born as a tiger

By ustarmyhope

3 0 0

Lee Hoyeon trembled at all the thoughts flashing through her head as her carriage pulled up in front of the i... More

born as a tiger

3 0 0
By ustarmyhope

A/N: Thanks to @lunarelles for betaing <3 Cross-posted to my tumblr @star-my & ao3 @ ustarmyhope. Currently only a one-shot but I do hope to add a second chapter (smutty?) or maybe some drabbbles for this couple. Part 2 of the Daechwita Series (Posted OOO, currently the only work. See my tumblr masterlist for more.)


Emperor Min Yoongi of the Dalseogu Empire was a force to be reckoned with. His subjects trembled in fear when he was whispered about–even his fellow rulers kept a wide berth around him when they met at diplomatic events. He's a monster , they said. His reign was written with the blood of his subjects. He was nicknamed the Mad King for a reason –not that anyone would say his unofficial title to his face.

The day after the seventh emperor of the Dalseogu empire was crowned, he killed half of his court. Only a select few officials remained unscathed from the Mad King's bloodbath. Even the families of the officials he killed were not all exempt – wives, concubines, and children being wiped out by his sword. The Dowager Empress and the Second, Third, and Fourth Prince had all died that day, making it the second most bloody day the Empire had seen since its inception.

Lee Hoyeon trembled at all the thoughts flashing through her head as her carriage pulled up in front of the infamous Changdeokgung palace. Peering out through the window, she was unsettled to see how clean the stone courtyard was, the cool taupe a far cry from the dripping red she'd half-expected after tormenting herself with thoughts of her fiance's atrocities.

All the gossip she'd heard from the maids and guards back home in Dongjak Kingdom was now front and centre in her mind.

The carriage slowed to a gentle stop and the door opened, courtesy of the footman. Hoyeon took his hand, hoping hers wasn't trembling too noticeably, and took her first step on the grounds she would be empress of in three weeks.

A contingency of guards marched out from the front gates of Changdeokgung, a swish of brightly-coloured silk in their midst. Bowing to Hoyeon, they stepped aside, revealing the silk as the crown princess, the Mad King's twin sister, Min Yoonji.

"I'm glad you made it here safely, Princess Hoyeon," greeted Crown Princess Yoonji familiarly, as if this was their hundredth meeting and not their first. "The emperor was out often the past couple weeks ensuring the bandits would not attack the carriages. I imagine you're rather thirsty and tired. Would you like some tea?"

"Tea would be lovely, thank you, Crown Princess."

"Please, call me unnie, we are to be sisters in a few weeks."

"As you wish, Crown Princess." Hoyeon followed the princess to the quarters prepared for her stay before she wed the emperor.

This whole situation was most bizarre. The crown princess had been rumoured to be a fierce warrior–much like her brother, the maids had gasped as Hoyeon eavesdropped. Yet here she was, dressed in silks like any other respectable lady of the court and pouring the fragrant tea with a natural elegance Hoyeon had practiced for days to attain.

"So, are you excited for the wedding?" asked Yoonji, refilling their cups with the most delicious blend of tea Hoyeon had ever drunk.

Hoyeon nibbled on her lip, debating how much would be prudent to tell the crown princess. She was lovely and welcoming, but she was also the emperor's sister. How was she supposed to say she was scared out of her wits and had been for the past several days, since her father had announced her engagement to the Mad King at a state dinner with no warning whatsoever. That she'd tried to learn what she could about her new empire and husband-to-be, but all she had gleaned was that she would be lucky to survive six months as the empress? What could she say, I almost looked forward to this when my father first announced this, so that I had a chance to finally be free from his tyranny, but now I wish I was back with the devil I know ?

Deciding the last train of thought had the most truth she could pluck from and spin into a plausible half-truth, she replied, "I was surprised when my father mentioned the alliance to me, but I am pleased to be able to support my kingdom in this way. I will do my best to be a good empress to Dalseogu. I noticed the absolutely beautiful scenery as I made my way here, and it is a lovely empire." Just ruled by not-so-lovely people, she thought, then ignored the stab of guilt at the mental insult to Yoonji, who'd been rather good so far at calming her nerves.

Yoonji smiled at the compliment to her empire. "I'm so glad you think so! I know it can be a bit...sparse, to some, but I think there's a wild beauty to the land."

One of her maids stepped forward to whisper in her ear. Yoonji looked at Hoyeon apologetically.

"Duty calls, I'm afraid. I'll leave you to rest now. I know my brother was looking forward to greeting you, but something came up that he couldn't ignore. He'd like you to join him for tea tomorrow afternoon."

"Of course, I will be there. Thank you, Crown Princess...unnie."

Yoonji's glare softened at the casual honorific. "Lovely! Rest well, Princess Hoyeon."

The crown princess and her entourage left, leaving only Hoyeon and her maid, Jina.

"That seemed to go well, Miss," offered Jina as she began to unpack and brush out Hoyeon's nightclothes.

Hoyeon groaned, collapsing onto her bed with her hand flung over her eyes. "Appearances can be deceiving, Jina. I can't afford to trust anyone here, no matter how nice they are–especially the emperor's sister !"

"I hope she can be a true friend to you here, Miss."

"Thank you, Jina."


"It's a pleasure to serve you, Princess Hoyeon," bowed the maid provided by the palace, named Sora.

"Thank you. I'm sure Jina will appreciate your help in navigating the palace until she becomes accustomed to our new accommodations."

"I'll do my best, Princess."

Sora and Jina chattered away, becoming fast friends, as Hoyeon chewed anxiously on her thumbnail in the corner.

She learned that Sora had a younger sister, Soha, whom she was very proud of for having recently become a full-fledged palace maid. The head maid was tough but caring once a maid proved herself, and Sora was sure Jina would win her over in no time. There were a couple guards who were insufferable flirts, but they were still respectful. Jina's best course of action would be to ignore any flirtations and not respond to the provocations.

Hoyeon finally jumped up from her seat, startling the maids from their conversation. "What time should I be prepared to go for tea with the emperor?"

"If we start now, you should arrive just after the emperor's meeting finishes, Princess," replied Sora.

The maids did their best to dress Hoyeon up in her favourite hanbok, pinning her hair with a gold hairpin the emperor had gifted her via her father, and using cosmetics to accentuate her features.

"You're a little pale," commented Jina as she patted some pink onto Hoyeon's cheeks.

"Do you blame me?" she retorted. "Sora, is there anything I need to be aware of when I greet the emperor?"

Sora paused from folding a discarded robe. "I don't think so. Emperor Min doesn't insist on many formalities if it's not a formal event. I believe Soha will be serving the tea, so if you need anything, you can ask her to find me, Princess."

"Thank you, Sora."

Jina and Sora fell in behind her, Sora quietly directing her through the maze of corridors to the room the emperor was waiting in for her.

She smiled at the guards outside the doors. "Is the emperor available?"


Hoyeon turned to see a girl bearing a tea tray. She bowed to her before turning to Sora.

"Unnie, the emperor is still occupied."

"Do you think he will be long?"

"I don't think you will wait long," reported the girl, who Hoyeon assumed was Soha. "Princess," she bowed again before entering the room.

A loud voice escaped the open door, followed by the distinctive sound of a slap.

A minute later she ran out, tears flowing down her face as she passed Hoyeon and her maids.

Hoyeon stared in trepidation at the girl. What had happened to make the emperor slap her? She'd barely had time to do anything. This didn't bode well for her.

"Show Princess Lee in," called a voice. The guards opened the door.

Hoyeon took a deep breath and stepped forward, keeping her eyes on the next step she was taking.

She paused when she reached a low tea table, droplets of tea scattered across its surface. She could see the emperor's robes across from her and a tea set shattered on the floor to her right.

So that was why Soha had run out. Why was it broken?

"Your Majesty," she bowed, hoping it was low enough.

"Your Highness," he greeted in response. "You may stand."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Her eyes flicked up to his face quickly, then back down to hide her surprise.

He had a scar across his right eye, from his eyebrow to his cheek. She'd thought the rumours were just that–rumours. Who had ever heard of a king with a scar?

She supposed with a reputation like his, he didn't have to worry about naysayers attempting to depose him.

She'd been so surprised at the scar and hadn't wanted to be caught staring that she barely remembered his other features.

She chanced another glance and found him staring at her.

"You can look at me, Princess Hoyeon."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." She peeked up under her lashes.

Was it possible for a scar to heighten his appeal? He had shockingly blond hair pulled back into the typical sangtu , thick brows, a nose that she couldn't believe the first adjective she thought of was 'cute', and pouty lips. Overall, he was rather attractive.

The benefit to marrying a young emperor was that he was surprisingly handsome, but it also meant he was less likely to die soon. In all honesty, Hoyeon expected him to outlive her.

She hadn't met his eyes–his look had been far too calculating. If there was one thing she knew about court politics, it was to never show your fear when someone was around.

"You arrived much quicker than I expected, Princess Hoyeon. I hope your travels were smooth."

"Yes, thank you. We had no trouble at all. My father said it was better to arrive sooner lest we be waylaid and made late." He was just thrilled he could finally get some use out of his useless only child.

"Crown Princess Yoonji said that you were an interesting companion at her tea yesterday."

I knew she'd tell him about me.

"As was she, Your Majesty. I look forward to getting to know her–and you–better."

"Good," said the emperor, clearly pleased. "The crown princess is pleased to be able to help you become accustomed to the Dalseogu Empire. I will be busy with all the things that must be finished before the wedding, so I imagine you will be seeing her often."

"I'm pleased to hear that, Your Majesty. May I ask you a question?" Better to find out now how lenient he will be towards my impertinence.

"Go ahead."

"Why did you approach the Dongjak kingdom for an alliance?" Why me?

"It is advantageous for both our lands to have the trade deals this alliance will forge. Dongjak and Dalseogu have not always been at peace, so this was a good way to cement it."

Slightly surprised that the emperor had actually given her an answer, she nodded. She hadn't had the slightest shred of hope that he would give her some secretly romantic explanation, such as he'd seen her at some event and been so taken by her that he had to have her. All she was good for was strengthening her kingdom's ties as one of its most important representatives.

The guards opened the door and let in Sora, carrying the replacement tea set.

She poured the tea quietly and served their cups to them, then retreated to the side, assuming an at-ease position.

"Please sit," directed the emperor, settling himself on his cushion. Hoyeon followed his example, making herself as comfortable as she could sitting opposite an unknown volatile man no one could rebuke.

The tea was delicious, stronger than what she was used to back in Dongjak, but she found its tart flavour pleasant.

"This is exquisite tea, Your Majesty."

He inclined his head. "It is plum tea. I believe Dongjak more commonly uses the chrysanthemum flowers for their tea."

"You are correct, Your Majesty."

Tea with the emperor went fairly well, although Hoyeon caught his considering gaze upon her several times. It unnerved her, wondering why he was taking so much interest in his political bride.

She didn't like it.


Hoyeon giggled, finally somewhat relaxed around the crown princess as the older girl spilled stories about her maids' and guards' dramatic dynamics and relationships.

"Don't tell the head maid I told you this," Yoonji leaned forward, finger to her lips.

Hoyeon's eyes widened as she bit her lower lip, nodding quickly in agreement. She knew that the maids were one of the biggest and best ally teams she could have on her side in the palace, and she wouldn't dare do anything to harm her chances of gaining connections.

"So, what do you think of my brother, after your tea with him yesterday?" Yoonji relaxed onto her cushion, pouring herself another cup of what Hoyeon wasn't completely convinced was just plum tea.

Her teeth dug further into her lip as she considered how to answer. The siblings appeared fairly close for being possible throne rivals–especially considering that Yoonji had survived the Mad King's bloody beginning–and she couldn't speak freely. The princess was a skilled politician, however, and would surely catch on if she lied and began praising the man.

"I find His Majesty...intimidating," she said slowly, gauging how Yoonji took that ambivalent opening.

Yoonji nodded, motioning to continue with her finger. "He certainly knows how to make himself understood."

Understatement of the dynasty , thought Hoyeon.

"He's...rather good looking. I was surprised," she mused. Realising Yoonji had raised her eyebrow at her, she went on hastily. "Just that I hadn't heard anyone speak about that when they discussed the emperor! I had very little information on His Majesty to go off of. I suppose the men that met the emperor were more focused on his character than his countenance," she snorted, a little self-deprecatingly, glancing up to see if Yoonji would take the bait and either consider her a little simple and romantically-minded or expound upon her open-ended question to know more about her fiance's personality.

"Well, I suppose I agree that my brother is rather good-looking," Yoonji mused, sipping her tea. "I've been told often that we appear quite similar."

"Indeed, that was one of the first things I noticed. You're both attractive and there's certainly a family resemblance between you two. By the way, is there anyone you think is good-looking, unnie?" she asked curiously, hoping she wasn't overstepping.

Yoonji shook her head. "There are several tolerably handsome ministers and princes around, but their personalit-"

A knock sounded at the door to the crown princess's tea room. Yoonji nodded at Hoyeon in apology, excusing herself to speak quietly with the maid waiting at the door, bringing a message from the emperor.

Yoonji's brow furrowed slightly, then smoothed as she turned back to Hoyeon. "The emperor has requested an audience with me, and he wishes to see you after my visit. Would you like to come with me now?"

Hoyeon nodded, setting her tea down and getting to her feet. She still wasn't entirely sure she had the palace layout memorised, and Jina was currently being interviewed by the head maid, leaving Hoyeon friendless and ally-less if Yoonji also left her behind.

"I'd be honoured to join you, Your Highness."

The two young women headed as briskly as nobles could to the emperor's throne room, where he remained after a meeting with his ministers earlier.

The guards saw the duo's approach and opened the tall doors in anticipation of Yoonji's entrance. Hoyeon chose to remain outside, though the doors remained open, giving the siblings privacy and taking advantage of the moment to prepare her nerves to see her fiance again. She'd relaxed in Yoonji's quiet company, but reverted to her stiff princess behaviour on their walk here.

Shaking her head at her rapid closeness with the princess, she straightened her skirts anxiously. For all she knew, the siblings were in there right now discussing her pathetic surface-level attraction to the Mad King and how quickly she'd come to confide in the princess.

Shifting on her feet, she cursed her father once again for removing anyone who'd appeared close to her, making her a prime target for spilling her innermost thoughts when she met someone who appeared to listen. Reminding herself it had only been two days and Yoonji had not yet proved if it was safe to trust her, Hoyeon twisted the jade ring on her finger as she waited.

A loud cry came from Yoonji, giving her deja vu. With an inner sigh, she inched forward, straining her ear to make out what the siblings were arguing about.

Silently, she watched Yoonji, who appeared unafraid to talk back to the emperor. Was it because she was his sister? He wouldn't retaliate? Something else? She needed to know everything she could.

"I'm getting married?!" cried Yoonji, clearly. "In two weeks?! Without you telling me first?!"

Hoyeon froze. Her newest ally and possible future friend would be leaving the palace? Was it because they were becoming close? Had Yoonji done something warranting being sent away? No, it was probably just another business transaction, like her marriage was to be.

Calming her anxious thoughts, Hoyeon shuffled a little closer, wondering who the groom was.

"No, you are leaving Dalseogu in two weeks. You are getting married in a week to Emperor Wang Gayi."

"You arranged a marriage for me? With the Wang Emperor?!"

"Yes, I did, and you will marry him. That's an emperor's order, Min Yoonji."

"You gave me no choice? I'm so mad that you interfered with my relationships," Yoonji said flatly, turning and exiting via the hall behind the throne area.

"Your groom will be here by tomorrow morning," the emperor informed her, barely raising his voice. Facing forward once again, he motioned Hoyeon to approach him.

"Good afternoon, Princess."

She bowed. "Good afternoon, Your Majesty."

"Good afternoon, Your Highness. Would you like some tea?"

"No, thank you. I just came from having some with the crown princess. I suppose she will be busy now with her wedding preparations, so I am grateful that I could have these past few days to get to know my sister-in-law."

"I apologize if you feel that my sister's wedding takes precedence over ours," the emperor said, surprising Hoyeon. "I wished her to wed soon and thought that now would be best since most of the preparations for ours are already complete and can transfer to theirs. Emperor Wang has to return to Kowloon soon and I wanted him to take Yoonji with him."

"I am not slighted at all, Your Majesty. I wish the royal couple all happiness and longevity. May I ask why you requested to see me after the crown princess, Your Majesty?"

He stretched languidly, rising to his feet and sauntering down the steps to his throne. "Am I not allowed to wish to see my fiancee?" he asked, approaching Hoyeon.

"Y-you are, Your Majesty." Biting her lip, she forced herself to remain standing tall and not move back.

He paused two arm lengths away from her. "I would like to see you every day before our wedding, if you are available."

"I believe I will be, if that is what you wish."

He tilted his head, scanning her head to toe. She lowered her gaze to his feet, hoping she hadn't mussed her clothing since Jina left her at Yoonji's tea room.

"You seem rather nervous."

Who wouldn't be, being the focus of one of the continent's most dangerous men?! Hoyeon shrieked internally. Well, it appeared the emperor was more perceptive than her father, so lying was off the table. "I suppose I am. We have only met once, and I am unchaperoned. I do not wish to cause any damage to either of your kingdoms if there were negative repercussions from this event, Your Majesty."

He hummed, taking a step back so that his black-clad feet were no longer in her vision. "The doors are open and there are plenty of guards and other staff around, Princess. But, if it would make you feel better–Chief Advisor Kim!"

Barely repressing the flinch at his sudden shout, Hoyeon turned to see who the emperor had just summoned. A tall, handsome man rushed in, arms full of scrolls and books, a pair of spectacles sliding down his nose. He pushed them up, a scroll fluttering from its precarious spot under his elbow.

Hoyeon stooped without thinking, catching the runaway parchment and handing it back to the man, who flashed a thankful smile at her, dimples appearing in his cheeks. "Thank you, Your Highness."

"Princess Hoyeon, this is my most trusted advisor, Kim Namjoon. He will be our chaperone," the emperor said shortly.

"I'm honoured to meet you, Princess. Congratulations on the wedding."

"Thank you," she nodded at him and turned back to her fiance, not wanting to spend his patience with her over another man. Still, his behaviour was unlike anything she was used to. The Mad King was her enigma, and she only hoped it wouldn't take too long to figure him out.


The sound of metal hitting metal drew Hoyeon's attention from the flowery bushes she was admiring, turning towards the walled courtyard ahead of her.

Jina stopped by her side, both somewhat behind one of the pillars by the entrance, watching the two men in front of them slash at each other, silver swords glinting in the sunlight.

The emperor's distinctive blond hair gave his identity away, and Hoyeon watched his graceful power with an open mouth, seeing first-hand her fiance's prowess with a blade.

The other man was about the same height, with short brown hair and a slimmer sword than Yoongi's. He held it with a careless ease that belied years of training, evenly matched with his opponent.

Their blades clashed, sun rays reflecting off their entwined blades and blinding Hoyeon. She sneezed unexpectedly, interrupting the men's moment. They bowed to each other, sheathing their blades and walking in different directions–Yoongi towards her and the other man towards Yoonji, whom Hoyeon just noticed was standing at the other side.

Hoyeon bowed, greeting the emperor. He nodded back at her, taking the damp cloth his attendant held out to him and wiping his face and neck down. The neckline of his black robe gaped a little, affording Hoyeon a glimpse of smooth pale skin and subtly defined musculature. She blushed red, glancing away quickly to watch Yoonji, who had attained her own sword.

The emperor followed her gaze, leaning his hand carelessly on his hwando pommel. "That's Emperor Wang," he confirmed her suspicion carelessly. "Would you like to make a bet with me?"

"A bet, Your Majesty?" Hoyeon flicked her gaze to him in confusion.

He nodded towards the couple. "On who will win their spar, Yoonji or Gayi."

"They will spar?" Crown princess versus emperor, fiancee versus fiance?

The two moved towards the now-open sparring area in the middle of the yard, raising their blades to the opening position.

"They have both trained for years. I'm curious myself about the outcome. So, what do you say, Princess?" The emperor leaned towards her, breath brushing her cheek. "Will you bet with me?"

"Very well, Your Majesty. What are your terms?"

He leaned back, studying her in mild surprise. " must answer three questions I ask of you fully and truthfully, when I wish."

That's all? Like I could lie to you anyways. "Alright. I will hold the same terms, for the sake of fairness. I bet that the emperor will win."

Hoyeon felt the weight of his gaze on her. "Not my sister?"

She shook her head. "I saw some of the emperor's prowess when you two were fighting. I have not seen the princess fight, and the emperor surely has more experience, being on the battlefield."

"But he will be tired since we were fighting before this," Yoongi pointed out. "And I have fought with the princess. So, our bet. We each bet three complete, truthful answers about any topic we are asked about by the other if they win–you if Emperor Gayi wins, myself if Crown Princess Yoonji wins."

"I agree to your terms." Hoyeon shook the emperor's hand, feeling his long fingers and calloused palms against her bare skin for the first time. He was warmer than she had expected; somehow she'd anticipated a cold-blooded, rigid man.

He let go of her hand and she swiftly tucked her hands into her sleeves, feeling the ghost of his palm against hers. Focusing on the duo facing off in front of her, she did her best to ignore the warm presence brushing against her side.

Yoonji was better than Hoyeon had expected, never having seen a female warrior before. Some of her moves looked similar to the emperor's, but some were distinctively hers. She seemed to be having fun, however, a large gummy smile forming on her face as she parried the emperor's strikes and danced into his space, making it more difficult for him to evade her attacks.

Her opponent also seemed to be having fun, a smile growing on his face as they sparred.

Hoyeon was glad the two were getting along, albeit in a more violent way than she was used to. Given what she knew of the crown princess's personality, she was curious how the couple's relationship would progress.

"The princess is quite good," she said without thinking.

The emperor hummed in agreement. "I trained with her often. She is one of my best generals."

Hoyeon whipped around in surprise. "The crown princess is your general?"

He nodded, dragging his eyes from the fight to her face.

"Then why–" Hoyeon bit her lip, realizing her curiosity could be taken as insolence.

"Continue," the emperor prompted her curiously.

"Then why are you marrying your general off to the Kowloon Empire?" she asked quietly. He still appeared to have heard her, as he replied.

"The emperor and my sister have been in love for a while now. I will be saddened by my best general, advisor, and companion's absence, but it is beyond time for her to have her happiness."

Hoyeon blinked. Was the emperor...sentimental? And what was that about the marriage argument the other day?

"But...I understood the princess was against the marriage?"

"Not at all, she was being sarcastic. 'How dare you marry me to the love of my life? Alas, I am ordered to spend time with the only man who makes me happy.' Like that."


"Are you slandering me behind my back, Your Majesty?" Yoonji approached the two, her fiance behind her, carrying their swords.

"Is it slander if it's true?" he retorted. "It seems my bride has not yet grown accustomed to your strange sense of humour. Now tell me, who won? I have a bet on the line, here."

Realizing she'd been too distracted by the emperor to see who won, Hoyeon looked to Yoonji, who had what she now realised was a faux-betrayed look on her face.

"You had better have bet on me, brother."

"Of course I did," he replied smugly. "So, I won the bet?"

Yoonji's fiance spoke up. "No, your lovely fiancee did. Congratulations, Princess."

"Damn, I should have bet on Gayi."

Yoonji smacked her brother's arm for his comment. "You are lucky I'm leaving the palace, Your Majesty."

Hoyeon watched the siblings banter with wide eyes. The emperor was so relaxed and unlike his Mad King persona today. Which was the real one?

"It's okay, Princess," commiserated Emperor Gayi. "No one understands these two's strange relationship, either."

"I can behead you, you know," threatened Yoongi.

"You better give me his empire if you do," Yoonji poked his stomach.

"Not if you keep touching me, I won't!"

"OR," interrupted Gayi, "you can not behead me and Yoonji can begin her reign over my empire peacefully as my empress!"

"But then I'd still have to hear you talk about my sister," pointed out Yoongi. "It would be a lot quieter if your head was removed from your shoulders."

"Say something!" Gayi looked at Yoonji, who sighed.

"Yoongi, don't kill my fiance. It wouldn't be a lot quieter because you'd then have to hear your sister talk about how much she missed her dead fiance instead...and your fiancee wouldn't like you to kill her new ally, I guess."

Yoongi looked at the bewildered Hoyeon. "Hm. It's better to remove two nuisances at once, I suppose. I shall endure this next week for the princess's sake, I suppose, since she won our bet."

"How generous, Your Majesty," Gayi and Yoonji bowed formally after the emperor, who left with an eye roll at their antics.

Yoonji straightened once he was gone and turned to Hoyeon with a smile. "Do you want me to show you to the archery range?"


The wedding of the Emperor of Kowloon and the Crown Princess of Dalseogu went off without a hitch, which relieved some of Hoyeon's worries. It was exactly the same as it would be for her and Yoongi, so she had a chance to mentally prepare. There wasn't too much that could go wrong, thankfully, so as long as she didn't faint next week, she should be in the clear.

Spending time with her fiance the past week and a half, as well as with his sister and her fiance, helped relax Hoyeon. He was courteous, surprisingly soft-spoken in private, and less menacing than she had been prepared for. Slowly, she began to wonder if the rumours had been exaggerated, as royal rumours tended to be, and if she might in fact be safe in the Dalseogu empire.

Then came the day of her wedding, and all Hoyeon's nerves returned full-force. Yoonji had left for Kowloon with Gayi, unable to stay for the wedding, and only Jina was there as someone she could rely on.

Her father had sent a witness to his only child's wedding, too concerned over possible attacks to come himself. Hoyeon snorted as she read the letter his delegate had handed to her, dropping the paper to the table carelessly.

So he could send his daughter to live in the empire, but couldn't come in person to celebrate her nuptials, the entire reason he would be safe visiting? Well, it wasn't like she'd expected anything from him, but it still pinched in her heart.

Jina brushed her robes out smoothly, stepping back and giving her a reassuring nod. "It's time, Your Highness."


The entire ceremony was a blur, Hoyeon too focused on not making a mistake to take in anything else. She had the vague sense that the atmosphere was overcast, but nothing more than that.

The celebration feast was similarly unfocused, for slightly differing reasons. Yoongi, her new husband (what a strange thought), was right beside her at the head table, paying rather unnerving attention to her.

Small bites were all she could choke down under his scrutiny, though he did his best to keep her dishes full. Hoyeon was a little confused when he kept adding delicious-smelling dishes to her immediate reach. Any other day, she'd be happy to try the new and intriguing dishes, but with the nerves in her stomach and the eyes on her chopsticks, she couldn't choke down more than a few bites, something she bemoaned.

Toasts and cheers were continually offered by the celebrating ministers and nobles filling the hall, gallons of alcohol flowing freely.

Hoyeon grabbed her goblet, draining the dregs in a couple gulps, coughing a little at the afterburn. Yoongi's scrutiny became heavier, his warmth overwhelming her as he leaned even closer to whisper in her ear. "Are you alright, Your Majesty?"

Hoyeon hiccuped. "I'm perfectly fine, thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. Just thirsty."

His expression told her he didn't fully believe her, but he leaned back, letting her breathe easily again. She turned away, patting her burning cheeks with the back of her hand.

It really should be illegal for someone to look that handsome up close. She considered her previous fears that he would behead her within six months and revised it to worry that she'd be overcome by his beauty within six months instead.

A sudden weight on her hand made her look down from picking up individual grains of rice with her chopsticks.

Yoongi's hand rested on hers, his thumb caressing her pulse point. Her heart skipped a beat at the simple touch. He didn't look at her anymore, thankfully, but his hand stayed on hers the rest of the feast.

Her eyes darted between his profile and her chopsticks several times. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad being his empress.

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