
By K_wriites

162K 6.3K 893

BWWM I scoff, "you think I'll get on my knees & beg to an asshole like you?! Well-".I'm cut off by a raspy c... More

Chapter 1. - Grey Eyed Asshole.
Chapter 2- Surprise, Suprise.
Chapter 3- Friend group.
Chapter 4- Let hell begin.
Chapter 5- Pay attention.
Chapter 6- Practice makes perfect.
Chapter 7- Perv.
Chapter 8- I'll give you what you want.
Chapter 9- Bathroom break.
Chapter 10- Dont get comfortable.
Chapter 11- Sandwich.
Chapter 12- The race.
Chapter 13- Sore loser.
Author's note
Chapter 14- New face.
Chapter 15- Dog
Chapter 16- Found you.
Chapter 17- fuck buddy.
Chapter 18- the Deal
Chapter 19- secrets revealed
Chapter 20- Turning point.
Chapter 21- Game Day.
Chapter 22- The Game
Chapter 23- Celebration.
Chapter 24-Princess
Chapter 25-Project
Chapter 26- Alone.
Not an update
Chapter 27- The mistake.
Chapter- 28 Drunk.
Chapter 29- The box.
Chapter 30- Pizza
Chapter 31- Taste 鈿狅笍
Chapter 32 - The news
Chapter 33- The ball
Chapter 34- Class
Chapter 35- Hoodie
Chapter 36- The Fight.
Chapter 37- Winner
Chapter 38- Details
Chapter 39- Agreement.
Chapter 40- The Deal.
Chapter 41- Compliment
Chapter 42- taken
Chapter 43- Aftermath
Authors note (not an update)
Chapter 44- Anger
Chapter 45- Sapphire
Chapter 46- Back to normal.
Chapter 47- touch me
Author's note
Chapter 48- Chaos
Chapter 49- traitor
Chapter 51- Safe
Chapter 52- Free
Chapter 53- Yes.

Chapter 50- M.I.A

1.3K 73 40
By K_wriites



"Where's Zaria? I didn't see her at the house." Luca questions, entering the basement.

"With Queen. They're catching up. She hasn't seen her in a while." I've been on edge with Zaria being out of my sight. Things have been a bit rocky around the business. And I haven't exactly been hiding our relationship.

"That girl is the definition of crazy." Ryan chimes in. "I tried talking to her once and she just started screaming."

"That might've been because of that ugly ass face of yours." Jayden snickers.

"Oh fuck you." Ryan says as we step further into the basement. "What did these fuckers do again?"

"Sex trafficking. We caught them with 20 girls. 10 of which were under of 15." I answer, looking at the 6 men in front of me. Jayden steps up, grabbing a knife off of the table.

"Let's play a game. 1 cut for every girl you sick fuckers trafficked." He steps towards one of the men and he shrinks down. "Who's first?"

"Please! We only followed orders Dagger!" The fuck?

"What orders?"

"Your father's! He gives us all the orders!" Another man says. They all break out into chaos, begging and pleading to be spared.

"Shut up!" Luca snaps. The basement falls quiet.

"You." I approach the man Jayden is standing near, gripping his shirt. "What orders were you given?"

"If I tell you, will you spare me?" He's bold to even ask that.

"No, but perhaps I'll make your death quick. What.Were.The.Orders?" My knuckles white from how hard I was holding onto his shirt.

"He gave us a ring to run the trafficking.told us to keep it low profile so we got a few girls every few weeks and sold them. That's all I swear!"

Thats fucking all? These bastards don't see anything wrong with the shit they're doing.

Sick bastards. "Jayden, give me your burner." He retrieves the phone from his pocket, handing it to me. I release his shirt, tossing him the phone. "Call him."

"We can't." The other chimes in " he told us not to contact him after our last job."

"Shut up you idiot you'll get us killed!" The man shouts furiously.

"We're dying here either way." Smart.

"What was the last job?" Ryan questions. The men eye one another before looking back at us.

"He wanted a girl delivered to him personally. 3 of our men took care of it today." Why would my father want a girl delivered to him?

"Who was the girl?" Luca pushes and the men freeze. "What? Am I speaking another fucking language who!"

"We never got a name! Only a picture." The man reaches into his pocket and I give him a warning look. "I'm only getting the picture. Please."

He slowly pulls a piece of paper from his pocket, handing it to Luca. Luca slowly opens it, before stiffening and turning towards me.

"Dagger." Luca folds the paper, giving me a look of pure horror before handing the paper to me. I slowly unfold it and my breath is caught in my chest.

I could not believe my eyes. Those tight curls and beautiful smile I've grown to like over the past few months. It was a picture of Zaria and I on our first date.

Jayden rips the paper from my hand, inspecting it as well. I draw my gun, shooting the man furthest away from me. "Where is he? Where did he want her fucking delivered?!" I spit.

The man now clearly shaken by my actions drops down, slowly scooting away. "You- you- you killed him."

"I only need one of you tell me where the hell my father is. Ryan, track Zaria's phone. Now. Luca get 6 body bags ready because if these fuckers don't talk I'm putting a bullet through all of their fucking skulls." I grit.

"Dagger please-" before the man can utter another word, I fire a bullet between his eyes. The immense anger I feel in this moment has me feeling more trigger happy than usual.

"And then there was 4." I turn to the other men sitting on the basement floor.

"Fucking hell! Where is this bastard?! Huh?!" Jayden slams his fist into one of the men's face. A loud crack is heard

"We don't know! Please! He just told us to get the girl. We didn't know she was with you or- or-" I shoot the man in his thigh.

"You didn't know she was with me? Do you expect me to believe that bullshit?" I grip his hair, bringing the picture to his eyes.

"You clearly see me in this fucking picture no? Yet you decided to fuck with what's mine. Not a wise decision."

"Where is he? Where is my sister? Huh? Fucking where!" Jayden snaps, repeatedly punching the man while the other closes his eyes.

"You had better tell us something. Two hot heads in a room with torture tools? This could get bloody- er." I grin as the man's eyes go wide.

"We- we don't know. The three men who delivered her might know something. I swear we don't know!" He cries.

"These three men, do they have names?" The man frantically shakes his head before naming all three men.
"Luca. Get Ryan to run a background check. Now."

"Yes boss." Luca exits the basement and I turn back to the man.

"If I find out you're lying to me, you won't like how your pathetic little story will end." I stand, wiping off some of the blood splatter. "Sorry about your friends. Not really". I kick one of the—now dead— men.

"Jayden, let's go." Jayden punches the man once more before following.

Once out of the basement, Jayden pushes me against the wall and I feel a blade against my neck. "Where is Zaria? And why the fuck did your dad ask her to be fucking delivered?!"

"You think I fucking know? Are you serious?!" I shove him off me, giving us some space.

"Your dad talks about fucking special arrangements, and then Zaria goes fucking M.I.A. Is that a coincidence?" He yells.

"The fucking special arrangements were for me to fucking get out of this marriage bullshit! I would never fucking hurt her and you goddamn know it."

"I believe you. But if anything comes out and it shows that you lied to me, best friend, boss, I dont give a fuck. For her? I will kill you."

"Stop being fucking stupid. You're wasting time." Luca bends the corner, holding a phone in his hand. "Zaria's phone was tracked to this location. It was dumped into the river."

So, the possibility of this all being bullshit is gone. Zaria is gone. Again.

"I should've listened to my fucking mom." Jayden chuckles.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I take a step towards him.

"It means I should've kept Zaria away from you. And took her home. That's what it fucking means. My mom told me having her around your crazy ass would only cause harm." He grits, taking a step towards me as well.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean? Take her home? You didn't even know she was your fucking sister! Unimaginable shit has happened to her. And you along with your sorry excuse of parents were nowhere to be fucking found."

I regretted the words once they left my mouth, but it was too late. The damage had been done. Jayden swings, catching me in the jaw.

"Talk about my parents like that again. I fucking dare you. She hasn't even met her father and why? Because you've been too much of a selfish asshole."

Me and Jayden talked about their father coming to visit. But the shock Ria would've been in- finding out her father was just another criminal? How would she have reacted?! So, I didn't tell her, and I told Jayden it would have to wait.

And when their mom came- She was clearly overwhelmed.

Luca steps in between us, forcing us apart. "Cut this shit out. Zaria's whereabouts are unknown if I have to remind you. This shit won't solve anything. Ryan has the info of the 3 men. Let's move."

"Right. I'm finding my sister and I'm taking her home with our parents." Jayden's father was a powerful man. Scary as hell, but powerful. He used to be my dad's right hand before going overseas to begin his own empire.

"You aren't fucking taking her away from me." Jayden chuckles, looking at me with a look of anger.

"If my dad finds out his daughter- who he thought was fucking dead is indeed alive and you let something happen to her, you're a dead man. And you know it."

"You could have told her about her father yourself! You just want me to be the fucking asshole here!"

"Because you fucking are!" He yells.

"You could've told her and you didn't. Does your dad even know she's alive? Or are you and your mom too fucking cowardly to tell him?" I grit.

"Fuck you."

"Will you two cut this shit out? I hate to admit it but I fucking like Zaria. Despite how much she annoys me. So can we focus on finding her?!" Luca voice booms once again.

Me and Jayden freeze in our spots for a moment, analyzing what he just said. Luca never expressed how he felt about anyone. Not even us and we've been friends for 10 years.

"W-what?" I question.

"Zaria is like a sister to me too, I like her more than I like you fuckers sometimes. So cut this shit out and let's find her."

Me and Jayden exchange one final look, before following behind Luca.

Where are you Ria?

. . .

"The footage was deleted. The last thing shown is Zaria walking into the cafe with Queen." Ryan says, showing a video of my Ria walking into the shop.

"Give me an address. I want to see what the hell is going on." I walk off, hearing footsteps behind me. I turn, seeing Jayden. He doesn't say a word and neither to I as we reach the garage.

We get in the car, setting off for the cafe.

. . .

The ride was silent, until we reached the cafe. I turn the car off, keeping my eyes trained on the cafe in front of us.

"Jayden look-"

"Tensions were high, shit was said D. I want to find Zaria. Talking to you won't help me do that so let's just focus." Before I can get another word out, Jayden was out the car and walking into the cafe.

I follow behind him, looking at the mess in front of us. Workers sweeping glass, fixing tables, while others wiped down windows and doors.

"Sorry gentlemen but we're closed." A younger woman approaches us. "But if you need help I'm more than happy to." She winks, pushing her chest up.

"Get me the people who were working yesterday." Jayden cuts right to the chase, not giving me a chance to talk.

"Mr. Green, Asia, and myself were working... can I do something for you?" She bites her lip, looking at Jayden.

"You can tell me what you saw. There were two girls here yesterday. One of the girls looked like this-" he paused, showing her his phone. "What did you see?"

"Oh! She was here with her friend. Some men came in and the next thing I know things were flying." She says calmly.

"So, you saw this shit happening and didn't say a word to anyone?" I question.

"By the time I called the police, the men took her." She points at the photo of Zaria on Jayden's phone.

"And the friend? What about her friend?" Jayden anxiously asks.

"Her friend hid in the bathroom, but she came out and left with the men." Fucking bitch.

Queen set this all up. Fuck!

"Thank you." Jayden turns, walking out without another word. I follow behind him. Once out the cafe, he picks up a chair, tossing it out into the street.

"Jayden you need to-"

"You don't get to tell me what I fucking need to do. You focus on finding your dad before I do. Because if I do? He's a fucking dead man."

My father's actions were unacceptable. I warned him what would happen if he touched her. "I'm going to. I swear to you, Jayden. And when you find my father, I won't try to stop you."

"Good." He clears his throat, walking to the car. Once in, I call Luca.

"Get every man we have, I want everyone in the basement when I get there. We're going to find my girl."

. . .



"Eat." Queen slides the plate in my direction for the 5th time. I look at it again, before sliding it back to her direction.

"I don't want it. And if you push it at me again, I'm going to shove that fork down your throat." I give her a little smile, before looking around the room.

I don't know how long we flew, but once we got off a bag was placed over my head. I was brought to this house and I've been locked into this room ever since.

The windows are blocked off, and everything I could possibly use to escape was moved out.

"Z please-"

"Zaria. Don't fucking call me Z. My friends call me that. And you are far from being my damn friend."

"Zaria look if you just listen-"

"Listen to what?!" I snap, bringing my eyes to her. "Listen to you lie, or listen to you fucking beg for me to forgive you? That's funny."

"You have to understand why I'm doing this! There's so much you don't know!" She yells, walking towards me.

I stand, backing away. "You get any closer and I promise you I'll hurt you." I bark out.she stops her steps as the knob to the door turns. In steps Dante's father, smirking in my direction.

"Ah Zaria, you're quite the firecracker. Aren't you?" He takes a step closer and I step away.

"And you are quite the creep, aren't you?" I respond. "Why am I here? Does a fucking alliance really men this much to you?! Kidnapping?!"

The only thing I can think about is if Dante knows I'm gone yet. That picture of him and- her. I know it's old. But they don't need to know that.

"Ah, you see someone has been looking for you for a long time, and you'll make the perfect wife for him."

"Wife?" I repeat his words as the knob turns once more. Gio steps in and I freeze. My mind goes blank for a moment, before focusing back on the 3 people in front of me.

"My love." His voice alone was enough to make me gag. "Leave us." He eyes Queen and Dante's father before they shuffle out the room.

"I've missed you." He steps towards me, I attempt to back up once more but my back hits the wall. He extends his arm and I close my eyes anticipating the blow but it never comes. He just moves my hair.

"Don't touch me." I whisper wishing I could take a step back. "Why am I here Gio? Why- why are you doing this to me? Please let me go." I beg, pushing down the tears threatening to fall.

"I'm doing this for us, baby. Don't you see that? Dante had you blinded! I'm opening yours eyes. You're meant to be with me."

"There is no us." I say, glaring at him and he sighs.

"I was hoping you would make this easy,but I guess not." He moves quickly, wrapping his hand around my throat and squeezing. I claw at his eyes trying to loosen his grip.

He squeezes tighter, before I manage to hit him in his crotch area. "Fucking hell!" He releases my throat, and I gasp for air trying to calm my breathing.

"You're going to die, and I'll be the one to kill you." I wheeze, still trying to catch my breath. He stands to his full height once more looking at me.

"Do you really think Dante will come for you? He's getting married. You were nothing but a quick fuck for him." He smirks.

Thats the angle. Make me hate Dante. Expected that much. Let's play along.

"He wouldn't do that." I barely whisper out, this has to be believable. "He cares about me."

"Did he tell you that? And you really believed him? No one will take care of you except me, my love. We're meant to be."

"Really? I question and he smiles."

"Yes my love we're-" before he could finish his sentence I started laughing. I couldn't take this lunatic seriously. I should probably be afraid, I know.

But part of me knows Dante will come for me. So I'm going to be fine.

"It seems I've been to nice to you." He grits, gripping my arm tightly. I attempt to free myself but his nails dig into my skin making me bite my tongue to keep from screaming.

"You'll marry me, and I can't wait to see the look on Dante's face when you do."

"I would rather burn in hell than marry you." My words clearly upset him, he raises his hand, slapping me once more.

"I'll start with taming that attitude of yours." He throws me to the ground, releasing my arm. "If you don't want to eat, don't eat. You'll get hungry at some point."

He then turns to the door, and leaves. I inspect my arm only once he's gone. The bruise already coming in. Then, like a lightbulb had flicked on in my head, I reach into my back pocket, retrieving my ring.


"You put a tracker in my ring?!" I yell furiously.

"Yes Ria, yes I did. And you know very well why. If something happens, I need to know where you are." Dante says, cupping my face.

"Won't they just take the ring?" He shakes his head.

"That's why, if something happens you'll need to hide it. They'll take your phone, thinking that's all we can use to track you." He responds.

It was smart, I couldn't be upset.

"You'll wear it still?" He ask, a nervous look rest on his face. I nod.

"Yes I'll wear it." I smile, and peck his lips softly.


My man was smart. I flip the ring, looking at the little red like indicating the tracker was on. The door knob begins to turn and I scramble to put the ring back in my pocket.

Queen steps in, holding a plate of food. "This is the last thing I can offer you. Please eat." I stand, walking towards her. I take the plate from her hands before dumping the plate onto her.

"No thanks. I don't plan to be here long. Now get out." I turn my back to her, but I hear her shuffling behind me. Before she can hit me, I turn, catching her arm.

"You don't fucking listen do you?! Go!" I throw her arm away and this bitch has the nerve to cry.

"Why are you acting like this?!" She sobs.

"Why are you a backstabbing bitch? I guess we all have questions we can't answer huh. Get. Out."

"They're keeping secrets from you. And you really think they care enough to come for you?! Your brother doesn't even-"

"You say one thing about my brother. Just one, and I promise you I'll be leaving this place as a murderer, and you'll be leaving in a body bag."

Ok, maybe Jayden was right. Too much time around Dante.

"Look, Zaria I love you- and I want what's best for you. Just hear Gio out-"

"Hear him out? That's got to be a joke. It was you I cried to every time he hit me. It was you I fucking told everything to. And it was you, who betrayed me. Get out."

"Zaria please-"

"Get out! Get out! Get the fuck out!" I yell, pushing her towards the door. She finally gets the hint, slowly nodding her head before leaving.

I slide down the wall, looking at the mess left on the floor before resting my head back against the wall.

Get here soon,  Dante. Please.

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