyles series.
•Locket of Vor from Sofia...
•Sinbad & Flynn are related here.
•How Fractured Alice looks like in my mind – [
•Headless horseman = Jack Skellington = Facilier’s friend from the other side [ + ]
•I do think Maleficent learned from Chernabog’s teachings [ )
•Jafar fractured the mirror – [
•Very few people are comfortable viewing themselves as bad or just on wrong side of history, most are just doing it cuz they think it’s the right thing to do.
•Anna & Sulley know each other from my other fanfic called “Anna’s Monsters” - [
•As for Riley & Baymax... ooh that we’ll see eventually when I continue my story “A second chance at life - (]
•More to Hei Hei than meets the eye according to Disney Deluxe.
•Moana-Lilo linked to the shared family. After all like Ohana, “Moana means Family”
•Imagine Kristoff turning into any animal like a bear or a deer? Wonder how it’ll look if Deer Kristoff fights Deer Tarzan? Sorta like Ronno v Bambi [ )


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