Investigating the Incident

Galing kay ZetaTheWritingDragon

6 1 24

During their 7th year, Garreth decides to look into what portraits have kept mentioning as "The Incident"... Higit pa

Investigating the Incident

6 1 24
Galing kay ZetaTheWritingDragon

Author's Note: So, I wrote this for a challenge of sorts where I had to keep the word limit to 3k and it was to be about some incident at Hogwarts. And of course, who better to have as a detective than Garreth? lol

So my twin MCs, Estelle and Cael Ilson, are featured, but there's also another original character! My good friend Polaris (or eClear)'s original character Artemis Loreley is here! She and I have been talking so much about our MCs, and we love them so much, so I hope you guys also love what I did for them!

Happy reading! :]


"Can you believe that incident?"

"Ah, yes, the one involving slugs."

"I thought it involved rain!"

"No, no, it was something to do with bats!"

Garreth shook his head as he walked past the conversing portraits. "They're still talking about that incident," he muttered, completely astonished. Was the rumor mill running dry for once?

Leander shrugged. "Just get used to it. They've been like that for the past couple years."

"But to talk about an incident that was years and years ago and bring it up now?" Garreth ruffled his hair in thought. Maybe something reminded them of it.

"It wasn't 'years and years' ago!" The Fat Lady portrait indignantly said. She looked at the two redheads with some amusement while swirling a glass of wine. "It was just two years ago. In fact...I believe it was even in your year." She looked to the right. "Isn't that right, Violet?"

"Oh, yes!" Violet chirped from visiting a portrait nearby. She lifted her own glass of wine. "It was quite the incident!"

"What was the incident?" Garreth asked. He couldn't believe there was an incident during his time, and he didn't know about it from actual people, just portraits!

"I believe it had to do with fireworks," The Fat Lady mused before sipping her wine.

"No, no, it involved the Giant Squid in the Black Lake!" Violet insisted, running through the portraits to stand next to her friend.

"Violet, dear, I've been protecting the Gryffindor House for centuries! I think I have a better memory than you."

"What about that black-out you had— Oh, now that I think about it, I think there was something to do with darkness!"

Leander rolled his eyes at the back-and-forth. "Aperta Nunc," he impatiently said.

"Yes, yes, go on in," The Fat Lady dismissively said with a wave of her hand as her portrait swung open.

The two redheads walked in and Garreth spoke up, "Do you know about this incident?"

Leander shrugged. "It was during our fifth-year. You know how hectic everything was back then. If you didn't know about it, I certainly don't know about it."

Garreth sighed and put his hand to his chin. "Someone had to have known," he mumbled. Maybe Natty? He would have to ask her tomorrow as it was already late in the evening.

Leander stared at him. "...You're not going to let this go anytime soon, are you?"


After Garreth didn't get any leads from Natty or Nellie or Cressida or even Eric, he realized who would be better to ask: the two that were the new fifth-years at the time. He knew the Ilson twins were involved in practically everything that happened that year (with Estelle even getting him his Fwooper feather and Billywig stings).

He scoured the halls and found them sitting outside and enjoying the spring air in the Hogwarts Grounds. He was frankly surprised they weren't with their other halves, but Garreth wasn't with his at the moment either.

Cael was in his Ravenclaw Quidditch uniform of blue and bronze, polishing his Ember Dash broomstick. There was also a bundle of stephanotis flowers tied to the end of his broom with a forest green ribbon. And even while sitting on the edge of the fountain, he sat perfectly straight as if he physically wasn't able to relax or slouch.

Estelle was sitting against the wall of the fountain next to him, reading a Sherlock Holmes book, and completely garbed in the Hufflepuff Relic robes with the golden accents glowing against the black fabric. She also proudly wore her Slytherin scarf around her neck, even if the weather was technically on the warmer side.

They both heard Garreth's approaching footsteps, and they looked up. Garreth could clearly see their similar three-clawed scars on their faces: Cael's was the lower right side of his face while Estelle's was on the upper left side of hers.

"Hi, Garreth!" Estelle said with a smile, closing her book. "If you're looking for Imelda, she's practicing right now."

"Before the Ravenclaw practice," Cael added in his usual business-like tone.

Garreth smiled naturally at the mention of his girlfriend, but he quickly moved on from that. He had something else on his mind at the moment. "Actually, I wanted to ask you two about something that happened during the fifth year."

Both of their expressions turned guarded, and they had the same wary look in their shared russet brown eyes. Cael lifted his eyebrow. "What exactly?"

"Have you heard of an 'incident' that happened at that time?" Garreth curiously asked. "The one the portraits keep talking about, but apparently they can't keep the story straight?"

He was even more confused when he saw their expressions drop and their shoulders even relaxed. "Oh, that incident," Estelle said. She chuckled and looked up at her brother. "Do you remember it?"

Cael nodded, fighting a smile. "Yes, it was quite something."

Garreth perked up, finally happy to know that he found a lead. "Great! What was it? And who was involved?"

"Well, the incident happened at—" Estelle began before Cael shushed her. She frowned and gave him a "try that again" look.

"Now, hold on, Estelle," he calmly said. "We're not ones to just tell." He gave her a pointed look, and understanding dawned on her face.

"Oh, right, yeah." She gave Garreth an apologetic smile, but he caught the sly gleam in their eyes. "The secret's safe with us."

Garreth wanted to groan loudly, but he just stared at them. "You're not going to tell me?" He put a hand to his heart, exaggeratingly pouting. "After everything we've been through."

"We're not your girlfriend, Garreth," Cael dryly said, going back to his broom polishing. "We don't fold to your puppy-eyes."

Garreth sighed, dropping his act. "Alright, fine." He pointed at them. "I'm going to figure this out, one way or another. Just you wait."

The twins watched him walk back to the castle, and Estelle looked at her brother again. "Do you think he's going to find out?"

"Oh, maybe," he answered as he went back to his broom polishing, careful to work around the flowers tied on it. "He's committed, I'll give him that."

Garreth certainly didn't let it go. He was dying with curiosity about this incident. He tried asking anyone else in their year, but they were all telling him the same thing: they had only heard about it from ghosts and portraits. His parchment of testimony-recording was nearly covered with his writing.

"Can't you just move on from it?" Imelda asked, resting her temple against her finger. She and Garreth were in the library, supposed to be having a study date. But he was busy staring into the open air with steepled fingers and furrowed eyebrows.

"Aren't you a little bit curious about whatever happened?" He asked back. It was driving him crazy not knowing!

Imelda shrugged and got up to go around the table. "Maybe, but no one knows the exact story, except for those twins." She rolled her eyes and sympathetically put her arm around Garreth's shoulders. "They're always up to something, but it would be easier to wrench prey out of a Grindylow's hold than getting them to talk."

Garreth sighed. "I know, but there must be someone—" He suddenly lit up, an idea coming to him.

Imelda smirked and leaned down. "Perhaps we just need...a break from studying," she suggested in a low whisper into his ear.

Garreth shot up onto his feet, making Imelda jolt and drop her arm around him. "If I can't get those two to talk, maybe their romantic partners can!"

Imelda frowned and sighed, putting her hands on her hips. "Are you serious?" She incredulously asked.

Garreth turned to her and kissed her cheek. "Thanks for listening, mi rosa, but I need to find those two as soon as I can." With that, he gathered his work and ran out of the library, leaving Imelda to stare at him, flabbergasted.

"Unbelievable," she muttered, blushing at the term of endearment. She shook her head and started to put away her own things. She should have known that Garreth would never drop a matter, especially when it was a secret like this...

Sebastian and Artemis were having lunch at the Slytherin table when Garreth came over and put his hands on the table. Sebastian lifted an eyebrow at him, and Artemis looked up at him with her forest green eyes before going back to her meal.

"Oh, hey Garreth," Sebastian casually greeted before sipping his pumpkin juice. "I thought you were working with Imelda."

"It got cut short," Garreth explained, but he did mentally remind himself to make it up to Imelda later. "I wanted to ask you two something, actually."

"If this is about the incident, we can't help you," Artemis nonchalantly stated, taking a bite of her chicken and washing it down with a sip of her water.

Garreth's face fell. "How come? Do you not know too?" Sebastian and Artemis exchanged a look and hid their smirks behind their cups as they drank more. Garreth's jaw dropped. "You do!"

"Well, of course we know," Artemis replied before tucking her white hair behind her ear. "We won't compromise their trust with a secret that isn't ours to share."

Sebastian tipped his cup to her while still looking mischievous. "What she said."

Garreth frowned at them, feeling more impatient and downright irritation. "I am this close to slipping Veritaserum."

Sebastian snorted and Artemis gave him a smile that reminded Garreth of a tundra. "You can try," she cordially replied.

Garreth groaned and stormed out of the Great Hall. When would the madness end?!

"I'm sorry, Garreth, but we really don't know about the incident," Poppy told him. She was holding a baby Niffler in her arms, petting down the shiny indigo fur.

Ominis nodded in agreement as he held Cael's Niffler, Luster, in his own arms. They were babysitting Cael's Niffler and Niffler family while he was at practice.

"We might be best friends of those that know, but we weren't given all of the details," he explained.

Garreth's eyebrows rose as he caught a certain part of the sentence. "You weren't given all of the details?" He echoed. "So you know something?"

Ominis blinked. "Well, I believe there was something about Sir Cadogen." He grimaced. "You know the boorish knight portrait?"

"Yes, I do, thank you!" Garreth yelled before leaving the Beasts Class area and going back to the castle.

Poppy and Ominis were quiet for a moment. Then Poppy stifled a laugh. "He's like that Muggle detective, Holmes, isn't he?"

"Apparently so," Ominis chuckled before he started to scratch under Luster's bill.

It was around evening, and Cael and Estelle were in the kitchens with Artemis and Sebastian. They were chatting amongst themselves with the girls enjoying cups of lavender tea while Cael and Sebastian had black coffee.

Garreth burst into the kitchen, swinging the door wide open. Imelda was right behind him, shaking her head at her boyfriend's antics. He grinned at the four who were now looking at them with bemused and amused expressions.

"Sorry for the intrusion, but I finally figured it out," Garreth declared as he walked further into the kitchens. He proudly held up his rolled piece of parchment. "Well, I figured out a part of it at least."

"Please just tell him what he needs to know," Imelda exasperatedly implored as she followed him. "Despite needing to sort out his priorities, he's been obsessing over this incident the entire day!" She gave him an impatient look and then glared at the four, pointing at them. "I blame you all."

"Hey, it's not our fault your boyfriend was intent on getting to the bottom of this incident so quickly," Cael mildly defended himself.

"Yes, and our lips are sealed about the matter," Estelle added.

Imelda rolled her eyes at the rather teasing remarks. Garreth snorted, and then they heard the kitchen door open again. They saw Poppy poke her head in, and she smirked at spotting them. She stepped in with Ominis following her.

"I told you they were here," she lightly said as they joined them at the table.

"Why are you here, exactly?" Sebastian curiously asked. "Not that we mind your company, of course."

"We are admittedly curious to know what happened as well," Ominis admitted while crossing his arms.

Poppy nodded. "Once we heard where Garreth and Imelda were last seen, we were hoping it would lead to the rest of you, and we would get to hear all about the incident." She grinned as she sat down next to Artemis, who was next to her boyfriend. Ominis sat beside her, and Poppy rested her chin on her hand with an expectant look on her face.

"Tell you what, Garreth," Estelle offered, giving him a kind smile, "if you know some of the details of what happened at the incident, then we'll fill you in on the rest."

Cael nodded. "I think that's fair. It sounds like you went through a lot of trouble to find out as much as you did."

"Traversing through the entire castle and talking to practically everyone," Imelda muttered, putting her hands on her hips. "Instead of studying or..."

"Studying?" Garreth asked in a low voice for only her to hear. He looked at her with a mischievous glint in his sea-green eyes along with a sly grin.

She instantly blushed and gave him a reprimanding look, but it wasn't as deadly as it would be to anyone else that wasn't Garreth. "Just finish the job, Detective Garreth," she insisted.

He chuckled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "I promise we'll do plenty of studying later."

"We better," she mumbled, trying to not show him just how eager she was at the idea. He grinned and kissed her cheek again, still knowing her very well.

Then he stepped forward and cleared his throat. He unrolled his parchment and looked over every report he had written. "After hours of talking to peers, portraits, and ghosts. And even after conversing with some gargoyles and suits of armor, I have found out..." He tossed it over his shoulder. "That none of those mattered in the long run."

Everyone at the table looked intrigued, but Ominis's eyebrows furrowed. He leaned close to Poppy. "What just happened?"

"Garreth gave a dramatic opening for his speech about his detective case," Poppy reiterated and her boyfriend nodded in satisfaction for such a description.

Garreth confidently smiled. "I did eventually talk to a key witness, Sir Cadogen, who had seen the incident happen during his gallivanting routine." He pointed at the twins, who looked completely nonchalant. "And not long before the incident, you two were around the premises."

"Where was the incident?" Poppy curiously asked.

"I was wondering the same thing, but Sir Cadogen—once he was done with his ridiculous speech of knighthood—managed to tell me." Garreth held up his hands. "It was..." He dramatically paused, "at the Faculty Tower."

"The Faculty Tower?" Ominis echoed. "Why there?"

Garreth stared at him, and then the four that hadn't reacted to anything he said just yet. "I don't know," he admitted. He pointed at them. "But! I do know that there was a mess of several things going on, which was why it seemed like everyone's story was different and unreliable." He scratched the back of his head. "It's a bit on the strange side, I'll admit, but I think there was a tiny replica of the Black Lake involved."

"I'm impressed," Estelle complimented, her eyes shining with excitement. "You found a couple pieces to the puzzle!"

Garreth nodded, completely satisfied with his investigative work. "So, you will fill me in on the rest?"

"We had a bargain, after all," Cael said, sipping more of his coffee. "There was a Blake Lake replica involved. And it was at the Faculty Tower." His eyes gleamed. "But you didn't know who was involved."

Garreth frowned, and then he saw Estelle and Cael exchange a sly look, and his mouth went agape. "You two?" He asked, completely shocked.

"We were already involved in plenty of other things, why not a prank too?" Cael casually pointed out with a smirk.

Imelda was floored by the reveal as well. "I doubt anyone would suspect the 'Heroes of Hogwarts'. Especially when you, Cael, are a stickler for rules."

"Yes, I don't tolerate rule-breaking, that's true," he drawled as he looked diagonal to Sebastian, who sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. Then he looked back at Garreth and Imelda. "But I also don't tolerate fools, especially those that are pompous and prestigious and prejudicial."

Everyone frowned at the last word. Ominis pressed for more details. "Who was it?"

"Oh, a few seventh-years at the time," Estelle said, holding her cup of tea with both hands with an unbothered expression. "They scoffed at the idea of us being 'Heroes' and said the M-word."

"And as tempting as it was to just punch them, it was so much more satisfying beating them with simply better magic," Cael added.

"They were probably glad to have graduated at the end of that year," Poppy said with a chuckle. "Otherwise, they would have been humiliated for the rest of their time at Hogwarts."

"They at least left knowing one thing about the Ilson twins," Estelle replied.

"You mess with one," Cael began.

"You get the other," she finished, and they clinked their cups together as a salute to one another.

Garreth let out a breath, relieved to finally know. "So. I guess this confirms that everyone dating a Slytherin has a mischievous side."

"Considering you, I suppose that's true," Imelda remarked.

He smirked and leaned close to murmur, "Don't tell me you don't like it."

She merely blushed in response as they both knew he wasn't wrong. "Just...don't cause an incident like they did."

"I can't make such promises."


Author's Note:

I wholeheartedly believe Garreth is a smart boi, and I will die on this hill. He's just oblivious sometimes, lol. Don't worry, he makes it up to Imelda with lots of..."studying" ;)

Cael and Estelle usually aren't pranksters, but when push comes to shove, they make the most of it sometimes. Especially if it means kicking some pureblood supremacists down a notch! I also like the idea of Cael, the more no-nonsense of the twins, having a mischievous side from time to time.

Fun fact: the password Leander says means "open now" in Latin, lol

And yes, I took inspiration from Fred and George with their portable swamp. I'd like to think that when they were in Hogwarts and heard about this incident, they liked the idea of the Black Lake replica and wanted to do something like that themselves. And it's just the thing for a certain pink lady >:)

Again, Artemis and Cael is just a wonderful pairing that Polaris and I have kept going back and forth talking about. We LOVE them, and we have been anxious to share the Artel ship with our readers, and I'm so happy to finally show that, even for a brief glimpse! So, thank you, Polaris for entrusting me with your beautiful Artemis for me to feature for our personally beloved ship! And thank you as well for beta reading this! :]

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it! :D

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