MHA OC Story The Quirkless Ni...


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In a society with 80% of people possess a superhuman ability called a quirk. However, there are the 20% who d... Еще

OC Info
Chapter 1: Ninja Gotta Go
Chapter 2: School Kids On The Block
Chapter 3: Beach for the Stars
Chapter 4: Trains over Brawn
Chapter 5: All Paths Begin
Chapter 6: Entrance Exam
Chapter 7: Dinner

Chapter 8: Beginning of Many

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All Might was currently asleep as Leo was currently sword fighting, and practicing ninjitsu and martial arts. The No. 1 Hero could hear the blows being landed as Leo started using his skills.

All Might: Leo, no need to go through all this.

Leo: I have to. In order to keep up with the quirk individuals.

All Might: Also, how do you want to get to the school? Takahashi, Midoriya, or your new siblings?

Leo: I called up my new siblings. Kenta can drive.

All Might: Really? How nice.

Leo: Kind of weird how they didn't turn up bitter.

Soon the doorbell rang and he was met by Kenta and Anna. Leo hugged them as Kenta also handed him a bank card.

Leo: What's this?

Kenta: Mom and Dad's inheritance. Originally, we kept it until we became 18, and only took a few amounts of yen for ourselves in emergencies.

Anna: But we repaid it and you now have what's in there.

Leo typed in the number of the bank card, and was shocked at the amount.

Brief explanation. When the Himura family died, they left a lot, and I mean A LOT of money. Most of it went to Kenta and Anna, with a small amount going to Leo, but still pretty big. To be fair, Shin Himura was a good businessman and had a chain of dojos. Rei got some as well, but she rarely spent it and only gave some to her niece and nephew and children.

But to Leo, they thought he was dead. So they kept the money for themselves so Endeavor didn't get it. To give a small chance for their little brother or honoring him, they decided not to spend the entirety of Leo's inheritance until both graduated. Interest accumulated, and it was invested well thanks to Anna.

Explanation over.

Leo: You're kidding right?

Kenta: Nope. It's what mom and dad left you.

Anna: You could move out if you wanted.

Leo: No. But thanks. Come on. Time for school.


Once the Himura Siblings arrive at the school, Leo takes a look around and sheathes his sword. Soon, he comes across the same orange haired girl he found at the exam.

Kendo: Hey Himura.

Leo: Hi Kendo. What class do you have?

Kendo: Class 1B.

Leo: Darn it. I got 1A.

???: Heya, everybody.

Seika: My name's Seika Kamiya. I'm a new student.

Leo: Is your dad Daichi Kamiya?

Seika: Yeah, why?

Leo: Why do you want to be a hero?

Seika: Well, I not only want to make my dad proud, I want to help people!

Leo: Cool. What class do you have?

Seika: 1B.

Leo: Aw dang it! 1A.

Seika: You're Leo Himura?

Leo: Indeed I am.

Seika: I know it's true that they were lazy, but they're still human. We could be on the receiving end of that.

Leo: I know. So I don't intend to let anyone die when I'm on watch. Well, later guys. Bye Kamiya.

Seika: Bye Himura.


In the class, there were a few students there who seemed weird. First was a girl with pink skin and hair and horns as well; then there was a girl completely invisible; not to mention, Yaoyorozu and Iida were already there and looking around the classroom. Iida was currently scolding Bakugo as Himura sat by his cousin Shoto.

Todoroki: Hey Leo.

Leo: Human Peppermint.

Shoto: You can call me by my first name. We are family.

Leo: Meh.

Bakugo: Hey! Come over here!

Leo: Why should I?

Bakugo: Because I told you to, you extra!

Iida: How disgraceful! Use manners!

Bakugo: Butt out, four eyes!

Leo was currently talking to Saori, who was ahead of him, as Bakugo marched over to the quirkless ninja.

Bakugo: Oi! Didn't you hear me?! Don't think I still haven't forgotten the library!

Leo: I'm surprised you can walk into one with your voice.

Bakugo: Are you mocking me?!

Leo: No, I'm describing you. A foolish, arrogant berserker who got beaten up by a quirkless boy.

???: No way!

???: Is that true, Takahashi?

Saori: Yep, he beat him. Wanna watch, Ashido and Hagakure?

Bakugo attempts to punch him, but Leo grabs him by the neck and knees his stomach before kicking him into the wall.

Leo: Maybe you should learn to run with your legs instead of your mouth, you arrogant loudmouthed parasite.

Bakugo: What the hell did you call me?

Leo: You heard me right. Parasite. Insect. Bug. Worm. Shrimp. Pest!

Suddenly, the blond got his ego shattered into a million pieces from the weak animal names Leo gave him and decided to attack him.

Bakugo: Why you little!

Leo yawned and attempts to kick his shin, but was stopped by Iida.

Iida: Calm down! Bakugo, you must control your behavior! And Himura, I know he's rude, but that doesn't give you the right to be rude back!

Mina: Oh man!

Toru: I was so excited for what would happen next!

Saori: Trust me. Leo is actually a good guy. He's only rude to people who are rude to him.

Leo: Hey Saori. Who are they?

Mina: I'm Mina Ashido.

Toru: Toru Hagakure.

Leo: Reo Himura.

Mina: No way! Kenta's brother?!

Toru: I'm surprised you're related to him.

Leo: Todoroki's cousin too.

Mina: I can see where they get their looks!

Toru: Wish his personality was better. But still, fighting?

Saori: He is an amazing ninjitsu fighter. Kirishima? This is the guy I was telling you about!

A red haired guy with shark teeth walks over to Leo as the latter looks at him funny.

Leo: I thought they didn't allow animals in school.

Kirishima: Oh, the hair. They didn't care. My name's Eijiro Kirishima.

Leo: I'm Reo Himura.

Kirishima: Whoa. And is that the-

Leo: Yes, I'm related to Kenta Himura.

Kirishima: No! That sword!

Leo pulls out his white sword the gang gaze at the blade.

Saori: He fished this from the fire wreckage.

Leo: This is my family's most prized possession. Other than a book.

Kirishima: Wow. It's so manly!

Leo: I don't know what you find manly about a ninja clan.

Kirishima: Well, it's all about respectability and honor for me!

Leo: Then, yeah, I guess you could call it manly.

Izuku: Hey Leo!

Mina: Leo?

Leo: My sibs gave it to me as an Americanized nickname. Like Leonardo from TMNT.

Izuku: Your ninjitsu techniques helped a lot! Thanks.

Leo: You're welcome.

Soon, the teacher crawls over in a yellow bag and gets out of it as he introduces himself. Everyone was shocked at the teacher, but Leo knew who he was.

Aizawa: My name is Shota Aizawa. Nice to meet you.

Leo: Eraser Head? You're a teacher here?

Everyone: You know him?!

Leo: My grandpa trained many heroes in ninjitsu. Eraser was a top ninja. 

Aizawa: Never mind that. But now, you should put on a uniform, and meet up on the field.


They were all outside in gym uniforms as Leo brought swords, smoke bombs, and more, but wasn't shocked when he heard what would happen.

Everyone: A quirk assessment test?!

Saori: But we'll miss orientation!

Uraraka: And the entrance ceremony.

Aizawa: If you're going to become a hero, you can't waste time on events like those. UA allows teachers like us to run our classes as we see fit. So we'll be doing fitness tests like in junior high, but unlike junior high, you're allowed to use quirks. I'll choose someone to volunteer. Takahashi. How far could you throw a ball?

Saori: 71 meters.

Aizawa: Well, do it with your quirk.

The time girl winds up her arm and rotates it multiple times until she then it far into the atmosphere. Aizawa showed a record of 987 meters. Everyone was shocked at the girl, but she smiles and runs to Leo.

Aizawa: Now. I forgot to mention one thing. The person in last place from all 8 tests will be deemed as hopeless and be expelled immediately.

Everyone: WHAT?!

Leo cringed as he grips a bomb while Saori complained.

Saori: Thiss is unfair, and this is the first day! We didn't ask for this!

Aizawa: Heroes also don't ask for natural disasters, villains, or killings. This is the hero course, and heroes respond to unfair things every day. Don't think you can just show up, do learning, and put it off until the next day like normal school Like what Himura said on that broadcast at the hotel against Mirage: this is heroics and how the world works, but for UA, it's cranked up to 11. So go Beyond, Plus Ultra, and give it all you got.

Leo: (No way I'm going to fail. I'll never be the top, but I can at least be more than last.)

Aizawa: Next, Leo Himura.

Himura takes in a deep breath, but pulls out a small stick. He extends it as the group is shocked while a pervy grape haired kid cracks a comment.

Mineta: Looks like he's compensating for something.

Leo: At least I have something to compensate for.

Everyone ooohed at the grape haired kid as Leo uses his bo staff like a bat and gets around 200 meters. Mineta then tries to fling it using his body, and he only gets around 70 meters.

Leo: See?


Next was the hundred meter dash. Leo was going up against Bakugo. Both boys didn't exactly attempt to even hide their hate. But they didn't care.

Bakugo: Alright, big mouth! I'll show you who's the better hero! And maybe while you're at it, you can show your quirk instead of pretending not to have one!

Leo: Anything goes, right?

Aizawa: As long as you stay in the white line and not disrupting the opponent. Go.

Bakugo blitzes through with explosive propulsion, while Leo's staff turned into a spear, which he bends and uses it to catapult himself. Then he pole vaults to the end with 4.14 seconds. Barely beating Bakugo with 4.13 seconds.

Bakugo: Ha! Beat ya!

Leo: In annoyingness.

Then it was Saori and Iida. Iida attempted to rush all the way there with engine legs, but Saori slowed down time and decided to take a look at the orientation ceremony.

While there, it was just some speech by the principal and she decided to snag some sugar cookies and donuts to boost her energy and rush back.

Saori: So, how was I?

Aizawa: 0.52 seconds.

Saori: Iida?

Aizawa: 3.04 seconds.

The entire group was shocked at Saori's speed. Then Midoriya ran through the test with Full Cowling, all in under 3.31 seconds.

Saori: Guess I was a bit too slow.

Everyone: That was slow?!


Then there were repeated side steps. Leo excelled in these since he wall climbed as a ninja, but Saori was on another level. She went so fast, she actually destroyed the machine. The only one matching her in speed was Mineta, the purple haired kid.

He attempted to touch her butt, but Leo whacked his crotch with the Bo staff.

Mineta: Ow!

Leo: Mess with Takahashi, you mess with me.


Then there was the standing long jump. You had to make it past the sandbox. Izuku, Bakugo, and Aoyama made it through, and so did Leo. Again, he used a Bo staff to vault himself over it while Saori went way past.


Next up was the ball toss. Izuku's turn was next, and he attempted to toss it with his full power, but Eraser Head saw and shut down his quirk.

Aizawa: I erased your quirk. You can't control it can you? Do you tend to incapacitate yourself and have someone help you get healed?

Deku: No, I wasn't planning-

Aizawa: Your quirk is a liability. A dead weight to others. Once upon a time, a reckless hero like you, saved a thousand people in a disaster. But he had a controllable quirk. Izuku Midoriya, even with your quirk, you cannot become a hero.

Leo: Hey. This kid may not be some kind of prodigy, but he made it into the course! Give him a effing chance before you throw him away!

Despite this threat, Aizawa releases Izuku. Izuku then tosses the ball, but Leo sees him use his finger instead of his arm. Then, as the ball gets touched by the finger, it rockets into the sky as wind pressure was throughout the area and Leo smiled.

Aizawa marked a 705.3 meters, more than Bakugo by .1 meter. Everyone was amazed, except Bakugo.

Bakugo! Deku you no good, lying, bastard! What's with that power?!

As he rushes to Midoriya, Leo comes by and low sweeps Bakugo. Bakugo then gets up and prepares to fight Leo.

Bakugo: You shouldn't have done that, big mouth!

Leo was silent as Bakugo attempts to blow him up instead. So Leo grabs his sword and whatever explosion was lobbed at Leo, he sliced them and it turned into cold ice which shattered.

Then he went behind Bakugo, twisted his arm, and kicked his head into the ground. But not before using a pressure point to his neck to knock him out.

Mina: You were right!

Hagakure: He is cool! Not just literally!

Aizawa: Something you should know about Himura. Despite his ice sword, he is actually a quirkless student. And UA's first one on top of that.

Everyone: WHAT?!

Mina: Someone so cool is quirkless?!

Iida: How'd you pass?!

Kirishima: What a manly achievement!

Suddenly, Leo throws a smoke bomb onto the ground and fades into it. Everyone else coughs as Momo looks over the bomb. It was engineered well. The smoke and flash powder worked well and it was loud enough to lessen senses.

Momo: This is a good smoke bomb.

Bakugo: That toy?!

Mina: He's a Himura! They're ninjas!

Shoto: My mom's family used to be ninjas.

Hagakure: I thought you were joking!

Saori: Trust me, Leo is super smart.

Tokoyami: I can't believe it. It's really impressive, Himura.

Leo: Thanks. But you'd all be shocked since no one expects a quirkless boy to enter.


After the rest of the group do the ball toss, they then do the other physical exercises, which Leo excelled in, even without a quirk. Then the results were shown.

Aizawa: Ok. I'll quickly tell you the results. They were from your individual marks on each test. It's a waste of time to go off individually, so I'll show you all at once.


1. Saori Takahashi

2. Momo Yaoyorozu

3. Shoto Todoroki

4. Katsuki Bakugo

5. Tenya Iida

6. Fumikage Tokoyami

7. Mezo Shoji

8. Mashirao Ojiro

9. Eijiro Kirishima

10. Izuku Midoriya

11. Mina Ashido

12. Ochaco Uraraka

13. Tsuyu Asui

14. Yuga Aoyama

15. Reo Himura

16. Hanta Sero

17. Denki Kaminari

18. Kyoka Jiro

19. Toru Hagakure

20. Minoru Mineta


Aizawa: Oh, and that expulsion punishment, I lied. It was rational deception to draw out your limits of your quirks.

Iida, Midoriya, and Uraraka: WHAT?!

Saori: (Thank god.)

Leo: (I'm so glad my teacher ain't a social Darwinist.)

Aizawa: When you all get back to class, there are pamphlets detailing the curriculum, so look over them when you arrive. Let's go back.


Next up, once the whole class was detailed and how it would be implemented, Leo was going around the other classroom and saying hi to the other students there. Soon, he came across Seika, Kendo, and Monoma.

Seika: Hey, Leo.

Leo: Hi.

Kendo: Yo Himura! You're talking to the class rep of 1B! And my assistant, Kamiya!

Kamiya: I'm the Vice Rep.

Leo: Sweet.

Monoma: You must be the school's very first quirkless boy. I must say, I'm glad. I wish you were in our class though.

Leo: You're Manami Neiki?

Monoma: Monoma Neito. I see you're trying to make friends with us.

Leo: Uh, no doy.

Monoma: They're corrupting you! 1A and their evilness are trying to hurt you! Don't worry, if you switch out you'll be fine with us!

Kendo chops his neck as Leo was smirking at the blond.

Leo: Nice job.

Kendo: Well, I trained under Gunhead.

Leo: But I could give you a real fight.

Tetsutetsu: What's this about a real fight?

Kendo: Himura. The one I was telling you about. I accept.

Leo: No weapons, no bombs, only fists. And legs.

Seika: Place your bets!


Seika was running a betting booth, and half betted for Himura, and the other for Kendo. Then, Tetsutetsu came and explained the rules.

Tetsutetsu: No quirks or gadgets! Only fists and feet! Out of bounds or knocked out! Fight!

Kendo rushes toward Leo, but he dodges and dodge rolls to the left before kicking her shin. She winces, but backflips to face the quirkless ninja.

He then attempts to punch her, but she blocks every hit he lands on her. Leo smirks before grabbing her arm and tripping her leg as he throws her into the ground. She was close to the end, but regained her footing and faced Himura.

Kendo: You're actually not half bad.

Leo: So not half good either? I'm offended.

Kendo: I mean-

Leo bum rushes her, pivots to behind her, and low sweeps her legs before pinning her to the ground.

Leo: Had enough?

Kendo: No.

She headbutts him and roundhouse kicks him in the chest. Kendo then starts attempting to punch him, but with balance and speed, he dodges Kendo with much ease. But unlike others, she kept calm. However, she had one moment where she missed the right spot, which left Leo into using a pressure point to her right arm, rendering it useless.

Kendo: Ack! My arm!

Leo: Heh. Guess you're disarmed.

Kendo: Pressure point combat? Guess they do teach you everything.

She then heel kicks him, but he catches her foot before he does so. Kendo then yanks it out and does a handstand before backflipping back into position.

Both sides were tired, but Reo knew how to finish this. He rushes Kendo and she prepares to attack him, but he fakes her out and elbows her before tripping her, kneeing her back, and tossing her out of bounds.

Tetsutetsu: Kendo is out of bounds! Himura wins!

The crowd cheered for Leo as he felt so proud. But he walks over to Kendo and gives her a hand up as she grabs it and gets back up.

Kendo: Not bad, Himura.

Leo: You too, Kendo.


As they were being healed by Recovery Girl, Leo and Kendo were talking about their experiences in martial arts.

Leo: My family was, of course, a ninja clan. So I trained in ninjitsu for a while and taught myself some moves.

Kendo: Oh, well my large hands are mainly good for that too. But only punches. I've trained at Gunhead dojos. Gunhead was the only one who could beat me.

Leo: I actually beat Gunhead. For some apocalyptic brawler, he is quite a kind guy.

Kendo: He is, isn't he? Also, surprisingly rich. He took over the Himura dojos.

Leo: Yeah. Gunhead. *sigh* I miss dad and mom.

Kendo: At least you have your adopted dad.

Leo: I know. Thanks for hearing me out, Kendo. Not a lot of people would want to befriend quirkless boys.

Kendo: No prob. Wanna exchange numbers?

Leo: Yep.


Chapter 8: End.


Mayor Shisuke Otsuki was currently taking a look over his city and talking to his assistant. Otsuki was the mayor of Yokohama and was a good one at that.

Otsuki: Well, I can't think of anything that could make this day better!

Suddenly, a newscast was on the tv and Otsuki watched over it. It had heroes, but then he saw a boy with the Himura Clan Sword.

Otsuki: (Himura Clan? I thought they died more than a decade ago!)

Assistant: Anything, sir?

He pressed a button and another, as he opens a door to a tube which took him all the way to a huge cathedral which wasn't anywhere near the city.

The man puts on a black robe, his mask, and faces his followers.

Otsuki: Hello, my followers! It is I! The Moon King! I am pleased to see you have control over Yokohama's criminals as some of our new followers. And you eliminated the ones who aren't.

They bow as the Moon King says his plan.

Moon King: However, three ninjas remain. All from the elusive Himura Clan. They must be eliminated! But we also can't forget our main goal. Finding the Seven Shinigami Sapphires! Once we obtain those, we'll be able to execute our plan, and Japan will be on their knees serving us!


Name: Shisuke Otsuki (王月 自助 Otsuki Shisuke)

Personality: He is a friendly guy on the outside, but he is really a relentless cult leader, and also wrathful enough to eliminate all ninjas.

Quirk: Moon Manipulation (Using crescents, moonlight, and rock, he is able to manipulate any one of these three and use it as a weapon for his own choosing.)

Name Meaning: Shisuke means "self" (自 Shi) and "help" (助 Suke). And Otsuki means "king" (王 O) and "moon" (月 Tsuki). This fits since he is the Moon King and only helps himself.

Japanese Voice Actor: Takuya Eguchi

English Voice Actor: Keith Silverstein

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