If I were a human, would you...


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I upload every week, on Wednesday. Writing gets better over time. Contains: Asmodeus x Iruma <--(Main ship... Еще

Chapter 1. A very 'normal' day.
Chapter 2. The threat.
Chapter 3. Im begging you.
Chapter 4. Being sick sucks. ⚒️
Chapter 5. Back to school. ⚒️
Chapter 6. Punishment? ⚒️
Chapter 7. Pain and...
Chapter 8. ..Bloodshed.
Chapter 9. Anger and suffering.
Chapter 10. Do I love him?
Chapter 11. I did what?
Chapter 12. Gravestones.
Chapter 13. Messages are knives.
Chapter 14. Cuts and crying.
Chapter 15. Hes so close.
Chapter 16. A kiss?
Chapter 17. Nervousness.
Chapter 18. Playtime.
Chapter 19. Ice cream.
Chapter 20. Love.
Chapter 21. Invaded.
Chapter 22. Explosions.
Chapter 23. Dinner.
Chapter 24. Lies.
Chapter 25. Monday.
Chapter 26. My protectors.
Chapter 27. The past.
Chapter 28. School trip. ⚒️
Chapter 29. Wings.
Chapter 30. What he falls?
Chapter 31. The Sea.
Chapter 32. Death is closing in. 🛠️
Chapter 33. A conversation.
Chapter 34. Guess whos back?
Chapter 35. A void.
Chapter 36. Bitten.
Chapter 37. Heartache.
Chapter 38. Report.
Chapter 39. Dreams.
Chapter 40. Raw eggs.
Chapter 41. Asmodeus's estate.
Chapter 42. Petting snakes.
Chapter 43. The past.
Chapter 44. Alleyways.
Chapter 45. Head trauma.
Chapter 46. Pats.
Chapter 47. Death.
Chapter 48. Condolences.
Chapter 49. Alikred.
Chapter 50. One mystery at a time.
Chapter 51. Its monday again.
Chapter 52. Cookies.
Chapter 53. Gym class.
Chapter 54. Secrets out.
Chapter 55. Suck it up.
Chapter 56. Im sorry.
Chapter 57: Lets make up.
Chapter 58: With the "bro's".
Chapter 59. Halucinations.
Chapter 60. Night terrors.
Chapter 61. Rushing in.
Chapter 62. 3am Calls.
Chapter 63. Sleepovers.
Chapter 64. Dinner.
Chapter 65. The confession.
Chapter 66. Captured.
Chapter 67: Playing with fire.
Chapter 68. Kisses.
Chapter 69: Games.
Chapter 70. Embarrasment.
Chapter 71. Horror.
-- Extra 1. Valentine's gone wrong. --
Chapter 72. Saying goodbye.
Chapter 73. Unexpected monday.
Chapter 74. Going home.
Chapter 75. Swallowing rocks.
Chapter 76. Dreams or reality?
Chapter 77. Hugs, kind off.
Chapter 78. Anti crazy pills.
Chapter 79. Grandpa, ..why?
Chapter 81. Guilt.
Chapter 82. Fuck you.
Chapter 83. Celebration.
Chapter 84. A visit from border control.

Chapter 80. Untrustful.

105 6 69

Once I had hidden the knife I went to lay on the bed, in pain and exhaust. This was too much for me. They can do anything to me, anything, I just wish they hadn't chosen to abandon me.

I layed on the bed, half curled up. I layed there for an hour, pondering before someone knocked on my door. "Iruma-sama?" The person behind the door asked. "Im back, food's ready." He then said before leaving. I slowly got out of bed, walking towards the living room. When Opera and grandpa saw me with red eyes and a red nose, both of them were silent. It didn't take them long to take place next to me either, Opera on my left and grandpa on my right.

It stayed fairly silent in the living room, exept for Opera's constant teasing to grandpa, me joining him on some things. He had really fucked up this time.

"You know all the cutlery flew everywhere, right?" He asked grandpa. "My sharpest knives and forks were flying everywhere, I even had to pick some up from the living room. You could have killed someone with that, you know." He teased warningly.

"But no one got hurt!" He then smiled. I shook my head. "Me, Azz and Clara all fell backwards, and if they hadn't been so adement in clinging onto me, I would have probably been home earlier. I might have died." I then said, overexaggerating everything so grandpa would hopefully never enter thw kitchen again.

"I mean, im not even allowed in the kitchen, but at least I know how to make sandwiches and know not to blow the place up." I added. Opera then replied to me. "However you did injure yourself by hiding a knife in your sleeve." He replied.

Oh yeah, the incident.. Opera jumped on me that day, I can remember him pinning me to the ground. I made him cry that day, I still feel bad. If I ever try and do something like that, I'll make sure to hide it very well.

Opera and grandpa noticed I still seemed a bit sad, and so Opera poked around a bit. "So, even though the kitchen is ruined, the new vr set we bought is ruined and the microwave has passed a tragic death, we still have some normal games." He said, looking at grandpa. He nodded. "Ahem. Yes, do." He then remarked, winking at Opera.

I knew what they were trying to do. "Then why not play some games?" I asked. Grandpa and Opera nodded heavily. "Such a good idea, I have some free time today." Grandpa said, terrible at lying. "Same here." Opera replied, even though I could faintly smell the smoke from a few hours ago, and could see the scorched door of the kitchen.

"I know you guys are busy." I then replied. "I still have a lot of homework to make, so maybe we can try tomorrow instead?" I asked, not really feeling up to play. Grandpa and Opera then nodded slowly. "Alright then, we should do that then." Grandpa replied, Opera agreeing.

I smiled slightly, leaving the table as fast as my smile left my face. I hurried back to my room, 'properly' made my homework and jumped into bed.

I wanted sleep, thats it, just sleep. And it didn't take long before sleep took me away.

I woke up the next morning, feeling less then  okay. Physically I was feeling fine, but the thoughts and feelings that came rushing in as soon as I opened my eyes paralyzed me, kind off. They made me feel like I couldn't move my hands or feet, making me stay in the bed for a while longer then usual. I just felt so depressed, I wanted to get up, badly too, but just couldn't make myself.

I sighed, trying again, succeeding. I felt listless to my core while I walked to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and taking a shower. Once I got dressed up I also combed my hair, feeling like doing just that was too much for me. I don't know why, it's always felt refreshing before.

I then slowly set out to go to the living room, slowly walking to grandpa and Opera. "Good morning, Iruma-sama." Opera said, looking up from cleaning the table. "Good morning.." I replied back, feeling exhausted. "Good morning, grandpa.." I then added, seeing him reading the newspaper at the table. He waved at me, looking up from his paper. "Good morning, grandson. How are you feeling?" He asked.

I would say bad, but I also knew that I couldn't. Not because I couldn't say it, but because I didn't want to leave this world any time soon. I didn't want grandpa to send me away yet.. why would I? I just feel so wronged.

"I'm okay." I then answered, sitting at the table. Opera then went to the kitchen, coming back with a bunch of food. "It isn't as much as usual, since your grandpa blew up the kitchen, but I was still able to make something with a part of the kitchen that-" Opera then got cut off by grandpa. "That didn't blow up?" He then asked. Opera stared at him for a while before responding. "..No, that I thoroughly cleaned." He said, raising an eyebrow.

"Thank you, Opera." I responded, grabbing a plate. "I can always eat some more at school." I then replied. He nodded, taking his seat to the right of me while Grandpa sat on the left. He then put two pills on the table. "Vitamins and the medicine." He then added. I nodded, thanking him and swallowing them before digging into my food. There was still a lot of food, as if he just forgot to buy some groceries.. also, did the refridgerator also die because of grandpa?

I sighed to myself, finishing my food right before I heard someone yelling outside. "Iruma-chie!! Iruma-chie!!" Clara yelled. And so I said my goodbye's to grandpa and Opera before walking out the door towards Azz and Clara. I closed the door, opening the gate to greet the both of them.

"Good morning, master Iruma!" Asmodeus said, his face shining happily. "Good morning, Iruma-kins!!" Clara then yelled, running around me. She looked to be doing a lot better now, the dark circles under her eyes lightening themselves every day, it made me feel glad. I hope she won't miss me too much, Asmodeus and Clara should stay together.

Im going to miss them.

We then all walked to school together, Asmodeus and Clara arguing over the most random thing of all, if apples or pears are better. I like eating either, but it seems Asmodeus doesn't like pears and Clara thinks apples are overrated. Well, its better then yesterday at least...

Well, exept for the fact theire both still clinging onto me with both hands.. Theire hugging me while arguing. Nonetheless we safely made it to the classroom, everyone in our class still whispering. "Looks like they really do have a threesome." Jazz said to Lied, who nodded heavily. "We're not a threesome.." I then replied. Asmodeus nodded. "I would hate having her as a lover aswell, master Iruma." Asmodeus then heartily replied. Clara, meanwhile, puffed out her cheeks, looking at Asmodeus with a mean look. "Well, I don't even understand why Iruma-chie would choose someone like you.. you're ugly, and you have pink hair." She said, hiding on the opposite side of me.

"Hey!" Asmodeus yelled. "Don't insult my race for having pink hair!" He then warned. "Im very beautiful aswell. Master Iruma said that to me, so it can't be any different." He smiled happily. Clara puffed out her cheeks even more.

"Well, your sense of style is also weird. Who wears white clothing with snakes on them? You're in school, not a fashion show." She then replied. Asmodeus cocked an eyebrow, looking at me for help. I laughed. "Well.. I don't think its ugly.." I said honestly, making Asmodeus a bit depressed.

Then Kalego stormed into the room, beginning the lesson. He once again looked at us, being absolutely done with them hugging me the entire time. "You two, stop it. If you two don't im placing you in front of my desk, far away from Iruma." He threatened, making the two of them leave me alone a bit.

While learning we were taught about all sorts of stuff, wich didn't include anything fun, so when lunch break arrived all of us were glad. Asmodeus and Clara greedily took me with them to the halls, hugging me.

However, I was feeling really tired and wanted some time for myself, so I excused myself. "Guys.. Can I go to the bathroom? I'll see you guys soon.." I said, trying to shake them off of me.

Clara and Asmodeus stayed quiet before answering; "Do you really have to go?" and whining loudly. I nodded, apologizing. "Im sorry.. but can I go?" I asked, them both nodding. "Bye bye." I then said, waving, walking into a bathroom, hoping it was empty. And it was, well, untill someone grabbed me by my leg.

My leg got lifted from behind, making me lose my balance. And so I harshly hit the floor, my arms catching most of my fall as I was dragged into a stall. I swiftly turned around, looking behind me, dazed and alarmed. There I saw Kiriwo, who was smiling. "Hello there, Iruma."

He said, helping me get up from the floor. I stood there, a bit dazed. "Oh.. hi." I then replied, uncomfortable being in this small space with him.

"Sorry for the sudden kidnapping.." Kiriwo apologized, continuing. "..And the small space." He added. "I had to run away, since someone saw me inside the building, but by luck I still managed to find you." He smiled, seeming proud of himself. I nodded, making sense of the explanation. "Okay.. but why did you want to find me?" I asked, genuinly curious. It wasn't monday? Maybe he wanted to say his final goodbyes?

I waited for him to answer. "Well.." He began. "It has to do with my brother." He started. "So basically, to sum it all up quickly. First he beat me for spilling the blood, secondly he found out I wanted to hide you, thirdly he found out about your grandpa trying to send you away and most importantly.." He said, taking a deep breath. "He's inviting you to stay there." Kiriwo then said with a.. mixed expression. He seemed as if he was really deep in thought.

"He's inviting me?" I then asked, thinking it was weird after he tried taking my life with a knife before. Kiriwo then nodded. "Yes, but.." He then said, staying quiet as he stared deeply into my eyes. "Don't." He then firmly said. I nodded. "I don't think I want to, but why not?" I asked, a bit conserned I would have a maniac running around to kill me once I ran away.

Kiriwo then smiled at me, the corners of his eyes squinting while he started laughing, his eyes maniacal. He then moved closer, his head in my neck. I stood there, frozen before considering if I should push him away or no. He then started laughing even harder once he saw the look on my face.

Oh shit.

He then shot hus hands around my neck, his hands firmly pushing me against the toilet door, my throat closed off. It felt like a blow straight to my heart. The closed space, him being there on a Thursday and purposely searching for me, I should have seen the signs. He doesn't want to do anything good to me right now.

He kept his hands steadily on my throat, pushing down harder each second. I felt like coughing, but I couldn't, no matter how hard I tried. I then realized I could also not breathe and started to panick. My heart raced, just like my head as I tried desperately to push him him away, wich didn't work. Not because he was too strong for me, but because I was in a bad position.

My feet barely had any grip in this tight space, so I could only use my hands. I was also pushed against the toilet door, my head still hurting from the collision, and so could not escape. On top of that his face was coming closer and closer to my face with every second passing.

He then finally finished his sentence while I struggled my hardest to escape his deathgrip on my body. "Because you're mine.." He yelled, ecstasy spilling off his every word as he smiled.

And then suddenly, he kissed me.




Hi there!! Thank you all so much for reading this chapter. Sorry for the cliffhanger, however to see the next part of it you'll have to wait till next week, as I haven't had enough time to write anything more yet. I just finished this aswell.

I really hope you guys aren't too bothered by the cliffhanger, you guys know I always end it on one if I can, I love doing that. Not just to be mean to you guys.. well, kind off.

I'll hopefully be back next week with two chapters and a celebration ready, so have a awesome week, stay safe and have a good day!!

--1 may

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