The Otherworldly Supreme comm...

By JoshNathaniel2

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One Day in the Modern world a young adult Named Skyler. and has a wonderful life, but unfortunately, he died... More

prologue: The Encounter
Chapter 1: New World
Chapter 2: Chevauchèes
Chapter 3: Soldiers
Chapter 4: New Home
Chapter 6: The Battle of Avalon (1)
Chapter 7: The Battle of Avalon (2)
Chapter 8: The Battle of Avalon (Final)
Chapter 9: The Rise of the Democratic of Avalon
Chapter 10: The Warrior bunny
Chapter 11: The Preparations
Chapter 12: The Battle of Dreadhold Citadel
Chapter 13: The Fall of Dreadhold Citadel

Chapter 5: Avalon

170 6 3
By JoshNathaniel2


In the sky, to the south, a squadron of Curtiss F8C Helldivers and SPAD XIIIs soared through the sky, their engines roaring as they conducted a thorough scouting mission. The squadron, known as South Team, was tasked with exploring the southern regions surrounding the decaying city.

The pilots, skilled and vigilant, scanned the landscape below for any signs of movement or activity. From their vantage point in the sky, they could observe the remnants of once-bustling streets, now eerily silent and deserted.

As they flew in formation, the pilots communicated via radio, relaying their observations and coordinating their maneuvers. The South Team's mission was critical-it was essential to assess the surrounding area for potential threats and resources.

The biplanes glinted in the sunlight as they banked and turned, covering a wide swath of territory with their reconnaissance. Each pilot remained vigilant, ready to respond to any unexpected encounters or obstacles that might arise during their mission.

In the back seat of the Curtiss F8C Helldiver, the gunner skillfully operated a modern camera, capturing detailed images of the decaying city sprawling below. The camera, a sophisticated piece of equipment for its time, clicked and whirred as it recorded the landscape.

The gunner leaned over the side of the cockpit, focusing the camera's lens on key landmarks and areas of interest. The images captured from this vantage point would provide valuable reconnaissance data for the military camp established nearby.

As the Helldiver banked gently in the sky, the gunner adjusted the camera settings to capture different angles and perspectives of the city. Each photograph would contribute to a comprehensive visual record of the terrain, aiding in strategic planning and analysis for future operations.

Amidst the drone of the engine and the rush of wind, the gunner remained focused on the task at hand, ensuring that each photograph was clear and detailed. The valuable intelligence gathered from these aerial photographs would assist the military camp in understanding the layout and conditions of the surrounding area.

The pilot of the Curtiss F8C Helldiver turned to the gunner seated behind him and asked for his status over the radio.

"Gunner, how's everything looking back there?" the pilot inquired, his voice crackling through the headset.

The gunner, focused on his task of photographing the decaying city below, responded promptly. "All good, Captain. Getting clear shots of the city. No sign of trouble so far."

The pilot nodded in acknowledgment, adjusting the aircraft's heading slightly to maintain a steady course. "Roger that, Gunner. Keep me updated if you spot anything unusual."

With their roles clearly defined and communication channels open, the pilot and gunner continued their reconnaissance mission, gathering critical information for their comrades back at the military camp.

As they continued their journey, the pilot and gunner observed a long bridge in the distance, a sign that another city lay ahead. The bridge stretched across a wide river, its structure worn and weathered like much of the surrounding landscape.

The gunner zoomed in with his camera, capturing detailed images of the bridge and the city beyond. "Captain, looks like we've got a city up ahead," he relayed through their intercom.

The pilot adjusted their course, guiding the Curtiss F8C Helldiver towards the bridge. "Let's get a closer look. Keep your eyes peeled for any signs of activity."

The aircraft descended slightly as they approached the bridge, scanning the area for any movement or potential threats. Below them, the river flowed steadily, reflecting the overcast sky above.

As they neared the bridge, the gunner continued to document the scene, capturing the expanse of the city that awaited them on the other side. The pilot maintained focus, ready to navigate their aircraft safely across the bridge and into the next urban landscape.

As they crossed the bridge, the crew caught sight of the Statue of Liberty standing proudly in the distance, a surprising and iconic landmark to encounter in this decaying world.

Once they reached the other side of the city, the pilot guided the Curtiss F8C Helldiver to a lower altitude, surveying the urban landscape below. The streets were lined with dilapidated buildings, their facades worn and crumbling.

"Keep an eye out for any signs of life," the pilot instructed, scanning the area for movement or activity.

The gunner continued to photograph the cityscape, documenting the surroundings for reconnaissance purposes. "Captain, looks like we've got some old structures down there," he reported.

The pilot navigated the aircraft over the city, heading towards what appeared to be a central area with larger buildings. As they flew, they maintained vigilance, prepared for any unexpected encounters or obstacles that might arise in this unfamiliar territory.

As the Curtiss F8C Helldiver and the accompanying SPAD XIIIs flew over the city, they spotted a group of giant mosquitoes perched atop a nearby building. Thankfully, the insects appeared to be asleep, likely subdued by the oppressive heat. However, the tranquility was short-lived.

The SPAD XIIIs swiftly flew past the Curtiss F8C Helldiver, their engines roaring as they banked sharply. The noise startled the giant mosquitoes resting on the rooftops, causing them to stir. Before they could fully awaken, the SPAD XIIIs opened fire, their machine guns peppering the insects with precise shots.

The giant mosquitoes, caught off guard by the sudden attack, The giant mosquitoes attempted to take flight, but before they could react, they were swiftly dispatched by the SPAD XIII's gunfire.

"Nice shooting," the gunner in the Curtiss F8C Helldiver remarked over the radio. "Those things would've been trouble if they'd gotten airborne."

The pilot of the lead SPAD XIII acknowledged the compliment. "Let's keep moving. We've got a lot more ground to cover," he replied, banking the aircraft back towards their reconnaissance path.

As the aircraft continued their patrol over the city, the crew remained vigilant, prepared for any further encounters with the bizarre and dangerous creatures that inhabited this eerie urban landscape.

The Southeast team, comprising a flight of agile biplanes, soared southeastward, leaving the first city behind. Their destination lay beyond the second bridge, which stretched across a murky river. As they approached the bridge, it became apparent that its structure was severely compromised, with sections missing and others barely holding together.

"SE team to lead pilot, bridge ahead is unstable," radioed the flight leader.

The lead pilot acknowledged the warning. "Roger that, SE team. Maintain visual distance and proceed with caution."

The biplanes dipped lower as they reached the broken span. It was evident that the bridge had been neglected for years, its steel girders rusted, and its concrete supports crumbling. One section had collapsed entirely into the river below.

As the Southeast team navigated the treacherous airspace above the bridge, their vigilant eyes scanned the surroundings for any signs of movement. The decaying city on the opposite bank awaited them, its towering ruins casting long shadows over the landscape.

The Southeast team, having carefully traversed the unstable bridge, reached the second city on the opposite bank. The skyline of this new urban expanse was a silhouette of broken spires and crumbling buildings against the backdrop of a dusky sky.

Descending into the heart of the city, the biplanes circled above, scouting for any signs of activity or threats. From their vantage point, they could see streets littered with debris and overgrown with vegetation. It was a haunting sight, a testament to the city's long abandonment.

"Keep an eye out for hostiles," radioed the lead pilot to the squadron. "SE team, maintain formation and prepare for recon."

As they continued their reconnaissance, the biplanes maneuvered through the city's airspace, documenting key landmarks and potential dangers. The pilots knew they had to remain vigilant in this unfamiliar and desolate environment, where any unexpected movement could signal danger lurking in the shadows.

As they neared the end of the second city, the Southeast team spotted an abandoned and decaying airport. This discovery piqued their interest-they envisioned the potential of establishing an air base in the future, although their current reconnaissance mission remained unfinished.

The Southeast team, intrigued by the discovery of the abandoned airport, circled overhead for a closer look. Below, the tarmac lay cracked and overgrown, with rusted aircraft scattered across the field. It was an eerie sight-a relic of a bygone era, now reclaimed by nature.

"We've located a potential airfield," radioed the lead pilot to the squadron. "Mark the coordinates for future use, but keep the focus on our mission."

Descending lower, the biplanes captured images of the airport's layout and surrounding area, documenting it for strategic planning. The pilots were keenly aware of the need to complete their reconnaissance mission before returning to base.

As they continued their flight path through the second city, the Southeast team remained alert, scanning for any signs of movement or threats. The city's desolation was palpable, and the pilots maintained their vigilance, ready to react to any unexpected encounters in this haunting urban landscape.

The Southwest team continued its reconnaissance mission, navigating through the ruins of the second city. As they flew over crumbling buildings and deserted streets, they maintained a watchful eye for any signs of activity or potential threats.

In the distance, they spotted a towering structure-a partially collapsed skyscraper that loomed over the landscape like a sentinel of the past. The pilots adjusted their course to get a closer look, wary of any dangers that might lurk within the city's shadows.

Amidst the silence and desolation, the Southwest team pressed forward, gathering valuable intelligence to contribute to their mission objectives. Each pass over the city revealed new details, further unraveling the mysteries of this forgotten urban landscape.

The Southwest team, while on their reconnaissance mission, came across an abandoned naval port nestled along the coastline of the second city. The sight of the empty docks and rusted ship hulls hinted at the port's former significance.

As the pilots circled overhead, they noted the strategic value of the location-a potential site for a future naval base. However, given the current priorities of their mission, they made a mental note to revisit the idea later.

For now, the Southwest team continued their aerial survey, documenting their findings and maintaining vigilance as they explored the expansive urban terrain.

The North team, flying over the remnants of the first city, continued their reconnaissance mission with keen attention. As they navigated the skies, they observed the decaying urban landscape below, searching for signs of life, resources, or potential threats.

Their flight path took them over the remains of once-grand buildings and avenues, now reclaimed by nature and time. From their vantage point, they could see the eerie stillness that had settled over the deserted city.

As the pilots surveyed the area, they communicated their observations back to base, noting areas of interest and potential hazards. Their mission was critical-to gather intelligence and assess the viability of the terrain for future operations.

The North team continued their flight, passing over the towering 50-meter walls that marked the perimeter of the unknown territory. Their true mission lay beyond these formidable barriers-to conduct reconnaissance outside the walls and gather crucial intelligence about the surrounding area.

As they soared over the walls, the pilots noted the scale and construction of the defenses. The massive structures were a testament to the strength and resources of the civilization within.

The pilots maintained their course, venturing into uncharted territory beyond the protective walls. They scanned the landscape below, alert for any signs of activity or notable features that could impact their mission.

With each passing moment, the importance of their task became more apparent. The success of their reconnaissance would shape future strategies and determine the course of their mission in this unfamiliar and potentially dangerous world.

Beyond the walls, the landscape unfolded into a vast expanse of grassland, scattered trees, and distant mountains that stretched into the horizon. The pilots observed the natural features, taking note of the terrain that lay beyond the fortified city walls.

The grassland appeared serene from above, but the pilots remained vigilant, scanning for any signs of movement or activity amidst the foliage. The trees dotted the landscape, offering patches of shade and potential cover for wildlife or other inhabitants.

In the far distance, the outline of mountains rose against the sky, hinting at the rugged terrain that lay ahead. The pilots considered the challenges posed by such landscapes and the implications for future exploration and strategic planning.

As they continued their reconnaissance, the North team gathered valuable information that would contribute to their understanding of the territory beyond the walls and guide their next steps in this uncharted environment.

"Attention, everyone," one of the pilots radioed to the squadron. "We've got reports of wild wyverns and griffons in the vicinity. Keep your eyes peeled and stay sharp."

"Wild wyverns? Griffons?" another pilot chimed in. "That's a new one. Looks like we'll need those biplanes after all."

"Yeah, better safe than sorry," replied the squadron leader. "Keep an eye on each other out there. Let's get this recon done and stay clear of any surprises."

With the pilots more aware of the potential aerial threats, they continued their flight path, scanning the landscape below for any signs of the elusive creatures.

As the reconnaissance continued, the pilots were on high alert, knowing that the wild wyverns and griffons could match their aircraft's speed (100 to 120 miles per hour). This added a new layer of tension to their mission, requiring them to maintain vigilance and swift reactions.

"We've got to keep our distance," one pilot radioed. "Those wyverns and griffons won't hesitate to engage if we get too close."

"Agreed," replied another. "Stay tight, everyone. Let's make this quick."

The pilots navigated cautiously, their aircraft darting through the skies while keeping a watchful eye on the surrounding landscape for any signs of the mythical creatures. The mission had taken an unexpected turn, but they remained focused on completing their reconnaissance despite the added challenges.

As the North team continued their reconnaissance beyond the protective walls of the city, the pilots maintained a heightened sense of awareness, scanning the horizon for any movement or unusual activity. The reports of wild wyverns and griffons added a new layer of urgency to their mission, underscoring the dangers that lurked in this unfamiliar wilderness.

Flying at a safe distance from the ground, the pilots observed the expansive grasslands and scattered tree cover below. The landscape appeared tranquil, but the potential presence of mythical creatures kept them on edge. The pilots communicated regularly over the radio, ensuring that they maintained coordination and shared critical observations.

"Keep an eye on those tree lines," advised one of the pilots, his voice crackling over the radio. "They could be perfect hiding spots for any aerial threats."

The others acknowledged the warning, adjusting their flight patterns to maintain optimal visibility over the terrain. The biplanes darted through the sky, their engines humming as they surveyed the landscape for signs of the elusive creatures.

Suddenly, a flash of movement caught the attention of one pilot. "I've got something!" he exclaimed. "Heading east, near the tree line."

The squadron leader swiftly responded. "Maintain visual contact but keep your distance. We need to assess the situation before engaging."

As the pilots maneuvered closer, they identified the source of the movement-a group of wild wyverns circling above the trees. The majestic creatures glided effortlessly through the air, their large wingspans casting shadows on the ground below.

"Steady, everyone," cautioned the squadron leader. "We're here for recon, not confrontation. Keep your distance and observe."

The biplanes maintained a safe distance from the wyverns, their pilots carefully documenting the creatures' behavior and flight patterns. The sight of these mythical beasts underscored the untamed nature of the wilderness beyond the city walls.

"Looks like they're hunting," observed one of the pilots, noting the wyverns' erratic movements as they circled above the tree line.

The squadron leader radioed back to base, relaying the encounter with the wild wyverns and requesting additional instructions. The pilots remained poised, ready to react to any developments while maintaining a respectful distance from the creatures.

After receiving confirmation from base, the squadron leader relayed the next course of action. "Continue reconnaissance but prioritize safety. We'll maintain visual contact and gather as much data as possible."

As the North team resumed their reconnaissance mission, they kept a watchful eye on the wyverns, ensuring that they did not pose an immediate threat. The pilots' observations would provide valuable insights into the behavior and habitat of these mythical creatures, contributing to their understanding of the surrounding wilderness.

Navigating through the vast grasslands and under the watchful eyes of the wyverns, the North team pressed forward with their mission, determined to gather essential intelligence that would shape their strategy in this uncharted territory. Each pass over the landscape brought new discoveries and challenges, underscoring the importance of their role in uncovering the mysteries beyond the fortified city walls.
As the North team completed their reconnaissance mission beyond the city walls, the squadron leader determined that they had gathered sufficient intelligence on the surrounding wilderness and the behavior of the wild wyverns. With their objectives accomplished, he radioed to the squadron.

"North team, we've seen enough. Let's return to base," the squadron leader announced, his voice calm and authoritative over the intercom.

The pilots swiftly adjusted their course, banking their biplanes to begin the journey back towards the decaying city. The landscape below passed by in a blur as they retraced their flight path, maintaining a vigilant watch for any signs of aerial threats.

As they approached the familiar silhouette of the decaying city's towering walls, relief washed over the squadron. The journey beyond had been both exhilarating and challenging, but now their focus shifted to a safe return.

Descending towards the outskirts of the decaying city, the squadron leader guided the biplanes towards a clear landing area. Soon, they entered the airspace above Central Park, a spacious green expanse within the city's heart.

The villagers, having observed the distant silhouettes of the biplanes during their flight, now gathered in awe and curiosity as the aircraft descended towards Central Park. Many had never seen such flying machines before, and the sight of the biplanes sparked a mixture of wonder and intrigue.

As the squadron leader expertly guided his biplane towards a smooth landing, the villagers watched in fascination, their faces illuminated by the golden light of the setting sun. Children pointed excitedly, and adults murmured among themselves, marveling at the spectacle unfolding before them.

The squadron's biplanes touched down gracefully on the open field of Central Park, the engines gradually winding down as the propellers slowed to a stop. The pilots emerged from their cockpits, their uniforms dusty from the reconnaissance mission, but their expressions filled with satisfaction.

The squadron leader, stepping onto the dirt of Central Park, surveyed the gathering crowd of villagers with a reassuring smile. He approached them, raising a hand in greeting.

Skyler stood at a distance, his eyes fixed on the biplanes that had just landed in Central Park. A smile spread across his face as he marveled at the sight of these flying machines. It was a moment of triumph for him, a testament to the success of his abilities and creations.

In the quiet of the evening, surrounded by curious villagers, Skyler reflected on the journey that had led him here. His passion for creating had driven him to experiment tirelessly, honing his skills in sculpting and crafting. With determination and the guidance of the German general's suggestions, he had achieved what once seemed impossible-summoning these biplanes using hard clay figurines.

In the heart of their makeshift encampment, Skyler sat amidst a collection of clay figurines, meticulously crafting each one with focused determination. His dark summoning powers had granted him the ability to create an army, and he was determined to bolster their forces for the challenges ahead.

As he molded the clay, shaping each figurine into a soldier equipped for battle, Skyler's excitement grew. He envisioned an army capable of defending their new home and standing against any threat that loomed on the horizon. The young man's hands moved with purpose, bringing his imaginative visions to life one figurine at a time.

However, Skyler's ambitions didn't stop there. Inspired by stories and sketches from his previous world, he began to plan something even more ambitious-World War I tanks. The idea of armored vehicles rolling across the battlefield captured his imagination, but he soon realized that translating this vision into clay creations was no easy task.

Night after night, Skyler worked tirelessly on his clay tanks, striving to capture their intricate details and formidable presence. Yet, despite his best efforts, the tanks proved challenging to replicate accurately. The complexity of their design and functionality tested his sculpting skills to the limit

Just as Skyler contemplated the next steps for his creations, a German soldier approached, a sense of urgency in his demeanor.

"Sir," the soldier addressed him respectfully. "The General requests your presence at the meeting tent. It concerns the scouting of the decaying city."

Skyler set down his tools. He nodded to the soldier and followed him through the bustling village towards the meeting tent.

Inside the tent, the atmosphere was focused and determined. Skyler spotted the General, a seasoned officer with a map spread out before him, surrounded by other leaders and scouts. The discussions were animated, voices rising and falling as strategies were debated.

"Ah, Herr Summoner," the General greeted him with a nod. "We are discussing plans for the next scouting mission into the decaying city. Your insights and abilities will be invaluable."

Skyler listened intently as the General outlined the objectives and challenges of the upcoming mission. The decaying city held untold mysteries and potential dangers, but also the promise of resources and information crucial for the village's survival.

As the meeting progressed, Skyler's mind raced with ideas. He envisioned his clay soldiers and imagined how they could aid in reconnaissance. Perhaps his creations could be used as decoys or scouts within the city's ruins.

With renewed determination, Skyler pledged his support to the mission, eager to contribute his skills and resources to the village's cause. The prospect of exploring the decaying city ignited a sense of adventure within him, propelling him forward into the next chapter of their journey in this magical and perilous world.

Inside the meeting tent, Leader Skyler joined the General and other leaders gathered around a large map. The atmosphere was focused, with maps and sketches scattered across the makeshift table, illuminated by flickering lantern light.

The General, a distinguished officer, addressed the assembled group. "Gentlemen, let us begin the debriefing on our latest scouting mission into the decaying city."

He gestured to a series of photographs spread out before them-images captured during the reconnaissance mission. Skyler's eyes widened with curiosity as he examined the photographs, eager to learn about the discoveries made by their scouting teams.

"Firstly," the General began, pointing to a photograph of a distant skyline, "our scouts have confirmed the presence of a second city beyond the initial bridgs. It appears to be in a state of advanced decay, much like the surroundings we have encountered thus far."

The other leaders murmured amongst themselves, absorbing the implications of this revelation. The existence of another city hinted at the scope and scale of the world they inhabited-a world filled with hidden mysteries and forgotten civilizations.

The General continued, indicating another photograph showing an abandoned airfield. "Additionally, our scouts have located what appears to be an abandoned airfield on the outskirts of the second city. This could prove to be a valuable asset for future operations, provided we secure the area."

Skyler listened intently, his mind racing with possibilities. The discovery of an airfield offered strategic advantages, potentially enabling aerial reconnaissance and transportation in this expansive and challenging landscape.

"Furthermore," the General added, pointing to another photograph depicting a desolate coastal area, "our scouts have identified an abandoned naval port along the coastline. The docks and vessels appear to have been abandoned for many years, but the location holds significance for potential maritime endeavors."

As the debriefing continued, Skyler absorbed the details of the scouting report, envisioning how these discoveries could shape their future endeavors. The decaying city was a treasure trove of resources and mysteries waiting to be uncovered, and Skyler was eager to contribute to their exploration and survival.

After the meeting concluded, Skyler lingered near the map, studying the photographs once more. The images sparked his imagination, fueling his determination to use his abilities and ingenuity to aid their cause.

The General, his gaze focused on the map, pointed out the key routes to the second city marked by the bridges. "Now, regarding the approach to the second city," he began, "our scouts have identified three primary bridges that offer passage across the river."

He indicated the map, drawing attention to each bridge in turn. "The first bridge, located in the middle, appears to be structurally intact and navigable. It should serve as our main route of access into the second city."

Next, he gestured towards the second bridge, situated to the right. "The second bridge, however, is in a state of severe disrepair. Decades of neglect and decay have taken their toll, rendering it impassable. We will need to find alternative routes or consider repairs if we wish to establish a secure connection to that side of the city."

Lastly, he directed their attention to the third bridge. "The third bridge, located further downstream, appears to be in relatively good condition. While it may still require some assessment and reinforcement, it presents a viable secondary route for exploration and transportation."

Skyler listened intently, absorbing the details of the bridge assessments. The condition of these key passages underscored the challenges they faced in navigating the decaying city and securing access to its outlying areas.

"As we proceed with our operations," the General continued, "our priority will be to establish control over these critical points of access. Securing the bridges will facilitate our movement and aid in the exploration and potential expansion of our operations into the second city."

The other leaders and scouts nodded in agreement, recognizing the strategic importance of controlling the bridges to the second city. The General's plan outlined a clear path forward, emphasizing the need for careful planning and resource allocation to achieve their objectives.

As the meeting concluded, Skyler reflected on the task ahead. The bridges represented more than just physical structures-they were gateways to new opportunities and challenges in their quest to navigate this mysterious and decaying world.

Armed with knowledge and determination, Skyler prepared himself for the next phase of their mission, eager to contribute his skills and ingenuity to secure the future of their village and uncover the secrets hidden within the second city beyond the bridges.

As the General concluded his briefing on the bridges and routes to the second city, Skyler seized the opportunity to inquire about the North team-the squadron he had heard about, tasked with reconnaissance beyond the city walls.

"General," Skyler spoke up respectfully, "what can you tell us about the North team's progress? Have they encountered any significant findings or challenges during their reconnaissance missions?"

The General, adjusting his gaze towards Skyler, nodded thoughtfully. "Ah, the North team," he began, his voice measured. "They have been conducting extensive reconnaissance beyond the northern walls of the city, venturing into uncharted territories and documenting their findings."

He paused briefly, as if considering his next words. "Thus far, the North team has reported sightings of wild creatures and ancient ruins beyond the city's perimeter. They have also identified natural landmarks and potential resources that may prove valuable to our efforts."

Skyler listened intently, his curiosity piqued by the mention of wild creatures and ancient ruins. The North team's discoveries hinted at a world teeming with untamed wilderness and remnants of past civilizations, adding depth to their understanding of the surrounding landscape.

"However," the General continued, his expression turning more solemn, "the North team has also encountered unexpected challenges, including encounters with hostile creatures and natural obstacles. Their mission is fraught with risks, but they remain steadfast in their pursuit of valuable intelligence."

As Skyler absorbed the information, a sense of admiration and concern welled within him. The North team's courage and resilience in the face of adversity resonated with his own determination to contribute to the village's survival and exploration efforts.

"Rest assured," the General reassured the assembled leaders, "the North team is well-equipped and highly capable. We will continue to support their missions and coordinate efforts to ensure the safety and success of our scouting endeavors."

With a newfound sense of purpose, Skyler resolved to remain vigilant and supportive of the North team's efforts. Their work was integral to the village's understanding of the world beyond, and Skyler was determined to contribute his own insights and resources to their collective mission.

As the meeting drew to a close, Skyler's mind buzzed with thoughts of collaboration and exploration. The challenges ahead were daunting, but with teamwork and determination, he believed they could overcome any obstacle in their path towards discovery and survival in this enigmatic world.

As the meeting drew to a close, the leaders and scouts gathered inside the tent turned their attention to a new task-naming the decaying city that lay beyond their village's walls. The General, sensing the importance of this symbolic gesture, invited suggestions from those assembled.

"We must give this city a name that reflects its history and mystery," the General proclaimed, his voice carrying a note of determination.

As the General called for suggestions to name the decaying city beyond their walls, the atmosphere inside the meeting tent became filled with a mixture of earnestness and amusement. Leaders and scouts eagerly raised their hands, eager to contribute to the naming process.

"Let's call it 'Moldyburg'!" one enthusiastic scout exclaimed, prompting a few chuckles from the group. The name, however, was met with puzzled looks and raised eyebrows.

Another leader chimed in with a whimsical suggestion. "How about 'Rustopia'? It captures the essence of decay and industry, don't you think?"

Some nodded in agreement, while others exchanged amused glances at the playful nature of the proposed name.

Not to be outdone, another scout offered a more unconventional suggestion. "I've got it! Let's call it 'Rubbletopia'-where every stone tells a story!"

The room erupted in laughter at the sheer absurdity of the suggestion, but the scout grinned proudly, pleased with the reaction.

Meanwhile, a particularly earnest leader put forth a name with lofty aspirations. "What about 'New Horizon City'? It signifies our quest for new beginnings and endless possibilities!

One by one, the leaders and scouts offered their suggestions, each attempting to capture the essence of the city they had begun to explore. However, the names proposed ranged from overly grandiose to comically inappropriate, eliciting a mixture of laughter and frustration among the group.

"We need something that resonates with both strength and intrigue," one scout remarked, scratching his head in thought.

As the brainstorming continued, Skyler listened attentively, his mind wandering back to the myths and legends of his original world-a place steeped in ancient lore and rich cultural heritage.

Suddenly, inspiration struck Skyler like a bolt of lightning. He raised his hand, drawing the attention of the assembled group.

"I have a suggestion," Skyler announced, his voice steady with conviction. "What if we name the city 'Avalon'?"

The suggestion elicited curious glances and murmurs of interest from the group. Skyler continued, explaining the significance behind the name.

"Avalon is a mythical island from the legends of my world," Skyler explained. "It was a place of mystery and magic, often associated with tales of adventure and heroism. Naming our city 'Avalon' could embody the sense of wonder and discovery we seek in this new world."

The General and the other leaders exchanged thoughtful looks, considering Skyler's suggestion. After a moment of deliberation, the General nodded in agreement.

"Avalon it is," the General declared, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. "May this name inspire us in our endeavors and serve as a beacon of hope in the midst of decay."

With the city now christened as 'Avalon,' the group dispersed with renewed purpose and a shared sense of unity. Skyler's contribution had not only named a city but infused it with the promise of adventure and possibility-a fitting tribute to their journey into the unknown.
As Skyler exited the meeting tent, his attention was drawn by the sound of raised voices nearby. Moving closer, he saw his white-winged friend, Tilda, engaged in a heated argument with the farmer who had raised her.

Tilda's adoptive father, the farmer, stood with a stern expression, his voice filled with concern and frustration. "Tilda, I've told you before-it's not safe for you to fly around freely," he insisted, his tone firm. "Your parents were Killed by Orangoria hunters. I can't bear to lose you too."

Tilda, her wings twitching with agitation, retorted sharply. "You're just being paranoid, Father! I can take care of myself. Flying is what I was born to do. I'm not a child anymore!"

The farmer's face reddened with emotion as he continued to argue his point, urging Tilda to consider the risks. Skyler approached cautiously, sensing the tension in the air.

As Skyler approached cautiously, observing the emotional exchange. As Tilda soared upwards towards a nearby decaying building in frustration, the farmer called out to her in desperation.

"Sir," Skyler interjected gently, addressing the farmer. "Perhaps Tilda just needs some space right now. Emotions are running high, and she's feeling trapped."

The farmer looked at Skyler, his expression conflicted. "But I can't let her put herself in danger," he replied, his voice tinged with worry.

Skyler nodded sympathetically. "I understand your concern, but Tilda needs to spread her wings, both literally and figuratively. She's strong and capable, and she needs to find her own path."

The farmer sighed heavily, his eyes reflecting a mix of concern and resignation. "You're right," he conceded reluctantly. "I just... I worry for her safety. Losing her parents was devastating."

Skyler nodded in understanding, offering a reassuring smile. "I'll keep an eye out for her. Tilda is strong and capable. She'll find her way back."

With a nod of thanks, the farmer watched as Skyler turned towards the decaying building where Tilda had flown. As Skyler ascended towards the rooftop, he hoped to find his friend and offer her the support she needed in this moment of conflict and uncertainty.
Skyler's heart sank as he reached the rooftop of the tall decaying building, his breath heavy from the climb. The sight of Tilda, huddled in a fetal position and crying, tugged at his heartstrings. He approached her slowly, mindful of her fragile state.

"Tilda," Skyler called softly, his voice carrying a note of concern. "It's me, Skyler. Are you okay?"

Tilda looked up, her eyes glistening with tears, and nodded silently. Skyler sat down beside her, giving her space but letting her know he was there for support.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," Tilda finally spoke, her voice choked with emotion. "I just... I don't want to be confined. I want to explore and feel free, like I used to with my parents."

Skyler listened attentively, his empathy for Tilda's situation deepening. He understood her desire for freedom, tempered by the pain of her past and the protective instincts of her adoptive father.

"You have every right to feel that way," Skyler replied gently. "But safety is important too. Maybe we can find a way for you to explore safely, without worrying the farmer too much."

Tilda nodded, wiping away her tears. "I just miss them so much," she admitted, her voice trembling.

Skyler placed a comforting hand on Tilda's shoulder. "I know," he said softly. "But remember, you're not alone. We're here for you, and we'll figure this out together."

Tilda looked at Skyler, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and resolve. "Thank you, Skyler," she said, a hint of a smile appearing on her face. "I appreciate your understanding."

Together, they sat on the rooftop, the sounds of the decaying city surrounding them. Skyler remained by Tilda's side, offering silent support and a comforting presence as she navigated her feelings and thoughts.

In that moment, amidst the ruins and uncertainty, Skyler knew that their bond would strengthen, forged by shared experiences and the determination to overcome challenges in their quest for freedom and discovery. And as they looked out over the sprawling cityscape, a sense of hope and solidarity filled their hearts, guiding them towards an uncertain but promising future.

Feeling Tilda lean her head against his shoulder, Skyler's heart skipped a beat. He blushed slightly, the warmth of her presence both comforting and stirring unexpected emotions within him.

For a moment, Skyler was taken aback by the closeness between them, the weight of Tilda's head against his shoulder feeling both intimate and reassuring. He could hear her steady breathing, a contrast to the somber atmosphere of the decaying city around them.

Gathering his thoughts, Skyler shifted slightly to accommodate Tilda's position, offering her a sense of stability and support. The touch of her feathered wing against his arm sent a tingling sensation through him, amplifying the sense of connection between them.

Tilda's presence brought a mixture of emotions to Skyler's mind-a desire to protect her, a sense of camaraderie, and an inexplicable warmth that blossomed in his chest. He found himself savoring the quiet moment, grateful for the bond they shared amid the challenges of their new world.

As they sat together on the rooftop, the world around them seemed to fade into the background. Skyler focused on the feeling of Tilda's head against his shoulder, the gentle rise and fall of her breath, and the unspoken understanding that passed between them.

In that fleeting moment of closeness, Skyler realized that their friendship was evolving into something deeper-a connection forged by shared experiences and mutual support. And as he glanced at Tilda, a soft smile gracing her features, Skyler felt a surge of courage and determination to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that they faced them together.

Three days later, under the cover of night, the atmosphere in Arindale village was tense and somber. Orangoria soldiers, having regrouped after their failed raid, convened in a makeshift camp on the outskirts of the abandoned village. Their mood was grim, their voices hushed as they discussed the events of the past few days.

"The raid on Arindale was a disaster," one soldier remarked, his tone filled with frustration. "Sir Roland's death was unexpected. How could a single summoner have caused so much chaos?"

Another soldier shook his head, his expression troubled. "It's as if he wielded magic we've never seen before," he murmured, glancing around cautiously.

In the shadows, a figure clad in Orangoria armor listened intently to the conversation-a commanding officer tasked with unraveling the mystery behind Sir Roland's demise and the enigmatic summoner responsible.

"We must find this summoner," the commanding officer declared, his voice low but resolute. "He poses a significant threat to our operations. We cannot afford further setbacks."

As the soldiers exchanged wary glances, the commanding officer outlined their next course of action. "Keep your guard up. We'll conduct reconnaissance and patrol the area thoroughly. No stone shall be left unturned until we locate this mysterious summoner."

Meanwhile, in the quiet of the abandoned Arindale village, Skyler remained hidden, contemplating the repercussions of his actions. He had summoned his soldiers to defend the village against the Orangoria raid, channeling his newfound abilities with determination and purpose.

Now, as the Orangoria soldiers strategized their response, Skyler knew he needed to remain vigilant. His actions had consequences, and he was prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead in defense of his newfound allies and the village they called home.

Gazing out into the darkness, Skyler steeled himself for the trials to come, determined to protect those who had welcomed him into their midst and to confront the forces that threatened their safety and freedom. In the shadows of Arindale village, a showdown loomed on the horizon-a clash of wills and powers that would shape the fate of their unfolding journey in this world of mystery and magic.

As the Orangoria soldiers received the chilling order to burn down the abandoned Arindale village, the night sky flickered with the ominous glow of flames. The soldiers moved with purpose, setting fire to the deserted buildings and structures, their actions fueled by the determination to eliminate any trace of resistance.

Unbeknownst to the soldiers, two shadowy figures observed the destructive scene from a safe distance. Through the lens of their binoculars, the gasmasked German scouts surveyed the unfolding chaos with grim resolve. They exchanged silent glances, their expressions hidden behind the eerie masks.

With a shared understanding, the scouts swiftly retreated into the cover of the forest, navigating the dense undergrowth with practiced ease. They reached a concealed spot where a sidecar lay hidden amidst the bushes, a relic of their expeditions.

Working together, the scouts swiftly cleared away the foliage, revealing the sidecar in all its rugged glory. One of them mounted the vehicle, while the other took position as the driver, their movements efficient and determined.

The engine roared to life as the scouts embarked on their journey back to base, the sidecar maneuvering skillfully through the winding paths of the forest. The night air was alive with the distant crackling of flames and the unsettling aura of impending danger.

As they rode, the scouts exchanged no words, their minds focused on the urgent task ahead. The fate of Arindale village weighed heavily on their hearts, driving them onward with a sense of urgency and purpose.

Through the darkened forest they sped, navigating by memory and instinct, their mission clear-to report the Orangoria soldiers' ruthless actions and prepare their allies for the impending threat.

In the sidecar's headlights, the tangled shadows of the forest blurred past, a stark contrast to the chaos that unfolded behind them. The gasmasked scouts pressed onward, their determination unwavering as they raced against time to deliver crucial intelligence and rally their comrades to confront the looming menace.

Amidst the turmoil and destruction, the gasmasked scouts remained steadfast, their resolve unyielding in the face of adversity. Their journey was far from over, and the night held many secrets yet to be unveiled in this world of shifting alliances and uncharted perils.

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