Todd & Tex's Canterlot Advent...

By Spider33d

4.2K 87 15

Join cousins Todd and Tex on their many adventures with the Equestria Girls as they fight against evil and de... More

Main OC 1 Bio
Main OC 2 Bio
Another Day in Canterlot High
The Pony Princess from another Dimension
How to be a Fall Formal Princess
Research in the Library
Rekindling Friendships
Framed and Trapped
The Truth comes out
Return of the Fall Formal
Getting Ready for the Big Night
Showdown at the Fall Formal
Farewell for now
Rise of the Dazzlings
Scorn on a New Semester
Better Than Ever
A Dazzling Situation
S.O.S to a Princess
Twilight's Return
Sleepover at Pinkie's
The Battle of the Bands Begins

Sunset Shimmer's Tale

209 4 1
By Spider33d

When we last left Todd, he was about to have a talk with Sunset Shimmer. He walks up to her as she was sitting on the steps

Todd: Sunset?

Sunset turns to him

Sunset Shimmer: Oh. Hi, Todd.  Why are you here?

Todd: I just want to talk

He sat next to Sunset

Sunset Shimmer: Okay. What is it you want to talk about?

Todd: I just want to know something. Why did you do all this?  Why were you such a bully to us?

Sunset Shimmer: (sighs) I was afraid you would ask me that. 

Todd: If you don't want to talk about it. Then I understand

Sunset Shimmer: No. It's okay. I'll tell you. I should probably start from the beginning. Remember when I confronted you and Twilight back at that dark hallway?

Todd: Yep. Was it true? Did you really came from the same world as Twilight?

Sunset Shimmer: Yes. It was. You see, before I came here, I grew up as a unicorn in Canterlot, the capital of Equestria. And before Twilight, I was once Princess Celestia's personal student. 

Todd: You were?

Sunset Shimmer: Uh uh. Much like Twilight, I too have a gift for using magic. I studied at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns where I learned how to do different spells.

Todd: That's pretty cool

Sunset Shimmer: I know. I remembered the time when I had to impressed some teachers at the Examination Hall


Sunset Shimmer  as a unicorn was at the examination hall while some teachers were testing her. 

Unicorn Instructor 1: Now Sunset Shimmer. For your final test, you shall need to wow us. Give us the best you've got. 

Unicorn Instructor 2: We're looking forward to seeing if you can top your "Synchonized Dancing Cats" piece from last semester. That was a dazzler

Unicorn Instructor 3: As Princess Celestia's own pupil, we expect big, big things today! 

Sunset Shimmer: Well you'll certainly see that

She then turns to a flower pot and her horn glows as she magically levitates some seeds and buries it into the soil. The instructors were curious at what she was about to do

Unicorn Instructor 1: Oh! Looks like she's  going to do a growth spell. Classic! But is it enough?

Unicorn Instructor 2: Let's hope it turns out better than Juniper Berry's attempt

With a whistle, Sunset concentrates as the magic builds up in her horn. She then shoots a magical spell right at the flower pot. The plant then grew into a massive size. In fact it grew so large that it tore through the roof. Princess Celestia witnessed this from outside

Princess Celestia: I see somepony just passed their mid-term!

The teachers applauded Sunset's performance

Sunset Shimmer: Thank you! Thank you! It was nothing

Flashback ends

Sunset Shimmer: It was one of my best accomplishments.

Todd: Whoa. That was incredible. So what else did you do?

Sunset Shimmer: Well. I mostly stuck to my studies. All I ever thought about was to be the best. I didn't even bothered to make any friends.

Todd: You mean you didn't want any friends at all?

Sunset Shimmer: To me, friendship is useless and a waste of time. Because of that, I didn't get along with anypony. Princess Celestia had tried to get me to understand how important friendship is.


Sunset Shimmer was walking down the halls with Princess Celestia

Princess Celestia: Sunset Shimmer.  I have heard that you're not getting along well with the other students. We've talked about the fact that personal relationships..

Sunset Shimmer: Personal relationships? Who needs anypony? The most important thing in life is to be the best.

Princess Celestia: We've talked about friendship and it's importance before, and we've discussed that you need to start opening yourself up to new friends. And remember that talk we have about humility?

Sunset Shimmer: I remember how boring it was

The princess then lead her to a room with a magic mirror

Sunset Shimmer: (narrating) It was then that Princess Celestia showed me a Crystal Mirror

Princess Celestia: Look into this mirror and tell me what you see

Sunset Shimmer takes a look in the mirror and speaks highly of her beauty

Sunset Shimmer: A beautiful pony that has nothing but power and potential

Princess Celestia rolls her eyes at that

Princess Celestia: Care to try that again with our talk about humility taken into account?

Sunset Shimmer: (trying to contain her anger) I see a pony who isn't powerful enough. Somepony who can be Great, Powerful....

She looks in the mirror and sees her reflection. Her reflection now has wings and she was wearing a crown.  

Sunset Shimmer: Somepony that can rule Equestria

The alicorn princess became worried

Princess Celestia: Maybe we better move on

Sunset Shimmer: Wait what was that? I thought I saw....

Princess Celestia begins to push her out of the room

Princess Celestia: Oh, it was probably a trick of the light. Our lesson  is over for today. For tomorrow, I want you to reflect on the discussion we've had. 

Sunset Shimmer: Hmmm

Flashback Ends

Sunset Shimmer: What I have seen in that mirror showed me what I really desired which is to become a princess. I tried to ask Princess Celestia about what I saw in the mirror, but everytime she would refuse. She told me that we would get to the mirror and other lessons when I am ready. But I became impatient and decide to take matters into my own hoof

Todd: What did you do?

Sunset Shimmer: I snuck into the castle's library and head to the Dark Magic section. After looking through some books, I was able to get some info about the mirror. It turns out, the Crystal Mirror serves as a portal to another world which opens every 30 moons. But then, Princess Celestia found out what I was doing


Princess Celestia had confronted Sunset Shimmer on what she had done in the Dark Magic Section of the library. Her guards are with her

Sunset Shimmer: How dare you keep this kind of magic from me! You know that I'm ready for this, that I can be great!

Princess Celestia: You could be great. I thought I saw compassion and sincerity in you, but it was nothing but ambition. Your being selfish, you need to step back and reflect...

Sunset Shimmer: I'm selfish? That book right there says I could be as powerful as an Alicorn princess. I could rule here. It's selfish of you to keep me from my rightful place. 

She throws the book at Celestia's feet to show  the section she was talking about

Sunset Shimmer: I deserve to stand beside you and be your equal... If not better. Make me a princess.

Princess Celestia: No. Being a princess must be earned... I have been trying to teach you everything you need to know, but you've turned from it. Everytime you say you "deserved" to get something without the effort just proves to me that you are not ready. 

Sunset Shimmer can only glare at her 

Princess Celestia: Sunset Shimmer, I am removing you from the position of my pupil. If we cannot get past this, your studies end here. You are welcome to stay in Canterlot, but you are no longer welcomed in the castle. 

This made Sunset very mad

Sunset Shimmer: We'll never get past this because you aren't seeing how great I deserve to be. Is that really all you have to say to me?

Princess Celestia: No. The guards will escort you out

Her guards came in and escorts Sunset out of the library

Sunset Shimmer: This is the biggest mistake you'll make in your entire life

Flashback ends

Sunset Shimmer: The guards escorted me through the hallway. But when we passed the room with the Crystal Mirror, I took the opportunity to break free from the guards and leap through it. And that's when I came here while taking on the form that you see me as now.  

Todd: Wow. You must've really freaked out when you saw yourself as a human

Sunset Shimmer: (chuckles) I'll admit. I was a little surprised when I saw myself in this form, but I got used to it. I decided to stay in this world and start a new life. Since there was no magic here, I had to learn how everything works in this world. 

Todd: That's when you started to enroll in Canterlot High School, right?

Sunset Shimmer: Yes. While there, I learned everything I could and became the top student. But I also want respect from all the other students. I gained it by making them fear me and divided them into several groups to keep order in this school. I even resorted to trickery and manipulation to get my way. All of this earned me the reputation as the Bully Queen of CHS.

Todd: I guess it's no wonder why you were able win all those pageants over the years. But why do you pick on me all the time?

Sunset Shimmer: Well. When I first met you, Todd, I thought you were an easy target for me to bully. You were really scared of me back then and I took pleasure in tormenting you every chance I got. Of course, your cousin would sometimes rush in and intervene.

Todd: Yeah. Tex is very protective of me when it comes to bullies. He's like a brother to me. 

Sunset Shimmer: I see. Anyway, I  would watch you hang around with your friends and your cousin. I even saw you being friendly to the other students and helped them out on some occasions. I guess you can say that I was a little jealous of you. That was why I made you my favorite target to bully. You eventually started to stand up to me which caught me by surprise as no one dared to oppose me except for Tex. But I still bullied you for standing in my way. Even after that, part of me started to admire you for it. 

Todd blushes at this, but quickly shook it off

Sunset Shimmer: After spending a few years in this world, I returned to Equestria. While there, I had recently learned that Princess Celestia had taken on a new student named Twilight Sparkle. I also learned that she and her friends used the Elements of Harmony to defend Equestria from threats, and how she became an Alicorn and had been crowned princess

Todd didn't say anything as he continued to listen

Sunset Shimmer: I became very angry.  Twilight had stolen my chance to become a princess. So, I planned to steal her crown, the Element of Magic and take the power for myself. I went back to this world and got a fake replica of Twilight's crown. Once I did that, I came back to Equestria and began my heist. 


(Start at 0:12 and end at 1:48)

Flashback ends

Sunset Shimmer: When I got back, I had learned that Fluttershy had taken the crown to Principal Celestia for safe keeping. I went to confront her and I guess you know the rest. 

Todd looked at Sunset. It was now clear to him why she did what she did. She was so desperate for power that it lead to her going down a dark path. And she became a bully just to gain some respect and kept everyone in line under her rule. Todd can see it in her eyes that she regret everything she had done

Todd: Sunset.

Sunset Shimmer: (tears up) Looking back on all of this, I realize how horrible I have been to everyone. Even to you.

Todd gave Sunset a sympathetic look

Sunset Shimmer: (sniffs) Oh, Todd. I don't know what to do anymore. After everything I've done, no one will ever forgive me. Twilight was right: I've shown everyone who I really am. I've never felt so alone 

Todd placed a hand on her shoulder which makes Sunset look at him

Todd: Don't say that, Sunset. You think you're alone, but you're wrong. Me, my cousin, and the girls will be there to help you. And if all the students won't forgive you, then give them some time. I'm sure they'll eventually come around.

Sunset Shimmer: You really think so?

Todd: I know so. I don't think your evil, you're just misguided. You were just too blinded by your pride and arrogance to see your own mistakes. But you don't have to live like this anymore, Sunset. It's not too late to change your life around. You can start over by making friends. And I'll be your first friend.

Sunset Shimmer: You, want to be my friend? Even after I tried to kill you?

Todd: Of course I do. And as your friend, I'll always be there for you, Sunset. If you ever feel down, I'll be around to cheer you up. No matter what, I'll always have your back. And besides, I believe in second chances. 

Sunset Shimmer became touched by what he had said. And the next thing Todd knew, Sunset trapped him in a hug

Sunset Shimmer: Thank you.

Todd: (blushes) No problem. Um. Aren't you gonna let go?

Sunset Shimmer: A few more minutes please. I want to enjoy this. Just hold me and don't let go

Still blushing, Todd hugs Sunset back. He then unconsciously begin to stroke the back of Sunset's hair which makes her giggle

Sunset Shimmer: (thinking) I don't know why, but being around Todd make me feel so warm. 

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