A Dangerous Game Of Submissio...

By Yoonkeeri

17.1K 1.6K 5.2K

"I won't fucking submit to you," Yoongi spat. "And I certainly don't need to justify myself to someone like y... More

Title and Cover :


397 38 144
By Yoonkeeri

(The 7th day of being with Jin)

The next day dawned as Yoongi found himself in Jin's car, en route to his own mansion after a prolonged absence.

Sitting alone in the backseat, he gazed out the window, observing the passing scenery with nostalgia. The distance between Jin's mansion and his own stretched out before him like an endless road.

During the drive, he couldn't shake off the weight of Jin's hesitant words.

"Yoongi's details and photo are among them too, which means, Yoongi, you are going to be one of the human subjects in their experiment."

The room fell into a stunned silence as the weight of Jin's words sunk in.

"What?" Taehyung's voice carried a mix of disbelief and concern. "Are you serious?"

Jin nodded. "I wish I weren't," he murmured, his tone heavy with worry. "But we can't ignore this. We need to take extra precautions, especially for you, Yoongi."

Yoongi's nodded, "I understand," he replied. "I'll be extra careful from now on."

Jin's gaze softened as he looks at him. "Good," he said. "We'll work together to ensure your safety. And if you ever feel uneasy or notice anything suspicious, don't hesitate to let us know immediately."

Taehyung's voice then wavered with hesitation as he began. "Um, well, something else happened in class today," he started, his tone cautious.

Yoongi's prompted, "What happened?"

Taehyung continued, "The student who locked you in the basement was absent, and no one seems to know where he is." He paused briefly before adding, "And the senior who had a confrontation with you the other day, he showed up in class. He was looking for you, but when he couldn't find you, he laughed and made a remark about you knowing your place now."

Yoongi's expression darkened, his jaw tensing with frustration. "What else did he say?" he asked.

Taehyung hesitated before revealing, "He told one of the students to inform him if you ever return to class. He said he'd need to teach you another lesson if necessary."

With the events of the previous day weighing heavily on his mind, Yoongi sat in the car, his breath escaping in a soft sigh.

As he leaned back, his eyes drifted shut, welcoming the cool breeze that swept through the open window. He then made a silent resolve.

Whatever unfolds tomorrow, the day he returns to college, he refuses to bear responsibility for the consequences, even if it means confronting that arrogant senior once more.

Who the fuck is he to trifle with Min Yoongi, the mafia king?

Yoongi finally reached his mansion and as he stepped out of the car, the driver bowed his head respectfully.

He nodded as the driver departed with the car, leaving him alone in front of his abode.

Sighing softly, he turned to gaze at his mansion, its familiar contours stirring memories.

How long had it been since he last set foot within these walls?

(Ahem. It's been only 6 days💀)

He entered his mansion, his surprise palpable as he saw his workers and maids still diligently attending to their tasks.

Weren't they supposed to be under Jin's command now? Why are they still here?

That was what Yoongi had understood, at least.

As soon as they caught sight of him at the entrance, they exclaimed in unison and bowed deeply before him, expressing their anticipation for his return. They remained bowed until Yoongi nodded, instructing them to raise their heads.

The head worker approached him respectfully, "Our lord, how are you, sir?" he asked as he helped Yoongi remove his coat. Yoongi simply nodded in response.

The maids, sensing his unusual calmness, hesitantly asked him, "What would you like to eat, master?" They were unsure of his current mood as they were accustomed to his perpetual state of anger, but now he appeared serene.

To their surprise, Yoongi offered a small smile, "Whatever you have will do. But for now, I've already eaten." He then added, "But prepare something light for the afternoon."

Turning to the head worker, he asked about the mansion's affairs during his absence. "How have things been here since I left?"

The worker looked puzzled but responded respectfully, "Nothing much has changed, sir. However, the mansion feels incomplete without your presence. We've missed having you around."

Yoongi was taken aback by their heartfelt response, a soft laugh escaping his lips as he processed their words. "You all must have been enjoying the peace and quiet without me around," he said lightly.

But the workers and maids immediately shook their heads in unison, denying his assumption. "No, sir," one of them spoke up earnestly. "You are our master, and without you, the mansion feels empty. We truly missed having you here. It felt like there was no point in us being here without you and we were waiting for you to return."

Yoongi's expression softened at their loyalty but before he could say anything, a loud noise echoed from the stairs, drawing everyone's attention.

It was Jimin, calling out "Yoongi hyung!" as he rushed towards him.

Yoongi instinctively cautioned him not to run, mindful of his medical condition.

Despite the warning, Jimin reached him and grasped his hand, his eyes wide with urgency. "Hyung, I need your help!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with anxiety.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued.

The mafia smacked Jimin's bottom, his glare piercing through the younger's guilty expression as he hissed in pain and stood beside him. They were in the area behind the mansion, where Yoongi kept his unusual pets - cats and tigers.

"Sorry, hyung," Jimin murmured as Yoongi continued to glare at him. Turning his attention to the injured cat, the elder observed as it got its leg wrapped in a bandage.

It all began when Jimin, engrossed in cuddling with one of the pet cats, ventured near the caged tiger with the feline in hand. Despite the tiger's passive demeanor towards Jimin, its accidental scratch on the cat left it injured.

Yoongi smacked his bottom again, his expression stern as he questioned, "What if something terrible happened, Jimin? What if you were the one who got hurt? Who even allowed you to go near the cage?"

With a pout, Jimin admitted, "I went there myself, hyung. I didn't know the tiger would get aggressive."

Yoongi's glare intensified with disbelief as he scolded, "It's my first day back home after such a long time, and you're already causing trouble."

Jimin giggled playfully, earning a playful glare from his brother, who couldn't help but crack a slight smile despite his irritation.

Yoongi's gaze softened as he asked, "Are you taking your meds daily?"

Jimin nodded earnestly, his expression sincere. "Yes, hyung, I've been taking them every day," he replied, a hint of pride in his voice. "And I haven't had much of an attack either."

Yoongi nodded in approval, relieved to hear that Jimin was managing his health well. "Good," he said, his tone gentle. "Just make sure to keep up with it, okay? Your health comes first."

One of the workers, finishing up bandaging the cat, came to him saying that he was done. Yoongi nodded, then instructing the worker to take the cat to its designated area.

Once the worker left, it was just Yoongi, Jimin, and the tiger left in the room.

Yoongi exhaled softly, his gaze shifting to Jimin before he stepped forward, "Stay back, Jimin."

With cautious steps, he approached the caged tiger. Despite its earlier growls, the tiger's demeanor transformed, now regarding Yoongi with gentle, doe-like eyes.

He then opened the cage door, gesturing for the tiger to come out. It obeyed, stepping out and fixing its gaze on Yoongi. With tenderness in his touch, the elder gently ruffled it's furry face before pulling it into a warm embrace.

Feeling the tiger's warmth and it's rhythmic purring, he closed his eyes, momentarily lost in the bond he shared with his majestic pet.

Despite its wild nature, the tiger seemed to find solace in Yoongi's presence, responding to his affection with calmness and trust.

Jimin watched in awe, silently marveling at the unique connection between Yoongi and his beloved tiger.

"I missed you." Yoongi murmured softly to his pet, the majestic creature nuzzled against him, its large head resting against his shoulder.

The bond between them was undeniable, forged through years of companionship and mutual understanding.

The tiger, now lying down beside Yoongi on the floor, seemed to give out a sense of peace. Yoongi then motioned for Jimin to come, his expression softening as he beckoned his little brother closer.

Jimin hesitated at first, unsure, but eventually stepped forward, drawn by the calm energy radiating from them.

The mafia pulled him closer and Jimin's fingers brushed against the soft fur of the tiger. A smile had spread across his face.

Yoongi watched fondly as Jimin's eyes lit up with delight, glad to see his little brother enjoying the moment.

His voice was filled with wonder as he exclaimed, "Hyung, it's so soft!" He ran his hand along the tiger's fur, marveling at its texture. Yoongi chuckled softly, pleased to see his excitement.

It was moments like these that made him cherish the bond they shared.

He nodded, his gaze softening as he watched Jimin interact with the tiger. "Yeah, they're gentle when they're comfortable," he explained, his tone calm. "Just like any other pet, they need care and love."

Jimin nodded in understanding, his laughter echoing as he continued to pet. Yoongi watched them both, a small smile playing on his lips.

Soon, it was afternoon, and Yoongi and Jimin made their way to the dining area. The aroma of the freshly prepared dishes filled the room, enticing their appetites. As they settled at the table, the maids approached with plates of food, ready to serve them their lunch.

They served Yoongi a light meal as he requested, while Jimin was presented with a steaming bowl of chicken noodles. Yoongi nodded in approval at his own dish, while Jimin's eyes lit up at the sight and aroma of the flavorful noodles.

As the maids bowed after finishing their duties, the younger turned to Yoongi, his curiosity piqued. "Hyung, how's your work going?"

Yoongi's brows furrowed momentarily in thought before he replied, "What work?"

Jimin's expression shifted to one of surprise. "What do you mean by that? Didn't Jin hyung say that you and him are working on a case?"

Realization dawned on Yoongi, and he nodded. "Ah, that. It's going fine. Nothing to worry about."

With a smile, Jimin said, "Of course it will go fine because you're helping, hyung. With you around, everything will be fine."

Yoongi smiled as they continued eating, but then Jimin's question caught him off guard.

"Hyung, did you attend the government exam?" He asked, causing Yoongi to choke on his food.

"Oh, um," he stammered, his words faltering as he attempted to cover his tracks.

He then cleared his throat before replying, his words coming out in a stammer. "Uh, yeah, I...attended it. I mean, I went...  But, uh, the results... they haven't arrived yet."

Jimin grinned and nodded. "I'm sure, hyung! You'll definitely get marked as a dom," he said, his eyes full of admiration. "You have such strong leadership qualities, hyung, and that dominant aura of yours is really cool."

Yoongi forced a smile, inwardly cringing at the praise. He appreciated Jimin's confidence in him, but it only made him more guilty.

"I mean it, hyung," Jimin continued, oblivious to his discomfort. "Everyone looks up to you, and I'm sure the examiners will see that too. You've got this!"

Yoongi nodded. "Yeah, thanks, Jimin," he replied, forcing a smile to hide his unease. "I hope you're right."

As they finished their lunch, the mafia excused himself, citing some work he needed to attend to. Jimin nodded understandingly, giving him a smile.

Alone in his room, Yoongi couldn't shake off the guilt gnawing at him. He knew he needed to come clean to Jimin about not attending the exam, but the fear of disappointing him held him back.

He then spent the afternoon in his room, immersed in his laptop, going through the records of the money borrowed from him the previous month.

He meticulously logged each transaction, noting down who had borrowed and how much, as well as who had repaid their debts.

After sorting through his financial records, he delved into his mafia-related tasks.

He went through the intricate network of alliances and conflicts within the underworld, making calculated decisions and benefits to maintain his position of power and influence.

As he worked, his mind was sharp and focused, his instincts honed by years of experience in the criminal underworld.

After some hours, he glanced at the clock, his expression shifting to one of mild annoyance. It was already 4 p.m., well past the time Jin had instructed him to be home.

"Remember to be back before 3:30 p.m., Yoongi. It's your curfew."

Yoongi huffed as he remembered what Jin said before he got into the car this morning.

Who was Kim Seokjin to dictate his movements and impose a curfew on him?

Being determined, he resolved not to comply with Jin's rules. He scoffed at the idea of being controlled by him, even if it meant asserting his independence in a subtle act of rebellion.

Deciding to purposely arrive late, Yoongi smirked to himself, getting the opportunity to remind Jin that he couldn't be controlled, even if he had to play the role of his sub until he solves the case.

He then continued to work on his tasks, deliberately taking his time. Finally, when he deemed it suitably late, Yoongi shut down his laptop.

As he was about to open the door of his room, the head worker approached with a worried and urgent expression. Yoongi opened the door fully, meeting the worker's concerned gaze.

"What's the matter?" He asked, his brow furrowing.

The head worker wasted no time in relaying the situation. "Sir, there's a man on the ground floor who appears to be heavily intoxicated. He's been asking for you for the past five minutes. Lord Jimin tried to reason with him, but he's refusing to leave."

Yoongi's expression hardened as he processed the information. "Do you know who he is?" he asked, his mind racing with possibilities.

The head worker shook his head. "No, sir. He's not someone any of us could recognize."

"Alright, I'll handle it," he said, steeling himself for whatever awaited him downstairs.

When Yoongi came downstairs, he was taken aback to see the man sprawled on the floor, unmistakably one of the low-ranking mafias.

It was a stark contrast to their usual interactions, as now the man held a higher position as a dom while Yoongi, typically in control, had the role of a sub.

He bit his lips, steeling himself as he made his way towards the man.

As soon as the man caught sight of Yoongi approaching, he erupted into uncontrollable laughter.

Jimin, standing nearby, appeared visibly irritated, though he remained unaware of the man's identity.

Yoongi knew exactly what the man was up to. He knew that he came here to belittle him for his new state, despite Yoongi's continued status as the top mafia figure.

The man now stood tall in front of him, his smirk betraying his arrogance as he mocked Yoongi's presence. "Well, well, look who's here. The mighty mafia, Min Yoongi, has arrived," he jeered.

Ignoring his provocations, Yoongi cut straight to the chase. "What do you want?" he demanded, his tone sharp and commanding.

The man's smirk widened. "Oh, just wanted to see how the great Min Yoongi is faring in his new lowly life," he sneered.

With a sharp intake of breath, Yoongi spat curses at him. "Get the fuck out of my mansion."

"Oh, Yoongi, still as feisty as ever," he remarked.

But Yoongi stood his ground, his gaze unwavering as he repeated his command with even more force. "I said, get out," he growled, his voice carrying a dangerous edge.

The man's words cut through the tension like a knife, his mocking tone adding insult to injury. "Where were you for the past few days, huh?" he sneered. "Hiding somewhere, afraid of people finding out about your sorry state?"

Yoongi fury boiled within him. He cursed under his breath, his voice seething with anger. He had no time for petty games or insults, especially from someone who stood beneath him in the hierarchy of the underworld. "Just shut the fuck up and get ou-"

"How dare you speak to me like that?" the man spat, his voice laced with contempt.

"You're nothing but a sub now, Yoongi. And subs like you should learn to obey their superiors." He paused, his expression darkening. "Did your dom not teach you any manners?" he taunted.

Before Yoongi could say anything, Jimin's voice cut through the tension, filled with confusion and anger. "A sub? Who the hell are you calling a sub?" he demanded.

The man's smirk widened as he turned his attention to Yoongi, taunting him with a knowing glance. "Looks like that boy doesn't know," he sneered.

Yoongi clenched his jaw in frustration, realizing that his secret was out in the open. There was no hiding from it now.

The man then turned to Jimin, his laughter echoing in the room as he revealed the truth. "Dear mafia Yoongi here got marked as a sub for skipping the exam. How come you don't know that, little boy?"

"What?" Jimin's eyes widened in disbelief as he turned to Yoongi, seeking confirmation. "Is it true?" he asked, his voice trembling with uncertainty. "Tell me it's not true, hyung. I will believe you!"

As Yoongi remained silent, his shock deepened, his eyes darting between the man and his hyung.

The workers, witnessing the tense exchange, shared in Jimin's disbelief. Some had already been aware of Yoongi's situation, but seeing it laid bare in front of them only heightened their concern for their master.

The man's insults grew as he mocked Yoongi's fall from grace, reveling in his superiority as a dom. "Look at you now, Min Yoongi," he started. "The mighty mafia reduced to a sub, cowering in the shadow of those you once looked down upon."

He chuckled darkly. "This is what happens when arrogance blinds you," he spat. "You thought you were invincible, untouchable, but now look at you - pathetic, weak, and utterly defeated."

"You are nothing but an arrogant bitch," he said. "You thought you were above everyone else, didn't you?"

His words cut deep, fueling the fire within Yoongi's chest. Yet, he remained silent, refusing to give the man the satisfaction of a response.

With each insult, the man's voice grew louder, his aggression palpable in the air. And then, without warning, he pushed Yoongi lightly, a mocking gesture of dominance.

Yoongi staggered backward, his jaw clenched in silent fury, but he refused to retaliate.

Everyone in the room remained frozen, unsure of how to intervene.

"Jimin, go to your room," Yoongi ordered sharply, his tone brooking no argument.

Jimin hesitated. "But hyung-" he began, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

"Go!" Yoongi's voice rose, cutting through the air like a whip.

Jimin flinched and quickly obeyed, silently retreating to his room.

The man smirked. Then, to everyone's horror, he crossed another line. His hands roamed freely over Yoongi's body, his touch invasive as they crawled over his shoulder, chest, cheeks and then to his lips.

"So, who's your dom, huh?" he sneered, his tone mocking. "Must be one lucky bastard to have a pretty little sub like you."

Yoongi's jaw clenched at his words, his fists balling at his sides in frustration.

The man's laughter echoed in the room, a grating sound that grated on Yoongi's nerves.

It was a cruel reminder of his state in this moment, his status as a sub laid bare for all to see.

"How much did your dom pay to buy you as his sub?" The man jeered. "Must've been quite a large sum for a beauty like you."

Yoongi's patience snapped at the man's audacity, his temper flaring as he retorted sharply, "Shut the fuck up."

But the man's smirk only widened. "I'm just curious," he said. "Maybe I'll pay your dom even more to have you as my own sub."

"How nice it would be if you were my sub," he taunted. "I'd treat you well, unlike your current dom. Tell him to give you to me, and I'll show you what a real dom is like."

Yoongi recoiled his touch, his stomach churning with disgust. The thought of being under the control of someone like him made his skin crawl.

But then, just as the man's fingers were about to press on his lips, a hand intervened, halting his advance as it slapped his hand away from Yoongi.

How did that person get here without Yoongi noticing?

The man, now annoyed, looked at the newcomer with disdain, ready to unleash another round of insults. "What the fuck? Who are you, you basta-"

Yoongi shock was palpable, his eyes widened as his dom's deep voice, tinged with icy resolve, cut through the tension,

"How dare a trash like you lay your dirty hand on him?"

It was Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi's dom.


3896 words lol!

Who thought Yoongi's beloved dom Kim Seokjin will appear?

Oh my god. I love these kind of dramatical scenes😂 Am I the only one though?

Two more followers! And then, it will hit 100♥️

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