Fairy Tail: Kakarot

Autorstwa ChildOfBeast13

23.4K 905 462

The Fiore Kingdom. A neutral country with a population of 17 million. It is a world of magic. Magic is bought... Więcej

Season 1 Chapter 1 : Fairy Tail
Season 1 Chapter 2 : Fire Dragon, Monkey, and Bull
Season 1 Chapter 3 : Infiltrate the Everlue Mansion!
Season 1 Chapter 4 : Dear Kaby
Season 1 Chapter 5 : The Wizard in Armor
Season 1 Chapter 6 : Fairies in the Wind
Season 1 Chapter 7 : The Strongest Team
Season 1 Chapter 8 : Goku vs Natsu vs Erza
Season 1 Chapter 9 : The Cursed Island
Season 1 Chapter 10 : Moon Drip
Season 1 Chapter 11 : The Monster Roars!
Season 1 Chapter 12 : Reach the Sky Above
Season 1 Chapter 13 : The Phantom Lord
Season 1 Chapter 14 : To Keep from Seeing Those Tears
Season 1 Chapter 15 : Son Goku vs Phantom Lord
Season 1 Chapter 16 : The Two Dragon Slayers
Season 1 Chapter 17 : My Resolve
Season 1 Chapter 18 : The Next Generation
Season 1 Chapter 19 : The Eight Finalists
Season 1 Chapter 20: Wizards vs Warriors
Season 1 Chapter 22: The Rematch of Fate!
Season 1 Chapter 23: The Terror of King Piccolo
Season 1 Chapter 24: Demon King Piccolo Descends
Season 1 Chapter 25: King Piccolo's Wish
Season 1 Chapter 26: Prelude to Vengeance
Season 1 Chapter 27: Demon King Piccolo vs Fairy Tail
Season 1 Chapter 28: Final Showdown
Season 1 Chapter 29: The Temple Above the Clouds
Season 1 Chapter 30: The Tower of Heaven
Season 1 Chapter 31: Jellal
Season 1 Chapter 32: Battle for The Future
Season 1 Chapter 33: Destiny
Season 1 Chapter 34: Give Our Prayers to the Sacred Light
Season 1 Chapter 35: Home
Season 1 Chapter 36: Battle of Fairy Tail
Season 1 Chapter 37: Defeat Your Friends to Save Your Friends
Season 1 Chapter 38: Goku vs The Thunder Legion
Season 1 Chapter 39: Clash at Kardia Cathedral!
Season 1 (Finale) Chapter 40: Fantasia
Season 2 Chapter 1: Goku's Birthday
Season 2 Chapter 2: Allied Forces
Season 2 Chapter 3: Enter the Oracion Seis
Season 2 Chapter 4: Reunions
Season 2 Chapter 5: Battle Between Brothers
Season 2 Chapter 6: Celestial Skrimish
Season 2 Chapter 7: Jellal of Days Gone By
Season 2 Chapter 8: March of Destruction
Season 2 Chapter 9: Fairy Queen
Season 2 Chapter 11: Memories
Season 2 Chapter 12: A Guild For One
Season 2 Chapter 13: 24-Hour Endurance Road Race
Season 2 Chapter 14: Gildarts
Season 2 Chapter 15: Earth Land
Season 2 Chapter 16: Edolas
Season 2 Chapter 17: Fairy Hunter
Season 2 Chapter 18: Key of Hope
Season 2 Chapter 19: Welcome Back
Season 2 Chapter 20: Nature and Nurture
Season 2 Chapter 21: Code ETD
Season 2 Chapter 22: We're Talking About Lives Here!!!
Season 2 Chapter 23: Bite it, Crush it
Season 2 Chapter 24: Pinnacle of Strength
Season 2 Chapter 25: Lisanna
Season 2 Chapter 26: No Time Like the Present
Season 2 Chapter 27: Best Partner

Season 2 Chapter 10: Zero

165 10 6
Autorstwa ChildOfBeast13

Meanwhile with everyone else, as they were checking on the fallen Jura Brain's staff had suddenly come to life which caused the wizards to chase after it. Natsu surrounds his fists in flames and charges towards the staff as he tries to attack it, but the staff evades it before knocking Natsu away.

Gray : Natsu! Damn!

Happy : He's rolling like crazy! Look, you guys!

Lucy : Uhh, I don't think that's that important.

Goku : That's not a rare sight on these kinds of missions.

Back with the fight, the staff who was known as Klodoa headbutts Gray in the gut but Natsu gets behind the staff and grabs him by the hilt.

Natsu : Gotcha!

Gray : Yes! Good goin', Natsu! Now let's gang up—!

However, Klodoa was still able to reach and hit Gray over the head as he extends over to Natsu and hits him over the head as well.

Gray : Stay still, dammit!

As Klodoa continues to hit the two over the head, this was enough to annoy both Gray and Natsu into arguing with each other like they always do.

Gray : Hold it still, idiot!

Natsu : Dodge it, you moron!

As the two continue to argue it eventually leads to a huge fight while Goku watches with a carefree expression while a sweat drop runs down his and Lucy's cheek.

Happy : What a repulsive fight...

Goku : We probably should've seen this coming.

Klodoa looks over to the remaining wizards and focuses his gaze on Lucy which causes the blonde wizard to flinch.

Lucy : U-Uh oh! Why does this always happen?!

Happy : It's just your sense of self-importance!

Lucy : No! It's because it's tough being so cute.

Klodoa : *disappointed* Aww, she's just a kid. How disappointing.

Lucy : *irritated* What?!

Goku then walks over to Klodoa who was just a couple feet away from him with a carefree expression and his hands behind his head. Goku then sprints towards the staff who couldn't react in time due to his great speed as the wizard grabs Klodoa.

Goku : Gotcha!

Klodoa : Lousy brat...!

The orb in Klodoa's mouth starts to glow before it releases an electrical discharge that strikes Goku.

Lucy : *worried* Goku!

Happy : Oh, man! This guy is strong!

Klodoa then looks down at Goku thinking that his electrical discharge did some damage to the wizard and that he would let go of him. However, he soon realizes that Goku still had his hand on the staff and was looking up at him with the same carefree expression and slight look of confusion, shocking Klodoa.

Goku : Is this supposed to be doing something or...? I'm confused.

Klodoa : *shocked* Wh-What?! How is this possible?!

Goku : Compared to Laxus' lightning, this is nothing but a tickle.

Lucy : Oh yeah, that's right. Something as weak as that wouldn't even faze Goku.

Klodoa : You whippersnappers, flaunting your youth all the time!

Lucy : It seems kinda uptight about its age or something.

Goku & Happy : Aye...

Out of nowhere, Klodoa stops his electrical discharge and gains a worried and shocked expression on his face.

Goku : What?

Lucy : Did I hit the mark?!

Happy : *sweat drop* I don't think that's it.

Klodoa : My word... The six demons... The six demons have been defeated?!

The crystal ball that was Klodoa's mouth then falls to the ground and shatters as the staff starts to squirm and thrash around before escaping Goku's grasp.

Klodoa : Not good! This is not good at all! The great one is coming!

Gray : Huh?

Natsu : What are you talkin' about?

Lucy : "The great one"?

Goku : Is there another one of you guys? Like an eighth member or something?

Klodoa doesn't bother answering the wizards' questions as he starts to sweat uncontrollably in fear.

Gray : What's the deal with you?

Happy : It's making lots of juice!

Lucy : That's sweat!

Klodoa : Brain...

Gray : Huh?

Natsu : Ol' Jura already beat him.

Klodoa : No... Brain has another personality. The outer face is fond of knowledge and has the codename "Brain" and the hidden face that delights in destruction and is codenamed "Zero".

Lucy : Delights in destruction...?

Happy : Zero?

Goku, who hears these words is immediately reminded of his late brother Raditz and what he told him about the Saiyan race as he makes a quiet tsk sound.

Klodoa : His wickedness and tremendous magic were such that Brain took it upon himself to seal him away using six keys!

Gray : And they're the Oracion Seis?!

Goku : They were keys to keep this Brain guy locked up?

Klodoa : Yes. And, because of the body link magic, once the six demons fall... Zero's personality will once again emerge.

Gray : Oh?

Natsu : Sounds interesting!

Goku : Do you know where this Zero guy is, then?

Suddenly, the wizards hear something hit a wall and break it as they turn to where they heard it and see that there was a large hole. Through the hole comes a large figure who was walking towards them as Klodoa immediately bows his head all the way to the ground.

Klodoa : W-Welcome back, Master Zero!

Lucy : "Master"?

Zero : Things have taken quite an interesting turn, haven't they, Klodoa? Even Midnight met defeat, huh?

Klodoa : My deepest apologies!

Zero : Still... How long it's been. This feeling... This flesh... This voice... This magic power... It all brings back such memories. I'll handle things from here. Stand back, Klodoa.

Klodoa : R-Right!

Klodoa quickly gets out of Zero's way as Zero takes off his coat and throws it to the side before green energy emits from his body, creating a green shirt over his body.

Zero : Brats. You've certainly made a mess of my guild. As its master, I will settle the score.

Lucy : He's... the Oración Seis' guild master?!

Goku : Zero!

The master of the Oracion Seis starts to emit even more magic power as Gray, Natsu, and Goku stand next to each other and soon get into their fighting stances.

Gray : You all fired up, Natsu?

Natsu : Never run across such disgusting magic power before!

Goku : *chuckles* Yeah. His ki ain't so righteous either.

Zero : Yes. I'll start with the bald one who wounded this body named Brain. I'll eradicate him.

Zero then concentrates his dark magic into his hand and shoots multiple green lasers at Jura who is still unconscious, but Gray quickly gets in front of Jura and blocks the attack with his Ice-Make.

Gray : You'd seriously attack an opponent who can't even move?!

Zero : Huh? What nonsense are you spouting?

Suddenly, the magic power Gray was blocking soon starts to become even stronger as his shield starts to crack.

Gray : ( My shield... broken this easily...?! )

Finally, Gray's shield breaks causing an explosion that sends both Jura and the ice wizard flying backwards.

Natsu : Pops!

Lucy : Gray!

Zero : Being able to move or means little to me. Destroying that which has form is fun.

Natsu surrounds his fist in flames as he attacks Zero with his Iron Fist at full power, but Zero simply blocks it with his hand. Zero then uses his same hand and pokes Natsu and suddenly, the Dragon Slayer was sent flying backwards.

Lucy crouches near the ground and activates Celeritas as she speeds towards Zero and goes to attack him head on as the master of the Oracion Seis throws a punch at her.

However, Lucy dodges the punch and circles behind Zero's back in the blink of an eye and goes for a kick. Zero was able to react by grabbing Lucy's leg and throws her into the air punches her in the gut, launching her into the air as she slams into the ceiling and falls to the ground.

Lucy tries to speak but she soon falls unconscious as Goku looks over at Brain in anger as a white aura immediately appears around him. Zero puts his arm up to block the attack but Goku throws a punch which overpowers Zero's block and hits him in the face.

Goku doesn't let up and punches Zero in the gut multiple times before he roundhouse kicks the wizard away. Goku quickly chases after Zero who was sent flying back and as Goku gets in front of him, he cocks his arm back to land another punch.

Zero soon regains his composure and lands on his feet before catching Goku's punch causing Goku to throw another one with his free arm, only for it to get caught once again.

Zero : You're a strong one. Ending you will be exhilarating.

Zero then lifts Goku off the ground and slams the wizard onto the ground with incredible strength. The wizard then aims his hand and attempts to fire another dark attack at him, but Goku reacts by kicking Zero's hand away before getting back up on his feet and breaks his arm free from Zero's grasp.

Goku continues to attack Zero who was able to dodge Goku's attacks before firing another laser at him as Goku catches it in the palm of his hands while it pushes him backwards. He then pushes the laser up as it pierces the ceiling before dashing towards Zero and attacks him with a right hook before kicking him in the gut.

Zero smiles evilly before he raises his head and headbutts the wizard causing him to stumble back. Zero then grabs Goku's shirt and headbutts him once more before charging forwards, and knees him in the stomach, slamming him into the wall behind him.

The leader of the Oracion Seis raises both arms in the air as he clasps them together and forms a ball before bringing it down onto the back of Goku's head slamming him down onto the ground as Goku struggles to keep himself conscious.

Zero cocks back his arm once more and punches Goku in the same spot and sends him deeper into the ground as his eyes go blank, as he is now unconscious. The master of the dark guild then hears some whimpering and turns his head to see Happy who was scared as he aims his hand at the cat.

Suddenly, Zero sends out a powerful shockwave at Happy blowing a large hole in the wall covering the whole area in smoke. When the smoke started to settle down, it was soon revealed that all the members of Fairy Tail were lying on the ground, defeated and unconscious.

Klodoa : Way to go, Master Zero! Well done! You took out those troublesome brats like it was nothing!

Zero : No, they're still drawing breath.

Klodoa : *confused* Huh?

Zero : You kids are clearly still alive. After all... You still have physical form!


Meanwhile, far away from where everyone else was, Erza and Jellal were walking through the city ruins when Jellal suddenly stops and holds his chest in pain.

Erza : Are you in pain?

Jellal : No... I'm all right.

Erza : I apologize. It seems I was in too much of a hurry to stop Nirvana. You're seriously wounded and have used up most of your magic power. Simply standing must be difficult for you, Jellal.

Jellal : No, don't worry about me. The fact still stands that I lifted the seal on Nirvana. I must hurry and stop it.

The two soon hear the sound of footsteps running towards them and turn their heads as they see that it was Wendy and Carla.

Wendy : Jellal!

Erza : *smiles* Wendy! You're all right! That's great!

Wendy : Yes! *turns to Jellal* Jellal...

Jellal : Who are you?

Wendy and Carla's eyes widened as they were surprised to hear this from Jellal as Wendy looks down at the ground saddened from hearing this. Erza, who sees that look on Wendy's face, decides to tell her what the situation was with Jellal.

Erza : Jellal's memory is all mixed up. He doesn't remember me or you.

Wendy : ( His memory? )

Wendy looks back at Jellal and sees that he had a genuine look of confusion on his face.

Wendy : ( Oh. So that's why... )

Jellal : Wendy Marvell. Did I used to know you?

Carla : *to Jellal* You haven't forgotten how to stop Nirvana as well, I hope?!

Jellal : W-Well... A self-destruction magic circle won't work at this point. There's nothing more I can do now. I'm sorry.

Wendy : Oh no...

Carla : Hold on just a minute! What's going to happen to our guild, then?! It's right there! We have to stop this at once—!

Suddenly, the ground starts to shake before it stops a second later as Nirvana seemed to have stopped.


After dealing the final blow to the wizards, Zero was currently standing on the highest level of Nirvana as he looked out into the distance while Klodoa was beside him. Nirvana continues to move forwards when finally, Klodoa sees Cait Shelter a few meters away.

Klodoa : There it is! There it is! I see it, Master Zero! At long last, there it is! That's it! Cait Shelter is right there! That's the guild of those detestable people who kept Nirvana sealed away for so long! By destroying it— Cait Shelter— we can prevent Nirvana from ever being sealed again! Wonderful!

Zero : What nonsense.

Klodoa : Huh?

Zero : You heard me, Klodoa.

Suddenly, Zero uses his magic to obliterate Klodoa's staff leaving only his skull as it falls to the ground and rolls in front of Zero.

Zero : *tears in eyes* Wh-What are you saying, Master Zero?

With no mercy Zero stomps his foot on Klodoa and shatters his skull underneath his foot as he laughs maniacally.

Zero : Destruction is all I want! The destruction of everything! This is the first strike! There's no reason behind it! I'm simply eradicating that which has form!

A large amount of magic power then starts to gather in the large cannon on Nirvana causing spiraling white and black light to emit from the tip of the cannon.

As Zero looks down at the Cait Shelter guild he soon sees that there was an enormous figure whose size kept growing bigger and bigger. The enormous figure the size of a mountain was revealed to be Piccolo who has grown into a size bigger than when he fought Goku in the Tower of Heaven.

Piccolo : Come at me.

Back on top of Nirvana, Wendy sees that the enormous figure was Piccolo who was standing in between Nirvana's blast and Cait Shelter.

Wendy : Mr. Piccolo!

Zero : *laughs* Righteousness! Meet your destruction!

Piccolo raises one of his arms and touches his forehead with his index and middle fingers as he starts to charge and focus his ki into his fingertips. At the same time Nirvana finishes charging up and fires a massive pillar of black and white energy at Piccolo as Wendy shouts his name with tears in her eyes.

Finally done charging his own attack, Piccolo extends his arm forwards and fires the technique he made to kill Goku, the Special Beam Cannon, towards the large pillar of energy. The two beams finally reach each other and make contact as a bright light emits throughout the entire area as veins start to appear on top of Piccolo's head and arms.

Erza, Jellal, Wendy, and Carla all watch in shock as they were amazed that Piccolo was able to hold off such an immense magic attack by himself. The warrior then lets out a loud battle cry as he puts even more power into his technique as it grows in size.

Not being able to withstand each other's immense power any longer, Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon soon starts to spiral as the beam of light that Nirvana shot out also starts to spiral as well. Soon after, an explosion explodes in the air causing a shockwave to go throughout the area between Piccolo and Nirvana.

The aftershock from the collision uses a gust of wind with strong wind pressure to appear as Erza holds onto both Wendy and Carla to prevent them from being blown away while she and Jellal hide behind cover.

The four then look from behind the building and see that Piccolo was breathing heavily but was still in one piece as he was able to fend off Nirvana's beam of light. Wendy and Carla who were watching this see their guild's savior and couldn't help but feel hope well up in their hearts.

Suddenly, Erza and Jellal soon notice that there was something floating up in the sky and look up to see something Erza didn't expect to see again.

Erza : The magic bomber, Christina!

Jellal : Is it on our side?

Hibiki : *through telepathy* Can everyone hear me? Someone! Anyone! Respond! Respond, if you're okay!

Erza : That voice... Hibiki!

Hibiki : *through telepathy* Ms. Erza? And little Wendy! You're okay!

Erza : What's going on? I thought Christina had been shot down?

Carla : Yes, they effortlessly shot her down near the entrance to the woodsea.

Wendy : But I guess she still flies?!

Hibiki : *through telepathy* Yeah. Just barely.

Meanwhile, on top of the magic bomber, Lyon was using his Ice-Make magic to create the wing that Christina lost in the explosion, while Lyon and Sherry were using their individual magic to hold the hull together.

Hibiki : *through telepathy* Even though our coalition force was put together quickly, our teamwork has made all the difference.

Eve : *through telepathy* I was going to fuse some of my magic into Christina's bombs and shoot them at one of Nirvana's legs. But it looks like Piccolo beat us to the punch.

Piccolo : *through telepathy* I didn't beat you to anything. Besides, with the amount of power you have, you wouldn't even have dented it.

Erza : Piccolo! Are you okay?

Piccolo : *through telepathy* I'm fine. That clash was taxing on me but other than that I don't have a scratch on me.

Erza then sighs as she was relieved to hear that her comrade was okay despite taking on such a powerful magic blast. Wendy continues to look at Piccolo's large figure as tears well up in her eyes and flow down her face while feeling grateful to Piccolo who saved her guild.

Wendy : Mr. Piccolo...

Piccolo : *through telepathy* What is it now?

Wendy : Because of you... my guild is safe... Thank you very much! If there's anything I can do to repay you, please let me know! I'll do anything!

Piccolo : *through telepathy* Hmph.

Hibiki : *through telepathy* As you heard, we're just about out of magic power. I'm not even sure how long we can stay in the air... Don't worry about us. There's one last thing you need to hear! It took a while, but I finally found it in the Archive! A way to stop Nirvana!

Everyone's eyes then widened as they were shocked to find out there was a way to stop this disastrous machine.

Erza : *shocked* Truly?!

Hibiki : *through telepathy* You know those six leg-like things Nirvana has? They actually act like pipes that suck in magic power from the earth. At the base of each leg is a lacrima that controls the supply of magic power. Destroying all six at once will cause a full shutdown of Nirvana. One by one won't work! The other lacrimas will just repair the damage!

Erza : Six separate lacrimas at the same time?! How?!

Hibiki : *through telepathy* I wish I could be in charge of the timing... but I don't think I can maintain my telepathy that long.

Suddenly, Erza and Wendy notice that a bar appears above their heads and starts to load.

Hibiki : *through telepathy* I've uploaded the timing into your heads.

As soon as the bar finished loading, the timing appeared in everyone's head as it shocked Wendy.

Wendy : Twenty minutes?!

Hibiki : *through telepathy* Just before the next Nirvana blast is fully charged.

Erza : Six lacrimas... 

Jellal : ...at the same time...

Hibiki : *through telepathy* If anyone can do it, it's you guys. I believe in you.

Zero : *through telepathy* Such pointlessness.

Suddenly, everyone hears an unfamiliar voice in their heads as they immediately realize that it sounded like Brain.

Lyon : Who's there?!

Erza : This voice!

Wendy : It's that Brain person!

Zero : *through telepathy* I am Zero. Master Zero of the Oracion Seis.

Piccolo : *through telepathy* Their master?

Zero : *through telepathy* First, allow me to commend you. To think there's someone else who can use the same Archive magic as Brain...

Hibiki : ( I see. It's through Archive magic that he learned of Nirvana's existence... )

Zero : *through telepathy* Hear me, wizards of light! I now intend to destroy everything! I started by destroying four of your friends. A Dragon Slayer, an ice-Make wizard, one who is something known as a Saiyan, and a celestial wizard. Oh, and a cat.

Hibiki : *shocked* Natsu and the others?!

Wendy : You're lying!

Zero : *through telepathy* Just now, you mentioned destroying the lacrimas all at once. I'm standing in front of one of them at this very moment. *laughs* As long as I'm here, destroying them simultaneously will be impossible!

The master of the Oracion Seis then cuts himself off from Hibiki's telepathy while Erza punches her fist into her palm in anger.

Jellal : If we're to destroy the six lacrimas all at the same time, then our only option is to split up and head for all six spots. There's a one-in-six chance of running into Zero. What's more, we can only assume only Erza has any real chance against him.

Carla : Hold on! What are you saying?! There aren't even six of us! We don't have six wizards capable of destroying the lacrimas!

Piccolo : *through telepathy* Excluding myself, we have Wendy, Erza, and Jellal so we have three wizards. That's still only half of what we really need.

Carla : Three?! You can't mean Wendy, can you?!

Piccolo : *through telepathy* Who else could I have been talking about?

Carla : Did you hear Zero?! He's at one of those six lacrima! I won't allow her to take on such a dangerous risk!

Wendy : I-I...!

Wendy stops herself from talking as she looks down at the ground and gathers her thoughts before she looks up, filled with determination.

Wendy : I can't sit around and let everyone else fix my problems for me! That's my guild down there, and I have to do something to help! I'm a wizard, too!

Carla : Wendy...

Hibiki : *through telepathy* That's three...

Hibiki's magic power starts to run low as he falls to the ground from exhaustion while Lyon, Sherry, and Ren run out of magic power as well as the magic bomber starts to fall through the air.

Lyon : G-Gray... Get up... You're a proud pupil of Ur. You can't lose to those guys!

Sherry : I... really hate you, Lucy... You act so big... just because you're kind of cute... You're dumb, airheaded, and weak... But if you die now, I won't be able to hear you! I don't want that bad taste to linger! You have to respond!

Wendy : Natsu...

Carla : Male cat...

Erza : Son...


Meanwhile with the fallen Fairy Tail wizards, Goku was lying on the floor as his finger soon starts to twitch as he was able to hear everyone's words. At the same time, he soon sees a memory play out in his mind as he thinks that it was him walking through the forest at night.

However, Goku pushes this to the side for now as he uses all of the strength that he could muster and puts it into his arms and legs. He then pushes himself off of the ground as he lets out a loud battle cry which wakes up his friends who start to get off the ground as well.

Hibiki : *through telepathy* Can you hear our voices...?

Goku : Yeah... We... hear you...

Hibiki : *through telepathy* Goku...

Gray : Six lacrimas... at the same time...

Lucy : One lucky person's gonna get the chance to thrash Zero too... right?

Natsu : 18 minutes left... We have to hurry...

Hibiki : *through telepathy* M-My telepathy's about to cut out... I sent a map into your heads. I've numbered each lacrima. You should all pick a number to go to...

Goku & Natsu : 1!

Gray : 2!

Lucy : I'll take 3!

Jellal : Then I will—

Before Jellal could finish your sentence Erza puts her arm up in front of him.

Erza : You have 4.

Goku : Was that someone else?

Natsu : Who was that?!

Erza : *to Jellal quietly* Natsu and Son aren't yet aware of your situation. They consider you an enemy. Don't speak.

Natsu : Erza?! You're all better?!

Erza : Yes. All thanks to you guys. I'll take 5.

Suddenly, the telepathy link between everyone then cuts out as they realize that Hibiki reached his limit.

Natsu : H-Hey!

Gray : The telepathy's gone.

Lucy : He reached his limit too...

Goku : Anyway, it sounds like we have six people now. Let's go! If anyone runs into Zero, take him out! We all have our own stuff to take care of, so we can't lend any backup!

Everyone : Yeah!

With that said, everyone split up and heads to their chosen lacrima while Natsu and Goku head to lacrima #1.


Currently, Natsu and Goku were swaying back and forth through a hallway as they were heading towards the lacrima they chose to destroy it. While they were walking, Goku could feel a weird sensation in his body as the walls around him looked like they were moving.

Goku : ( I feel weird. It's almost like I'm sleep-deprived right now. When you're sleepy, it's like, things look like they're moving when they're not, and you can hear things that aren't there. Like I'm overwhelmed with unnecessary information. )

Soon after, Goku starts to experience another flashback as he sees that he was still walking through the forest until he noticed a bright light above his head and looked up, as he saw that it was the full moon.

Goku : ( Another flashback... I don't remember this happening. )

Goku then notices that Natsu had stopped walking as he looks up to see that he was standing in front of the lacrima that they chose. However, he also noticed that Zero was also standing in front of the lacrima.

Zero : Still alive, huh? Why are you here, brats?

Goku : *smiles* You were going on and on about destroying, but...

Natsu : I wonder who's gonna get destroyed... Us or you?!

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