The Assassin and the Spy

By ashleyisoffline

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Ever since his parents disappearedwhen he was 10, Noah Sterecera has lived his life on the run from the law a... More

I cant write for shit so have a q&a with the charaters


107 1 33
By ashleyisoffline


I woke up this morning hearing the steady muffled beeps of a heart-rate monitor connected to me.

It took me a moment to fully register where I was, but then it finally clicked:

The Anderson's Hospital.

Mr. Anderson must have taken me here after I had that huge blowout with Jake.

It was supposed to be just a calm talk, telling him that I was done.

How did it turn into me strapped onto a bunch of monitors and Jake being locked away in a conformant chamber?

No one gets sent there.

The older kids used to tell us younger kids a few years ago that, once every month, at night, someone on the inside unlocks the conformant rooms and sometimes they take their revenge on those who got them locked up.

That's why Ezekiel Leonard hasn't been seen in over a year.

Mr. Anderson told us that he went undercover, but the older kids said that he became one of the kids on the milk box cartons.

But if the older kid's stories were true, then the solitary conformant doors might be unlocking tomorrow.

And Jake had it out for two very specific people.





Mr. Anderson quickly brought Emma to the doctors, and Michael brought Jake to the solitary conformant chambers even quicker.

Kitty went with Mr. Anderson to the doctors, so I just went to Courtney's room.

And not to my surprise, Gwen was there with her, along with Izzy and Eva.

For some reason, they were all sitting in the dark positioned in their chairs to be in some sort of semicircle style with Courtney and Gwen in the middle and Eva and Izzy on their opposite sides.

Courtney flicked on the lights revealing their faces to be more clearer now.

"So..." She started to say.

"So...?" I mimicked.

"Where were you?" Courtney asked.

"In Emma's room," I said.

"Ooo," Izzy and Gwen chorused.

"Not like that you weirdos. Her shitty ex boyfriend beat her up and Kitty needed someone to make sure everything was ok," I rolled my eyes at them, putting my hand on my hip.

"Mhm," Courtney stared at me.

"What happened to Emma's shitty ex?" Izzy asked.

"None of your business, nutso," I responded.

"I can and will destroy all of your books if you don't tell me what happened," Izzy threatened with the sweetest smile ever.

"God, I hate you. He just got sent to solitary confinement," I shrugged.

Izzy's eyes went wide as I said that sentence, "Oh shit."

"What's wrong, crazy?" I asked confused.

Eva came up to me and slung oher arm around my shoulder. "To say the least, stick-figure, you're fucked."

"Excuse me?" I asked caught off guard.

"What do you mean, Noah's fucked?" Courtney also asked now standing up.

"Oh, you guys have never heard the stories?" Gwen questioned.



"Babe, what stories" I asked Gwen.

"You know, the stories about the solitary conformant chambers," Izzy answered before Gwen.

"Ok, what about them?" Noah said rolling his eyes.

"Well basically, the older kids used to tell us younger kids a few years ago that, once every month, at night, someone on the inside unlocks the conformant rooms and sometimes they take their revenge on those who got them locked up," Izzy and Gwen told us.

"Yeah, and how does that affect— oh fuck, Noah's fucked," I trailed off, eyes wide.

"What? What does that mean?" Noah kept asking, failing to catch on.

"Use the 180 IQ for once, and THINK! Jake hated YOU and EMMA. I don't think that he's dumb enough to try it on Emma again, but you? He can and will break each of your bones," Izzy said, thwacking his head.

"Um, first off: Ow. Second: That's just a story. Third: who would be idiotic enough to release a whole room of next-level psychos?" Noah sarcastically stated.

"Someone who's looking for a shit ton of cash," Eva told him.

Noah rolled his eyes and grabbed a book off of a shelf and sat on the floor. "Honestly, if he wants to try and kill me, be my guest," Noah snarked.

"Can you stop saying that you want people to kill you? You're worrying me," I said.

"Relax, Court. If I'm gone, who's gonna annoy you to death?" He asked smirking.

"You'll still find a way."

"Anyways, I heard people can visit Emma. I wasn't that close with her but if you want to, you can," Gwen said to Noah.

"Cool. I'll say hi. Cya later, Court," Noah responded, getting off the floor.

"Adios," I waved back.

"He likes Emma, doesn't he?" Izzy asked, smiling.

"What?" I said, caught off guard.

"Noah. He likes Emma, right?" Izzy asked again.

"He does seem like he likes her," Eva joined in.

"I don't know, but he's being nice to me, which is never a good sign," I said leaning back in my chair.

"Noah likes her. I'll bet $20 that I'm right," Izzy grinned.

"Deal," The girls and I said, shaking hands.



Being in a hospital is not fun. Let me tell you that.

Luckily, I can finally get visitors. So hopefully my friends will come see me.

Oh wait! I don't have any!

Except for Noah, but he probably won't be coming.

Knock Knock

"Come in!" I called out.

Noah walked in holding a book. Speak of the devil.

"I brought that book you were looking for a couple of days ago. How are you feeling?" Noah asked.

"Thanks. And I'm feeling better," I responded smiling.

Noah sat down in the chair next to me saying, "So we never got to have an actual conversation about each other."

"True. So I'll tell you something about my life. My sister is Kitty, who I think you met. My parents are undercover so I haven't seen them in a while, but I can't wait for you to meet them. Your turn," I told him.

"Well I'm glad that you still have your parents. Mine died in an unknown accident, along with Courtney's. We grew up together, so she's like a sister to me. We spent a couple of years hopping from foster home to foster home. Then the two foster care ladies, who me and Courtney killed a couple days ago, decided to break the laws and send us to an orphanage where we spent a couple of years at. Then, we escaped, accidentally killed two people, and wound up here. Sorry for telling you this boring story," Noah said, the apologized.

"It's alright. But if you don't mind me asking, what was it like living at that foster care?" I chuckled.

"It's a long story," Noah told me, throwing his head back.

"We have time."




Love, Ashley <3

1170 words

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