Divinity (Innocent af God OC...

Par khaneoshikki

71.9K 1.3K 733

God isn't evil... in fact, he's quite the opposite, many think bad things about him but he is a genuinely nic... Plus

big update,
in the beginning & welcome to hell.
the radio killed the TV star with a dove.
God's first... nightmare?
ooooo! a meeting!
in the meantime...
my first helluva boss book!
At the beginning...
some grandfather and granddaughter time.
An old friend...
Welcome to heaven! P1
a choice of epic proportions.
Escape from Paradise.
while you wait for the next chap.
bleeding heart...
My Apologies...

welcome to heaven P2

4.1K 95 33
Par khaneoshikki

Prima watched as a holy figure descended from above the gate, it soon began transforming into a much more... Normal appearance.

The angel immediately kneeled before Prima as he zoomed over and hugged her. "Sera! I haven't seen you in forever!" Prima squeezed the seraphim as he chuckled like a young child.

Charlie then asked the deity a question. "Uh... Prima, who is this?" Prima then zipped like lightning right in front of Charlie as he answered. "Oh! this is Sera, she's actually the S̶e̶c̶o̶n̶d̶ first and S̶e̶c̶o̶n̶d̶ oldest of my friends!" Prima said excitedly jumping up and down, before immediately looking at a second, much smaller angel.

In a blank of an eye, Prima was carrying the tiny angel in his arms. "You must be the friend I made for Sera! She can be very very busy at times you know! Although she never really told me or showed me what she was so busy with." Prima said as he excitedly jumped around holding the tiny angel in arms.

The small angel, whose name was Emily, couldn't help but stare at the Creator, who just as the Legends had described, was a being who's kindness and love knew no bounds. "I-I'm Emily s-sir!" Emily said, completely overwhelmed from meeting the very being who created her.

Prima then lowered his arms, as if he was stretching his arms beyond mortal limits, as he sat down Emily and introduced Charlie to the angels. "Sera, I would love for you to meet Lulu's Kid! One of my new best friends, Charlie!" Prima said, holding Charlie up like she was the cutest thing he'd ever seen.

For a singular attosecond, Sera gave a menacing scowl to Charlie, which she didn't see, as she introduced herself. "I am Sera, the high seraphim of heaven." St Peter, finally out of shock from seeing the legendary Big G, started to sing as he welcomed Charlie, Veggie and Prima to heaven.

"Dearly beloved, it is my pleasure to say unto thee, welcome to heaven!" St Peter would start to sing as he opened the golden gates. Prima couldn't help himself, everything was just so beautiful here, and funnily enough there wasn't a single drop of red anywhere to be seen, unlike how hell was mainly red and other darker colors.

Nearing the end of the song, Emily started to sing to the trio. "I'm so amazed to show some outsiders around, after you see our realm you'll never wanna go back down!"

Sera then gently sat her hand on Charlie's shoulder. "Of course, it's just temporary, I'm sorry the both of you can't stay!" Sera sang to Charlie and Vaggie. But almost immediately after St Peter and Emily would fly up and finish the song. "Cause every single Day in heaven is a happy daaaaaaaay! Welcome to Heaven!" The angels would then strike a pose as St Peter could be heard audibly gasping for breath.

After the song, the trio of visitors followed Emily throughout the heavenly realm. Even zooming past a duel of angels walking around and enjoying their day.

The taller gold and black angel, known as Adam, the first man, Spat out his drink as he started to speak. "Holy fucking shit balls, am I seeing who I think I'm seeing?" The shorter white haired Angel, named lute then started to speak. "What is she doing here, how did she even get up here?"

Adam then started to speak once more. "Who cares? I'm ending this bitch right now!" Adam started to charge his way towards the group but he was stopped by Lute as she began to speak. "Wait sir! You want to start a fight on the promenade in front of everyone?!" Adam then responded "better than waiting for the fucking extermination!" Lute then yanked Adam towards her as she shushed him. "Sir, what was the Seraphim's one rule?"

Adam then groaned as he answered her question. "No one but the exorcists can know about the exterminations, I know fine!" Adam started to drink his soda again until lute then got his attention once more.

"Wait sir... Look at the tall figure next to her... Is that who I think it is!?!?!?" Adam gave a small sigh and spoke. "I don't know, am I supposed to know who he fucking is or something?" Lute then turned Adam's head towards a small statue on the top of a water fountain, looking almost exactly like the tall figure. Adam then spoke "Nope" lute then turned Adam's head over to an a small gift shop with images of the figure plastered on all sorts of different clothing and objects. "Doesn't ring a bell" Adam said while shaking his head.

And then finally lute pointed at a massive stained glass mural of the figure on the side of a ginormous skyscraper. "Oh shit! Are you serious? He's real?!?!" Adam said, completely confused and shocked that the legendary Creator he had heard so much about actually was real. Lute on the other hand started to speak with her hand covering her mouth while wide in shock. "Impossible" she whispered to herself as the high seraphim appeared behind The Duo.

"On the contrary, it's all too possible." Sera started to speak as the three of them were teleported into Sera's office. "FUCK! Sera, you can't sneak up on a guy like that!" Adam gasped out in Surprise as Lute started to speak. "Your highness, forgive me... But what are the hellspawn doing here? And why and how is the creator back?" Sera then started to speak. "You have failed to control the demons unrest, and now Lucifer's involved. Setting up an audience for her misguided daughter and the Creator, who apparently has been living in hell for a unknown amount of time. Thankfully it seems nothing has harmed his purity..."

Sera then looked out the window of her Tower as she started to speak. "I never would have agreed to your... Yearly activities if I thought it would bring trouble to our doorstep, keeping heaven safe was my only reason for allowing you to do so." Adam then started to speak. "What do you want from me? I'm just one guy!"

Sera then started to float closer to the first man as a menacing Aura filled the room. "I want you to do whatever you need to do to keep this problem from getting any worse. Are we clear?" Adam then nodded his head before preparing to leave. Only to be stopped by Lute who spoke to the high seraphim. "Your highness... What about the Creator? We can't just let him go back into that pit!" Sera then started to speak. "I've got that problem under control..."

Meanwhile, in a small hotel room we can see Charlie and Vaggie putting away their things, as Prima sat around flying about as the door started to knock as a Angel who was 9 ft tall entered the room.

"Greetings you're Divinelyness, I am Cora, a Ophanim, first off I would just love to personally welcome you to heaven, and second I'm here to bring you to your room your lordship." Prima nodded his head as he followed the angel to the room he was going to be staying in while in heaven.

The angel eventually led him to a
M A S S I V E Palace, she then instructed him on where all of the rooms were as she then teleported away as thousands of maids and butlers appeared awaiting any command at all.

Prima then went to a room Cora called, the game room, once inside, the room stretched beyond what could be thought possible as an infinite amount of games and activities sprawled across the room. Prima smiled as he started to play one of the games.

Back with Charlie and Vaggie, the duo entered a massive courtroom like area as Sera started to speak. "We are gathered here today to determine whether or not a soul in hell can be redeemed into the heavenly realm by means of this Hazbin Hotel. Princess Morningstar..." Sera would say as she would give Charlie permission to start speaking.

Charlie was just about to begin pitching her hotel before the realizing that Prima was nowhere to be found. "Wait... Where's Prima? I mean, he is God... So why isn't he here?"

Sera would then speak. "The creator has more important things to deal with at the moment, unfortunately he will not be here for this meeting." Sera spoke as she mentally congratulated herself for her genius, back when Prima was still around, he was easily distracted and loved playing games and other activities, so obviously he would be too distracted in the Palace they have made for him when heaven was created.

Safe to say, the meeting did not go well... Sera deemed it not possible for a soul to be redeemed, Emily got angry at Her for keeping the exterminations a secret and allowing them to happen in the first place.

The meeting ended with Adam threatening to destroy the hotel first when they attacked in a month before sending both Charlie and Vaggie through a portal and back to hell...

And what was prima doing while all of this was happening?

Playing donkey Kong jungle beat obviously!

End of chapter...

Continuer la Lecture

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