Regal | Taennie

By jjeninii

12.5K 1.5K 565

"I, Jennie Ruby Jane of House Asteria, pledge my loyalty to his royal highness, Taehyung Ares Delrico, The Cr... More



346 43 15
By jjeninii

The grand hall of Valoria Palace was abuzz with activity.

Dignitaries from neighboring kingdoms, military leaders, and prominent nobles filled the room, all gathered for an emergency meeting called by the Emperor in light of recent events.

The atmosphere was charged, a mix of anxiety and the need for decisive action palpable in the air.

Jennie stood near a column, reviewing the notes on her data pad, preparing for her briefing. Her expression was focused, her bearing that of a leader.

Taehyung, across the room, was engaged in a heated discussion with several influential nobles, his posture rigid with the effort of diplomacy.

Their eyes met briefly across the crowded room, a silent exchange of support. Jennie offered a slight nod, as Taehyung returned the gesture, his gaze lingering a moment longer as he watched her direct several guards around while holding brief conversations with various officers and nobles.

He watched until it became borderline suspicious, returning his focus to the discussion to avoid any unnecessary speculation, especially at such a delicate time.

As Jennie tucked away her data pad, preparing to join another group, Prince Leonard approached her, his smile charming yet calculating.

"Duchess Jennie, your valor on the battlefield is the talk of the empire," he began, his voice smooth, designed to flatter.

"What do you want now, Your Highness." She sighed, muttering a profanity under her breath yet maintaining an impassive face to avoid the scrutiny of high society nobles.

"Nothing. Don't be so harsh, Duchess. I was just echoing a common observation in light of the tensions across the battlefields. Perhaps you'll let me join you one day." He grinned as she raised an eyebrow, glancing over his shoulder to see if anyone was listening.

"Just because you were brought up in Chizar as well?" She questioned, watching his expression morph into one of surprise before continuing, "I control the borders of Chizar-Valoria. Of course your entry forms were checked by our officials as well. You were also quite stupid to enroll at the same academy as me. Pulling your papers was easy."

Changing tack, Leonard commented on a lighter note, hoping to catch her off guard. "You must miss the simpler days at the academy, before all this weight fell upon your shoulders?"

"Sometimes," Jennie admitted, allowing a brief moment of vulnerability. "But it's that duty that brought us to where we are today, an undefeated empire. Well, with the exception of you, I guess."

"Well, nothing gets past you, does it Duchess?" He grinned, presumably unfazed by her blatant disregard of his princely status.

"It's called Duty. It would do your propagated material some good if you were to try it." She snarked, maintaining a polite expression for any on-lookers curious of their conversation.

Leonard stepped closer, lowering his voice. "Surely, it's more than just duty that drives such passion. Perhaps dinner sometime could reveal more of what drives you?"

Jennie inwardly rolled her eyes, wanting to curse him out already.

Yet the room was filled with nobles from every corner of the empire, and so, due to the current stream of nobles walking their way, she made sure to smile as she delivered the textbook noble response.

"My duties consume much of my time, Your Highness. I fear I wouldn't be the best company," she replied, her tone light yet firm, giving no ground, taking a sip of the water that was already placed at her table.

Her blatant disregard for his royal status seemed to intrigue Leonard rather than deter him. He leaned in closer, lowering his voice. "You play a dangerous game, Duchess. Not many would dare to dismiss a prince so casually."

Jennie met his gaze squarely, unflinching. "And yet, here we are."

"Well, in my eyes, you're certainly the warrior among these peacocks," he quipped, gesturing subtly at the surrounding nobility.

"It seems we agree on something, Prince Leonard. This show-business with high society does grow tiresome." Jennie offered a wry smile, acknowledging his observation.

Leonard chuckled, pleased with her candid response. "Indeed, it does. One wonders how we manage to get anything done amidst all this... pageantry."

"Efficiency is often sacrificed on the altar of tradition," Jennie remarked, her tone more casual than usual, reflecting their shared disdain.

Leonard's smile widened as he leaned in slightly, lowering his voice. "And yet, I can't help but imagine how refreshing it would be to have someone like you by my side—someone who understands the burdens of leadership without being charmed by its trappings."

Jennie stepped back slightly, her smile cooling. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Prince. My focus remains on the safety of Valoria. Perhaps you should direct your charm towards someone more receptive."

"I fear I'd get blinded somewhere with those peacock feathers." He joked, eyeing a certain noble woman who was in fact, dressed in a peacock themed gown.

"Wouldn't that be a sight? But please, keep your eyes. The scenery here requires just as much navigation as any battlefield. Perhaps more, given the enemies here are less straightforward." Jennie responded, smiling politely at the group of women eyeing her down.

"Ah, indeed. The enemies at court do tend to hide behind smiles rather than shields. It must be quite the adjustment for someone as forthright as you." Leonard's smile broadened at her guarded response.

"Not an adjustment, merely a different kind of battle," Jennie replied, her eyes scanning the room, not fully engaging with Leonard. "But it's manageable."

Leonard took a sip of his wine, watching her with an amused expression. "Oh, I find these occasions quite useful. They're excellent for observing alliances and enmities, don't you think? Every smile, every frown, every whisper reveals a new ploy."

Jennie nodded noncommittally. "That they do. I suppose you'd know best."

"Nothing as bold as the tales of your military exploits, I assure you," Leonard responded smoothly.

"I see," Jennie said, keeping the conversation strictly neutral and non-committal. "If you'll excuse me, I must confer with some of the generals about our latest deployments."

Leonard inclined his head, his gaze lingering a moment longer than necessary. "Of course, Duchess. Duty calls, as it does for us all. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

Jennie gave a small nod and moved away, relieved to be out of Leonard's orbit. His presence was like a polished blade—sleek, sharp, and not entirely trustworthy.

From across the room, Taehyung watched the exchange with growing unease. He saw Leonard's proximity to Jennie and the intensity of their conversation.

Despite his usual composure, the sight of another man—especially his rival cousin—making overtures towards Jennie was infuriating.

He was curious. What could she have been discussing so fervently with a man she could not stand? Although she did not laugh at any of his comments, it was confusing to see how she didn't walk away nor push him away.

He eagerly wanted to step on over there, push his vile excuse of a cousin out of the palace, no empire, and keep her attention for himself.

However, his duties held him in place, conversing with a group of influential figures whose support was crucial.

Each laugh and touch on the arm from Leonard felt like a personal challenge to Taehyung, but he was trapped in his role, unable to actually do anything in that infuriating situation.

After the meeting, as the room cleared, Taehyung finally had a chance to approach Jennie. His manner was brisk, more agitated than usual.

"Duchess, a word, please," he said, steering her slightly away from the remaining clusters of people.

Once they were relatively alone in a private hallway of the palace, he finally met her eyes. "I didn't like that—how he was with you. I wanted to throw him out."

Jennie looked up at him, a hint of surprise flickering across her features at his uncharacteristically open admission. "Taehyung, you know I can handle Leonard. There's nothing personal there."

"I know," he replied, his voice low. "But knowing doesn't make it easier to bear. Seeing him so close to you, talking about god knows what..." His voice trailed off, the hint of raw jealousy unmistakable.

Jennie reached out, her hand lightly touching his arm. "I'm here with you, not him. Remember that."

Taehyung took a deep breath, the simple touch grounding him. "I do. It's just not easy. I trust you, Jennie. It's everyone else I'm wary of."

Jennie looked up at him, her expression softening. "Taehyung, I—"

He gently pulled her closer, his eyes searching hers. "I know, it's nothing serious. But it doesn't mean I have to like it."

"I can't stand it," he confessed, stepping closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Seeing him near you, talking to you as if he could—"

Before he could finish, his emotions got the better of him. He leaned in, his hands finding her cheeks, pulling her face towards his.

Jennie's initial surprise melted away as she responded to his kiss, her arms moving up to encircle his neck. The kiss deepened, fueled by the pent-up jealousy as he walked her into the wall of the hallway behind her.

His not so gentle stride shocked Jennie, even more so when the cool marble wall of the hallway collided against her bare back.

Taehyung's kisses were demanding, more insistent than before, as if he was trying to claim her, to reaffirm their hidden bond right there in the shadowed hallway.

Jennie matched his urgency, her fingers threading through his hair, pulling him closer, her own emotions spilling over.

The kiss deepened, their mouths exploring each other with a passionate desperation. Taehyung's kisses were demanding, each one stoking the fire that Jennie hadn't realized had been simmering within her.

Jennie moaned softly into the kiss, surprised by the intensity of her own response. Taehyung's hands moved from her face down her back, pressing her closer against him, his touch firm and possessive.

The sensation of being so thoroughly claimed by him was exhilarating, stirring a wildness in Jennie that she seldom allowed herself to feel.

As they finally broke apart, gasping for air, their foreheads rested together, and their breaths came out in ragged synchrony.

"I hate that we have to hide this," Taehyung murmured, his eyes searching hers for understanding. "But I'd hate it more if anyone used our relationship against us."

"I know." She whispered, leaning into his palm that came to cradle her face.

They stood in silence for a moment, regaining their composure, smoothing their attire. When they stepped back into the public eye, their expressions were neutral, their secret once again safe behind the masks they wore.


The throne room of Valoria Palace was steeped in an air of solemnity as courtiers, nobles, military officials, and members of the royal family gathered under the ancient, vaulted ceilings.

The tension was palpable, a heavy cloak that draped over every ornate shoulder and polished surface.

The Emperor sat regally upon his throne, his gaze sweeping over the present audience with an imperious air.

The room fell into a hushed silence as he stood, the rustle of his robes the only sound echoing through the vast hall.

"As of last night, we stand at a precipice. Our scouts and spies within the Drikar and Stenyth kingdoms have brought back dire news. These realms have not only harbored intentions of war but have begun mobilizing forces against our borders." The Emperor began, voice booming despite his fragile state.

A murmur swept through the room, the words 'war' igniting a mix of fear, anticipation, and resolve among the audience.

"Our response must be swift and decisive. We will not wait for our enemies to bring the battle to our doorstep. We shall meet them on the field. " the Emperor declared, his eyes darting to where the Princes stood to a side.

As the court reacted around them, the two princes shared a fleeting look—a silent acknowledgment of the significance of this moment.

Both knew that the coming war would indeed be a crucible that could determine which of them would ascend to the throne.

Their rivalry, always simmering beneath the surface of courtly pleasantries, took on a new edge, sharpened by the prospect of leading their kingdom through war.

Neither prince showed surprise; their hours in military briefings had prepared them for this outcome.

Jennie, meanwhile, already aware of the meeting due to the same military briefings as the princes, leant against a wall in the back of the throne room.

Her eyes fixated on the emperor as she took subtle sips of her wine.

She knew by his subtle glances at the princes that he aimed to settle the matter of succession through the war.

The war could serve as a proving ground for both princes, each moment of leadership or failure potentially tipping the scales in favor of one or the other.

By the look on his face she could already tell that the Emperor was planning to ambush Leonard.

But what worried her more was the fact that Duke Ignis was likely to think the same, resulting in a potentially two-fold more dangerous ambush on Taehyung's end.

She couldn't help but worry that the internal power struggle would weaken the larger war efforts and sacrifice the empire to the opponent.

The Emperor clasmed his hands behind his back, his voice steady and commanding.

"Valoria has never been a realm that waits for the storm to hit. We have always been the first to stand against aggression, to protect the integrity and safety of our people. Therefore, it is not merely a choice but a necessity that we prepare to confront these aggressions head-on." He paused, allowing his words to sink in.

He walked slowly down the steps of the dais, his presence felt by everyone in the room.

"This is not about seeking glory in battle or about conquest. This is about ensuring that the threats brewing at our borders do not find their way within them. It is about securing our future, maintaining our sovereignty, and protecting our citizens from the chaos that war brings."

The room remained silent, the gravity of his words hanging heavy in the air. "In two days' time, we will meet with our councilors, our strategists, and our brave soldiers to plan our first response. This will be a measured, strategic strike, designed to deter further aggression and to show that Valoria is not easily threatened."

"Before we march, we will seek the guidance and blessings of the gods. We will visit the Temple of Azeron as a testament to our resolve and our commitment to the principles that have guided us since the foundation of Valoria." He explained, ensuring that the conflict does not disrupt a centuries old practice but rather benefits from it.

"As your Emperor, I do not take this decision lightly. The path to war is fraught with peril, and the costs are high. But the cost of inaction could be higher. Let us be diligent, let us be wise, and above all, let us be just."

With that, the Emperor returned to his throne, his demeanor one of steely resolve.

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