• Their Chosen Brides • •Inf...

By babykimkoya

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⚠️ MATURE WARNING ⚠️ 🛑🚫 WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK🚫🛑 THE KHAN The Royal Clan. The family started centuries b... More

Chapter 1~ 18+
Chapter 2~ 15+
Chapter 3
Chapter 4~ 18+
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 5~ 15+

7.2K 137 20
By babykimkoya

Ayesha with some maids was cleaning living room. Some business partners of Mr. Malik was coming. So the whole mansion have to shine like diamond.

After they were done cleaning the living room they moved to other side. It was almost 12. They are going to be here any time.

Some famous chef are in the kitchen cooking the modern and expensive dishes that screams luxury in every bite taken. Every maid was strictly ordered to kept the mansion shining and only some specific ones are allowed to bring them things and serve them.

Around 13 pm the guest of mr.malik walked in. A middle aged man and his wife with their one son and 2 daughters.

The son Aman was 27. And the both daughter Sia and Ria was 24 and 26. Sia is married and have a one and half year old daughter.

They sat on the couch as Mrs Malik greet them sweetly.

Mrs Malik: Its been a long time we had meet Like this.

As she said she heard her husband greeting them smiling. Behind them their both son walked down with not so happy face like their parents. They greet everyone formally.

They talked for some time until santoshi with other two maids walked in with various juices.

After giving them juice according to their choice they walked out of the living room still being professional. Daring not to make any mistake Renee how their madam warned them.

Without those specific maids other maids and servants were ordered to stand in every corner of the mansion so that not even by chance the guest feel discomfort.

Ayesha was standing on the west side's corridor that lead to garden. She looked around, no one there still she is standing there. She knew no one would come here. It was at the very end. Quite near the back door.

The guest came like maybe 2 hours age. That what she can see in the clock. She has been looking at the clock since start. Watching how the hands of clock move. Until she heard someone's footsteps.


After chatting for like 20 to 30 minutes they headed to dinner table to have lunch. They sat on their respective places and the maids serve them meal. But 2 pairs eyes were searching for someone.

The food was quite formal and was decorated really professionally. Everyone present in the room started eating but stopped and looked at Zayn

Zayn: mom....

Mrs Malik looked at him with robotic smiley face.

Mrs Malik: yes son. You need anything.?

Ryan: this??

Pointing at their dishes. Both brother was habitual with Ayesha's hand made food. For one and half year they are eating those. Unless they are out. And someone else made food in their plate in their house was quite unusual. The whole family could eat food made by their home chef but only the twin could eat made by her.

Mrs Malik: chef made them.

Hearing her Ryan almost rolled his eyes while Zayn fist his hand. When their mother knows they liked their handmade food and habitual with those then why she had to show off her luxury by giving money to chef for them. Still being formal to them like she was from childhood.

Without saying anything they both ate and went out of the area. To their own rooms.

Others also finished their food and went to their showed room. The guest would stay one night here.

The door bell rang. Maids open the door only to see 2 men. One had two small 2 birds on his hand another had one big cage maybe. Coz that was covered with clothes.

Maid: yes?

Man: Ryan sir order for 2 birds.

Maid looked at them suspiciously them nodding and let them inside. Unknown to the men as step stepped in 2 scanner has scanned their whole body. Seeing no harmful things with them maid showed them his room.

Ryan opened the door. Seeing them he let them inside and told them the place where the cage should be placed. And then looked at the maid.

Ryan: go and call Ayesha to here. As soon as possible.

Nodding to his order she moved to the head servant to know where Ayesha will be now. Coz trying to find her by herself could be a great stupidity coz the mansion was big enough..

Hearing from her she quickly went to Ayesha and told her to go to her master's room and she would be doing her duty.

Ayesha ran to Ryan's room and after knocking on the door she stepped in as she saw him sitting on the couch while 2 men in the balcony doing something.

Ayesha: Sir, you called me?

Ryan: hmm.

Then their was only silence. Only the sound of the those men can be heard. Ayesha stand there for like 5 minutes.

Knowing the front person is less talking one. So she waited patiently. But he didn't utter anything thing. But the 2 men come out stand in front on him.

Man: sir we placed everything.

Ryan: good and how they should be taken care of.

Man: sir they should be-

Ryan: Not me. Tell her.....Listen properly.

Ayesha nodded and looked at the men she listens carefully. They were talking about 2 male and female fishes and how to take care of them. One was blue and another was green. She nodded getting everything. But she knew how to take care of fishes then why this class?

After they were done Ryan told them to go.

Ayehsa: but sir I knew how to take care of fishes.

Ryan didn't say anything and told her to come with him.

Stepping inside the balcony he stepped aside and let her enter. She entered with great confusion coz who keeps fish in the balcony. What if birds take them away..

But got shock seeing two birds. Now she got it why they were telling her to give more food.

Ayesha looked at the birds with parted lips the Ryan and went near the cage.

Ryan: you liked them.??

Ayesha: yes, they are adorable...

She said smiling cutely looking at the birds. Trying to touch them but they moved away as they saw unknown person. Still she was cutely smiling looking at their antics.

While on other side Ryan was adoring her. She was same as the person he asked for as his sister. In childhood how he tried to get close to her, give her everything she demand for, even giving more. Take her everywhere he went, showed her new things, he tried everything a brother can do for his sister's happiness.

He never irritated her in childhood but didn't know why she never looked at him the way he did. Not even looked for sometime. He could talk with her all the time after coming back home but she never use to give him a glance. All time ignoring him. He thought he was over thinking until the time he heard her badmouthing about him in front of their mom.

Saying how clingy he was, also dramatic and kind of irritation. And many more. While his mom never said anything back.He tried to show love but was called clingy. That night he cried under blanket curling into a ball, from that day he tried to show less emotions and in which he was succeed.

Now seeing Ayesha again didn't know why his brotherly feelings grew up. If even in small things she could smile brighter.

Little things could make her happiest. And he could get the came reaction even more what he asked for from his sister to give when he bought her something.

He still remember how she hugged the books, notebooks, pens near her heart with a eye smile, showing her bunny teeth, her cheek formed in like a round bun. Tho the guard gave her but he watched that from upstairs.

Her books are still like new. He noticed everything how she cared for small thing. One thing made him like her the most was her protection about her modesty.

His own sister wear t shirt and shorts till knee at home with 100s of bodyguards around. When she goes out maybe wears longer clothes then home but never take any scarf. Well he left caring about her.

But Ayesha. She chose the loosest slave clothes for her, she asked for any kind of hijab to cover her. Besides that She was innocent to think like others. Sometime he could show directly he cared for her, but she never get it while the whole mansion knew.

If any other was at her place they could tried to take advantage of that. While this girl didn't even get it. Doesn't matter how the situation is she all time stays in distance with every male even from him. He himself never saw her, without her face, toes and Maximum her wrist.

He adores her. Like his own sister. Sometime he could bought this for her and give that to her indirectly. In Eid he could buy new clothes for every maids, servants just to give her a new outfit for Eid.

She could smiled brightly taking that from him. Then going out of his sight she could jump in happiness holding the dress. Saying 'I got my new eid dress. I don't need to wear old ones now'.

Ryan could watch her everytime in CCTV after giving her something. He loved her reactions. In everything. That gives him unknown satisfaction. A smile could play in his lips seeing her.

His thoughts break hearing her giggles. She was touching one head while it was trying to move away from her.

Ryan: Remember you need to take care of them. I don't want any lacking in this.

Ayesha looked at him smiling

Ayehsa: Yes, sir. I will try my best.

Ryan: there are food and water. Give them.

Replying in affirmative Ayesha took the food putting it in the small box in front of the birds and water in another. Ryan was about to go but stopped..

Ryan: wanna name them?

Ayehsa looked at him Shocked.

Ayesha: I-I ca-n...

Ryan: is there anyone here?

Ayehsa asked with hesitation and excitement mixed feeling

Ayesha: rea-lly

Ryan: do it.

Ayehsa smiled at him the tunning to the small birds moving their head. She thought for sometime while Ryan looked her.

Ayehsa: blue one [female] kiwi and green one [male] coco.

She said pointing at them and looked at him

Ryan: those are weird.

Ayesha: th-en should I cha-ange them?

Ryan: no need.

Saying that he went inside the room while Ayesha followed him behind. He sat on bed taking the laptop. While ayehsa said goodbye and thanked him for letting her named them. Ryan just hummed.

As ayehsa went outside, he opened the CCTV recode and click on his room side corridor. Only to her already jumping going towards the stairs. He watched her till she went inside the maids room.


It was the 5th day of their of their honeymoon means 1 day was left only. They were now in shopping mall buying things for Taaj. Afreen was almost glaring at him.

First 3 days he only banged her and showed her some places only. And in the 4 the day they visited many places and in evening afreen thought to finish everyone's shopping but no.. after completing for half of family members Takeer insist to got back to hotel saying they still have 2 day's left.

That time agreeing she went back to hotel. That night he also didn't leave her. Even today's morning he was horny. So they went to market in evening . It was Passed 10.

Yesterday they finished elders part. Today was the children... Right now only Taaj was left. for everyone they bought like 4-5 things but Taaj himself gave the list to his bhabi. How could she not buy it.

They buying his things for like eternity but those aren't finishing.

Takeer stopped Walking and almost shouted in the middle of shopping mall...

Takeer: what the he wrote in the list that isn't finishing.. I am fucked up.. let's go back..

Afreen glare at him

Afreen: you yourself told me 'we can buy it tomorrow'

Takeer: I am taking my words back... Let's go to hotel

Afreen: like I don't know what your next plan is...

Takeer smirk and whisper near her ear..

Takeer: but you enjoy that right?

Afreen: sh-ut up... Let's go and finish this..


They stepped inside the hotel room and it was almost passed 12.

Mature part

As soon as they entered the room, Takeer closed the door and took her in his shoulder then throwing her on the bed. Getting over her he kissed her lips sucking her lower lip till that bleed.

In between he opened her hijab and dress. Afreen was pushing him. She just got inside the room like after eternity and wanted to take shower but looks like it isn't possible..

Afreen: n-no-t-umm now-ah.

He was busy sucking her nipple while his other hand goes between her both leg.

Afreen: ah ...

Takeer: um ..a

Takeer bit her nipple as he pushed his 2 fingers inside. Afreen moaned gripping on his hair.

Takeer took his fingers out when he felt she was near her orgasm making her groan in displeasure. Quickly taking his clothes off he entered inside her.

Afreen gripped on the bed sheet as moaned loudly. She closed her eyes feeling him inside thrusting hard.

Takeer was feeling immeasurable pleasure. He was breathing heavily banging her hard. The way he was frustrated while doing shopping all was gone.

Only pleasure was roaming around his mind. Being greedy he started to fasten his speech. Tears escaped from Afreen's eyes in pleasure and pain.

But she like him greedy, wanted more. Again and again.

Ends here


Today was her holiday. Isra was cleaning the store room. Which was untouched for like months. No one would step on it until she did.

After cleaning she took the bucket full of water and started to clean the store room's floor. Unknowingly her eyes went to the box where she kept the unnecessary papers..


She saw that words Witten with bold letter. She took that in her hand thinking who could leave the paper here.

The paper was destroyed. The writings were blur. She looked carefully and tried to read some. Until a underlined line caught her eyes

'Isra Amani's legal property given by her father lawfully going to be her husband's after she got married.'

She could read many line from the page but this thing hit her hard. Is that why they wanted her to marry her cousin? So that the property doesn't go to another's hand.

She remembered told her grandmother her.

In the first month of their marriage your mother was acknowledged as pregnant but she had miscarriage. The after 6 years of trying for a baby you were born. Your father being happiest gave the poor people food and on your naming day he sighed a paper that said the much he could earn till your marriage, on the day day of your marriage he will named the half of that to you.

Isra chuckled feeling her eyes teary. She was pampered child until Imran was born. Sometime she could feel jealous of him but she loved him. The same way he loves her back. Giving the same emotion.

'it's ok.'

Saying that in her mind she kept the paper from where she took it. And started to do her works.


Ayehsa was going to Ryan's room. To feed the birds. She knew he couldn't be at home coz he barely stays home. But she still knocked to her surprise she heard him Giving her permission.

Getting inside the room she saw Sia with her child, (Maybe I didn't name her right) Saira were sitting on the couch taking with Ryan. He was looking at her from start. Ayesha looked at him.

Ayehsa: s-sorry. I will come later.

Saying that she was about to go but

Ryan: need anything?

Ayesha: huh?!?

Ryan: I asked do you need anything?

Ayesha quickly shook her head.

Ayesha: birds. I am here to f-feed them..

Ryan: hmm. Foods are kept in the first drawer.

Ayesha nodded and went towards balcony. Before going she looked at Sia who wasn't going a good look to her.

Entering the balcony she saw ria. Standing beside the cage using phone. She stood a little far from her.

Ayesha: Madam.

Ria: what...

She didn't even look up

Ayesha: I need to feed the birds

Ria took a glance of Haya and moved away from there giving her side. And stood a little far still using phone. Ayesha started to give them food.

She kept the food on the container, which birds fully ignored. Maybe wasn't so much hungry or was feeling scared eating in front of unknown human.

She tried to talk a little to the birds. In small voice, naive brain thinking they could understand her words and come to her.

Ria: Can you shut up? You are-

Ryan: who will shut up?

There was ryan standing with Saira on his arms. Ayehsa flinched hearing him all of a sudden. While ria look a little nervous.

Ria: no I- was j-ust telling her to stop talking like that c-coz that was making the birds scared.

Ayesha: i-it's true. They were getting scared.

Ria huffed in relief a little which didn't go unnoticed by Ryan.

Ryan: they are not eating?

Ryan fully ignored ria going towards the birds cage. While Ayesha moved back a little giving him more space.

Ria felt angry as he didn't give her any attention.

Ayesha: no.

Ryan looked at the bird busy in their world.

Ryan: make some sounds while putting the food.

She did. But to her surprise this time the birds came for Eating. She smiles at him then fill the water pot.

Ryan and Ayesha tried to introduce the baby to the birds. Who awfully looked at the small creatures.

While ria went from there to her sister complaining he isn't talking to her. Sia told her to wait little coz she was talking with her husband. So ria sit beside her and wait for her to finish.

Sia and Aman was ria's complain box. She complain to them even if a ant had bitten her. And they could listen to their younger sister patiently which was mostly useless but sister is always sister. And important. Means her useless things still felt important to them. And coz of them she was this much pampered.

Ryan look at Ayesha who again trying to touch the birds trying to make them comfortable with her touch maybe.

He noticed her taking glance of saira.

Ryan: wanna hold her?

Ayesha looked at him. She doesn't know how but he always finds out what she wants. And try to give her that. She everytime feels those. And loved them from the bottom of her heart. But still he was her master. And those maybe he pitied her that's why.

Ayesha: n-no.

Ryan: take her...

Ayesha: no. I wil-l hurt her. She will f-all.

Ryan: she wouldn't. I am here..

Ayesha looked at him for some seconds then forward her hands. Ryan forward Saira to her and she took her in her arm. And hold her tightly thinking she might fell down.

Feeling tight grip Saira started to wiggle making Ayesha scared. She panicked

Ayesha: si-r, she-

Ryan: nothing will happen just loose your hold a little.

Saying that he forwarded his hands to hold the baby in place coz she was moving which was quite normal but the grown ass girl in front of him thinking she is going to fall.

But as he forwarded his hand, ayehsa moved her hand to hold Saira's back. Which made them accidentally touch their hands. Ayesha quickly took her hands to herself holding Saira.

And Ryan took his hands back and 1 step backwards. Mumbling in small voice

Ryan: sorry.

Ayesha: i-it's ok.

Ryan: loose your hold a little she will stop moving.

Ayesha slowly loosen her hold. Saira slowly stopped wiggling and Normally stayed on her arms. Playing with her own hands.

Ayesha gave Ryan a smile then smiling at Saira. Who was pouting her lips fisting her hands.

Ryan: as far as I know your brothers had 2 children when you came here. Then how come you don't know how to hold a baby.

Ayesha stopped her movement hearing him.

Ayesha: bhabi didn't let me hold them much. Saying I was too young to hold them. I will drop them. Bhaiya also didn't say anything. So I thought I was really young. But I was 17 that time. They could let me hold them for some minutes but they could stand in front. When they grow up a little I tried to play with them but ammu said they are young. I will hurt them.

She felt her eyes teary telling him those. How they could neglected them. First she felt they were concerned because she was their only sister. That's why they care so much about them didn't allow her in everything coz they were worried she will get hurt. But how wrong she was...!!

Her thoughts break as Saira hold her finger trying to eat them. Ayesha smiled widely seeing that. She remembered those small memories with her nephew and niece.

How they could pull her hair, scratch her cheek when she went closer to them. How they could wrapped their fingers around her finger. Hugged her while falling asleep. They were cute. They adored her as much as she did.

But the question is why they abandoned her.? Sold her.? Was she that bad? Was she a that much heavy burden to them? But she obeyed them in everything. What could have happened if they didn't sold her?She could have been staying staying them. With her fake thoughts that they care for her.

She could have stayed in a corner of the house. But why did they give her away? What if her owner wasn't good? They could hurt her. Didn't this thing bothered them a little? She was with them for 18 years and half. People said if you stay with a person for a long time, doesn't matter how much they how much they are disliked to you, you will started to like them. Get habitual with their presence.

But what happens to her about this matter. She was with them for 18 years. And was their own daughter and sister. And they didn't even thought twice to sell her. Do they know if she is even alive or not? Do they even care a little about her? Not maybe.

Ryan was looking at when she said those things. Her voice wanted to crack but she didn't let. Her eyes were teary. He looked at her carefully observing her actions. She wanted to stay with her family. But they sold them for better position.

Till now he knew she loved her brothers from the core of her heart. Maybe still do but never got that back. While Ryan did the same trying to get his sister's love but she found him irritating.

Ryan mentally chuckled seeing their story almost similar. Only the difference was he had power while she was a slave.

Sia: what my daughter is doing with someone like you?

Ayesha flinched hearing her almost shouting and hold her tightly while she cried hearing loud voice. Ryan normally looked behind.

Sia quickly took her in her arm trying to stop her while glaring at Ayesha.

Sia: what did you do?

Ayesha: m-me..?

Sia: yes you... What-

Ryan: you are forgetting I am still present here.

Sia: didn't you see how she was crying in her arms? Still defending her.

Ryan: I am the one who gave her to her. And she didn't cry being on her arms but hearing your loud voice.

Sia: whatever. She still got no right. A slave like her has no right to touch my princess like daughter...

Ryan: she is slave but mine and you gotta respect her. Coz I, the owner didn't give you any rights to say something about what under my custody. Now get out.

Sia: you are telling me to go away for her..

Ryan: you heard me....

Sia rolled her eyes before going away with ria who was pouting seeing them fighting...

Ryan: why are you standing? Don't you have works? If not bring your books here....

Ayesha again flinched hearing him. Nodding she went to bring books.


Isra sat on the chair having her dinner. Everyone had their dinner while she was having a little nap. Imran went to her room to call but seeing her sleeping he went back.

After cleaning the whole house while the others went out for some work, she went to her bed after magrib around 6:30. When she woke up it was passed 10.

Quickly getting up from bed she prayed her Salat then going in the dinning room to have dinner.

She was eating quietly but saw someone coming towards her. Isra correct her scarf over her head still eating quietly. He sat beside her pulling a chair on the left side.

Kiran: how much you are gonna say no?

Isra didn't reply and keep eating.

Kiran smirked. Putting his elbow on the table he kept his head on the the palm learning on it.

Kiran: you have grown up now. Think wisely. I earn lakhs in month. I can give you everything you want. What more do you need?

Isra was still quite.

Kiran lift his right hand and took that near her cheek trying to touch it but pushed his hands away from her. And stood up going to kitchen with her empty plate.

Kiran gritted his teeth going after her. He pulled her by her arm as she kept the plate on the sink.

Kiran: who do you think you are ignoring?

Isra: and who do you think you are touching?

Saying that she pushed his hand away again then taking two steps behind.

Kiran: my future wife. I have every rights.

Isra: not yet. And never gonna be. Don't think much I still will have enough time to run away if they force me.

Kiran clenched his jaw fisting his hands.

Kiran: I would never let that happen.. you will marry me.

He says almost shouting.

Isra: you didn't write your future. So don't shout.

Kiran: we will see.

He said as he stomped out of the kitchen while Isra just sighed doing her dishes.


It was the last night of their honeymoon. Afreen was sitting on the bed in her white lingerie and Takeer was laying between her legs keeping his head on her abdomen.

He was wearing boxer only. While a not so thik blanket was over him covering him till his waist.

Their position


He digged his face on tummy as she rubbed his whole back making patterns there in various way.

Takeer caresses her left thigh going inside her lingerie. Keeping it on her hip, he circled his thumb on her skin. Thousands of butterflies Dance in her tummy.

Afreen caressing his hair with one hand and other was still on his back.

Afreen: when you will start your office?

Takeer: from tomorrow.

[I don't know how much time it takes to go to Hawaii from Bangladesh...]

Afreen: but we are going ho-

Takeer: I will directly go to office from airport.

Afreen: but yo--

Takeer: no buts afreen. I already took too much leaves. I can't more.

Afreen: fine..


Afreen: when can I join my office?

Takeer: how many days you took??

Afreen: 3 weeks.

Takeer: left?

Afreen: around 1 week.

Takeer: join after that finished.

Afreen: ok.




Takeer: afreen...

Afreen: hmm.

Takeer: I want a baby. With you.



Takeer: can we?

Afreen: y-ou want now?

He sat up and moved closer to her. He holds her hands in his hand. Moving his thumbs on her skin.

Takeer: there is no hurry. But I want a child. On our own.

Afreen: I don't have any problem.

Takeer smiled as he kissed her forehead then cheek. He cupped her face.

Takeer: no need to rush. Get along with family members then we can try. In some months.

Afreen nodded with a soft smile playing on her lips. She will be mother. Will have a child on her own. They will her mother and him father. Roaming around them. Those thoughts were making her Heart warm.


They were on their own jet. She has her head on his shoulder.

afreen: you said there is house under construction. What is that?

Takeer: Its just next month we are going to shift there. Bhai, Ryan, Zayn and Taaj. We five. Just know that Ryan and Zayn is same to me like how Bhai and Taaj is. We may not work together. But still do every work together. This information is enough for you to know.

Afreen looked at him hearing their tangled work story. But shrugging that off she closed her eyes going to sleep hugged his arms. Coz he said he maybe be very late coming home tonight. And that going to happen for some days. Coz of him not being around many things are undone.


Taaj was in his one the famous restaurants trying some new dishes.

Other chef was making the orders while he was on his own personal kitchen.

It passed 1. He was still there. Other have went home around a while ago. Being famous it should be open for late as most of the customer choose to come late night.

After a while he was finally done making a whole new dish. Having a satisfied expression on his face he sat on the counter having that as dinner which he chose to skip.

Being fully satisfied with the taste he moaned chewing. Finishing that which was neither in less nor much in proportion, he Washed the dishes that he used while making it with earbuds on his ear.

Moving his body with the rhyme he cleaned those 20+ utensils. No he wasn't irritated but enjoying doing that coz his hard work pay off and gave him a dish with mind blowing taste.

After cleaning it is took the notebook where he wrote the ingredients he added in it. He calmly burned it with lighter. Then cleaning the counter then the whole kitchen, he step out of his kitchen after making that shine like a diamond.

Simply locking the door with password, he locked the kitchen that was for others, he went out whistling keeping his hands on the pockets.


Tabeer was in parliament. A new problem came in front. Many teen girls are disappearing all of a sudden. Some went to school, some went to grocery, some went to market but didn't return.

Tabeer: ask in the local stores. You may get any clue.

Officer: but sir we can check the CCTV. There are many.

Tabeer: officer nearly 17 girls are disappeared from main city. The gang who did this surely maybe managed to destroy the CCTV.

Minister1: yes. First find some clue regarding something usual. Then we can move to CCTV which is out of the those area from where the girls disappearing.

Nodding the them the police officers saluted then going out of the room.

4 ministers were sitting on the chairs.

Minister2: Tabeer have you noticed those family whose girls are disappearing, they are also moving out of the city. First they cry in front of police asking for help now they are moving.

Tabeer frowned hearing him..

Tabeer: they are moving mean?

Minister2: 14 families moved to different town. They are not in city anyone. They took their maybe everything with them. I am not sure.

Tabeer: what about other 3 families.?

Minister3: according to their complain today is four day of those 3 girls are disappeared. One more thing, the these family has no connection with each other. Maybe never even have seen each other.

He said looking at the file in front of him

Minister1: mostly the families who moved out is around 7-8 no. Day of the girls being disappeared.

Tabeer: I suggest you guys to send some responsible police there to monitor their steps.

Minister: we already thought of that.


Tabeer got into his room taking off his white 'panjabi' before throwing that on the couch. He went to bathroom for a good shower. Coming out of the bathroom only in a trouser flexing his toned abs.

He layed on the bed with a hand under his head thinking about today's incidents.

While coming back his front car was blast in the middle road. Tho there was not many citizens but there were some.

But nothing happened after that.

Tabeer: This is not girls tracking. It's me. I am their target.

Tabeer smile creepily. Thinking about the outcome.


Ayesha sighed in relief as she layed in the bed. Today was a hectic day for sure. It passed 1. She looked around and saw one of the bed is empty and on another the maid was sleeping.

One maid was on leave. She smiled looking at the empty bed.

She might be with her family now. Maybe enjoying their time.

Ayesha sighed and looked at the window. Half of moon can be visible tonight. She closed her eyes reciting some suras she drift to her sleep. Being tired it didn't take much time.


Isra looked at her phone which is ringing. She just came out of her class and going to her desk.


She received the call being confused. Why is she calling now? she didn't come today? Then who was she?

Isra: assalamualaikum Maya.

Maya: w-alaikum Assalam Isra.

Isra: what happened.? Why are you sounding so sick? You were ok in the morning.

Maya: is-s any one around you?

Isra: no..

Maya: well, I acted

She sounds too much fine now.

Isra: woman did you-

Maya: I did woman.

Isra: culprit.

Maya: Listen woman this weekend we are going out. Tell you parents you are going out for your Virginia check up with me. They will let go.

Isra: how about pregnancy check up?

Maya: much better. Will book an appointment with doctor. Do not worry.

Isra: will buy some lingerie also. Need to give him surprise.

Maya: red and off white is in trending.

Isra: net and lace one please.

Maya: ok Madam.

Isra: bring water bottle. I can't afford to buy mineral.

Maya: third class poor bitch.

Isra: Surishi, right?... I know she is one.

Maya: got a point tho.

Isra: Keep it in the brain. We will continue later. I reached my desk?

Maya: yee ..... Did anyone hear me?

Isra: Luna did.

Maya; no problem.... We will take her with us.

Isra: Allah hafeez...

Maya: allah hafeez.


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I truly sorry for late update.

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