• Their Chosen Brides • •Inf...

By babykimkoya

79.9K 1.4K 255

⚠️ MATURE WARNING ⚠️ 🛑🚫 WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK🚫🛑 THE KHAN The Royal Clan. The family started centuries b... More

Chapter 1~ 18+
Chapter 2~ 15+
Chapter 3
Chapter 5~ 15+
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 4~ 18+

11.7K 120 10
By babykimkoya

Isra was doing some work on the paper regarding students. She was busy doing those until she felt some knock on her table. She looked up and saw one of her colleague.

They greeted each other with warm smile.

Isra: do you need anything?

Maya: no Isra. Stop being busy all the time. We thought to go on shopping let's go. And have some fun.

She said with great excitement but her excitement broke as she heard her front person's words.

Isra: You know I don't have time Maya.

Maya: you always say that.

Isra: I can't help it.

Maya: as you say. We could have been more happy.

Isra: I wish I could.

Maya nodded and went away from there. Actually Isra, Maya and Liya was college friends. No so close but we're good friends. Their family background was really good. At least 10 times better then Isra.

Isra sighed and got busy doing her works.


Afreen dropped her body on the bed after entering the room while Takeer checked the luggages if everything was there or not


Seeing everything is okay Takeer went to bed, to his wife actually who looked like got her life back seeing the bed.

Mature Part

Takeer hold her right leg, pulling her at the edge of the bed he hovered over her. Holding her jaw he kissed her lips. Eating them. Nibbling on it with his lips.

After being satisfied with her lips he licked her lips by his tongue want to go inside and devour that. Afreen dripping on his hair gave him permission opening her mouth wide.

He desperately lick her, sucked her gulping on kiss. Afreen started to unbutton his shirt as he already took her hijab off while kissing.

Both's tongue were fighting with each other, saliva was dripping but they didn't care about anything.

Takeer hold her nape and waist pulling her more into him while she caresses his abs in teasing manner. Running her hands on his chest making him feel butterfly. He groaned as her hands was now in his crotch.

He massaged her bosoms harshly, sneezing them in his big palm. Pinching on her nipples, rubbing her bud which was really hard.

Afreen moaned loudly but still they didn't stop kissing each other. Afreen was about to take his pant off but stopped hearing knock on the door.

Groaning Takeer left her lips they both were panting hard. His one hand was on her bosom and another was in her waist while her both hands were holding his waist.


Takeer got up from bed buttoning his shirt but kept his two open. Fixing his hair a little he went to open the door with annoyed face.

While afreen got up from bed wrapping her hijab on her head she went to bathroom

Takeer came back in the room while the person kept the 'room service' things in the table before going after bowing a little.

Sipping on the juice he made a annoyed face thinking how their moments were ruined. He scoff and finished the rest in one go.

Forgetting that afreen was inside the bathroom he open the door first got a little amused then smirk as he saw his wife taking bath being fully naked.

Throwing his clothes off he stepped inside the bathroom and closed the door but didn't lock it coz he knew that was useless as they booked honeymoon package. And unless it is main door, every are Without lock.

Mature part

Hugging her from the back he kissed on her shoulder massaging her right bosom.

Afreen flinched a little then cooled down coz she knew the touch.

His another hand went to her mouth as she sucks 3 thick fingers of him. Sometime later he took his fingers out then placed them in her Virginia massaging there with gentle hand.

Afreen left a heavy breathe and learn more into him. She widen her legs a little more give him more place. In no time he pushed his middle finger whole inside. Afreen moan widen her legs more.

Giving some slow thrusts Takeer add 1 more finger increasing his speed. Time runs with their moan filled the bathroom and him adding his other 2 fingers also.

Afreen released herself on his hand while he again massage on her lips there.

Resting her body on his, she turned to him kissing his lips while he kissed back giving some spanks. Afreen moan while he slide his tongue inside her mouth sucking her tongue.



Ayehsa was cleaning the kitchen counter after cleaning the whole kitchen. It passed 3. But her masters aren't home yet. After cleaning she was about to take her lunch but heard her masters cars sounds.

Quickly leaving her plate where it was she started to heat their food. And in 10 minutes she set the table and step a backwards waiting for her masters.

After a while she heard some footsteps but this time it was more than 2 persons. She heard a new footsteps but didn't look up. She greeted them with Salam which they replied. Ayesha noticed that man also have deep voice like her other two masters.

She went closer and started to serve food in there plate. In the corner of her eyes she saw the new man who were talking casually with them, it seems that they are known for years.

She stood little far waiting for their meal to finish and if they need anything. But she felt her stomach growling. The three man looked at her. She dipped her head more down holding her stomach.

Ryan: you didn't eat?

Ayesha felt herself getting red. She shook her head still looking down.

Ryan: better eat when we are done.

Ayesha: ji.

She replied in meek voice with nodding her head.

While they look down eating their food again and She stood there. She collect the utensils as they were done and went to kitchen.


Tabeer and Taaj was sitting in the backside of their house sipping wine and Tabeer had a Chapman cigarette in his hand.

Taaj: Bhai

Tabeer: hmm

Taaj: won't you get married you are getting old?

He said throwing his head on the head rest.

Tabeer: I will.

Taaj: What type of girl you like?

Tabeer: not again...

Taaj: Bhai say it .....

Tabeer: sexy with long legs

Taaj smirk darkly

Taaj: you wanna bang her hard huh..?

Tabeer: look what you are uttering..

Taaj rolled his eyes

Tabeer: what girl you like? I will search specially..

Taaj: a quite one. Ready to obey everything.

Tabeer: so that you can make her do your works

Taaj: a submissive one bhaaaiiii...

Tabeer: manwhore...

Taaj dramatically looked at his brother who just cursed him.

Taaj: bhaj you are insulting me...

Tabeer: means you agreed.

Tabeer laughed while Taaj shouted

Taaj: HELL NO .... I am virgin

Tabeer: you still can use your fingers and tongue.

He said shrugging

Taaj threw a pillow towards him which Tabeer dosed laughing.

Taaj: I went to Ryan Bhai's house today.

Tabeer: any serious.??

Taaj: no.. just feel like to visit them

Tabeer: and why..

Taaj: to eat good food actually.

Tabeer: so what royal food you had there...

Taaj: naahhh it was casual food...

He said with bored face...

Taaj: Bhai you know Ryan and Zayn bhai has a slave as their own.

Tabeer rised his one eyebrow..

Taaj: their father bought her to take of them...

Tabeer: good for them.

Taaj: what about I get a slave?

Tabeer: find one I will send money on your and Mom's account as a gift so that she buy every weapon she wants to use on her son.

Taaj: that's rude Bhai..

Tabeer: drink two sips more you will find it lovely.

Talking like that they finish 3 bottles. Well were quiet drunk.

Taaj: only if I had a wife today I could have go on honeymooy like Takeer Bhai.

He said as they got up

Tabeer: 3 persons are before you... A long way is still left. Keep dreaming

Taaj fully ignored him

Taaj: no one is waiting for me in the room. what will I do going there. Bhai let's sleep together..

He said as he put his arm around his shoulder.

Tabeer: move bitch...

Saying that he pushed him away and Taaj directly land on ground and tabeer walked away..

Taaj: bastard..


It passed midnight, the room was fully dark only the light coming from open windows was barely making the room brighten.

The room was filled with unholy sounds.

Mature Part

Takeer was banging his wife against the wall. While she had her hands gripped on his biceps and head on the wall with wide mouth as she moaned louder.

She was wrapping her one leg on his torso and another on his shoulder while he was holding hip and thigh which was around his torso. He kept his head on her neck giving soppy kiss with bites still banging hard inside her.

She cummed for 4 time while he was near to his 2nd one. As he was getting nearer his thrusts was getting harder.

And soon he cummed inside her as she was in pill. Afreen took deep breaths as she was about to lose them.

He picked her taking her to washroom. Putting her on the bathtub he filled that with warm water before getting inside it.

Sitting on it he took afreen in his lap. He kept his head in her shoulder and started to draw patterns on her thigh. While she relax herself in the warm water which was reaching a little but upward then her chest.

Afreen could still feel his hardness but didn't say anything and kept enjoying their moments.

His finger went inside her navel massaging there. Afreen turned herself to face him and placed a kiss in his lips while moving herself on his hard core.

Takeer groan feeling pleasure. He hold her hip moving her even more faster. Afreen got up a little and hold his length before putting them inside her. She moan as it went deep inside her as she ride him.

She kept doing that but it being her first time she couldn't do it perfectly. But her husband hold her in place then told her to move and this time is was much better than before.

As time pass she started to realize how to do that perfectly. And she keeps on doing how her husband taught her.

Takeer threw his head back in pleasure moaning while afreen groan kissing his throat. She grip on his hair kissing him while he just hold his waist letting her do whatever she wants.

Ends here


Afreen woke up from her deep slumber and looked at the clock it passed 10. She tried to sit up but couldn't as he was almost laying over her. She was feeling slightly pain in her core coz last night was hardest she spent with him.

Caressing his hair she placed some peck on the side of her head. She keeps caressing his hair and back, she remembered how she scratched there last night. Maybe it left marks.

Gently caressing his back with left hand afreen  cupped his left cheek with her right palm. Giving a sweet peak on his forehead. She trace his cheek bone with her fingers smiling to herself.

Time passes like that, afreen playing with him while him in deep sleep. After a long time she felt some movements on her body and saw him frowning in his sleep the snuggling more into her chest. She kept massaging his nape slowly.

Takeer open his feeling touches on his nape and back. He didn't say anything and rubbed his face into her chest.

Afreen: u_mm

Takeer lift his head up looking at her who was looking at him with some unknown emotion. Being unable the find that Takeer got up from her body. While afreen felt her empty arm.

Holding her forearm he made her also sit on the bed while she groan a little feeling the same pain inside her. Taking her in his lap he asked her putting her fallen hair behind her ear

Takeer: feeling pain??

Afreen: yes.

Takeer: so much??

Afreen: not less but bearable.

Takeer nodded and taking her in his arm he headed to bathroom. Not caring about the fact that they both are naked.


Isra was cleaning her house as she heard some of their relatives coming from their father side. The thought of them make her annoyed.

After cleaning the house she went to kitchen and started preparing for the meal. In mean time she heard the door bell rang and Imran went to open it.

Soon again she heard laughing sounds mean they are here.

She went to greet them.

Isra: Assalamualaikum Fupi. [Father's sister]

Fupi: walaikum Assalam, Isra. How are you?

Isra: Alhamdulillah. How about you guys? All okay? You didn't feel any trouble coming here, right?

Fupi: yes. We are also fine and didn't face any trouble?

Isra: have some rest. I am preparing for your meal.

Saying that she went away. While she could feel her cousin, kiran's eyes on her. He is 3 years elder then her means 26 years old. And is a Software engineer. While her younger son, Kian was 2 years younger than Isra means 21 years old.

Isra never had good relation with them, Kian is a kind of playboy. He could always be around girls, don't know if is in relation with some or not. On the the top of that when he be so friendly one girl others never gets jealous they could just inspire him more.

While Kiran he was not like Kian but isra heard he sometime goes to night club. Plus Isra find him creepy while her brother would go along with them. But he was protective when they both were around and she was grateful for that.

Isra was cutting some ingredients that needed to be add in the curry when that become almost done. She felt some sitting on the counter.

Thinking it will be Imran

Isra: you need anything?

Kiran: One glass of cold water.

Isra almost flinched hearing him and correct her scarf over her head. She looked at him and then said a small 'ji' and keeping the knife on counter she step towards freezer. Taking a cold water bottle out she first add normal temperature water in a glass then cold water and gave it to him.

Kiran took that without any sound and drank that in one go giving her back the glass. Isra took that and keep it in right place and went back to do her work. But she didn't see the knife where she kept it before.

She looked around and saw that was in kiran's hand and he was kind of doing nothing with that just observing that thing.

Isra: I need to cut the vegetables. Please give that back.

Kiran: why are you adding vegetables? you know I don't like it.

Isra: I didn't add vegetables, only some to create a perfect scent.

Kiran: still you shouldn't have done it.

Isra: I will remove them please give me that.

Kiran: if you are saying that much then okay.

Saying that he gave her knife and went away. While Isra sigh and started to do her work. She didn't remove them coz if she did then the curry maybe feel tasteless. She thought to serve him with any vegetables.


They came and sat on the table and this time isra's fupa [Kiran's father] was also there. He said he got late because of some issues.

As they sat Isra placed plates in front of them then served rice and the Curries. She now stand beside Kiran to serve him. She was careful enough to not to give him any vegetables.

She was almost done when she felt a arm touching her hip side making her take 2 step backwards. But seeing everything normal she again went a little closer to kiran's side and serving him but in mistake she served him with vegetables this time which she didn't notice and was thinking about last incident.

Seeing vegetables in his plate Kiran almost shouted making isra flinched

Kiran: I don't like vegetables..

Isra: I- am so-rr-ry. I didn't n-notice.

Kiran: I told you sometime before also that I don't like it.

Isra: I a-m-

Fupi: you should have noticed it. How he is going to have lunch now. He hates them. Only for you my son has to stay hungry.

Isra's mother: Stop being careless everytime Isra. You do that in front of us that's ok but now in front of guest. Try to be mature. Irresponsible.

Hearing everyone's words she felt her eyes wet.

Isra's dad: now don't Stand like a statue and change his plate.

Isra flinched again hearing her father almost yelling. She looked down more trying to control her tears

Isra: j-ji.

Saying that she took the plate and placed a new one and filled that with meat and fish curries and soup. This time she was extra careful.

After serving him she went to Imran's side and give him beef curry. While giving one drop of tear fell on his hand that isra didn't noticed but Imran fisted his hand. After serving him she sat on her sit beside Imran and started to serve herself.

She took so little coz she lost appetize. How excitedly she cooked thinking she could eat her favorite food tonight but her hunger is long gone.

Gulping the food with water she took everyone's plate and went to kitchen. Everyone ate and went from there no one waited not said if the food was good or not..

Imran sat there waiting for her but hearing her telling him go away he hasitatly went.

She was washing dishes then again she felt present behind her. Isra turned back only to see Kian standing with hands in his pockets.

She looked at him asking if he needed anything.

Kian: Orange juice.

Isra nodding her head she washed her hands and quickly made him one glass and gave that to him. Kian took that and turned to go while Isra again started to wash the dishes but Kian stopped and said

Kian: You know you don't have any other choice. Agree on it. Coz everyone knows in the end you will end up there being forced. So it much better for you to accept everything.

Saying that he went away.

While isra got lost in her past hearing his words.

Isra turned 21 last month. She was normally doing her life chores but one day after coming back she saw her fupa-fupi with their 2 sons was present in the hall talking.

She greeted them then her mother told her to come after changing. She nodded going to her room. After like 10 minutes she came back and sat beside her Fupi.

Isra's mother: we took a decision for you.

Isra: ji.

Isra's dad: we want you to marry Kiran.

Isra Shockingly looked at her parents. Marrying wasn't a problem but her own cousin.

Isra: b-but dad. H-he is my cou-sin.

Fupi: it's not a problem isra. Even it's good if we family stay together forever.

Isra's dad: she is right. And that's why we want you to marry Kiran.

Isra: Bu-t I-I don't want t-to.

She said with fearful eyes. Scared what gonna come to her next.

Isra's dad: don't be emotional. Do as we say. We are your parents, we never want any bad come to you.

Isra: I don't want to marry my cousin dad.

Saying that she went to her room and locked the door.

Isra's mother: don't mind her sister. You know her that she is stubborn from childhood. Give us sometime we will manage her.

Fupa: no it's ok. Everyone get little emotional this time. Take how much time you want. We don't have any problem.

From later that day where she could met them she felt beyond uneasy but never reacted in that way.

Her thoughts break hearing her mother shouting why water was falling for so long.

Isra: nothing mother.

Saying that she focused on her work forgetting those thoughts.


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