The Red Ghoul

By kurenohikari

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Standing behind the monster, as this one laughed maniacally and planned the bombing of Gotham's Children Hosp... More

ARC I: Part V


55 2 1
By kurenohikari

The training room was alive with the sound of shuffling feet and controlled breaths as Dick and Jason squared off in the center.

Dick, with sleek movements and a lithe frame, bounced lightly on the balls of his feet, his eyes fixed on his brother. He wore a confident grin, knowing that his agility and flexibility were his greatest assets. His style was a blend of capoeira and gymnastics, making him unpredictable and hard to pin down.

Jason, on the other hand, stood rooted to the ground, muscles bulging beneath his shirt. His fists clenched and jaw set, he exuded raw power. His fighting style was straightforward - brute force and relentless aggression, with a touch of street fighting flair.

The match began with a flurry of movement. Dick darted forward, his footwork resembling a dancer's as he feinted and weaved, looking for an opening. Jason held his ground, his stance solid as he watched his older brother with a wary eye. Dick launched into a series of cartwheels and flips, using his momentum to close the distance between them. With a swift spin, he aimed a high kick at Jason's head, but Jason ducked underneath it, closing in with a thunderous right hook aimed at the Dick's ribs.

Dick twisted his body mid-air, narrowly avoiding the blow, and landed lightly on his feet behind Jason. He delivered a quick series of strikes to Jason's back, aiming for pressure points to weaken him, but Jason shrugged them off, turning to face his agile opponent with a snarl. Now it was Jason's turn to attack. He charged forward with a roar, his fists flying in a barrage of punches. Dick danced nimbly out of reach, his movements fluid and graceful as he dodged and weaved around Jason's onslaught.

With a sudden burst of speed, Dick closed the distance again, launching into a rapid series of kicks and punches. He struck with precision, aiming for vulnerable spots like Jason's knees and solar plexus, trying to weaken him and disrupt his balance. Jason grunted with effort, his arms coming up to block the strikes. He weathered the storm, then retaliated with a powerful uppercut that caught Dick off guard, sending him stumbling backwards.

But Dick recovered quickly, flipping backwards to regain his footing. He flashed a grin at Jason, then launched into a dazzling display of acrobatics. He somersaulted through the air, his movements fluid and unpredictable as he rained down a barrage of kicks and punches from all angles. Jason growled in frustration, struggling to keep up with his agile brother. He swung wildly, trying to land a solid hit, but Dick danced just out of reach, his movements a blur of speed and grace.

Finally, Dick saw his opening. With a lightning-fast spin, he delivered a spinning hook kick that connected squarely with Jason's jaw. Jason staggered backwards, dazed, before collapsing to the ground. Dick stood over his fallen brother, when he extended his hand, a gleam of triumph in his eyes, Jason seized the opportunity. With a sudden burst of energy, he surged forward, catching Dick off guard. Dick's eyes widened in surprise as Jason's fist connected with his stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He stumbled backward, his breath coming in ragged gasps, but before he could recover, Jason was on him.

With a roar, Jason unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks, his movements relentless and powerful. Dick tried to defend himself, but he was still reeling from the surprise attack, his movements sluggish and uncoordinated. Each blow from Jason landed with bone-jarring force, driving Dick back further and further until he was backed into a corner. With a final, devastating blow, Jason landed a powerful uppercut that sent Dick sprawling to the mat.

The training room fell silent as the Dick lay there, dazed, and defeated. Jason stood over him, breathing heavily but triumphant. He had turned the tables on his brother, with a grunt of satisfaction, Jason extended a hand to help Dick up. Dick and Jason sat side by side, catching their breath as they sipped water from their bottles, sweat glistened on their foreheads.

"Man, that felt good," Dick said with a grin, wiping his brow with the back of his hand. "I missed this, Jay."

Jason nodded in agreement, his chest still heaving from exertion. "Yeah, me too. It's been too long since we've had a proper spar."

Ever since Batman had returned from the timestream, they hadn't had much opportunity to train together. But today, they had decided to make time for it, to reconnect as brothers.

Once they had caught their breath, they made their way over to the small infirmary set up beside the training area. Jason motioned for Dick to take a seat on one of the benches, and he fetched the first aid kit. With practiced ease, Jason began to tend to Dick's injuries. He cleaned and dressed the cuts and bruises with gentle care, his movements efficient but tender. Dick winced occasionally, but he didn't complain, trusting his younger brother's skill.

Once Jason finished, it was Dick's turn to play nurse. He returned the favor, carefully inspecting Jason's wounds and applying antiseptic ointment where needed. Jason sat quietly, his expression relaxed as he allowed his brother to work.

They shared a comfortable silence as they tended to each other, the only sounds the soft rustle of bandages and the occasional hum of the infirmary's equipment. Jason could have used magic to heal the two of them, but Dick had convinced him to do this old school- the older one feeling nostalgic about how things used to be. As they worked, memories of their childhood flooded back - late-night training sessions in the Batcave, sparring matches in the backyard, and the countless missions they had undertaken together. They had been through so much, but through it all, they had always had each other's backs.

As Dick carefully tended to Jason's wounds, a question weighed heavily on his mind, one he couldn't keep to himself any longer. "Hey, Little Wing," he began tentatively, his tone tinged with sadness, "why didn't you invite me to your wedding with Roy?"

Jason's expression softened, and he let out a sigh, understanding immediately the hurt behind Dick's question. "It wasn't intentional, Dick," he explained gently. "The wedding was kind of a spur of the moment thing. The situation presented itself and we just... decided to do it. It was the magical side of our union, you know?"

Dick nodded, though his disappointment was evident in his eyes. "I get it," he said quietly, "but it still would have been nice to be there for you."

Jason's gaze softened with remorse. "I know, and I'm sorry, Dick. I shouldn't have left you out like that. I was angry at Bruce, and I guess I took it out on you, which was wrong of me."

Dick waved away the apology with a small, understanding smile. "It's okay, Jay," he replied, his tone forgiving. "I understand why you were upset. Besides, you and Roy deserve all the happiness in the world."

Jason's shoulders relaxed with relief at Dick's understanding. He appreciated his brother's ability to forgive, even when he himself struggled with it. "Thanks, Dick," he said sincerely. "That means a lot."

Changing the subject, Dick's face lit up with curiosity. "So, are you planning on having a reception or anything for the civil part of the wedding?"

Jason grinned, the tension between them dissipating. "Yeah, definitely," he replied. "Neither Roy nor I really care much about a church wedding, but we'll be signing the papers soon. And there'll definitely be a reception for everyone to come and celebrate with us."

Dick's spirits lifted at the news, the hurt from before fading into the background. "That sounds great!" he exclaimed, his smile widening. "I can't wait to celebrate with you guys."

Once Dick had bandaged the wounds, the two of them stood up and made their way from the basement to the ground floor of Jason's home. Dick glanced around curiously, taking in the familiar surroundings. "Where are the kids?" he asked, a hint of longing in his voice. He had missed Damian, Lian, and Billy.

Jason couldn't help but smirk at Dick's question. "Oh, the three gremlins are off to Japan," he replied, his tone laced with amusement. "They're there for Damian's sword lessons with Katana."

Dick's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Seriously? Damian's still doing those lessons?" he exclaimed, impressed. He knew how seriously Damian took his training, but with everything that had happened lately, he hadn't realized the extent of Damian's commitment.

"Yeah," Jason confirmed with a nod. "He missed a month of lessons with Katana because of everything that went down, so he's eager to get back in shape."

Dick laughed, a warm sound that echoed through the hallway. "Well, I'm sure Katana is thrilled to have him back," he commented, picturing the no-nonsense woman putting Damian through his paces.

But Jason wasn't finished yet, and his next words caused Dick's laughter to double in volume. "Oh, and Jon's with them too," Jason added casually.

Dick's eyes widened in disbelief. "Jon? You mean Uncle Clark's Jon, right? Not John Constantine." he clarified, still chuckling.

Jason nodded, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Yep, that's the one. Apparently, he snuck out of the house to spend the day with his friends."

Dick shook his head in disbelief, a grin stretching across his face. "That kid is going to be trouble," he predicted, though there was affection in his tone.

Jason laughed, a deep, hearty sound that echoed through the house. "Yeah, but you gotta admire his spirit," he said, a hint of pride in his voice.

Dick chuckled in agreement as they reached the top of the stairs, stepping out into the cozy living room of Jason's home. The warmth of the space enveloped them, a stark contrast to the coolness of the basement.

As they settled onto the comfortable couch, Dick couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him. Dick clapped a hand on Jason's shoulder. "Let's do this again soon, okay?"

Jason nodded, a smile playing on his lips. "Definitely. But next time, I'm totally going to win."

Dick laughed. "We'll see about that, little brother. We'll see."


In the tranquil setting of Katana's dojo in Japan, Damian and Katana sat facing each other, the soft light filtering through the paper screens casting a serene ambiance over the room.

Katana, her posture straight and dignified, regarded Damian with a steady expression. "Sword fighting is not just about physical strength, Damian," she began. "It's about focus, discipline, and understanding the artistry of the blade."

Damian listened intently, his eyes focused on his teacher. He respected Katana deeply, admiring her skill and dedication to the art of swordsmanship.

"The sword is an extension of oneself," Katana continued, her tone gentle but firm. "To wield it effectively, one must be in tune with their own body and mind."

Damian nodded, absorbing her words like a sponge. He had always been drawn to the discipline and philosophy of sword fighting, seeing it as both a martial art and a way of life.

"However, we both know that the best way to experience it, is through training," there was a playful tilt of Katana's lips as she took out her katana.

Damian smirked back, eagerly taking out his own katana, and soon the dojo was filled with the sound of steel clashing as the master and her student faced off, both wielding gleaming katanas with deadly precision.

The spar began as Damian made the first move, lunging forward with a series of swift strikes. His movements were eager but lacking the finesse of his master. Katana parried each blow effortlessly, her katana moving with graceful precision as she deflected her student's attacks. With a flick of her wrist, she countered with a lightning-fast strike of her own, aiming for the student's shoulder.

Damian barely managed to block the strike in time, his arms shaking from the force of the impact. He gritted his teeth, determined not to back down as he launched into another flurry of attacks. This time, Katana decided to test her student's defenses. She allowed him to press the attack, watching closely for any openings. With a swift sidestep, she dodged a horizontal slash aimed at her midsection, then countered with a quick jab towards the student's exposed flank.

Damian reacted instinctively, parrying the blow with a desperate block. But Katana was already moving, her katana spinning in a graceful arc as she launched into a rapid series of strikes. Damian struggled to keep up, his movements becoming more frantic as he tried to defend himself. But Katana's skill was unmatched, her strikes coming faster and more accurately with each passing moment.

Sensing her student's growing frustration, Katana decided to offer some guidance. "Focus on your footwork," she said calmly, her voice cutting through the chaos of the spar. "Maintain your balance and let the sword be an extension of your body."

With renewed determination, Damian nodded and adjusted his stance. He focused on his breathing, centering himself as he prepared to engage his master once more. This time, Damian's attacks were more controlled, his movements more deliberate as he incorporated his master's advice. He feinted and parried, looking for an opening to strike.

Katana smiled approvingly, impressed by her student's quick progress. She met his attacks head-on, their katanas clashing in a symphony of steel as they sparred with increasing intensity.

As the spar reached its climax, Katan and Damian moved as one, their blades a blur of motion as they exchanged blows. But in the end, it was Katana who emerged victorious, her skill and experience proving too much for her young apprentice. With a final, decisive strike, the master disarmed her student, knocking his katana from his grasp. The student stumbled backward, breathing heavily as he stared up at his mentor in awe.

Katana offered him a hand, pulling him to his feet with a proud smile. "Well done," she said, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "You're improving every day."

Damian grinned, his earlier nerves replaced by a sense of accomplishment. But he was not ready to call it a day either. Katana recognized the look in her student's eyes, and with a nod of acknowledgment, Katana and Damian reset their positions, ready for another round. This time, there was a fire in the student's eyes, a newfound determination to prove himself.

As the spar resumed, Damian took the initiative again, launching into a series of rapid strikes with newfound confidence. His movements were more fluid, more controlled than before, as he sought to catch his master off guard. Katana met his attacks with a calm focus, her katana moving with precision as she deflected each blow. But Damian pressed on, his strikes coming faster and more ferociously with each passing moment.

Sensing an opportunity, Damian feinted to the left before executing a lightning-fast slash to the right. Katana barely managed to block the strike in time, but the force of the blow sent her staggering backwards. Seizing the advantage, Damian pressed on his attack, driving his master back with a relentless barrage of strikes. His movements were a blur of motion as he closed in on her, his determination driving him forward.

Katana fought back with all her skill, her katana flashing in the dim light of the dojo as she parried and countered her student's attacks. But Damian was relentless, his strikes coming from unexpected angles, testing her defenses to their limits. With a sudden burst of speed, Damian launched into a spinning attack, his katana whistling through the air as it arced towards his master. Katana saw the strike coming and tried to block it, but the force of the blow knocked her katana from her grasp, sending it clattering to the ground.

The dojo fell silent as Katana stared in disbelief at her empty hands. She had been disarmed, defeated by her own student. But there was no bitterness in her expression, only pride.

Damian stood before her, breathing heavily but triumphant. He extended a hand to help his master up, a gesture of respect for the woman who had taught him everything he knew.

Katana accepted his hand, pulling herself to her feet with a proud smile. "Well done," she said, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "You've surpassed even my expectations."

Damian grinned, his chest swelling with pride at his mentor's praise. They bowed to each other in mutual respect, master and student alike knew that they had both grown stronger from their spar.

After a while, Katana's expression softened, her eyes reflecting a deep sense of pride. "Damian, I must say, I am truly proud to have you as my student," she said, her voice filled with genuine affection.

Damian's cheeks flushed with delight at her praise, a rare but cherished moment of validation from his mentor. He bowed his head respectfully, a gesture of gratitude and respect.

"Thank you, sensei," he replied sincerely, his voice tinged with emotion. "It means a great deal to me to hear you say that."

Katana smiled, a radiant expression that lit up her face. "You have grown immensely, Damian," she said, her tone filled with pride. "Not just in skill, but in character. I have no doubt that you will continue to excel in your

"Thank you, sensei," he said, his voice steady and sure. "I will continue to train hard and honor the teachings you have given me."

Katana returned his bow with a smile, her eyes shining with pride. "I have no doubt that you will, Damian," she replied, her voice filled with conviction. "And remember, I will always be here to guide you, no matter where your journey takes you."

As Damian left the dojo, Jon rushed towards him with a wide grin, his arms open wide for a hug. Damian was taken aback but couldn't help but smile in return as he was enveloped in Jon's embrace.

"Wow, Dami! That was amazing!" Jon exclaimed excitedly, his voice filled with admiration. "You were like a samurai out there! I can't believe how cool you looked!"

Damian felt his cheeks heat up at the effusive praise, his usual stoicism cracking under Jon's enthusiastic praise. He buried his face against Jon's chest, a mixture of embarrassment and happiness washing over him.

Jon chuckled softly, his arms tightening around Damian in a comforting embrace. "You're the best, Dami," he whispered, his words filled with sincerity.

Lian and Billy, who had been watching the scene with amusement, shared a knowing smile. With a playful wink at each other, Lian and Billy joined their friends, taking a seat beside them in the tranquil Japanese garden beside the dojo.

Katana gracefully approached with a tray of delicate teacups and a pot of steaming green tea. She performed a traditional Japanese tea ceremony, her movements elegant and precise, as she served each of them a cup of tea. The children watched in fascination as Katana poured the tea with practiced skill, the fragrant aroma filling the air. They listened attentively as she explained the significance of each step in the ceremony, her voice calm and soothing.

Once the ceremony was complete, they raised their cups in a silent toast before taking a sip of the fragrant brew. The tea was refreshing, the taste subtle and soothing as it warmed them from the inside out. As they sat together, savoring their tea, Damian felt a sense of peace settle over him.

However, as they sipped their tea, Damian's thoughts turned to a more somber topic, one that had been weighing heavily on his mind for some time. With a deep breath, he decided to share his feelings with his friends.

"I've been thinking," Damian began, his voice quiet but firm, "maybe my akhi was right. Maybe we should have never gotten in contact with Batman again."

His friends exchanged concerned glances, sensing the weight of Damian's words. Billy, Jon, and Lian listened intently, waiting for him to continue.

"I was so eager to get to know him," Damian admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "But now, I wish I had never pushed Jason to it. Batman has brought nothing but trouble into our lives."

Jon reached out to place a comforting hand on Damian's shoulder. "It's not your fault, Dami," he said gently. "There's nothing wrong with wanting to meet your father."

Lian nodded in agreement, her expression sympathetic. "Yeah, Damian," she chimed in. "You have every right to desire that."

Billy added his voice to the conversation, his tone reassuring. "But we all agree that Batman has screwed up," he said firmly. "It's going to take time before he gets back into anyone's good graces."

Damian's jaw tightened with determination. "He'll never get back into my good graces," he declared, his voice firm. "Not after everything he's done."

Billy leaned forward, a serious expression on his face. "You know, Damian," he began, his voice low, "I may have placed a little curse on Batman."

Damian's eyes widened in surprise. "A curse?" he repeated, incredulous.

Billy nodded, a mischievous gleam in his eye. "Yep. The Justice League Dark was furious at Batman, and they wanted to make sure he won't become more of a problem than he already is," he explained. "It'll make it impossible for him to leave Gotham. And as we both know, a curse from the Champion of Magic is almost impossible to break."

Damian couldn't help but smirk at the thought. "Well, that's one problem solved," he mused, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over him.

With a shared laugh, the friends clinked their teacups together in a silent toast.


Bruce wandered through the silent halls of Wayne Manor with a heavy heart, his footsteps echoing in the empty corridors. The grandeur of the mansion felt like a hollow shell, devoid of the warmth and laughter that had once filled its walls. A deep sigh escaped Bruce's lips as he roamed the desolate halls, his shoulders slumped with defeat. The emptiness of the mansion weighed heavily on him, a stark reminder of the mistakes he had made.

Never before had Wayne Manor felt so desolate and abandoned, not even after the death of his parents. Back then, Bruce had still had Alfred by his side, a constant source of support and guidance in the face of tragedy. But now, Alfred was gone too, living at the Wayne Penthouse in Downtown Gotham with Dick and Tim. Cassandra and Stephanie had moved full time to their apartment, living with Cullen and Harper.

Bruce was left alone in the vast expanse of Wayne Manor, and as much as he wanted to rage against the injustice of it all, he knew deep down that it was his own fault. He had driven them all away with his stubbornness and obsession. His heart ached with regret as he thought of the people he had pushed away, the family he had driven apart with his own actions. He had always prided himself on being a loner, on shouldering the burden of Gotham's safety alone, but now he realized just how lonely that existence truly was.

With a heavy heart, Bruce sank onto a nearby bench, his head in his hands. The weight of his mistakes pressed down on him, threatening to crush him beneath their unbearable burden. Soon Bruce's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sudden attack of an assassin. With lightning reflexes, he dodged away from the deadly swing of the sword, his heart pounding with adrenaline.

As he regained his footing, Bruce took a good look at his assailant, his eyes widening in shock. It was Talia Al Ghul, and he had never seen her so furious in his entire life. Her eyes blazed with a fierce intensity, and her movements were swift and deadly. They circled each other warily, their gazes locked in a silent battle of wills. Bruce knew that he was at a disadvantage without a weapon and only having recently recovered from a broken leg, but he refused to back down in the face of danger.

The fight erupted in a flurry of movement, their bodies moving with lethal precision as they clashed in a deadly dance. Bruce relied on his years of training and instinct, his movements fluid and controlled despite the pain throbbing in his leg and ribs.

But Talia was a formidable opponent, her skill matched only by her ferocity. She pressed her advantage, her sword flashing in the dim light as she launched a relentless series of strikes. Bruce fought back with everything he had, his fists a blur as he countered her blows with well-timed blocks and strikes. But the odds were stacked against him, and he knew it.

With a sudden burst of speed, Talia closed the distance between them, her sword aimed directly at Bruce's heart. Bruce barely managed to deflect the blow, but in doing so, he left himself vulnerable. In a split second, Talia seized the opportunity, her sword driving forward with deadly precision. Bruce felt a searing pain as the blade pierced his shoulder, the force of the blow driving him back against the wall.

He groaned in agony as the sword impaled him, pinning him in place as it embedded itself in the wall behind him. Bruce's vision swam with pain, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to remain conscious.

Talia stood before him, her expression cold and unforgiving, as she regarded him with disdain. "You were always so predictable, beloved," she sneered, her voice dripping with contempt.

Bruce gritted his teeth against the pain, refusing to show any weakness in front of his adversary. Talia only laughed, a cruel sound that echoed through the empty halls of Wayne Manor.

"Talia," he rasped, his voice barely above a whisper, "I... I never meant..."

But Talia's eyes blazed with fury, her voice cold and unforgiving. "You almost got our son killed, Bruce," she spat, her words dripping with venom. "He warned you to stay away, to keep your distance from this mission. But you never listen, do you?"

Bruce's jaw clenched with frustration as he struggled to find the words to defend himself. He knew that he had made mistakes, that his actions had put Jason in danger. But he had never intended for things to escalate to this point.

"He's my son, Talia," Bruce retorted, his voice tinged with defiance. "Not yours."

Talia's eyes narrowed to slits, her gaze piercing through him like a dagger. "I've been more of a mother to Jason than you ever were a father," she shot back, her voice laced with bitterness. "I gave him life when you let him die. And now, you've put him in danger once again."

Bruce winced at the truth of her words, the guilt weighing heavy on his heart. He had failed Jason in so many ways, had let him down when he needed him the most. And now, he had brought him to the brink of death once again.

There was nothing Bruce could say to defend himself, no excuse he could offer that would justify his actions. He could only hang his head in shame, his heart heavy with regret.

Talia's voice cut through the silence like a whip, her tone filled with menace. "Stay away from my sons, Bruce," she warned, her eyes blazing with a fierce intensity. "Or I will end you. No matter what."

Bruce swallowed hard, the weight of her words settling like a stone in the pit of his stomach. He knew that Talia was not one to make idle threats, that she was more than capable of carrying out her promise.

With a heavy heart, Bruce watched as Talia disappeared into the shadows, leaving him alone with his thoughts and his pain. And as he struggled to stay conscious, he couldn't help but wonder if this was truly the end of his tumultuous relationship with Talia and their son, Jason.


As the sun began to set over the tranquil shores of Infinity Island, the air was filled with an electric sense of anticipation. It was the day of Jason and Roy's wedding reception, a celebration that would bring together allies and adversaries, heroes, and assassins.

The reception was held in the grand ballroom of the Al Ghul family estate, a sprawling mansion nestled amidst lush tropical gardens. The venue was adorned with elegant decorations, from cascading flowers to twinkling fairy lights, creating a magical atmosphere. Yet, despite the beauty of the surroundings, there was an undeniable tension in the air.

Infinity Island had long been owned by the League of Assassins, a group with a dark and checkered history. It had taken a while for the superhero community to come to terms with the new mentality and objective of the League of Shadows. Today, the island played host to a different kind of gathering. The League of Shadows and the superhero community had come together to celebrate the union of Jason and Roy, a union that symbolized a newfound alliance between former foes.

As guests began to arrive, they were greeted with a strange mix of curiosity and apprehension. Among the guests were representatives from all corners of the superhero world. The Justice League, Justice League Dark, and Titans were all in attendance. Jason's friends and allies had also made the journey to Infinity Island to show their support. Arianne, Jade, Rose, Essence, Celine, Severus, Madame Xanadu, and many others had come to celebrate the happy couple's special day.

But perhaps the most important guests of all were Jason's own family - his mother, Talia, and his aunt, Nyssa, stood proudly at his side, their faces glowing with pride and happiness. Even Jason's cousin, Nika, had made an appearance. And of course, Damian, Lian, and Billy were there too.

As the evening progressed, the tension began to ease, replaced by an atmosphere of warmth and joy. Guests laughed and danced; their differences set aside in the spirit of celebration. And as Jason and Roy took to the dance floor for their first dance as husband and husband, the room erupted in cheers and applause. It was a moment of pure happiness.

The moment Roy finally released Jason to dance with his daughter Lian, the younger man took advantage and escaped the dancefloor. Only to be ambushed and enveloped in warm hugs and hearty congratulations from his friends. Celine and Severus approached him with beaming smiles, ready to share in the joy of the moment.

"Congratulations, Jason!" Celine exclaimed, pulling him into a tight hug. "I'm so happy for you and Roy!"

Severus joined in the hug, clapping Jason on the back. "Yeah, congrats, man!" But then Severus couldn't help but chuckle as he shook his head. "Only you would bring back an ancient magical bonding ceremony from Korea that hasn't been practiced in centuries," he remarked, his tone filled with amused disbelief.

Celine rolled her eyes playfully and smacked Severus on the arm. "Stop it, you," she scolded with a laugh. "It was romantic! I wish someone would do that for me."

Severus rubbed his arm with a mock pout, shooting Celine a playful glare. "Hey, I can be romantic too, you know," he retorted, though his cheeks were tinged with a light blush.

Jason, always one for mischief, couldn't resist the opportunity to tease his friend. With a sly grin, he quipped, "Maybe someone will, maybe even soon."

Severus shot Jason a withering glare, but it only made Jason laugh even harder. Meanwhile, Celine looked between the two of them, utterly confused by their banter. "What's going on here?" she asked, a bemused expression on her face.

Jason wiped away a tear of laughter, trying to regain his composure. "Oh, nothing," he replied, still chuckling. "Just some friendly teasing between friends."

Celine shook her head with a smile, deciding not to delve further into their antics. "Well, whatever it is, it's good to see you guys having fun," she said, her voice warm with affection.

And with that, the trio continued talking about how everything was going in London. The UK's magical community had been in an uproar about the sacrifices happening in the US, they've only calmed down once Red Ghoul's involvement had been known. It warmed Jason's heart that the magical community trusted Red Ghoul so much.

If only Batman could trust him half that much...

When Celine and Severus finally departed to talk with Essence, Jason found himself facing Jade and Arianne, their expressions more reserved but still warm. Jade's smile, though not as broad as the others, held a genuine warmth as she approached Jason.

"Congratulations on the wedding," Jade said, her tone soft but sincere.

Arianne nodded in agreement before she handed Jason a stack of papers. Jason's brow furrowed in confusion as he glanced over the documents. His confusion turned to surprise when he realized they were adoption papers.

His heart swelled with emotion as he looked up at Jade and Arianne, a mixture of gratitude and disbelief in his eyes. "I... I don't know what to say," he managed, his voice tinged with emotion.

Jade's smile softened as she explained, her words measured but heartfelt. "I can't be a full-time mother to Lian and keep her safe," she said quietly. "But you and Roy have been doing a great job. I thought it was time to make it official."

Jason felt a rush of gratitude wash over him as he realized the significance of Jade's gesture. Despite her own reservations and limitations, she was willing to entrust him with Lian's care, a gesture he knew was not made lightly.

"Thank you, Jade," Jason said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. With a steady hand, he signed the adoption papers, each stroke of the pen a testament to his commitment to Lian and to his newfound family.

Arianne took back the papers with a smile, her eyes shining with pride. "Congratulations, Jason," she said warmly. "You're officially a dad now."

Jason's heart swelled with emotion as he hugged Jade and Arianne, his gratitude overflowing. Though Jade's demeanor was more reserved, her gesture spoke volumes, and Jason knew that he would forever be grateful for her trust and generosity.

Feeling overwhelmed with what had just happened, Jason decided to step back. Placing a good distance between himself and the party, Jason took in the scene before him with a heart full of joy. His friends and family mingled and celebrated together, filling the air with laughter and happiness.

As Jason stood there, taking in the sight of his loved ones gathered around him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder wash over him. It seemed like a lifetime ago when he was just a street orphan, fighting tooth and nail to survive in a world that had no room for kids like him. Back then, the idea of having a family seemed like nothing more than a distant dream, a fantasy he dared not entertain.

And then, when he died and was brought back to life, he had been convinced that true happiness would forever elude him. The scars of his past and the ghosts that haunted him seemed too heavy a burden to bear, too great an obstacle to overcome.

But now, as he looked around at the faces of his friends and family, he realized just how far he had come. He had built a life for himself, forged from the ashes of his past and shaped by the love and support of those who stood by him through thick and thin.

He had found success as a novelist, pouring his heart and soul into his writing, and sharing his stories with the world. And here he was, surrounded by the people he loved most in the world, basking in the warmth of their affection and the joy of their company.

Jason couldn't help but smile as he watched Damian and Jon, their pre-teen antics. The two of them flirted in that adorable way kids do, while Billy, Nika, and Lian teased them mercilessly. Over by the drinks table, Talia, Nyssa, Dinah, and Diana were engaged in animated conversation, their voices rising and falling as they exchanged stories. Jason couldn't help but shudder at the thought of what those four badass women could achieve together.

They were a force to be reckoned with, that's for sure.

Meanwhile, Madame Xanadu and John Constantine were deep in discussion, their heads bent close together as they debated some magical theories. Jason had no idea what they were talking about, but he knew enough to stay out of their way when they got into one of their heated debates.

And then there was Alfred, standing tall and dignified beside Luke, Kate, Cass, Steph, Dick, Barbara, and Tim. They were like a family to Jason, each one holding a special place in his heart. They had been through so much together, and Jason was grateful for each and every one of them.

The only one missing was Bruce. But Jason knew that it was only a matter of time before the old Bat returned to his good graces. He couldn't stay mad at his dad for long, not when he knew that Bruce was trying his best to make things right. In the meantime, Jason planned to milk Bruce's groveling for all it was worth. He smirked to himself, knowing that Bruce would do anything to earn back his forgiveness. And while Jason harbored no ill will towards his father, he couldn't resist a little payback for all the times Bruce had pushed him away.

But deep down, Jason knew that forgiveness was inevitable. Because at the end of the day, they were family, and nothing could ever change that. And as he looked around at the people he loved, Jason felt a sense of peace settle over him, knowing that he was exactly where he was meant to be.

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