| Little Zombie Demon | Child...

By Qiqimybelovedchild

14.8K 557 216

As you lay on your death bed or.. death road you guess, you hope to be reincarnated into somewhere loving, so... More

A certain snowflake hairpinned woman
Medical Koki to the rescue! (Sort of) [also hakuji..]
Puching ass with Koki ✌️
First Date?? Nuh-uh. 🙄🙄
A bit more serious.
It sucks, destiny. Doesn't it?
Well that wasn't suppost to happen.
Hey man this looks pretty good-! ... where yo head at?
Side story filler: Yushin Eishin! Flame Hashira's Tsuguko
The start of a decendant and harmless demon
Yushiro and Tamayo
Susamaru and Yabaha
Two deaths, two goodbyes
Spiders, or humans?

Upper & lower moons !! (I love Rui <3)

795 36 7
By Qiqimybelovedchild

"Those who are cute like us have—
Big ears and big, round eyes,—
"It's missing, missing, missing while we came here like told to, in this place there's nothing at all, just nothing at all, yes, indeed I wonder why?"

Kikuo, Missing, Missing


Time skip; The time frame 4 days prior to the first episode in demon slayer.


You'd murmur as you visited Daki, the sixth uppermoon, tasked by Muzan to give a check in on all of the upper and lower moons. Most likely him just making an excuse for alone time as she'd turn around to face you sternly before brighting up instantly at the sight of you.

Your human form had more light skin, pretty pale but passed by as not pale enough to be compared to dying of an illness. You still had your brown hair of course but wore a light pink dirtied kimono mixed with some sown in parts from missions and rips of green.

"Aw! Koki! Did my little sister want to help me kill some measly humans?~"

Daki hummed happily as she was in her orian disguise as Warabihime (is that how you spell it?), the most beautiful orian in the entertainment district. (Idk if that's right but anyways..)

"Muzan-sama.. has tasked me to visit the upper and lower moons.. just incase of any.. possibly hashira nearby recently.. just incase.."

Which, yea. The first part was true but checking for any hashira was just a flat out lie as I knew Muzan just wanted to si- I mean.. make concoctions to try to make him immune to the sun without the blue spider Lily. Which of course with reading the entire manga five times, is flat out impossible but let's not make him cry..

"Aww... well, if you'd like to kill some humans with me I'd be so happy too! Say to Akaza I said hi alright sis?"

Daki hummed happily as you nodded your hand, making a tiny smile as she cooed at it making you feel slightly embarrassed, but not as much as you would be if you were still in your past body.

You'd skillfully sneak out of the district as you kind of just went by where was closest, and you'd let your eyes go back to normal as it read 'lower moon one' and you'd figure that the next closest upper or lower moon was Enmu, the fruity lowermoon which you sadly shared a rank with. It wasn't as fun since you didn't want your Enmu obsession back and that in that phase you were... questionable, but you did it to save time.

"Yes! Enjoy your ride. Hello-! Oh, hey kid! Where are your parents?"

A man said as he gave out train tickets to a couple and looked down at you in your human disguise, which you formed slightly before to look about 12, old but not old enough to be considered 'teen', and took out about ¥1100, which is $10.71. (In AUS dollars)

"A ticket please.. for the mugen train... I'm going to visit my parents and.. my grandma can't go with me because.. she needs to visit aunt today. So I'm alone."

You'd murmur quietly as the conductor smiled and gave you a ticket.

"Of course kid! Just stay safe alright? Some people have been missing recently ever since we got these trains.. it may because there so much people here so kidnappers can get more ransom.."

The ticket guy said as you internally laughed at him for being foolish, though if you were honest, if your forgot your memories and were a human kid, of course you wouldn't believe demons, so you held back your tongue.


You'd take the ticket and board quickly, sitting down as no one else sat next to you, besides some low ranked demon slayers you saw aboard and sat just behind you, and you' feel bad that they had no idea what was coming for them..

The ticket taker clicked your ticket with a different clicker (I honestly forgot what it's called someone tell me) and you'd silently smile at Enmu telling the guy to switch out the ticket clicker.

Soon after, everyone fell asleep except you and you'd get out of the cart you were in and turn into your demon form, climbing on-top as you saw Enmu enjoy the wind of the fast moving train.

"Ah..~ Koki~! How are you? Did Muzan-sama tell you to accompany me for a bit perhaps~?"

Enmu hummed smiling as you internally scrunched up your face, but on the outside your face just didn't have enough emotion to do it and blankly looked at him before shaking your head.

"He is just.. tasking me to check on the.. upper and lower moons.."

You'd murmur the same thing as Enmu asked you to tell Muzan that he loves him, which you were obviously NOT going to do but you said yes as a lie and left quickly waving off Enmu and goodbye, as he coincidentally went past Douma's Eternal Paradise cult after you just hopped off, and you'd run quickly to it and sneakily climb through the window to Douma's room which he clumsily left open, which you internally grumble on how dangerous that was and closed it it's a broom stick to (sort of) lock it.

"Yes, yes.. hm?~ Koki! Though I'm saddened you're not a beautiful woman.. I feel so happy to see you! How are you and Akaza-dono?~ still mad about me?"

Douma hummed happily as he asked questions walking into his room, making you sigh and answer them anyways.

"Me and Akaza-San.. are still close.. and he says he hates you with... all of his anger and hatred.. deep down."

You'd reply as Douma chuckled cheekily grinning and gleefully that felt empty and hummed looking at you with his rainbow eyes.

"Is that so? Still the good old same Akaza-dono~ must be holding a grudge at me surpassing him just soon after becoming a demon like him!~"

Douma giggled making you silently scoff before waving your hands around.

"Muzan-sama has simply.. tasked me with checking the.. lower and uppermoons."

You'd explained again as Douma gave you a kiss on the forehead and waved you off, telling you to tell Akaza that they are indeed, 'best friends', which you made an empty promise to say that and went off to the final lowermoon and then you'd finish the task, lower-moon five, Rui.


"Wah! Why are you attacking meee??"

The weak demon slayer cried as he had to deflect the attacks from the other demon slayers, unknowingly stringed and forced to kill as he'd feel some ants and a spider crawling on him making him shiver, but he had to fight off his fellow demon slayer corp members first.

What he didn't know was there the ants were Koki's BDA, which aren't actually ants, but a parasite that will eat out the persons organs before expelling out of their eye sockets.

The demon slayer felt weak after fighting for only 5 more minutes and fell onto his knees, blood slowly dripping out of his... uh.. well.. both ends.


The mother spider demon wondered (I think that's her?) before Koki appeared behind her, hands covering the mother demons eyes.

"Guess who.."

You'd murmur, (a reference to a meme if yk, yk.) as the mother demon smiled happily and chuckled.

"Hm.. is it.. Koki?"

She'd guesses smiling as you took off your hands and she'd look at you, hugging you and patting your head.

"Hello dear, are you looking for Rui?"

The mother spider demon asked as you nodded your head, as she told you where Rui was as he was in the home that the family of spider demons would go to for meetings or something.. you never really understood watching the anime and reading the manga but yo didn't care to ask.


You looked around speaking from the window and stepped in as Rui came right behind you, grabbing the top of your head and turned it around to look at him as you turned around slowly.

"Hello Koki. Do you need anything to come here? Or are you going to help me kill the demon slayers here?"

Rui asked you kneeling slight since he was standing on the windowsill making him taller though, in reality.. uh, he was still taller, but it was just his hair. You two were probably the same height if it wasn't for the hair..

"Muzan-sama has just tasked me.. to.. check on the upper and lower... moons."

You'd murmur as Rui nodded, as you left saying goodbye to Rui as you two were both on good terms and often were paired up if any strong demon slayer comes by.

You'd come back to the infinity castle to report that everything was just a normal as... normal with Muzan humming and noddd his head, letting you off and giving you a tiny bit of his blood just for the check-ups.

After so, you did what you did for about the past 200+ years, go back to Akaza and train with him and slept. Sure you didn't need sleep but the sensation just felt nice, sometimes Akaza would join you if he didn't have anything else to do but that was rare.

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