path of destruction

بواسطة estellafrances

258 49 2

Women are only made for one thing and one thing only. To tarnish and ruin men. We stomp on their egos and fee... المزيد

description !
chapter one.
chapter two.
chapter three.

chapter four.

24 3 0
بواسطة estellafrances

-Aurora adams

"If one of you scream again , ill send ya packing!" Mhm. What would a morning without Mom yelling at austin and andrew be? The immediate silence tells me they listened to her and i snicker under my breath.

I lean in the kitchen doorway as i fold my arms. The twins heads snap to me at the same time like some fucked up creepy scene from a movie.

"I swear if you guys speak at the same time , then I'll be the one packing" i mutter as i walk in. They look at each other as they frown. I walk up to mom as she raises an eyebrow at me.

I chuckle nervously "Morning mom" i kiss her on her cheek and she hums as she flips a pancake.

Moms beauty was unbelievable. I sported her blonde hair. Well all three of us did. Whereas mom was short . I was tall. Her big brown eyes popped and blended in with her high cheek bones and cupid bow lips. The twins and i got our eyes from he who shall not be named.

They were already so tall for 12 . 5'6 , told me they'd be as tall as dad was.
Austin was the kid who always got into fights. He got it from his sis afterall. Not only was he always angry. He was protective , kind and sweet. Sometimes

Andrew , well little andrew was shy. He sported some cute glasses. He would spend his time in the library . He claimed it was his safe "haven" . I blame april for rubbing off on him. It doesn't help that he has the stupidest crush on her. He gets all shy and flustered when ever she comes near him.

Mom narrows her eyes at me "Don't think i didn't hear you come in after curfew , missy" i give her an apologetic smile "Sorryyyy, it won't happen again"

"You look pretty" andrew speaks up and i pout at him as i walk around the counter to kiss his forehead "You my brother , will be the death of all women"

"I think she looks like shit" austin blurts and flick him upside his head , as he winces and mutters a few curses under his breath.

"Austin adams! Do not speak to your sister like that" mom used her best motherly scolding voice as i folded my arms and grinned as austin's mouth parted , trying to come up with some excuse . I turn to mom "I think you should reconsider the thing about them packing , well erase drew from the equation"

Mom nods slowly as she taps the flipper onto her chin . She gives me a evil grin "You know , that might actually be a great id-

"Mom! You can't actually be considering this" austins voice grew a octave higher and i stiffled a laugh . As drew giggled from next to him. I stuck out my tongue at him as his face grew red with anger as drew tried to calm him down.

I grabbed a pancake and gobbled it up , then i grabbed another. Ugh so good. Drew giggled and i turned to him with my mouth stuffed.

"What?" I said with a mouth full and he pointed at my hair "You have pancake crumbles in your hair"

I shrugged as i took them out as mom packed austin and drew's lunch. They scrambled like ants as they grabbed it and put it in their bags. I turned to mom "Im sorry again for making you wait up , i promise it won't happen again" i hold out my pinky . She grins as she connects out pinkies and kisses it. She walks out the kitchen.

I look at the time "Oh shoot , i have to pick april up" i mutter .

Drew pouts as he turns to me "Can i drive with you today?" I snicker at his blush . My other brother scoffs "Theres no way , a babe like april will go for you dude. Have you seen her tits?"

My eyes grow wide as i punch austin in the arm and drape an arm over drew "Don't listen to that hater. You're a womens guy , kid"

He grins as i ruffle his hair. I turn towards austin "As for you , you little shit. Keep at it. And I'll tell martha down the street that you have the biggest crush on her"

Martha was this bubbly girl from down the street. They were the same age. She had auburn hair and the most bluest eyes i have ever seen. I so happen , to see my little brother watching her through his window.

His face sizzles with anger "I do not!"

I hold my chest as i gasp "Oh my , how would she feel if she knew you were watching her through your little binoculars " i smirk and he clenches his fork in his hands.

"Yeah , cause i wanted to see how ugly she looked up close" he argues as drew nudges him "Don't say that , its mean"

April texts me and i just remember i have to pick her up. I throw both of my arms over my brothers as i kiss drews cheek and then turn to austin . He struggles in my hold.

"Don't you dare!" He thrashes and i snicker as i give him a big smooch on the cheek to which he pretends to barf at .

He loves me.

I run out as i yell "Bye mom!"

I get into my car as music blasts through the speakers. I speed to aprils as fast as i can. When i turn up to her house shes standing oustide while tapping her foot impatiently. Her ADHD wants to reach the surface as she checks her nails here and there. Upon hearing the roar of my car she runs up to the passenger side with a grin. She throws open the door as she jumps in.

My fucking doors.

"Why in the chickens cocoons nest were you taking so long! I had to watch Mr mailard bending while retrieving his mail. Let me tell ya , it was not a great sight. The guys got more hair-

"Fuck , enough!" I scrunch my nose up in disgust as she snickers and puts her seatbelt on.

She shifts to me as i roar my engine and pull away "Anyway , to my earlier question. What took so long?"

I sigh "I got carried away , talking to drew and austin."

She just out her bottom lip "Drew , my little munchkin. I can't wait to see my reading buddy" she bounces in her seat.

I told you she was rubbing off on him

I stop at a red light as i switch my eyes between the road and april "Also , can you put those fucking milk duds away when you come over? Austin had alot to say about your tits"

She gasps as she grabs a hold of them "He stared at my goodies!? Thats why drew is my favorite. He such a ladies guy. He doesn't go sticking his nose around my girls."

I nod along to her statement as the light turns green and i drive "Agreed, also you do know that drew has the biggest crush on you right?"

She snorts "Yeah i got that when he told me i looked like poetry"

My mouth parts "He said that?"

She nods "Although i wouldn't disagree, have ya seen me?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me and i chuckle as i turn in at the school. I make sure to park in our regular spot.

"You text stella yet?" I ask her , and she nods to my question "Yeah , she said shes waiting at the lockers. We could've easily been there by her by now if you and your blonde ass didn't take so long" she grumbles as she gets out .

I follow suit as i throw my door close "Thats what you get for stealing all of my damn hair ties you weirdo"

She gasps "You did not just go there , you pony headed freak" i chuckle as i flip my hair over my shoulder "Was that an insult or a compliment, babe?"

She stomps her foot "Shut up-" she stops mid sentence as she trails her eyes behind me. She frowns as she looks between me and the person.

"Uh rory? Why is miguel ramos looking like he's planning a thousand ways to destroy your birth canon ?"

I blink at her "Excuse me?"

She nods her head over my shoulder "Look for yourself"

I turn around without hesitation. The same electric shock runs through me that i felt last night as i locked eyes with him. My eyes lock with his dark blue ones. He stands there leaning against his car as rahul talks to some girl next to him. He doesn't seem the slightest ashamed that I've caught him checking me out. Instead he gives me a smug smirk as he trails his hungry eyes down my body.

"My god , is he fine" april says in disbelief from next to me and i snap my eyes away from him "The more fine they are , the more easy it is to break your heart." I scold her and she rolls her eyes at me.

"Have you seen him? I'd risk it all" her eyes twinkle as she nudges me.

"Have you learned nothing" i grumble.

She shrugs as she looks over my shoulder. Her grin is replaced with a scowl "Who is that?"

I look over my shoulder at the girl rahul is talking to and turn back to her "Beats me , probably just another one night stand begging for more"

"Right" she clears her throat , as she locks arms with me. We walk , but i look over my shoulder one more time . He catches my eye , but this time he's talking to a girl. Whats her face , uhh hayden or something. He smirks , as he tugs her closer by the waist with his one hand.

I don't give him the satisfaction of getting a reaction out of me. Did he think just because we talked he can dictate me ? Hell no. I've built this wall for years. And no fucking way am i about to let that dickward break them down. So i ignore him as i walk with april to go find estella.


We find our tiny friend standing exactly where she said she'd be. She stands there zoning out , in her own world. And i almost pout at how cute she looks. Believe it or not , estella was my first friend starting eight grade. She sat there. Quiet as hell. Since then we've been like two pea's in a pod. Then april came , and started talking about her gold fish that died , and how she gave him a whole ass funeral.

Since then , its just been the three of us. And im content with it.

April lunges for her as she squeezes the living daylights out of her.

"My little wiener , look at you. So adorable!" She hugs her tighter and i chuckle under my breath.

"Jesus april , did you just call me a small dick?" Estella grumbles fixes her beautiful brunette hair.

April bobs stels nose "Some dicks are beautiful sweetheart, you should be honored"

Stel blinks at her , like she can't be serious. She looks at me for help and i shrug as i hold my hands up "Shes got a point"

"I don't fucking look like a dick!" She whisper yells as her cheeks turn a shade of red.

April giggles as she throws her arms over stels shoulder "Don't be a prude little wiener"

"Fuck off" she grumbles and just then the bell rings and i let out a long sigh.
Everyone starts scrambling like ants as they try to get to class.

"I've got bio right now , we'll meet at lunch , yeah?" I ask

They both nod as we part ways. I sigh as i push pass people. One guy tries to grab my ass , as i kick my foot into his shin. Aw , thats gotta hurt.

I make my way to class , im the last to enter as i sit right infront , next to an empty seat. Thank god .

"Hey you're rory right?"

I groan as i take out my book and look at the voice from behind me "Mike , what can i do for you?"

His eyes widen as a blush tints his cheeks "Y-you know my name?"

I roll my eyes as i push my blonde hair out of my face. I flick my pen onto the table. Creating an annoying sound as i try to exit this situation.

"You're the one who gave me a yellow rose on valentines day , right? Little tip , im not a fan of yellow" i explain to him and he bites the inside of my cheek.

"Yeah i should probably stop talk-

I gasp as i smile sweetly "Really? Oh my god. That would be a great help" im being a bitch right now , but hey. Its what im good for.

Mike was a sweet guy. He was on the debate team , chess team , volley ball team , and apparently the "ilikeauroraadams" team.

I smile in satisfaction as i hear silence and wait for the teacher to come running in.

"Oh, she smiles , who's the lucky guy blondie?" Someone plops down into the seat next to me and i refrain from groaning out loud again. I grind my jaw as i hear the nickname. I immediately know who the fuck it is.

Miguel fucking ramos.

My eye twitches as i slowly turn to face him "Do i know you?"

He bites his lip to stiffle his laugh as his eyes land on my cleavage. I don't make of it to close them. Let him look. He won't be touching them anyways. Not now. Not tomorrow. Not fucking ever.

He runs his hand through his hair "Oop , is this deja vu? Because i recall the same conversation we had last night."

I shrug "If it was deja vu you'd know what i said after. A complete "fuck off" thank you , very much"

He shakes his head as his eyes darken on my lips "Nah , i think I'll stay"

I glare at him "Since when are you in this class? I don't fucking recall you ever being present?"

He takes out a folded piece of paper as he throws it infront of me. I frown as i stare at him and then to the paper . He urges me to go on and i roll my eyes as i grab it and open it.

"As of today , im in each and every single one of your classes , princess"

My eyes widen with anger as i crumble up the piece of paper. There was a very thin line between vengeance and anger. An right now i was fucking enraged.

"You can't do that. What are you? Fucking obsessed?" I grit out as i throw him with the paper . He catches it while maintaining eye contact with me.

He shrugs as he licks his lips. I can't help but stare at them. They're a shade of pink mixed with a very light red and all i wanted to do was bite them with my teeth-

No , no fuck to the no.

"Something like that , as of now . I'll be everywhere you turn. And you'll enjoy it as much as i will" he whispers huskily and i almost break the pen in my hand by how tight im holding it.

"Are you fucking insane! We had one encounter. One! And now you think im some type of forbidden fruit , that you can't wait to taste? Hate to break it to you buddy. Im not interested. So you might as well fuck off"

He nods slowly as his own hand on the desk clenches. I bite the inside of my cheek as i see the letters "king" and with lots of diamonds , and shit that you find on cards , tattooed on his hand.

"I had a feeling you might say that , and well. I could literally fucking care less. So deal with it" he grits out. His temper rising and i nod slowly as my nostrils flare.

"Uh , rory . I uhm. I know how much you always look for a pencil , and uhm. I brought you one" mikes voice breaks through our staring and i snap my glare to him. His eyes immediately widdening at my gaze . I relax my face a bit as i give him a fake smile.

"Thank you , mikey." I grab the pencil "i might need it to stab someones eyes out" i grumble averting my voice to miguel . But he's staring straight at mike. Poor mike. Looks like he wants to shit his pants.

Miguels nostrils flare as his blue eyes darken more and more.

"Who the fuck are you?" He demands and my own eyes widen as i kick him under the table. He snaps his eyes to me.

"Who the fuck is he?" He demands again and i scoff as i turn to mike.

"Ignore him , thanks once again" he nods . Still scared as he gets out of his seat a go sits at the other side of the classroom.

"I can't believe you." I mutter

"He likes you"

"Who doesn't " i trail off as i right down notes in my books. More like doodles.

"Thats my fucking problem. Everyone likes you. And i don't have time to gauge out every single one of these assholes eyes" he looks around the classroom and i refrain from smacking the shit out of him.

My feminism wants to smack him. So fucking hard.

I pinch the bridge of my nose "Im sorry , but who the fuck are you exaclty? Coming into my life and claiming me ?"

He chuckles lowly as he grabs a piece of my hair . I stiffen at the unwelcomed contact. He smoothes my piece of hair out between his pointer finger and thumb.

"Anyone ever ask you to let down your hair rapunzel?" He teases and i find myself almost smiling as i smack his hand away.

I narrow my eyes as i bite my bottom lip"Wow , how original"

His eyes darken as the smile he once had wipes off his face. Replaced with a pulsing vein. Trailing from his jaw all the way to his neck. I find my eyes trailing it . As i imagine how I'd trail my tongue down his delicious skin.

Okay fine , maybe i want to fuck him. Didn't mean i like him.

The teacher rushing in and stops us from the staring as i face forward. I still feel his eyes on me. As he trails them down my body. And i can't help but like it?


For the rest of the lesson. The giant ape next to me has been barely listening but staring at me the entire fucking time. I thought maybe he'd zoned out but that declined my facts when he started asking me about the mole i thought no one noticed above my eyebrow. The teacher also had to call out his name about freaking five times.

I rush out as soon as the bell rang. But to my victory. It didn't last long. Because i suddenly felt him walking next to me. I had to freaking look up at him. He doesn't talk . Just walks next to me the entire time.

"Why the hell are you following me?"

He looks down at me "We have the same classes together blondie? Did you forget?"

I grind my jaw "Right , how could i fucking forget. It was afterall the highlight of my day" my tone is laced with sarcasm as he chuckles.

"Really? Mine was when you walked into school wearing that fucking mini skirt , are you doing this on purpose or do you enjoy riling me up , hm princess?"

I scoff "Oh please , i don't dress for the fucking enjoyment of men. I dress for me. And if its fucking short to be a belt. Then so be it. I'll fucking wear it . Don't for a second think im wearing this for anyone or"

"My god , are you beautiful" he says suddenly making my cheeks tint a blush.

What the fuck! What the actual fuck!

I never and i mean never blush or show a reaction when a guy is trying to win me over. Its usually a middle finger to the face and i go on my merry way.

My breathing goes faster as i push him down an empty hall. Suprisingly there are only a few people. But i dont care. We're doing this damn now!

He doesn't fight as i push him against the locker with my palms. I point my finger in his face "Okay fuck this. What do you want from me ? Huh?"

He smirks in return "Whoops , someones blushing"

"Shut up , and answer my freaking question" i snap. And the very few people that are in the hall are staring at us.

He seems to notice too as he smirks down at me "You're all for making scenes aren't you , minha linda atrevida"

Shock runs through me at the unfamiliar accent. Wait. April did tell me his mom was Portuguese or some shit.

I grunt "I fucking live for it . Now explain. Now!"

He shrugs "Isn't it obvious? I want you"

I scoff "Not happening"

He pushes my finger away slowly and i stare at him in confusion. He stands up straight and i almost stand off business. But thats not my motto.

I always stand on business

He pushes my hair slowly off my shoulder as i maintain eye contact

"We'll see" he mutters and walks away to our next class.

"Oh ! And i expect to see you looking pretty at tonights fucking game" he calls out and i stomp my foot with anger.

"Motherfucker" i growl under my breath as i follow him.

Miguel will not. And i mean it. Will not get to fucking me.

Hiii yaaaa
I hoped you guys liked this chapter!
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