My Beloved One: A Muslim Fict...


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We have destined with our loved ones before we come to earth allah paired us before we even got our soul into... Еще



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Then he went to parking area and aqsa wide her eyes and looked at jimin who was also shocked

aqsa said closing her eyes "mr park ahmed your plan never fail what is it?" jimin gulped and said while laughing nervously "ahh my queen they are just employees and won-"

Aqsa cut him off while she said in a high pitch voice "they can be your just a employees but if they saw us together they will start to gossip" jimin nodded nervously and said "calm down queen calm down"

Aqsa glared at him and said "and how i can be calm when you are the reason to destroy my mood"
jimin chuckled while shaking his head in sides then he said in his heart "only if you knew how much i want you to be happy"

Then aqsa pissingly looked at those employees who were walking and probably thinking to flirt with jimin then jimin looked at her and said "i shall go and distract them!!"

Aqsa looked at him and said "it’s the least you could do" jimin hummed and went out to go to them and aqsa saw those girls take his hand and start to behave all cute!!

Aqsa rolled her eyes and said "what’s in this guy that everyone in this office drool over him duhh" then jimin looked behind and give her sign to go aqsa sigh heavily and slowly came out

Then she tip toe and run behind to go from front main door as those girls are in parking area and she can not go from there

Then jimin again looked behind and saw she tip toed and has almost gone he chuckled and looked at those girls being all serious now then he said "can i know which apartment you are in?"

One of the girl remove the hair from her ear side while shyly said "003dt sir" jimin hummed and said "what the name of you both's was by the way"

They both looked at him shockingly and smiled widely and said " I'm ubang and she is laura"

Jimin hummed and said coldly "go now!" and he left from there too then he went to the left and everyone was greeting him but he had a cold face and inside in him was screaming for aqsa

Then he came and saw aqsa was doing her work and was not aware that jimin was looking at her then a employe called him and he came out of his delulu kingdom and left from there to his cabin

He went inside and said "finally wowww finally i saw you my queen i can't explain how much happy I am"

And just then someone knocked he wide his eyes and runned towards his chair and pretend to do work then he said come in and aqsa came he looked up and said "oh miss aqsa my queen"

Aqsa looked up at him and said "you called me?" jimin frowned in confusion then he said "no my queen why would i?"


That person saw her back pack and imedeitly run towards the bag and put there something and then she heard nurr, "must be coming" that person thought then run away from there!!

nurr came out of bathroom while her hair was tied with a towel and she was wearing as always a shirt and pants but she hasn’t wear a coat while it become her habit of wearing coat pants now

Then she open her hair and took out hair dryer just then someone call her and she picked up and said "yes mr harbors your back pack is here and i sent my back pack so long ago haha yeah okay bye"

Then she took her moisturiser and apply and then she take a cherry pinkish type lipstick and apply it and she set her hair in a bun and wear her hijab cap which cover her whole head not a hair is visible

Then she take a black colour hijab and start to wear it

"oh fiama where were you i was looking for you" mrs farisha said being all confuse mrs fiama laughed nervously and said "ohh farisha i went to meet ashifa but i didn’t find her!.."

Mrs farisha make an o face and said "must be showering" mrs fiama faked smiled and said "yeah must be"

Then mrs fiama said "ah farisha i should go now i will come again"

Then mrs fiama left and mrs farisha got confused but she shrugged her shoulders and sit on sofa while turning on the tv then she smiled coz the news was all about nurr and then she heard foot step coming she looked at stairs and smiled widely

nurr also smiled while back hugging her and said "oh my beloved eomma i feel so good when you smile just always this smile made my days and nights" mrs farisha chuckled and mr afzal enter while he was on phone

They both looked at him and find him so stressed nurr frowned in confusion and stand straight after sometime mr afzal cut the call and sigh while closing his eyes

Nurr went to him and take his hand in her mr afzal looked at her and smiled weakly then nurr said "appa don’t stress yourself" then mrs farisha come with a glass of water

Mr afzal took the glass and went to sofa, nurr and farisha was watching him silently then mr afzal said while looking at nurr "ashifa" nurr hummed

And he said "you can not go to canada" nurr frowned her eyebrows and said "why appa?" mr afzal looked at her and gulped down his own saliva then he said "kabir and his parents is threatening me!!"

Nurr wide her eyes and said "whatt appa why does they behaving like a psychopaths" mrs farisha looked at nurr and said "ashifa don’t go if they harm you!..."

Nurr closed her eyes and took a big sigh then she said "eomma appa it’s not first time i got threatened, so many people does that right and both of you always stop thinking much nothing will happen it’s my important meeting i have to go!..."

Mr afzal said then "don’t go alone" nurr smiled and went to the sofa where mr afzal is sitting then she said while sitting there too "appa you always think I'm weak and can't fight and you yourself thought me self defence right!!.."

mr afzal nodded then nurr continued "so why you think i can't protect myself from coming any harm to me?... i promise you, your ashifa will come back safely okay!.."

Mr afzal hummed while looking at mrs farisha and nurr smiled knowing they understand that she can protect herself

Next Evening..

Jungkook entered in the front row of the gate and saw a big well mansion he gulped feeling nervous about how they will treat him as he wasn’t getting any good vibes

Then he was about to open the door but a guard pushed him he got confuse and saw the gaurds opening gate he was still standing in the middle with confusing look then suddenly a loud horn make him flinch

He looked behind to see a luxurious car all black he was looking at the car then the gaurd says "do want to die move away!.."

His thought break by the guards and he side away and the car passes by, he also made his way to go inside but the guard hold his arm and said "who are you?.."
jungkook confusingly said "I'm jeon jungkook"

That guard widened his eyes and said "ma- mas- master jeon" jungkook joined his eyebrows and said "why you are stuttering all of sudden you were being rude just now!..."

That guard looked down while he said "sorry master jeon i didn’t recognised you earlier" jungkook smirked and said "yeah never does that again or the consequence won’t be good for you" that gaurd shivered in fear while he didn’t looked up nor said anything

Then jungkook went to the main gate and the guards open the whole big door for him he again got nervous coz how brave he act

e is still a lil baby inside

He still is a innocent soul who is lost in a cruelty a cruelty where all the people's are selfish they just know how to win they forgot to show kindness they think of ruling the world while hurting people's


"Here is your file mr park" jimin looked at aqsa and smiled now aqsa had totally forgot about the incidents and working good

Meanwhile jinhan is in coma haven’t woke up and jimin is checking her time to time so if she wake up he can make sure to protect aqsa from her harm coz she can do anything as she was behaving all pathetic

Back to aqsa she was being all her self she is fully focusing on her job and her family she totally forgot about that jinhan's incident so wasn't aware of jimin taking care of her secretly

She always think jimin is the one to make her feel low and also she think every bad incidents happen if she saw his face well it’s her childishness to think that way but still she is being a childish

So whenever jimin call her for any files she went to him but she lower her head to avoid his gaze while jimin think aqsa is still angry and he is thinking of making her forgot with something secretly but he don’t decided what to do


Jungkook went inside of the mansion and a shiver run through his whole body he is not liking anything here but still for his grandmother he had to go and stay for somedays

He looked here and there and he find no one but maids who was busy in working a middle aged old man was passing probably after cleaning all the floor of this big mansion "Isn't it exhausting for them" he thought and then call him "ah ajusshi.."

That man looked at him "he look weak than his age" that man was waiting for jungkook to say something but it seems like he is in so lost of thinking something that he forgot about the man

Than the man said "son if you don’t have anything can i go!!..." jungkook looked at him as his his pile of thought has break by him then he said "ah ajusshi can you...  tell me where is mrs jeon?.."

That man frowned his eyebrows and said "she is sleeping, who are you!..."

Jungkook looked at that man and said "I'm jungkook, jeon jungkook" that man wide his eyes as his lips tremble he wanted to say something but his mouth Isn’t helping he can't describe how happy he is

He went close to jungkook and place his both hand in jungkook cheeks and then he said in a trembling voice "save us master she is so cruel please save us!...."

Jungkook get confused and was about to ask him but a female voice interrupted "heyy who the hell are you?..." jungkook looked behind and saw a not so looking good girl who was coming downstairs

Her revealing dress is way too revealing which jungkook didn’t liked a bit he saw that girl looked at him and coming closer way more closer infront of the ajusshi

That girl looked at the ajusshi he looked down and went from there i looked at her while she was already looking at me then she said in a husky seducing voice "mr jk you arrived!!.. "

Jungkook backup a little and said you must be ariella she shooke her head in deniel and said "no I'm her bestfriend minji" he nodded and said "where are they do you know!?..."

Minji nods in approval and said while smirking "ariel is in her room" jungkook joined his eyebrows coz minji haven’t said anything about grandma so he asked "where is grandma!!...."

Minji frowned and said "why are you asking for her she is having fun with a guy and by the way ariel paid you for her not for that grandma okay"

Jungkook get more confuse and decided not to ask further and check by himself so he went upstairs and as soon as he was passing he heard someone saying "just do like that yeah oh ah" these types he gulped down feeling scared and decided to go to ariel

He come infront of ariella's room and knocked she opened the door and frowned "who are you?.." she said "ariella I'm jungkook" he said,

Ariella smiled widely and said "jungkook wow you came how are you?.." jungkook smiled awkwardly and said "is grandma sleeping?.. I heard weird noises from her room!.."

Ariel rolled her eyes and said "she is always like that!.." jungkook looked at her and said "can you show me my room I'm tired" ariel smirked and said "you have to shift here"

Jungkook wide his eyes and said "in this big mansion why in your room?..." ariel smiled innocently and said "becuase i rule here and you have to sleep in my room with or else i will do something which you won’t like me to do!..."

Jungkook gulped down his saliva feeling scared and said "i won't come in your room!!..."

Ariel made pissing fave and dragged him inside and imedeitly closed the door jungkook wide his eyes and said "ariella please open the door you are doing wrong!..."

Ariel smirked widely and said while sitting in the edge of the bed "kitty now be obedient and sleep in my bed okay" jungkook frowned and said "you can't order me like that!...."

Ariel closed her eyes and think for a minute jungkook was looking at her with his doe eyes then ariel open her eyes and chuckle a little she looked at jungkook and said "you don’t want to see my worst side in your first day of in this house, do you?..."

Jungkook didn’t said anything and sit in the opposite side of the bed and put his bad down then he take a plain white t-shirt and a lose trouser ariel looked and saw him taking of his cloth with a pout

She bite her lips feeling like eating him out but she controls herself from doing anything then jungkook stood up look here and there and went to bathroom

Ariel open her phone and massage her grandmother
'Jungkook arrived and now is in my room don’t disturbe me'

Then she start to scroll through her Instagram to pass the time and it’s become half and hour he is not coming out of shower she looked up and frowned while said to herself "i need to change why hasn’t he is coming out"

Then she bite her lower lip as a idea come in her mind she stood up and went infront of her closet then take out her usual night wears and then again looked at the bathroom

She sigh and start to open her dress and was already half naked she was back facing the bathroom and then she take the top of the night dress and about to wear jungkook opened the bathroom door

Ariel got aware of that and bite her lower lip while closing her eyes jungkook came out while he was drying his hair with a towel he looked up at ariel and his eyes wide he didn’t say a word and went inside the bathroom again while closing the door

Ariel thought something will happen but nothing happened she opened her eyes as she heard door closing sound she looked behind and saw him nowhere

She sigh and wear her clothes then she come infront of the bathroom door and knock on it

Jungkook imedeitly open the door as he was waiting then ariel give him a awkward smile while she said "hope so you won't mind!..."

He come out of bathroom and sit on the bed and ariel was looking at his every move then he said "forget about that I'm sleepy!..."

Ariel frowned her eyebrows and said "aren’t you going to eat dinner?..." jungkook shook his head and lay on the left side ariel sigh while she also wasn’t in mood to eat so she just thought of sleeping

She went to bed and turn off all the lights except a dim one and lay on the right side, then she looked at jungkook while facing him as he was sleeping

Ariel notice his soft snore and chuckled then her eyes went into his lios those pink lips crept in pout he was looking so innocent but ariel is not in mood to think that she was so in mood

She just wanted someone and having jungkook beside her she is just not able to control how much she want to she bite her lips as habit and sit up

She don’t know what to do after she saw jungkook her evil side is not coming out for him,.. she genuinely want jungkook to be comfortable with her, she was stressed,..

She looked at her hands tried to distract herself but can't she don’t really want to ask him anything while she very well know he is innocent and never looked at any girl,..

She sigh again and saw the time showing 12:45am she looked at jungkook who is sleeping peacefully a chuckle come out from her mouth and then she stand up within 30min she get ready

She went out and called kang-jin..

His life is worst then hell

Again a short chapter sorry for that but i can't help i have study and family to deal with *sigh*

Do vote if you like this chapter...

Lotssss of love from


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