Transformers: More Than Meets...

By MelSpyRose

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In a time long past, Optimus Prime and Megatron stood as brothers-in-arms, united in their vision to revoluti... More

Chapter 1: Orion Pax
Chapter 2: Into the Academy
Chapter 4: Rookie of the Year
Chapter 5: Separation

Chapter 3: Duty Calls

162 4 2
By MelSpyRose

As their conversation continued, the training session between Orion Pax and Ariel intensified. Sentinel Minor couldn't help but admire his brother's determination as he sparred with Ariel, each movement purposeful and focused.

Dion nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting a mix of admiration and understanding. "Orion's got a strong spirit," he remarked. "He's not one to back down from a challenge." Sentinel nodded, a sense of pride swelling within him as he watched Orion's progress. "Yeah, that's true," he admitted, a hint of admiration in his voice. "He's always had a way of surprising us." Their conversation turned to lighter topics as they reminisced about past adventures and shared experiences. Despite the challenges they faced, there was a sense of camaraderie between them, a bond forged through years of friendship and shared struggles.

As the training session drew to a close, Orion and Ariel exchanged nods of mutual respect before parting ways. Sentinel couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at his brother's determination, knowing that Orion was well on his way to becoming a skilled fighter in his own right. With a sense of reassurance, Sentinel turned to Dion, a grateful smile on his face. "Thanks for being here, Dion," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "It means a lot to have your support." Dion returned the smile, a sense of camaraderie evident in his expression. "Anytime, Sentinel," he replied, his tone warm. "We're in this together, after all." With that, the two friends turned to leave the training room, their bond stronger than ever as they faced whatever challenges lay ahead. As Kup entered the training room, his gaze fell upon Orion Pax and Ariel engaged in combat practice. The elderly Autobot sergeant raised an optic ridge in surprise, his expression one of curiosity mixed with a hint of skepticism.

"Well, well, what have we got here?" Kup mused, his gruff voice cutting through the air. "I wasn't expecting to see a new face around the Academy." Sentinel Minor stepped forward, a sense of pride evident in his posture as he spoke. "This is my younger brother, Orion Pax," he explained, gesturing towards Orion with a nod. "I brought him along with me today. Thought it'd be good for him to get out of the house, you know?"

Kup's optics narrowed slightly as he regarded Orion, his gaze assessing. "Hmph, not a bad idea," he grunted, nodding in approval. "Can't have young bots cooped up indoors all day. Gotta get out there and experience the world." Orion offered a hesitant smile, feeling a bit self-conscious under Kup's scrutinizing gaze. "It's nice to meet you, sir," he said respectfully, his voice tinged with nervousness. Kup nodded in acknowledgment, his expression softening slightly. "Likewise, kid," he replied gruffly. "Just remember, the Academy's no place for slacking off. If you're gonna be here, you gotta be ready to put in the work."

Orion nodded, his determination shining through despite his nerves. "I understand, sir," he said earnestly, his gaze meeting Kup's with determination. With a grunt of approval, Kup turned to leave the training room, his presence a reminder of the discipline and dedication expected of all Autobot cadets. As the door slid shut behind him, Orion returned his focus to the training session, a newfound sense of determination burning within him. He was ready to prove himself, both to Kup and to himself, as he continued his journey at the Autobot Academy.

As the group gathered in the training room, the conversation turned to Orion Pax's potential future as an Autobot cadet. Bulkhead, Wheeljack, Jazz, and Prowl joined Sentinel Minor, Kup, Orion Pax, and Ariel, their voices echoing in the spacious chamber.

"Hey, Orion," Bulkhead rumbled, his tone friendly yet earnest. "We've been talking, and we think you've got some serious potential. Ever thought about training here at the Academy to become an Autobot?" Orion Pax's optics widened in surprise at the suggestion, his thoughts racing. The idea of leaving his job at the Iacon Hall of Records and embarking on a new path as an Autobot cadet was both thrilling and daunting.

"I appreciate the offer, Bulkhead," Orion replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I'm not sure if now's the right time for me. I still have responsibilities at my job as a data clerk." Wheeljack chimed in, his tone enthusiastic. "Come on, kid! You've got talent, and you've got potential. You could be a great Autobot someday!" Orion hesitated, his gaze flicking between his friends and mentors gathered around him. "I'll... I'll think about it," he said finally, his voice quiet yet determined. "But for now, I need to focus on my duties in the Hall of Records. Maybe someday, when I'm ready..."

Sentinel Minor nodded in understanding, his expression supportive. "That's okay, Orion," he said reassuringly. "We'll be here whenever you're ready to take that step. Just know that the Academy is always open to you." With a sense of resolve settling in his spark, Orion Pax turned back to his training with Ariel, his mind buzzing with possibilities for the future. Though he may not be ready to leave the Hall of Records just yet, the prospect of training at the Autobot Academy lingered in his thoughts, a beacon of hope and opportunity on the horizon.

As the night draped its comforting veil over Fortress Maximus, Sentinel Minor led Orion Pax back to their shared quarters. The familiar hum of the towering fortress enveloped them as they settled into their respective berths to recharge for the night. Orion Pax couldn't suppress the contentment that bubbled within him, a warmth that spread through his circuits as he reflected on the day's events. The camaraderie he had found among the Autobot rookies at the Academy, the thrill of training alongside Ariel—it was a feeling he cherished.

"Sentinel," Orion began, his voice a soft murmur in the dimly lit room. "I feel like I'm really starting to get the hang of this combat training. Maybe someday, I'll be able to put these skills to good use." Sentinel Minor's optics flickered with concern as he turned to face his younger brother. "Just be careful, Orion," he cautioned, his tone laced with brotherly concern. "Combat can be dangerous, even for trained soldiers like us."

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Ultra Magnus, the stalwart Commander of the Cybertron Elite Guard. His presence filled the room with a sense of authority and reassurance as he checked on his sons, ensuring their well-being before he, too, settled in to recharge. As Orion Pax drifted into recharge on his berth, a sense of peace washed over him, cradling him in its gentle embrace. The events of the day melted away as he slipped into a tranquil slumber, his dreams illuminated by visions of camaraderie, friendship, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.


The sun cast its golden rays over the towering spires of Kaon, illuminating the bustling streets below as life stirred within the city's metallic heart. Among the throngs of Cybertronians, one figure stood out—a formidable presence with a brooding aura that belied the chaos that surrounded him.

In the dim recesses of his dwelling, Megatronus, the gladiator of Kaon, began his morning ritual. It was a routine steeped in solemnity, a grim reminder of the life he led within the confines of the gladiatorial arena. As he prepared himself for the trials that awaited him, a sense of resignation settled over him like a heavy shroud. For Megatronus, the arena was a place of torment—a crucible where violence and death reigned supreme. Born without a name, he had been nothing more than a cog in the merciless machine of Energon mining, his identity reduced to a mere designation: "D-16." But he refused to be shackled by the chains of his past, instead choosing to carve his own path in the crucible of combat.

Renaming himself after one of the legendary Thirteen Original Primes—Megatronus Prime—he had vowed to ascend from the ashes of his former life and forge a new legacy as a gladiator. It was a journey fraught with peril, a relentless pursuit of freedom amidst the clamor of battle.

As the sun reached its zenith, Megatronus emerged from the shadows, his form a silhouette against the harsh glare of day. With every step he took, the weight of his burdens pressed upon him, a constant reminder of the sacrifices he had made in pursuit of his dreams. Entering the arena, Megatronus faced his opponents with a steely resolve, his gaze unwavering as he prepared to do battle once more. The roar of the crowd washed over him like a tidal wave, their jeers and taunts fueling the fire that burned within him.

With each strike, each blow exchanged in the heat of combat, Megatronus fought not just for victory, but for his very identity—a defiant proclamation against the forces that sought to keep him bound in chains. And as the dust settled and his adversaries lay defeated at his feet, Megatronus stood tall, his voice ringing out in defiance against the oppressive forces that sought to silence him.

"Are you not entertained?!" he bellowed, his words a rallying cry for freedom amidst the chaos of the arena. For Megatronus, the battle was far from over—it was just beginning. As Megatronus trudged wearily through the dimly lit corridors of the slave quarters, his mind seethed with frustration and indignation. The stinging lash of his masters' punishment still lingered upon his frame, a grim reminder of the price of defiance in a world where freedom was but a distant dream.

Lost in his thoughts, Megatronus was covered in Energon blood he got at the arena and he scarcely noticed the graceful figure that approached him—a vision of crimson and orange amidst the shadows. It was Firestar, her gaze soft yet penetrating, her presence a beacon of warmth in the cold embrace of the night.

"Hey there," she murmured, her voice a gentle melody that cut through the oppressive silence of the corridors. "I couldn't help but notice you looked like you could use some help."

Megatronus regarded her warily, his gaze clouded with suspicion. But there was something in Firestar's eyes—something that spoke of understanding and empathy—that gave him pause.

With a weary nod, he acquiesced, allowing Firestar to lead him to a secluded alcove where she produced a damp cloth with practiced ease. As she set to work, the gentle touch of her hands against his armor sent a shiver down Megatronus' spine—a rare moment of solace amidst the turmoil of his existence.

"It's not fair," he muttered, his voice tinged with bitterness. "None of this is fair. We're nothing but slaves, condemned to toil away in the mines while the elites bask in luxury."

Firestar listened in silence, her expression sympathetic yet resolute. "I know it's hard, Megatronus. But letting anger consume you won't change anything. Sometimes, the greatest strength lies in restraint."

Her words struck a chord within Megatronus, stirring something deep within his spark. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, he allowed himself to entertain the notion of hope—a glimmer of light amidst the encroaching darkness.

As Firestar finished cleaning his armor, Megatronus met her gaze with newfound determination. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice tinged with gratitude. "For everything."

With a gentle smile, Firestar offered him a reassuring nod. "Anytime, Megatronus. Remember, you're not alone in this fight."

And as they parted ways, Megatronus couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps, amidst the chaos and injustice of Cybertron, there was still hope to be found—in the kindness of strangers, and the strength of camaraderie. As Megatronus and Firestar parted ways, Megatronus found himself drawn toward the dimly lit corners of the slave quarters, his thoughts still heavy with the weight of injustice. It was there that he encountered another gladiator—a silent figure cloaked in shadow, his presence a testament to the hardships endured within the pits of Kaon.

"Hello there," Megatronus greeted, his voice laden with weariness yet tinged with a glimmer of curiosity. "I don't believe we've met before."

The figure turned, revealing a visage obscured by the darkness—a mask of metal and circuitry that seemed to speak volumes of the trials endured by its bearer.

"I am Soundwave," came the reply, the words resonating with a mechanical precision that belied the turmoil that lay beneath. "And who might you be?"

"Megatronus," he answered, his voice tinged with a hint of defiance. "A gladiator, much like yourself."

As they spoke, Megatronus found himself opening up to Soundwave, sharing his frustrations and grievances about the oppressive caste system that bound them all in chains. To his surprise, Soundwave listened intently, his gaze betraying a depth of understanding that spoke volumes of his own struggles.

"The Autobots," Megatronus continued, his voice tinged with bitterness. "They revel in their privilege while we suffer in the shadows. It's not right."

Soundwave nodded in agreement, his expression unreadable behind the mask that obscured his features. "I understand your pain, Megatronus. The Autobots have inflicted their injustices upon me as well."

Intrigued, Megatronus leaned closer, eager to hear Soundwave's tale of woe. And as Soundwave spoke of his damaged voice box, of the trials endured and the hardships overcome, Megatronus found himself captivated by the resilience and determination that lay beneath the surface.

"Shockwave," Soundwave continued, his voice tinged with gratitude. "He repaired my voice box and taught me the power of sound. With his guidance, I learned to wield sound as a weapon—a tool of vengeance against those who sought to silence me."

As Megatronus listened, a spark of inspiration ignited within his spark, filling him with a newfound sense of purpose. In Soundwave, he saw a kindred spirit—a warrior forged in the crucible of adversity, ready to rise against the injustices that bound them all.

Together, they stood in solidarity, united by a common cause and a shared determination to defy the shackles of oppression. As they parted ways, Megatronus couldn't help but feel a sense of hope stirring within him—a glimmer of defiance amidst the darkness, fueled by the promise of a better tomorrow.


Amidst the towering shelves of the Iacon Hall of Records, Orion Pax diligently sifted through data pads and ancient tomes, his optics alight with curiosity as he delved into the annals of Cybertronian history. Yet amidst the endless rows of information, there was one subject that captured his attention above all else—a topic that stirred a longing within his spark like none other.


The mere mention of them sent a shiver down Orion Pax's circuits, igniting a fervent desire within him—a desire to possess the power of transformation, to wield the formidable abilities granted by these elusive devices. For Orion Pax, who lacked a T-Cog of his own, the yearning for transformation was more than just a fleeting fancy—it was a dream that lay at the very core of his being.

"Oh, how I wish I could have the ability to transform," Orion murmured to himself, his voice echoing softly in the hallowed halls of knowledge that surrounded him.

Yet even as he carried on with his duties, the weight of discontentment lingered in Orion's spark, overshadowing his every thought and action. For beyond the confines of the Hall of Records lay a world steeped in corruption and injustice—a world where inequality and oppression reigned supreme.

As Orion gazed out upon the sprawling expanse of Cybertron, his thoughts turned to the plight of his fellow Cybertronians, to the suffering and strife that plagued their existence. With each passing moment, his resolve strengthened, his determination to make a difference burning ever brighter within him.

"I cannot stand idly by while our world crumbles," Orion declared, his voice ringing with conviction. "If Sentinel Zeta Prime does not act to address the injustices that plague our society, then surely war will be our only recourse."

And so, as the shadows lengthened and the echoes of discontent grew ever louder, Orion Pax vowed to seek out a path toward change—a path that would lead Cybertron toward a new dawn, where hope and equality would reign supreme once more.

As Orion Pax stood lost in thought, pondering the possibility of enacting change upon their world, the imposing figure of Ultra Magnus strode into the chamber, his presence commanding attention as he surveyed the scene before him. Orion turned to face his guardian, a glimmer of hope flickering in his optics as he addressed the esteemed Commander of the Cybertron Elite Guard.

"Father," Orion began, his voice tinged with urgency, "is there any chance I could have an audience with the Autobot High Council? I believe there are matters of great importance that require their attention."

Before Ultra Magnus could respond, a stern-faced Autobot Elite Guard member approached, a sense of urgency evident in his demeanor as he delivered a message to the Commander. With a curt nod, Ultra Magnus turned his attention back to Orion, his expression laden with regret.

"I wish I could help you, Orion," Ultra Magnus replied solemnly, "but duty calls. I must attend to this matter immediately. However, rest assured, we will discuss your concerns at a later time."

With that, Ultra Magnus departed, leaving Orion to contemplate his next course of action alone. Though disappointment weighed heavily upon him, a newfound determination burned within his spark, driving him ever closer to his goal of bringing about change upon their world, one step at a time.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the desolate streets of Kaon, Megatronus ventured out for a solitary walk, seeking solace amidst the chaos that engulfed his world. It was during this aimless wander that he chanced upon Firestar once more, her crimson and orange form standing out amidst the gloom like a beacon of light in the darkness.

"Megatronus," she greeted him warmly, a gentle smile gracing her features as she approached.

"So your name is Megatronus, huh? That's such a powerful name," she remarked, her optics alight with curiosity.

"Yes, it is," Megatronus replied, his voice tinged with a hint of pride. "And what about you? What's your name?"

"Firestar," she answered, her voice soft yet filled with determination.

"Firestar," Megatronus repeated, rolling the name on his vocalizer. "It suits you."

As they walked, conversation flowed easily between them, each sharing snippets of their lives, their hopes, and their fears. Megatronus found himself drawn to Firestar's warmth and compassion, a stark contrast to the harsh realities of their existence in Kaon.

"You know," Megatronus said, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them, "despite everything, talking to you makes me forget about the chaos of this world, if only for a moment."

Firestar's optics softened, her gaze meeting his with understanding. "Sometimes, all it takes is a moment of connection to remind us of our existence, even in the darkest of times."

With a newfound sense of camaraderie, Megatronus and Firestar continued their walk through the streets of Kaon, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the turmoil that surrounded them.

As the moments stretched into hours, Megatronus and Firestar found themselves drawn to each other in ways neither could fully explain. There was an undeniable connection between them, a shared understanding born from the trials they faced living in the shadow of Kaon's oppression.

As they strolled through the dimly lit alleyways, their conversation flowed effortlessly, punctuated by laughter and shared moments of vulnerability. It was as if they had known each other for vorns, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.

As they paused beneath the glow of a flickering streetlamp, Megatronus found himself unable to tear his optics away from Firestar's radiant smile. "You know," he began, his voice soft yet filled with sincerity, "I've never met anyone quite like you, Firestar."

Firestar's optics sparkled with warmth as she met his gaze. "And I could say the same about you, Megatronus. There's something about you that just... resonates with me."

In that moment, a silent understanding passed between them, a mutual recognition of the depth of their connection. They had found solace in each other's company, a refuge from the chaos of their daily lives.

With a tentative smile, Megatronus extended his hand towards Firestar. "Perhaps we could be friends? Allies in this unforgiving world."

Firestar's expression softened, her hand meeting his in a gentle clasp. "I would like that, Megatronus. Friends... and perhaps something more, if fate allows."

And as they stood there, bathed in the soft glow of the streetlamp, Megatronus and Firestar embarked on a journey of friendship and possibility, their hearts open to whatever the future may hold.

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