Ruby's Trolls World Tour (Bei...

By RemixGal

13.7K 176 19

Finally This Is✨My Third Story✨ I'm Gonna To Enjoy Writing This So Much. Now it has been 3 years since Ruby h... More

Ruby's info
The Beginning and Techno Reef
Unexpected Encounters
Barb's Letter/The Story of the Six Strings
Barb's Rage/Arriving in Lonesome Flats
Many Hits Mashup/Escaping Lonesome Flats
Cappucci-Yes and Cooper's Encounter
Smooth Jazz/Biggie Leaves/Cooper's Journey Ends
Welcome to Vibe City/It's All Love
Pop Village Destroyed/An Unexpected Surprise
Amber and Becky's info
Volcano Rock City/Rock Zombies?!

Crazy Train/Symphonyville

449 11 1
By RemixGal

Narrator's POV

On the shore three 'rocks' were seen on a beach when suddenly...

🎶All aboard!🎶


"Ai, Ai, Ai" three spider crabs jumped and hid as angler buses burst out of the water after leaving Techno Reef and were on their way to get the next string as Barb starts singing while standing on her angler bus' tongue and playing her electric guitar.


🎶But that's how it goes🎶

🎶Millions of people🎶

🎶Living as foes🎶

Riff starts playing the drums as the others were playing their electric guitars and then Barb jumps onto different rock vehicles.


🎶Has kept us apart🎶

Barb jumped on the flying vehicles and launched herself into the air.

🎶It's time for the hard rock🎶

🎶Revolution to start🎶

🎶No spats, no tiffs, no fighting🎶

🎶When everyone's the same🎶

Barb jumps back on her angler bus.

🎶I'm goin' off the rails🎶

🎶On a crazy train!🎶

Barb then entered her angler bus, where the other Rock Trolls were at. "Yeah! I got the Techno string! Who knew world domination could be so much fun?" Barb said as she held up the Techno string and the other Rock Trolls cheered for her. She greeted her fellow Rockers differently with various handshakes including Riff, who cheered for his Queen "Ha! Queen Barb!" and the two did their handshake before Barb looks forward and looks at a guitar case that opens and it reveals the ultimate power chord as it already has the Rock string inside.

Barb goes up and attaches the Techno string in the guitar as it transforms and turns red like the Hard Rock string. "Only four more strings to go until rock unites the world" Barb smirked as she sat down on her throne before noticing something or rather someone was missing, "Dad? Where's Dad?" and then a toilet flushing was heard from a small portapotty. Soon someone came out as it revealed to be an elderly Rock Troll with muddy blue skin, a purple nose, black hair with grey streaks and red eyes as he was in a motorized rock wheelchair; a mobile throne. This is former King Thrash of Rock also known as Barb's father. "There you are, Dad. I got the Techno string" Barb told her father proudly. "Cool. What's a string ag-again? What? Uh..." former King Thrash stammered and Barb asked him softly "Don't you remember the plan?" and former King Thrash starts to say "Plan? I don't remember...".

"Oh! Great idea, man! Okay, guys, line up. We're gonna go over the plan again" Barb said as three Rock Trolls with denim jackets lined up. "Okay. We're on a World Tour" Barb began to explain, "And on each stop, we get a new string. When I have all six strings, I'll play the ultimate power chord. And I will unite the Trolls under one music" and then she did the devil horn symbol as she added/shouts "Our music!".

"Rock!" she and the other Rock Trolls cheered and then former King Thrash slowly lifted his hand as be attempted to do the rock and roll symbol/pose too. "Oh, here it comes!" Barb says excitedly, but the former King of Rock could barely even lift his fingers. "Uh, just a little bit more..." Riff said and then Barb told him "Riff, just help him, man" and Riff replied "Yes, Your Rockness" and he went over to former King Thrash while saying as he flicked up the former King of Rock's two fingers "Aw. There it is".

This made the Rock Trolls cheer for their former King while Barb shouts "Yeah!" and then former King Thrash shouted "Rock and roll!" and Barb hopped on the side of the wheelchair and side hugged her father while cheering "Yeah!" and the two laugh.

Meanwhile with Poppy, Ruby and the Group

Poppy was looking out at the view from Sheila-B as she inhales deeply while Ruby was sitting down as she was reading 'The Three Little Pigs' her favorite book from her childhood to Coral Blush, who was sitting in her lap while Blaze was laying on his 'mother's' head, "The first and second pig went away and played the rest of the day. The third pig finished his brick house and went out to gather some firewood and food to prepare for winter" Ruby reads as Coral Blush was looking at the book curiously and Trollex, who was sitting down next to Ruby as he was also curious about the book she was reading, since he had never heard a bedtime story like this one before. "What an... interesting story" Trollex comments and this made Ruby look at him and smiled as she said "Well, this was one of my favorite bedtime stories from my childhood and it's a popular bedtime story for children".

Trollex looked at her and smiled softly as he continued listening to Ruby reading the story to the baby Techno Troll and unknown to them, Poppy and Beatdrop were both watching them as one was smiling while the other smirked and then Branch, whose wearing a captain's hat was carrying a giant manual for the hot air balloon before placing it on a barrel. "All right. In a short 456 pages, I'm gonna know how to fly this thing" Branch said before popping his knuckles but before he could start reading, Poppy took the book from him as she said "Ugh, Branch, we don't need a giant, comprehensive manual" and then she tossed the manual off the balloon, making Branch gasp.

"Uh, Poppy, are you sure you know what you're doing?" Trollex asked as he got a little worried since the Queen of Pop threw the manual out of the balloon and then Ruby quickly whispered to him "You might want to hold on to something" and Beatdrop quickly went over to Trollex, who holds him close while Ruby holds Coral Blush and Blaze close to her too while she and Trollex held on to a barrel. "Of course I know what I'm doing. How hard can it be?" Poppy said as she went to the controls. "Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo. Try one of these" Poppy sang to herself as she pressed a button and this made Sheila-B jerk forward twice before going backwards and traveled to all the Troll lands quickly before stopping right where it was before while she was whooping and laughing too.

"All right, Poppy! Easy on the buttons!" Sheila-B shouted and Poppy sheepishly smiled as she said "Sorry" and then suddenly everyone became alerted when they heard snoring nearby. "Shh, what was that?" Branch asked and then everyone looked at the pile of cotton candy as they realized the snoring was coming from there. Ruby gets up and hands Coral Blush to Trollex as she goes over to the cotton candy pile, making both Branch and Trollex say in alarm "Ruby, wait!" but Ruby didn't listen to them as she moved the cotton candy and it revealed to be Biggie, who was asleep with Mr. Dinkles sucking his thumb. "Biggie?" Poppy asked with a smile and then Biggie woke up as he noticed the group staring at him. "Oh, hello. Sorry. I couldn't help myself. You know how I am around cotton candy" Biggie said a bit embarrassed as he tried to get Mr. Dinkles unstuck from his hand while saying "Oh, dear. Now look what's happened. Mr. Dinkles got all gummed up" and he tried to shake Mr. Dinkles off his hand, but shook too hard and sent Mr. Dinkles over the edge.

"Ah! Mr. Dinkles! Mr. Dinkles!" Biggie panicked as he looked down before noticing Mr. Dinkles was stuck on the side as he starts to say in relief while he got Mr. Dinkles back "Oh, there you are. Right, then. We'll just be on our way- HEY!" before exclaiming when Biggie noticed they were high in the air.

Ruby giggled a bit before she sat back down and started telling Coral Blush a completely different story from the movie 'Aquaman' that she watched while using a small teddy bear and mini fork to use as an example of a trident, "And the trident could only be wielded by the strongest Atlantean. And it gave King Atlan mastery over the seven seas. It made him so powerful that the ocean itself became jealous and sent a terrible earthquake to destroy Atlantis" and Trollex was sitting next to Ruby as he and Beatdrop were both completely interested in the story while Coral Blush was in awe as Ruby continues, "Down it fell, to the bottom of the ocean. But, legend has it that one day a new king will come who will use the power of the trident to put Atlantis back together again".

Coral Blush giggled in joy, making Ruby smile while Trollex stares at her in amazement before asking curiously "Where did you hear that story from? It sounds like a very interesting legend" and Ruby looks at Trollex and was about to say something when suddenly she felt pain in her chest. Ruby groaned in pain and clutched her chest with her eyes closed as this alerted Trollex, Beatdrop and Coral Blush as they looked at her in concern and worry.

"Ruby, are you okay?!" Trollex asked in worry while Coral Blush looks at her with worry in his eyes as he touches her nose and Ruby looks at them and gave a small smile and reassured them "I'm okay. Don't worry, it probably was just nothing" and the three looked conflicted as Beatdrop starts to say "Are you sure? Maybe we should tell-" but was interrupted then they heard Biggie say "Uh, you may want to take a look at this" and this made Ruby and Trollex get up as everyone looked forward and saw that Biggie points forward at a destroyed Symphonyville up ahead with fire and smoke everywhere.

Ruby gasped in shock as Coral Blush whimpered in fear and buried his face in Ruby's chest while both Trollex and Beatdrop were shocked and horrified by this along with Poppy, Branch and Biggie. "This is gonna take a lot of hugs" Branch said before Sheila-B landed down and everyone got off and explored the ruined village. "Is this what happened to your kingdom, Trollex?" Ruby asked him in concern and this made the Techno King look away while lowering his head as he recalled everything that happened to Techno Reef and he replied in a low tone "Yes...". Ruby frowned and then a sheet with musical notes was about to hit the ground and Branch stopped it with his foot as he picked the paper up and said "Whoa. Something gnarly happened here" and Ruby looks at it from behind and says "Those are classical music notes".

"Hello?" a voice suddenly called out, causing everyone except Ruby to be alerted since she already knew who it is as Branch picks up a violin bow while Trollex went in front of both Ruby and Coral Blush with his arms stretched out protectively as both Blaze and Beatdrop were on the human girl's shoulders. "Who said that?!" Trollex yelled in defense as this stunned Ruby by his sudden bravery followed by Branch demanding "Identify yourself!" and then Pennywhistle's voice asked in a scared and nervous tone "Uh, are you nice or are you mean?".

"W-We're nice! We're really nice" Poppy exclaimed while motioning Branch and Trollex to both stand down. "Yeah, but not too nice!" Branch adds as he was not ready to take any chances, but Ruby definitely heard the nervousness in his tone, "So don't even try it". And then Pennywhistle peeks out from behind a pile of sand as she said "Okay" and rolls over as Ruby gives Coral Blush to Trollex and rushed over and gently picks up Pennywhistle, who says softly "Oh, hi" and then Poppy went next to Ruby as she asked "What is this place?".

"It used to be called Symphonyville" Pennywhistle said before she coughs, making Ruby look at her in worry as the little flute continues, "Where the Classical Music Trolls lived. But... that was in the before" and finished the last part with eyes widened. "What happened here?" Trollex asked as he came over. "Well, it was the most wonderful place you ever did seen" Pennywhistle says as she began to explain on what happened.


A classical Troll was herding some music note sheep while more Classical Trolls came out from their homes with instruments in their arms.

"It was a place where all of the Classical Music Trolls could live in perfect harmony"

The Classical Trolls formed in an orchestra group as they began playing classical music and one of Classical Trolls was playing on Pennywhistle as she laughs.

"Wherever the conductor led, we followed"

Then a Classical Troll, who has a yellow body dashed in glitter, a good luck 'wishstone' gem, and a small body proportionate to his head as he has thick eyelashes. He has creamy white hair with a different hairstyle and he also stands out by wearing a black coat with golden borders and in his hand is a conductor baton. This is Trollzart, Conductor of the Classical Trolls.

"Play, play. Beautiful" Trollzart declared as he laughed.

"But then Queen Barb showed up"

Suddenly Barb appeared from behind as Trollzart noticed this and said "Oh, no" and turned around. "'Sup, Trollzart dude? I'm here for your string!" Barb called out and Trollzart replied back to her in defense "We will not go quietly" and had his orchestra play Beethoven's 'Symphony No. 5 in C Minor' and then a Classical Troll taps on the triangle. In response, Barb just rested her head on one of the teeth of her angler bus and snores "Mi, mi, mi, mi, mi" and then she gasped as she pretended to wake up while saying "Oh! Oh, I'm sorry, I-I must have fallen asleep, because your music is so boring!" and this made Trollzart scoff in offense. "Where are the words, bro? Right? Now give me your string!" Barb said before she and all the Rock Trolls turned the power up to ALOT before they started playing Beethoven's 'Symphony No. 5 in C Minor' in Rock version and blasted the Classical Trolls away just like they did with the Techno Trolls and in the process, destroying Symphonyville as well.

Trollzart was down as he tried to reach for his conductor baton, but couldn't as Barb picked it up.

"No" Trollzart whispered as Barb breaks the conductor baton in half, which revealed the Classical string.

"She took our string. Our-our music. She took everyone"

Soon all the Classical Trolls in Symphonyville were locked up and taken away along with their music string.

Flashback Ends

"We lost everything" Pennywhistle finished and it was quiet for a moment before Poppy says in disbelief "Barb doesn't want to unite us. She wants to destroy us" and this made Ruby and Trollex share a look before Ruby gently placed Pennywhistle back down and then Branch walked up the trio and said "We need to make sure our own string is safe" and then Poppy turns around with a guilty look on her face as she admitted "Uh, our string is safe" and pulls out the Pop string from her hair.

Ruby's eyes widened as she completely forgot that Poppy took the Pop string with her while both Branch and Trollex exclaimed in unison "What?!" and then Branch tries to hide the string as he asked "Poppy, are-are you crazy?" and then Trollex asked in complete disbelief "What In The Seashell Made You Think That Was A Good Idea?!".

"I thought it was a good idea at the time" Poppy said as her voice was full of regret, "I-I can't believe another queen would use her power for evil!" and then Branch announced "Okay. Change of plans. We need to get home as fast as we can and get everyone in the bunker" but Poppy had a different plan as she argued "Uh, no. Change of plans. We have to stop Barb from destroying all music! If we don't stop her, who will?" and she puts the Pop string back in her hair. "Poppy, you said this could be handled with hugs. How are we gonna hug our way out of this one?" Biggie asks as he starts freaking out. "It's okay, Biggie" Poppy reassured him and then Biggie says with more fear in his voice "Really? It's okay to be terrified? When am I gonna learn to stay away from the cotton candy?!".

"No. As your queen, I promise that I will protect you, no matter what. I... pinky promise" Poppy says as she has her pinky out. This made Ruby's eyes widened by her Troll best friend's move as Biggie let out a dramatic gasp while turning around with Branch, Trollex and Beatdrop looking confused while Coral Blush tilted his head. "Poppy, you know you can't go back on a pinky promise" Biggie reminded with a serious look on his face.

"Never did, never will" Poppy swore and Biggie shared a look with Mr. Dinkles, who nodded to which he nodded back before looking back at Poppy and held out his pinky finger the two linked their pinkies together and they started to levitate off the ground as they spun around in the air as pink glitter started to appear around them and then a powerful shockwave was released, causing Sheila-B to get blown away as she laughs before shouting to the group "Farewell!".

Meanwhile with Cooper

Cooper was walking through a huge field before the pink glitter shockwave rushed past him as he realized what it was.

"A pinky promise! Dang" Cooper said.

Back with the Group

Once the wind died down, Poppy and Biggie completed the pinky promise as they landed back on the ground. "Let it be so" Poppy whispered loud enough to be heard in a serious manner. "And so it is" Biggie finished while pounding his chest with his fist. Branch groans, Trollex and Beatdrop both had jaw dropped and wide eyes, Ruby had a small smirk with her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised at this. "Whoa!" Coral Blush gasped amazement while Blaze was asleep in Ruby's hair.

"This just got real" Pennywhistle said in awe and also probably just in much shock too. Poppy then opens the map of Troll kingdom, places it down the ground and points at Lonesome Flats while saying to the group "We have to get to the Country Music Trolls in Lonesome Flats before Barb does" and then they turned their attention to Pennywhistle as Beatdrop asked her "Will you come with us?".

"Oh, no. Someone has to rebuild. And Pennywhistle is that woodwind for the job" Pennywhistle says and then she placed a rock on top of another one. Poppy smiled and put a construction hat on Pennywhistle's head along with giving her a pat on the head too as she said "Good luck, little Pennywhistle" and then Ruby says to the little flute "We all have faith in you".

"Goodbye, Poppy, Ruby" Pennywhistle says quietly.

"Okay, but the pinky promise blew away our balloon away. How are we gonna get Lonesome Flats?" Branch asked as he looks at Poppy, who was thinking for a moment before snapping her finger and said "We'll just walk there! And we'll meet Ruby and the others there soon" and this made Trollex and Beatdrop both look confused while Ruby smirked and summons her staff, much to the two Techno Trolls and Beatdrop's surprise.

"You might wanna prepare yourselves guys. It's gonna be a bumpy ride" Ruby said before closing her eyes and then her eyes snapped open as they were glowing white and then she uses her magic to conjured up a teleportation circle underneath them as Poppy, Branch and Biggie watched in awe and amazement.

Trollex, Beatdrop and Coral Blush were in complete starstruck by Ruby's powers and just as the spell was about to finish...

"Argh!" Ruby felt the pain in her chest again while lowering her stance, making everyone alerted by this. "Ruby!" Poppy shouts as she was about reach for her human best friend until the spell finished as it made Ruby, Trollex, Blaze, Beatdrop and Coral Blush disappear while a small explosion happened.

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