Second Chance [Dogday X Catna...

By Burntrapp

16.3K 372 587

Cover art is by @Windlepop on Twitter! Check em out!! Dogday and Catnap are at odds with each other. Catnap... More

Second Chance
One Step At A Time
From A Distance
Don't Leave Me
The Date
Bubba's Theory
The Truth
The Forest
A New Home?
The Way Back
Be Happy
Sleep Well

The Prototype

1.2K 28 42
By Burntrapp

Hey! Before we start with this one, I just wanted to inform you all on something

For this story, I will still provide updates on here, but I'll likely be prioritizing updates on the AO3 upload of this fic, as it was mainly intended to be published there.

However, I'll still update it! There just may be delays and whatnot, as I'm trying to focus on stories that others seem to care for more as I don't want to create long waits for something.

Hope that makes sense! Anyways let's continue.

"Dogday...ever since we came here, I've felt strange. I'm not exactly sure how to describe it, but,"

The cat stood up, walking over to a window as he looked through it. Normally, he'd face Dogday when saying something like this, but he was admittedly still a bit shaken up from what just happened.

Dogday, being the cat's best friend, naturally understood this. He followed, standing beside the cat before gently placing his paw on Catnap's back.

This time, the cat didn't flinch from the dog's touch. Instead, he smiled a little, glancing over at the dog for a moment before returning his gaze back to the view through the window.

"Look...since I met The Prototype, and we had our....disagreement, I felt as if I had to rely on him, somehow. Sort of like being dependent on him. And yet..."

The cat's tail flicked around slightly as he made a short pause. Admittedly...he felt strange. He felt...sick, but with himself?

He couldn't quite explain it, but it's been something that he hasn't felt in a long time. The feeling was familiar, yet mysterious at the same time.

"But when we arrived here, together, I couldn't hear his voice. I was alone again. I began to feel different. Sick with myself, in a way. I can't remember what this feeling is, but it's like its eating at me or...something. Especially when I see you, Dogday."

The dog looked over at the cat with a small, sympathetic smile on his face. He placed his paw in the cat's, turning the cat's attention back towards him.

"Catnap...that's guilt. That's what you're feeling."

The cat frowned a little. To be served him right. He hurt Dogday and the others to an irredeemable degree. Especially considering that he killed half of them. He honestly wasn't sure how Dogday managed to even look him in the eye.

"But for the record, Catnap,"

The dog pulled the cat into a tight hug, holding on tight as his tail swayed gently.

"You're not alone, Catnap. You have me."

To the cat's surprise, tears began to well up in his eyes suddenly. He of course quickly returned the hug, his arms wrapped around in a tighter manner than the dog's.

"But...why? I did everything to hurt you. I betrayed you, I....I killed our friends, and I nearly-"

The cat's voice broke up, leaving his sentence unfinished as he sobbed into the dog's shoulder. The canine simply pat the cat's back, strangely unphased by his words.

"I know, but at the same were manipulated by The Prototype. Honestly, I don't know if either of us could've done something to prevent...all of that from happening, but at least you're free from him now."

The cat did his best to collect himself, pulling his head off of the dog before wiping the tears off from his eyes.

"Right...but there are still a few...complications."

Slowly, the dog released the cat from the hug, heading over to grab a drink from the fridge. This time, two for the both of them.

"Like that thing with your Poppy Gas that just happened?"

The cat gave a subtle nod, as the dog grabbed a carton of juice. He gently poured it into one cup, and then another, before putting said carton away in the fridge.

"Yes, that's one particular effect I've noticed. It's happened...a few times. After you got mad at me."

The cat felt himself flinch slightly from the memory, the dog frowning a little at the thought of it himself. He still blamed himself for snapping at the cat like that. Especially since he knew that The Prototype manipulated him.

He guessed that the two still had their own things to feel guilty about.

"Do you think that I caused it? If I...injured you somehow?"

The dog asked, handing a cup over to the feline. The cat stared at it in confusion, glancing at the cup and then back at Dogday, as if to ask if he was really offering it. The dog answered with a small smile, to which the cat accepted the drink.

The two then walked over to a small table, sitting down on opposite sides of it, facing each other.

"No. I doubt that. You only choked me, it's not like you bit me or anything."


The two went silently for a moment, each taking a sip out of their own drink, thinking for a moment. Suddenly, an idea hit the dog's head.

"Wait! You used the gas on me before we ended up here, right?! What happened after I fell asleep?"

"Well, that's where things get a little strange. You see..."

The cat took another small sip of his juice. It tasted...rather sweet, but almost perfect in a way? Something about it felt weirdly dreamlike? As if it were impossibly perfect or...something, compared to the drinks found in the real world.

Then again...he supposed it made sense. This did appear to be the 'cartoon world' after all. It only makes sense that conveniences like that would exist since it is, well, a cartoon.

"After I used my Poppy Gas on you, I began to sorta...succumb to it? I mean, I don't know how it's like for you, but when I inhaled it I felt drowsy then, well...fell asleep and ended up here."

The dog's eyes widened. Catnap was affected by his own Poppy gas? But that usually never happens! He used to use it to put Dogday [mostly] and the others to sleep all the time!

"Huh...that's weird. Normally you would be immune to it, or something."

The cat's ear twitched slightly. He could've sworn that he had heard something nearby, but maybe it was just in his head...he did just recover from well...that a little bit ago, thanks to Dogday.

"Exactly. I think it may be linked with something The Prototype told me to do, day before The Hour Of Joy."

"Oh? And what would-"

Both Catnap and the dog's fur stood on end as a sudden loud SLAM was heard, even shaking the entire house a bit too. Luckily, neither of the two's drinks fell or spilled onto the table.

Dogday brought his gaze to the one who slammed the door, Catnap turning around himself to see. It was Picky Piggy. She had a big smile on her face for some odd reason.

The cat and dog glanced over at each other, a small bit of fear rising within the two of them. Despite not saying anything, they knew exactly what the other was thinking;

Did Picky Piggy overhear their conversation?

They waited nervously for Picky to say something, to give them an indication of why she made such a loud entrance.

"I know what the two of you need! A dinner date!"

The pig chimmed cheerfully. Both the feline and canine let out a small breath that neither of the two realized they held in.

But then the realization hit them. A...dinner date? Between the two of them?

The dog stared at the ground, a little embarrassed by the thought of that.

Normally, he'd be fuming with rage at the simple thought of that, but he and Catnap were pass that phase, luckily.

Catnap himself however felt his face flush red, feeling rather embarrassed in his own manner as well. Now wasn't exactly the time for this.

But at least they knew that Picky didn't overhear their conversation.

Who knows what the other critters would do if they found out that the Catnap and Dogday they were talking to for the past few days weren't actually the cartoon Catnap and Dogday they knew.

"Uhh...what now?"

The dog asked nervously, both out of genuine curiosity, and because he knew the cat wouldn't be comfortable enough to speak up. He knew the cat well, after all.

Picky's grin grew as she practically pulled Catnap and Dogday out of their chairs by their paws.

"Come on, it's obvious you two, no need to hide it! Bobby and the others, including me of course, noticed how nervous you two were around each other! Soooo..."

"We figured out that it was because of your little secret, soooo we prepared a dinner date for the two of you! With the food cooked by yours truly, ME!"

Catnap and Dogday stared at each other, nervously smiling at the other. Well...the others did plan this out for them. It'd be a bit rude to reject.

That's if they even have a choice in the matter, anyways. Picky brought the two together, and practically began to push them out of the house together.

"Come on! It'll be fun! Besides, what better way is there to get over a disagreement than by doing something fun together?"

Welp, there goes any opportunity the two of them had to get their own say in the matter. Catnap stared at Dogday, as if asking for his thoughts on the matter. The dog responded with a simple shrug.

Once the two were pushed out of the house, Picky shut the door behind them.

She then placed the dog's paw into the cat's, forcing the two to awkwardly hold As the pig began to guide them to the location of their date.

"Come on! Follow me you little lovebirds! We've got the perfect place for the two of you!"

The pig insisted, the dog and cat staring at each other nervously as they followed the pig.

"I wish I got to hear what you had to say there, Catnap."

Dogday whispered quietly into the cat's ear. The two were a decent enough distance away from Picky for their voices to not be heard, as long as they kept quiet as course.

"Just go along with it. They did go through the effort of planning this out for us, after all. We'll probably upset them if we refuse. Or'll be suspicous."

The cat whispered back. The dog nodded, feeling himself blush a little once again. He's never went on a date before, so this'll be his first time.

Little did he know that this was the case for the cat as well, he awkwardly glanced away from the dog, opting to look towards the ground instead as the two walked together. The dog did the same as well, although a small smile was present on his face, one that he couldn't quite shake off for some unknown reason.

If they didn't look like an awkward couple before, they definitely do now.

Well....this'll be interesting.

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