By heartfelt-

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─────── you got me down on my knees it's getting harder to breathe out . . . ──────────────── 𝑰𝑵 𝑾𝑯𝑰𝑪�... More

𝟬𝟬𝟭 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔
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4.5K 97 107
By heartfelt-

🎱. . .CHAPTER 015 ! -----
( real life . . . instagram . . . messages . . . )
❛ let's never talk about it again thanks ❜

ᵣₑₐₗ ₗᵢfₑ !

          It's sunday morning and mikayla wakes up in the living room of the triplet's house with a pounding headache. she's confused as she can barely remember anything from last night, one of only things being a conversation she'd had with abel. miks still has her outfit on from yesterday, but the makeup that was once on her face is gone.

          her eyes flutter open, noticing that her head isn't resting on a pillow, instead it's chris' lap. chris is focused on shameless playing on the television, not noticing that mikayla's awake right now.

          she quickly glances on the other couch, realizing that matt is still asleep with maria in his arms. her lashes are fluttering while she quietly snores, smiling at the same time and mason's on the floor with lucille, covered with a pink, fluffy blanket. chris looks down at mikayka, pursing his lips awkwardly to avoid any of her questions from yesterday.

          the girl leans up, yawning and stretching. she tilts her head at chris as she hasn't fully taken in everything. "morning," she unenthusiastically grumbles while wiping her eyes.

          everyone else is asleep so it takes chris a couple seconds to understand that she's talking to him. he pushes his lips into a thin line, forcing a smile.

          "morning," he replies in a deep, hoarse voice. chris is just as tired as everyone else and he still can't stop thinking about what mikayla said yesterday. those words continue to echo through his mind and he's fighting the insanely strong urge to bring it up.

          miks pulls the blanket over her and chris as she shuffles closer to him. her head falls to his shoulder again, now watching shameless with him. "where's !nick?" she questions after noticing that he isn't in the living room with the rest of them.

          "editing the vlog in his bedroom," chris mutters quietly. as they continue to watch netflix, mikayla has yet to bring up their small but meaningful conversation yesterday. to him, that means that she's either forgotten or avoiding it, making him let out an exasperated sigh. "he doesn't wanna be disturbed."

          "thanks for helping me in the bathroom yesterday," mikayla appreciatively utters, causing a small grin to grow as he realizes that maybe she does remember what happened. "let's never talk about it again thanks," she adds on and his smile drops.

          chris slowly and disappointedly nods his head with a frown on his face. he huffs loudly running his hand through his hair. the one thing he didn't want mikayla to say was said and now it's all he's going to think about. "yeah no problem."

          miks sighs before she leans up, separating herself from chris. "i'm gonna go take a shower because i definitely smell like shit," she stands up with the blanket still wrapped around her, not even looking back at chris and now for some reason he feels lonely.

ᵢₙₛₜₐgᵣₐₘ !




tagged — nicolassturniolo matthew.sturniolo

tagged — mariagooding reedmason

liked by abelridge,
lucyv and 82,716 others

notreallymiks  party was amazing (only pics i got bc i literally puked my guts out😗😗) vlog coming out on the triplets channel soon !!💖

view all 16,516 comments ↓

pinned • mariagooding i wish i actually remembered what happened last night bruh
notreallymiks u were flirting w matt the whole night ..
matthew.sturniolo woah

user give us more mason content!!
notreallymiks my bad my badddd
reedmason real she neglects me

abelridge you disappeared last night :(
notreallymiks sorry dude 😕

fakenick me after accidentally filming u almost falling down the stairs
notreallymiks how does one do that accidentally

user chris looks so good in that pic..maybe i am a homewrecker after all
notreallymiks oh!
lucyv commenting this on his gfs post is insane. sleep w ur window open ho

lucyv why do matts thumbs bend like that LMFAO
notreallymiks crooked thumbs
matthew.sturniolo can you like...shut up for one second? much appreciated 💪🏼
reedmason i like ur crooked thumbs matt
mariagooding same ☺️

user guysss chris hasn't commented or liked the post.........yikes
notreallymiks 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼
user i need to be friends with yall

matthew.sturniolo the way you chose the worst picture of me
notreallymiks its the only one i got...next time dont spend the whole night flirting w maria 😒
mariagooding ur literally spreading false information

user i can't wait for the vlogs
user edits are gonna go crazy
     ↳ user getting to work as soon as its uploaded

reedmason couple more drinks u wouldve been BLACKOUT drunk
notreallymiks next time!!!! (im jk)
nathandoe8 ?
notreallymiks 😂...
matthew.sturniolo i feel bad for whoever has to clean up that toilet
notreallymiks matt shut the duck up
matthew.sturniolo 🦆🦆

user nick what's ur fav cheese @nicolassturniolo COLBY JACK?? 😂😂
notreallymiks ..
fakenick had to switch to the alt rq because you don't deserve a reply from my main.

user petition for mikayla to post on her channel
notreallymiks vid coming soon trust me (im lying)


ᵣₑₐₗ ₗᵢfₑ !

          mikayla exits the bathroom, wrapped in a towel after enjoying a warm shower. the only clothes she currently has with her is the outfit she wore yesterday and the last thing she wants to do is wear it again, especially with the yellowish puke stains on her white skirt.

          she picks up the clothes and her phone, holding onto the towel as she enters the spare bedroom that's basically hers at this point. when both of the does stay over, nate either sleeps in the living room on the couch or with matt in his room.

          miks places the dirty clothes in the corner of her room, making her way to the closet and trying to find something to wear. there's nothing casual except for a pair of black sweatpants and a dirty vest causing her to groan as she mostly keeps school clothes here or she'll bring a bag if she's actually planning to spend the night.

          an idea pops into her head while she taps her fingertips on the wooden surface. mikayla tightens the grip on the towel before she opens the door, directly heading towards chris' room.

          his voice as well as the rest of her friends' can be heard from the living room which means that they're all finally awake. mikayla enters his room, closing the door behind her and immediately making her way to his closet. she goes through his clothes without making a mess and her eyes set on his lacrosse jersey.

          it's white with a large number three on the back and the front as well with the word 'HIGHLANDERS' in bold. out of everything else, it's the most appealing shirt to miks so she takes it off of the clothes hanger, taking it back to her bedroom and putting everything on with the door closed. as she's looking at herself in the mirror, her phone starts to ping repeatedly.

ₘₑₛₛₐgₑₛ !

( nate🤢🤢🤢 & miks 🦌 )

where are you????

miks 🦌
at the triplets house

i told you to come home

miks 🦌
...sorry dad

im being serious mikayla
im omw to hockey practice and i'm gonna be late
because i stayed awake last night waiting
for YOU

miks 🦌
im actually rlly rlly rlly sorry
i didnt plan on coming here

so why did you

miks 🦌
matt was too tired to
drop me home :))

not cause you were drunk

miks 🦌
ofc not
ill nicely ask matt to drop me
home rn

i'm gonna be back late cause
of my hockey game

miks 🦌
okay ☺️☺️☺️☺️
break a leg nate

thanks miks 👍🏻

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ arianna speaks ¡
boring ass chapter but it's okay

the urge i have to start another chris fic is disgusting HOLD ME BACK

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