Rapple Raven×apple EVER After...


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when truth is revealed and raven abadond Ever After High will apple bring Raven back or will Ever after high... More

The question

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**Scene 18: Dexter's Desperate Search**

*(Dexter, torn between his loyalty to Snow White and his concern for Raven, secretly seeks out the queen for answers about Raven's whereabouts.)*

Dexter: (approaching Snow White cautiously) Your Majesty, may I speak with you?

Snow White: (icily) What is it, Dexter? I'm busy.

Dexter: (feigning indifference) It's about Raven. I'm worried about her. Do you know where she is?

*(Snow White's expression darkens, and she responds with a cold indifference that sends a chill down Dexter's spine.)*

Snow White: (dismissively) Raven is none of your concern, Dexter. Focus on your own duties and leave her to me.

*(Feeling frustrated and helpless, Dexter pretends to storm off in anger, but he secretly hides in the bushes, determined to uncover the truth.)*

*(As the castle falls silent and everyone sleeps, Dexter takes his chance and sneaks inside, searching every room for any sign of Raven.)*

*(With each empty room he encounters, Dexter's panic grows, until finally, he stumbles upon a dark chamber where Raven lies helpless and near death.)*

Dexter: (gasping in horror) Raven!

*(Rushing to her side, Dexter is filled with a sense of urgency as he tries to wake her, but Raven remains unconscious, her energy drained and her life hanging by a thread.)*

Dexter: (frantically) Wake up, Raven! Please, you have to wake up!

*(In his desperation, Dexter accidentally makes a noise that alerts the castle guards, sending him into a panic as he realizes the danger he's in.)*

*(With no other choice, Dexter flees from the castle, his heart heavy with guilt and fear for Raven's safety.)*

**Scene 19: The Desperate Escape**

*(As Dexter races back to Ever After High, his mind races with fear and uncertainty, his every thought consumed by Raven's plight.)*

Dexter: (breathless) I have to get back to Ever After High. I have to warn them about Raven.

*(With each step, Dexter's guilt weighs heavy on his conscience, his desperation driving him forward as he races against time to save Raven.)*

*(Finally, Dexter arrives at Ever After High, his heart pounding with dread as he relives the horrors he witnessed in Snow White's castle.)*

Dexter: (desperately) I have to tell them what I saw. I have to help Raven before it's too late.

*(With determination fueling his every move, Dexter sets out to find Apple and her friends, knowing that time is running out and Raven's life hangs in the balance.)*

*(As the dawn breaks over Ever After High, Dexter's quest for redemption begins, his every action guided by a newfound sense of purpose and a desperate desire to save the one he loves.)*

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