Regal | Taennie

By jjeninii

12.5K 1.5K 565

"I, Jennie Ruby Jane of House Asteria, pledge my loyalty to his royal highness, Taehyung Ares Delrico, The Cr... More



369 53 15
By jjeninii

"I still don't get how you can just talk to a god." Taehyung muttered as he fixed his eyes on the woman across him.

The morning was brisk, the air charged with a mix of reverence and anxiety as the royal procession made its way to the Temple of Azeron. Amidst the glittering entourage, one of the ceremonial carriages bearing Prince Taehyung and Duchess Jennie was particularly striking.

Both were adorned in traditional garb of white and gold, the colors of purity and divine favor, which shimmered in the morning light.

Jennie's attire, a flowing gown of white silk trimmed with gold, accentuated her natural grace, while Taehyung wore a ceremonial tunic of similar hues, his regal bearing enhanced by the outfit.

Inside the luxurious confines of the carriage, Taehyung couldn't help but admire Jennie. The traditional outfit, unfamiliar on her usually martial figure, accentuated her elegance and strength in a new, mesmerizing way.

"You'll be talking with him today too. You'll get over it." Jennie replied, eyes trained on the scenery on the way to the temple.

"Will I though? You never told me what exactly you've discussed with him." He stated as she turned her eyes to meet his.

"I would, but he stated that he lives for the element of surprise. Can't do much about that." She stated.

"I remember you saying something quite similar to that once." He grinned as she tilted her head now, eyeing his sudden change in demeanor.

"You mean when I knocked you off your feet? Figuratively and literally?" She teased, a smug smile set on her own lips.

"You were holding back on me. It would've been ungentlemanly of me to not do the same." He reminded as she nodded, leaning back on her chair with a smile.

"That was until I wasn't." She reminded as he nodded.

"Until you weren't." He repeated, smiling back at her.

"I was very surprised you didn't fight with a round 2 request back even after I knocked you down. Realistically, as a war hero, your skills should be better than mine." She admitted, a question hiding under her statement as he shrugged.

"I probably would've let you knock me down a hundred times since I was too occupied staring at you. Besides, only my combat skills are that refined since that's all I trained. Your warriorship blends magic and is ultimately more expansive." He stated as she shrugged this time, mimicking him.

"I don't understand why you never take credit for your skills. You've acquired three entire kingdoms within the year, standing at the front of the battle. I don't just pledge my loyalty to anyone, you know." Her gaze softened slightly.

"As long as you acknowledge it, then it's more than enough. And in regards to the empire, the people don't need to hear of a leader. They need to see it." He responded, his eyes catching on a passing village at the summit of the hill their carriage currently travelled on.

"That, they will." Jennie voiced, her tone firm as her eyes also traveled to the village.

The carriage slowed as they approached the temple, the sacred structure coming into view through the trees.

The conversation shifted as they prepared to disembark, the weight of the occasion settling upon them.

As they stepped from the carriage, the Emperor and Prince Leonard were already there, arriving only minutes before them.

The emperor, with a knowing glance at the pair, commented lightly yet loudly enough for nearby courtiers to hear, "Ah, what a fitting pair you two make today. It's a pity, Duchess, that the duties of Asteria claim you so fully."

Caught off-guard by the comment, Jennie's initial fluster was quickly masked by a composed smile.

Taehyung, seizing the moment, leaned closer and whispered, "Seems our emperor thinks highly of our partnership, huh?"

Jennie merely rolled her eyes in response but stayed close to Taehyung, preemptively stepping closer to him as Leonard approached, effectively positioning herself out of Leonard's immediate reach.

Inside the temple, The interior of the temple was a sanctum of ancient power and solemnity. The air was cool and smelled of incense and old stone.

The solemnity of the occasion soon took over. Two priests and two royal guards were the only others permitted inside with the royal family and Jennie for the private ceremony.

Her position as Taehyung's first knight allowed her to step in the private ceremony with the other two royal guards.

As each took turns offering prayers and blessings, Taehyung nudged Leonard forward before himself, whispering, "Best show some enthusiasm, it's your first time after all."

When it was Taehyung's turn, Jennie stood a step behind him, her mind silently reaching out to Azeron, "Do what was decided upon." She repeated the thought like a mantra, hoping for a sign.

For a few moments, the only sound inside the temple room was Taehyung going through the rites of the ceremony. He glanced back at one point to Jennie, a silent question of if anything was going to happen.

Suddenly, a brilliant light filled the room, and a gasp went up from everyone present. The priests fell to their knees as a figure formed on the raised dais—an apparition of Azeron himself, resplendent and awe-inspiring.

Jennie, though prepared, mimicked shock effectively, catching herself with a soft and irritated 'finally' that was meant only for the deity's ears.

Azeron's gaze swept the room, momentarily resting on Jennie before addressing the assembly. "The future of Valoria stands at a crossroads. Only he who fulfills the prophecy I have foreseen will prove himself the greatest emperor this land has ever known."

Taehyung was simply staring at the scene in front of him, turning back to see Jennie's faux expression of shock.

Silence fell heavy as the words echoed off the temple walls. The Emperor, recovering first, voiced the question on everyone's mind, "Do you speak of Prince Taehyung Delrico, of the prophecy at his birth?"

Azeron confirmed, "If he leads Valoria to victory in this war, he fulfills the prophecy and consequentially proves himself the rightful emperor."

Shock rippled through the gathering, Leonard's expression tightening with frustration and anger, but he held his tongue in the presence of the divine, knowing a mishap would obliterate his chances completely.

This time, Jennie truly was shocked. This was not what they had conversed upon.

Jennie, stepping forward with feigned timidness, asked, a sharp enunciation at the end of each word as she stared pointedly at the deity, "But has Prince Delrico not already fulfilled what was foretold by winning numerous battles and territories?"

Before Azeron could respond, Leonard interjected sharply, "Azeron's word is absolute. He had prophesied a war-hero. So far, Prince Delrico is nothing more than a battle hero. How can such a sharp reduction in scale account for fulfilling the prophecy?"

Jennie shot Azeron a glare that went unnoticed by others, her disappointment in the deity's vague assurances clear only to herself.

As Azeron's figure faded, leaving behind a room filled with new tensions and old rivalries, the royal party slowly exited the temple. The prophecy had set the stage for a conflict far beyond military battles—it was a war for the very soul of the empire.

As the royal family continued their celebratory dinner in the grand dining hall of the temple, filled with laughter and the clinking of fine silver, Jennie found herself increasingly restless. Using her status as a sorceress as a pretext, she excused herself from the table with a composed expression.

"Your Majesties, if you'll pardon me, I need to offer a private prayer. It's a tradition sorcerers diligently partake in on such significant occasions," Jennie explained, her tone imbued with a solemnity that brooked no argument.

Without waiting for any dissent, she swiftly made her way to a secluded chamber within the temple, designated for private meditations and prayers.

Once inside the dimly lit room, she closed the door with a soft click and immediately dropped the pretense of piety.

"Stop lingering. I need to speak with you. Now," she said sharply, her voice echoing slightly in the compact space.

No sooner had she voiced her summons than the air shimmered, and Azeron appeared, materializing in an ornate armchair.

He looked every part the deity he was, with an ethereal presence that contrasted sharply with Jennie's frustration.

Jennie sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of her nose before facing him. "What you did today was not what I meant when I asked for your help. You've pushed Taehyung into the forefront of a deadly war. And with Ignis looking for any chance to weaken him, you've not only set the stage but invited his enemies to the show."

Azeron leaned back, rolling his eyes as he dramatically sighed.

"Oh? And would you have preferred if I simply declared Taehyung the future emperor outright?" he asked, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Jennie spun around, her eyes flashing with irritation.

"Yes, actually, that's exactly what you should've done!" she snapped back, "It would've had you do something actually somewhat useful for once."

She sighed for a moment before turning back to him.

Her eyes narrowed, and she stepped closer. "Sometimes, Azeron, your subtlety is a curse."

"Subtlety is the art of gods, dear. We thrive on the intricate dance of fate and free will," Azeron retorted, his smile enigmatic.

"Not when it's lethal!" Jennie retorted sharply. "And since when did divine guidance become about making things worse?"

Azeron's laughter filled the room, rich and resonating. "Worse or better, it's all a matter of perspective. You're so caught up in the mortal coil, Jennie. Wars shape empires, and empires shape history. Taehyung needs this challenge."

Jennie crossed her arms, her gaze icy. "So, it's about testing him? There are better ways to test a prince than to throw him into a war that might end him."

Azeron leaned forward, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "But none so thrilling. And let's face it, the boy could use a bit of excitement."

Jennie sighed, realizing the futility of her frustration. "Thrilling is not the word I'd use."

After a moment, Azeron's expression softened, and he watched Jennie with a more contemplative gaze. "Tell me, Jennie, is your zeal for Taehyung's cause purely political? Or is there something more... personal in this fervor?"

Jennie rolled her eyes, a flush creeping up her neck, more from annoyance than embarrassment. "Way to state the obvious. But please, we're talking about the stability of the empire, not some courtly love saga. This is about securing a future for Valoria that doesn't end in its destruction."

"Destruction? I think you're over estimating Leonard a little." Azeron retorted.

"You've seen him. Would you like him to be the one responsible for your blessed land?" Jennie deadpanned, and his silence at her question was enough of an answer.

Before Jennie could add anything further, Azeron spoke up with a sly smile, "Speaking of personal matters, does the proposal from Leonard truly irk you because it could destabilize your strategies, or because it would force you into a future you desperately wish to avoid?"

Jennie bristled, her voice cold. "Leonard's proposal is nothing but a political ploy, and it's irrelevant to our current crisis. This is about the future of the empire, not about unwanted romantic entanglements."

"I regret telling you about that.." Jennie sighed, remembering his probing questioning during one of her individual training sessions for her magic.

Azeron laughed softly, his amusement clear. "Understood, Jennie. But remember, the future unfolds in unexpected ways, and even a god must tread carefully."

"Okay-whatever you say. I've got to get back before they get suspicious." Jennie sighed as he began to stand up, taking it as a notice of their parting.

Before vanishing, Azeron's tone became serious. "I cannot undo what has been set in motion without risking the fabric of space and time. Erasing memories and altering what has already been announced would have far-reaching consequences."

He stood, his figure beginning to fade. "Remember, my prophecies do not arise from the void. Taehyung will be the one to lead Valoria to victory in the greater war. Trust in that." And with those final words, Azeron disappeared, leaving Jennie alone with her thoughts.

Jennie paused, processing the deity's words. Despite the challenges, Azeron's affirmation that Taehyung would ultimately succeed provided a sliver of hope. Steadying herself, she left the room to rejoin the royal table, her resolve strengthened, ready to face whatever lay ahead with renewed determination and a clear focus on the future.

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