A New Home

By xXDinoKingXx

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In a village full of bustling vehicles and people making their way through the cold times a man with no home... More

Chapter 1: Homeless/Castle Dimitrescu
Chapter 2: Getting To Know The Girls
Chapter 3: Horrors Of House Dimitrescu/ Bad Dream
Chapter 4: Comfort
Chapter 5: Spring/Bonding
Chapter 6: A Beast Emerges Into The Night
Chapter 7: Mother Miranda/ Miracle
Chapter 8: A Memorable Night
Chapter 9: Control/ Forgiveness
Chapter 10: Village attack/ Wolf Fight
Chapter 11: Burying The Dead/ Meeting With The Lords
Chapter12: Heisenberg Picks A Fight
Chapter13:Tour Of The Castle/Good News
Chapter14: Meeting the duke/Date Night With The Girls
Chapter 15: Training/ Bela's visitor
Chapter 16: Signal
Chapter 17: The Dark Woods/ Ethan Encounters The Black Beast
Chapter 18: Miranda's Morning Visit/Urgent Meeting
Chapter 19: Ethan Gets Captured
Chapter 21: Recovering
Chapter 22: Family Reunion
Chapter 23: Patrol/Ambush
Chapter 24: Settling In
Chapter 25: Confession/Reason
Chapter 26: Village Attack/Prisoner Escape
Chapter 27: Restless

Chapter 20: Escape/ Fight

250 3 3
By xXDinoKingXx

(As Ethan was successfully captured last night and encountering the Dimitrescu daughters and the man who was the black beast, Ethan was lively as ever as he didn't appreciate being chained up in a cell so no doubt he'll devise a plan to escape from his captors and call Chris to send reinforcements)

(As the morning sun began to rise upon the village the whole town was bustling with villagers going about their daily lives.. meanwhile back at the castle in the bedroom where Bela, Cassandra, Daniela and Joshua were sleeping.. the light from the sun shone through the window casting it's glow causing one of them to wake up.. the first to wake up was Cassandra)

Cassandra: Sisters, Joshua time to wake up

Joshua: (Yawns) Good morning my loves

(Good morning baby the three spoke in unison)

Joshua: Did you three sleep well last night

Daniela: We most certainly did.. I still can't believe you were able to capture that man you found in the woods

Bela: Yeah...I think auntie will be pleased to know that house Dimitrescu is the first to have captured the child's father

Joshua: She most definitely will.. though I have a grave feeling that the man will find some way to escape an find some way to harm you girls or harm me

Cassandra: He can try but I highly doubt he'll ever succeed in escaping us or trying to harm you.. we don't have any weapons in this castle I can think of but I think there's one in particular thats in my armory.. Wolfsbane I think it is.. it's a dusty relic but I highly believe the man down in the dungeon knows how to use it or even know what it does

Daniela: W-well let's hope an pray that he doesn't use it on our boyfriend here.. I can't even begin to imagine what would happen if he was struck by high caliber silver bullets

Bela: Dani since when do you know stuff about that? you never say stuff like that before

Daniela: Well since your the smart one Bela maybe your rubbing off on me (Smiles)

Joshua: Well since we're up I'll get breakfast started and maybe if your mother is up we can inform her of the man that's currently in the dungeon

Cassandra: Ooh yes she'll be very happy to know that.. maybe she'll let us torture him a bit or maybe have a taste of his blood...actually speaking of tasting blood.. we never gotten to taste you once babe

Joshua: Ya'll aren't gonna hurt me if you bite into me right?

Bela: Of course not sweetie.. we'll be very gentle when we taste you and we'll try not to drain to much from you hun

Joshua: Ok

Daniela: How about I go first to make you comfortable

Joshua: A-alright (I spoke nervously)

Daniela: But first sit up for me love

(As the man sits up Daniela wraps herself around the man and gently bites into his neck finding his pulse point.. it hurt a bit but soon the pain went away as the red haired woman has her fill and laps up the wound)

Daniela: My word dear your blood is absolutely divine baby

Cassandra: Now that Dani has had her turn who do you choose to go next.. me or Bela

Joshua: I'll choose you Cassandra

(The raven haired woman smiled as she got on the man an gently bites the other side of the man's neck.. once satisfied Bela was last to go as she did the same thing...a minute goes by an all the girls were done)

Bela: W-wow.. your blood tasted amazing love

Cassandra: Best blood I've ever tasted to (Smiles)

Joshua: Well I'm glad my blood tastes.. g-good (I get light headed) w-whoa

Daniela: What's wrong sweetheart

Joshua: I think I just got light headed

Bela: I think we overdid it...let us rest in here a little while longer so that way Joshua here doesn't accidentally hurt himself

Cassandra: Agreed

(The four rest together for a little while...after about 10 minutes one of the girls spoke)

Daniela: Hey Joshua

Joshua: Yes

Daniela: How do you feel?

Joshua: Well the light headedness went away which is good

Cassandra: But just to be sure we'll keep an eye on you just incase you lose balance or you begin to fall

Joshua: You girls really the best girlfriends I've ever had in my entire life.. I don't think I've met any women that are kind, caring and supportive to me

Bela: Well you are the luckiest man in the world to have us at your side (Smiles) and know that no matter what happens.. we are with you no matter what challenges or dangers we face.. we are with you our king (Smiles cupping the mans face)

(Cassandra an Daniela join as all three hugged the man)

Joshua: Thank you.. all of you

Cassandra: You are most welcomed darling (Smiles)

Daniela: Can we have breakfast now my stomach is rumbling

Joshua: Of course.. let us get dressed an we'll head downstairs and get it going

(The four get dressed an head downstairs towards the kitchen.. from there the man begun making breakfast for everyone...and as breakfast was being made Alcina appeared)

Alcina: Good morning to all of you

(Good morning the four spoke in unison)

Alcina: I trust all of you slept well last night

Bela: We did mother

Cassandra: Oh and uh we have something we wanted to tell you

Alcina: Oh.. and pray tell would that be?

Daniela: We'll explain it to you at the dinner table mom

(Alcina nods as she goes an sits at the dining table...after about an hour the food was ready everyone grabbed their plate an drinks an sat down together)

Joshua: Here is your food Alcina

Alcina: Thank you young man (Smiles) now what is it that you all wanted to tell me?

Bela: Well last night our boyfriend here went out on patrol again and successfully found the man that auntie spoke of and now he is in the dungeon shackled an locked up (Smiles)

Alcina: This is splendid news.. mother Miranda will be very pleased to know of the mans capture and she'll reward us all.. but first let us...

(A scream can be heard in the castle)

Alcina: What on earth was that?!

Joshua: All of you stay here let me go check it out

Bela: No!.. if your going to investigate then let us investigate with you.. who knows what could happen if we aren't at your side (Spoke in a worried tone

(The girls and the man go to investigate the noise leaving Alcina behind.. the screaming continued.. the sound came from the hallway towards the maidens room and as they investigated the noise they see the maidens terrified)

Cassandra: Ladies what happened in here?

Ivanna: A-a man barged into this room and took Irene hostage asking where his wife an daughter are.. I-I don't know where they went but I think they went into the dungeons o-or something

Bela: Stay in here an lock the doors

Ivanna: Yes ma'am

(The maids lock the door as the four went looking for Irene and the child's father after sometime they enter the dungeons and lo an behold they find the man with a maid as a body shield.. the maid was name Irene)

Irene: Let me go!

Ethan: Not until you tell me where my daughter is!

Irene: I-I don't know where your daughter or wife is.. please let me go!

Ethan: One way or another your gonna!...

Joshua: HEY!.. stop right there you son of a bitch.. let the woman go

Ethan: Not a chance until I find my wife and my fucking daughter!.. and I know she is here somewhere in this castle!

Joshua: Let the woman go right now or else!

Ethan: Ha!.. I don't think so.. she is my hostage.. so I suggest you don't try any funny business with me or else I will end her life right here.. right now!

Joshua: First let her go then we'll talk like reasonable beings

(Ethan hesitates but gives in letting the maid go as she scrambled to her feet towards the man an the daughters who shielded her from the outsider)

Ethan: No tricks or else I will be forced to use this on you (Pulls out the wolfsbane revolver)

(The four were terrified seeing the man wield the wolfsbane gun)

Ethan: Just a few bullets of these and you'll be dead.. so unless you want to die in front of your girlfriends here I suggest you tell me where my wife an daughter are or else you will not live

Joshua: Ok ok.. you win.. now let's talk like adults an then we'll...

(Joshua charges at the man head on causing him to fall to the ground as bullets were shot into the air)

Joshua: Girls run!.. get out of here!

(The daughters were hesitant to leave the man but they did it and took Irene back to the dining table where Alcina was)

Alcina: What the hell is going on out there!

Bela: It's the man mother he somehow broke free and almost killed Irene here

Alcina: Where is Joshua?

Daniela: He's fighting the man right now in the dungeon.. though I fear Joshua will lose

Alcina: Go to him now.. I will watch over Irene here

(The girls leave to go an aid their boyfriend and as they got to the dungeons they see the two battling it out Ethan was overpowering the man in a 1 on 1 but Joshua had just about enough so he then transforms into his black beast form an grabs the man by the neck choking him)

Joshua: Now you die

(Joshua throws Ethan against a pillar causing the outsider to yell in pain as Joshua lets a blood curdling roar that even the girls did not hear before.. Ethan knew he was fucked in this fight as Joshua in his werewolf form charges at the man throwing Ethan like a ragdoll across the dungeon.. the girls smiled seeing their boyfriend beat the living hell out of the intruder...after about an hour Ethan used his last resort he uses the wolfsbane gun and fires several bullets into the man causing the man to fall to the ground gasping for air this raised concern as the daughters were angry as the child's father injured their boyfriend the daughters wailed in sadness)

Cassandra: NO!!!



(Seeing the girls seething with rage the man runs for his life as he pissed off the wrong people)

Cassandra: Bela.. Daniela get after that bastard!.. I will stay behind and take care of our boyfriend here

(Daniela an Bela nod as they chased after the child's father)

Joshua: I-I...

Cassandra: Shh.. shh don't move or talk baby.. e-everything's going to be f-fine (Tears began to form) I-I swear on my life I will make that son of a bitch pay for this!

Joshua: Heh.. I-I'm sure y-you will (I coughed violently) 

(Cassandra carries the man back to the main hall.. there she screamed for her mother)


(Cassandra screams like a banshee calling for her mother which Alcina wasted no time in showing up.. once she got there she was devastated)

Alcina: What happened!

Cassandra: T-that disgusting outsider harmed me an my sisters boyfriend.. Bela an Daniela are after him now

Alcina: I will call mother Miranda immediately.. for now take him to the bedroom and watch over him an do not let him out of your sight

Cassandra: (Sniffles) Yes mother

(Cassie carries the man back to the bedroom while Bela an Daniela were still after Ethan.. after sometime the two had the man backed into a corner)

Bela: There is nowhere left for you to run you!

Daniela: You are going to pay for this with your life!

Ethan: If you three an your boyfriend told me where my wife an daughter were I wouldn't have had to resort to killing him!.. he did this to himself!

Bela: You shut the fuck up you insolent human, maybe if you didn't hold one of our maidens as hostage against their will we could've done something but no.. you had to resort to using Irene as a shield from us!.. that was a big mistake on your part dumbass!

Ethan: Look I-I didn't want to do it.. all I wanted was my family back.. I never intended to harm anyone

Daniela: An yet you did!.. I am so going to enjoy turning you into my flower bed!

(As the girls closed in.. Ethan shoots the glass windows causing them to break and hoped it would affect the women but to his surprise it didn't work)

Ethan: W-what the.. y-your immune!

Bela: Benefits of having a caring boyfriend who gave us what we wanted so now we cannot be hurt by the cold any longer.. so that was a pretty pathetic attempt at what you did.. so now you are at our mercy you little man!

Ethan: F-fuck!

(The girls unleashed their rage upon the man slashing with their sickles inflicting deep wounds upon him making feel unbearable pain.. while doing that Alcina was in her chambers contacting mother Miranda.. a minute goes by and the phone picks up) 

Miranda: Hello Alcina.. you called me

Alcina: Mother Miranda I bring exciting but terrible news

Miranda: What is it?

Alcina: My daughters boyfriend captured the man you spoke of but this morning he has escaped an has critically wound Joshua.. I fear Joshua will not survive the bullets the man used upon him.. he is in grave danger an he needs your help or otherwise my daughters will lose the one man they love

Miranda: Say no more Alcina I am on my way now

(Alcina hangs up the phone an speaks to herself in a somber voice)

Alcina: Please by the megamycete gods let this man live (Breaks down in tears)

(While Alcina was in tears back in the room Cassandra stayed by Joshua's side praying that he'll hold out as long as he can till mother Miranda arrives)

Joshua: C-Cassandra

Cassandra: Yes my love (Sniffles)

Joshua: I-I.. I-I don't know how much l-longer I can h-hold out.. t-this.. might be t-the end f-for me

Cassandra: Don't say that baby.. your going to be fine.. I-I'm sure auntie is on her way right now.. you will push through this.. me an my sisters can't lose you like this.. you have brought so much joy in our lives that you make us feel alive again.. and I'll be damned if that outsider succeeds in taking you from us! (Sniffles) in all my life I never thought a man like you could make this woman feel happy.. and I swear to you I will make that bitch pay for what he did

Joshua: I-I.. I-I know y-you will (I coughed an gasped heavily)

(The man spoke his last words an then suddenly dies)

Cassandra: J-Joshua!.. J-Joshua!.. NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Screams like a banshee)

(The wailing from Cassandra can be heard as her sisters came in)

Bela: Cassie what happened!

Cassandra: H-he's d-dead! (Sobs)

Daniela: W-what!.. n-no.. t-this can't be.. h-he can't be dead already!!! (Sobs)

Bela: F-fuck!.. Joshua wake up god damnit!.. please come back to us!.. don't leave us!

(To no avail the man they loved didn't come back.. the girls cried an sobbed as they all surrounded the body of the man they loved.. from upstairs Alcina could hear the cries of her daughters as she knew that the man was dead.. but all hope isn't lost as mother Miranda arrived in the nick of time to save the man from death)

Alcina: Mother Miranda thank goodness your here

Miranda: There's no time for pleasantries.. I must work quickly

(Mother Miranda quickly makes her way upstairs towards the bedroom and enters.. and as she entered her heart broke seeing the girls cry an sob uncontrollably at the loss of the man they cared about.. the girls turn their attention to their aunt)

Miranda: You three must leave for now in order for me to mend this mans wounds

(The daughters were hesitant but they knew that Joshua was in good hands so they leave the room as mother Miranda wastes no time in giving the man an antidote to heal his wounds and revive his heart...few minutes go by and mother Miranda exits the room.. there the girls stood with anticipation)

Bela: H-how is he auntie

Miranda: Only time will tell.. if the antidote works quickly enough Joshua will survive.. he maybe out for awhile but I can assure you three he'll be just fine

Cassandra: (Sighs) Thank you auntie.. I-I don't know what we would do if our boyfriend was lost forever

Miranda: I imagine you'd all feel decimated.. but not to worry.. Joshua is a strong fighter.. I'm sure he won't let a few insignificant bullets kill him that easily

Daniela: I hope so

Miranda: Now if the two of you would like to keep an eye on the man that is fine.. but I would like to see the child's father you have in captivity

Bela: I'll lead you to him auntie.. follow me

(As Bela lead mother Miranda to the dungeon where the man was held.. both Cassandra an Daniela stayed behind to watch the man.. meanwhile down in the dungeon Ethan Winters was shackled once again)

Ethan: O-oh no.. n-not you 

Miranda: Ah so you know who I am

Ethan: Y-your the one Chris has been talking about

Miranda: And it would seem you have stirred quite the hornets nest Mr. Winters.. you have made a colossal error in what you have done

Ethan: L-look I-I never meant to harm anyone.. all I wanted was Mia and my daughter rose.. you took them from me.. I demand to know where the hell they are

Miranda: You are no in position to demand anything.. and I'm sure Alcina's daughters would love to have their way with you.. so prepare to endure the pain you'll receive.. but first.. a sample of your blood must be taken.. cooperate and I might change my mind about the daughters torturing you...should you fail to do that.. I will gladly let the girls end your life.. those are your options.. which one's will you choose?

Ethan: I would rather die!

 Miranda: Tsk tsk.. tsk.. tsk.. tsk such a shame.. it would seem your fate is sealed.. Bela would you ever be so kind as to keep him still for me

Bela: As you wish...come here you wretch

(Bela aggressively holds the man down as mother Miranda took a sample of the mans blood...a minute goes by and it's already over)

Miranda: Thank you for your assistance Bela

Bela: Your welcome auntie

Miranda: Well time to take my leave...inform me on any news of Joshua's recovery

Bela: We will

Miranda: Take care

(Miranda leaves)

Bela: Looks like it's just you and me little man.. I am so going to have fun with you (Sneers) and I'm sure that my sisters will to

Ethan: P-please.. I-I...

Bela: Ugh!.. spare me your pity.. you should have thought of your actions before you did them and look where it's gotten you.. first of all you held one of our maidens hostage.. Irene is probably traumatized by the situation you put her in!.. second you harmed the one man me an my sisters ever loved in this world.. he gave us what we wanted and more.. no thanks to you he'll be out for awhile.. but I assure you that once he wakes up.. he is probably going to beat you into a pulp!.. now shut up and accept the punishment that awaits you an then you'll wish you were dead!

(Bela begins to have her way with the man as he screamed in pain but it won't compare to pain he'll feel once Cassandra an Daniela have their turn.. meanwhile back in the room both Cassandra an Daniela were cuddling with the out cold man though the sadness from the girls couldn't be hidden as they hope that Joshua will wake up soon)

Daniela: I-I hope Joshua wakes up soon

Cassandra: Me to sister.. but rest assured he'll wake up.. just give it time and he'll return to us once again

Daniela: Yeah.. I'm just glad auntie was able to save him from death or else we'd.. we'd lose him forever.. I'll never forget that time that when I was scared that the man auntie spoke of will come an destroy our village.. Joshua came an comforted me and gave me hope that we'll get through this.. n-now I'm not sure we will with him being out for awhile

Cassandra: Have faith Daniela.. if auntie says he'll wake up he'll wake up I promise.. but let's not focus on the negative.. lets take comfort in the fact that he's alive.. that's all that matters.. but don't worry.. that man in the dungeon will get what's coming to him... for now let us be here for the man who has done so much for us and has given the miracle we've always wanted

Daniela: Your right Cassie lets be here for our king

(The two cuddled an snuggled together with the man staying by his side...a few minutes go by an Cassandra an Daniela heard groaning.. the girls gasped with excitement knowing the man is awake)

Joshua: C-Cassandra.. D-Daniela.. w-what happened.. w-where am I?

Cassandra: Your in your bedroom with us sweetie

Daniela: W-we thought you were truly gone from us

Joshua: H-how am I a-alive?.. w-why does my body hurt?

Cassandra: Auntie came in an gave you life again she treated you with an antidote.. your wounds from the bullets are gone but your body will take some time to recuperate till you gain your strength back cause I'm sure those bullets did damage to you...but let us rejoice that you are with us again baby.. you scared us half to death today.. and I'm sure once Bela comes back cause I'm guessing she's having her way with the man that almost succeeded in taking you from us.. she'll be happy to see you again (Smiles)

Joshua: E-Ethan?

Daniela: Yes him.. but leave him for now love.. just focus on resting...and don't worry.. we are right beside you

(The man heeds the girls advice as the three rested.. and as they did the bedroom door opens and the person who entered was Bela)

Cassandra: There you are sister.. did you have fun with that outsider down in the dungeons (Smiles)

Bela: Yes I did.. why are you so happy right now?

Daniela: Wake up Joshua

(As Joshua woke up he spoke)

Joshua: Hello again Bela (I Smiled)

(Bela without hesitation runs towards the man she hugs him gently not wanting to hurt him)

Bela: (Sighs) You had me worried little one.. I'm so glad your here with us...but don't you ever scare us like that again ok

Joshua: I won't I promise

(The two hug again)

Bela: Cass.. Dani I think it's time you two get to have fun with the outsider.. I'll remain here with Joshua

Cassandra: Finally.. some fucking pay back.. come on Daniela let's go show that man what happens when he messes with our boyfriend

Daniela: Gladly sister

(Both leave the room making their way down to the dungeon meanwhile Bela stays behind)

Bela: Joshua

Joshua: Yes Bela

Bela: You have no idea how happy I am to see you alive again.. when you died it devastated us but I'm relieved that auntie brought you back...if you were completely gone forever w-we would...

Joshua: Hey.. hey.. don't think things like that.. now that I'm here you don't have to worry about me dying again..

Bela: B-but...

Joshua: No buts...now let us rejoice that I'm here with ya'll once more

Bela: Your right.. let us leave the negative behind an focus.. on the positive

(Without a warning Bela gets on top of the man cupping his face an kissing him passionately an sensually not holding back.. meanwhile in the dungeon)

Cassandra: Well.. well.. well.. looks like someone isn't looking to good

Ethan: P-please.. d-don't h-hurt me a-anymore

Cassandra: (Snickers) Hahaha.. oh my god are we begging for mercy right now...how truly pathetic.. your begging isn't going to save you from the hell we are about to give you.. it's time to give you an even harsher punishment then what Bela gave you...Daniela take this thing out of its cell an strap it down to the torture table while I grab my tools

Daniela: Yes sister

(Daniela yanks the beaten up man with strength and slams him onto the table strapping down his arms and legs preventing him from moving as Cassandra gathered her devices)

Cassandra: And now it's time.. for the real fun to begin.. Daniela what should we do first to this thing

Daniela: Hmm.. how about we cut off his fingers

Cassandra: Perfect.. I'll let you do this one sis (Hands the scissors to Daniela)

Daniela: Thank you Cassie

(As the two got started on torturing the man.. meanwhile back upstairs both Bela an Joshua were resting together.. and as they did a knock on the door interrupted them)

Bela: Who is it?

(The door opens as Alcina appeared)

Bela: Hello mother

Alcina: Hello you two.. I see Joshua is back with us again (Smiles)

Joshua: It's good to be back.. I'm thankful Ms. Miranda saved me.. I wasn't ready to leave the people who brought me into their home an made apart of the family.. not only that.. I would've lost the ones who are my girlfriends

Alcina: It's fortunate that you were saved.. and in all honesty even though I despise men.. your the exception cause you have given my girls the freedom they deserve and you made them feel alive again.. you have given them more then anyone else in this village.. and believe it or not I to shed tears hearing my poor daughters cry over your death.. but thankfully mother Miranda saved you

Joshua: Give her my utmost gratitude will you (I smiled)

Alcina: I most certainly will young man.. now then I'll leave you two alone.. hopefully I'll see you at dinner

Joshua: We shall see but I don't think my body is ready yet.. though my wounds are healed my body still hurts since those bullets did weaken me

Alcina: Resting is what you need dear one.. I wish you a speedy recovery

Joshua: Thank you Alcina

(Alcina smiles leaving the room leaving Bela an the man back to resting.. meanwhile in the dungeon)

Ethan: P-please.. I-I'm begging you.. n-no more.. p-please.. I-I have suffered enough

(Cassandra grabs the mans face)

Cassandra: I WILL DECIDE WHEN YOU HAVE ENOUGH!!!.. this was only the beginning of what's in store for you!.. now shut the fuck up and accept the consequences of your actions!.. now then Dani what should we do next to this fleshling

Daniela: (Gasps) Ooh I have an idea.. how about we cut off all his toes.. surely he won't like that (Giggles)

Ethan: N-no anything but the toes.. don't cut them off

Cassandra: (Sighs in frustration) You are really testing my patience you pathetic excuse of a man thing...actually I have just the thing to shut you up

(Cassandra grabs duct tape and tapes the man's mouth shut)

Cassandra: There.. now we don't have to hear your incessant whining.. now to business...Daniela take off his shoes and we'll begin cutting his toes off (Chuckles deviously)

Daniela: Hehehe.. with pleasure sis

(As Daniela took off Ethan's shoes an socks Cassandra began cutting the mans toes off one by one making the pain unbearable as the man shook violently from the feeling.. his muffled screams increased as each toe was being cut off.. the man knew he fucked up as he was at the mercy of the vampire women who didn't appreciate him harming their boyfriend so the appropriate action for these girls was pain and suffering which they knew all to well as anyone they loved got harmed would wind up at their mercy and this was the girls way of showing their dark side.. you fuck up you pay the price...after sometime all the man's fingers and toes were cut off.. blood splattering everywhere.. but the torture was far from over as Cassandra had.. another idea in mind)

Cassandra: Now that the mans fingers and toes are cut off.. what is the next thing we should do to him

Daniela: Hmm.. how about we.. rip out his eyes

Cassandra: Ooh sis.. I like that idea.. never got to rip eyes out of someone's eye sockets before (Chuckles deviously)

(But before the two could do the next horrible thing a loud voice was heard)

Alcina: (Muffled) Cassandra!.. Daniela!.. it's dinner time!

Daniela: Oop looks like mother is calling us

Cassandra: Oh well.. I guess we're done for the day...looks like your off the hook for now.. Mr. Winters

(Cassandra removes the duct tape from the man's mouth)

Ethan: Y-you ladies.. a-are f-fucking sick! 

Cassandra: Oh pipe down.. your lucky mother called us or else me an Dani here would've ripped your eyes out.. but your saved...for now.. just wait till our boyfriend is back to his full strength an you'll wish you never fucked with the wrong people (Sneers) Daniela unstrap him and put him back in his cell where he belongs.. an make sure he's chained up good this time...don't need him escaping again to cause more harm then he's already done today

Daniela: Of course Cassie

(Once the man was chained up in his cell both Cass an Dani went upstairs and made their way to the dining hall.. once there they were greeted by their mother)

Alcina: There you two are.. I hope the both of you had fun torturing that man filth in the dungeon)

Cassandra: Oh we certainly did mother.. we made him feel excruciating pain for what he did today

Alcina: Excellent.. now here is your food an drinks.. your sister Bela an Joshua already have their food.. go ahead an join them upstairs

(The two nod and got their food an drink an make their way upstairs.. once there they enter the room and join Bela an Joshua)

Bela: Hey sisters.. how did it go down in the dungeon

Daniela: Let's just say that the man didn't like what we did to him.. let's leave it at that.. wouldn't wanna frighten Joshua here an make him feel sick to the stomach

Joshua: Um.. why do you say that?

Cassandra: It's best that you don't know sweetie.. wouldn't want to scare you with the morbid details on the whole torturing thing

Bela: Well said sisters.. wouldn't want Joshua to know our darker side

Joshua: Darker side?

Daniela: It's a side that we don't want you to see.. it would most likely terrify you and we don't want that to happen.. all I can say is we did a real number on the man an leave it at that ok

Joshua: Ok

Cassandra: But don't worry.. he's still alive so you'll get to have your turn with him when your fully recovered.. but for now let's focus on you ok

Joshua: Thank you girls (I smiled)

Bela: You are most welcomed love (Smiles)

(Time Skip)

(As the four finished eating the girls took their plates along with their boyfriends plate to the kitchen for the maids to clean.. after that they make their way back up the bedroom and enter it the girls took off their usual hooded dresses along with their gloves, necklaces, leggings and heels leaving only their black bra an panties on.. they then help the man get into more comfortable clothing.. once done they get in bed together cuddling an snuggling.. drifting off to sleep for a better day hoping Joshua makes a rapid recovery)

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lady dimitrescu x fem reader ~TW: physical abuse~ After the theft of her lipstick the mistress of the castle needed a new Chamber maid. y/n happened...