Let Me In โœ”๏ธ | ENG

By Sarae-Seong

650 49 369

In a need of a break from her demanding job, Carmina seeks refuge in a hidden gem of Italy - Amalfi Coast. Bu... More

Author's Note
โŒช Let Me In โŒฉ
โŒช Let Me Read You โŒฉ
โŒช Let Me Fix It โŒฉ
โŒช Let Them Talk โŒฉ
โŒช Let Me Know โŒฉ
โŒช Let Me Try โŒฉ
โŒช Let Me Confess โŒฉ
โŒช Let Us Dream โŒฉ
โŒช Let It Go โŒฉ
โŒช Let Me Mourn โŒฉ
โŒช Let Me Be โŒฉ

โŒช Let It Last โŒฉ

32 4 22
By Sarae-Seong

Time is an ever-hungry beast, consuming the most exquisite moments, those once within reach but now forever lost, the unspoken dreams and aspirations shared together. It is impenetrable and unyielding, unstoppable by any force.


With only three days left until her departure, Interpol continued to press Carmina for a quicker return. Despite her efforts to negotiate, her assurances that everything was under control fell on deaf ears. However, when the flow of new messages from them finally ceased, Carmina breathed a sigh of relief. She decided to make the most of the remaining moments of her vacation by Dae's side, uncertain of when they would have the chance to meet again in the middle of her chaotic work.

After yesterday's confessions, Carmina spent the day practically not leaving the hotel. Indulging in a luxurious Mediterranean breakfast served in bed, watching a movie from the same cozy spot, and swimming in the pool, she was truly content with the simple pleasures. And Dae was just perfect. Now that their relationship had taken a step forward, he made extra efforts to ensure she was happy. Totally unnecessary; Carmina was already crazy about him. Dae treated her like royalty, hanging on her every word as if it were a command. So, when she expressed her desire to stay in the hotel, nothing else mattered to him. Dae only denied her two things: she couldn't drink much alcohol, and she shouldn't stay up late.

"Are you trying to be my dad now?" Carmina teased.

Dae snorted in amusement. "Don't go there."

"Yes, daddy. I get it, daddy," she replied playfully.

"Carmina, stop!" he scowled, crinkling his nose in slight disgust. "Nope. Don't make it cringey. If you want to do some role-play, that's fine. But please, let's keep it classy."

"Yes, da..." he sent her a glare. She laughed.

"I'm serious, you fox. I've planned a long trip for tomorrow. And you'll regret it if you're tired from a sleepless night. You know we only have one day left."

She couldn't resist those pleading puppy eyes. And thankfully so, because Dae had arranged an adventure that seemed to stretch to the ends of the earth itself. At least that's how it felt when he showed his plan to her.

After an evening filled with a romantic candlelit dinner for two, a steamy make-out session in the Jacuzzi, and a natural progression to bed, they fell asleep in each other's arms, tired but happy.


The ruthless alarm clock had chimed at four in the morning. Carmina, resembling a walking-still-not-dead zombie, crawled out of bed. Meanwhile, Dae had just stepped out of the shower, wearing only a towel, blessing Carmina with his divine body in the early hours. His wet, tousled hair gave him an even younger look, and he was brimming with energy. She, on the other hand, appeared as though someone had just put her through a garlic press.
"I need coffee, pronto," she muttered as she passed him without even a glance, making her way to the bathroom.

Naturally, her beloved coffee awaited her post-shower, but it wasn't the usual cup she had in mind. Dae handed her a thermos filled with hot liquid. Carmina stared at it in disbelief for a moment.

"I'd pick up the pace if I were you. If you drag your feet any longer, even that thermos won't save you from sipping on icy latte," he teased.

"And where on earth did you pull that thermos from?" she quipped, turning the object over in her hands.

"I told you before. I've got everything ready for this trip, and now, zip zap, hurry up. Your real coffee and breakfast are waiting on the terrace, but seriously, chug it down fast. I'll just pack a few more things."

"Have I mentioned how much I adore you?"

"Way too little, way too late." He snatched a quick kiss from her and nearly shoved her onto the terrace before vanishing into the suite himself, leaving her chuckling at his cute behaviour.

Carmina sipped her coffee in a hurry, barely registering its rich aroma. She glanced around the terrace, her mind occupied with the day Daehyun had planned. Suddenly, her gaze locked onto a familiar figure in semi-formal attire. If he hadn't skipped the upper part of his suit, with his black sunglasses and earpiece, he would have looked like a Man In Black. But Carmina was sure that the Amalfi Coast didn't have any fugitive aliens, so what brought him here?

Excusing herself abruptly from Dae, she muttered something about needing to dash to the shop for some urgent "woman things" and ran away before he could say anything. Racing through the corridors of the hotel, she prayed that Daehyun wouldn't even notice. Her heart was literally pounding. Finally she reached the unwanted guest. Fuelled by a surge of anger and frustration, she grabbed his tie and yanked him into a nearby shadowy corner before the poor one could even react.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Jake?!"

"Boss's orders, O'Mara."

Carmina's tone dripped with sarcasm. "So, what did the big boss decide this time?"

Jake sighed, rubbing his temples. "They've been trying to reach you. Many times. You ignored the Agency so here we go. The jet's waiting. They're expecting you back today."

"Today? What's the damn difference one day makes?" Carmina snapped back.

"Look, I'm just following orders..."

"Bullshit, Jake. You know very well that I can take care of myself," she interrupted sharply. "I'm flying tomorrow, not today. End of discussion."

He watched her for a moment in silence, his expression was unreadable. Then he made one step closer. "They're all dead. You get that, right? Everyone's been treating you with kid gloves. I won't. Johnson, Anderson, Cribley-they all got bullets, straight in the head. You're next." he poked her forehead by finger. "But here we are, taking a damn vacation on the coast. How fucking responsible, O'Mara!"

Anger flashed in Carmina's eyes. "I was working on the case. Half the information was hidden from me. They blindsided me with details, claiming everything was under control. And the moment I get here, everything goes to hell. Bad luck? Or maybe the boss screwed up!" She slowly took his hand out of her sight.

"Go back today," he urged again.

"Don't be ridiculous. Put into the brain of yours. I am not coming." She poked him with her finger in the very same way. "And don't you dare - ever again - treat me with such disrespect. As far as I remember I am still your supervisor."

"Not anymore." he chuckled, making her even more angry. "I got promoted after your team... vanished."

"Says...who?!" she interrupted immediately.

"Says boss."

"Over my dead body."

"That might be faster than you think."

But she stood her ground. "I'll come tomorrow. It can be a private jet, but it's still tomorrow. And you stay hidden. You got it? Dae can't see anything."

She turned on her heel and left him without waiting for a response. After all, her boyfriend was waiting in the hotel.


They left the hustle and bustle of Amalfi behind as they walked towards the trailhead. Hiking with Dae was like a break from the ordinary, and a day surrounded by nature lifted her spirit. Especially today, after that terrible meeting with Jake. The scent of rosemary filling the air was intoxicating. Carmina stole some glances at Dae, starting to share his infectious enthusiasm. He was constantly smiling, of course oblivious of anything.

"Why did you choose this place for our trip?" she finally asked.

"Because this place is special, Carmina. Legend says that The Path of the Gods was carved by the gods themselves, all to save Ulysses from the sirens' song."

She couldn't resist teasing, "So, I'm the siren and you're the one trapped?"

Dae chuckled, pulling her close. "Well, if I'm going to be caught, I couldn't imagine a more adorable captor."

Their cute bickering was interrupted by the sight of an older couple looking at them with amusement. Without hesitation, Dae leaned in to kiss Carmina, drawing some smiles. It seemed even the gods approved of their love-struck adventure.

Throughout the entire hike, they exchanged stolen kisses, laughed together, shared hugs as they took in the breath-taking views of mountains hidden in the clouds. Halfway through their trek, they stumbled upon a road full of blooming bougainvillea. Carmina giggled like a little girl, as the petals danced around her in the strong breeze.
"Isn't this just magical?" she asked, staring at petals with her dreamy eyes.

Dae chuckled. He snapped some mesmerizing photos of her surrounded by the swirling flowers. "You're the real cherry blossom here. You would love the season in Korea. I do."

Grinning back at him, Carmina twirled closer, playfully nudging his side. "Guess that makes you the lucky one, then."

As they reached almost the end of their trail - Nocelle, they finally could enjoy the promised lemon slushies. Dae was mumbling how much he wanted to try them for the last few hours. Sipping their drinks, they watched the world go by, sharing some bits from their life, for a moment forgetting that tomorrow they have to say their goodbyes.
Dae admired the panoramic view of the coast, but Carmina didn't care much about surroundings. She wanted to get to know him more, to talk more. "Why do you like cherry blossoms?"

He looked at her surprised by a sudden question. "Because of you."

"You just met me, Dae. I'm serious."

"Well, they say cherry blossoms are best enjoyed with someone special, and I can't think of anyone I'd rather catch petals with than you."

"Why should we catch them?"

"Because we believe that catching a single cherry blossom petal in your hand grants you the chance to grasp your deepest desires. And for me... I desire to spend my life with you."

Carmina deeply regretted not realizing sooner what kind of person Dae truly was. If she had known, they would have spent a few more days together from the moment they met. What hurt her the most was that he didn't deserve to dive so deeply into something that was likely doomed to fail. But she loved him as fiercely as he loved her. A flame and its moth.


When they came back to the resort, they were truly exhausted. But Carmina's fatigue quickly turned into panic mode. She noticed another agent standing just on their way to the hotel entrance, glaring at her and making some absurd gesture towards them. She knew she had to act quickly or she would risk exposing herself to Dae, potentially ruining everything.

Summoning all her composure, she turned to Dae with a forced smile. "Hey, love, I just remembered we're out of drinks in the suite. I'll go grab some from the bar. Meet you there in a bit?"

Dae frowned. "Are you sure you're alright? You look worn out. I can bring them."

Carmina nodded, trying to appear casual. "I'm fine, just need a quick pick-me-up. Don't worry about me, I'll be back before you know it."

Dae was a little surprised, but he finally agreed. Carmina watched him slowly make his way into the hotel before turning her attention to the agent. It was time to confront those motherfuckers again.

She approached the man with pure rage. "I've already told Jake that I'm leaving tomorrow. I made it abundantly clear that you have to keep your fucking distance."

"Carmina, this is for your own safety. You know everyone else is dead, and the agency is concerned for your well-being."

"And who the fuck are you in the first place?" She just realized that this is an entirely new face.

"I'm Dean Cornell," he replied calmly. "I was assigned to your group after the rest were eliminated."

"Eliminated? What is this, some game terminology? They got assassinated, you jerk. You are indeed a newbie."

Once again, she asked to leave her alone until tomorrow, explaining that they were ruining her last moments of peace. Dean nodded in agreement, offering his apologies. "What time is your flight tomorrow?"

"Didn't Jake tell you?" Carmina asked, with amusement in her voice. "I'm leaving at 10 a.m."

Dean hesitated, then apologized once more before turning to leave. However, he paused mid-step and turned back to her. "It's a pity that Cribley was killed. He left behind a little child."

Carmina stood frozen in shock for a moment. Then, with a bitter smile, she replied, "Yes, you're right. It's a pity."


Dean's words were ringing in her ears, annoying her even after he was long gone. So she pulled out her phone, her fingers trembling slightly as she punched in the code to call the Agency. After a few rings, her boss answered with a playful tone. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Carmina gracing us with a call. This must be a miracle."

But Carmina's patience was wearing thin. "Cut the jokes. Why did you send agents to piss me off?"

Her boss sounded genuinely surprised. "Jake isn't that bad though. I spoke to him, and he said you made some... arrangements for tomorrow. So what's the deal?"

"Yes, we did. I told him clearly to keep his distance, but just a few hours later, another one of your pawns showed up under my hotel. Dean Cornell. Such an unprofessional prick. He even dared to mention Cribley's child. Since when are we sharing family details with newbies?"

"Carmina, wait. What newbie, what agent?"

"I told you, that arrogant prick Dean Cornell."

"We didn't send anyone except Jake, Carmina."

A chill ran down her spine.

"But I saw him," she insisted, her voice starting to tremble. "I spoke to him."

Her boss's tone grew grave. "It's impossible."

"Dean Cornell was there, lurking like a shadow. I swear."

"Carmina, Dean Cornell is dead."

Her blood ran cold. "What do you mean he's dead?" she whispered.

There was a heavy pause before he replied.
"Carmina, get out of there. Now!"

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