Vigil of the Unseen

By silentabysswriter

15 4 0

Seeking serenity, Ethan finds a nightmare. A stalker's chilling obsession spirals into a terrifying captivity... More

Chapter Two: Unease
Chapter Three: The Gift
Chapter Four: Tightening the Noose

Chapter One: The Watcher

5 2 0
By silentabysswriter

The honeyed light of late afternoon stretched across the cobblestones, painting the quaint town in an eerie sheen. Ethan, newly arrived for a design job, strolled through the square, savoring the quietude. But the shadows seemed to twist and writhe, whispering secrets in the rustling leaves.

He drifted towards the bookstore, lured by the heady scent of aged paper and forgotten stories. The bell above the door jangled a discordant melody as he entered, and the proprietor's smile seemed a little too wide, too eager. Lost in the maze of books, Ethan grazed spines, searching for solace in a well-worn tale.

A low chuckle echoed from behind a towering shelf. Ethan whirled around, but the only witness was a single raven feather, ebony against the dusty floorboards. He dismissed it with a shiver – just the wind, he reasoned.  But a prickling sensation lingered at the nape of his neck.

He settled on a book, its cover depicting a solitary figure lost in a shadowed wood. As he paid, the shopkeeper's eyes narrowed. "Welcome, newcomer," he rasped, his voice like dry leaves crunching underfoot. Ethan felt a sudden urge to flee, but the words wouldn't form. Leaving with a muttered thank you, he stepped back into the gathering gloom.

He wasn't alone. A figure detached itself from the shadows at the edge of the square, following at a discreet distance. Darian, a town enigma cloaked in whispered rumors, his gaze burned into Simon's back. An unsettling thrill lanced through him – a morbid fascination with the man's unsettling attention.

Reaching his apartment, Ethan flung himself onto the couch, the book clutched tightly in his sweating hand. The unease that had dogged him all afternoon grew teeth. Every creak of the floorboards, every sigh of the wind, sent chills down his spine.

He tried to lose himself in the story, but the words blurred on the page. Outside, the first star winked into existence, a solitary eye in the encroaching darkness. Darian stood beneath it, watching the windows of Ethan's apartment. A twisted smile played on his lips. This was just the beginning. The captivating quiet of the town had morphed into a suffocating cage, and Ethan, unknowingly, was its newest prisoner.

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