In Another's Shoes.

By ParkAaimin

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"The story was never about Me and Him, it was always about Him and Her, I could never say there was a moment... More

Dad's Golden Secrets.
Palace Of Crimson Shadows
Crimson Tears of a Love.
Velvet Touch In Crimson
Annabelle & The Crimson wound.
Crimson Tale Of Love.
Crimson Sheets, Roses & Tears
Ciggerates & strawberries In Crimson
I Wanted It In Crimson.
Drenched in crimson
The Blood Was Crimson.
Seven Sinister Souls Of Crimson.
Crimson Cherries & Rose.
Crimson Pages.
How Did I Met You In Crimson?
Locked In Crimson
Crimson Cradle<3
In the Heat of Crimson Desire<3
You're My Crimson Relief & Pain.
Crimson Remorse
Crimson Moon<3
Crimson Threads of Fate<3
Crimson Cries from the Silence
A Glass Of Crimson Milk.
Crimson Conundrum
Crimson Fear.
Crimson Comfort & Desolation.
Crimson Catalyst.
Crimson Hairs & Those Eyes.
Crimson Haunt
Assaults In Crimson.
Crimson Surprise.
His Crimson Figure.
Letting You Go In Crimson
Crimson Fury.
Duties & Pride In Crimson.
It All Starts With A Crimson Kiss
Crimson Dawn.
Beneath Crimson Skies.
Crimson Warning.
Crimson Vigil.
Crimson Sacrifice.

Crimson Dragon Tale.

64 22 13
By ParkAaimin

Chapter 28: (your pov)

As the sunlight came through the curtains, I woke up and started my usual morning routine in the mansion.

First, I took a royal bath, soaking in warm, fragrant water with essential oils. The relaxing water eased my muscles, and for a moment, I forgot about my problems.

After enjoying the bath, I dressed in elegant clothes that matched the mansion's atmosphere, picking each piece carefully like a royal attendant would.

Once dressed, I headed downstairs, my footsteps softly echoing on the polished marble floors. As I went down the grand staircase, I saw something that broke the peacefulness of the morning.

I was surprised to see Scarlet, the ever-graceful lady of the mansion, standing and talking with her son, Amell. What was she doing here? When did she return? Amell was usually a quiet kid, but today he was stomping his feet petulantly against the floor.

Y/n: Good morning, Scarlet. Amell, is everything alright?

Scarlet gave me a warm smile, but her eyes showed a hint of frustration as she spoke to her son.

Scarlet: Good morning, my dear. Amell here seems to be in a bit of a mood this morning. Isn't that right, darling?

Amell's sulking intensified at the mention of his name, and he crossed his arms defiantly, his expression resembling that of a petulant prince. He was pouting and still looking at a corner.

Y/n: When did you return scarlet ?

Scarlet: Oh yeah, just this morning...

Y/n: Oh really ? Welcome back.

Scarlet: Yes thank you I was here for Actually-

Suddenly, Amell started jumping in anger, making Scarlet worried. She looked around for witnesses but saw no one. Feeling relieved, she calmed down a bit.

Amell: It's not fair, Mum! I want to hear about the dragons.... but you won't tell me anything!

Scarlet sighed softly, her patience wearing thin as she tried to reason with her son, but he wouldn't listen. I wondered why she wasn't telling him a dragon tale to calm him down.

Scarlet: Amell, darling, you know we mustn't speak of such things. It's not safe, especially not when we are here...

Amell: But I want to know about the dragons! Why Not tell mumma ?

Y/n: Lemme tell you-

Scarlet: Aaira let me handle, Amell, my love, there are some things that are best left unsaid, for your own safety. Trust me, when the time is right, you will learn everything you need to know, you're a prince here and things must stay hidden until it's the right age.

As Amell's frustration peaked, tears welled up in his eyes, and his bottom lip quivered while he continued to stomp his feet against the floor.

Scarlet: Oh, my sweet Amell, please don't cry. What if someone sees you like this.

Y/n: What do you mean see you like this ?

Scarlet shot me a surprised glare and gave an awkward laugh before turning back to Amell. His tears flowed freely now, his small frame trembling.

Amell: But... but I want to know about the dragons... Why can't you tell me, Mumma?

Scarlet knelt beside Amell, wrapping her arms around him in a comforting embrace. Meanwhile, I sat at the dining table, demanding my breakfast. One thing I had gotten used to was this luxury and princess treatment whenever he wasn't around. As they continued to argue, I calmly observed them from my seat.

Scarlet: Oh, darling, it's not that I don't want to tell you. It's just... there are some things that are too dangerous for someone as young as you to know. But one day, when you're older and wiser, I promise You'll know everything about the dragon.

Amell sniffled, his tears slowly stopping as he held onto his mother, finding comfort in her arms.

Scarlet: Oh, my darling Amell, what's the matter? Why are you crying like this?

Amell hiccuped between sobs, his cheeks streaked with tears and flushed with frustration as he tried to express his feelings. Meanwhile, I quietly ate my meal, feeling sorry for him.

Amell: I... I just want to know... about the dragons... Why not say me huh ? I want know dragons...

It's tough for Amell... Being expected to behave like royalty when you're still just a kid. They put a lot of pressure on him at such a young age. I wonder if they treated Aimin the same way.

Scarlet: Alright, my dear Amell, I'll tell you a story about the dragon that resides in the mountains behind our mansion.

Amell: Really, Mumma? A dragon?

Scarlet nodded and started telling a story about a dragon named Charashen that lived in the mountains behind our mansion.

Y/n: I'm in too.

Scarlet looked at me and smiled.

Amell: next ?

Scarlet: Yes, my love. Legend has it that the dragon means Charashen awakens from its slumber once a year, ravenous and hungry for sustenance. And when it awakens, it demands a sacrifice, a life to satiate its hunger.

Amell's eyes widened in horror when he heard about the sacrifice, and he immediately hid behind his mother.

Y/n: Sacrifice sounds funny.

Amell: A sacrifice? But... but who does it take, Mumma?

I couldn't help but shudder at the gruesome imagery. It was a chilling tale, filled with danger and darkness, and yet, Amell listened with rapt attention, his wide eyes fixed on his mother's face.

Scarlet: It takes whoever it pleases, my dear. Those who are unfortunate enough to cross its path are never seen again. It's a terrifying creature, one that we must never underestimate.

It seemed like just a fantasy, right? A story made up to entertain and captivate. But the way Scarlet told it, with such seriousness, it gave me chills.

Could there be something hiding in the mountains behind the mansion? Or was it all just a story, a warning passed down over the years?

As the story ended, Scarlet wiped a tear from Amell's cheek, her eyes showing both sadness and determination.

Scarlet: And so, my dear Amell, we must always remember to be cautious and vigilant, for danger can lurk in the most unexpected of places.

Amell: But... Mum... What if he took me ? Mumma, I don't like this story... It's scary...

Y/n: Don't worry it wouldn't take you.

Scarlet: Shh, my dear. Remember, it's just a story. There's nothing to be afraid of as long as you stay here with me.

As Scarlet finished her story, Amell broke away from his mother's embrace, running around the foyer, pretending to be a dragon with his tiny feet pounding against the marble floor.

Scarlet watched Amell's playful antics, a fond smile on her lips. But as Amell's laughter echoed through the halls...

Y/n: Scarlet, that story... It's just a tale, isn't it? I mean, there couldn't possibly be a dragon living in the mountains behind the mansion, could there?

Scarlet: Oh hello, Aaira... Have you lost your mind? Don't you remember?

She started laughing uncomfortably, making me anxious about that sudden evil laugh.

Scarlet: Have you lost it Aaira ? Are you being a children once again with children?

She chuckled, I made a first under the table.

Scarlet: Well well, My dear sister. Did you forget Each year, when the time comes, someone from this family must make a choice. A choice that could mean life or death.

The thought sent a shiver down my spine. Could there be truth to Scarlet's words? Was there a dark tradition hidden within the mansion's walls, one that involved sacrificing someone to appease a mythical creature?

What else could this family be hiding? Behind their innocent smiles and faces, what if Scarlet was involved in it all? What if she had something to do with the disappearance of the girl Soobin mentioned, or with those who ventured towards the mountain but never returned?

Scarlet leaned in closer to me at the table, leaving me feeling uneasy with her cryptic remark. Then she turned and walked gracefully towards Amell, her steps effortlessly gliding across the marble floor.

As Scarlet left, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being surrounded by a family full of strange and disturbing individuals. But before I could dwell on it, a knock at the door startled me. It was the mailman, holding out a letter. As I went to take it, the maids hurried forward.

Maid: Please, stay inside, Lady Jeon. Let us handle this.

Confused, I let the maids take the letter and bring it to me. I opened it to find a letter from Jungkook, probably filled with his usual cheesy words and affectionate declarations.

As I went upstairs, still trying to process everything from the morning, I settled into our chamber. Opening Jungkook's letter, I felt a mix of anticipation and unease.

His handwriting was familiar, and his words were warm and affectionate as usual. But as I read, I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt.


My Dearest Love, My Aaira,

I hope this letter finds you well and safe. I find myself once again in a precarious situation, but I write to you with the hope that my words will reach you and bring you some comfort, My love. All I want is my Aaira to read my words no one else. No one else should reply then her.

I miss you, my Aaira, Every moment apart from you feels like an eternity, and I yearn for the day when we can be together once more. I really love you so much, My love may things try to keep us apart but I swear I'll be there for you once again, cause I love you so much.

You don't have to reply to this letter. I don't want YOU to reply, but know that my love for My Aaira remains untouched, no one in this filthy world could be the owner of my heart, no matter the distance between us. I know some people are wanting to separate both of us but I swear it's just a matter of one week, and I'll be back.

But I've planned a surprise for you, i hope you love love love your surprise.

I love you so much, i hope you find your way back to me once again, I'll be with you just a little more, my love.

Yours only and forever,
Jeon Aaira's Jeon Jungkook.


My heart ached at the thought of Jungkook putting himself at risk once again for the sake of his love. Guilt stabbed at me as I remembered I hadn't replied to his previous letter. But why should I? He wanted his real Aaira to read it, not me, so she should reply. Despite his disappointment in his words, I shouldn't care; he's evil.

As I sat there, I realized I was free now. I could drink, right? I hurried to the grand bar of the palace. The familiar burn of alcohol brought little solace for the ache in my heart. I kept drinking until I was wasted, not caring about the family for a moment, only focusing on the drink in my hand.

Y/n: Why did I ever agree to come here?

I took a pause.

Y/n: Wait when did I even agree to this shit ? I never knew touching that shitty portal would lead me here, I would have never risked my life, for this filthy life.

I muttered bitterly.

Y/n: I hate this family. I hate this place.

As I spoke, bitterness crept into my voice, fueled by the constant lies and secrets around me. I yearned for my phone, for the comfort of my parents, but I was stuck in this sinister palace, cut off from everything I held dear.

Y/n: I miss them.

I admitted it out loud, the admission tasting bitter on my tongue.

Y/n: I miss my family, my parents, my room, my lifestyle, my friends, and my life. But instead, I'm stuck in this hellhole, pretending to be someone I'm not.

As I drank more whiskey, my emotions poured out of me in a rush of frustration and despair. I ranted about how unfair my situation was, shouting about the pain in my heart and the overwhelming loneliness that engulfed me.

Y/n: What's the point? No one here cares about me anyway. You're so fucked Jeon Aaira, so fucked. No body cares what you are what you do, what you feel. A filthy doll. That's all you are here for everyone.

But there was no one to hear me, no one to offer comfort or understanding. The mansion was silent and empty, my cries echoing off its walls with no one to answer.

Y/n: Fuck your life, Jeon fucking Aaira, nobody cares, you're fucking disappeared from her for a month now and no one cares, they don't even recognise the real you.

And so, I drank until I couldn't drink anymore, until the world around me faded.

I heard footsteps approaching. Through my drunken haze, I saw unfamiliar figures—a woman and a man in their fifties, and another woman in her thirties, accompanied by Scarlet, the matriarch of the mansion.

Panic surged through me as one of the elegant women reached out and grabbed my shoulder with surprising strength.

Woman: This behavior is unbecoming of a lady of your stature. Have you forgotten your responsibilities? Have you lost it ? Your brain and everything?

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