Battle Life SMP

By YanDanTDM

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Twelve Robloxians awaken to find themselves in...Minecraftia, of all places!? But if you thought waking up in... More

CHAPTER 1 | Day 1, Part 1
CHAPTER 2 | Day 1 Part 2
CHAPTER 3 | Day 2 Part 1
CHAPTER 4 | Day 2 Part 2
CHAPTER 5 | Day 2 Part 3
CHAPTER 6 | Day 2 Part 4
CHAPTER 7 | Day 3 Part 1
CHAPTER 8 | Day 3 Part 2
CHAPTER 9 | Day 3 Part 3
CHAPTER 10 | Day 3 Part 4
CHAPTER 11 | Day 3 Part 5
CHAPTER 12 | Day 3 Part 6
CHAPTER 13 | Day 3 Part 7
CHAPTER 14 | Day 4 Part 1
CHAPTER 15 | Day 4 Part 2
CHAPTER 16 | Day 4 Part 3
CHAPTER 17 | Day 4 Part 4
CHAPTER 18 | Day 4 Part 5
CHAPTER 19 | Day 4 Part 6
CHAPTER 20 | Day 5 Part 1
CHAPTER 22 | Day 5 Part 3
CHAPTER 23 | Day 5 Part 4

CHAPTER 21 | Day 5 Part 2

116 5 8
By YanDanTDM

"Score!" Kreek yells, and while Sketch only barely heard it over the sounds of blazes screeching, he still heard it.

"What? What happened?" he yells back while eagerly running up to Kreek.

They've been in the Nether fortress for some time, just trying to gather as many resources as possible. Admittedly, they've mainly been getting blaze rods, one or two ghast tears and nothing else. Wither skeletons don't drop anything remotely useful, and BigB and Pink took all the netherrack. Of course. Somehow they haven't died yet, but when they first got in, there were a few close calls.

As Sketch approaches, Kreek holds up a wither skull, beaming with pride. Sketch scoffs.

"Oh, I got one of those ages ago." he says, pulling out his own and holding it up to Kreek's.

Kreek's smile falters for a second.

"Dude, you should've told me!" he scolds, but he doesn't seem all that angry about it.

"I mean, what would we do with one singular wither skull? I was just going to keep it until it came up later." Sketch points out.

"...Fair point." Kreek sighs, then perks up. "But now we have two! So we can actually do something with that."

"Don't we need a third one to summon a wither?" Sketch asks, before realising what he's just said. "Wait, no, slow down, why are we summoning a wither?!"

"No, dummy. That would be incredibly stupid, we'd get caught in the crossfire. We can use the wither skulls as a threat, however." Kreek clarifies. "In fact, I already know a few people that would benefit from being threatened once or twice."

There's a malicious glint in his eye, which sends an involuntary shiver down Sketch's spine. Who knew KreekCraft could be scary?

(He's allowed to say that, he's Kreek's buddy.)

"Who in the world do you want to threaten with a wither?"

"Oh, yknow, people. People who don't know where they're not- ow!" Kreek yelps as he gets hit in the side with a fireball. He shoots a few arrows at the blaze in response and it goes down. "Hey! I'm trying to come up with plans here! Don't interrupt me!"

"...You really are crazy." Sketch teases.

"It's a solid plan! If we can threaten people into not crossing us, at the risk we'll sic a wither on them, then we'll survive longer! And seriously, we need to stop people from crossing us. We've gotten attacked and mocked and stolen from far too many times." Kreek rants, as Sketch patiently waits for him to stop. Once he does, Sketch smirks.

"I meant you were crazy because you were talking to the blaze that was trying to kill you, but sure, keep proving my point."

Kreek blushes in embarrassment as Sketch starts giggling.

"Whatever!" he says, running off after a wither skeleton who got too close for comfort. Sketch chases after.

"Oh well." Sketch takes Kreek's arm in his, and Kreek starts wriggling away. "It's alright to be a little crazy. It makes you funny, like me. Just don't go overboard."

"It helps me get things done." Kreek smiles with confidence at that. Sketch lets go of his arm and Kreek runs off after another blaze, while Sketch takes out the one coming at them from behind.

He really doesn't understand Kreek, but hey, they're friends, so what can he do? Just make sure he doesn't get too wild, like Denis told him. Seems like one hell of a task, but who is he if he doesn't give it a shot?

(And if he fails, he'll for his life, he supposes.)

For now, he needs to focus on running from his life from these blazes, why are they so damn annoying?!


"Be careful." Pink says, causing BigB to stop in his tracks. Pink points to his right, and right there is a ravine, with a sign labelling it some distance away.

"Oh! This must be where Denis died!"

Pink hadn't made that connection, but it makes sense - if he'd died there, and supposedly lots of people saw, of course they'd leave a warning for others in the future.


They're sort of just walking around - BigB decided that there's still people they haven't had the chance to see yet, and so they're hoping to find their bases and just chat. A bit boring, and not really his style - he doesn't really talk to any of these people - but BigB seemed eager.

BigB's still quite happy with what happened earlier, and said he hoped this would mean that Tanqr would start...well, start not antagonising people.

Pink isn't quite sure of that. Even with Hyper helping - and by helping, he means telling Tanqr to be a normal person who doesn't immediately choose violence - Tanqr doesn't seem like he's going to change any time soon. While he's not showing it, Pink's already preparing to fight him.

So they're walking through the plains, not paying much attention, when there's a voice.

"Oh my god hi!!! Guys, look, look, it's BigB and Pink!"

Leah waves frantically at the group as she calls out to her teammates. BigB smiles as he waves back, and Pink figures he should probably wave too - though with less excitement.

Sanna and Ashley filter out of the trees as Leah runs towards the two.

"We haven't seen you the whole time, where have you been?!" Leah questions excitedly.

"Ah, we just haven't come over this way yet. Glad to see you're so excited to-"

"You saw us yesterday." Pink interrupts BigB's greeting. Leah looks like she wants to make a witty retort, but by that point, Ashley's caught up to the group.

"He's not wrong, Leah."

"Yeah, well, I mean we saw you yesterday, but we haven't chatted one-on-one, y'know?" she explains, much to Ashley's amusement.

"Sure, totally."

"Makes sense to me." Pink shrugs.

"As I was saying, hi, guys! Glad to see you're excited to see us." BigB finishes his greeting, having waited patiently to do so.

"Well, of course we'd be." Sanna says, finally joining the group. "You guys let us have the enchanting table." As she says that, Pink notices the shiny, clearly enchanted iron tools by her hip.

"I still don't understand why you enchanted your axe, Sanna." Leah teases. "Seeing as you're so adamant they're useless."

"Mine's super sharp though, Leah, so it might be slightly more helpful now." Sanna retorts.

"Sharp for cutting through people, not for cutting down trees." BigB clarifies, now that the topic has been brought up. "Don't get it mixed up. Sanna, you've now got a good weapon."

"Oooooh, yeah, that makes sense." Sanna mischievously grins at Leah and Ashley. "See, told you it was better suited not cutting down trees."

"That's what axes are for. Why were you using anything else?" Pink asks, concerned.

"Yeah, Sanna, why were you using anything else?" Ashley immediately jumps on Pink's statement, making him a little unsure how to react.

"If we can punch trees to cut them down, why aren't we doing that more regularly?"

"The whole point of an axe is to cut down trees! And people, apparently, but mainly trees!"

BigB laughs as the girls quickly devolve into an argument about the utility of axes. Pink starts awkwardly backing away.

"Can we go now please? While they're distracted?" he asks, tugging on BigB's arm.

"Hey, don't try to leave us! We only just saw you guys!" Leah puts her arm around Pink and pulls him away from BigB.

"Worth a shot." Pink sighs, resigned to his fate.

"Well, how are you guys doing? That's probably the first thing we should've asked, but Sanna's axe aversion got in the way." Leah can't help but tack on a tease at the end.


"We're doing alright! Things got a little hectic yesterday, so we're taking it easy." BigB replies. "Just walking around, getting our bearings, trying to find someone to kill- oops! Did I say that out loud?"

Pink's eyes widen, mortified.

"He's lying, he's lying, that is not the plan-" he tries to defend, but Ashley's already burst out into laughter.

"Don't worry, I know he's joking, kiddo. He was the boogeyman two days ago, there's no way he's the boogeyman again." Ashley comforts, but BigB decides to make it worse.

"Nah, nah, I'm joking. But it is random, so I could be the boogeyman again." BigB winks.

"Yeah, well, you don't seem that suspicious, so I don't think you'll kill us. We're fine."

"She's probably right. With all her successful guesses, I've come to just accept her predictions of if or when we'll die." Leah comments without missing a beat.

"How dare you bring that up, you and I both know that's just coincidence." Ashley scolds, only for Pink to speak up.

"You still owe me a cookie." he says, staring directly into Ashley's eyes. Ashley wants to be unnerved by his harsh stare, but she's instead alarmed by the fact he brought that up.

"I was really hoping you'd forget about that."

"I was really hoping I wouldn't die to an enderman but here we are."

"What is an enderman?" Leah asks, removing her hand from Pink's shoulder now she doesn't need to trap him anymore.

"Some really weird tall guy that looks human. It's got bright purple eyes, and kinda glows purple?" Pink tries to remember it, and ends up rubbing his neck at the memory. "It also snaps your neck if you look it in the eyes, so don't do that."

"Gruesome. I like it." Ashley comments, and Pink cringes at her fascination - as does Leah.

"I don't! I don't like dealing with creatures that want my brain and blood every night!"

"Me too." Pink admits. "I just want to go home."

"Aww, now you're making me feel sad." Ashley pats Pink on the shoulder. She would've patted him on the head, but she's not sure how to do that with his halo.

"I want to go home too, but I think we're just going to have to play the game until we either beat it or get rescued." Leah adds.

"It's not too bad. I don't think I'm an outlier for saying I'm having fun? Despite the fact I got murdered in cold blood?" Ashley shrugs. "Though maybe it's closer to 50/50. Half of us want to go home desperately, half of us are having the time of our lives."

"It's strange though. I mean, what kind of weirdo traps a buncha people from another dimension to play a death game?" Leah ponders.

"Someone who likes other people's suffering." Pink responds. "You get even more of that if you separate them from what they know."

"Eh, that's a bit...pessimistic. I'm sure whatever brought us here wasn', evil. Just maybe didn't understand the repercussions. Perhaps this is just DJ, Sabrina and Russo trying something new."

"Ashley, I love you but no." Leah chuckles. "They're eccentric, but they'd never run a death game."

"Did you do the final battle, Leah? They absolutely would run a death game for the laughs."

"At the very least I think they'd ask for permission first." Pink adds.

"Oh, yeah, they'd give us all forms like 'hey sign this waiver so that we can throw you into a murder game for the views, it'll be fuuuun.'." Ashley starts cracking up at Leah's imitation of Russo, and Pink even cracks a smile.

In the chatter, they don't realise that the gathering of 5 has dropped to a gathering of 3.

Sanna drags BigB into the forest nearby by the wrist, much to his confusion.

"Sanna, where are we going?" BigB asks, to no response. It's only when they get a little bit deeper into the forest, and BigB notices the red-tinted ambition in Sanna's eyes, that he realises what's going on.

"Are you going to kill me?" he asks, half serious, half joking to set his nerves aside.

Sanna sighs, grips her axe tighter and points it at BigB's throat.

"Only if you don't comply."


Hyper ends up going to his base first, while Tanqr went his own way. Tanqr was still a little put out after the earlier conversation, and Hyper's sort of happy to be away from him. They've been inseparable over the past few days, but Hyper would be lying if he wasn't a bit tired after everything.

If only his ally would stop throwing himself into violent situations, that would be great.

Okay, part of it is because he doesn't like being mean to people, sure. Tanqr said they'd work on that. But still, is Tanqr trying to make the entire server hate him?! It makes no sense.

As he's thinking about that, said ally walks in.

"You need to explain what that was all about because I am wildly confused." he starts, startling Hyper.

"Jeez, Tanqr, give me a warning before you barge in!" Hyper chides, but Tanqr's not in the mood.

"What, don't want me catching you shirtless again? Okay, hi, here's your warning, now explain what happened with BigB and Pink."

"What do you want me to explain? Rather than being overly suspicious and mean, I made a deal with another team that benefits both of us. That's all."

"Yeah, and now we have to pay for stuff."

"And we spent all of last night mining gold, we're fine."

"That gold was supposed to be used for armour."

"Dude, we only need boots. We have enough." Hyper comforts, or at least, he tries to. "Why are you so worried about it, anyway?"

"I'm not worried, just confused. Your way worked, but I don't see why you bothered to do it." Tanqr sits down on one of Hyper's chests, clearly expecting to be here a while. "It would've been so much easier to just leave and come back later."

"And also incredibly suspicious. They were already suspicious of us, no need to make it worse. We already have a reputation." Hyper explains. All thanks to you, he tacks on at the end, but only in his head. "Rather, make it seem like we were just there to make a trade."

"Didn't I tell you that being 'friendly' isn't going to help us?" Tanqr starts, annoyed that his lessons aren't getting through. His annoyance only makes Hyper feel the same way. "Need I remind you, this is a death game."

"Yeah, and making everyone hate us isn't exactly going to do us any favours."

"Please, they don't hate us. You said we have a reputation, and that's good - they're scared of us. They'll be too intimidated to try."

"Not at this rate, if the entire server hates us. Not if they have their own allies, and are able to coordinate with them." Saying that seems to make Tanqr settle down a bit. "BigB clearly knows his stuff, and well, you just saw Pink's raw power, even if he doesn't use it. Best to get them on our side."

Tanqr winces at the reminder of that punch.

"...Okay, yeah, fair enough." he concedes. "Though I don't think people hate us, they're just a bit annoyed. Only people who hate us are Kreek, because he's Kreek, and Megan, because she's butthurt."

"Don't push it. Some people here are really good at hiding how they're truly feeling." Like me, for example.

"Suppose." Tanqr shrugs. "Oh well. They'll see it my way eventually. You've come around."

"Indeed I have." Well, sort of. He still feels bad about all of this. But if he's got to do whatever it takes to win this, he'll do it, he supposes.

"Well, what's the plan now?" Tanqr leans back. Guess he's not planning on leaving. "We could sneak around BigB and Pink, as long as they're not there, or..."

"That won't work. We'll get an achievement for going to the Nether." And you'll get punched again.

"Oh." Tanqr purses his lips. "Well then, we haven't got much else to do. You can't really practise sneak attacks on mobs that instantly know you're there."

Well, Hyper's got a plan - he just doesn't want Tanqr there. After all, he's the one that's supposedly 'invisible', and Tanqr's subtle, but only when he wants to be. And he probably won't want to be for this.

"Plan is that I will go do something on my own, and you won't follow me. I'll come and get you once I'm done. Have fun." He didn't mean for it to come out so blunt, but whatever. Tanqr raises an eyebrow.

"Oh, now I'm curious. What are you doing?"

"I'll tell you later."

Before Tanqr can respond, Hyper's out the door.

Now, he needs to hunt for information.

(Tanqr's a little annoyed Hyper's doing nefarious business - what else would he be doing? - without him, but he can make do on his own.)


BigB takes a second to stare at the axe at his throat and at Sanna, who despite looking threatening, has very clear sweat beading on her face.

"Okay, okay, I'll comply...with what, exactly?" BigB asks while instinctively putting his hands up - that's probably a good place to start.

"Let me explain - you're not very slick, BigB, and I want to know what you're hiding."

"Well, yeah, of course. I'm BigBStatz, not BigBSlick."

Sanna has to suppress a laugh.

"That's not- that's not what I mean at all. I mean...well, you clearly know why we're here, and how we got here, and I want to know everything that you know. So tell me."

Right. Of course Pink wasn't the only one to figure out what was going on.

"And if I don't tell you, you'll kill me."


"But- but you're a green life, you can't kill me." is BigB's first response. He's pretty sure that Sanna's got a reason for using a threat, he just needs to hear confirmation.

"I am also the boogeyman, so...yes, I can kill you." There's the statement that explains the glint of red in her eyes. "Wait,, I didn't mention that, did I- I'm so bad at threatening people, oh my god..."

"Yeah, yeah, that maybe should've been the first thing you mentioned to me." BigB nervously laughs. "Anyway, you just want information on how the game works."

"Yes. That's what I want." Sanna remembers that yes, she is supposed to be threatening BigB (and not killing him, stupid voices!), and her grip on her axe gets tighter.

BigB wasn't exactly ready to spill this information to anyone aside from Pink just yet. Maybe if someone became a close enough ally, maybe if it was to save their life, but...oh, actually, this is to save his own life. So be it.

"Okay, okay. One question at a time. What do you want to know first?"

"How do you know so much about this game?" Start with the explanation, and then get to the harder questions later.

"So, myself and a few of my friends have been in a game just like this before. A few games actually." This time, he's not going to make the same mistakes he did with Pink. At least Pink was only holding a shovel, Sanna is holding an axe. "That's why I know how it works. I've done this 3 times now. This is my fourth."

"Oh. That', okay. Your friends?"

"My friends from Minecraftia. They're an eccentric lot, but they're less chaotic." BigB smiles fondly.

"Right. So, is this game similar to those previous games, or is it completely different?"

"Similar to the second, mainly. We had the boogeyman curse too, and the ability to give each other lives. The first was just having three lives, no fancy business. The third....our 'health' and 'lives' were connected to another person - our 'soulmate'."

"Soulmate?" Sanna decides to move on from that confusing terminology. "Okay, right. So that means you know how this boogeyman curse works, then. What should I avoid doing while I have it, then? Based on your own experiences, you should know how to cope with it." Sanna's quite proud of herself for coming up with these in-depth questions on the fly - she didn't even know if this would work.

BigB looks solemn, and takes a second to think.

"Well, number one, don't kill your teammates. And don't give your teammates a reason to distrust you. It will only end badly." He knows exactly what that's like.

"So you think I should tell them that I'm the boogeyman, then?" Sanna's not perfectly sure about that idea.

"If you think that will work, then yes. You don't have to, but then you'll need to figure out a way to kill someone without your allies noticing." BigB thinks back to his own plans, and the plans of others. "A trap works well here, if you can set it up."

"Oh, so you can set traps? You don't have to kill them by hand?" Sanna's quite pleased about that.

"Yes. As long as you made the trap, then yes. I tried it with the Bromance Bros, didn't go too well."

"Why, what happened?" Sanna remembers seeing Kreek's death message in chat - perhaps she'll get a little more context.

"Sketch noticed the trap, so I just had to kill someone. Sucked, but that's how the cookie crumbles." BigB shrugs. "Most people use traps, actually. No one likes to get blood on their hands."

"Except if you're Tanqr and his buddies, but y'know."

"...I was going to say 'not this early in the game anyway', but sure."

"Eh. Can't blame 'em. It's fun to go a little crazy, I just don't think I could do it every day of my life." Sanna shrugs. "Anyway - stop distracting me! You're good at it, but stop!"

"What was that about not being slick again?"

"Come on!"

BigB completely forgets about the axe at his neck and bursts into laughter at Sanna's indignance.

"Next question, BigB! What happens when you become a red life?"

BigB sighs, and explains what it's like to Sanna the same way he did to PinkLeaf. Sanna expresses her thanks that it's not like being the boogeyman - it's early in the day and she already hates it, and she doesn't want to deal with it permanently.

That doesn't mean she wants to run the risk of reaching it early, however.

"Well, I definitely need to get killing soon, as horrible as it is to say. I don't want to 'go red' yet."

"Yeah, none of us do. Though, if you leave it too late, it becomes a relief. Probably. I don't actually know what it's like, I...I never let the curse get that far."

Sanna notices BigB looking a little sad at that, and she remembers a text message he sent in chat, and she puts two and two together.

"Oh, you did a Hyper, didn't you? Ignored it for too long and ended up having to kill your teammate?"

BigB nods his head.

"I didn't do a Hyper. Hyper did a BigB. Trust me, that once choice completely ruined my chances of winning. I really hope it doesn't mess up Hyper's."

"He's with Tanqr now, so I'm sure he's got a shot." Sanna shrugs. "But that's enough on the boogeyman, I don't want to think about it anymore. So you didn't win your previous games?"

"I'm- I'm flattered you think I could, but no."

"Well, explain to me how the actual winners...well, won. Maybe I'll pick up a few techniques."

The axe is still there, so BigB doesn't have a choice. So he explains - Grian teaming up with Scar and starting a war, Scott's pacifism and survival instinct leading to his sacrifices, Pearl letting her vengeance take the better of her and letting her unleash wrath unheard of on her enemies. Sanna thinks he left in a few too many gruesome details - she can't help but drop an 'oh my god', which gets a nervous giggle from BigB as he realises that perhaps his perspective is a little bit skewed.

Sanna keeps asking her questions, about giving and receiving lives, about the people in the previous games and their ways of dealing with it, anything she can think of that she wants to know. She gets a lot of information. A lot of concerning information, about how this game came to be, but information. She's not sure if she should really tell anyone about the things she's learning. It's a little hard to think about it, with all these voices extremely annoyed she's not sliced BigB's head off yet.

There's only one more question she has to ask.

"Okay, BigB, this one shouldn't be hard, because of everything you said to me about, like, the waivers and stuff." Sanna sighs. "Why are we here? Why are these death games running in the first place? And if there is someone, who's running it?"

BigB seems surprised she asks that, and grits his teeth.

"I...don't know if I can answer that question."

"Well, you also have to answer the question, because I'm still the boogeyman, and I can still kill you." And she really wants to do it, but that's completely against the terms she set out.

BigB's silent for a second, fiddling with his shirt. Sanna inches the axe a little closer to his neck.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you - as long as you don't tell anyone else about this. Okay?" BigB finally gets out.

"I won't tell, but why don't you want everyone else to know?" Sanna questions whilst trying to reassure him.

"I...I don't think they'll be happy that their presence is known."

Sanna's eyes widen.


BigB takes a deep breath.

"It's...there's people. Not quite 'people', but...things that need the negative emotion from this game. We play this game to appease them, so that they don't try to generate the emotions themselves. Whenever they do, it's devastating." He keeps looking around him, as if trying to make sure no one is hearing him say that.

Sanna's horrified. She wasn't expecting this game to reach eldritch proportions.

"Things? Are you implying this game is being watched over by, like, gods?"



Back in Robloxia, Russo's leading a certain someone through the lobby - he felt bad that Jimmy never got to see the place in full, seeing as Preston apparently just dragged him straight to the office.

"This place is really cool." Jimmy compliments, as he looks up at the towering buildings around this 'lobby'. It's super technological - they even have a conveyor belt to get to the other side!

"It is, right?" Russo turns to some of the construction work. "We're working on renovating it for Season 3. It's in 2 months or so."

"I might just come and watch." That's a lie, Jimmy's probably going to be really busy, but maybe he'll make time. "How are you planning on renovating this?"

"It's gonna be fancy, trust me." Russo winks. "Well, it better be, considering how much money we're investing in this..."

Jimmy was wondering about that. Over here they don't collect their own resources, so they'd have to pay people...these guys don't seem rich, so hopefully it's not too much.

"Well, I'm sure it'll be worth it. As long as no disasters happen."

"Don't jinx it!" Russo playfully scolds.

"Unfortunately, I am known for jinxing things. 'Canary curse' and all that."

"Canary curse? What's that?"

"So, know what I explained to you? About it being a death game and all that?"

"Yeah." Russo shivers. He doesn't understand how Jimmy's so nonchalant about a death game.

"Well, I have a lovely habit of dying first. Every time." Jimmy grimaces.

"Oh, that...that sucks. Uh, hopefully it doesn't happen again? Well, hopefully the death game won't happen again, but if you do get trapped in one-"

"Trapped?" Jimmy questions, but shrugs it off. "It's going to happen again, bud. But I hope it doesn't happen again, otherwise, I am going to scream so loudly that you will be able to hear me."

"Hey, I can hear just fine!" Russo pouts, but Jimmy quickly back tracks.

"No, no, no, wait! I mean in the sense that- yknow, different dimensions? You'd be able to hear my screams through whatever funny portal connects these places?"

"Oh!" Russo smiles. "Good. Wait- no-"

The two end up mutually giggling over the repeated misspeaking. For someone who seemed so threatening at first, Jimmy thinks, this guy is actually pretty chill.

The guy in question suddenly perks up, and smiles.

"Awe, thank you!"

"...What? I didn't say anything-" The realisation hits Jimmy all at once. "Did you just read my mind?!"

Russo awkwardly chuckles, as there's a gust of wind behind him. Jimmy turns to see that green haired one (DJ Monopoli was his name, right? What a name.) standing next to him.

"You get used to it." DJ reassures, though it's not very reassuring. "You haven't seen Preston around anywhere, have you?"

"Nope-" Jimmy says, but Russo points to a pile of scaffolding in the corner.

"He's behind there."

DJ smiles and nods, before raising his sword and speeding after him, leaving Jimmy in the dust. Preston pops up from behind the pile, and screams bloody murder as DJ quickly catches up to him and drags him off behind a nearby door.



"Don't worry," Russo chuckles a bit at Jimmy's horrified face. "DJ's only going to yell at him for bringing you here with no explanation."

"Okay, good, scared me a bit there, but how did he move so fast?!"

"The same reason you thought I could read your mind, silly!" Russo's answer is vague and confusing, but he points to his sword for a little more context. It's still not an explanation.

"I didn't know you guys had lore." Jimmy isn't sure why that was the first thing that came to mind - probably either Sausage or Joel's influence.

"It's some cool lore too! Our weapons give us cool powers. Or do we give our weapons cool powers? I forget which way around it is." Russo explains - well, only a little bit. "Any of your pals got cool weapons? Other than BigB's cookies?"

"Cookies are not weapons."

"Oh, but they're good enough to be considered weapons of the heart." Russo dramatically punches his chest.

"That's true! And no, I don't think so." Maybe they do, but Jimmy hasn't really paid attention. "So, back to the canary curse..."

"Oh, I forgot about that bit. Explain?"

Some time (and a lot of explaining) later, Jimmy is standing before the portal BigB let him use when he visits.

"You really want to come to Minecraftia with me?"

"Yes! It'll make the rescue operation so much easier." Right, Russo's still convinced that he can break in. It's a stupid idea, but as long as he stays on the side, it shouldn't affect him. Hopefully. "You did contact your friend that runs the games about this, right?"

"Yeah, he's gonna let me know where we should meet him. Okay, if you're ready, you can go." Jimmy sighs, resigned to his fate. "Just to note, it feels a little weird when you first enter-"

Russo grabs Jimmy's hand mid-way through his chat and pulls him through.




Hello everyone, YanDan here who's not sick this time! Explains why I was so dreary last chapter. Unfortunately I will likely be dreary again, I'm back in exam season - at least it's only a month rather than 2 months this time, but still. Instead of revising I've been procrastinating and writing this - hence the double chapter this month (as well as me settling into a posting schedule again). It's that or just me being really excited for the juicy stuff that's coming. It's on the horizon, and I don't know if you or I am ready. 

But as for this chapter...Sanna's the boogeyman! Was it obvious? Maybe! But she's being tactical - she's a smart lass and figured BigB out from the beginning, and she ain't the only one. Also, Kreek wants to threaten someone into submission, Tanqr forgets that kindness is reciprocal, and PinkLeaf hates socialising.

Oh, and one very important thing, now that the topic of a certain set of gods has come up. I'll talk more about my decision to do this when they are explored in more depth later in this 'Day',  but nonetheless - Battle Life SMP will not be following InTheLittleWood's 'Eyes and Ears' canon. 

Alright, I think that's all from me. Signing off until next time, whenever that may be, and thank you for reading!

- YanDan

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