Velvet Grand Order

By Xarazechi

209 9 8

Based on Grand Order by Kenjichan251. What would happen if the members of the Phantom Thieves of Heart were a... More

Velvet Grand Order Chapter 1

Velvet Grand Order Chapter 2

79 5 4
By Xarazechi

Hello everyone and welcome to the second chapter of Velvet Grand Order. With me again is my friend and co-writer, Darklord333.

Dark: Glad to be here.

Now we met one of the other Servants of this war and they are not a Shadow Servant.

Dark: If you played the game then you'll know who the Servant is, for people who don't, well that will be revealed in this chapter.

We also have a guest charter joining us today, and thanks to them, they patched up the leaks in our reality.

Dark: Ahhh that's great! Please introduce us to our guest if you could be so kind?

Please, put your hands together for the cuter gremlin, the super genius redhead, the I.T. support for the Phantom Thieves, code breaker of reality itself and (in my opinion) best girl in Persona 5, Futaba Sakura~!

Futaba: (Walks in with her cheeky smile) "Hehehe~ Thank you for having me~"

Dark: Thank you for joining us Futaba and thanks again for fixing the code.

Futaba: (looks Smug) "It was nothing, I just had to connect the interface of the code of reality to the Matrex database of the time space continuum to create a self sustaining barrier of reality itself~"

Dark: Impressive indeed Futaba, but the question bugs me, how did 'she' even get into our database?

Futaba: "Oh that's easy, she used a binary algorithm of Imaginary Number Space to make a two way connection between the Natsuvers and the Omnivers itself."

... Are we sure Futaba's not an Elder Demi-Goddess? She does have two Personas that are, and a Titan Persona... They are considered Elder Beings.

Dark: I think it's best to not linger in that question.

Futaba: (Having a Sharktooth smile while giggling her impismile) "Who knows, I never knew my father ingame~"


Dark: Let's just get to the disclaimer before we lose our minds. Want to do the Disclaimer?

Futaba: (Pouts) "That's what I'm here for... we do not own the Fate Series, Persona or any other franchises used in this story. They all belong to their rightful owners. All we own are the changes and OCs. That's good~?"

Yes, now, let's get onto the chapt- (The sound of glass shattered) ... Dark... What did you do...?

Dark: I almost swore 'she' was there! 'She' nearly gave me a heart attack!

Futaba: Odd... I know I the program is working... I'll go double check it.

While she's doing that, let's get to the chapter.


Chapter 2: Light within the Darkness

(Unknown Cave)

In an undisclosed cave area, there was a girl cloaked in shadows, sitting on a stone throne, seemingly asleep. "What do you have to report?" the girl asked, showing she was awake.

"There have been multiple signatures of high levels of mana in the Fuyuki city. From the shadows we have seen that there are still masters walking around." Came a voice all around her.

"How many?"

"As far as we can tell there seems to be 11 masters, and two of them are not human. They seem to be protecting a bystander as well, my lady." They took a moment to speak again, like they were seeing something. "It seems there are still some masters alive. What is your order?"

The snake cleared to show the red moon in the sky, giving light to the figure. A feminine figure sat in a throne as she has white hair, red stripes ran across her face while wearing a combination of black and red stripes, crossing her legs while resting her head over her knuckles, opening her eyes revealing red glowing eyes.

"Find them, both parties~" She said with a sadistic smile on her face. "I know my love is with one of these groups~"

"You'll find them somewhat difficult to handle, my lady." A muscular voice spoke through the cave.

The dark woman did not give a response. "Is that an insult?"

"Oh my lady, I prefer an honest answer. Honest answer or not they all have one common goal, the Grail." The male voice said to the dark woman.

"They can try~ They'll have to face my guard lion if they want it~" She grabbed her face in an insane lovestruck sort of way, thinking of the one person she truly loved. "I will plunge this world into the abyss..... Don't you agree with me.......... Ś̶̢̧̤̘̟̲͓̘̘̞͝e̴̢̹͚͓̰̜̋̀ǹ̷̟̘͍̬̝̉̽͑̇͘͝͝p̷̛̙̗̻̞̘̻̼̼̈ą̷̦͎͚͓̼͙̳̊̿̈̃̚͜i̶̤̥͔̫̣̼͇͉͈̠͐͊?"


(Velvet Room)

(Cue: Aria of the Soul P5)

Ren groaned, holding his head in pain again. "... This is familiar..."

"I see you're awake, my Trickster~" Levensa stated.

"What happened?" Ren asked,

"You overtaxed your Magic Circuit summoning your Strongest Persona."

"I did?"

"Yes, you did," Levensa started, looking at him, annoyed. "You could have killed yourself doing that."

"Now, now, Levensa, he did not know that would happen, we should have informed him and the others," Igor stated, making Ren see that the Velvet Room was bit fixed but still had damages around, but still looked and felt empty. "I did not foresee him getting that angry because of his friend's condition, but I should have."

"Well what was I supposed to do? She almost turned my friend into Stone and he had to cut off his arm to prevent the peterification, how should've I reacted?" Ren said to Levensa.

"I understand your anger Joker." Igor said to Ren. "But you do not need to worry, your friend has his arm regenerated thanks to one of your teammates healing capacity so you do not need to worry about him losing a limb."

"... I take it Olga's pulling her hair out in frustration seeing that, and trying to figure out how it works?" Ren asked.

"You've already guessed it."

"I see, I take it that we've got a break right now and are lying low in a safe zone?" Ren asked.

"You are correct indeed. You were carried by one of the servant survivors with the others before all of you are in a safe zone. A McDonalds place, one which is designed by Americans, correct?"

"Hiding in a fast food place? Not the worst place to hide in." Ren commented.

"You should start waking up, Trickster," Levemnsa stated. "You and your team still have much to do."

"But be warned." Igor puts in a serious expression. "There is someone else there, possessing a great amount of darkness, powerful enough to even darken the entire world. Trapped in an endless prison of her own mind." Igor puts his head down and shakes it, showing a sympathy expression. "I pity the poor girl who has faced endless torment."

"......Who is she?" Ren asked Igor.

"The answer will only break you. But she is not the girl you have to be wary of." Igor puts in a serious expression again. "It is the one who follows the ideals of a sword that will keep his blade tainted, one that made itself into the wrought iron hero."

"... It sounds like someone is pulling strings around here, and playing everyone," Ren stated, as his mind was working overtime. "Could it be the same person that bombed Chaldia...? But what do they get from doing all this...?"

"Time will only free itself Joker but I will give you a hint. It is one of the keys that belongs to Solomon, the lesser keys."

"Solomon?" Ren asked, confused. Before he could ask further questions, the room started to fade. "Guess I'll have to talk about this later then. If we have to, we'll change the hearts of the two if need be."


Suddenly the whole Velvet Room shook, causing Ren to almost fall out of his seat from the amount of shaking while Igor and Levemnsa widened their eyes in shock.

"NO! Its too soon!" Igor said in shock.

"How did she find this place?!" Levemnsa said in shock as well.

"What's going on? Who's she?" Ren questioned the others.

"Joker! You have to get out of here now! Before she finds you!"

"You might be able to get my Ś̶̢̧̤̘̟̲͓̘̘̞͝e̴̢̹͚͓̰̜̋̀ǹ̷̟̘͍̬̝̉̽͑̇͘͝͝p̷̛̙̗̻̞̘̻̼̼̈ą̷̦͎͚͓̼͙̳̊̿̈̃̚͜i̶̤̥͔̫̣̼͇͉͈̠͐͊...~" A voice rang out a black ooze was forming around the walls.

Ren widened his eyes as he was suddenly out from the Velvet Room and instead in a different area, one filled with oceans somehow walking the surface of the water without submerging.

Taking a look around him as he tries to find and figure out where he was before he felt some sort of sensation, making him turn around and see........................ a little girl with brown hair and a red ribbon attached to the side of her head. Not paying attention to him rather than something above.

Ren followed the girl's direction and when he did Ren dropped to the ground, to his knees before looking up at the dark sun as his eyes reflected the reflection of the eclipse sun.

"You............. you are an anomaly. I wonder, are you bound to live like a king or die like a pathetic hero."

His shadow was becoming larger and larger before something came out of the shadow. From the shadow came a familiar figure, one which Ren was able to identify as.

Satanael, one of his strongest or if not the strongest persona's he has within his arsenal. His gigantic size easily dwarfed him and the girl as he looked at Ren before back at the sun with his gun aiming at the eclipse.

"Bearer of the All the world's evil, your influence will not linger within my chosen one. Heavens has declared that he shall not be tainted by the corrosive evil and the curses you contain within your existence."

"What are you? You feel the same as a Servant, but not at the same time. How interesting."


"How ironic, I wonder...............can you still feel the same misery of Tohsaka Rin, how she failed as a big siste-"



(Fuyuki City: McDonalds)

Ren gasped loudly as he opened his eyes an instant before shooting up and grabbing his hand over his heart while sweating.

'What the fuck was that?' Ren mentally said in his mind. 'And.........who's Tohsaka Rin? Did she say, big sister?'

"Ren!" Came the voice of Morgana who came into the room after he heard him wake up. "You're finally awake!"

Ren was holding his head. "Not so loud Morgana, my head is killing me...."

"Not surprising sense you overtaxed your Circuits," the voice of Olga walking in. "You could have killed yourself with the stunt."

"I'm starting to see that..." Ren said, groaning in pain. "What happened?"

"Somehow, some way, you almost killed a Servant," Olga stated, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"You mean she's not dead?" Ren said to Olga.

"Almost is more of a kinder word." Someone else spoke to Ren. "I'd say you obliterated her, those are some cool tricks you made."

Ren got up, ready to summon his Persona, but stumbled from the pain.

"Hey, easy there kid, no need to make your headache worse." Came the same voice of the man, who now was kneeling to Ren. He saw that he was wearing blue and gray robes with gold inlays. He could also see blue hair on his head.

"Who... Who are you...?" Ren asked.

"Geez, is that anyway to thank the one who saved you?"

Ren seemed to remember the voice. "Wait, aren't you the one who helped catch me before I fell?"

"That's me." Ren sees the full person in view. "The name's Cú Chulainn, right now, I'm in my Caster roll, but I truly wish I was in my lancer form."

"Your Cú Chulainn?" Ren said to the man named Cú Chulainn. "The Irish Child of light and wielder of the Gae Bolg?"

"That's me."

".......... If you're Irish how come you're not drinking?" Ren said to Cú Chulainn.

"Oh I have a drink with me right now." Caster said, pulling out a whiskey bottle and drank the liquor.

"........ Where did you get that liquor?"

"I'm Irish kid."

"..... Fair enough." (A/N 1)

"Anyway, normally you would be passed out for weeks for using nearly all of your magic circuits." Caster said to Ren, rubbing his chin. "But damn kid you still got enough mana in you huh? You must be a living tank."

"... It's not that common?" Ren asked.

Olga gave him a flat look. "Kid,if you and your group's amount of circuits and quality of them were common, we wouldn't fear about Magic being lost as much..."


Olga twitched her eyes and gritted her teeth while fuming in so much anger she looked like she was about to burst a blood vessel.

"What's with her?" Caster said to Olga, pointing at the angry woman.

"Honestly, I don't know. I guess she's just.......too obnoxious?" Ren shrugged his shoulders to Caster.

"No it's that you are spitting on the face of Magus Culture!" Olga shouted, making Ren cover his ears and his head hurt in pain more.

"See what I mean?" Ren deadpanned.

"I think I get your point kid." Caster said to Ren.

Shaking his head before addressing the other important matters. "Where are the others?" he asked Caster.

"Oh them, they're doing a little recon around the city but they'll be back soon so don't worry." Caster answered to Ren.

Ren lowered his head, glad that his friends and the others are still alive but also another question lingered on his mind, something he've been meaning to ask to know.

"Caster." Ren called out to Cu Chulainn, catching his attention. "What the hell happened here? Why does this place look like....................hell?" He asked the Caster of this war.


Caster stayed silent from Ren's answer for a while before answering to Ren. "Honestly, I think it went out of control." Caster said to Ren. "When the Grail War started I was summoned by an American magus, he seemed to be a nice guy and a person I'd like to have a drink with. Heh, I'm already missing the damn guy." He had a solemn look on his expression while looking at the liquor bottle on his hand. "I don't know what but it started with these gas leaks which apparently isn't something caused by natural means, something was causing a lot of death in the war that even caught the Clocktower's attention. It got worse when we sensed a massive amount of darkness, coming from that direction." He pointed at a far away destroyed ruin of some kind of manor. "It was something neither me nor my master has ever felt before."

Ren furrowed his brow when he felt somewhat of a familiar energy, an energy that came from the Velvet room, a corrosive black sludge that had the same darkness as he felt from the ruin manor.

"This war has gone beyond chaotic, first it started with Assassin, then Berserker, Caster, Rider and then Archer."

"What do you mean?" Ren asked.

"They weren't Shadow Servants to start with, they were corrupted to be like that," Cu explained. "I was lucky to get away."

"Corrupted servants?" Olga said to Cu.

"Yeah, something changed into something.......... worse." Cu said. "That darkness and corruption, it's not like anything we've seen but it was terrifying. They immediately began to wreck destruction and chaos. The Clocktower and other magus organization tried to stop them, but they couldn't. They were slaughtered by lambs."

"How............. How did you get away?"

"................My master used a command seal to give me enough boost to get out of there while leaving himself to face those monsters. He told me that 'she's the key'."

"'She's the key'?" Morgana asked. "Who was your master talking about?"

"I don't fucking know. That's the last thing he said before those things got to them." Cu solemnly said, looking at the bottle with anger before throwing it at the wall.


"Not even a week since this happened and I still don't know who the fuck'she' is."

"... Great... So we have no idea who to find, and no idea where the Grail even is..." Morgana stated, groaning.

Ren pondered his mind for a second, trying to find out what his master, the American Magus said that she's the key before a name came into his mind.

"Tohsaka Rin." He said the name, causing everyone in the fast food restaurant to shift his attention to Ren. "Do you know anyone who's name is Tohsaka Rin?" He asked Caster.

"Tohsaka." Caster rubbed his chin while tapping his staff. "Oh yeah, that jealous brash girl who has a high attitude that matches with hers." He points at Olga.


"Kinda think about it, she was the master of Archer and one of those who fought against the corrupted servants." Caster said to Ren.

"It's highly likely she's been chosen as a master." Olga chimed into the argument. "She belongs to one of the founding family who made the Holy Grail War, the Matou, Einzbern and the Tohsaka's. Quite known for their Jewelcraft."

Ren thought about what he heard from the dream before. "Can you still feel the same misery of Tohsaka Rin, how she failed as a big sister."

Getting a curious thought on his mind before asking. "Did Tohsaka Rin have a sister or something?"

"I........don't know." Olga said to Ren, putting her head sideways in thought. "She was the only child born in the family but I heard rumors that her family also has another child."

"... And what would Magus Society do if there were two siblings that were almost Equal...?" Ren asked, narrowing his eyes at the silver haired woman.

She turned her head away from Ren before she answered. "They would have to give the child to someone else. The family can only have one person to carry the traditions. Another means to.......... build a connection with the family as the family will cut off all ties with their second borns, making them forget they did not have another child."

Ren glared at her. "What the hell!? That's incredibly stupid!" Marching towards her and grabbed her vest and pulled near him with an angry expression on his face. "Abandoning your child just because she has an equal talent as the other?! Cutting off any ties with them, what kind of sick humane things they do to keep their family tradition?!"

Olga didn't answer Ren's question as she looked away in shame while Caster looked at the duo while Morgana shared Ren's expression.

"Did it occur to you of what would happen if you are just suddenly abandoned and traded off like a sack of potatoes?" Morgana said to Olga. "Is that what you people are? Just bunches of hippocrates who do nothing but do what they like to do? Using their own children as bargain tools?"

"It's how the Magus culture is."

"And you're not even denying it?" Ren said to Olga before letting her go and walking away with his hand over his forehead. "Wow, oh wow. I think I just learned something. Magus are really not human's, beings without any hearts at all that won't be worth STEALING!" He raised his voice. "Am I glad that I'm not born in a Magus family or part of the Magus culture or am I supposed to be a part of their world since we joined this damn organization!"

"Oi oi. Calm down kid." Caster said, putting a hand over Ren's shoulder. "You're leaking so much mana you'll attract the other corrupted servant so control yourself."

Ren took a few deep breaths and calmed down, but still looked upset. "Maybe humans losing magic might have been a blessing if this is what modern wizards are like..." Sitting down on a chair while putting his hand over his forehead. "If Tohsaka Rin had a younger sister, then there's a chance that her resent would grow so much her darkness grew until she lost control."

"She might've become one of those shadows in the shadow palace." Morgana said to Ren. "Only in physical form."

"With how Magic and things work, I wouldn't be surprised if she merged with her Shadow..." Ren groaned. "This is like the shadow palace all over again but affecting reality. Now I know why Igor warned me about being on this cursed side of the world."

"Who the hell is Igor?" Olga asked.

"Not important, what is important is this. Are you absolutely sure that there was one child in the Tohsaka family?" Ren asked Olga.

".......... The Edefelts were thought to be known as the Tohsaka's relatives since their masters were two siblings so................. it is possible." Olga hesitantly said to Ren.

"If we could ask the Doc or Da Vinci for more information, they might have been able to find it through the Database," Morgana stated.

"We'll speculate this later once we regroup and find that damn cup." Ren said, getting up from the seat. "I'm already starting to get sick of this damn world and Magus culture."

Olga said nothing, but looked away. "Yes, the mission comes first."

They heard a lot of footsteps coming inside of McDonalds, from the entrance was the rest of the Phantom thieves, including the twins.

Ryuji's eyes perked up when he saw Ren. "Joker! You're awake! Finally, do you have a habit of falling unconscious or what?"

"Says the guy that scared us all to death after we thought you died trying to save all of us that one time," Ren shot back, remembering Shido's Palace and how he tried to kill them all by collapsing his palace prematurely.

"Haha!" Ryuji laughed at Ren.

"So what did you guys do when I wasn't awake?" Ren asked his group.

"Explored and scouting mostly," Ryuji stated. "Place is a hell hole out there, skeletons everywhere. And what I think we're Shadows, and I mean actual Shadows that somehow go into the real world, almost like the time Yaldabath tried to merge realities."

"Wait, mergere realities!?" Olga shouted in shock.

"... I spoke too soon, did I?" Ryuji embarrassingly asked while scratching the back of his head.

Ren put his hand over his head in annoyance.


(Fuyuki City: Rooftops)

After they got out of McDonalds to meet up to the others, Ren told them of his theory and how this war became out of control, causing most people to become in thought while others-


Some didn't take it so well, especially when it comes to Magus culture.

Ryuji had a furious expression on his face.


Ren covered his mouth. "Keep it down...!" he angrily whispered at him. "You trying to get caught...!"

"Sorry..." he muffled. "But still man! Are they fucking monsters or what?"

"Despite Ryuji's foul language." Yusuke narrowed his eyes. "I also find it sickening that they give their own child away to other families 'cause of their potential."

Olga grumbled. "I get it, Magus Culture is 'Barbaric' to you normal people."

"Oh you think?" Futaba sarcastically said to Olga. "Excuse us cause we're normal people trying to understand how you people function and honestly, I feel like I'm glad I'm not one of those heartless bastards."

"Well we try to find the Root, a way to bring back Magic and help humanity," Olga stated.

"How is that helping when your culture is all about power-you know what forget it." Haru said, putting her hands in front. "I don't want to talk about this anymore."

"Agreed." Ann agreed with Haru.

"Same." Makoto as well.

"Let's get what we know so far and what we might have found," Ren ordered, going into Joker mode.

"Guys!" Dr. Roman said, projecting himself to the others having a worried expression. "There's an army of shadows in coming!"

"How many?" Sophia asked Dr. Roman.

"Thousands! We need to run! Hide!"

Ren and Ryuji looked a bit further and widened their eyes in shock and worry, as what Dr. Roman said, there were thousands of Shadows marching.

"Fuck! We can't handle them!"

"We need to find something like a safe room," Futaba stated, using her powers to send out a location scan of the land for the closest safe room.

She suddenly hears her persona speak to her.

"If you really want to find a safehouse, I suggest you actually do a better job."

'Well excuse me Necronomicon.' Futaba mentally said to her persona. 'In case if you hadn't noticed but we, me specifically, are trying to get used to using our persona's again after months when the metaverse was sealed off.'

'Hehehehehehe, months and you yet you still can't figure out how to use me properly.'

'Ok smart guy. If you think you can do a better job than me then I suggest you help out unless we get butchered by those goddamn shadows that are marching towards us!'

'I would normally only give you assistance, but I do not want to see my favorite chess piece lose itself in a game of chess. For the sake of my favorite player I will assist you in this for once.'

Futaba's eyes suddenly glow a bit before images and direction of the safe house was instilled into her mind.

'You best better hurry, seems like those shadows are getting closer as we speak~'

"Guys, I found a safehouse close by, follow me," Futaba called out. As they ran, Futaba asked her Persona, 'Sense when were you this powerful?'

'I'm always this powerful, you were just using a fraction of what I'm capable off~' he said, giggling like Futaba does when she's being mischievous.

'... Should I be worried for my sanity...?' Futaba asked.

'Only if you delve into too much~'

'... Noted...' Futaba stated, gulping.

"You okay Futaba?" Ren asked his little sister figure.

"Just worried about my safety is all," Futaba stated.

".... Ok." Ren said to Futaba before continuing to run towards the Safe house.

"That warehouse, over there!" Futaba pointed out to them all. Olga and the twins are being carried by three of the Servants.

They soon got into the warehouse and Arthur busted down the door. "In here, quickly now!"

They all bolted to the door and in an instant Arthur closed the warehouse.

"Find crates or anything to barricade the doors and windows," Ren ordered. "We don't know how safe this place actually is, but we are not dealing with a normal Metavers sort of deal."

"No need to tell us twice!" Ryuji said before he and the others, including the others, put crates at the door and barricaded it.

"Sheesh! It's like someone is out to get us." Ryuji said, wiping a sweat over his brow and sliding down on the crate to the ground.

"I think there is," Ren stated.

"What makes you think that Ren?" Makoto asked.

"... I'll tell you when we're alone, group meeting," Ren ordered, slightly nodding at Olga. "Phantom business."

Makoto nodded. "Understood."

"This is crazy," Ritsuka stated, slumping against a wall. "What's going on?"

"Trying to survive in this hellish world, we're never gonna get out of here if we're gonna to be continually pursued by those shadows." Ann whined.

"This place is insane," Ritsu agreed, groaning.

"We need to come up with a strategy," Ren stated.

"How? Joker this isn't like the Metaverse, we're dealing with monsters that are more ruthless than anything we've seen." Haru said to Ren.

"As well as Shadows that seem to be imbued with Berserk," Yusuke added in.

"... Like Crow's powers..." Ren muttered. "Was there any place that seemed like it was heavily fortified?"

"Honestly, we haven't checked yet, Joker." Futaba said to Ren.

Ren was about to say something to Futaba when his eyes suddenly widened.

(Vision Flashback)

Ren was suddenly on a snowy plain where the snow fell and everywhere was covered in pearl white snow.

Looking around his direction before he found two figures looking up at the long stairs above them One was a girl with white hair wearing a dress that was black with red stripes, and red evil energy coming off of her body through what seemed like veins on her body. The other was a boy as his top left side of his face was covered in tan while the other was white as half of his hair was white as he stoically looked at the girl in front of her.

The girl spoke as she smiled. "Senpai............ . So nice of you to join us." The girl said to him while darkness oozes off of her.

Shirou did not say anything as he kept glaring at Sakura while the sides of his fist were clenching.

"What's wrong? You don't have anything to say?" Sakura asked him.

"Stop this Sakura." The boy said to her in a stoic tone.

"You won't hurt me, Sempai~ You've always wanted to be a hero that saves everyone~"

".........Why did you do it?" The boy asked Sakura. "Why did you kill Shinji? He didn't have to die."

Sakura's vision darkened. "I was tortured in that home..." she stated lowly. "I could feel every part of their influences growing within me, crawling every part of my body. They used me only for them to grow their family's dying reputation. As for Shinji, I'm glad that he died cause he won't have to soil me anymore." Sakura smiled twistedly. "There isn't any part left of him."

Ren wasn't understanding what he was seeing but the girl, Sakura for some reason he doesn't know why but............. for some reason he could see that her heart is pure and uncorrupted. While the Boy's Heart was shattered and forged through unnatural means.

The boy still spoke. "What you did was unforgivable and it doesn't excuse for your actions. Every people's lives matte-"

"THEN WHAT ABOUT MINE?!" Sakura suddenly yelled at the boy while darkness oozes off of her and let out a powerful dark wind that pushed the boy's and Ren's coat as Joker put his hand over his face, covering himself from the wind. "MY FATHER ABANDONED ME! THREW ME AWAY AND INTO THAT CURSED FAMILY FOR THE SAKE OF THEIR TRADITIONS! I WAS TREATED LIKE AN OUTCAST AND PLACED INTO THAT DEN OF CREST WORMS! RAPED AND DEFILED! EVERYDAY I CRIED OUT FOR HOPE AND NO ONE CAME FOR ME! NOT EVEN MY DAMN SISTER WHO IGNORED ME AND DOESN'T ACKNOWLEDGE ME!"

'Rapped!?' Ren eyes widened in shock and taken back from what he heard from Sakura, couldn't believe what he was hearing and the crest worm.........................he doesn't like to know what he wanted to know.


"Is that why you cursed Rin Tohsaka into a slow agonizing death?" The boy's voice slowly became angry. "She was just a kid when that happened! You can't blame her for that! And she wouldn't have known what happened to you!"

"And did she ever try to comfort me?" Sakura said to the boy, tilting her head. "Did she try to reach out to me when she always walks away from me and never talks to me like a complete stranger?"

"..........Why did you let me live, Sakura?"

"Because, I love you."

Those words.............. they felt genuine to Ren when she said those to the boy.

The boy was shocked, that's when a shadow like entity reacted out at him, seeming to warp his thoughts, making him angered, and having him summoned two weapons to his hands.


Two guns with knife like weapons that were twin like, but one was black the other white.

"This madness ends now." The boy said as he shot Sakura in the stomach as she was stunned before slowly falling backward, Ren's body reacted as he caught Sakura's body from falling, putting his hand over her head and the other on her body.

"I won't let you......or that damn shadow spawn wreak havoc in this world. This I swear." He said determined.

Blood leaked from her body as a stand of blood leaked from her mouth. Her eyes looked at Ren as if she could see him.

She moved her mouth as no noise could be heard but Ren's eyes widened in horror at what he heard, looking at her stomach before her face.

That is when he noticed that the pure light in her heart began to submerge into darkness, as if it gave up.


The heavy snow suddenly blew away and Ren's vision as he couldn't feel Sakura anymore, getting up before he saw a girl with black hair in a red shirt and a short black skirt, with hip length stockings and brown shoes stumble in. Her hair bangs hid her eyes as the wind blew her hair.

"I failed as a big sister, it is my fault that I............couldn't comfort her." She said to him, lifting her eyes while showing a tearful expression as tears flooded her cheeks like a waterfall. "Despite what she has done, her."

Suddenly images were shown as various places were projected before a temple with a long stairs showed and in it was a golden cup that grew bightly in his vision before the brightness consumed him.


(Vision Flashback End: Fuyuki City: Safehouse)

"Gaaahh!" Ren suddenly shouted, almost falling down if he hadn't grabbed a crater while he pants and sweats.

"Joker!" Ryuji said his name in worry. "Joker you o-"

"The temple." He interrupted Ryuji as he spoke. "The temple, Fuyuki's Shrine center. Can the grail be there?"

"I don't know but." Dr Roman said hesitantly before clicking his keyboard and widened his eyes. "Holy Grail is detected! That's where the Grail is!"

"Woah!" Ryuji said in amazement. "Fuck man! The Grail is there? How did you know where it is?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Come on Joker, it's not much of a big de-"

"I SAID I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!" Ren shouted at Ryuji with an angry face.

Ryuji held his hands up in surrender. "Whoa, dude, you don't have to bite my head off."

Futaba looked worried when she saw Ren looked angry but also a little traumatized. She might be worried if this world is beginning to affect him.

'Your thoughts are wrong dear girly~'

She heard her Persona speak to her again, in a giddy tone as if he was entertained by something, narrowing her eyes while speaking her persona.

'What the hell do you mean? Do you know what happened to Ren?'

'Ah yes, one of the perks and curses of a Wild Card. You see Futaba, he was visited by a soul who reached out to your friend~. It felt almost so much sadness and agony even in death it was still in pain oh~! It feels so appealing!'

'Visited by another soul?' Widening her eyes, looking at Ren again. 'What did he see? Did you see what he saw?'

'Hehehehehe~. Lets just say...........he saw something that shook him to his very core.'

'... You are acting a lot more... chaotic than normal Necronomicon,' Futaba stated. 'And that's saying something coming from me...'

'What can I say, it's in my nature.'

Ren leaned onto a crater while panting hard, trying to get ahold of himself but what he heard from Sakura's mouth shook him to his core, that he almost nearly had a breakdown.

'My baby.................. please don't take away my baby.'

Sakura.......................... was pregnant.

Arthur clapped Ren on his shoulder. "Are you okay Master? You seemed to be riled up."

"I'm......... fine Arthur." Ren said to his servant. "Just a little peachy."

He didn't believe it. "I know the signs of Mental Projection Imagery and being shown things, thanks to Merlin, so I know that look all too well."

"Of course, your wizard was the great Merlin." Ren said to Arthur, sighing that he couldn't hide his emotions with his Servant. "I didn't mean to shout at Ryuji but what I saw............... I can't, I don't want them to know what happened to her.......... what she went through and what she lost Arthur." He fully turned his body to him. "I saw her heart, she was still pure but when that white hair boy shot at her.......... she let herself go into darkness and I heard it with my ears."

"This world is unkind, especially the Moon Lit world," Arthur stated. "But I can tell you have a strong will, and have seen stronger things. Yet, for some reason, you haven't killed even though you've fought for your life before."

".........I refuse to become a monster." Ren said to Arthur. "If I kill then it would mean deciding who gets to live and die. It's like playing God and I do not want to be the Judge, Jury and Executioner."

"But how long will that last?" Came the voice of Carmen from behind them, still smiling. "You are simulare to me in class. What will you do, when it comes to choosing to kill someone... or save a friend from them, and killing them is your only choice?"

"I have my ways," Ren said. "And I won't go as far when you brutalize your target in a gore fashion not even historians want to describe, the difference is that I'm human and I'm not gonna let this get over my mind."

Arthur smiles at Ren. "Glad to know I have a kind master, even if he is a thief."

Ren gave his Joker smile. "Well I am the Gentlemanly kind with a code of honor."

'That is................................ How long will it last, until you eventually give in?' Carmen mentally said instead of speaking out loud.


(Safe House: Side Room - An hour later)

Ren and the Phantom Thieves were in a side room, the Servants, along with Olga and the twins were staying outside.

"So Joker, what's wrong?" Makoto, now going by Queen, asked. "You said you think you know who's out to get us."

"... I will say that what I'm going to tell you is crazy," Ren stated.

"Dude, if you can't tell, things have already gone crazy," Ryuji, or Skull in this meeting, stated, jestering at a window where the light fire was coming through. "We have our Personas in real life, can summon heroes and legends of the past that are like our Personas, have traveled through time and space to a hellscape Japan, and are trying to return Humanity, I think whatever you have to say won't be crazy, dude..."

"I hate to say it, but Ryuji's right," Morgana said. "It can't be any crazier than what we're already dealing with."

"I had a vision of some sort of Sakura, corrupted and turned, but she was still pure hearted somehow, and a boy named Shirou, and something corrupted him to kill her. And then one more person, Rin Tosaka, her sister. In the vision, I saw them die, but I don't think Sakura fully died, but was severely weakened. She might be after us to try and... I'm not sure, make a new wish from the Grail using us as batteries of somesort."

"So......... it is true." Haru said, lowering her voice. "The girl is from the Tohsaka family."

"Not only that..." Ren stated, sighing, not liking what he was about to tell them. "... Whatever made Shirou try to kill her... made him unaware of his child in her..."

Everyone looked horrified hearing that bombshell, Ann,Haru and Sophie covering their mouths in shock.

"... Fucking hell man!" Ryuji shouted, his anger boiling over and smashing a table into splinters with the pipe in his hand. "What kind of fucked up being are we dealing with!?"

"He............ killed his own child?!" Ann shouted in horror.

"Like I said, whatever was controlling him, was making him blind, using his broken mind and heart to pull him like a puppet on strings... Sound familiar to what we had to face in the past?" Ren asked.

Ryuji groaned, slumping back on a wall and sliding down it. "Great, we're dealing with a bloodthirsty Version of Yaldabaoth and Demiurge."

Ren sighs, looking at the ceiling. "If I had to deal with this, just with Morgana, I'm not sure how I would handle it without you all..."

"Pretty sure you'd be praying to god that this whole thing is a nightmare," Makoto stated. "And I wouldn't blame you, I think we all would be doing the same thing."

"I'm not Christain, I'm Shinto Makoto but I always have a hard time believing there is a god."

"Yeah, especially after dealing with three of them," Ann stated. "What next, we get sent to some kind of palace of someone that is being corrected by a god of order of some kind?"

"Please don't joke about that, Ann," Futaba groaned, falling back. "With our luck, that might actually be the case..."

"Now do you see why I didn't want to tell you what I just said?" Ren said to the group.

"I can tell man," Ryuji stated. "This is all kinds of fucked up..."

"It's worse than any kind of things we've faced in the Metaverse." Futaba commented to Ryuji. "Losing your own child I.................. I.......... I don't have the right words to tell what she would have felt."

"It was despair." Ren said to Futaba. "Hopeless, sad, agony, broken, everything all together. What she did was unforgivable but killing her only child? I'm....... having a hard time to even think if her heart is even remotely possible to steal or if there is any heart in her at all."

"Well she would be distorted like the Jails maybe," Haru suggested. "So her actions are being amplified, but by the Grail instead of a prison."

"Except this entire place is like a palace." Ann added in.

"If her heart truly is entirely consumed by darkness............ then like what Ren said her heart wouldn't be possible to steal, or if she has it anymore." Futaba said gloomy.

"Honestly?" Sophia said to the group. "Going through all that, I don't blame her."

"Same here." Ren said to the group. "Despite what she did, I don't blame her if she outlashes or her fall into darkness. I'm having a hard time hating her."

"You aren't the only one Joker." Ryuji said to his friend.

"But that still leaves the question to be answered," Yusuke started, having his hands like a picture frame. "Who is the puppeteer of this show, and are they now puppeting Sakura now in her weakened state? And are they responsible for the bombings as well, having planned this in advance to get rid of any stragglers?"

"......if they are pulling the strings." Ren said to Yusuke. "Then there are no strings attached to us. We're not bunches of murderers or like those Magus people. We're phantom thieves, we steal hearts and free them from the binds of darkness and torment they felt inside of their hearts. Even if they are consumed by darkness we will steal their hearts, her heart. No matter what."

'̸̢̡̛̠͕̠̱͎̟͍̌͆͐̃͗͌̀̈̀̑͑̒͠Ȩ̴̡̰̪̱̯̪̬̭̠͔̃͆̈̓̀́́̉́͝͝͝ͅṽ̸̧̨̮̥͚͍̲̞͈̩̯̫͓̔̾̌͂̋̏͝ͅe̵̢̧͇̖͉͖̠͔͌̈́̅̋̒̀̍̇̂͘͜͝͠n̶̛̥̻̭̦̮͗͐̎͗́̎̈́̓ ̴̳̣̲̝̥̼̗̏͂̾̊̇̏̈́̇́͘͜ḯ̷̪̈f̷̨̟̟̖̭͚̦̔̿̌́ͅ ̵̨̧̧̛͎̥̰͉̱͍̯̂̉̌̊̍̃͑̾͌̚͠ï̷͍̤̏̀͛͛̊̊́͒͗̕̕͝͝t̵̨̛̙̯̪͎̦͙̬̺̻̊̑͋́̎̓̉̈́͂ ̵͈̱͙͈̭͖͈͖̞̫͉͒̒̿̋́̒̉̆̓͌͝͝k̵̤̬̘͉̻̈̊̇͛̾̉̒͆̍̍͑̿̈́͋͜͝ì̵̧̭͈͍͖͕̱̬̘͖͙͕̺̘̿̀̔̎̈̎̂̾́̑͝͝l̶̤̱̪̯͉̯̺̞̪̅l̷̢̦̗͍̥̠̹̝͚̭͕̭͖̍͜͜ş̵̪̮̖̉̿̊͐̈́̅̉ ̶̡̧̙͖̟͎̗̰̣̮̥̦̝̼̓̇̎̀͌̕̚y̴̧͙̥̑̀̋̇̀͌̐ȯ̵̙̰̩̥̑͛̄͋̇̆́̈́̅̇̕̚u̸̧̡̢̞̪̥̺̱̪͕͕̥̘̽̅̒̈́͘ͅ?̶̛̖͖̣̭̊͗͊̐͛̆͂̈́͜͝'̵̰̺͌̃̒̈́̽̚̚̕

Ren snapped his head up. "Did anyone hear that?"

"Hear what Joker?" Makoto asked.

"... I............. let's forget about it and let's go." Ren said to the others as they got a confused look towards their leader before following them.

Behind Ren's shadow was several tendrils that attempted to latch onto Ren if they were cut down or blown off by a shadowy version of Satanael. There was a giggle, like someone was amused by the action.


(Safe House: Outside)

"Alright guys we're re-what the fuck happened here?!" Ryuji was about to call out the other people, the Magus and the twins if he and the Phantom Thieves didn't notice the massive destruction caused around outside of the safehouse.

"Oh, you're finally back about some group discussion!" Caster said to the group.

"Caster, what the fuck happened?"

"Oh that's easy! I just helped that girl find her noble phantasm." Caster pointed at the nervous smiling Mash who waved at them.

"... We were under attack!?" Ryuji shouted.

"No, I just did a little hard convincing to push the girl to her limits." Caster said to Ryuji.

".....Are you crazy or are you drunk, you damn Irish?"

"I'm mostly drunk." Caster said before drinking liquor. Ryuji hit him over the head with his pipe, leaving a lump on the man's head. "... I deserved that..."

"And I thought I was reckless..." Ryuji grumped.

"I-Its not his fault senpai! H-He helped me learn what my Noble Phantasm is." Mash said to Ryuji.

"Still, it was reckless," Ren stated. "We could have been spotted. If it is not from the flash of them, but from the energy that they produce."

"We aren't gonna be here for long and by the time they get here. We'll be gone already." Caster said to Ren.

Ren looked at Olga. "Why didn't you try to stop them?"

She gave him a flat look. "You think I can control a Servant...? I'm not a Master..."

"But you are the director..."

"And I can't keep in control of them." Olga said to Ren. "Let's just go to the shrine and get this over with."

"What about the army of Shadows and Skeletons?" Futaba asked, reminding her of all the enemies outside.

"If you were here earlier then Dr. Romani would've told you that they all retreated for some reason."

"Any ideas why?" Haru asked Olga.

"I don't know but..................whatever it is." She said, looking off into the distance.

"She might be planning something." Ren finished the director's statement, mimicking Olga's action while narrowing his eyes. "Come on, let's go."

Before he was about to head off, he suddenly felt a sensation on his shoulder, looking over and seeing Ryuji looking at him with a concerned expression.

"Ren." He said his friend's name. "If Sakura's far to gone, do you think................. Do you think you can still save her heart or." Ryuji didn't finish his sentence as Ren knew what he was going to say. Ryuji finally spoke. "If she ever wants to be saved?"

Ren stayed silent for a second, pondering that question. "... I am unsure, Ryuji..." he answered truthfully. "But we will do our best to help her as best we can, and if someone is controlling her, then we will free her from whoever it is."

"And if we can't save her Ren............... you know what we have to do to fix this singularity."



"My lady." a being in shadow bowed before the girl, Sakura as she sat on a dark/red throne, looking at the shadow being. "Why have you retracted the Skeletons and Shadows from the city? We've detected a massive amount of mana from the warehouse that spiked up."

"It's quite simple really." Sakura said to the being. The skeleton dropped down a corpse in the various body piles. "Their true mission was to gather as much as bodies there is across the city, if they would even find the surviving masters I doubt they would be so easy to capture."

"For what purpose?" the shadowy being asked her.

Sakura smiled as she waved her hand, causing the shadowy tendrils to appear over the body pile, below it was a ritual circle before submerging into the ritual circle.

Sakura spoke. "When a human body dies, there is still a feint of mana within their bodies." When it slowly emerged, one person was apparently awake and tried to get out of the shadowy tendril. "Regular humans are worthless but a magus body? Their mana keeps their bodies from decaying and decomposing." The shadowy tendrils slithered and grabbed the surviving before dragging him down to the circle as he screamed. "It is another method." Sakura clenches her fist.


Before crushing the survivor as blood bursted from the circle.

Sakura smiled. "To avoid using the grail mana consumption."

The dark knight walks forward. "Shadow servants are useless against heroic spirits. So if they have their own army of heroic spirits, then so will we."

"I will have Saber deal with them," Sakura stated. Smiling cruelly. "They will have been tired from their battles and journey to make it here, making them right for the picking. I only need them alive to summon more Servants to keep refilling the Grail. They will be our living batteries~"

"I see." The shadowy being said to Sakura. "Forgive me for my constant question my lady but why do you want to make more wishes on the Grail? We have already won everything."

"̶͎͈̹̥̹̍̇̽ͅN̵͉̜͓̦͓̩̲͓̓͆̀͜ơ̶̠̰̞͕̅̃̔͗̃́̄͝ṱ̸̮͍̂͗̽͆̿͆̀̋̚.̴̮̱͊̑̓̆̿͆̃̈́͠ ̶̰̬͍̯͎̮̬̄͑̽̈̿̓̿̚Ḙ̴̣͇̗̞̺̳̠̱̿͛͂̓̏v̵̡̭̲̜̪͙͓̮̤̉̍̅̃̽͘e̴͙̯̥͙̮͙͌͝r̴̝̂̐̇̒̃y̵̙̱͒̉͆̈́̓͠ṯ̷̨̣̜̮̔̈̀̈́̃h̴̨̛̤͉̫̟̺͈̥̺̳̿́́̉̐̽͊̚̚̚ͅi̷̛͙̠͎̱͉̹̒̏͋͂͂n̷͙͎̞͕͛̈́͂̃͑̎́́̓͑g̶̡͉̦̩̰̞͙̹̻̾̆̿̃͌͂̒͊̐͠͠.̴̨̡̤̲̦̮͖͉͈̙̄͋̈́̿̅̉̒̅͑"̷̤̾̈́̽̅̆̕͝͠

He suddenly felt a heavy pressure among him, slamming him into the ground causing the area around him to shake. He was wrapped in shadow tentacles, forced to kneel to her like she was a Queen.

Sakura narrowed her eyes at the shadowy being. "I haven't got everything I wanted. The world crumbling to ashes? It can destroy itself for all I care. Innocent people? There is no such thing as innocence, only blindness that keeps them from seeing reality. Power? I have enough to force this world to bend to my knees. Satisfaction? The only satisfaction." she placed her hand over her stomach as she rubbed it around in a circle. "Is when I am finally able to bring back what is lost to me."

"I mean no disrespect my lady, I understand you wanting to bring your child back, but why the boy? He betrayed you? He almost killed you. Do you wish to alter him to be just like you? Would he not be the same man if you do so?"

"It doesn't matter." Sakura said to the shadowy being.


Dark energy converges around the ritual circle, gathering it around before a set of figures stood above the circle.

Sakura smiles. "As long as I can be reunited with Senpai, then everything will be as they were." She shifted her attention to the summoned servants.

"Go and kill the Masters. Make sure none of them takes another breath, cleave them, destroy them, mutilate them, do as you wish. Do not hold back your intentions."

The summoned Servant's eyes glint through the darkness before shifting towards the other directions.


(Fuyuki City: Rooftops)

Everyone was traveling on the rooftops, or what remained of them, to get to the temple where the Holy Grail would be. Olga and the Twins being carried by the servants again.

Ren decided to ask a question. "So, who are the Tohsaka family?" He asked Olga about a specific family, one relating to Sakura's past.

"They were the second owners of Fuyuki City, top keep track of it and make sure that no Magus was using Mage Craft in the public eye," Olga informed.

"So in a sense, they are like supervisors then." Ann said to Olga.

"You are correct." Olga said to Ann. "They are said to be skilled in Jewel Mage craft. A type of magecraft they specialize in."

"... How the heck does that work?" Ryuji asked, confused. "Do they send out beams of energy like a magnifying glass sending a beam of sunlight out or something?"

"Almost but no. To make it simple they transfer mana energy into jewels and allow them to use it similar to a magic crest, one allows them to use that power whenever and in whatever way they find necessary." Olga said to Ryuji.

"... Huh, actually sounds useful," Ryuji stated, almost sounding impressed.

"It is also said that they are related to another family, the Edefelt family." Olga said to Ryuji.

"So like cousins?" Futaba asked.

"Honestly, I don't actually know." Olga said to Futaba. "The Tohsaka deny any relation with the Edefelts despite their abilities similar to each other."

"... Family grudge or something?" Futaba asked. She then gave a deadpan, thinking of the other option. "Or did one family member marry for love and not political gains...?"

"I'm not sure, cause I don't know." Olga said to Futaba. "It's something to do with the third holy Grail War when-"

"Ah, the third grail war. I remember it." D'Eon said. "I was the servant of the Edelfelt sisters, the participant of the grail war."

"Wait, you were a part of the Holy Grail?" Haru asked D'Eon.

"Of course." They nodded their heads. "It took place during 1939, where WW2 was happening. It was a destructive and deadly war." They narrowed their eyes. "Such heinous acts committed by the scums of the humanities itself, it was a fruitful and deadly war during the time."

"... Now being summoned in the 4th War as my lancer form doesn't seem so bad..." Diarmuid muttered. "Even if I got to fight, I don't think I'd have stomached all the dishonor..."

"Be glad... you have an honorable Master..." Voyager stated, smiling.

Ann widened her eyes as her face was taken back. "Wait, my grandfather was a soldier during WW2. He told me that he cooperated with an American soldier who's ally was a hero from the past. Is this true?"

"Yes." D'Eon said to Ann. "His servant was Lancer, or better known as Percival, wielder of the Holy Longinus."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Ann, your family are Magus!?" Ryuji asked in shock, as most were as well.

"I'll be honest, I didn't know," Ann said, just as shocked. "I thought they were just fanciful stories. ... I might have to go through my family's belong's after this..."

"What happened during the third Grail War?" Ren asked D'Eon.

"I wouldn't call it a war, it was a bloody massacre." D'Eon said to Ren, horror in their eyes. "Nearly all of the Servants had allied to the Nazi's due to their vast connection. I most likely suspect they were brainwashed to take control of them. There were only two of us, me, the Edefelt sister and the American master. It's a miracle even though we were the last servants but not out of a great cost."

"... I'm afraid to ask what that cost was..." Makoto said, shivering. She knew that Japan wasn't on the good side of WWII, but this was just horrible to think of.

"It's better you don't want to know." D'Eon said, shaking their head. "When it was only the two of us, we knew that despite winning the war, we'd lost the battle. I don't know what the wish was but it was enough to make people think there were no winners, only the American soldier, and Percival."

"... Okay, I think I've heard enough ghost stories," Futaba stated, gulping.

"Same here." Ryuji agreed with Futaba.

Ren decided to ask another question to D'Eon. "Do you happen to know what the Edefelt sisters looked like?" He asked them.

Ann perked up. "Oh! I happened to have a picture that my grandfather gave to me!" Ann went through her pockets. "My grandfather asked me to give this to Edefelts, something like wanting to honor their past agreements or something? I don't know." she said before pulling out a picture to Ren.

Ren looked over the picture and immediately stepped back.

" That's-?!" he said in shock.


"Ren?" Makoto said in worry. "Ren what is it?" she asked her friend before looking at the picture Ann has.

There were five figures in the picture, two of which were the soldiers and the other was D'Eon and another servant. One they knew was Percival as he wielded a lance.

But that didn't shock Ren. What surprised him was the fact that two female people, each hugging the American man who looked nervous with smiles on their faces looked EXACTLY like Rin Tohsaka and Sakura.

"Those sisters. They looked exactly like the girls I saw in the visio-"


It was only thanks to luck and his experience that he stepped back immediately as a projection went past him.


"What a surprise, you've managed to dodge that."

Someone spoke to them. Shifting towards the man that spoke to them. He was a tanned white haired man in black armor and pants with a red trench-like coat over him. He looked like he was done with everything and was covered in shadows.

"Pretty impressive." The man spoke to them. "For a human like you to do-" He stopped his sentence when he saw Ren's face. Widening his eyes as his face was in shock before losing it and changing it to tiredness. "Fuck, of all the people it had to be one of 'them'. Fate really loves to screw with me."

"Who the hell are you?!" Ryuji shouted at the man in the red trench coat.

"Just call me Archer." The man identifies himself as Archer. "And I've been ordered to make sure none of you leave here alive."

"Well you're gonna have to do better than that Dumbass!" Ryuji insulted him as he and the other servants all gathered around. "You picked the wrong time to mess with the Phantom thieves!"

"Oh I know what you're capable of. All of you." Archer said to the group. "I know about your abilities and I know of the Metaverse."

Ren narrowed his eyes on the man. "How do you know all that...?" he asked, ready to summon Ether two Arsens or other Persona.

"You're not the first who the will has chosen. I know of your predecessor, one before you were chosen." Archer had a distant look. "Minato was one of the few people I could call as a friend."

"... Who the heck is Minato...?" Ryuji asked, confused.

Ren grit his teeth when another vision consumed him.



A boy in a blue coat jacket and blue hair had his back turned against Ren as he stared above a colossal dark being, alongside him was the archer servant, the red coat.

"It's not too late Archer. You don't need to be here." The boy said to Archer.

"As much as I don't want to, I have to stay at your side Minato." Archer said to the boy named Minato. "And besides, I owe you for saving my ass from the shadows."

"You don't want to leave do you? You're still bound by Alaya's order?" Minato asked Archer.

"............ How did you-wait, let me guess. It's one of your Persona's who told you."

"I could free you, you know. Live in a life where you are free from the will of humanities confinement. Igor told me I have the power to server it."

"....heh, the offer is tempting. But no. I don't want to be more in your debt, beside what would I do if I don't have any connections in this worl-"

"Sakura." Minato said to Archer. "Rin, and Artoria."


"They came to me through Thanatos power. They pleaded with me to free you from your eternal torment. They want you to be happy, they want you to live, they begged me to save you EMIYA." Minato said to Archer named EMIYA.

"... How did you get my name...?" he asked, narrowing his eyes. "Your Personas wouldn't have known it..."


"........ They told you didn't they?" EMIYA figured out how Minato learned his name.

"You don't have to keep tormenting yourself." Minato said to EMIYA. "Death can be a curse, but it also can be a blessing. If there is death, there is life, there is life, there is a second chance. Everyone deserves one, even you."


"Nothing can change who you are, Archer. Your my friend and friends always stick together, no matter what." Minato said to EMIYA.


(Vision End)

"EMIYA!" Ren said the Archer's name out loud, exposing his identity.

"Figures." Archer said to Ren, scoffing. "I should've known that there's nothing hiding from the likes of you."

"I take it you mean a Wild Card," Ren said, going into his Joker Persona.

"You really don't know what you are, do you?" Archer said to Ren. "There is another meaning behind Wild Card kid."

"What do you mean?" Ren asked Archer.

"That is if you could find out." Archer said to Ren.

"Screw this! We're gonna take you down Archer!" Ryuji said to Archer. "And you're all alone! You should've thought about that before confronting us!"

"Who said I came alone?" Archer said to Ryuji.





Suddenly dark figures slammed onto the ground, causing the area around them to experience a mini quake as smoke covers them, slowly clears up. What they saw could only be described as monsters.

The first Servant/Monster was a Centaur-like being with four arms, each wielding a giant sword, wearing armor and what looked to be an Oni mask.

The second Servant/Monster was a woman that looked just like the Servant Ren blasted to hell and back, but her body had scales, along with her arms and legs, and a reptilian tail on her back.

The third was a naga like Servant/Monster, with dark tan skin, a purple tail with a piece of cloth floating behind her that had two gain crystal-like orbs on it.

Fourth was a woman in a red and black military uniform. But that's not what had them freaked, it was the gain red flaming skeleton warrior with four arms behind her.

Fifth was a giant person in a suit of dark purple armor with a giant sword that looked like it was a chunk of molten rock in a sword form in color.

Sixth was a royal looking monster with giant horns on his head, with a crown on his head in between them. He had a golden crokecked staff, his skin/armor(?) was an ice blue and had a red cape and long loincloth with gold on him.

The seventh and last Servant/Monster... was a freaking Tyrannosaurus Rex with two horns on its head, messy black hair, and parts of a meko's outfit on it.

"Joker... I think we might have a problem..." Ryuji stated, sweating in fear.

Ren hardened his expression while Arthur, Diarmuid, Assassin, Caster and the other Servants and Persona's prepared themselves.

"... Let me... Deal with... The Berserkers..." Voyager stated. "I am... A Foreigner Servant... their only weakness as Servants..."

"Ren." he heard Ryuji spoke to him softly, whispering to him. "I think you should go ahead of us while we deal with this."


"Listen to me!" Ryuji placed his hand over his friend's shoulder. "You know a lot about Sakura better than we do. You've seen her memories and her heart, if anyone can steal or stop her, it's you."

"There's no way I'll abandon any of you," Ren stated, summoning his mask. "We're a team-"

"When I give the signal, you head straight to it!" Ryuji summoned his persona.

"We're counting on you Ren." Futaba said to her friend.

"We'll keep out masters safe," Ganesha stated. "Even though I do not like to fight."

"NOW! CAPTAIN KIDD!" Ryuji called out his servant. Putting his arms in an L formation, close to his body while Ryuji looked at the ground while glowing in bright yellow color. "MONKEY BORN FROM THE STONE OF HEAVEN! HE WHO HAS TURNED AND DESTROYED HALF OF THE JADE EMPEROR'S KINGDOM! KING OF THE MOUNTAINS OF FLOWER AND PEACHES!"

Captain Kidd was encased in a rock which glowed slowly before exploding.


Ren's eyes widened seeing him summon his second strongest Persona. "Ryuji! If you use him for too long, you'll tax yourself!"

"IF IT MEANS HELPING OUT OUR LEADER, THEN IT'S WORTH IT!" Ryuji shouted at him while smiling. Sun Wukong spun around his staff before slamming it onto the ground, causing the whole building to shake, slowly falling and crumbling.


Ren didn't say anything else but ran towards the edge of the building and jumped over, spinning around for a few seconds, using his persona he landed safely on the ground along with Arthur before they all ran towards the shine, not before Ren gave one last look behind him before turning away.

"Be safe guys." Closing his eyes, opening them as he hardened them before running towards the long set of stairs.



The woman in military uniform scoffed, seeing Ren run off. "Turning your back to the enemy?" She summoned a musket in the air, ready to fire it at him. "Foolish mistake..."

"I don't think so!" Ann shouted, using a piece of iron rope cable as a whip, and knocking the musket off target. "You're dealing with us!"

"You damned girl! You dare strike against me? The demon king of the sixth heaven?" The woman shouted at Ann, furry blazing in her eyes.

"Well I'm immune to fire, so yeah, I won't get hurt by that skeleton of yours~" Ann said, smiling cheekily. "And demon King of sixth heaven? This reminds me of a certain individual in a history lesson who only calls themselves that. Oda Nobunga, the vicious tyrant in Japan."

"So, you figured my true name out by just hearing my name~ Then you should be bowing to your Emperor, girl! Even if you are mixed blood like yourself! Kneel and I shall make you part of my army!"

"Sorry, we Phantom Thieves never allow ourselves with wannabe rulers," Ann stated, summoning her mask with her Servant next to her.

"So you've chosen de-"

"Please don't say that." Ann deadpanned at the servant, Oda Nobunga. "I've read too many Chinese novels. They just say that on a daily basis and it's honestly annoying."

Oda sputtered, her face turning red at the indignation. "HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT ME GIRL! AND I AM NOTHING LIKE THOSE STUPID BOOKS! AND YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED FOR READING SUCH TRASH!" She then summoned two dozen muskets the size of cannons, all pointed at Ann.

"... Master, I don't think it was wise to antagonize the crazy woman," Charlotte stated.

"In the past, I would be scared, but I'm not." Ann said to her Servant while her Persona got ready. "If there's one thing Ren has taught us, it is that nothing can hold us down, not even if we're near or close to death itself."

"I'LL GLADLY OBLIGE THAT THEN MIXED BLOOD!" Oda Nobunga waved her hand as her muskets clicked. "FIRE!"






While that fight was going on, Morgana, Ryuji, Diarmuid and Voyager were facing the Berserker Servant Monsters, the Four Armed Centaur and the T-Rex.

"Honestly, it was my childhood dream to see an actual dinosaur when I saw Jurassic Park." Ryuji commented. "And I think I'm looking at a Mortal Kombat character, seeing the four armed centaur..."



"I think I should think twice before actually wishing for something." Ryuji said while the dinosaur and the mechanical looking centaur roared at them, seeing that madness and anger was clouding their minds.

"I'm more surprised that there are actual Monster Like beings in the Hall of Heroes, what's next? A man with a lion's head?" Morgana asked.

"..... There........... is a............ possibility......... Master." Voyageur said to his master.

"... At this point... I should think that there are Servants as wild as there are Shadows/Personas..." Morgana stated, giving a deadpan.

"I suggest we deal with these two for right now," Diarmuid stated, summoning his two swords. "And Hopefully I will get an honorable fight."

"Will it be honorable to fight together?" Ryuji asked, as the four got ready, as the two beasts were ready to charge at them.

"A Master that is willing to fight head on, that's the Master I'd be glad to fight alongside!" Diarmuid cheered.

"Ready... to fight... as well..." Voyage stated, smiling... and summoned a rocketship to fire at the Berserkers.

"... Okay... I did not see the rocketship coming..." Morgana stated.

"Same," Ryuji agreed. "Still freakin' cool though."






The T-Rex charged and stomped towards Ryuji with its mouth open before Sun Wukong grabbed its mouth.

Sun Wukong smiled. "A primordial creature in the ancient era, this is interesting but you've gotta do better than that creature."


The scene changed to Yusuke, Sophie, Katsushika and Van Gogh, who were facing the Gorgon Avenger Servant.

"She would make a lovely painting, wouldn't you agree?" Yusuke asked the three girls. "A Dark Beauty of Greek Legend."

"Flattery will get you nowhere..." the Gorgon stated.

"I'm not flattering you, I'm speaking of the truth my lady." Yusuke said to the gorgon.

"Heh, you're a foolish boy. Do you think you could save your own lives by simply painting?"

"I draw, I sketch, I paint what comes to see the eye. I seek the truth rather than look into a lie when truth is more beautiful." Tusuke stated, making his hand frame of Gorgon. "And I see a woman, torturing herself for things that were out of her control, wishing that she could redeem herself for what happened. A scared child that didn't want to change."

The Gorgon narrowed her eyes while the snakes hissed at Yusuke. "Bold words, you should be careful what you say next boy or else the last thing you'll see is you agonizing death."

"I do not mean to offend you," Yusuke stated, bowing to her. "I only say what I see. And I see someone that can be an angel if they are willing to push past the pain."

For a moment Gorgon thought or hallucinating of a certain purple haired girl replacing the boy who smiled at her as her hair waved through the winds, offering her hand to gorgon. A friendly one with no hate, no deception and no lies behind it. She smiled for the briefest of seconds. "You know, if you were the one to summon me, I think you would help me. You remind me of my Sisters and my child self. So if you somehow survive this somehow, I'll be waiting for your call."

"Then I would be honored to fight alongside you in the future then, Gorgon," Yusuke stasted, having a piece of metal that was like a katana. "Let us fight. For the world is a canvas, and we should make a wondrous painting. Let us all Paint it like a Mural, with each of our art styles~!"

The Gorgon smiled, closing her eyes before her face changed, snarling, opening her eyes, showing a slit eye before dashing towards Yusuke with her snakes mimicking their host.

She was interrupted by the two giant paint brushes of Katsushika and Van Gogh, sending her back. "That was very well said, Yusuke," Katsushika stated.

"Yes, let us do what you said, and paint a mural," Van Gogh agreed.

Yusuke and Sophie nodded, summoning their masks, then tore them away to summon their Persona.



Their Personas were summoned and Gorgon stopped, seeing Pandora. "... Pandora." She spoke softly to the persona.

"Medusa......" Pandora replied back to the Gorgon. Her expression is hidden behind the box on her head but her mouth was in a thin line.

"You're here as well." Medusa said to Pandora.

"So as you." Pandora floated close to Sophia. "For what it's worth, she did not deserve her heart to be crushed by the boy she loved and took something precious away from her." Pandora solemnly said to Medusa.

"Gods can be cruel............ but humans can be even crueler than the Gods themselves." Medusa said to Pandora.

"Yes, but like Yusuke and Sophie, they can do great good as well, and my other self isn't human, just like we are. And she is willing to fight on behalf of humanity, even after our creator threw us away, she still wanted to help people."

"......Can he truly free Sakura from her darkness? Can he?" Medusa asked Pandora.

"...... You know you should know it by now, Medusa." Pandora softly spoke to Medusa.

".........I see." Medusa slithered back, arching her back backwards while rising. "Then forgive me, I must stop you then."

"I don't know what you're talking about Medusa but Ren will definitely save her!" Sophia said with a smile. "No matter what it takes!"

".... Don't make promises you can't keep...." she stated, he snakes hissing at them. The five of them charged at each other, ready to fight.

While those five were fighting, Makoto and Jack were facing the Naga girl, both of them Riding on her Persona, Johanna. "So, Jack, you know what class this Servant is?"

"She might be a multiclass, mommy," Jack answered. "Also, your Persona is so cool, mommy~!"

"A multiclass?!"


Makoto drove out of the way of the whip-like sword that was sent at them, revving Johanna's engines.


"Who's running?" Makoto asked. "We're just setting up cover." Just then, mist started to form around the Naga woman. "Thieves work better with cover after all." Jack and Makoto then vanished in the mist around her.

"You really think this is gonna work?" The oni naga girl smiled before flames around her burst from the ground. "YOU'LL BE LUCKY IF THE FIRE DOESN'T CATCH YOU FIRST!" The flames around her started to spread around like a coiling snake.

"That's what we were hoping you'd do, trap yourself in your own defencise~!" Makoto shouted, driving at her, then shouting. "Frei!" She was hit with a Nuclear Blast, with some frost forming on her body, and the attack was powerful enough to launch her in the air. "Now Jack!"

Jack had appeared behind the Oni Naga Girl, and rammed her knives in the woman's back where her lungs would be. "Mommy is very smart and clever~" Jack complemented, smiling at Makoto.

"" The Oni Naga girl growled while her face was full of hate and fury, gritting her teeth enough for them to crack.

Makoto widened her eyes when she sensed an abnormal energy rising. "Jack get out of there!" She shouted, tossing a cord at her Servant for them to grab and try and pull them away.

Jack leapt off in time to grab the cable before-




Makoto pulled Jack to her, having them sit back on Johanna, and drove from the explosion at top speed, even driving on the walls of buildings. "Okay, I thought we had her."

"Remember Mommy, Servants are a lot sturdier than normal humans," Jack reminded Makoto, holding onto her waist.

"Then we'll just have to hit harder then," Makoto stated, summoning another attack. "Freila!" a much stronger version of her first attack hit the Oni Naga, sending her flying into a wall. "Do you still sense her Jack?"

"Yes, and she's even angrier now."

"Well an angered enemy does tend to make more mistakes." Makoto said to her Servant, looking behind her she sees the servant pursuing with flames boosting behind her back.





To which Makoto dodges them left and right, zigzagging them. "We need to stop her some way though," Mokaotoi stated, trying to think of a way to stop her.

While that was happening, Futaba, Ritsu, Ritsuka, Haru, Ganesha, Mash, Caster Cu, Martha, Chevalier, Iskander and Achilles were facing Archer EMIYA and the two huge armor looking beast servants, and trying to keep Olga safe.

"It was foolish of you to send your leader to face HER alone," EMIYA stated, pointing a sword at them.

"What? You don't think he can't handle it?" Futaba asked EMIYA, ready to summon her Persona to give everyone buffs.

"No, if anything he would be just like the other wild cards there are. Broken, alone, lost and fallen from grace." EMIYA said to Futaba.

Futaba narrowed her eyes at EMIYA. "You know a lot about Ren, tell us something that we don't know."

"It's quite simple, he, like the others, was placed under a heavy burden by the will itself." Pointing a finger above. "Chosen to fight in an endless fight just to make sure Alaya's precious race would survive."

"Ren doesn't work for Alaya," Haru stated. "He works with the Velvet Room."

"Oh he'll be bound, sooner or later. Alaya always wanted a Wild Card in her collection and she hasn't gotten a single one. Wonder how long until he finds out what he really is." EMIYA projected two short swords on his hand.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll find out, that is if you can." EMIYA closed his eyes.

"I am the bone of my sword......"


(With Ren and Arthur)

Ren and his servant finally reached the shrine......................... or what's left of it.

There sat on a dark/red oozing throne was the girl Ren saw in his visions, Sakura and besides her was another servant, one that strangely resembles his servant Arthur.

Sakura smiled as she leaned on her fist. "Welcome master of Saber, to my domain." she said to him. "I apologize if we had to meet like this. If you had taken a bit of your time, I would've prepared and tidied up this messy place."

Ren glanced down and saw many blood puddles around the shrine before returning to the smiling girl.

"What? Upset about the mess that's still aro-"

"I know what happened to you Sakura." Ren interrupted her, causing her to close her mouth and narrow her eyes at Ren. "I know what was taken from you, from the boy who you gave your entire heart to, only for it to be crushed away. The pain you felt, the gift that you had." Ren solemnly said to Sakura.

Sakura's face went, glaring at Ren. "... How did you find out about that...?"

"That is something that isn't important," Ren stated. "I just have this to ask of you: How many? How many are you willing to sacrifice? How many more have to die to fulfill what was lost to you in an attempt at revenge?"

"As many as possible." Sakura venomously said to Ren.

"You don't have to do this!" Ren stepped forward. "You didn't deserve this Sakura! You're a good person and I know that there's still light in your heart! You're not a murderer, you're not a killer. Please Sakura, you've suffered enough." Ren said to Sakura.

"This is the only way I can get my wish," Sakura growled out. Just then, tentacles of shadows appeared behind Ren. He turned to see them, but wasn't able to move out of the way.

"Ren, watch out!" Arthur shouted, shoving his Master out of the way, and him being captured instead.


Fortunately Ren managed to summon his Persona just in time for him to cut the black tendrils from Arthur.

Sakura slowly got off from her throne as her black/red dress fluttered, slowly walking before stopping. Ren's coat flutters as well as he and Sakura stare at each other for sometime.


"..... If there's any consolation, if I had a wish from the Grail, it is to make sure that you would earn your happy ending." Ren said to Sakura.


"What did you want to name your child? If you don't mind me asking."

"......... If it was a boy then he would be Hideaki, but if it was a girl then her name would be Ai."

"Those are good names, meaning for light," Ren stated.

".... If you really want to stop me from destroying this entire world, then you'll have to kill me, master of Saber." Sakura said to Ren.

"My name is Ren, and I'm not going to kill you." Ren pulled out his sword, a katana and pointed at Sakura. "I'm going to save you instead, Sakura."

Sakura widened her eyes when she saw a visage of Shirou that was replacing Ren and with him standing instead. Only without the white hair and parts of tanned skin, smiling warmly to her.

Lowering her head, shaking a bit. "" she could not form a sentence or speak any words as she lifted her head and screamed.



Immediately the area around them began to crumble as rocks crushed to pieces and lava rising.



"YES! I'M SURE ARTHUR!" Ren assured his servant.


Sakura let out a blood curling roar of pain. "Fuck I can't take this anymore!" Sakur cried in pain, like something was trying to take over her. "It hurts! It hurts! I don't want to feel this anymore! I̴͍̹̣̓̃͜ ̵͈̞̠̝̓̑w̷̨̡̥̬̫͂o̵̱̥̲̜͖̾͗̌ņ̸̣͌̀̄̋͌'̴͙̳̦̯̩͑t̸̩̖̣̏̿̃ ̷̺͉̈́͋̽͌b̶̡̡̫̲͈͑̈́͝ȅ̷̳̼͂̈́ ̴̹͉̦̭̋͒m̷̰̤̗̼͍̉̚ā̷̬̹̎͝ņ̶̙͝î̵̪̳̊͠p̴̨̱̩̮̎͗̎ŭ̵̙̗͊̈́ľ̷̤̪̐a̸̯̟̔͂̑̕͝t̶͔͇̹͘ė̸͙͍̩̙̀́͘͜d̸̜͝ ̶̧̡̠͚̣̑̉̀̔a̴̡̯̩̿͒́̅̄g̵̭̰͇̤͌͛ͅą̴̢͈͙̞̒̋̍͛i̶̦̱̍̏͌n̸̤̣̹͋́͗!̷͇̥̫͗̄̅̅!̶̗̃̆̚!̸̘͎̈́̊͠!̴̛̛͙̣͓̲̪̒̾"

Ren ran towards Sakura as the other servant dashed towards him with its sword raised to cut his head off.


Before Arthur stopped the servant with his own excalibur, glaring at his opponent. "You shall not lay a hand on my Master, your opponent is me." Arthur declared to his opponent.

"You are a fool for standing in my way." the Servant said before the darkness slowly unveils itself and reveals.


A face similar to Arthur, but with more feminine and pale skin with brighter hair color.

"You!" Arthur said in shock. "You........... Who are you?"

"I am what you were, I am the one who pulled the sword from the stone, united Britain and drove off the saxons, the slayer of Vortigen and Morgana le Fay, I am............King Arthur." The servant said to King Arthur, revealing her name. (A/N 2)

Arthur looks at Altoria's blade, he can feel the darkness and the bloodlust it oozes off, it's even making his own excalibur feel uncomfortable, narrowing his eyes. "This is excalibur? Why is it filled with darkness and blood? What have you done to excalibur?"

"I did what I should've done." Altoria said to Arthur. "I have purged my enemies, executed those who defy me, the peasants who dare to soil my achievements after I made my kingdom into a utopia, I gave an example to those who dare disgrace me."

"You''re not a king. You're a tyrant! You're no less than our uncle what he has done, not even he is cruel enough to instill fear into his citizens!" Arthur shouted to Altoria.

"I did what I had to, you off all people should understand what our duty is."

"Our duty is to save our kingdom and bring peace to Britain! Not to put it into a dark age! Camelot was meant to be the guiding beacon for all those who seek salvation and sanctuary! To give our people hope!"

"I am a KING!" Altoria roared like the lion she was. "I am the one who makes the hard choices and never shows weakness or emotions! That is what I do! I should have killed all traitors to Camolate's rule the moment they appeared! I should have had my Queen and my Traitors of Knights Executed on the spot! I should have killed my sister the first day she was going mad! And I'll do just that if I wish on the Grail! I realized it wasn't me that failed my Kingdom, but the Cancer that was in it!"

"That's what made our kingdom fall!" Arthur shouted back at her. "A fellow king told me that if a king does not listen or show emotion to its citizens, then he is not a king! The only difference between you and me is that I acknowledged what I did in the past that caused our knights to leave us and Mordred to rebel against us, for you it was justified! They could not stand a monster sitting on the throne! Morgana knows what kind of a monster you are!" Arthur positioned himself in a stance while glaring at Altoria. "As the King of Knights and wielder of Excalibur, I shall cut down any tyrants who have plagued the lands in Britain, that includes you as well."



Both Arthurs dashed at each other with their swords before clashing at each other. It was like a dance of blades, both elegant in their movements, but Arthur was quicker with strikes and accuracy while Altoria was more about raw power and wanting to cut him down in one blow.

"Your style is barbaric, those forms and stance. You're using the same as the saxons." Arthur said to Altoria, dodging an overhead strike from her.

"A Dragon does not need petty things like skill, if they are powerful enough to obliterate their enemies without trying," Altoria stated, sounding cold. "I do not hold back in a fight, and show those that foolishly face me how wrong it is."

"Then show me why it is foolish."


Arthur instantly appeared behind Altoria with his sword in a horizontal pose. Small wounds started to burst from the exposed part of her body, gritting her teeth.

"If raw strength is enough then what about skills? I know where to hit and where to strike the tyrant." Arthur said to Altoria.

"I would be impressed..." Altoria started, as her wounds started to heal. "If it was pointless"


Altoria then summoned a blast of dark fire and hit Arthor in the chest, sending him flying back. "I have my sheath back, and it has been empowered by the Grail as well."

Arthur corrected himself, but grunted in pain. "I should've figured." Arthur said, grunting.


An explosion caught their attention as they saw dark energy converging into a beam of dark/red towards the sky.

"Your Master is foolish to face her alone." Altoria said to Arthur, pointing her blackened sword at him. "It is only a matter of time before he falls like the others, those who stood against my master."

"I do not lose hope for my Master cause he is something I have never seen but I am confident that he will be victorious." Arthur said to Altoria. "He may be a fool but he is a stubborn one."

Closing his eyes while mentally saying to himself. 'Master, whatever it is you're doing, please make it fast. I do not know how long I can deal with her. Please, come back alive.'


(Dark Sakura Fight)



With Ren and Sakura, Sakura was roaring in pain and anger, sending out waves of energy at Ren who was dodging and weaving each one. "This place is like the Metavers, but I'm not one hundred percent able to use all abilities... And I'm draining my circuits fast. My Katana broke and I need a knife and a gun... That's what I'm mostly used to fighting with..."

"DIE!DIE!DIE!DIE!DIE!DIE!DIE!DIE!DIE!DIE!" Sakura roared at Ren, unable to control herself. "WHY WON'T YOU DIE ALREADY!?"

"I TOLD YOU BEFORE!" Ren jumped on another rock platform, just before the dark tendrils destroyed the one behind him, avoiding it. "I WILL SAVE YOU SAKURA NO MATTER WHAT!"

"SHUT UP! THERE IS NOTHING LEFT FOR ME TO SAVE! NOTHING CAN!" Sakura roared, sending out more attacks at them. "I WON'T FALL FOR ANYMORE LIES!!!!"

'I really hope the others are doing a lot better than I am...' Ren groaned out in his head.


(With the Phantom Thieves)

When EMIYA summoned his Noble Phantasm, he thought the battle would alter. It did.... Just not in the way he expected. When he summoned his Reality Marble, most of the teens' outfits had all changed, and gained new weapons. Now...

(Cue: Last Surprise -Scramble- | Persona 5 Strikers OST [Extended])

"HUUUUUUA!" Haru, now Noir, roared, swinging a giant battle ax at Archer, sending him skitting back. "Guess Reality Marbles are Palaces. Lucky for us~" Noir gave him a sweet smile that was dark.

"How are you stronger than before?" EMIYA asked, summoning more blades. "And what the hell is a Palace?"

"Oh, just the cognitive reality of a person's mind~" Noir said chipperly. "Thanks for giving one hindered percent of our abilities~"

EMYIA groaned. "Just my Luck..." He then dodged an attack from Chevalier.

While Haru and Chevalier were dealing with Archer, Futaba, Ritsu, Ritsuka, Mash, Ganesha, Caster Cu, Martha, Iskander and Achilles were dealing with the two giant armor clad Servants. Futaba, Ganesha and Martha were support for everyone on the field, helping heal and give stat boosts and debuffs.

"Impressive," said the giant blue armored man. "You will be a worthy battle for one such as I~!"

"Well you do face the King of Conquered, Iskander!" Ritsuka's servant shouted, laughing. Ritsuka was riding with him on his horse. "And what is the name of the warrior I shall be facing~!?"

"As a show of respect to a fellow emperor, I shall grant you my name! My name is Ivan Grozyni! Also known as Ivan the Terrible, The Thunderous Emperor of Russia! Come King of Conqueror! Show me why you earned the title conqueror!"

"Hahahahaha! Then let me show you Ivan! Let this world witness the battle of two conquerors!" Iskander shouted, summoning the chariot of his legend, and switching out for his horse. "Let us give a battle that will be sung about for ages to come! And see if your lighting is as great as my own!"

Ritsuka gulped, being placed on the chariot. "I don't know about this Iskander, me and my brother-"

"We shall see Alexander!" the blue armored man roared thunderous while charging at Alexander.

'I really wish I had a Persona right now...' Ritsuka though, anime tears running down her face. That's when she heard a voice.

At the same time, with Ritsu, Mash, Caster Cu and Achilles, they were facing the giant purple armored warrior. "So," came the voice of the warrior, sounding distorted through their helmet, "I am to face and kill you. You should have ran while you could."

"You do look like you'd be a mighty challenger," Achilles stated, pointing his weapon at the Purple Cladded Knight. Mash and Caster Cu stayed back to protect Olga and Ritsu.

"Is that supposed to be an insult?"

"No, high praise," he stated. "I'm always willing to have a challenge."

"The only challenge you'll have."


The servant instantly appeared behind Achilles with his sword raised. "Is when you fight against an empty corpse."



His sword was blocked by Achilles lance while he blocked it nonchalantly and unfazed.

"Master, stay back," Achilles ordered. "I'll handle them. You go with the others."

"But I want to help," Ritsu stated.

"But you have no way of fighting, or have powers like the other master," Achilles stated, swinging his lance and pushing the armored knight back a step. They then swung their sword at them again.

"You need to listen to him," Olga stated, pulling the boy back. "You'll only be in the way. You're just a normal Master. Not even one that has Mage Craft."


"Listen to me! For once if you really want to help, then stick to the sidelines and keep providing your servant mana. That's all you can do."

"She's right Sempei, you're too important to lose," Mash started, holding her shield up.

Ritsu's heart sank. He was the only one on the sidelines. The only reason his sister was on the field was that her Servant dragged her along before Olga could grab her and pull her back. At the same time as his sister, like they were connected through their sibling twin bond, a voice called to him.

(Cue: Persona 5 OST - Awakening Extended)

"Looks like you're finally ready for your role in this Shakespearean-like play~" a male voice for Sitsu and a female voice for Ritsuka called out, sounding like them but more mature. Both of them gasped, as their eyes turned from skyblue and copper yellow to glowing yellow, both siblings grabbing their heads in pain.

"Master!? What's wrong!?" Alexadered called seeing his master clutch her head.

Olga grabbed Ritsu/. "Kid, what's wrong!? What happened!?"

"Who......who are you?!" both siblings asked at the same time, unknowingly.

"It seems that you have been given the grace upon the beings of both Abyss, the Nothingness Sound and Eternal Light, the ones who govern the Dark Abyss Destruction, the Eternal Sound of Nothing, and Light of Creation, like the Comedy and Tragedy of the stage."

"W-What does that mean...?" Ritsuka asked, groaning.

"You're not making any sense..." Ritsu said, the pain shooting through his head.

"Will you be just a side character in this unjust script written by others? Or do you want to take a main role like your new friends, and increase the odds of turning this tragedy into a Fairy Tale ending?"

Just then, the twins looked up, masked on their faces, like those of the theatrical kind, and both mirror imaging of the two. While both covered their eyes, each had differences. Ritsuka's was white with the right side of her mouth uncovered and the left side of the mask was covering her mother with a smile on it. Ritsu's was black with the left side of his mouth uncovered and the right side of the mask was covering her mother with a frown on it.

The other Persona users sensed this, turning to see, and even the Servants turned, sensing the power coming off the two siblings. Olga was shocked, seeing this power awaken in Ritsu.

Archer EMIYA wanted to facepalm so hard. "Why does my Luck suck so badly?" he groaned, not foreseeing this outcome.

Alexander let out a hearty laugh. "I guess I chose a good Master~!"

Olga's eye twitched. "You have got to be kidding me..."

"..... Did anyone even suspect that they would be Persona users?" Ryuji asked the group.

"I did not," Futaba stated. "But at this point, I'm not surprised in the slightest."

"Same," Ann stated.

Ritsu and Ritsuka felt the masks on their faces, and went to grab them, feeling like they needed to remove them. Both of them howled in pain as blood was pouring from their faces. "I'll do it!" both shouted in unison. "We'll help save this world! With our friends and Servants!"

"I am thou, thou art I! Let us rewrite the script and change the ending! Call out to me, and use my power to alter this playwright!"

Both of them gave another shout of pain, as they fully tore the masks off their faces, both smiling with manic smiles.

"Let's do this... Comedy!" Ritsuka shouted.

"Let's put on a show... Tragedy!" Ritsu hollored.

(Cue: Will Power - Persona 5 OST [Extended])

Both were then consumed in blue fire, Iskander smiling widely, while Olga covered her eyes. When the flames went away, both were now in new outfits,

Ritsu wore a dark/white trench coat with three rails on the bottom of his trench coat, one hand had black gloves with the symbol of a Mask of Tragedy on it, on his front he had a gray tie with a suit like fashion around his front of his suit, dressers. Finally on his head was a top hat that came from the Victorian era.

Ritsuka wore a white and black battle dress, almost looking like a ballroom dress in design but functional, with the black and white pattern going up/stacked on top of each other like stripes on each layer, until it reached her torso and body where it was pure black with no straps. She had shoulder length gloves, a white one on her right and a black one on her left with the white having the Mask of Comedy on it. She had black tempered glass high heel shoes on her feet, and she could feel like she could walk normally in them like she was wearing sneakers. And finally on her head was a black tiara with pure white diamonds in it.

"Sorry for the delay, we just need to get dressed for rehearsal," Ritzu stansted, smirking.

"I am ready for my performance on the world stage," Ritsuka stated, curtsying to everyone on Alexander's chariot.


"NOW LET THE SHOW-" Ritsu waved his hand out in the presentation.

"BEGIN!" His sister mimicked her brother's gesture in the opposite direction, causing their Persona to look at the servants with their eyes gleaming with red light.

The two's Persona's were the masks of Comedy and Tragedy, but with a few alterations. Both looked like high tech masks with circuit patterns on the inside of the masks. Comedy was pure white with golden trim around the outside edges and around the eyes, as well as their lips being painted gold. Tragedy was the opposite, black with red trim around the outside edges and around the eyes, as well as their lips being painted red.

"Whoa, I'm reading the frequency of power like that of Joker," Futaba stated in shock after reading her monitors.


"They're like............... Their power, it's similar to Joker level of power." Futaba said in amazement. "How is this possible?"

'Hehehehe, universes always hold many surprises. Even if you're a god or its creator, the universe will always have something that you cannot comprehend.' Her persona Necronomicon said to Futaba.

"So, do you want to demonstrate your newpowers, Master~!?" Alexander asked, smiling.

"Why glady so~" Ritsu said with a smile. "Let's start with the First act!"

"Oh~? And what would that be~?"

"Well, all stages need Light~!" Ritsuka shouted. "Ray!" Just then, Ritsuka fired a beam of pure light at Ivan. Ivan sent out a beam of his own to intercept the attack.

"Impressive," Ivan stated. "I had to put force into my attack."

"Glad you like it~! The stage has yet to begin!" Ritsu said before announcing his attack. "Force!" He fired a ball of darkness at the Purple cladded armored Servant, and they felt themselves being pulled in by it.

The Knight placed their sword in the ground to keep them from being pulled in. "What is this!?"

"Strings attached! Let's commit the first act! Beauty among destruction!" Ritsu announced before his Persona eyes glowed before slamming itself on the Knight. The Knight was pushed back a few feet.

"You are a human, but are on par with a Servant, how?"

"Think of me as a Sudo-Servant like Mash~" Ritsu stated, smirking, standing next to Mash and Caster Cu. "And I am willing to help my allies and have their backs as well."

"And now, the show must~"

"GO ON!" Both siblings shouted, bowing theatrically to all.

Morgana laughed. "Mreowhahahahah~! Seems like they'll fit in nicely," he stated.

"Guess so," Ryuji agreed.

The Two Berserker Servants looked back at their opponents, growling.

"Guess they are done watching..." Voyager stated. "Wish we had the other two Foreigner Servants were here to help us..."

"Well they are facinging Gorgon, so they have their hands full," Ryuji stated, spinning his club around. "Besides, we can handle there Mortal Kombat Rejects~"

"I wonder if Jokers alright." Haru said in worry while looking at the far distance from the reality marble.


(Back to Ren)

Rin had found a kitchen knife that was buried in rubble that was heated due to the fires. He still couldn't find a pistol, but he'd make due with what he had. He had cut through another tendril of shadow. He feels exhaustion coming to him as he dropped to the ground in one knee while panting as he was covered in wounds, blood blinded his left eye and it wasn't from the mask but from his own.

"DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE !DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE !DIE! DIE! "̵̨͍̥̝̬̜̻̲̱̭̙̮͎̼̇̇̽̄͛̕D̴̨̰̣͕̺̦̤͍̩̻̀̀͑̒̍̉͗͊̅͊͂̐̓̈I̸̹̞̦̭̦͕̰̳̩̝͔̽̀̇̊̏̆Ȩ̶̡̡͙̜̮̹̖̘̱̅͋͒̈́͊̊̓̋͋̃͐͛̎̀̀!̵̡͙͕̙͖̮̂̍̀͑̉̿͛͆̋͂͒̔̿͠ ̴̧̨̧̣̤̺̘̟̐̀͜͠D̴̘̦̖͉̪͕̖́̄̍͗̎̒͆̋͘I̷̯͉͉̳̗͐͛̒̾̌́̐̐̾̏̓̀͊̈́͠È̷̢̪̭̫̖̦̝͎̜̺͖͇̣̓̇̎̀̇̔̊͗̌̓̆́̚̚!̷̡̢̹̀̉͆͠ ̶̡̡̪̖̤͈̰͚͉̹̲͇̬͎͒͆̒̽͐̍̔̓́̈́̚̚͝D̴̟͇̏͒͘Į̴̢̗̰̜͇̣̥̾͂̃̒̀̽͆̾͆̊̐̈͠È̶̦͍!̶͍̜̜̭̈́̅͂̓͒͜͠ͅ ̴̛͚̬͓͆̍́́̐̀̉͑̒͒̍̚͝D̴̗̖̟͈̳̰͈̱̮̖̼͚̖̂̂̉͋͒̽͑͋̎͂̀͘Ḯ̶̳̫̯͙͖̫̬͈̣̪̋̐͐͠͠E̷̹̞̲̹̘̤͈̎̋͑̾͂́̅͜͠͠͝͝ͅ!̸̙̹̄͑ ̷̟͈̠̥̪̖͙̩̰̳̞̰̀͝D̸̨̦͔̤̥̬̟̬͎̝̖̩͙͓̒͐̈̃I̵̪͓̥͍͔͙̥̫͚͐̀̀̍Ė̶̢̛̺͍̩̣̩̝̰͉͖̀̓͂͌̀̚͘!̷̫̏͛͑̾͆̅̉̅̅ ̶̡̞̊͆̌̑D̷̨̗̭͉̻̘̭̰͙͗͛̿́̑̋̇̃͜͠İ̸̛̱̠͙̲̭͆̀ͅͅĚ̸̖̥̭̖̐̚̚!̷͖͍̖̰͕͛̿͜ ̸̡̭̱̟̮̜̟̰̬̤̤̗̻̰͓̄̈͊̆̇̈́̒̑͘̚D̴̛͍̱̼̘̬̞̱̦̋͛͗͋̍̋̓̕͠͠Ḭ̴̧̧̠̺̳̤͌̋͒̓͂̈́̑͂͒̈́̀̕̚͝E̸̡̞͖̟̯̯̼̗̭̊͐̒͊̓͒̽̀̔͌͒̈͜͜͝ͅ!̴̨̡̧͕͎̦̩̜̼̾̉̍͂͌̾̂ͅ ̴̲̳͓̼͔̺̼̱̊͊͠͝D̵̢̨͎̗̭̣̬̬̬̗͚̠͙͊͋I̸̭̔̆̈́̈͛̀͑͑̄͋̐̕͜͜͝ͅÈ̶̛̛̱͖̳̩!̵̤̤̏̈́́̅̓̈́̉ ̸̧̮͉̠̙̙̪͉̙͖̖͑̕D̵͎̞̭̯͕͎̪͖̤̝̺͍̬̼̙̀͗͝I̶̞̳̜̹̮̳͓̻̫̲̓́̀̔́͛ͅE̵͇͎̫̓!̴̣̮͇͑̔͐̈̌̏͆̃̐̚͜͝ ̵̧͎̥͍̹̹̱̼̊́̈̍̎́̕̕͜͝͝D̸̗̟̪̦́̑̈́́͒̐͊͐̍̈́̕I̶̧̢̢̪͉̰̠̫̻̩͕̠͆̀̈̕͜ͅÉ̶̠̬̘͆̋̀͆̈́̔̄̐̚͠͠͠!̶̰̜̻͎͍̈́̾͘͝ ̸̡̰̝̪̻̲͈͚͇̼̂D̵̨̛͇͔̼̣̩̜̰͆̌̒̌̏̆̀̑̀͆͆̾͗ͅI̸̢̨͈͓͚͎̅̓̓̔͛͘͝͝Ë̵͙̞́͛͘͝!̶̢̢͓̬͕͕̬̦̹̻̹͇̪͐̓ ̷̡̪͍̠̹̳̭͖̙̥̖͋̂̃̕D̴͙͍̜̏͊͆͑ͅI̷͕̦̳̭͙͉̲͉͙̠̺̹̪͍͘͜͝͝Ȩ̵̡̢̝̩̘̟̦̝̑̽̑̑́͛̀͛̚̚͝ ̶̡̹̄̐̋̄͒̈̏̌̃̑̕̚͘͠!̵̢̨͙̪̗̳̭͍̙̻̼̤̝̆͆̃̕Ḑ̴̢̲̺̱̠͎͓̠̂̊̓̈́ͅI̸̡̢̳̙̪͉͆̉̎̾̏̀́̑͑̂̐͝͠ͅĘ̷̡̧͍̗̫̋̄̆̊̊̾͛͘̚!̶̗̻̒́̅̉̓̀̇́͒͗ ̵̧̢̡̧̜̞̹̟͚͔̪̺͕͍͇̎̋͝D̷͚͈̠̤͉͓̍̈́͋Ȋ̴̪̩͚̂̀͒͑̈́̋́͝E̷̯̎̇̀͌͝!̷̺̻͔̝̝͖̞̖͇̈̎ ̴̢̻̰̥̰̮̤̠̳͉̲͕̯͙̣̊̈͑̽̇̋̒̐͋̕̚͝͝Ḑ̶̢̛̥͙̳̳͍̺̲̖̯̅́̇̑̔͆̑̊́̕Ĩ̷͔̙́͂̈͗͋̽͌̒Ę̴̛͓͚͇̥̞͎̦̙̺̖͙̺͛̓͊̎͘͠!̵̨̢̗̟̱͓͖̮̹͙͛͠ ̵̥̙̻̩̗̞̪́̓̈͑͒̈̇̂̓̚̕͠ͅD̶̨͕̱̺͕̺͔̳͎̦̳̿̈̿͂̊̑̽̀̆͒̈́̒Ḯ̴̢̳̪̮̮͈̣̼̖̩̾̐͒̿̏̈͘͜͝Ȩ̶̪̮͖͍̣̭͚͖̻̏̃́̑̐̂͘ͅ!̸̰̜́͂͝ ̸̱̦̄̈́͋͘͜͜D̶̹̮͙̹̐̊͆͛̎̈́̆I̶̦͚͎̣̰̺̺̫̜̍̐̒̐͋̋̄̕ͅẼ̵̢͕̺̩̝̘͇̱̦̀̏̋̑̍́̽̌͂̽̐̑!̶̧̣͎̭͊͆͜͝ ̴̹͖̥̺͔̤͔̰̝̦̥̓͛̈̎̒̕͘D̶̡͓͍͇͍̺̉̀́͘Ĭ̵̢̨̡̛̗̗̫̳͖̹̠͙̅̆͛̀̿̃͂͌̅̀͗͋̚Ȩ̷͚̠̹̘͚̰͖̦͖͛͗͆͐͗̉͌̑̄͜!̷̢̢̫̹̗͍̬͍̱̯̪̊̓̉̿̆͗̄̄̉̉̐̚̕ͅ ̸̫̯̲̘̲̗̠̞͆́̑͊͌͌͠D̵̛̯̄̈́̎̃̽̏̿̽̇͂̕̚͜͠Ị̸̡͖̬͕̈̾͂Ĕ̵̢̨̛̫̗̩̟̼̟͈̠͕̖̑̑̆̈͗̓̃͠͠ͅͅ!̶͚̤̞͖̉͆̈̑̅̕ͅ ̵̨̡͔̲͋̕͝D̷̟̬̈́͂̓I̵͎̔͂́̕Ẽ̸̢̨̨̧̪̤̞̭̹̱̳̗̤!̶̧̡̪̝̩̼͚͙͎͌̑̌̾̍̏̉̂͜ ̷̢̢̘̠̣̜̜͓̠̫͉̈̂̂̀̉́̓̈́̎͌̐́̿̃Ḍ̸̻̳̥̖̖̲̜͙͐̉̄́̏͛̀̅̄̄̋̚͝ͅỈ̵̛̛͉͐̈̉̔̑̓̅Ȩ̸̺̝̃͌͐̂̈̂̀̀̓͛̊͝!̴̨̟͔̱̝͔͇̳͚̰̽͆̃̉͂̋̃̍̒͗̅̕ ̵͔̗̹͒̆͑̐͑̿̆͆͌̂D̷̢̰̱͍̬̻̥̳͍̦̈̋̂̓̀̈́̑̋̋̾̈́͘̚ͅỊ̶͚̼͖̱̝̩̠͙̻̂̄̃͜È̶̢̮̺͓̓͂̀̋̍̓̌͊̽̅̃̉!̶̢̨̨͈̞͖̥͙̫̐ ̸̤̳̳͔̿̉̀͒̃̄̎͊̕D̵͇̪̞͌̑̇͆̊͊̔͘̚͝Į̸̧̨̗̯̫̟̟̘̘̯̺̿̔͐̓͜E̸̡̛̻̥̝̖̹̩͒͒͋̾̐̀͌̀̄̚͘͝͠!̸̡̓̈́̓͗̈̅͗̓̎ ̸͙̙̰͇͓̦̲̃͛̑D̵̨̢̢̹̝̰̳͇̈́̑͆̈́̾͒̽̾͆̾̐͘̕Į̷̛̛̜̮͕̪̲̘̤̗̹͙̽̌̈́͗̈́̆̃̕̚̚͜Ȩ̷̟͇̭̩̬̫̮̗̭͓̥̜͑̈́̉̎̄̀̒!̴̨̡̛̪̣̲̐̇̌͂̄̍̃̂͘͝ ̶̧͖̞̖̘̙̘̆̏͜Ḑ̷̨̻̫͇̲͎̮̓͋̈̎͐̈̅͌͆̕͝͝Í̴̤̬͍͖̬͍E̷͇͓͖͙̜͍̪̺͍͚͔͓̰̻͐̉̍̐́͒́̀̃̚͜͠͝!̶̢̡͍̤͔̥͓̬͙̝͈̲͐̂͂̆̈́͂͛͜ ̷͓̹͈̯͇͎͚̣͙̈́͗͑̐̋̿͂͂̌͜͝D̷̳̳͎͙̮̋̄̀̾̔̍I̶̦̬̟̤̰̋̉͗̋̓̅̓̑͌̕̚͝͝͝Ȩ̶̛̱̯͖̰̖͈̳͊̉͘͘͝ ̶̳͍̖̙͓̲̘͈͔̀͗̈́̅!̶̡̝̥̲͓̙̅͂̽̎̍̚͜͝͠ͅD̴̘̭̦͔̑̊̿̃͐͋̔̂̕Ị̸̡̧̦̗͙̹̠͎̫̌͘͝ͅE̶̡͚͇̝̫̘͖͍̱̟̓̓́!̵̺̜̤̞̯̦͖̜̤̘͍̻̓͗͋̃̿͜ ̵̣̩̖̲̲̱̱̓͒̃D̵̡̜͔̬̤̞̙̣̗͖́̀̀̈̊̍̉̽̓̚͘̚͝I̷̓̐̏̐̋̓̀͜Ẽ̶̼̻͍͕̪͎͎̒̎̎̇̂͆!̶̛̩̈̽̒̈́̋ ̷̡͈͍̮̯̹͖͚͈͇͈͆̎̊"

Looking up, he saw Sakura still grabbing her head in pain, and sending out attacks. She slumped over, but had a sinister smile. "Oh... I know how to kill you now..." She then started to summon cursed mud from around her. It then formed into a humanoid shape.

"I don't like where this is going," Ren stated, waiting for anything.

Just then a cloner copy of Ren appeared from the mud... but this one had a twisted smile on his face.


"So, you're my other self that chose to fight against my Lord, huh?" Alter Ren asked.

Ren's eyes widened. Lord, did he mean. "You........... you are me, but only driven into darkness." He glared at his counterpart. "You let Yaldabaoth win, didn't you?"

"Surprised you knew who my Lord was by just a few clue~ But you are my stupid Rebellious self~"

"What have you done to yourself? How could you serve under that damn monster when he tried to take away the free will of humanity?"

"I would've done so but." Alter Ren snarled. "My master's goal was instead destroyed by two beings from his grand plan! To free humanity from suffering!"

Ren widened his eyes as another vision came to him



Ren groaned out in pain while on the ground as he glared at two beings above him.

One was a heavily cloaked man with purple eldritch abyss marking over his coat as it fluttered through the wind while carrying a dark scythe on his shoulder with his back turned against him.

The other was a bleached skinned angel that wore a pure white cloak over his whole body, with a giant board sword with bizarre ruins on it.

"Disappointment, truly a disappointment." The being of darkness said to Ren. "I originally had high hopes, that the will had chosen you as its wild card to prevent a greater danger to humanity itself but instead you became one instead."

"You were the Rebels Spirit, why choice to a line with go against everything you worked so hard to fix?" The Angel as the alternate Ren.

"'Why' you ask?" Ren snarled at them. "I simply saw the truth! The reality of this world! Humanity continues to suffer only through the lies instead of seeing the truth! They would all become extinct if I didn't do something!"

"Truth? Is that what made your decision? Sorry to burst your bubble but........ No matter how far you go, the truth will only blind you, only lies can remain." The dark being said to Ren. "Yaldaboth has completely corrupted with the promise of truth."

"The more you try to reach the sun, the more you'll burn."

"Like the tale of Icarus," Ren stated, scoffing.

"........... The moment you became a threat the will had asked us personally to prevent you and your master from achieving its goal of taking the wills of humanity itself. One of your friends, who you discarded them, the girl Futaba. She layed dying in my arms and do you know what she said? She asked, no pleaded to help you get back to your sense, she believed that there is still good inside of your heart. She believed, your friends believed that you could still be saved."

"And you betrayed that trust, for what? Power?"

"So that they can live better lives!" Ren shouted, glaring at them. "I did it so they could get everything they wanted back to them! I gave myself over to let them have their parents back! Their lives back! To get the chance to do what they wanted before it got torn away from them!"

"But that's when he took you over..."

The other Ren saw another version, a version he did not want to see.

The Alter Ren stabbed Ryuji on the chest while Ryuji had a look of betrayal on his face.

Shot Haru through the chest while slowly falling.

Sliced Ann through her body, causing her to bleed heavily.

His Persona Cerberus devoured Morgana.

Burned Makoto in fire as she screams out in pain.

Destroyed Sophia as her body was in pieces, with his foot high up in the air with the intention of crushing her head as she closed her eyes.

He buried Yusuke in concrete to be a macabre statute.

He was sitting over Futaba with his knife high up in the air while looking at Futaba as she looked at Ren forlorn.

"...... No..." The other Ren said in distress and horrified.

".........It seems that we cannot fulfill Oracle promise Light." The being in darkness called his companion Light.

Light looked at the broken version of Joker. "He was just a puppet used by a false god to do his bidding."

"A puppet which he allowed to become."

"......Very well then, I cannot argue there."




Ren was suddenly lifted off the ground while he was stabbed by both blades, one was the scythe as the dark being stabbed him with his weapon while his veiled hood looked at him while his companion Light blade was shining with the power of the sun itself.

Ren spit out blood while looking down at two blades stabbed at him. His vision was slowly closing while hearing the last words of the dark being and Light.

"You will pay for committing the sin of betrayal, you will never be welcomed into the kingdom of heaven or the underworld itself. You will spend an eternity in an empty void where there is only nothingness, you will wander there blind and forever lost."

"And you will also relive every moment of your failures, of betraying everyone you cared for, never forgetting what your actions caused."

That was the last thing Alter Ren heard before succumbing to his wounds.


(Vision end)

Ren hunched forward while breathing heavily as his body was rising and descending. Clenching his fist hard that blood starts to leak from his hand and grinding his teeth together.

"You.................." Ren spoke in a hush angry voice. "You betrayed them, our friends and killed everyone?!" Lifting his head, hardening his eyes while glaring heavily at him. "YOU FUCKING MONSTER! YOUR WORSE THAN I THOUGHT YOU EVER WOULD BE!"

"IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE THAT WAY-!" Alter Ren shouted, but was cut off by Ren.

"SHUT THE HELL UP! YOU GAVE UP YOUR REBELLIOUS SPIRIT! AND BECAUSE OF THAT, YOU NEARLY DESTROYED YOUR OWN TIMELINE!" Ren shouted, his eyes golden. "I had enough of this! Screw not killing! I'm gonna make sure that you will PAY for what you've done!"

"Like you're any better! If you had seen the truth as I did then you will never understand!"

Ren grabbed his mask with both hands on each different side, slowly pulling them as blood started to burst from his face but he didn't care, for all it matters was killing his Alter that betrayed his friends, the same friends that stood by his side and trusted him no matter what.



Unlike their normal Personas, the two had gained two new ones. They both looked similar to each other, but completely different. They looked like the Male Angles Shadows/Personas from their Journeys, but seemed more powerful and stronger then normal angle. For one, they were both fitted in armor that covered them up, Ren's a pure black with horns sticking out of the head, while Alter Ren's was pure white and gold with a giant halo over it head.

"MORNINGSTAR!" Ren shouted.

"GABRIEL!" Alter Ren shouted.

Shadow Saklura could feel the power coming off the two. As did Arther and Altouria.

"Why do I sense two of my Master?" Arthur asked, shocked.

"It seems Sakura summoned an Alter Servant of your Master," Altouria said, trying to attack him while he was distracted.

"...... I know myMmaster will overcome his Alter Ego despite the odds against him, Tyrant." Arthur said to his foe. "Now lets resume our duel!"

Somewhere far above the mountain as the mysterious man figure looked at the fight below him with a smile on his face. "You were a stupid girl! You and everyone were so easy to manipulate~! This is truly entertaining~!" the man stated, smiling. "Will these brat win, or will they die like the rest of Humanity~ Oh what fun it will be to break their spirits~!"

Putting his hands outward in a presentation.

"Welcome to the Grand Order~!"

To Be Continued...


That's the chapter. I bet you were thinking we'd be going the same way as The Trickster and the Grand Order by Kenjichan251, but we were already changing things up. ... Do you think that the others will have Alters?

Dark: I fear if I answer that question then no one would be very happy with the outcome, of their much darker past or sins they've committed.

... I sometimes fear what goes on in that head of yours...

Futaba: "Can't be as bad as mine~"

Dark: Do you really want to know? If Ren was bad then imagine what your Alter Ego could do.

Futaba: "... Global takeover and Queen of Earth itself due to my hacking...?"

Dark: Try something much darker(not my name I mean)

Futaba: "Oops, sorry I meant to say was 'Tyrannical Dictator Empress that would force everyone to do what I say with a troop of Super Soldier taskforce and execute anyone who'd dare oppose me'?"

... You've been holding in more than your true self haven't you... Guessing that's what you'd think if you didn't believe your mother's death was at your hands, but knew they were lying and hacked them to take over...

Futaba: "... No Comment..."

Dark: Anyway, without a further ado, let's reveal the next preview of the next chapter.


"We need to hurry this up and help Ren!"

"We shall keep fighting, even if the odds look grim!"

"That's the difference between you and I! I charested the bonds I made! They are what impower me!"

"I don't want to die! I have done nothing of note in my life!"

"Repeat what I say, 'I am thou! Thru art I!'"

"You were able to save her after all~!"

"She's safe, in a place that you'll never reach! And she'll be stronger the next time you see her!"

"This might be our biggest heist yet, and it's throughout goddamn time itself!"

"Wait, we have THREE WILD CARDS!?"

"Our enemy is time itself!"

Chapter 3: Star of the Grand Order War

"We are the 72 Demon God Pillars... And we are here to eradicate all of Human History~!"

Ren silently walks through the grave with Sakura hanging on his back.

"Child, you do not need to suffer anymore. The Lord has said that you will no longer have to face despair anymore."

"Thank you.... For letting me see them... one last time..."

Ren was on his knees as he looked on the ground, breathing heavily as tears started to drop from his face.


Before screaming out loud to the heavens itself.


Dark: ................... (doesn't say anything while looking at the reality before him)

Futaba: "... Well, things are going to get hectic..."

You have no idea...

Dark: If Ren could not be more broken................ then I'm afraid he might sink into the sea of despair. Something I do not or wanted to intend for.

Futaba: "At least he'll have us to help him out. We're in this together."

At least the side Singularities might help out. ... We will be having the side Singularities, right?

Dark: We could but that would be spoiling.

Futaba: "Spoiling~"

(Shrugs) Just wondering. There are some Servants you can only get through side stories. One of my Favorites being one of them, not spoiling who they are.

Dark: Indeed, alright let's end this for now.

Let's We hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave comments on ideas for what could be used in later chapters.

Dark: Indeed so.

And please leave a like, favorite, follow, star, kudos, and whatever it is that you read this story from.

Futaba: "Anything else?"

I think that's all, you Dark?

Dark: Thank you for reading our stories and good luck for what comes next.

Okay. And with that' we'll see you all in the next chapter.

Futaba: "See ya~!"


See you all, next time.

Please R&R

A/N 1: We do not stereotype, this is just a joke.

A/N 2: Dark: just to make this simple we'll call her Altoria.

Light: That actually sounds cool

Darklord331 Pages:

The Trickster and the Grand Order by Kenjichan251 

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