Zodiac High [ THE STORY OF TH...

By ThunderDragon543

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The Twelve Students at highschool that looks ordinary but have extraordinary powers beyond Normal humans... T... More



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By ThunderDragon543


"Ugh" Virgo woke up. We all quickly looked at him. "Virgo! Are you okay?" I asked. "I'll get him a glass of water" Cancer said as she went towards the water filter. I helped him to sit. "Here" Cancer brought a glass of water. Virgo gulped down the water in one go. He wiped his mouth with his T-shirt's sleeve. "Are you okay?" "How do you feel?" "Is your head dizzy?". Everyone jumped at him with questions. "SHUT UP EVERYONE!" I shouted at them. "HE HAS JUST WOKEN UP! CHILL!" I said as everyone else shut upped. "Sis...You should also calm down" Virgo said pulling my sleeve. "And Now I'm totally fine. No need to worry so much" Virgo said as he laid back down and I put a pillow for him to lean on. "Now, Let's get straight to business" Virgo said. Everyone got serious. "As you already know I fought with three spies. From which I killed one and two are still remaining." Virgo said. "The one I killed had something like shadow or darkness ability" Virgo said. Scorpio looked surprised, as well as Pisces and Cancer. "Something like he could blend in with shadows" Virgo continued trying to remember his fight. "isn't that the one the Water signs fought with?" Aquarius asked. Gem and Libra looked at the water signs. Cancer gave them a nod. "I guess he flew away" Pisces said. "I told you there was no need for us to spare him" Scorpio said to Cancer. Although boiling up with anger, he was still talking calmly to his sister. "He was needed for investigation, that's why I said to you to spare him" Cancer said. "And I'm pretty sure you wounded him badly. He can't use his powers." Cancer said as everyone's attention was now at cancer. "That means only one thing...." Cancer continued. "Somebody helped him in escaping" Aquarius finished Cancer's sentence. "Right" Cancer said looking at aquarius. "DAMN. It hasn't even been a year with spies and we already got a traitor!" Aries said banging his fist on the table. "There's no need to get angry. I have already killed that guy" Virgo said. "And the other two powers are........"

"So....Mr. Mark. Got something to say?" Mr. Ophiuchus asked. "No sir. Infact, I don't even know what you are talking about." Mr. Mark replied. "You know what I'm talking about." Mr. Ophiuchus said standing up from his chair. He walked towards the glass window that was situated behind him on the left side. He stood there. His hands folded behind his back. "How did the Spy escaped?" Mr. Ophiuchus asked. "How would I know?" Mr. Mark replied. "Would it be more accurate to ask......." Mr. Ophiuchus said turning around. "Why did you betray us?" Mr. Ophiuchus finished his sentence. Mr. Mark's eyes widen. "Hah...." He putted his hand on his face to calm himself down. He removed his hand from his face and stared at Mr. Ophiuchus with cold eyes. "So the old man finally noticed?" He said. Mr. Ophiuchus used his powers and signalled grabbing him in air. Mr. Mark stiffened as if a huge hand was really squishing him. Mr. Ophiuchus then signalled throwing him outside the office through window and Mr. Mark was really thrown out. The crashing of the Glass window made a huge sound.

Virgo was going to tell us about the other two's powers but He got interrupted by a huge sound. "Huh? What was that sound?" Pisces said. "Where did it came from?" Capricorn asked. "It was as if something huge shattered to pieces." I said. "Yeah" Cancer said. "Let's go find out" Aquarius said as she, Gemini and Libra exited the dorm room. "I also want to see!" Sagittarius said as he ran out dragging Aries and Leo. There were only Water and Earth signs left. "We should also get going" Scorp said. "Yeah. You can tell us later about the other two." Cancer said. "Okay" Virgo replied. "Let's go" Capricorn said. After we reached the place where the sound came from, we saw Mr. Ophiuchus and Mr. Mark Fighting.
"What's happening??!!" I asked. "Seems like they are fighting!" Libra said. "We can also see that!" Scorp said. "But why are they Fighting??!" Pisces said. "No Idea" Aquarius said. Even in this serious situation the Fire and Air signs were just chilling and enjoying the fight. Oh God.... Mr. Ophiuchus threw Mr. Mark towards the wall. The wall cracked. "We should stop them!" Cancer said. "We can't do anything" Virgo said. "Why?!" Cancer said. "Mr. Ophiuchus seems very angry." Virgo replied. "If we intervene we would only get hurt" he continued. I opened a bag of chips and started to munch on them. "How can you eat in this situation?" Capricorn asked giving me a side eye. "Cause I'm hungry" I replied nonchalantly. "You are unbelievable" Capricorn said. I am hungry and There's nothing unbelievable about it. Just then the other teachers came. "Are you guys alright?!" Ms. Lilian asked. "Yes ma'am" Everyone replied. "What on earth is happening here??!!" Mr. Benjamin asked. Mr. Williams then came forward. "If it is making Mr. Ophiuchus angry then it's something really serious" He said. We all then looked at them. I hope whatever it is, it can solve quickly. I thought chewing the chips.
Mr. Ophiuchus signalled grabbing Mr. Mark by his neck and threw him across the fountain. Ms. Lilian squeezed my hand. "Don't worry. They both are very strong" I said to her. She nod. It was just to reassure her. In reality we all know Mr. Ophiuchus is the strongest among all of us. Mr. Mark then used his powers and increased the ground gravity. "What a sly trick" Mr. Ophiuchus said coldly as he breaked out of the Gravity force. "Let's end this now" Mr. Ophiuchus said. He created a large transparent  snake and signalled it to grab Mr. Mark. The snake flung at Mr. Mark and started constricting around Mr. Mark's body. "You better tell everything now" Mr. Ophiuchus said walking towards Mr. Mark. "Or else...." He continued as the snake started to squeeze Mr. Mark. "You will die here" Mr. Ophiuchus finished his sentence. Mr Mark was struggling to get out of the Snake's grip. He looked around and suddenly got reassured. Huh? What happened. "Not today, Old Man" Mr. Mark said as he used his full power and Increased the Ground Gravity force incredibly. Even we all couldn't move. "WHAT THE HELL??!!!" Aries shouted struggling to move his legs. This caused even Mr. Ophiuchus to stiffen for some time. The snake got loosed at Mr. Mark's body and eventually it also got sticked to the ground. "Mission complete" two guys in a black robe said coming towards Mr. Mark. "THEY ARE THE SPIES WE FOUGHT!!!" Gemini shouted. Wait- does that mean Mr. Mark is with the spies??!!. Mr. Mark smirked. "Time to go" He said as a portal opened. "See you soon, Old Man" He said. He then stopped for a moment a glanced towards us. No, At Ms. Lilian, With a straight face, and entered the portal. The gravity force decreased. "MR. MARK IS WITH THE ENEMY!!!" Gemini shouted. "Jeez...We saw that. No need to shout" I said munching on the last chips in the packet. Ms. Lilian squeezed my hand. Shit. We forgot about her. Mr. Ophiuchus started to walk towards us. "I guess you already know the situation" He said. "Yes sir" Everyone said. "But.....We still can't believe that Mr. Mark has betrayed us" Cancer said looking down. Mr. Ophiuchus sighed. "We are going to change our shelter." He said walking towards the school building. "But where will we go?" Gemini asked and everyone looked at Mr. Ophiuchus with questioning eyes. "A place far from here" He said. "Ms. Lilian, Mr. Williams and Mr. Benjamin. Put the school property on sale" He commanded as he walked towards his office. "Yes sir" All teachers nod. Although very vividly but I could see the tears in Ms. Lilian's eyes. Mr. Ophiuchus then stooped in his tracks and looked towards us. "You all. Come to my office. It's time to tell all of you about your mission" He said and walked off. "Yes sir" We all said and started to follow after him. I looked back again at Ms. Lilian. We'll definitely win the fight against them. I promise.
We reached Mr. Ophiuchus's office and knocked on the door. "Come in" He answered. We all entered the office and shut the door. "You wanted to tell us about our mission, right?" Leo said. "Yes" he said and handed us an old book. "Open the book" He said. Gemini opened the book and the light coming out of the book bind our eyes. After some time the light stopped. We looked at the book and saw blank pages. Nothing was written. "Huh? But there's nothing written on it" I said. "I know. Now one by one You all put your hand on one page of the book" He said. "First Aries" Mr. Ophiuchus said as Aries came forward. "Okay....So I have to just put my hand on the page..?" He asked. Mr. Ophiuchus nod. Aries did as he was asked and put his hand on the book. The book glowed and some texts started to appear on the page. ♈ This sign was on the middle top of the page. "Woah! This is cool!" Sagittarius said. "But what's written on it?" Pisces asked. I then looked at the text and realised it was written in some kind of ancient language. "What? You guys can't read it?" Aries asked us. "No. Can you?" I replied. "Yeah....These texts are readable to me" He said. "Does that mean that the one who touched the page only that person can read it?" Aquarius asked. "Right" Mr. Ophiuchus said. "Now, you all touch a page by the sequence I'm telling" he said and we all nod. "Taurus. This is your turn" He said. I walked forward and touched the next page. A light glowed again and ♉ this sign appeared on the middle top of the page and also texts started to appear. Surprisingly, I could read them. "Now it's Gemini's turn" Mr. Ophiuchus said. Gemini came forward and touched the next page. ♊ This sign appeared on the same spot with the texts. "Cool!" Gemini said. "I can read them!" She said. Like this every 12 of us touched each page and filled the whole book with texts.
"Now, One by one. Come forward like your sequencing and read the texts" Mr. Ophiuchus said. Aries came forward. "Here we go." He said. "Planet of constellations. A prosperous planet where different types of constellations and stars lived in human forms. Our planet was ruled by 'King Ziadoc' the third ruler of this planet. There were many constellations who worked under King Ziadoc. One of them was the Ophiuchus constellation 'The snake Bearer'. The Ophiuchus constellation was represented with a snake. But it was born before the 12 stars of the prophecy and according to the prophecy this was not a good sign. This prophecy was told to the First ruler of the Planet of constellations. It's atleast 1million old. So, only half the planet believed in it while the other half didn't." Aries finished reading his page. "This looks like fantasy story" Aries said. "No. It's not a story" Mr. Ophiuchus said. "Does that mean Mr. Ophiuchus is not an Old Man???" Gemini asked. "Maybe. But I thought he'll be ALOT older then us" Leo said. "I AM Older then you all. I was born 5,000 years before your birth" Mr. Ophiuchus said. "Now read the next page, Taurus" He said. I came forward and started to read my page. "According to the prophecy if any constellation is born under 10,000 years of gap before the birth of 12 stars, It's going to be corrupted by the Evil and Negative energy of the Universe. It was also stated in the prophecy that the 12 stars were going to be filled with only positive energy of the universe that's why the 10,000 years before the birth of 12 stars was going to be the time when universe release all it's negative energy so that during the birth of the 12 stars only positive energy is filled within them." I read my page. "So...according to the prophecy Mr. Ophiuchus is filled with the Evil and Negative energy of the universe??" Capricorn asked. "Continue reading and you'll get all the answers of your questions" He said. Now this was Gemini's turn. "There better be something cool written on my page too" She said and started to read. "Just like in the prophecy the Ophiuchus constellation was born with the Evil and Negative energy of the constellation. But because of the third king of the constellation planet, He was saved. The king used his powers of Purification on the constellation which caused the constellation to split into two. Now, the Ophiuchus constellation was represented by 2 snakes. One white and the other black. The white one was the purified one while the black one was the corrupted one. But because The third king Ziadoc had gone against the prophecy, his lifespan was shorten from 3crore to only 30,000 years." Gemini finished reading. "Wow. That's some Complicated magic shit" She said surprised. "This means Mr. Ophiuchus is the Purified Snake" Aquarius said. Now it's Cancer's turn. Cancer came forward and started reading. "After that the Planet was back to it's prosperous and peaceful days. The white snake very obediently, loyaly and respectfully followed the third king, whereas the black snake was planning something else. The black snake had seemed to be planning to take over the throne. But he still didn't had enough power. So, to be more powerful he connected his spirit with the evils of the universe. But because the universe was releasing all the negative energy the Evils put some conditions on the contract" Cancer finished her page. After cancer Leo came and started to read. "The Black snake who had connected with the evils of the universe was given immense power. But on 5 conditions, and to fulfill that five conditions he was partially given the power of the evils. But it didn't satisfy him enough. He started to get impatient. For the next 5,000 years before the birth of the 12 stars he secretly started to fulfill the conditions. Nobody in the planet had suspected him cause infront of everyone he maintained a very innocent face. The king also didn't discriminate against the black and white snake, So nobody on the planet had dared to suspect him either. That way he fulfilled the conditions without being suspected." Leo finished his page. Next it's Virgo's turn. Virgo came forward and started to read. "The Five conditions of the Evils of the universe were very dangerous and they could turn the whole planet and universe upside-down. The first condition of the evils were that the black snake had to sacrifice 10,000 bodies of different stars and constellation because during this 10,000 years the universe was releasing the evil and negative energy and that's why the evils were weakened. To replenish there negative energy again they ordered the Black snake to sacrifice the 10,000 bodies to them. To fulfill this condition the evils provided him with the power to summon the dead and negative energy people from the underworld. The black snake used this power and fulfilled the first condition. To avoid suspicion of the king, He sacrificed people from different planets too. So that the king doesn't get suspicious of the sudden disappearence of 10,000 people from only his planet." Virgo read his page. "I think his page was the longest among us till now" Sagittarius said. "Of course it would be. It is about the five conditions of the evils" Aquarius said. Libra was next. She came forward and started to read. "The second condition was to break all the holy artifacts. So that the evils could connect with the planet without any struggle. For this condition the evils gave the black snake the power to detect any power that's against the dark and evil power as the holy artifacts are filled with purification powers that can purify the evil power. The holy artifacts were hidden or kept safe in different places of the planet. This condition took the most time as the artifacts were also distributed among many planets. The Planet of constellations had 7 artifacts in total. While the other planets had 4, 3 or 5 artifacts. 2 artifacts were in the eastern temple of the planet. 1 artifact was with a shopkeeper. Who they after finding the artifact sacrificed to the evils. 2 artifacts were with the old alliance of the 2nd king. These people were also sacrificed after finding out the artifact. The other 1 artifact was hidden in the Royal castle and the other 1 was in the king's crown. All the artifacts were destroyed except the one in the king's crown." Libra finished reading. "Does it means that the artifact on the king's crown can help us defeat him?" I asked. "looks like it" Cap replied. It's Scorpio's turn now. He started reading. "According to the third condition. The black snake was ordered to Sell his soul to the evils. The evils called it a sign of his loyalty towards them. But in reality they just wanted to come back to life. To fulfill this condition he needed to gather all the Evil worshippers and Dark energy sorcerers from across the world and had to do a kind of Summoning ritual. The thing they'll be summoning all the evils into was His own body. He used his own body as an object to summon the evils. He was blinded by power. After the ritual was completed, The black snake became a completely different person. His body was now controlled by the evils. He lost his sanity. The evils devoured his soul." Scorpio finished reading. "Wow.....Whoever has written this book is a very talented person" Gemini said amused. It was now Sagittarius's turn. "My turn! My turn!" He shouted as he came forward and started reading. "For the fourth condition. The black snake was ordered to kill the 3rd king Ziadoc. Although his lifespan has shortened he was still a threat to the evils because of his powers of Purification. It was said that the king's power was so powerful that Never in the million years had any evil dared to step foot on the planet. In the history of the most powerful kings the 3rd king is second in line with 1st king on the first position and 2nd king on the third position. The evils had already taken over the black Snake's body. He was already being controlled by the evils. That's why the evils took their opportunity and attacked the king with the help of many Evil worshippers and Dark sorcerers. Their attack succeeded. They killed the king and took the throne." Sagittarius finished. "Damn. Dark sorcerers exist?" Sagittarius asked Mr. ophiuchus. "Yes" Mr. Ophiuchus said. Next it's Capricorn's turn. He came forward and started to read. "The fifth and the last condition was the execution of the 12 stars. Beside the king the only left threat were the newly born 12 stars. It was also stated in the prophecy that the 11 great wizards of the past who helped the 1st king to establish this Planet and free it from the evils were the ones who were going to reincarnate in the form of constellations. With the 11 wizards as the 11 star constellations the 12th and the last star was going to be the successor of the king. It would be having purification powers. While the 11 stars help in the battle in attack and defence. The last star (King's successor) will be the only one who could truly kill the evils. That's why the evils were getting impatient to kill the 12 stars. This prophecy could have been false also but not after when King Ziadoc had a baby daughter with his queen. Because of this shocking news the people of the planet who didn't believed in the prophecy even those people started to believe it. It made everyone into thinking could the prophecy be really true? Is the King's daughter really the 12th star?. But not long after that the king was killed. After the king was killed the Evil who controlled the black snake ordered everyone working under him to kill the 12 stars." Capricorn finished. "Does that mean....That one of us is the king's successor?" Scorpio asked. "It can't be me, Virgo, Scorp, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. As the king's child was a girl" Capricorn said. "It means the king's successor is one us" I said looking at all the other girls. "Yeah. Let's first finish the book" Cancer said. Aquarius came up and started to read her part. "The black snake became very powerful after taking the throne but still he wasn't able to kill the 12 stars. The people who have been tortured by the new king had only one hope left. The 11 reincarnated wizards and the king's successor the 12th star as stated in the prophecy. They did their everything and kept the 12 stars away from the king's search for them. After the black snake couldn't find them he became more impatient. Whereas the white snake who was protecting the 12 stars by pretending to be on the king's side and giving them false assumptions had already planned to go to the earth with the 12 stars. Fortunately, some of the previous king's Subordinates were still loyal to him. The white snake decided to take the 12 stars along with the loyal subjects of the previous king with him to Earth, to keep them away from the Black Snake's eyes and train them so that they'll be able to take their revenge in the future" Aquarius finished. "So....Mr. ophiuchus is the white snake, And we are getting train to kill the Black snake?" Gemini asked. "Yeah. Atleast that's what it says" Aquarius said. "And that's true"  Mr. Ophiuchus said. "I think the Story is complete right?" Leo asked. "Yeah. But Pisces's page is still left" I said. Pisces came forward. "Should I read it?" She asked. "yep. You are the only one left" Cancer said. She stared at her page. "Uhh....I don't think this a story" Pisces said. "Then what's it?" Scorp asked. "It's like...Sown kind of spells..? And Training to control your powers...?" She said. "Wait. On the bottom of the page there's also written 'The throne has been corrupted by the evils. As the Successor of the king, You shall take back what belongs to you'. Pisces finished leaving half of us in shock. "Omg, Pisces! You are the Successor of the late king! You are the princess of the planet of Constellations!" Cancer said enthusiastically. She hugged her and so did I. "Congrats Pisces!" I said to her. "Thanks." Pisces said hugging us back. "If Pisces is the successor, That means she has the powers of the king. Purification powers" Aquarius said. "But As long as we know she only has Healing and Barrier creation" Aquarius continued. "Does the Healing powers evolves and turns into purification?" Aquarius asked Mr. Ophiuchus. "Yes. Healing is the starting stage of purification. It's a part of the purification powers. The king also had Healing and purification powers both." Mr. Ophiuchus said. "As long as she practices. Her powers will evolve and she'll be able to heal and purify both." Mr. Ophiuchus continued. "Nice" I said. "Well then. You must have understood your mission now...Right?" Mr. Ophiuchus asked. We nod. "Then you should go pack your stuff. We'll be moving from this School to somewhere else" He said. "Okay sir." We all said. "We'll get going then" Aries said and head out the door with everyone following.
We'll definitely kill that Black snake and bring back peace in our planet.


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