[VOLUME 1] N.E.X.U.S. : Incep...

By Ubiquitunox

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In an unexpected turn of events, Dresden Hawthorne, an ordinary high school student, is thrust into an extrao... More

Chapter 1: The Encounter In The Darkening Twilight
Chapter 2: The Showdown In The Tavern
Chapter 3: The Girl of Suffering
Chapter 4 : The Night's Trial: Friendship and Struggle Beneath The Stars
Chapter 5: Trials of Valor: Courage, Friendship, and Sacrifice
Chapter 6: Path to The Warriorhood
Chapter 7: The Mastery's Path - Training and Bonds
Chapter 9: The Bond in Sword Training
Chapter 10: Twilight of the 'Beast' Sword
Chapter 11: Four Sword Masters and the Wrath of the Sacred Blade
Chapter 12: Emergence of Unbreakable Ties
Chapter 13: The Night of Revelations
Chapter 14: The Friendship Drizzle Before the Festival
Chapter 15: Holy Healing and The Strengthening Friendship

Chapter 8: Friendship Under the Sunset Sky

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By Ubiquitunox

The sky began to emit a reddish-orange glow, dancing on the western horizon. We walked with light steps, surrounded by the glittering of smiles and laughter. Under the twilight sky, displaying its beauty, somehow, the atmosphere among us felt magical, so full of warmth. Every step we took felt precious, so meaningful, that I felt reluctant to end this moment. Here, under the sky adorned with a deepening shade of orange, I longed for time to stop, so that we could continue to savor this happiness forever.

Suddenly, Orion nudged me and said, "Come on, buddy. Let's hurry to the library. Or you'll be late for class.""The library? Are you saying we're not studying at an academy? And what are we going to learn there? And you're just escorting me? Don't you have the same classes?" I asked curiously. Orion then explained, "Yes, you'll study in one of the largest halls within the library building, called Salle de la Pleine Lune. You'll see it later. Hmm... you'll learn a lot... let's see, history, literature, military, ethics, a bit of alchemy and anatomy, and some like music and dance arts, I think... Oh, as for me, I've passed that class already, you just need to take it once in your lifetime when you first join, although I actually failed the final exam three times and had to retake it, hmmm... but you can request a specialization exam if you have good achievements and maybe you can graduate faster. Cheer up, Hector, you can do it!""Oh, I'm not that great. And thank you for cheering me up," I said. "Ah, we've arrived. Here's the building, classic isn't it, with three sturdy front pillars adorned with Cyrillic inscriptions, semi-Anglo-Greek architecture, quite magnificent and promising. You'll be even more amazed when you see the interior, let me take you in. Of course, you want to be a model student on the first day, right?" Orion said jokingly. "Ah, you bet," I replied.

We then opened the main door of the library, and it was EXTREMELY UNEXPECTED!!! I couldn't describe my amazement, but there it was, a building with an all-white interior and a dome above it with antique patterns - stained glass, I mean. "The dome with this beautiful pattern and color is called "Chant des Oiseaux Célestes dans le Nénuphar Bleu" created by a renowned glass craftsman - Sir Jacques Nikolayev. Oh, forget about that, come on, you might be late for class later. First, unlock your gear, point your gear to this scanner, your attendance will be automatically filled. Now enjoy your evening class. I'll wait for you while reading a book here," Orion explained then asked me to enter the class while waving his hand. "But we still have time, right? Why rush?" I asked. "You need to adapt to your new environment, and get to know other class members, because this is your first day here," he said while still waving his hand, "don't worry, after class, we can continue chatting, I'll still be here." Ah, I felt too familiar with him, and now I found it difficult to part with Orion even for a minute. With a heavy heart, I entered the classroom, and at the doorstep, I kept saying, "Wait for me, buddy!"

Yes, and I entered the mentioned hall, a classroom - perhaps, and it was truly magnificent. Twelve knight statues stood around the hall. Is this the class mentioned? Before my confusion was answered, a woman's voice echoed in the hall. Probably a professor, I quickly thought. I immediately turned to look at the professor who would be teaching today, and... she was too, young! A young female professor with a soft voice, who would teach?!? No way! She began to speak, and the class participants began to take their seats, "Ah, hi, welcome back to this class. Let me introduce myself, I am Professor Xena, who will teach literature and history here. Ah, a handsome young man whose face I just saw today, please step forward and introduce yourself."

"Me?" I asked, pointing to myself, making sure. The woman nodded. Yes, another self-introduction. Of course, this time I was more prepared because I didn't want to be embarrassed like before. I stepped forward, and introduced myself briefly, "Hi, my name is Hector. I just joined here, and maybe I need a lot of guidance from the teachers and seniors alike. Please help me in the future." I bowed briefly, then stood up straight again. Then, I prepared to return to my seat, when suddenly Professor Xena grabbed my hand, "Hmm... Monsieur Hector, right? Quite interesting. You're quite handsome and your face is quite charming indeed, what made you hurry to sit back down. We still need to recite the oath. Here, please read it aloud." Professor Xena handed me a parchment, written with strange characters. 

As I was about to ask how to read the writing on this parchment, suddenly I felt my body very light, but a great power flowed through my entire being, and opened the veil of knowledge within my mind. Like a "spirit" of knowledge and wisdom entering my body. Maybe there are no words to describe what I experienced at that moment. I suddenly could understand all the writing on the parchment, which I had never studied before. And, I remembered something. This is the same sensation I felt when I read a letter from Val written in the same language. Only that time the sensation I felt was not as strong as it is now. Maybe there is a connection with the grandeur and sanctity of the hall where this class is held.

Seeing my half astonished expression, Professor Xena patted my shoulder gently. "You felt "that" something energy, didn't you? Alright, now, you read each line one by one, and I'll explain the meaning. Read it aloud, and the other class participants will follow." I nodded, and began to read the first line."Nomízo óti o orismós tou stratióti/ ippótis eínai i timí kai i afosíosi." Followed by all the other participants. Then Professor Xena read the meaning, "I believe the definition of a warrior/ knight is honor and dedication."Then I continued, "Eidó oti, me to orkismó mou, écho prokaleitai na upakúo stin patrída stis kathe eksousiá mou." Followed by other participants. Then, Professor Xena explained the meaning, "I declare that in my oath, I have pledged my duty to the country in every mission.""Xairetízo to aíma mou, achri tou telous, gia ton timí kai ten axioteta tou stratióti / ippótis." meaning "I sacrifice my blood, until the end, for the honor and dignity of a warrior / knight.""Upefthino tin alitheia kai tin dikaiosini me olo mou to duname." meaning "I uphold truth and justice with all my strength.""Stékomai andrik á enópion ton echthrón mou, me anypochóríti agonía." meaning "I stand bravely before my enemies, with unwavering courage."Then, Professor Xena said, "Now that we have recited the Pénte Ypsili Órki Stratióti/Ippóti - 5 Great Warrior/Knight Oaths, alright now, Monsieur Hector, hold this sword with both of your hands, stand upright, and place it in front of your chest, as a symbol of military fellowship. Hold it until I finish reciting the words of the fellowship."

 I nodded, then held the sword given with both of my hands, then raised it to forehead level, and Professor Xena began, "To our predecessors, who have carved stories of valorous struggle, and to the gods who protect us, I hereby represent this warrior in seeking your protection. May your great blood and spirit always flow within him, and may protection always accompany him. Evlogiménoi oi Theoí!" Suddenly I saw the sword I was holding in my hands glowing brightly - emitting a bluish-green light. I was surprised but couldn't let go of the sword from my hands. My whole body stiffened, and I felt a very powerful flow of chakra into my body, to the point of illuminating the entire classroom. Although I saw that all the participants didn't flinch at all, but I could see Professor Xena's face turning pale instantly. The light illuminated my whole body and radiated throughout the classroom for 2 minutes, then disappeared. And I could feel my body again, "Is the ceremony over? Can I put this sword back?" I asked. "Y-yes... yes, please," Professor Xena answered a little nervously, a little fearfully, and her face and lips turned pale. "Are you okay, Professor?" I asked, reassuringly. "Y-yes... I'm fine, I'm just tired, please return to your seat, Monsieur Hector," Professor Xena replied a little stutteringly. I put the sword down, then bowed, and returned to my seat.

It took some time before Professor Xena started the lesson. "Alright, today I will teach you about the history of the Berserkia-Sudarmtörn Warriors. Their tales of heroism and bravery on the battlefield are unquestionable...." Ah, boring classroom lessons. Especially full of theoretical lessons like this, I really hated lessons like this. I began to daydream, imagining my times with Hector practicing sword fighting, maybe that would be more fun! I tried to study the use of my gear, unlock it, then see what features my gear had. Ah, I could see the training and class schedules from here, today's lesson will end... at 17:30, about 40 more minutes. Ah... still a long time. While playing with my gear, I didn't realize that Professor Xena was standing right next to my seat. "Monsieur Hector, please stop doing other things and focus on today's lesson. It will help you answer your future exams," Professor Xena said in a high tone. I immediately stood up and bowed to apologize, "I'm sorry, Professor. I won't do it again." Professor Xena then left and I sat back down. Ah, I had to start focusing. There was no other choice, that's life in class. I had to be able to achieve the best, and graduate soon, yes, I had to give my best! I kept encouraging myself to focus on the lesson and not think about anything else. I began to pay attention, and take notes on some important things explained. The story told today was quite interesting.

Suddenly, I heard a commotion outside the classroom. "Help me lean him against the wall, please hold on...," I heard a voice behind the door. Without much thought or asking for permission, I got up from my seat towards the door, trying to hear the voice more clearly. "Hey, you'll be fine, try to calm down, take deeper breaths, I'll loosen your armor," I heard. That voice... I knew it, it was Hyperion's voice! I became more curious when I heard another sentence, "What's his name? I can help report his condition to the barracks guard where he's assigned," someone else said. "Orion, sector three soldier, please assist," Hyperion said. "Alright.""What? Did they just mention Orion? What happened to him?" Without hesitation, I immediately opened the classroom door, exited the room, and hurried towards where Orion was lying down. "Are you okay, Orion? What happened to him, Hyperion?" I asked in panic, while holding Orion's hand. Cold... his face was pale, his breath was erratic, his pulse irregular, and he was sweating coldly. "Asthma, it's one of the symptoms of asthma. Orion is always weak because he has asthma, and it can flare up at any time," Hyperion explained. "An inhaler? Is there an inhaler here?" I asked in panic. "I'm sorry, Hector, but there's no treatment like that here. I would definitely buy one if there was," Hyperion said disappointedly.

I tried to think. The cafeteria! "Is there a cafeteria or kitchen here? In this library!" I asked half-shouting in panic. Hyperion understood my anxiety and said, "Yes, over there, at the intersection between the Military Science bookshelves and the Alchemy bookshelves, there's a blue door, inside there's a cafeteria. But what are you going to do?" "Wait for me here, I'll be right back. I'll prepare the right concoction for him," I replied hastily and rushed towards the mentioned cafeteria.I then remembered that I was still in class, so I took the time to say goodbye at the classroom door, "I'm sorry, Professor, but my friend is in pain. I'll catch up on the lesson later and copy today's notes from someone else. I don't mind whatever punishment awaits me, excuse me!" I immediately ran towards the cafeteria, without waiting for Professor Xena's response.

That evening, the white color of the entire library room had turned gray, and the library's clock chimed as if warning of the presence of the angel of death whose footsteps were drawing nearer. However, amidst the looming darkness, the light of our friendship shone brighter than ever, guiding us through every obstacle we faced.I hurriedly opened the cafeteria door, and in panic, I immediately approached one of the cooks there. "Eucalyptus, peppermint, licorice, ginger, turmeric, are they here?" I asked in panic while shaking the man's body slightly. The man also panicked and was a bit confused, then answered my question, "Peppermint, licorice, ginger, turmeric, of course, they're available. But eucalyptus? Of course, there's nothing like that in the kitchen." I immediately replied, "Alright, that's okay. And, oh yes, betel leaves... and honey. Are they available here?" The man answered again, "We have many types of honey here, but for betel leaves, we don't have them." "Alright, what I mentioned earlier will do, please prepare them, and also please prepare hot water, a pot. I need it urgently, my friend needs it now!" The man immediately agreed and prepared it.I then ran out and found Orion's condition worsening. "Hector, Hyperion, I'm fine. You should continue your tasks. I just need to rest, and I'll be fine," Orion said weakly, holding his chest. Even in times like this, he was more concerned about others than himself. "Hyperion, what herbs do you have? Do you have betel leaves and eucalyptus? Or eucalyptus oil?" I quickly asked Hyperion. "I have betel leaves and eucalyptus oil, is this okay?" Hyperion replied to my question and handed them to me. "Perfect, now we can help Orion breathe more comfortably," I said. While waiting for the kitchen to prepare what I requested, I looked around, then asked Hyperion, "Where was he when he collapsed earlier?" Hyperion quickly answered me, "Over by the fireplace, warming himself while reading a book." Ah, that was the problem. "Hyperion, help me gently lift Orion and move him away from the fireplace. Combustion particles from the fireplace can trigger his asthma." Hyperion quickly understood and helped me. Just before we lifted Orion's body, the man from the cafeteria earlier arrived. "Here are the ingredients, and does the man need a room to rest? We have a guest room," the man asked in a friendly tone. "Yes, that's correct," I quickly replied, "but we need to keep him away from the fireplace, as it can trigger his asthma. But the room should have good ventilation, is there a room like that here?" The man agreed, "Yes, there is, please follow me."

Hyperion and I immediately lifted Orion's body and followed the man. "Please sit your friend here," he said kindly. "Here are the plants and honey you requested, for honey, we have several types, so I brought them all, please choose the one that suits you," he said, showing the tray he brought. "Thank you very much," I replied shortly. "Glad to help, let me know if there's anything else I can assist with," he said. "Oh yes, sorry, are there a mortar and pestle, some ingredients need to be crushed for better effectiveness, and also a towel," I asked. "Yes, we have them, I'll bring them right away," the man quickly ran out of the room and returned shortly."These are the mortar and pestle you requested. Can I help with anything else?" the man asked. "Ah, please help, grind the peppermint leaves, licorice root, ginger, and turmeric," I replied. "How much?" the man asked. "Ah yes, sorry," I replied and immediately took some of the necessary ingredients according to the required composition. "Here," I said. "Alright, I understand," the man replied promptly.I nodded and began to analyze the honey given. "Is this Manuka Honey?" I asked while showing one of the honey bottles to the man. "Yes, you're very good, being able to tell... sometimes I still get confused with other honey," the man said. The man quickly prepared the ingredients I requested and handed them to me.

Slowly, I poured hot water into a metal basin, then added a few drops of eucalyptus oil, then added ground peppermint, ginger, turmeric, and licorice that had been mashed, then stirred well. Then, I also thinly sliced the ginger and betel leaves, then prepared a glass of hot water and soaked all the ingredients, and after letting it sit for a moment, I strained it and added 2 ½ teaspoons of honey to the water, and stirred well. As soon as I prepared everything, I asked Orion to inhale the steam from the herbal water in the basin that I had prepared and drink a glass of herbal concoction that I had prepared. "As you inhale it, use a towel to cover a little part of your face near the steam, so that the inhalation can work more effectively. And please drink this herbal concoction too. Be careful, it's still hot. I'm sorry if it doesn't taste good," I said as I handed it to Orion. Hyperion helped by taking the basin I had prepared and bringing it close to Orion's nose, then giving Orion the concoction I had prepared to drink. Orion immediately inhaled the steam from the herbal water in the basin and drank all the concoction I had prepared, without saying a word.

"Feeling better? I can make more, the ingredients are still available," I asked Orion. Orion shook his head, then said softly, "Thank you, I feel better now. I can breathe more comfortably. You're really great, Hector. And thank you very much, Hyperion, for helping me earlier." He began to adjust his sitting position while still inhaling the steam in the basin.Hyperion also spoke up, "Oh no, I feel very sorry for not being able to do anything. You're so helpful, Orion. I'm very grateful to you. How did you know specific concoctions like this?" 

As I tidied up the previously prepared ingredients, I replied, "Oh no, I just guessed the appropriate ingredients. As far as I know, inhalers usually contain bronchodilator compounds to widen the airways (bronchi) in the lungs, making breathing easier, and some also contain corticosteroids to reduce inflammation in the airways, which can help reduce respiratory symptoms caused by conditions such as asthma. Some inhalers may also contain antihistamines to help control allergic reactions. 

Meanwhile, eucalyptus contains a compound called cineole, which has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties, which can help clear mucus from the respiratory tract. However, since there are no eucalyptus leaves here, I replaced it with eucalyptus essential oil, which has the same properties. Ginger and turmeric contain anti-inflammatory compounds that can help relieve inflammation in the airways. Licorice root contains a compound called glycyrrhizin, which has anti-inflammatory properties and helps reduce asthma symptoms. Peppermint leaves contain menthol, which can help relieve irritation in the airways and provide a refreshing effect."

Honey also contains various chemical compounds that can provide benefits for respiratory health. Honey contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that can help reduce inflammation in the airways and strengthen the immune system. Additionally, honey also has antimicrobial properties that can help fight infections in the respiratory tract."And I once read that Manuka Honey is effective in reducing asthma symptoms. There's nothing special, I just used my knowledge.""No, no, such knowledge is very admirable, I have much to learn from you," said Hyperion kneeling down, "please teach me more, I also want to be useful to the people I love." I was surprised, then knelt down as well, and said, "Please don't do that, get up, a Knight has no right to do such things to his subordinate. I should be the one asking for more guidance." Hyperion smiled and slowly raised his head, looking at me with his shining blue eyes, "I don't care about my rank at all, the only reason I pursue higher ranks is so I can have more abilities to protect the people I love, that's all. Yes, maybe you're right, we can work together, share knowledge, and maybe that will be more beneficial." Hyperion clasped my hands, showing his determination. I nodded in agreement.

"I feel ashamed, I apologize for troubling both of you again, you also missed your first day of class," Orion said sadly. "Ah, you don't need to apologize, I used to skip classes before, and it's no problem for me," I tried to cheer up the mood. Orion shook his head, then said, "No, if only I were stronger, I wouldn't inconvenience anyone." He just kept bowing his head. Suddenly, a woman rushed in, it was... Professor Xena!"Ah, is Orion feeling better now?" she asked with concern. "I'm feeling better, thank you for your concern, Professor," said Orion. "Ah, thank goodness. I rushed here right after class. I was really worried. And, yes, long time no see, Monsieur Hyperion," Professor Xena continued. "Ah, you still joke around like before," Hyperion said. "Uh, you know each other?" I asked surprised. "Ah, yes, he's my friend from before. We were in the same cohort, meaning we joined at the same time. And yes, we were classmates back then, but he excelled academically so he became a professor; while I excelled in combat, so I spent more time in the field," Hyperion explained. "Ah, you were in the class earlier, right?" Professor Xena asked. "Yes, he's Hector, he's been very helpful, he prepared all these concoctions," Hyperion explained. "Oh no, no, I just did what I could, and I apologize for leaving the class rudely, will there be a makeup class?" I asked. "Ah, don't worry about it. You can visit me anytime in the library, you can find me on the 2nd floor, in the Literature and History Block, I usually work there when I'm not teaching. I admire your courage and resourcefulness, and your loyalty to your friends. Not many people are like you," Professor Xena said, shaking her head, "... and next time just call me Xena, I'm not very comfortable being called Professor." I agreed. Then, Xena patted Hyperion on the back, then whispered, "Hey, follow me for a moment, there's something important I want to discuss." Hyperion then asked, "Why? You can discuss it here." "No, I need to talk one-on-one. Ah, yes, Hector, please look after Orion for a while!" Xena said, pulling Hyperion's hand and leaving the room.They talked for quite a while outside, and Hyperion kept nodding, and I saw them occasionally glancing at me. I was of course confused about what was happening and what they were discussing. "Hey, Orion, do you know what they were talking about? They seemed serious," I asked. Orion shook his head.

Knowing that I was starting to suspect, Xena quickly ended the conversation and returned to the room with Hyperion. "Sorry, but you were talking quite a long time outside? Is there something?" I asked innocently. Xena shook her head, "No, we were just discussing tactical matters, and about Hyperion's upcoming battle. There are a few things I need to convey to him, so he can better prepare himself. Isn't that right, Hyperion?" Hyperion didn't say anything, just nodded."Can you stand up now, Orion?" Xena asked. Orion nodded. "Let's have you checked at the health unit, and get the necessary medication," Xena urged. Orion shook his head, then said while showing his virtual screen displaying his gear, "I think it's not necessary, I'm fine. I already feel healthy again, after inhaling the herbal steam and drinking the concoction made by Hector. Look at my pulse and other health conditions, they're normal according to the health report on the gear." I persuaded Orion, "Come on, you can't trust that thing a hundred percent, let's have you checked at the health unit, for my sake too." Finally, Orion softened, "Fine, if that's what you want, let's go." I nodded and we all started walking towards the nearest health unit. We had him checked, and the nurse provided some potions for him to drink, and we went home after the nurse assured us that Orion was fine.

On the way, Xena suddenly turned to look back at us walking behind her, then said, "Wait, I want to buy some Baumkuchen cake first, at Ivanov's bakery, over there. You wait here. We can eat while walking, because it's already evening, and I'm sure our stomachs are grumbling."We nodded and stood waiting near a big tree. The twilight darkness that had turned into night added to the eeriness of this big tree. Hyperion suddenly spoke, breaking the silence of the night, "This is one of the oldest trees here, it's called the giant Sequoia tree - Sequoiadendron giganteum. This tree is 2000 years old. Isn't that interesting?" Orion and I nodded. Soon after, Xena returned. "Hey, friends. Let's enjoy the Baumkuchen cake, look it's still very fresh - just baked, the smell... is irresistible. Let's enjoy it while it's warm. Especially for you, Orion. This Baumkuchen cake I bought has cinnamon, I heard it has the ability to strengthen the respiratory tract. And you too, Hector, let's eat together. Hopefully with this simple dish, our friendship will deepen in the future, like the hundreds of layers of this Baumkuchen cake!" Orion was surprised, then said, "You bought special spiced Baumkuchen cake? That's very expensive, Xena. You shouldn't spend your money on that. Regular Baumkuchen cake is already luxurious for me, and I'm already very grateful. I can't just accept it like this. Let me pay..." Xena then patted Orion's back, then said, "Oh, Orion, don't be silly. Consider it a little gift from me. I rarely buy nice things! Don't refuse it, let's eat together." Xena kept offering us the Baumkuchen cake she bought. Finally, each of us took a piece and said thank you. We continued walking in the darkness of the night, hurrying back to the barracks.But, when we were about 10 meters away from our barracks, Xena suddenly pulled Hyperion's hand and said, "You two go home first, besides our barracks are behind. I want to talk to Hyperion about something. If there's a problem, contact us immediately, you know how to use your gear to track us, right? Have a good night's sleep, especially you, Orion. See you again tomorrow." Before I could reply, Xena and Hyperion were already far enough from us. There was something they were keeping secret. But I didn't want to dwell on it too much. 

Orion and I finally arrived at the barracks, and as usual, Sir Gunter was standing there. I immediately bowed to apologize, "I'm sorry, Sir. This afternoon Orion suddenly had an asthma attack, and..." Before I could finish my sentence, Sir Gunter patted my shoulder and said, "Get up, you don't need to apologize. I already knew. Hyperion sent someone to report to me. I'm proud of you, Hector. And let me set aside dinner for both of you, you must be hungry. Follow me." We thanked him, then followed Sir Gunter to his hut, and on his small table there were two servings of food for us. "Eat, I'll go back to guard in front of the barracks," he said shortly before leaving us. We ate eagerly and quickly finished the food provided. Then we washed our eating utensils, dried them, and put them back in their place.

Then we left the hut, intending to say thank you, then go to bed. However, I found Hyperion talking to Sir Gunter. A serious expression on their faces. When they saw us, Hyperion and Sir Gunter immediately stopped talking, then Hyperion quickly excused himself. "Allow me to excuse myself first, Sir. You two should go to bed soon, don't forget we have training again tomorrow with the usual schedule." Sir Gunter nodded, and Hyperion walked away. I felt that something was getting stranger, and I dared to ask Sir Gunter, "I'm sorry, Sir, may I ask if something happened? It seems like Hyperion was discussing something very important." Sir Gunter responded unfriendly, "Don't ask too many questions, go to sleep immediately and get ready for training tomorrow." I apologized and with Orion, we quickly entered the room and slept. However, I was very curious about what Hyperion was actually keeping secret.But because my body was very tired, I finally fell asleep. That evening had become the longest evening of my life, and the most memorable evening of my life - and it will be etched in the depths of my heart forever.


Disclaimer:This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, institutions, or events in the real world is purely coincidental. The author has endeavored to present information related to scientific applications and facts as accurately as possible, yet it cannot be avoided that certain modifications have been intentionally made for the sake of the storyline.It is important to note that scenes in this story are not recommended to be imitated without professional supervision as they may pose risks to oneself or others. Interpretation of this work is the responsibility of the individual reader, not the author.Therefore, it is advised for teenagers to seek guidance from parents or caregivers when reading this story.Additionally, it should be noted that all images used in this novel are solely for illustrative purposes to enhance the context of the story. Depictions of characters from image to image may not always be entirely accurate or exact due to AI-generated technology

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