Lament (Sebastian Sallow)

By EllaSallow

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In the year 1900, Penelope Silverthorn returns to Hogwarts after eight years of leaving only to find herself... More

Lament (Sebastian Sallow)
Chapter 1: Floor -4
Chapter 2: Professor Sallow
Chapter 3: Luna, The Dog
Chapter 4: Percy
Chapter 5: P.S (P.S)
Chapter 6: Sebastian's Journal
Chapter 7: Pen, Get It?
Chapter 8: We're All Parentless
Chapter 9: Cecil's Red Flags
Chapter 10: Professor Sallow's Distraction
Chapter 11: Sebastian's Grudge
Chapter 12: A Summer Fling
Chapter 13: A Drunken Owl
Chapter 14: I Think I'm Drunk
Chapter 15: Sister-In-Law
Chapter 16: Prewett's Legacy
Chapter 17: Coach Sallow
Chapter 18: Time For A Proper Welcome Back
Chapter 19: The Rabid Fiancée
Chapter 20: At What Cost?
Chapter 21: The Undercroft
Chapter 21 1/2: Expect The Unexpected
Chapter 22: Missed Me, Britain?
Chapter 23: Poppy's Reflection
Chapter 24: Matching Rings
Chapter 25: Sebastian's (Dis)Respect
Chapter 27: Halloween Night Part 1
Chapter 27: Halloween Night Part 2
Chapter 28: Did Merlin Do This Too? *
Chapter 29: Dreams Show Signs *
Chapter 30: Sebastian's Nemesis
Chapter 31: Professor Sallow's Outburst
Chapter 32: Restricted Section, Restricted Things *
Chapter 33: Sebastian's Jealousy

Chapter 26: Professor Sallow's Office

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By EllaSallow

Chapter 26: Professor Sallow's Office

"Even now when we're already over,
I can't help myself from looking for you."

Penelope Silverthorn couldn't think straight that morning. Her mind was a tangled web of conflicting emotions and insults in the aftermath of what had happened on the floor below hours ago. Yes, hours — the time sped as she rotted inside that faculty bedroom. Overthinking and chaos became her best friends.

A mixture of embarrassment and frustration gawked Penelope as she replayed the event in her mind. She couldn't shake the thought that somehow, this was all her fault. That if she had intervened sooner in that argument, none of this wouldn't have happened.

But the maybe's taunted her. Maybe if she had found the courage to step in and stop the argument before it escalated, Sebastian wouldn't have said what he said — Maybe if she had been more assertive, Josh wouldn't have kept pushing with remarks. Maybe, Maybe —

And all those people who witnessed it. Penelope was able to catch whispers upon going back to her bedroom with the faculty members; the speculation about the nature of Penelope and Sebastian's relationship being the spotlight.

"Oh, I've probably been inside of her more than you ever have," The voice echoed with mockery and disdain as it replayed endlessly on her head.

And he said so proudly just to win the argument. So fucking proudly.

Penelope paced back and forth inside the room, the air becoming humid with the raw energy of her emotions. You could see the Ancient Magic dance beneath her skin, the weight of her own power becoming dense from the uncontrollable thoughts as it traced higher.

"Fuck, fuck," She let out with a whispered curse from the frustration.

That was an engaged man she was stressing about. A man that belongs to another. A man who had moved on after eight years. A man that was no longer her's.

But despite the harsh reality, Penelope couldn't deny the lingering calls with the names, the bittersweet conversations the professor would start up before inevitable interruptions, the Undercroft, and now this bloody thing.

How was she supposed to confront anyone after this? How was she supposed to keep working on this case with him everywhere? all this?

Perhaps, Joshua Rogers was right. None of this wouldn't have occurred if the professor just simply minded his business. Just worried about himself and his pretty woman.

What if this was his revenge for leaving him eight years ago? Having him torment me purposely to make my life hell as I stayed here? Penelope thought to herself. What if...

"You don't know anything about her anymore."

"I know more than you." Sebastian said in confidence.

"As if you knew me so well, Sebastian." Penelope said bitterly to herself in that empty bedroom.

The woman was frustrated. She was spiraling in a matter of minutes and if she did not think logically, the entire space would be filled with plastered magic. It would only add more to the case.

Frustrated that Sebastian Sallow did know her well.

Frustrated that despite the circumstances that have happened, he would step aside and help her.

Frustrated that even as an engaged man, he held the power to corrupt her mind.

Frustrated that she couldn't move on from him.

Penelope's frown turned over the enchanted clock above the headboard of the full-size bed and swallowed.

11:55 AM

The brown leather journal flopped in every step Penelope Silverthorn took on those wooden floorboards inside of Hogwarts. Her posture was straight as she ignored any commotion in her surroundings and angrily walked toward the destination.

This was wrong. No this was right. Whatever it was — the intrusive thoughts had won. She had to put an end to this game.

The usual nostalgic wave of entering and hearing the classical violin music no longer eased Penelope. It now triggered her as she clicked on that Defense Against the Dark tower and ignored the bell that rang over the halls.

As students from all years and houses huddled in those busy halls, Penelope kept her view straight and ignored any whispers and questions that were held on her from the usual infamous events she did ten years ago.

"She's so cool!"

"I wonder if she knows—"

Surprisingly, there was no thick voice that echoed beyond those walls as she walked further in. How lucky to save herself from hearing it like music in her ears.

Three students were inside the classroom upon entering. They seemed busy packing up their last magical books as the class had ended mere minutes ago, but they gossiped with each other before eyeing Penelope's entrance.

"Miss S!"

Penelope cleared her throat, not even having the energy to grow a smile as she eyed the fourth year student waving at her. It wasn't their fault at all, but her energy was depleted.

"Students." Penelope nodded, her eyes observing the quiet classroom as her target was absent from his usual place.

The students eyed each other, noticing the sudden shift of the powerful witch's demeanor. The usual composed and approachable witch was now a serious one, which was unfamiliar to them.

"Are you looking for the professor?" A fourth year girl finally answered Penelope's aim as it was common sense why she'd be there.

Penelope nodded.

Another student pointed toward the locked office above the spiral stairs, "In his office."

Penelope began to feel small guilt from the fear on the students' faces and let her guard down for a second, growing a half smile at them. It wasn't their fault the castle has been a shit-hole lately.

"Thank you."

As Penelope walked, a student cut in mid-way.

"The professor usually forbids visitors when his office is closed. As the sign says," The girl pointed at the door.

If You See This Sign
Do Not Knock
Take An Owl Ticket At My Desk

Thank You
Professor Sallow

Penelope's jaw clenched at the sign, and again, the students took notice of the adult's discomfort. They gathered their stuff more quickly and began to depart.

"H-Have a good day, Miss S!"

Penelope just nodded at them as the classroom magically became empty after a few seconds.

Do Not Knock.

Penelope took her steps slow on those rocky stairs and pretended as if her heart wasn't raising its rate with every step.

A hand clutched on the doorknob and as expected it was locked.

Suddenly, the sign vibrated and glowed on the door. As if, the professor sensed someone nearby and made it brighter as a reminder that he wanted privacy.

Privacy. How ironic after he let the whole faculty floor know he fucked me so many times a few hours ago. How private of him.

"Alohamora." Penelope waved at the door.


Out of desperation, Penelope's annoyance was already at a high level, making it easier to access the Ancient Magic within her and concentrating enough against the door to burst it open and walk in with frustration.

At least she did follow the boundaries. She didn't knock.

"I said I want to be—"

"How dare you?" Penelope lashed out at the speaking voice.

Professor Sallow was slouched against his office chair, exhaustion stretching in his freckled face as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and stared up at the upset woman who had just walked in.

A quill twirled idly between his fingers, a gesture to also calm the restlessness and frustration he felt from his chaotic morning. The end of his sleeves were unbuttoned and rolled up from the teaching and the suspenders were no longer in a straight view from lecturing his first few classes and failing to teach right.

Sebastian Sallow thought that having to teach classes after the morning commotion was going to be a great distraction from his inner mind. It wasn't. As he taught the students, his mind would wander on the previous events and he'd stutter or lose track.

In result, he had to end classes earlier and let the student roam with extra time in their hands as he became angry with himself the entire morning.

It was hard to process the thought that he was thinking of ways to approach Penelope Silverthorn and apologize for his choice of words earlier. But his mind was also busy on the engagement he broke off and was now worrying about the consequences that were coming with that.

Would he lose his job? Would he get a yell from Mr. Greengrass himself? It was scary and stressful.

When Penelope Silverthorn entered his office unexpectedly as he was overthinking his entire life and regrets, it caught him off guard. He was speechless for a moment as she forced herself in with a stern look on her face.

Penelope's eyes were bore into him and Sebastian squirmed a little uncomfortably in his seat from the shadow. He would connect that she also felt the same stress by the way the lines of tension etched on her features, and how strands of her hair hung from rapid walking.

This didn't help the setting. For both of them.

Sebastian's lips parted for a moment, his body lifting a little as he tried to process the presence in front of him.


"Oh, I've probably been inside of her more than you ever have." Penelope mocked him for his previous words. Her face was rosy from the rephrasing, but she was clearly upset.

Sebastian's words died on his lips at the reminder; Penelope's voice mimicking his with anger and offense. He just gave a sighed, pressing his lips together, and lifted his head at her from his desk.

"I apologize about that. The words slipped." Sebastian said in guilt.

Penelope's breath was high as she furrowed, "The words slipped? Are you kidding me?"

Sebastian sighed down, setting his hands down flatly onto the desk, and rethought the mistake he committed.

Was it a mistake? Clearly. And unprofessional as heck. He was a mature adult now, not a student — but at least he set his enemy into place.

"You're an engaged man, Mister Sallow." Penelope said hurt just to remind him.

Penelope felt a pang to even say those words, but it was the truth. Nothing else could clash it. It was common sense.

Sebastian lifted a finger, intending to interject, "Actually—"

"Do you realize what you've done?" Penelope's voice was edged with a mixture of disbelief and frustration. "You've caused a scandal upon this castle. You not only put your reputation at risk from that, but you've also put me—"

"Whoa, whoa," Sebastian stood up from his fancy office chair, interrupting Penelope as he also wanted to let out his frustration, "Me? You came all the way here to lecture me about my choice of words?"

Penelope stared at the man. Her eyes tried to force herself not to be distracted by the brown suspenders that buckled around his dress shirt, highlighting his torso. Or how his brown hair waved around his forehead, tousled from resting on his desk — or the glasses on his face that made him look ten times intelligent — or, or

"Yes, yes I did!" Penelope stood her ground and kept herself together, despite the distraction.

Sebastian furrowed his brows, "You're here to talk about my choice of words?" He repeated, raising his arms for expression, "As if Joshua Rogers insensitive comments weren't enough?"

The professor's words came out in a rush, his tone already harsh from even mentioning Joshua Rogers once again. Just speaking about the toxic man made him spiral.

Penelope gritted a little from his frustration, but quickly regained her composure.

"This is not about Josh."

Sebastian clenched his fingers on the desk from the defense Penelope Silverthorn had over Joshua Rogers. He didn't have the right to feel territorial over her anymore, but the irrational part of his conscious couldn't help, but react with jealousy.

"It is," Sebastian argued, "All he's ever done is cause disruptive behavior with his choice of words. Cause disrespect on others and on you." He pointed a finger in Penelope's direction.

Penelope became tentative again as to how Sebastian Sallow's words were right.

"And didn't say disrespectful stuff this morning—"

"Compared to him? No. If anything," Sebastian placed a hand over his hip, "I just said my truth."

Penelope frowned more, her skin feeling cold inside of her blood from the magic that wanted to peak.

The professor walked around his desk, his movements purposeful as he exposed himself and reached closer to the middle of his office, confronting Penelope face-to-face.

"I may have spoken out of turn," Sebastian crossed his arms in front of her, "but I stand by what I said."

Penelope's jaw tightened, ignoring the fact that Sebastian had gotten out of his way from his desk and walked near.

"And you're so proud of that?"

Yes. The man was very proud to let any man that was near Penelope Silverthorn that he can't be defeated.

Sebastian gulped at the question and shook his head, "Perhaps, I wouldn't have said that if he knew how to respect you."

The professor knew he was coming out of lines with his harsh words toward Penelope, but he knew himself. There was a surge of protectiveness he gathered on her. It was more defense than insult on what he did.

Penelope was at a loss on how to respond to the truth. Only a scoff breathed out of her from the words, "As if you did any better with what you said!"

"Why are you letting him treat you like that?" Sebastian asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Sebastian Sallow couldn't understand Penelope Silverthorn. The girl he knew to be brave and defend herself from all negativity, would allow someone like Joshua Rogers to disrespect her, especially considering her famous position in the Wizarding World.

It bothered him. It bothered him because she wasn't like that. The Penelope he knew was better than this. She deserved better.

"The relationship between me and Josh is none of your business, professor. Just like the relationship between you and Cecil isn't my business." Penelope reminded, not wanting to think twice about what he was telling her.

The words cut like a knife from the reminder of the boundaries, but Penelope only knew so much about what had happened the last few hours.

"Cecil and I ended it." Sebastian admitted, his voice quiet, but relieved.

Penelope was speechless at the news. Was it fooling day? Was it the argument? Was it her fault? Her mind was already filled with other stuff to even think about it.

"I would've ended it too after such commotion. If I ever saw my own fiancé speak words about a past lover like that--" Penelope murmured in honesty, speaking the common sense to him

Sebastian bit the inside of his cheek at her words but corrected her. "I ended the engagement."

The admission hung in the air between the two adults. The tension seemed lost and silent at the moment.

As Penelope listened to Sebastian's words, she couldn't help, but aim at the negative. Was it her fault? Had she somehow played a role in the unraveling of Sebastian's relationship with Cecil Greengrass that he ended it? Was he lying?

"You're making a mistake. You shouldn't have ended such a big commitment to a woman," Penelope defended, her voice firm.

Who knew the day Penelope Silverthorn defending Cecil Greengrass would come? It was a rare sight. Neither Sebastian, nor Penelope could comprehend it, but the news was deniable. It was shocking.


"Cecil was a woman that cared over you and worried. I do not blame any concerns she might've had. It is not her fault—"

"As you stated, Miss Silverthorn," Sebastian crossed his arms, his mind feeling loopy on hearing Penelope try to justify Cecil's defense, "The relationship between Cecil and I is none of your business."

Penelope blinked in surprise, realizing that Sebastian had just mirrored her actions back to her. It was a humbling moment to see the importance of getting treated the way you treated others.

"You don't know what happened behind the public. I've had my reasonings." Sebastian let out, playing with the hem of his white dress shirt, "Perhaps, I should've also minded my business and let Mister Rogers keep disrespecting you."

Penelope gave an almost-rolling eyes look and Sebastian wanted to give it back as the topic from the other man came back into the conversation. It bothered both of them.

"But I also won't stand and watch someone be treated with anything less than the respect they deserve." Sebastian confessed, "I had to speak, even if it meant causing a scandal."

"You shouldn't have even cared in the first place if you knew the consequence. It doesn't make you any less different than—"

"I never said I cared," Sebastian lied to her, but you could sense the truth beneath the hazel in his eyes, "I just think it's common sense to know your worth."

"Like you know best, Mister Sallow." Penelope retorted, but you can hear a tone of challenge from it.

Penelope Silverthorn and Sebastian Sallow knew that there was a deeper truth beneath the surface of their words, but it was a matter of time before it cracked.

"I do." Sebastian hammered at her, his body bending slightly to her height as he frowned, "Because I never once treated you like that."

The professor's voice was firm and his gaze was struck as he stared down Penelope. He was refusing to back down. Refusing to let her dismiss his truth.

Penelope stepped back, having a taken-back feel as Sebastian confessed out. Her throat wiggled and her chest rose more.

Sebastian did never went that low with disrespect and that's what bothered Penelope. He was always fucking right.

"Did I?!" Sebastian's voice grew higher at her.

Penelope kept her frown, but she had now also crossed her arms as her eyes stared up at the annoyed expressions.

"Does it matter?" Penelope said in attitude.

Sebastian just stared at her. There was a blend of anger in his face, but also softness in his eyes. It's like he wanted to say so much, but couldn't conjure the words.

"For such a powerful witch, you've lowered your standards a lot." Sebastian confessed.

"Oh, piss off!" Penelope said in offense, switching and turning her back as her hands threw upward from the dramatic tone.

"It's the truth!" Sebastian replied in annoyance.

Penelope turned back, and squinted her eyes at him, "Like you're such a perfect man yourself, professor! Do I need to remind you why I'm here in the first place? On what you said on that Faculty Tower?!"

Professor. Sebastian's knuckles fisted on the edge of that desk as he replied to the argument.

"I never said I was a perfect man," Sebastian said to her, "But I sure do know how to treat a woman and it's not by talking over them or just using them for pleasure." He half-insulted at Penelope, but in his words, he was once a man like that in the past, so that made him hypocritical.

Penelope scoffed louder, getting closer to him with anger, "You know nothing about me or my relationships to have the audacity to speak that way." Her fingers pointed at him. They were only a few inches away from his suspenders.

"I don't have to. You clearly said you were on your own, as you're an expert at," Sebastian chuckled, "And I'm sure after Joshua's voice echoed down that hall, I got to see his real intentions with you."

"How considerate of you!" Penelope said in sarcasm.

Sebastian's attention became drawn to the woman's actions. He'll see how the skirt flowed with each dramatic turn at him. The way her small fingers, which began to project small traces of magic, danced in the air that pointed just at him. Only him. He almost felt special.

"You're welcome." Sebastian frowned.

"I wasn't thanking you."

Both adults were equally tired. Tired of their life, tired of their current relationships, tired of an unsolved case, tired of each other. It was normal to expect their tones to be straightforward and blunt.

Sebastian just looked to the side and kept clenching his face from the tension. From how easily put he got with Penelope Silverthorn. There were so many mixtures of emotions, it was crazy.

"You don't need to," Sebastian spat, "but if you've come here for an apology, then alright, I apologize for upsetting you."

Penelope just listened.

"It was very inconsiderate and inappropriate of me to say such words," Sebastian played with the ring on his finger, "You didn't deserve that humiliation, Miss Silverthorn. I didn't mean to upset you."

The words came in sarcasm. You could tell that Sebastian Sallow was not considerate of his actions anymore. He was almost glad he said that. Yeah, it caused an engagement to end and a never-ending risk of a scandal, but he did not have regrets.

"As if the damage isn't already done," Penelope murmured under her breath, "Thanks."

Again, sarcasm.

And they were both driving each other nuts with it.

Penelope watched Sebastian, her gaze fixed on the transparent lenses of his glasses that obscured his eyes, making it difficult to gauge his expression. But even without seeing his eyes, she could feel the intensity of his gaze boring into her.

Penelope prepared for a leave, finally breaking off the eye contact and turning away.

"Go on, then," Sebastian challenged after, "Go onto your next victim, Miss Silverthorn. Go lecture Rogers too."

Sebastian couldn't help, but feel a surge of anger just imagining that if Penelope came to lecture him this way, with her perfect expressions and attractive waves — he couldn't imagine Joshua Rogers holding back. Especially, with his disrespectful actions.

Penelope turned, scoffing, "Don't dare deflect this conversation to someone else, Sallow!" She shot back, "This isn't about Josh. Nor anyone, but you. I know you and what you said was out of bounds."

Sebastian's jaw clenched from the truth as he struggled to contain his temper.

"I wasn't deflecting anything, Miss S," Sebastian said, "I never claimed to be perfect in my words, but at least I have the decency to apologize when I've messed up. Can you say the same?"

The change of color that plastered on Penelope Silverthorn's face was indescribable. You would think she was facing death from the shock that electrocuted her body from what Sebastian Sallow told her.

Sebastian played around with the feathery quill again, observing it as he spoke, "Maybe, you and Josh aren't so different after all."

Penelope's nostrils flared at his accusation, but she closed her eyes with a sigh and shook her head, "I'm leaving."

Sebastian gave a low hurtful chuckle at her words, igniting a fire of frustration on the woman, "Of course you are."

Without missing a beat, Penelope spoke his mind, already feeling tired and overwhelmed.

"Go on, Mister Sallow," She snapped, "Say it. Say how leaving is what I'm good at doing anyway. I know you're dying to say it."

Sebastian now bit the inside of his mouth, the quill in his hand now dropping on the floor as he flickered at her.

"You're right, Pen." Sebastian faced her again, the heat in his body rising at each word, "Leaving is what you're good at. It's pathetic, really."

Penelope's breath hissed from following the words. She watched as Sebastian stared at her with coldness as he said that again. It seemed like a motion of wanting her to leave completely.

Sebastian took notice of Penelope's muteness and sighed loudly, standing up in the middle of that office and pointing at the door.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Leave my office."

"I will!" Penelope gathered herself.

"At least this time you had the decency to let me know you were leaving ahead of time. How sincere." The professor spoke to her in cold sarcasm. The words in pain as he said them.

Penelope stopped her steps for a few seconds. Her eyes closed in guilt from his words, but she didn't have the energy to continue any more of it. Her energy was lowering and she was afraid on what might've happened if she replied back. But she did.

"You're welcome, Professor Sallow." Penelope said bitterly with sarcasm before turning around toward that door angrily.

Professor Sallow.

The words came out of Penelope Silverthorn's pink lips the same way he had imagined vividly inside the shower that very morning. The way they surged into his brain with desire as he had masturbated into them. It was a trigger.

At that moment, all of Professor Sallow's thoughts became drowned out by a wave of longing and need. He couldn't explain, or defend it, but he acted on it.

Sebastian Sallow's body moved swiftly, walking hastily as one hand shot out to slam the door that Penelope was going to walk out of and prevented her an exit once and for all.

Penelope Silverthorn froze, but before she could cause a reaction, she felt a hand clamp around the back of her neck, the grip strong as she was aggressively twisted around and hammered down with a kiss.

The kiss was raw and primal, a blend of aggressiveness and desire as Sebastian's lips stayed glued onto Penelope's that no spell could detach; his hand stayed gripping her neck, afraid she'd escape.

The feelings were electrifying to Penelope Silverthorn. There was a conscious thought that it was wrong, but also not wrong. They were both single, but the matters that led up to them were insane.

Penelope didn't hold back. If anything, she felt weaker feeling Sebastian's fingers tug behind her neck as she felt his wet lips for the very first time in eight years. It was erotic and sloppy.

And no time was wasted inside that office.

Only the noises of sloppy kissing and tongues clicking echoed inside the space that afternoon.

There was a thud that was let out against the closed wooden door as Sebastian weighted Penelope's back against it. The force made her gasp in between as his hand finally detached from her neck and came to her sides.

Sebastian's hand lingered beneath the skirt, touching the lace stocking of Penelope as he broke the kiss and gave a hot breath against her ear. He felt like a school boy feeling the erotic touch of a girl he was head over heels for again.

"You can't just walk away from me again, Pen," his voice was husky, "Not like this."

Penelope couldn't conjure any words. It's like she became hallucinated by the man and nothing could break the tension. It was too late.

A hand raised caressing the scratchy face of the man, finally getting a feel of him much closer as another hand dug into the shaggy soft brown hairs, tugging them at each movement.

The scent of mahogany and musk breathed over her. There it was.

"Hm," Penelope gave out the first unintentional breath of pleasure from the scent; embarrassed that they hadn't even moved forward and she was already a sex-yearning mess.

And Sebastian devoured any sound that vibrated from his actions. He was afraid if he moved closer over her legs he'd finish himself. That's how needy it became.

Penelope's legs became wobbly for a moment as she melted and this gave Sebastian permission to carry her weight from the door and guide her onto the nearest furniture.

Penelope hitched a breath, feeling herself get plopped at the edge of the desk, her legs dangling before Sebastian multitasked in the moment, kissing her and using his hands behind her to slide off all the papers and quills that were in the way.

As Penelope turned to watch the papers fly around the air from the mess and loud noise that was made, Sebastian pushed her forward on his desk, not caring about the unorganized office floor.

"Nothing magic can't fix," Sebastian whispered.

Their breaths became heavy as one of Sebastian's arms rested flatly on that desk beside Penelope while the other began to roam onto her thighs carefully.

Penelope was caged by Sebastian and her chest rose higher from his touch. It was like all those years of men she lost herself in were nothing. Absolutely nothing compared to one single touch by Sebastian Sallow.

Sebastian squished Penelope's inner thigh, causing a squirm out of her from the soft spot.

"S-Sebastian, that's—"

"Yeah, I know," Sebastian smirked, hiding the fear that if he stepped back, the bulge in his pants would be noticeable. "I remember."

It was hot. The office was hot. Their bodies were hot. Nothing was appropriate about what they had been doing — but they felt like two young students again at that moment.

Penelope gave heart palpations beneath herself while her fingers tugged over the suspenders of the professor; her fingers hooking on them as she tried to remain at ease.

But how could such a woman remain at ease when there was a man who knew her body more than anyone in front of her? How his kissing pattern synchronized with hers. How the veins in his hands forced out while he squished her thighs. Sebastian Sallow was sure stronger now.

"Hm," Sebastian gave an unplanned grunt when his hips accidentally clicked forward in between Penelope's legs.

Penelope breathed out, her mind trying to distinguish that although the man was fully clothed with pants on, she could feel the hardness of his length palming in between her clothed undergarments.

It felt so clear. Thicker than she had remembered. And it drove her insane; she was prepared to just let it loose by just dry humping over it. It was truly embarrassing on her end.

In the moment, Penelope's hand detangled from the soft brown hairs and rested on the sides of Sebastian's face. Her eyes opening as she admired the man.

Sebastian followed in between, opening his eyes and depicting a deep look into Penelope's eyes.

They both tried to distinguish the reality of it. Perhaps, it was false. Maybe, it was another long dream. Maybe, it was a shower thought that got out of line. Maybe, it wasn't real.

"Tell me," Sebastian hoarse out, his fingers tickling deeper into the skirt, reaching the elastic band of the stocking, "Tell me to stop."

Penelope's throat grew tight, not wanting Sebastian to win on the actions and her hands reached down his belt, tugging it as she pulled him closer.

It was perfect. It was them. It's what made them made for each other. They knew each other well. Their tactics, their kinks, their bodies. It was only better as adults.

"Stop," Penelope whispered.

Sebastian's neck tightened, holding himself together from the small fingers pushing his belt line and feeling his length palm over the layered stocking.

If only he could rip the stocking fabric in between her legs and plunge himself inside of her in a few seconds. It was possible. He had the strength to rip it and undo himself.

"Stop what?" Sebastian fought, preparing his fingers to do it. He was sure Penelope wouldn't complain if he did it. He did it once in the past. He'll happily volunteer to buy her new stockings. Or a dozen if he'll want to keep ripping them each time.

Penelope was a mess. Loss for words. If this is how her adult body felt just kissing Sebastian Sallow — she feared what it was going to feel like if they kept going to the real thing. Too fearing.

"Stop telling me," Penelope panted, "...what to do, professor."

The desk beneath them made a creaking noise when Sebastian's weight came more forward onto Penelope. He was almost on top of that desk with her from how much he was holding himself together from wanting to be inside of her.

"How dare you," Sebastian said in desperation, "...come back after all these years and do such thing, Pen?"

Penelope parted her lips, brushing them against Sebastian's as she processed his words.

Sebastian gave her a darkening stare full of lust as he prepared himself to let it loose and just take her roughly on his own office desk.

"You owe me eight years," Sebastian said bitterly.

His fingers flickered onto her skirt again, preparing to clutch it once and for all and just rip —

The school bell blasted through the Hogwarts castle that afternoon, signaling that the next session of classes was taking place in less than a minute.

With unfortunate luck, the couple reluctantly pulled away from each other from the desk at the bell. Their heated embrace coming to a shitty end.

Both twenty six year olds just stood there without words. Only their breaths hissing between the silence and their heads disoriented. The heartbeats were still racing from the intensity of the passion.

Penelope pushed the professor slowly to break distance, but Sebastian kept his fingers plastered just a few more seconds on her legs, not knowing if it was his last time touching her, and finally stepped back.

Wordlessly, Penelope hopped off his desk, fixing her skirt down as her cheeks became very pink post-makeout session. What do you even say after this?

You can hear the screech of wooden tables resonate from outside the office, the faint voices letting them know that the students were entering Professor Sallow's class.

"I should, uh...I should go." Penelope cleared her throat, hesitant and uncertain.

Sebastian Sallow was still clouded over the hot session. His male mind wondered about it. If they could feel and do all that in a span of a few minutes — what could happen in non-disruptive time? This would keep him up at night.

Sebastian placed a hand on his hips, pretending as if his hair wasn't all over the place and the suspenders on his fitted body weren't misplaced.

Fuck, Penelope thought to herself before avoiding another glance at the professor. She needed to leave. Now.

Sebastian forced a nod, knowing he didn't have a choice to make her stay or continue. He had a full class of kids to teach outside this wall.

"Right. Of course." He said softly, his voice tingled with disappointment, "I understand."

Penelope just stood there, playing with her hands as she tried to say something else.

"I should join too," Sebastian said awkwardly, clearing his throat and meeting her at the door, "I'm late for the class."

Penelope nodded, "Right...sorry."

"No worries."

Sebastian Sallow and Penelope Silverthorn both looked at each other one last time knowing that once that door opened, what had happened between them could either be continued or lost or forgotten. They both didn't have an idea. It was scary.

Sebastian could just kiss her, again, but it seemed like his senses were now kicking in. He had to be professional again.

"After you." The door opened.

Penelope was nervous, coming out of the professor's office and confronting the seventh year students who sat talkative on those wooden benches.

"Oh, hey Miss S!" A Gryffindor older girl waved.

"And Mister S." A Slytherin boy chuckled with a group of friends as they elbowed each other.

Penelope pressed her lips together, knowing that you couldn't trick the nonsense jokes of seventh-year students. She still remembers herself in her last year at Hogwarts and by then, her brain was grown. Just like these students.

"Hey, Miss S! My mate Roberts here wants to take you to the Halloween Dance tomorrow—"

"Piss off, Michael!"

Penelope couldn't help, but chuckle at the immatureness of the Slytherin boys before her head turned back to the professor who gathered at his classroom desk, watching her every move.

"Bye boys," Penelope waved and they nearly melted at her reply, "Have a good day, Professor Sallow."

Sebastian held himself together, "I will. Good day, Pen."

"Ooo, Pen." A student mocked.

"Professor S! When are you bringing Penelope Silverthorn to our class? It's not fair the fifth years got to have her and we didn't." A Ravenclaw shouted.

"I heard she beat your arse in dueling—"

"No, I thought he did."

"I gave him a pass," Penelope caught up with the students' energy as she flickered at the professor, "He should consider himself lucky I held back."

Sebastian Sallow chuckled down, feeling a wave of nostalgia as Penelope told him those same words the first day they dueled.

"Perhaps, if you show us—"

"Miss Silverthorn," Sebastian waved at his students, cutting them off, "Has had a very long day. Maybe, another time."

Penelope nodded, almost thinking to herself if 'another time' really was about visiting the professor's class.

"Another time," Penelope said one last time before finally walking out of that classroom.

When that classroom door shut upon her exit, Penelope's back clashed against that cold wall and her chest rose, reflecting on what had just happened with Sebastian Sallow.

Surely, it was all real. It happened. It almost happened. And there was no excuse for the wrongs of their actions. He was no longer engaged. And he was the one that ended it.

"Fuck," Penelope whispered to herself from every action committed in one day.

Sebastian Sallow wrote on the bulletin board with the white chalk for the lesson. Within the writing, all his mind fueled with was Penelope Silverthorn. On how edge he felt about what had happened. It felt good but unfinished. It was hard to lecture.

"Alright, class," Sebastian turned, placing the chalk down, "Take a few minutes to practice the defensive charm with the black boxes I've conjured on your desk. I'm here for any questions." He directed.

The professor breathed, watching the older students do everything, but practice the spell right away. He didn't blame them. They were in their last year and he was once like that in his seventh year.

He watched the seventh year Slytherin boys play around with a few females in the back of the class.

To think he was that young when he thought he'd have his life together. To think that he was that young engraving in his brain that Penelope Silverthorn would be the love of his life. To think he was that young and already had a proposal planned. So young and in love.

Sebastian walked over to his desk, taking a huff from the thought and looking at the leather brown journal on it. His fingers took hold of it and moved around the pages.

The professor flipped and skimmed over the notes of the original brown journal and found himself on the last page of it; his fingers tracing over the pretty handwriting on the parchment.

Theory to test #1.

Give Pen my Arithmancy notes.

Sebastian Sallow smiled down at Penelope Silverthorn's sixth year writing. The brown original leather journal she gifted him became much more important.


Thicker, she said. 😩😩

TheRealCardoso made this meme and I cannot stop laughing.

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