Delaying our Annihilation.

By enexex

70 23 19

(Sequel to 13 years of Struggle.) 12 years after the world fell... 12 years since everything was normal until... More

The Cast of Delaying our Annihilation
Chapter 1
Chapter 2


22 7 5
By enexex

(This is a Sequel to 13 years of Struggle and Chapter 1 will come out after it is finished to prevent spoilers.🙈)

October 3rd 2022...

Another Regular day like any other. It had been 12 years since the world fell to the monsters. Over 7 billion people dead within weeks... it is only believed 33 million of us are left on this doomed earth. It's a scary thought to think. And still no cure.

I stood over my desk just staring at the mirror in my room. I thought of my father Christian Panchak . How he died all those years ago protecting my mom Kalyna Panchak, my older sister Maria Panchak... and me Misty Panchak.

I was only 5 at the time during the onset of the outbreak. But the memories are deeply embedded in my mind. The dead bodies, the smells of death and decay. People showing their true colors. The army, the national guard, the bombing of buffalo... that's how my father died. He made sure we got out. But he never did. He either was burned alive and or turned into one of the monsters.

Now 12 years later I was 17. Maria was 19 and my mother was 45 years old now. She had aged 30 years in 12... We had lost a lot in the beginning. All my old friends had perished, either killed by the monsters or the bombings from the miltary.

My mother had gotten me and my sister to New York city which was being used as a quarantine or safe zone was eventually abandoned by the army when the number of the undead or monsters became too grave for them to handle.

The entire city almost fell and would have taken everyone with it. But that never did happen. We fought back against the dead and came back stronger. Now the entire city was walled off from the outside world. Nothing alive or dead got through those walls. We had electricity, food, water, a military that protects us, a healthcare systems, and life was basically what is was before... Normal.

Many over the years mainly kids or teens snuck over the walls when the guards were on break or weren't watching. They never returned. Some say they were eaten by the undead monsters outside. But another rumor I heard was anyone who was caught outside the walls of New York was captured by a group and were never to be seen again.

I heard a knock on my door which pulled me out of my head. I looked back and sighed. "Who is it?"

"Misty mom says to come help with dinner. She needs help cutting the carrots and peppers.." My older sisters voice said from the other side of the door.

"Why can't you help?" I asked as I walked over and unlocked the door.

She pushed it open and leaned against the doorway. "Because mom wants me to go get some bread or something."

"Ugh. Tell her I'll be down in a few minutes." She jut nodded her head and turned away from the door and walked downstairs.

I turned my head back and looked at the picture of my dad on my old desk. He was smiling in the picture... it was the only one we basically had left of him...

I exited my room soon after that and walked down the stairs towards the kitchen. We lived in a small town house in the bronx near the wall and the house wasn't very big or anything so the kitchen was just an l shape with brown cabinets, fake granite counter tops and dated checkerboard tiles,

My mother was standing over the stove stirring the pot with a big wooden spoon. "I'm here mom. What do you want me to cut?"

She stopped stirring the soup and walked over to the knife rack by the sink and took the sharpest and biggest knife down and handed it to me. "Don't cut yourself like last time."

I took the knife. "I won't mom."

She groaned and turned to look at me. "You said that last time as well Misty. You need to be more careful and pay attention more instead of looking at something else while cutting vegetables or fruit. I honestly shouldn't have you doing this because you never pay attention and and are never careful but I need he help."

"I am careful. Last time was an accident." I replied as I walked over and got the cutting board.

My foot hit the trim under the cabinet hard because I wasn't paying attention and I dropped the cutting board on my foot and the knife landed next to my foot. Missing it by a few inches. My mother sighed heavily. "Dammit Misty! Like I just said you are never careful. Just go. You'll just be a burden here, like all the othertimes. Now go!"

She picked up the knife and cutting board and pointed towards the door. I looked at her and rolled my eyes. My relationship with my mother had never been the same since my dad died.

   As I walked out of the kitchen I heard her say something. "Sometimes I'd wish you would hope that wall and going missing like all those other morons."

This didn't trigger me. She always called me out for not being careful, being reckless and dumb, being a burden or a waste of space even if I did try to help her. She just would never try and ask for my help. Just wish on how she would be better with me gone

I sighed and walked into the living room and plumped down on the couch. My own mother hated me, I had no friends at the school I attended. My dad was dead. My sister was basically the only person who loved me in my life and no one else.

Life felt hopeless for me. But I felt guilty for feeling like this. Some others outside the walls had it worse. They lost everything and have to worry when sleeping at night, constantly starving or being dehydrated. Dealing with ferals, the dead, hunger, loss... and here I was a girl in a safe haven complaining about no one caring about me... maybe I would hop that wall...

See what would happen to me? Maybe find out the mystery where all those others go. Would I die or would I be taken somewhere. I didn't care... I was just gonna do it and find out. No one but my sister would probably care if I'm gone anyway.

I stood up from the couch and got up and walked out the front door. Goodbye mom, Goodbye Maria, Goodbye this miserable house... goodbye...

(Not really happy with how this turned out kinda, let me know what you think of it if you'd like and have a good day.) :)

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