By -spiderland

39 6 9

" tell me, how do you know they can't hear us coming? it's easy for me, i got a headstart running away. . . "... More



9 1 0
By -spiderland

The document you are about to read has been transcribed from an audio log captured during the Fordham High School Massacre of June 1st, 2009.

The accompanying footage has since been made unavailable to the public due to an ongoing investigation by the Spokane Police Department.

Viewer's discretion is advised.


OPERATOR: 9-1-1, what is your emergency?

CALLER #1 [REDACTED NUMBER]: Hello? Hello? Are you there? Can you hear me?

OPERATOR: Yes, I can hear you loud and clear.

CALLER #1: Please send help! Please!

OPERATOR: Okay, I'm going to need your address and for you to tell me what the situation is.

CALLER #1: I-I'm at Fordham High School. Just hurry up! There's someone fucking killing people!

OPERATOR: Sir, I'm going to need you to stay calm, okay? The police are on their way [. . .] Now, can you tell me your name?

CALLER #1: Yes, it's [STATIC]

OPERATOR: I'm sorry, can you repeat that for me?

CALLER #1: [. . .] Mikey! Mikey Averson!

OPERATOR: Okay, Mikey, I need you to calm down and tell me if there are any other people currently with you.

CALLER #1: No! No! It's just me. I'm [STATIC]

OPERATOR: Okay, can you repeat that for me?

CALLER #1: I-I'm hiding in the bathroom. There's nobody else [. . .] I can just hear the gunshots.

OPERATOR: Okay [. . .] Mikey, can you tell me when and where this started?

CALLER #1: How the fuck should I know? I think [. . .] I think it was thirty minutes ago or something, but I'm not sure. I was just using the bathroom when I heard a noise.

OPERATOR: Do you know where it came from within the school?

CALLER #1: I think the cafeteria, or maybe the locker rooms or the east wing hallway. I don't fucking know! I don't know!

OPERATOR: Mikey, I'm going to need for you to stay calm, okay? Everything will be fine. Just stay where you are.

CALLER #1: [STATIC] I'm so fucking scared right now.

OPERATOR: Everything will be fine. The police are on their way. They'll be there shortly. But I need you to remain calm and keep answering my questions, okay? Can you do that for me?

CALLER #1: I-I think so.

OPERATOR: Okay. Just stay calm, alright? [. . .] Can you describe what the noise sounded like, Mikey?

CALLER #1: Yeah, it was loud. Like [. . .] someone set off fucking fireworks in the school or something [. . .] but one of those illegal ones. I don't know. It was just really fucking loud!

OPERATOR: Did you feel any sudden shaking?

CALLER #1: Yes!

OPERATOR: Are the entrance and stall doors intact? Did you feel vibrations or pulsing?

CALLER #1: No, but all of the doors shook. The stall doors were shaking really hard. The hinges [. . .] It was like an earthquake.

OPERATOR: Okay. Can you see any smoke or debris from where you are?

CALLER #1: I think [STATIC] I see some smoke from the windows at the top of the bathroom. I can't tell, they're not open all the way!

OPERATOR: Okay, remain where you are. Do not try to move from your location, okay? We'll find you [. . .] Can you tell me if you saw anyone walk onto school property before you entered the bathroom?

CALLER #1: No, no, I didn't see anyone. I was already inside when I heard everything.

OPERATOR: Alright, and you said it was someone as in one person?

CALLER #1: I think so, yes. I only heard one person [. . .] I don't know for sure.

OPERATOR: Do you still hear gunshots?

CALLER #1: Yeah, but they're far. I think they're coming from the west wing. I can't tell.

OPERATOR: Have you heard them near your location?

CALLER #1: No, I haven't heard them around here.

OPERATOR: Okay, and you said you're alone, correct?

CALLER #1: Yes.

OPERATOR: Are you injured?

CALLER #1: No.

OPERATOR: Okay [. . .] Mikey, I need you to do me a favor. I need you to go out and check if there is anyone else nearby. Can you do that for me?

CALLER #1: I don't [. . .] I think so. I'm so f-fucking scared.

OPERATOR: I understand, Mikey, but we have units on their way, okay? You will be fine, you just have to stay calm and answer my questions [. . .] Please, can you go out and check if there is anyone else nearby?

CALLER #1: Y-yeah, I can try.

OPERATOR: Good. You're doing great, Mikey. Just stay focused and remain calm, okay? You're doing fantastic. We'll get you out of there as soon as possible.

CALLER #1: Thank you [STATIC]

OPERATOR: Mikey, do you see anyone?

CALLER #1: I think I see someone lying outside. I can't tell.

OPERATOR: Can you tell if they're injured?

CALLER #1: I think so. I don't know. Fuck, I can't tell! I think I see blood?

OPERATOR: Male or female?

CALLER #1: Male [. . .] I think he's hurt!

OPERATOR: Do you recognize him?

CALLER #1: Yeah, I think so. His name is [REDACTED]. He's a senior.

OPERATOR: Okay, is [REDACTED] the only person within your vicinity?

CALLER #1: Yeah, everyone else is gone, I think.

OPERATOR: Alright, Mikey, I need you to do one more thing, okay? If there's little risk involved, I need you to check [REDACTED] to make sure he's responsive. Can you do this for me?

CALLER #1: Yeah. Yeah, I can try.

OPERATOR: Thank you. Just remain calm. You'll be okay.

CALLER #1: [. . .] He's still breathing.

OPERATOR: Is he conscious?

CALLER #1: Yeah, yeah, he's looking at me right now.

OPERATOR: Okay, can you tell me where his injuries are?

CALLER #1: [. . .] Left shoulder, middle finger [. . .] I think he was shot in the back somewhere, but I can't tell. I'll hurt him if I turn him over.

OPERATOR: Mikey, I need you to check his injuries. It's important that we know exactly where he was struck.

CALLER #1: Fuck!

OPERATOR: Mikey? Are you there?

CALLER #1: Yes! Yes, I'm here. He's just [. . .] There's so much fucking blood, oh my god.

OPERATOR: Can you tell me where his back injury is located?

CALLER #1: Lower back. I think it went through.

OPERATOR: What went through?

CALLER #1: The fucking bullet, what else?

OPERATOR: Mikey, stay calm. Does he have any other injuries?

CALLER #1: No, just there [. . .] I-I'm sorry, God, I'm just so fucking scared!

OPERATOR: I know, Mikey, but I am here for you, okay? The police will be there any moment now. Just stay on the line for as long as you can.

CALLER #1: I know, I know, I know. Fuck! [. . .] Fuck, someone's coming!

OPERATOR: Mikey, is everything okay?

CALLER #1: Someone's coming, oh fuck! [. . .] I have to go. I have to go!

OPERATOR: Mikey, stay on the line. Just remain calm. Everything will be alright. Can you tell me if you see anyone?

CALLER #1: I can't [. . .] I have to go. Fuck!

OPERATOR: Mikey? Hello? Mikey, are you there? Can you hear me?



Public viewing of various documents has been made possible thanks to the SPD.

DATE OF ENTRY: 06/01/2009

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