Anna's family

By Otar3000

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A new interesting chapter in Anna's life. Takes place after Frozen 2 and "The Passsage" More

Trust your heart
No matter what ever it takes
Family Lost Lineage
Guilt of heart
A mother's heart
I am with you
On the way
Arendelle, Welcome??
I want to know
Enter Olaf
Unmeltable Me
Busy Time
A hidden plot
A story teller
Play Night
Heated debate or Legislative Violence?
Secret Passage
A visit
Wolf Encounter
A stained memory
Trio of stages
Hell, Raid Aftermath
Make it out
Tough rock on wind
Promise to keep
Fiery Flames
Dangerous waters
Seeking the truth
Calm before storm
Something's Coming
Trouble's coming up
Chapter 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Cyclone 🌀
Memory Witch
Rain and Sea/Drops and Waves
Justified Worries
Nobles vs Pirates
Cold Shoulder
future concerns & dangers
Everyone has a burden
Out of cold
Dugaag meets Königin
Tarzel Gespräch
Hans the 13th/The Broken Bridge - Adultsupervision
hold on for your dreams & beyond!
is it a good time??
All in it's time - Happy 10 years
Free Fall
Olaf piratin tales
All is NOT well
Protect (not project) your tomorrow
voice of unheard or unrest?
memory of the brave
Beauty and Bravery
Mouse & Wolf
pain warp personality - CHROMASTORM CRISIS
Anna of Ark

Heart is Pain

4 0 0
By Otar3000

VILLAGE CROWN REPORTS – There was a reported surge of piracy & slave trafficking across the seas, with many upstart crews rising to the occassion like ‘Old blue eyes’ the Pirate Queen who successfully attempted a raid at Vesterland.
In some cases, there were such pirates involved like Dunkinker Pirates that for many years were mostly nothing but weathered seafarers from bygone era, that speculation arose if the seas became cursed with ghosts!
At the same time, chaos at the north of Germany... where rebelling Corona falls into deadly infighting. Are the Queens alive? Is Kaiser somehow involved? Nothing is certain for now.
As for the situation in the Scandinavian Peninsula, there’s increased conflict in Norway with other ruling kingdoms like Snoob trying to keep  Sweden from any interfering in Norway, especially in current standoff between the invading Prince Hans and ex-ruler of Arendelle,  Elsa Oldenburg.
“Nothing about them is mentioned, and the poor weather makes it all more difficult to find out more information there...”
Dr. Doyle and her nephew were brought home by Captain Gerald a day after their meeting with Mr. Dumont, she wanted visit Waziri to make sure if at least they are fine but given higher risks of kidnappers and traffickers... she decided not to risk her and Ian’s safety...
It’s been days since she last spoken to Archimedes Quasimodo Porter, her heart could feel something terrible has happened...
She can’t make any assumptions yet, nor does she desire to do so...
Perhaps because they may still be okay... or perhaps she isn’t ready to hear it...
And neither does Ian who holds great respect for Tarzan and Jane...
What she fears more than finding out the bad news... is that she never will hear anything about them again. And given what’s unfolding in Norway, will she even hear anything about their status anytime soon?
Dr. Doyle then picked up an old letter that Archimedes gave to her...
He asked to read it if and when she’ll miss spending time with him.
But she didn’t feel that... until now.
It’s interesting really. In the past, she didn’t show much interest in romance or love with anyone. She read about these tropes in books but never practiced it... mainly because she was young and had whole life ahead of her. And her spirit desired joy and adventure...
But nowadays...
Now that she had all that adventure...perhaps her stance has changed. There is a place for it now.
She unfolded it slowly , not to ruin it’s pages before reading.
Across the skies, in depth of night is the shining star I love...
A lovely beacon in the night
Radiating fractured light
Links my wounds and taste a light
Shining it comes closer to me
Chasing your gleam into the dark in a distance but a spark
Terrified  I back away.
Your gentle touch commands I stay
Now swallowing my pain and fear, together for one moment here with one last look you disappear…
Doyle – He was a poet…? Must be getting help…
Hello my dear Doctor Doyle. I hope you are doing well at the time of reading this...
I'm sorry I'd the entry was so sensitive. Jane said it'd be much more… attenttive. My wife used to love it very much too… so I hope you'll like it too Robin.
I'm on my night watch on a tree house, again… Jane and Tarzan are celebrating an anniversary to their marriage.
It was fun. Gorillas dancing, Fireflies in sky… luckily Tantor didn't break the floor this time.
Looking upon the stars while this was happening, made me remember how unpredictably can stars align and realign. Never thought this is where we'd go… bit apparently life knew better on what we needed  this time…
From us coming here… to discovering forbidden castles… to finding underground world… to meeting adventurous individuals like yourself.
I suppose it's fitting for me to write this to a like minded soul for a change.
Then again, you’re more than that…
And somewhere deep within her, something stirred
you made this old heart beat again. The only one who could do that was herEvaline…
I thank you for this honour… hope to spend more time with you.
From Professor Archimedes Q. Porter.
That was one of many he wrote... but already her heart could feel what is written...
And so did the negative thoughts that flew across her mind about the inevitability of death...
Through all these pages of musings, poetry, and art... does one remember just great it is to be alive... that time gives you as much as it can in this everlasting midnight reverie.
Robin M. Doyle – I thank you too Archimedes...
The night was still young....
“So wait... Is Elsa there now? If so, then his brother won’t be self-proclaimed king for long now... and then we have, mother spreading the word...”
Their mother, Queen Selina wasn’t particularly trusting of marine life, specifically the merfolk. She was kind and caring, but she somewhat feared the sea and it’s depths. Finding out there are unknown sentient beings in there other than fish...didn’t exactly help.
Hearing about one King Triton for example, suspicion is rising in her mind. Last time they met when he brought Charles and Melody with him, she was very caring and welcoming of them...
To him as well, although she asked him to ‘be careful around the merfolk, who could bring storms across the 7 seas, especially under the full moon light’...
Perhaps she found family connection of Triton to Poseidon of Greece...And that word was brought to her people too, who only spread the rumours.
Honestly he expected that kind of fear mongering from his father King George but from her?
Something in him wondered if she knew more than she chose to tell.
Regardless as long as it doesn’t involve an armed conflict, it should be fine...
Besides he has other things to handle... like surging number of Pirates and slave owners rampaging across the waters.
And unexpected visitors too. A few days ago, Queens Anna and Elsa were brought to their kingdom... very far from home, and with children...
He and Ariel certainly were taken by surprise but immediately Anna made it clear they weren’t her children or Elsa’s... though Anna herself was pregnant of course.
They were welcomed in... with Grimsby causing some discomfort.
He isn’t sure what happened in past between Grimsby and Arendellians but nonetheless, they had a conversation on potential aid on his behalf.
Eric knew Anna would ask for his help.
He wished he could but he isn’t sure he could make a difference against his father and his other siblings backing him.
He could try talking Hans out though... After all Eric was one of few relatives in the family that he respected.
Anna gave that a consideration...
'She sure is doing well for a pregnant woman, though she may start feeling weird in the next months…'
While Elsa... Queen Elsa looked off most of the time. Sometimes glaring at him and Grimsby.
Meanwhile Melody and Charles were playing with the 3 Northuldran children that came with the two. With Melody telling them stories  ranging from her under sea adventurs, to Dash’s escape from Equis’ Trevor Zoo and Tip’s past ventures in Shiverpool, Antarctica...
And with Charles, Max and his own deer friend playing around together with them...
Charming was himself a lover of nature so it didn’t surprise him that Northuldrans quickly got along here...
As Ariel said, a big family is a blessing...
‘Well sometimes at least. In my case, one is less haunted with the few’
A voice interrupted his thoughts
Grimsby – Eric, you looked concerned.
Eric -... Close but no. More like confused...
A day or two after they came here, Elsa and Anna decided to go to Arendelle in a quick possible way... and at same time sneaky way.
They weren’t sure exactly how. And when they did, they were surprised.
Elsa in front of their eyes managed to open a passage into the mirror...if finding out about sea world was big event, mirror world was even bigger. He could understand sometimes why some people feared magic… the unknown that is behind it can be haunting.
He asked Anna if that was a good idea with her current condition… she insisted she'd be careful, plus Elsa is with her this time…
'I sure hope she's right…'
But either way, it was the best way for them to get there...
Eric agreed to keep the 3 children (William, Karl, Amelia) safe while they are away... they promised to come back for them once everything settles down.
Eric – When it settles down... right.
Grimsby – You don’t seem optimistic anymore I believe. Still consider to change the environment you rule over?
Eric – I don’t feel like I rule anything here in the first place. Never did. I’m no celebrity to the people of the town... but that’s not it. Both and Ariel just prefer to go somewhere else, visit new places... maybe I’ll rule there for real.
‘Not sure if Melody agrees...’
Eric - That is to be seen... but first we’ll make sure to leave stable sea here.
It’s been a while since a war broke out between Atlantica and Olympia... After someone murdered King Augustus. They later found out that Morgana has returned, she made that clear when Ariel got into contact with her...
They were certain she was behind the murder of Olympia King... hopefully they’ll prove that to Prince Thor soon. Urchin tries to help Sebastian there anyway he can given his newfound friendship with Thor.
It was also Morgana that put Ariel in the state she was in now.
Eric – She nearly died... all so she could be with us to the very end...
Ariel nearly lost her feet... and half of her mouth in blood...
Eric – Where is she now?
Grimsby – Queen Ariel right now is with Officer Alexander, trying to find that man...
Pain can warp one’s personality they say... and considering who that man was Grimsby mentioned, emotions can run high.
There were more Pirates at the moment out there for some reason... that decided to risk it all on the seas.
Amongst them, there was one pirate who both Ariel and Triton both want to find the most.
His name was Captain James Bartholomew Hook.
King Triton learned first of his presence from one Master Aqua who visited earlier... asking him to capture the pirate if they see him. Mainly she and Mickey wished to find out who Hook was collaborating with.
And since Ariel didn’t take rest until she did find him.
The reason is simple... Hook was the pirate that took away his mother in law, Queen Athena.
Eric is worried about her. What happens if she finds him sooner than they will? He’d rather they don’t find out, especially when she’s in her current mentality... else she may become like Arnaaluk.
Melody – Dad...
Eric – What? Oh, Melody. You want to say something?
Melody held a particular book in her hands.
Melody – I’ve been overhearing your conversation with Queen Anna and-
Eric – You spied on us, didn’t you?
Melody rolls her eyes in amusement “... Maybe...”
Grimsby – Very entertaining young Melody.
At least someone’s in a good mood.
Melody – Anyway... I heard her mentioning a brother she named Tarzan.
Eric –‘I knew it’
Eric – You heard right. I guess that’s why you hold that book?
Melody – Dad I saw him!
Eric and Grimsby exchanged looks
Eric – You did? How? When?
Melody – Well, a few weeks ago I’ve been out for a swim...and I’ve seen him on that ship with Queen Anna.
He also nearly saw her, or maybe he did seen her and she just didn’t know...
Eric – Melody, I’m glad you ate investing into writings and geographically different figures but you should be aware of yourself. This aside it’s getting dangerous at sea...
Melody – When did that stop me dad... *pulls up the book* or him!
It’s a shame she couldn’t meet him in person.
She wonders where his legend will go this time?
• Dash is related to Trevor Jr. (Tangled the Series) & Tip is linked to penguins from Chris Buck’s “Surf’s Up”. Looks like distance doesn’t dictate.
• Much of Eric’s kingdom relies on fishing & trade, right? Makes me wonder how he finds a compromise with sea world here? Or did Ariel do that for him with her siren voice? Oh well, health is all that’s important. King Skjoldr of Denmark would’ve agreed on his coin.
• Ariel and Hercules belong to the same family tree – (
Also Peter Pan connection confirmed in Ariel’s beginning – (
• As is with Cinderella here – ( )
• Little mermaid live action film missed another detail that in it’s timeframe, the world still had slavery. Guess it was too disturbing nowadays to mention that in our current era.
• Now when it comes to Q. Selina, its possible Ursula/Morgana manipulated her once to try overthrow Triton. They failed like always, maybe erased SOME of her memories...
Also when it comes to Ariel ‘nearly dying’... Well an incident occurred when she learned that instead her immortal soul going with Eric & Melody to higher plane of existence, she’ll instead dissolve onto sea foam after death. Everything’s here - ( )
• Tarzan & Jane Anniversary ( ]
• Poetry are not riddles  []

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