Miss General

By moonlight468

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Anna Berndt is a very skilled assassin in Russia. She has trained since she was born and is skilled in any we... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14 (continuation)
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21

chapter 14

3K 98 12
By moonlight468

            “You ready yet Connor?” I yelled.

            “One sec.” He yells back.

            I sigh in response and continue to wait for him. Now you might be wondering why I would be waiting for him in the first place and the answer is simple. Connor is staying with me for the week we’re all gone. Since his family is the enemy it’s not like he can just go visit them for a week and come back. I didn’t want to at first but Officer Russell made me feel guilty about him getting shot because of me. So here we are, me waiting for Connor because he’s such a girl and needs all of his stuff. He doesn’t even really have anything and yet I finished before him.

            I sigh again and then Connor finally comes out of his room. He has 3 bags filled with god only knows what and smiles at me.

            “Ready baby cakes?” I ask.

            “Yes I am.” He starts to walk to the car.

            “What’s in those bags anyways?” I ask curiously.

            “Ah ah ah. It’s a secret.” He grins.

            “Now I’m really curious.” I mutter while Connor laughs. His laughter makes a smile appear on my face. He has one of those laughs that just make you want to laugh.

            “So where’s everyone else?” Connor asks.

            “They already left.” I say.

            “I’m surprised they’re fine with me staying with you.” Connor winks at me.

            My cheeks heat up. “It’s not like anything’s going to happen.” I slap him and of course he laughs again. “Jeez, you’re impossible. I’m only taking you in because I feel guilty.”

            Connor grabs my hands and forces me to stop. He gives me a serious look. “There is nothing for you to feel guilty about. I protected you because I love you. I will always protect you. It was my choice to push you out of the way and I would do it again if I had to.” Connor brings my hands up to his lips and softly kisses my hands. He keeps his eyes on me the whole time as he does this. I know I’m blushing like crazy and hate that he makes me feel this way. “So please, don’t blame yourself.”

            “A-alright. I get it, so can you give me back my hands?” I kick myself for stuttering.

            Connor gives me a dazzling smile. “Nope. I’m going to keep one hand so I know you won’t run away from me. I’m planning to stick with you for the whole week.”

            “What? You can’t be serious. I’m going to be with Cassy the whole time.” I say.

            “That’s fine. I want to meet Cassy. And it’ll be fun. We’ll look like a family.” Connor smirks.

            My heart flutters at the image. We would make a good family. I shake my head and rip my hands out of Connors. I can’t worry about love. I got distracted last time and I don’t need distractions this time. I get in the car and Connor follows. The car ride took over 6 hours and when we finally arrived I felt so relieved. I know Officer Russell said that the town wasn’t attacked but I just had to see it myself to believe it.

            Connor and I take out our luggage and we go up the stairs leading to the front door. I decide to ring the doorbell instead of walking in. I hear feet running towards the door quickly. The door flings open and there stands a 13 year old girl. She stares at me for a moment before squealing and jumping into my arms. I drop my luggage and hug her back. I laugh as she cries that I’m back. As I set her down I hear another pair of feet come towards us. I look up to see a soldier. He smiles before patting Cassy’s head and leaving the house with luggage.

            “I’ll be back next week before you leave General Berndt.” The man salutes me and I salute back. He takes the car and drives off.

            I turn back to Cassy and grin at her.

            “Well squirt, excited to have your favorite person in the world back?” I say.

            “Hmmm I don’t know. Where is she?” Cassy asks.

            I pout and she grins.

            “Good to see you too.” I say sarcastically.

            Cassy just smiles before looking behind me at the man.

            “Who’s this?” She asks.

            I grab Connor’s hand and pull him up next to me. “This is Connor. He’s going to be staying with us for the whole week.” I say.

            Cassy’s face falls. “The whole week? But then that means it won’t be just you and me.”

            “I know but you see, Connor saved my life and if it hadn’t been for him, I wouldn’t be here today. He’s a nice man and I want to make it up to him. Do you think you can get along with him?” I ask.

            Cassy’s eyes water before she hugs Connor. Connor looks shocked but hugs her back.

            “Thank you. Thank you so much for saving Anna. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” Cassy just keeps saying thank you while silently crying.

            “You’re welcome. We both would be lost without her.” Connor says this to Cassy but is looking at me.

            I just smile at them and take Cassy from Connor.

            “Don’t worry Cassy. I promise I won’t leave you.” I touch the bracelet that is hanging around my wrist. “Look, I still have the bracelet that you gave me. I never take it off. It lets me know that you’re always with me and that gives me strength.” I say.

            Cassy’s eyes water more but she smiles and nods.

            “Come on, let’s get inside and when we’re done unpacking, we can go grocery shopping to make dinner tonight.” I say.

            Cassy agrees and I lead Connor upstairs to the guest bedroom. We actually have a pretty small house but it’s cozy. Cassy and I have our own bedrooms and a guest bedroom. There are two bathrooms in the house and just the usual kitchen/family room area. The basement is where I train and I use the woods behind our house for more survival training. We live away from everyone else but the town is only a mile away and everyone knows each other. It’s a cute town.

            Once we’re done unpacking, we all walk to the grocery store. We take about an hour to find what we need to make chili. It’s Cassy’s favorite and apparently Connors too. Cassy kept bragging to Connor and saying how she gets straight A’s. Connor looks impressed and said he was a terrible test taker and never did well in classes. I laugh at him as he tells a story about how he pranked all his teachers in high school. Cassy loved them and decided to try a few. I gave her a look and she promised to do only one.

            “So Cassy, how’s Jeremy?” I ask.

            Cassy’s eyes widen as she blushes a bright red. I laugh and Connor smiles, understanding what’s going on.

            “And who is this Jeremy?” Connor asks.

            “Just a friend.” Cassy says shyly.

            “Oh he’s more than just a friend.” I wink at her. Her face gets even redder.

            “Well I’m very curious to see how this Jeremy kid can make The Incredible Cassy blush so much.” Connor laughs.

            Cassy hits him lightly on the chest but smiles. We talk a little more about Jeremy and apparently he asked Cassy to the movies next Friday. Good thing I’ll be here so I can be a true sister and watch her. Connor seems to catch on what I’m going to do and shakes his head but still smiling. I know he wants to see this Jeremy kid anyways. I’ve only seen the kid. I’ve never talked to him. Cassy would always point him out in the crowd.

            We pay for our groceries and I make dinner for the 3 of us. When we ate, it felt like we really were a family. Connor and Cassy were getting along great. It was such a nice moment. Connor says my chili is better than his chef’s but I think he was just being nice. Still, it put a smile on my face. We all watched movies that night. Connor left us alone and Cassy and I caught up with each other. I’ve missed her so much. I’m glad she’s safe.

            Cassy went to bed early even though tomorrow was Sunday. I gave her a kiss goodnight and left her room. She hated when I treated her like a little kid but I couldn’t help it. That’s just how I saw her.

            I went over to Connor’s door and knocked on it. After a few seconds, he opened it and I felt myself gawking at him. He only had a pair of boxers on and I couldn’t help but check him out. He has such defined muscles and a nice tan to them. He isn’t as muscular as Brock but still well built. I had the urge to touch his chest but restrained myself. I look up at him and see him smirking at me.

            “Like what you see?” He asks.

            I feel my face get hot but play it cool.

            “What do you expect? Any girl would check out a body like that.” I say nonchalantly.

            Connor just keeps smirking.

            “Anyways, I was just going to say have a goodnight. I’m going to bed early.” I say.

            I leave and go to my room and shut the door. I lean against it and take a deep breathe. I wasn’t expecting to be so attracted to Connor. My face flushes with the memory replaying in my mind. And that man loves me? I shake my head and decide to take a shower. I take a quick shower and come out feeling refreshed and more confident. Those boys have made me feel so weird and I felt like that shower rinsed away all of my worries.

As I get out of the shower, I wrap a towel tightly around my body. I go to the dresser, about to change when suddenly the door slams open. I jump as I look up to see Connor who has a look of shock. He quickly recuperates and then smirks at me as he shamelessly checks out my body. I feel his eyes all over me and can’t help but cower a little. He seems to notice and decides that it would make me so much more comfortable if he took more steps closer to me. As he reaches me, I can’t help but look down. I feel hands on my wrists as he pulls me against him and I slam against his chest. I look up into his eyes and gasp. His eyes are filled with lust. I struggle to get out of his grip but know it’s useless. Connor leans down to my ear.

            “There’s nowhere to run doll face.” He whispers in my ear.

            My eyes widen as I feel him lightly kiss behind my ear. I let out a quiet moan as he moves his kisses up my neck and to my jaw. I wrap my arms around his body and feel myself pushing closer to him. I don’t want any distance between us. Connor wraps his arms around me as he nears my lips. My body feels like it’s on fire and I can’t help but like it. Connor makes something in me stir. I can’t help but want him to kiss me. To make me his. Connor seems to know what I’m thinking as he smashes his lips to mine. I moan in delight as our lips move in sync. I put my hands through his hair. I feel a rumble through Connor’s chest and smirk. Connor picks me up and I wrap my legs around his body. He moves us to my bed and lightly puts me down. I slide my hands to his chest and try to feel every inch of it. It seems to please him because he grunts and breaks our kiss. He trails down my jaw to my neck where he sucks on it lightly. I moan in delight. Connor then starts to go lower and I feel my towel start to be lifted.

            “Connor, wait!” I gasp.

            Connor stops removing my towel but continues to move back to my neck and suck on it.

            “Connor, I can’t. I can’t get distracted.” I say quietly.

            Connor finally stops and lifts his head to look at me.

            “I know. You want to focus on the war and Cassy but I’m telling you Anna, I’m not going to back off for much longer. When this war ends, you better be ready because I’m going to show you what I’ve want to do to you since the day I met you.” Connor says huskily.

            My breathe catches in my throat. He’s so serious. He leans down to continue kissing me and I oblige. It won’t hurt to indulge just this once, will it? As we have a heated make out session with my towel still on, I hear the doorbell ring. Connor and I pull apart and look at each other, confusion on our faces.

            “Who could be here this late?” I ask.

            “I don’t know but I’m going to kill them for making me stop.” Connor says.

            I giggle as I get up and go to my dresser.

            “Go see who it is. I’ll be done in a sec.” I say.

            Connor grumbles as he leaves and goes downstairs. I smile as I change and comb my hair.

            “Hey Anna.” Connor calls.

            “Yeah?” I call back.

            “You’re going to want to come down here.” He says.

            Confused, I go downstairs to find 5 people on my doorstep. But it’s not just any 5 people, it’s my team. I stare at them dumbfounded.

            “What are you guys doing here?” I yell.

            “Well we decided to check up on you. We wanted to make sure you weren’t being taken advantage of by him.” Tristan looks at Connor with a glare.

            Connor puts his arm around my shoulder.

            “I would never do that.” He smirks.

            All the guys glare at him while Brock tears Connor’s arms off of me. Connor doesn’t do anything but let Brock manhandle him.

            “Guys guys guys. My sister is sleeping right now. So please stop and keep it down.” I whisper.

            They immediately stiffen. Brock then releases Connor.

            “So since you checked up on me and see that I’m fine, would you mind leaving? Besides, shouldn’t you guys be with your family instead of worrying about me?” I ask.

            “Well you see, I already had a nice time with my family and was worried about you. And how Connor is acting, I can’t just leave a damsel in distress.” Tristan says.

            “I’m not a damsel in distress.” I snap.

            Tristan ignores me. “So I decided to be a gentleman and stay with you to protect you for the next week.”

            My mouth drops open.

            “What?!” I yell.

            The boys shush me and I close my mouth.

            “You can’t be serious.” I say with clenched teeth.

            “Serious we are.” Alex says.

            I look around the room, realization finally hitting me.

            “Wait, you’re ALL staying here for the WHOLE week?” I ask in disbelief.

            They all nod. I feel myself get lightheaded and sit down.

            “What about your families?” I ask.

            “We’ve already seen our family and friends while others don’t even have families to see.” Alex says.

            That got me. I forgot that Brock, Gale, and Jacks don’t have a family. Actually, I’m surprised Jacks and Jason aren’t together now. Tristan probably just saw his parents and siblings. Alex could probably only handle so much of his dad. It makes sense but why come here? Oh right, they love me. I feel my cheeks heat up as I think about how this week is going to be. I sit up and look at all of them.

            “I don’t have much room so you are all going to have to sleep on the floor. Connor gets the guest bedroom because I owe him. I’m tired and going to bed. Good night.” I turn and go to my room. I lay down and before I can think any more about the situation I’m in, I fall asleep.


Woooooo! Another update XD I realized that I updated 4 times in this month. That's thanks to you guys who told me to keep going with my story. So thanks so much for commenting and/or voting. I really appreciate it. Also, I wanted to say that I don't really describe a lot of things honestly because I want you guys to imagine your own characters. I don't want to ruin your images of the characters so I let your imagination decide what they look like. So sorry if I don't describe a lot of things. I like to imagine things on my own and don't like it when people do describe characters and they aren't how I imagine them. I also want to dedicate this chapter to Blue_Star02 because I'm very greatful that she commented and told me how my story was. I want to thank her for taking the time to actually leave a comment. Oh another thing, I probably won't be updating a lot now or for a while. I have a lot of projects to do in April and exams are in May so I don't know what I'll be able to update again. 

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